When we issue a DBCC SHRINKFILE with empty option, the data file
is removed and the space is alloted back to the OS.
Same way when we issue a an ALTER DATABASE to remove a database,
all the data files and transaction log files are dropped.
But can these files be recovered again by using any of the disk
recovery tools?
Dear All,One of our employee made a mistake and deleted something from database.I would like to recover that log file without restoring the backup andthe other log files. The reason I want to do this is our database isgetting real time information I cannot shut down the database. Is thereany way to do this please let me know and help me .Kindly regardsLS
Howdy all -I am *not* a DBA, so please bear with me. A client's Windows 2000server went belly up yesterday afternoon after getting updates fromWindows Update. Wouldn't come up at all any more. I broke the mirrorfor the OS, rebuilt the Windows 2000 installation, and installed MS-SQL2000 and SP3 so that now the server is configured identically to whatit was before the crash.Now I have the databases in D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQLServerMSSQLData. D: is a mirror of the (now broken) oldinstallation. How can I get the databases into the active installationof MS-SQL on the C: drive?I was thinking of creating databases with the same name, shutting downSQL and copying the files from D: to C: but that sounds too easy.Any pointers greatly appreciated. Please remember that I am not anexperienced DBA, so use short words and speak slowly... :-)
I had several jobs scheduled in the SQL Server Agent before I upgraded from MSDE to 2005 Express. I planned to recreate the jobs in the scheduler later, now it's been a couple of months and I realize that we hadn't kept those scripts outside the database anywhere. Is there any way to recover those job files? We have database backup files going back quite a while, but I'm not sure how I'd go about restoring them. I guess I'd need an instance of SQL Server 2000 (which I have). Would I just restore an old backup there? Is there an easier way?
I'd be grateful for any help you can give. Nate Baxley
-Dev server lost all its raid drives (which included user data/log files and ALL backups) -Raid drives were removed from server, so we could try and recover the data (not sure why they had to remove them) -Recreating the user db's isn't an issue, but I REALLY need to retrieve the jobs from the MSDB (developer was working on dts package for the last 2 months, but didn't check it in to VSS) -Since the System DB's (model, master, msdb) were installed on the C drive, I was able to recover their mdf/ldf files.
So we build an new server and recreated the user db's. How do I go about getting the jobs data from the msdb database?
I've tried the following -
Started SQL server with the -T3608 and was able to detach the MSDB database, but when I go to reattach using the mdf/ldf files from the other server I get the following error message.
Error 5172: The header for the file 'C:mssqldatamsdbdata.mdf' is not a valid database file header. The PageAudit property is incorrect
I've been doing some research and found a lot of great articles on how to RESTORE (from backup - dont have) or Rebuild (wipes out the data I'm looking for) the MSDB, but not how to replace it with only the ldf/mdf files....
Any idea's would be greatly appreciated.
PS - All backups are now being copied to another server (lesson learned)
I created a project with multiple packages. I created a global config file that all packages reference. I also created a config file for each package that contains the package specific settings. I checked it all into TFS. I went to a different machine and checked it all out. Upon loading a package into the IDE I got the following 3 warnings.
Warning loading MT_LSE_PROD_StageLoad.dtsx: The configuration file "MT_LSE_PROD_StageLoad.dtsConfig" cannot be found. Check the directory and file name. e:contentloadersprint1aMT_LSE_PROD_StageLoad.dtsx Warning loading MT_LSE_PROD_StageLoad.dtsx: The configuration file "Environment.dtsConfig" cannot be found. Check the directory and file name. e:contentloadersprint1aMT_LSE_PROD_StageLoad.dtsx Warning loading MT_LSE_PROD_StageLoad.dtsx: Failed to load at least one of the configuration entries for the package. Check configurations entries and previous warnings to see descriptions of which configuration failed. e:contentloadersprint1aMT_LSE_PROD_StageLoad.dtsxAny ideas??? And yes, the files *ARE* there! I tried building the project and it builds. I also tried doing a deployment build and that too built. I am so confused!!!
I have set the environment set for AutoRecover (for every 3 minutes and Keep information for 7 days under the SSMS 2014 Menu: Tools -> Option ->Environment -> AutoRecover).
I've rebooted the box and restarted the SQL Server service and nothing seems to create the files.
One of our hard drives has crashed and as a result we have lost our master mdf/ldf & user db mdf/ldf files. It's not that a critical system by any means, but if the hard drive crashes and the master mdf/ldf files & user db mdf/ldf are lost, is there any way of restoring the system?
I'm thinking we probably need to re-install Enterprise Manager completely, and re-install the user db from a backup.
raju writes "while attaching the mdf file we are getting the following error error 823 i/o error (bad page id) detected during read at offset 0x0000001404000 in file d:filename"
I wrong delete all contents of a table. I was going to restore the full backup database but the file is corrupt. I have: The last 5 days backups of Transaction Log; The actual Transaction Log;
Can you please give me any ideas of how to restore de transaction logs backups and/or uncommitted de deletion of all rows of the table.
Hi, I need to receover lost data. My colleague ran a database creation script to create a new database, from Sql Query Analyzer. While doing this, an existing database was selected in the combo box that appears on the top,which led to deletion of records from the existing database. I have a backup of the d.base taken 10days ago. The data was lost yesterday. Is there any way I can restore the database to the previous condition.
Hi, I was wondering after I had deployed my data base on the internet and made some modifications with her, what is the best approach to recover the data base deployed? Now if I'm changing some stored procedure in the data base deployed I have to make the same change in the original data base, it gives me a lot of work.
Thank you very much. Fell free to correct me if I misspeled something.
Hi, Let's suppose i am having a table in which i am having 10,000 records, "I d't need the data of the that table" by thinking this i deleteed all teh data of the table. But suddenly after 2-3 days i thought i need that data. So will i able to recover the data in both cases :
Delete - If i used teh Delete command to delete all teh data of teh table then is it possible to recover the data in teh above condition. Truncate - Or If i have used the Truncate command to delete the data from the table then is it possible to recover the data in above case.Please tell me , if it is possible in both or any cases then tell me how to recover it. Remeber i am not having any backups of the data.
Is there any way to restore the old data after changes made to the table.
Suppose i run a query Update CustomerDetails set customerName='Michel' and i forgot to mention the CustomerID whom name should be changed to Michel,in that case in all the CustomerName will update by Michel Name.
So,How can i revert back the changes made to the table?
Hopefully someone can help me with the following (potentially huge) problem:
We've got a simple database application running on microsoft sql desktop engine. This database contains two tables. Up until now all worked fine, but probably due to a programma that crashed part of the database seems to be corrupted or broken while today only one table contains/returns data and the other table does not return any values!
When I open the .ldf and .mdf files in notepad I see that there is data belonging to both the tables. But how do I recover it??
The max. size of the database has not been reached by far (it's only 9Mbs), the sql queries are correct.
This .ldf file is a log file (?) I can't find detailed info about the principles of these .ldf and .mdf files on the internet, is it possible to trace back what has happened en recover the database that way?
Hi All, By mistake i delete database from sql server. Due to which the the mdf and ldf file of the datbase are removed from my system. Then i used file recover utility and retrived my mdf and ldf files.But now i am not able to attach those files into databse. These mdf and ldf files has been corrupted. Now how can i recover my data from those mdf and ldf files.Please answer me if you have any solution on this problem.
Does any body have the experience to execute data warehouse backup/recover? What I want to know is how to backup/recover database in data warehouse and cubes.
Hi all. A few days ago i installed mcafee total protection 2007 and that disabled my internet connection totally!! I couldn't fix it so i had to uninstall it. After uninstalling mcafee total protection 2007 still i couldn't join Internet!!
So i got mad and went and made repair installation of windows xp pro. After repair installation i couldn't activate it since Internet connection was still not working!! So i went and installed another copy of xp pro on different folder and named it WINDOWS (old one was WINDOWS2).Thanks god now i could join Internet but all my shortcuts and menu items are not visible.
Unfortunately I can't even start sql server 2000 either!! could any one tell me what should i do in order to get access to all database tables and data that i had in sql server and make a back up. I didn't install any new sql server yet. I be happy if an expert tell me what should i do. The installation folder of old windows(WINDOWS2) is still available along with sql server installation folder.Thank and looking forward for reply.
I accidentally deleted some useful data in my database. I have both .LDF and .MDF files for this database. Is there a way to recover this database to a point of time? Thx.
I used sql 2000 create a data base at home call 'Mysite' several months ago, there are about eight tables and 30 stored procedures. When I run my asp.net program at home yesterday, and found can't connect to database. The error as follow: "Cannot open database requested in login 'Mysite'. Login fails. Login failed for user 'MINGYANG-MSONXHASPNET'. "
When I open the database, very surpriced to found that my database was suspect and not any item inside it. The suspect database include CommunityStarterKit. But Northwind and pubs database still there?
What happen? Last week I just download new Norton antivirus software, does have any relationship with it? Does data really gone? How to solve this problem?
We lost all the data we had in a table. We restored the db and the transaction log up to a point in time, but could still not recover the table. We eventually only do db restore without the transaction log. We recovered the data in the table in question, but lost all the data entered that particular day. Does any body have a solution or suggestion that can help? I will be greatly appreciated.
this morning, one user asked me that she entered a data (only one record,)on the database yesterday, but later she checked that is gone, I check the database, i am sure the data is now there. how do i retrieve the data back, or how do i know whehter this is user problem? Thanks in advance
Hi Guru,This weekend, I migrated SQL Server7.0 to 2000 and below is thescenarios:1.) At exactly 4:00PM on Sturday 17th, do full backup(T-SQL) and put adatabase into single user mode.2.) Copy both Saturday 4PM and Friday night full dump to the SAN.3.) Delete WinNT4.0.4.) Reinstall Win2003 and service pack3a.5.) Copy Saturday 4PM backup file to the server and do restore and douser ID mapping.This database is in full mode and I do log backup every hour. However,after restoring the database, any changes after the 14th were missing.Now, When I restored Friday night backup, we still recovered data tothe 16th. My question is, why the 17th 4PM backup did not copy anychange from 15th to the 17th Saturday?I still had Sturday backup file, howe can I recover the 17th data? Logexplorer or ApexSQLLog?Is this Disk issue?Thanks very much,Silaphet,
I have encountered problem in the merge replication with conflict caused by foreign key constraint. As I did some reseach that it can be avoided by increase the upload and download batch generations.
My question is how can I recover the data which has been lost?
i make an application to insert data to sdf file and save it
when i colse the application and open it again i find my stored data on the sdf file well
and if i closed the application 1000 times i'll find my data ok
that's ok and that's not the problem
the problem that when i open this sdf file from sql server management studio and make a select on it i don't find any result and when i try to open the db from my application again i found it empty with no data
i realized that management studio delete's the data from my db
Our SQL database log file got physically deleted. Now the database is in suspect mode. Is it possible to recover / restore the database just with the data file.
I created a new database and want to recover data from a backup this script
use master go restore database new from disk='D: ew.bak' go
but get an error
Message 3141, Level 16, State 0, Line 1
The database to be restored was named 'ats342'. Reissue the statement using the WITH REPLACE option to overwrite the 'new' database. Message 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
Hi all, I am working with SQL Server2000 and I have done a horrible thing here. We here have an script that delete all data from all user tables of a database, and I run it in the master DATABASE. As we don't made backups of this database, now somethings of the database aren't working.
-- definindo o cursor... declare table_name_cursor cursor local fast_forward for select name from sysobjects where xtype = 'U' and name <> 'dtproperties'
-- desligando os vĂnculos... open table_name_cursor fetch next from table_name_cursor into @table_name select @alter_table_statement = 'alter table ' + ltrim(rtrim(@table_name)) + ' nocheck constraint all' exec(@alter_table_statement) while @@Fetch_Status = 0 begin fetch next from table_name_cursor into @table_name select @alter_table_statement = 'alter table ' + ltrim(rtrim(@table_name)) + ' nocheck constraint all' exec(@alter_table_statement) end close table_name_cursor
open table_name_cursor fetch next from table_name_cursor into @table_name select @delete_statement = 'delete from ' + ltrim(rtrim(@table_name)) exec(@delete_statement) while @@Fetch_Status = 0 begin fetch next from table_name_cursor into @table_name select @delete_statement = 'delete from ' + ltrim(rtrim(@table_name)) exec(@delete_statement) end close table_name_cursor
open table_name_cursor fetch next from table_name_cursor into @table_name select @alter_table_statement = 'alter table ' + ltrim(rtrim(@table_name)) + ' check constraint all' exec(@alter_table_statement) while @@Fetch_Status = 0 begin fetch next from table_name_cursor into @table_name select @alter_table_statement = 'alter table ' + ltrim(rtrim(@table_name)) + ' check constraint all' exec(@alter_table_statement) end close table_name_cursor
deallocate table_name_cursor
I have tried to restore master table with the restore function, but it doesn't work. When I try to do this I received a message informing that it can't copy the data because one file was in use. The server was in a single user mode.
Is there anyway to recover the data that I have lost?