Recovery :: Log Shipping - Copying Older TRN Logs - Correct Or Not?

May 11, 2015

Setup log shipping from an Australian SQL2008R2 server to a UK SQL2012 server. With the time involved to copy the large backup file across a WAN link, we end up with around 2 days of log backups since the full backup.

- The Full Backup is restored to the UK Server to create a new database in norecovery mode. 
- The first log backup file is manually copied to the UK server and restored. 
- Start the Log Ship copy SQL Agent job - starts copying files prior the full backup on the Australian server. Copies 1 Log backup file and then fails. 
- Manually copy the next Log backup file to the UL server.
- Start the Log Ship Restore SQL Agent job and runs successfully and restores the Log file. 
- Start the Log Ship copy SQL Agent job - AGAIN it starts trying to copy files prior to the Full Backup.  IS this correct behaviour? I thought it should only copy Log files since the full backup. 

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Recovery :: Validate Data In Transaction Logs Shipping

Jul 16, 2015

Out of using stored procedure, reports and all this staff, I want to know the possible way to make sure that the data inside my Secondary Server Read only database are same as data in my primary server database.

So what is the simple way to do this check?

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Log Shipping - Switching Recovery Model In Log Shipping

May 13, 2007


I could not able to find Forums in regards to 'Log Shipping' thats why posting this question in here. Appriciate if someone can provide me answers depends on their experience.

Can we switch database recovery model when log shipping is turned on ?

We want to switch from Full Recovery to Bulk Logged Recovery to make sure Bulk Insert operations during the after hours load process will have some performance gain.

Is there any possibility of loosing data ?


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Log Shipping Transaction Logs.

Feb 22, 2004


We currently have a couple a large Databases running on SQL 2000 SP3 Clustered Windows 2000 SP3 environment.

Log Shipping is enabled for both databases shipping to a Standalone SQL 2000 SP3 Windows 2000 SP3 box.

Log Shipping occurs every 15 mins with the Transaction Files on average being no more than 500KB in size. However, every now and then a Transaction Log comes through and it can be as big as 3.52GB.

Not sure why this is happening. Anyone got any ideas?


Paul Towler

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Compress Trasaction Logs (LOG SHIPPING )

Jan 29, 2008


If wanted to set up Logshipping between two sqlserver 2005 enterprise edition servers.The transaction log backup is being taken every 2 hours and with approx size of 1GB - 1.5 GB.
Now before the copy job runs,i want to compress the tlog file on primary server,copy it to secondary server and uncompress it on secondary and then apply transaction logs to secondary server.I need the procedure how to do it.Please help out.

Thx in advance


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Log Shipping Will Not Restore Tran Logs On Secondary Server

Nov 6, 2006

We're planning to implement log shipping on our databases, and I have been toiling with it all weekend trying to get it to work on some test databases. The result is the same whether I do it via the wizard or manually via T-SQL.

I am using 3 servers, all SQL Server 2005 Standard SP1. All 3 SQL Servers are configured identically.

When I setup log shipping, it initializes with no problems. When it processes the first tran log file, it restores it with no problem. Every successive log file thereafter is not restored. No errors are generated. The only outright indication of a problem is that the monitor server shows that there has not been a recent restore.

The backup and copy both suceed. The restore claims to suceed. If I review the job history for each step, it says that it skipped the log file and then reports that it did not fina any log files to restore.

2006-11-06 05:00:01.92 Skipped log backup file. Secondary DB: 'MyDemo', File: 'D:MSSQLBackupMyDemoMyDemo_20061106115619.trn'

2006-11-06 05:00:01.95 Could not find a log backup file that could be applied to secondary database 'MyDemo'.
2006-11-06 05:00:01.96 The restore operation was successful. Secondary Database: 'MyDemo', Number of log backup files restored: 0

Any ideas or suggestions?

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Do SS Transaction Logs Have To Be Backed Up For Recovery To POF?

Aug 17, 2006

Coming from a (mostly) Oracle shop, I am unclear how SS transaction logswork as far as up to point of failure recovery goes.I have the few MSSQL databases I look after in full recovery mode, and Iset up maintenance plans to back these up online on a daily basis. Inthe research I did it was recommended backing up the transaction logs aswell on a frequent basis to ensure recovery to POF or point in time.I had assumed that they work like Oracles archive logs, in that oncethey are full they are archived to disk in case they are needed, toduplex destinations if need be. Does SS do this, or do I need to bebacking up transaction logs on an hourly (or shorter) basis? In lookingat enterprise manager I see that it does not look like the transactionlogs are archived anywhere, but overwritten once filled up, similar toOracle noarchivelog mode, in that if you lose your online redo logs oranyone of them has recycled since your last backup, then you can onlyrecover to the last good backup.Is this a correct assumption? Should I be backing up transaction logshourly to make sure I can have PIT or POF recovery?thanksTG

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Restore With Recovery And Log Shipping

Aug 21, 2003

hello everybody

I have custom log shipping .
it run every 15 min

DB1 located on Server1
DB1 backup logs to server 2

DB2 located on server 3(300 km away from server1 and server 2)

Db2 restore logs from server 2

If server1 and server2 become unavailable
Would enough login to server3

to bring db from read only to production mode up last restored log?

Thank you

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File Move While DB In Recovery - Log Shipping

Apr 10, 2008

I have a warm standby (secondary server) receiving log shipping files.

The database has 5 files all in the primary filegroup. Two of the files need to be moved from one hard drive to another. Whats the best way / process to accomplish the move and re-establish the log shipping recovery status?


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Recovery :: Log Shipping Between Multiple Domains

Apr 30, 2015

I'm allowed to do Log Shipping from to, however there is a requirement to have the same data made available to servers residing on

Connectivity between and is not permitted, so configuring log shipping with multiple targets is not and can talk to each other, so what is the most efficient way to move data from y to z.

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Recovery :: Enabling TDE On Databases Which Are Used For Log-shipping

Sep 16, 2015

I have log shipping enabled on databases(primary and secondary) and works fine. I need to implement TDE on the database. I have experience on implementing TDE on databases which are not used for log-shipping.steps needed to setup TDE which are involved with log-shipping.

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Recovery :: Cross Domain Log Shipping

May 13, 2015

Lets say I have a single instance SQL Server on a 2 node cluster with node names Server X and Server Y. These are part of Domain A.

SQL Agent Account runs under service account - DomainASQLAct.

Now I have Server Z which is a standalone SQL Instance on Domain B and there is no trust between domain A and B, not even one way trust.

Even though I dont have trust, I need to configure log shipping for the SQL Instance which is clustered under Domain A to a standalone box in Domain B.

Microsoft recommends Local Account(SQL Agent) to be used for Cross Domain Log Shipping. Also when there is no trust, MSFT recommends to use the same login name and password, however as my setup includes a cluster and cluster cannot have local account I'm not sure what will be the best strategy to follow here.

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Log Shipping Restore && Recovery Test

Sep 20, 2007

I am trying to imitate a DR situation where the primary db is down and I need to recover the secondary db on another server. They are a log shipping pair and so to imitate a DR, I remove the log shipping in the primary server maintenance plan. Then I go to the secondary server and disable the log shipping jobs there and attempt to do the following


but I can't get exclusive use because the database is in use. But I don't see any other users... am I wrong in thinking that the log shipping was completely deleted? Anything I can do to force exclusive access?

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Recovery :: Log Shipping Transaction Log File Corrupted

Aug 7, 2015

Log shipping was configured 6 months back. A Transaction log file got corrupted today. How to resolve this?

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Recovery :: Point New Log Shipping Files To Different Drive

Jun 9, 2015

I have two databases on a Production Server that I want to Log Ship to a Test Server.  According to the sys.master files the physical File Location is on an E drive. Early attempts at Log Shipping these two files error'd out due to space issues on the E drive (one Log Shipped and then one err'd out).  I was subsequently informed from the server group that they would prefer that I Log Ship these two database files over to the M Drive where more space is available.  In fact, they modified the Server Properties / Database Settings / Database Default Locations (for Data and Log) to the larger M drive (I'm not really sure why they just don't increase the E drive space but there is proabably a good reason).

Okay, so now my problems have been solved.  Easy enough.  Now I deleted the successful Log Shipped database and started from scratch.  However, as before, one db restored and one failed (due to space issues).  Apparently, both db are pointing towards the E drive.  How is that possible? 

So here I am with one successful database and the normal sys databases pointing to the E drive.  What is the best way of approaching this  move to the larger and preferred M drive?

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Recovery :: Possible To Configure Log Shipping On CDC Enabled Database?

Nov 13, 2015

Is It Possible to Configure Log Shipping On a CDC Enabled Database?

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Recovery :: Log Shipping Transaction Log Backups Not Being Deleted On Primary

Oct 12, 2015

I've got log shipping set up, and everything seems to be working fine, but the log files are not being deleted from the primary server despite configuring log shipping to retain them for 3 days.  I see no errors concerning the log shipping, but did not configure a monitor. What process is responsible for deleting the older log backups, and how can I look for errors.  I could simply set up a jog to delete the older files, but that will only mask the issue.

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Recovery :: How Many Databases Can Be Configured In Log Shipping From A Single Instance

May 1, 2015

SQL Server 2012: Out of all the databases in the instance we have a requirement in which we need to maintain a high availability for the databases around (128). Our team believed log shipping will apt for this requirement but not sure on it's limitations, how many databases are allowed or supports this log shipping from a single instance.

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Recovery :: Log Shipping Primary Backup Path Change

Sep 25, 2015

I want to redirect the logshipping primary backup folder to another drive, how to change the configurations steps to move the primary logship folder to another location within the same server!

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Recovery :: Error While Executing Script On Log Shipping Secondary Server?

May 5, 2015

We tried to configure log shipping using script generated by GUI and when executed specific script which is meant for secondary server the database is not created and threw below error.

Msg 15010, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_add_log_shipping_secondary_database, Line 50

The database 'BUBALLO' does not exist. Supply a valid database name. To see available databases, use sys.databases. 

Note: Only Copy, restore and alerts jobs have been created.

The account I'm trying to configure log shipping is the service account by which SQL and agent services are running and folder in where data and log files are intended and to be created is open to all (everybody has read/write permissioins) believe the issue is not with permissions.

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Recovery :: Unable To Disable Log Shipping 2008 With SA Account (or Any Other Admin)

Mar 24, 2012

I recently enabled log shipping on our production database, and I had initially accepted the default of 72 hours to delete copied logs. Well, i am running out of space quick, and I need to edit it to something like 6 hours.

When I try to disable log shipping in order to recreate it, or if I try to edit the secondary server settings when I am logged in as SA, or my windows account which has the sysadmin role assigned, I get an error that says:

Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role can perform this operation. Error 21089.

I've restarted the sql service, disabled and enabled the permission on my account, but for the life of me, i cannot get this to work!

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Can We Pause Log Shipping, Bring Primary Db To Simple Recovery Model And Then Back To Full R Model?

Apr 25, 2008

We have the following scenario,

We have our Production server having database on which Few DTS packages execute every night. Most of them have Bulk Insert stored procedures running.

SO we have to set Recovery Model of the database to simple for that period of time, otherwise it will blow up our logs.

Is there any way we can set up log shipping between our production and standby server, but pause it for some time, set recovery model of primary db to simple, execute DTS Bulk Insert Jobs, Bring it Back to Full recovery Model AND finally bring back Log SHipping.

It it possible, if yes how can we achieve this.

If not what could be another DR solution in this scenario.

Thanks Much

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DB Engine :: Write Logs To Windows Event Logs?

Aug 6, 2015

OS: Windows 2012 Enterprise

SQL Server: 2012 Enterprise

I was wondering if there is any way all SQL Server error log entries could be automatically written to Windows Event Log. 

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SSIS Logs Vs Custom Logs Components

Feb 12, 2007


In my case I have to log the errors raised by any task in a package to either windows event log, text file or SQL server. Also I need to send an email notifications to a group of people telling them about the error.

Now can I use SSIS package logging for logging the errors into the required destinations. I mean right clicking on the package and selecting Logging, then adding the required log providers and enabling the events for logging into those. I think I have to upfront select the log providers to log the error, I will not have the liberty to log the error to the destination, the name of which is passed as a variable to the package. This is okay with me though.

Now what will a custom log provider help me to do in this case. Also can I somehow configure my package to call the send mail task everytime an error is raised.

Also, one more option can be developing a package that only does the error handling. It will take in the paramters or the error codes and descriptions, the destination to write to and a flag to send mail or not for that particular type of error.

What do you think? Kindly advise.

Thanks in advance for your help and time.



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SQL Server Logs (error Logs)

Aug 28, 2001

When looking at SQL Server error logs, I noticed that the current error
log had grown to 1MB whereas most of the files are only a few KB.

QUESTION 1: Can I set the max size for an error log file? If so, how?

QUESTION 2: If not, is there a workaround?


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SSE And Older Pc

Sep 8, 2007

I have an old Compaq Presario walmart pc. The stats on it are: 750MHz Duron, 512MB RAM, currently have 20GB and 30GB hard drives and planning on upgrading HD (100GB+), onboard nvidia vanta (8mb tnt2). If I get a larger hard drive, XP Pro, and put SQL Server Express on this computer, would I be able to get things done, or will this be extremely slowed down?


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Recovery :: Server Local High Availability Using Failover Cluster And Disaster Recovery Using AlwaysOn

Aug 17, 2015

We have a requirement to build SQL environment which will give us local high availability and disaster recovery to second site. We have two sites- Site A & Site B. We are planning to have two nodes at Site A and 2 nodes at Site B. All four nodes will be part of same Windows failover cluster. We will build two SQL Cluster, InstanceA will be clustered between the nodes at Site A Server and InstanceB will be clustered between the nodes at Site B, we will enable Always On Between the InstanceA and InstanceB and will be primary owner where data will be written on InstanceA and will be replicated to InstaceB. URL....Now we want we will have instanceC on the Site B and data will be writen from the application available on Site B, will be replicated to the instance on the Site A as replica.

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Log Shipping: How To Failback After A Failover Log Shipping?

Jun 8, 2006


I 'm sure I am missing something obvious, hopefully someone could point it out. After a failover log shipping, I want to fail back to my inital Primary server database; however, my database is marked as loading. How can I mark it as normal?

I did the failover as follow:

I did a failover log shipping from the 2 server Sv1 (Primary) and Sv2 (Secondary) by doing the following

1) Stop the primary database by using sp_change_primary_role (Sv1)

2) Change the 2nd server to primary server by running sp_change_secondary_role (Sv2)

3) Change the monitor role by running sp-change_monitor_role (Sv2)

4) Resolve the log ins - (Sv2)

5) Now I want to fail back - I copy the TRN files to Sv1 - use SQL Ent to restore the database at point in time. The task is done; however, the database is still mark as loading. I could not use sp_dboption.

I appreciate any suggestion.

Thanks in advance

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Is Bulk Logged Recovery Model Support Point In Time Recovery

Dec 23, 2014

is bulk logged recovery model support point in time recovery

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Recovery :: Pages On A Full Recovery Model Database Corrupted

Sep 17, 2015

Pages on a full recovery model database corrupted, need to ensure data loss is minimal for restore operation am thinking about restoring the latest full backup.

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Transact SQL :: Change Db In Recovery To No-recovery And Restore Transaction Log?

May 5, 2015

in the process of migrating a big db from server 1 to server 2, we had to roll back the change. I started with taking a full db backup and restoring it on server 2 with norecovery, and then a couple logs with norecovery, and then the last log with recovery.

Is there some way to continue this chain now, I mean to change the db to norecovery, or other way to restore logs. 

I dont want to do a new full backup.

If I try to do a log restore now i get the message:

Msg 3117, Level 16, State 4, Line 1

The log or differential backup cannot be restored because no files are ready to rollforward.

Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

RESTORE LOG is terminating abnormally.

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Recovery :: AG Databases Went Into Synchronizing / In Recovery After Upgrading To 2014

Sep 19, 2015

We have 3 replica AG setup. 2 replicas are in sync/automatic failover, the other(DR Server, different subnet) in asynchronous/manual mode…All these replicas were on sql server 2012, Recently we upgraded DR server to 2014. Since then we have a problem, the AG databases in 2014 instance went into ‘Synchronizing/ in recovery’ state…The SQL server error log has message, the recovery couldn’t start for the database ‘XYZ’…We tried to create a new database and add it to AG , it works for fine for other two 2012 replicas, but on 2014 we see the same issue

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Feb 28, 2008

Hi All
Can anyone help me to keep track of older view or stored Procedure that has been altered so that I can compare the two and make out the changes that have been made.At present I 'm able to get just the  altered view or storedProcedure but how to know that what has been changed.
This will be somewhat similar to Instead if and after in DML trigger but DDL triggers doesn't supports it.If anyone is aware of something then please help
THANKS in advance

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