Recovery :: Restore Clustered Server Into Single DR Server

Aug 18, 2015

I'm working to test out a recovery scenario involving a SQL 2008 R2 2 node cluster.  I want to restore it to a standalone server.  The nodes are VMware VMs using physical RDM for the shared storage.  Using Veeam as the backup tool.  Veeam doesn't work with physical RDM so I'm dumping the databases (all Simple) elsewhere to be picked up and replicated with Veeam.  No problem there.  For my DR I have a vanilla 2008 R2 server being replicated so that I can use it as a base to restore SQL.  So far the testing has worked ok.  What I'm trying to learn is the best way to restore the cluster to the standalone server and have it look the same to the affected app servers.  

The cluster has several instances.  In my testing, I've recreated the instances, but I don't think they show up as they do on the cluster.  For example, if the Windows server name is SQL01, and I install an instance called SQL-APP, SELECT @@servername while connected to the instance still shows SQL01 but in production it shows SQL-APP. What do I need to do to get everything to match up?  I suspect that, while I haven't seen any problems, there could be something I'm missing that would manifest itself later. 

Also, in testing, am I better off to delete the cluster server account from AD and join the domain with the DR server under the same name?  (this is an isolated bubble so no impact on production).For the purpose of this scenario, assume all other required servers (DC, DNS, application, etc.) are present in the test environment as they would be in production and nothing requires resources outside the bubble.  The only item affected is the SQL cluster.

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Restore A Database On Clustered Server From A Non-clustered Backup File.

Aug 24, 2006


How do I restore a sql database that is on a clustered server from a sql database backup file that is on a non_clustered server?



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Restore Clustered SQL Server 2000 From Backup On Local Drive

Aug 1, 2007

We are attempting to restore one of our databases from a backup that went to a local drive on the server.
We see the backupset in the list but receive an error that it is not available when we try to use it. When we try to restore from device and select the files the drive letter is not available. When we attempt to enter the path to the file it can't locate it. We don't have space on our SAN to copy the backup there and we can't add the local drive to the cluster resources.

Is there a way to get this backup done?

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Restore SQL Server Express Databases After A Disaster Recovery

Sep 15, 2006


I would like to restore SQL Server Express and its databases from a tape backup to the same server. This is a disaster recovery senario.

I backed up the Master, Model, MSDB and my own test database using SQLCMD scripts. I have no problem restoring these using task manager on the server before the disaster recovery.

However, in my real disaster recovery testing, When the server is restored by tape drive (HP one button disaster recovery), I try to run my SQLCMD restore scripts in task manager and I cannot connect to the sql server. Also I cannot connect with Management studio. I have recieved the following error in event viewer.


Event Type: Error
Event Category: (2)
Event ID: 3411
Date: 9/15/2006
Time: 8:16:36 AM
User: N/A
Configuration block version 0 is not a valid version number. SQL Server is exiting. Restore the master database or reinstall.
0000: 53 0d 00 00 15 00 00 00 S.......
0008: 16 00 00 00 43 00 4f 00 ....C.O.
0010: 50 00 4c 00 45 00 59 00 P.L.E.Y.
0018: 4e 00 45 00 57 00 53 00 N.E.W.S.
0020: 5c 00 53 00 51 00 4c 00 .S.Q.L.
0028: 45 00 58 00 50 00 52 00 E.X.P.R.
0030: 45 00 53 00 53 00 00 00 E.S.S...
0038: 00 00 00 00 ....

Event Type: Warning
Event Source: SQLBrowser
Event Category: None
Event ID: 3
Date: 9/15/2006
Time: 8:16:36 AM
User: N/A
The configuration of the AdminConnectionTCP protocol in the SQL instance SQLEXPRESS is not valid.

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Service Control Manager
Event Category: None
Event ID: 7024
Date: 9/15/2006
Time: 8:16:36 AM
User: N/A
The SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) service terminated with service-specific error 3411.
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90ToolsBinn>sqlcmd -S.SQLExpr
HResult 0x2, Level 16, State 1
Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [2].
Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Native Client : An error has occurred whi
shing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005,
re may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Serve
allow remote connections..
Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Native Client : Login timeout expired.


My question is, what is the correct procedure to follow when I want to do a disaster recovery and restore SQL Server Express from tape backup using the Simple Backup method and scripts.

Is it always required to reinstall sql server express from the original program file or is it possible to reinstall from back up tape.

I know my backup and restore scripts work because I tested them on the server before I do the disaster recovery and rebuild that server from tape.

This is some kind of issue with SQL Server Express being restored by tape backup.

Any suggestions, thanks.

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Recovery :: How To Restore Database To Existing Development Server

Aug 19, 2015

We are using SQL Server 2012 for both production and development server. Currently, i have plan to transfer the full backup of SQL server database to the development server and then restore it on the development server for testing purpose, so we don't want to disturb on the production.

I have successfully backup the database from the production server and transfer to the development server. however, i encounter some difficulties when trying to do restore. my question is:

1. do i need to firstly create an empty database on the development server and then restore it into this empty database? say i create database call "Test2", then i perform a restore into this database.

2. currently, there is already an existing database being restored previously in the development server and this database is actually the older version of the backup that being restored by the previous engineer. should i remove this database first and restore a new one or both of the database can coexist as long as we put different name for the database?

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Recovery :: Logship Database Failed To Restore On Secondary Server Error

Aug 4, 2015

I'm working on SQL 2012 Box, which is having Logshipping failed on secondary database, the secondary database was in stand by mode right now but no more restore operation performed on this database since 2 weeks! We checked in the SQL error log and found the error code 14421, severity 16, stat: 1

How to reset the logship back to normally, do I need to disable the jobs before proceed any operation!

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Transact SQL :: Change Db In Recovery To No-recovery And Restore Transaction Log?

May 5, 2015

in the process of migrating a big db from server 1 to server 2, we had to roll back the change. I started with taking a full db backup and restoring it on server 2 with norecovery, and then a couple logs with norecovery, and then the last log with recovery.

Is there some way to continue this chain now, I mean to change the db to norecovery, or other way to restore logs. 

I dont want to do a new full backup.

If I try to do a log restore now i get the message:

Msg 3117, Level 16, State 4, Line 1

The log or differential backup cannot be restored because no files are ready to rollforward.

Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

RESTORE LOG is terminating abnormally.

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Create Clustered Or Non-clustered Index On Large Table ( SQL Server 7 )

Jan 4, 2008

I have large table with 10million records. I would like to create clustered or non-clustered index.

What is the quick way to create? I have tried once and it took more than 10 min.

please help.

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Recovery :: Can Run DAG Replication Between Two Clustered Instances In FCI?

Aug 27, 2015

My ambition is to run ASPStateInMemory with durability on, supplementing the in-memory database with an on-disk version to give session state persistence when and if the clustered instance of SQL runs into, say a network card failure and needs to fail to a partner node. I understand that DAG's are usually run between standalone instances of SQL running on different machines. But, can I combine the DAG with the FCI?  Instead of using a remote standalone SQL server, can I just another instance in the same cluster?

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Recovery :: Server Local High Availability Using Failover Cluster And Disaster Recovery Using AlwaysOn

Aug 17, 2015

We have a requirement to build SQL environment which will give us local high availability and disaster recovery to second site. We have two sites- Site A & Site B. We are planning to have two nodes at Site A and 2 nodes at Site B. All four nodes will be part of same Windows failover cluster. We will build two SQL Cluster, InstanceA will be clustered between the nodes at Site A Server and InstanceB will be clustered between the nodes at Site B, we will enable Always On Between the InstanceA and InstanceB and will be primary owner where data will be written on InstanceA and will be replicated to InstaceB. URL....Now we want we will have instanceC on the Site B and data will be writen from the application available on Site B, will be replicated to the instance on the Site A as replica.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Is Bulk Logged Recovery Model Support Point In Time Recovery

Dec 23, 2014

is bulk logged recovery model support point in time recovery

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SQL Server 2008 :: Change Primary Key Non-clustered To Primary Key Clustered

Feb 4, 2015

We have a table, which has one clustered index and one non clustered index(primary key). I want to drop the existing clustered index and make the primary key as clustered. Is there any easy way to do that. Will Drop_Existing support on this matter?

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Connecting Surface Area Configuration To Server On Clustered Server

May 8, 2006

I've run into a problem after upgrading production servers running under Microsoft Cluster Server, Windows Enterprise Server 2003 SP1, and SQL Server 2005 SP1 Enterprise Edition.

Once I completed the upgrade and applied the patch, I needed to examine the values set in the Features component of the Surface Area Configuration tool. The tool attempts to connect to localhostinstancename, but reports the following error:

An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error:26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)(Microsoft SQL Server)

I'm logged into the virtual server via Remote Desktop, but the SAC tool thinks I'm logged into the physical server supporting the virtual server. I seem to be caught between a rock and a hard place here, as I can't enable remote connections without first gaining access on the server itself.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Logic To Rebuild Only Clustered Indexes / Skipping To Rebuild Non Clustered Indexes In Same Table

Jun 25, 2015

I have a requirement to only rebuild the Clustered Indexes in the table ignoring the non clustered indexes as those are taken care of by the Clustered indexes.

In order to do that, I have taken the records based on the fragmentation %.

But unable to come up with a logic to only consider rebuilding the clustered indexes in the table.

create table #fragmentation
FragIndexId BigInt Identity(1,1),
--IDENTITY(int, 1, 1) AS FragIndexId,
DBNAME nvarchar(4000),
TableName nvarchar(4000),

[Code] ....

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Restore With Recovery And Log Shipping

Aug 21, 2003

hello everybody

I have custom log shipping .
it run every 15 min

DB1 located on Server1
DB1 backup logs to server 2

DB2 located on server 3(300 km away from server1 and server 2)

Db2 restore logs from server 2

If server1 and server2 become unavailable
Would enough login to server3

to bring db from read only to production mode up last restored log?

Thank you

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RESTORE LOG With Different Recovery Path

Nov 15, 2006

I'm trying to RESTORE LOG with a different recovery path. Is there a way to do this? I'm getting the below error. I know I could RESTORE from the beginning, but need to RESTORE the log file to the same database schema but different database and server. What steps do I need to do?

This backup set cannot be applied because it is on a recovery path that is inconsistent with the database. The recovery path is the sequence of data and log backups that have brought the database to a particular recovery point. Find a compatible backup to restore, or restore the rest of the database to match a recovery point within this backup set, which will restore the database to a different point in time. For more information about recovery paths, see SQL Server Books Online.

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Upgrading Standalone 2005 Server To A Clustered Server

May 15, 2007

I have attached the SAN, configured the Windows Clustering and I'm ready for SQL. SQL Server 2005 was already on this machine as a stand alone. I removed all of the software and I'm reinstalling SQL. The cluster option is not enabled. Any ideas why?

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Recovery :: Will AG Listener Create A Single Failure Point

Sep 16, 2015

Assuming all windows servers belonging to the WSFC are on the same subnet, will the AG listener become a single failure point in system if all Application servers connect to the AG through the listener? If the answer is yes, what are the options to resolve this issue?

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Recovery :: How Many Databases Can Be Configured In Log Shipping From A Single Instance

May 1, 2015

SQL Server 2012: Out of all the databases in the instance we have a requirement in which we need to maintain a high availability for the databases around (128). Our team believed log shipping will apt for this requirement but not sure on it's limitations, how many databases are allowed or supports this log shipping from a single instance.

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Recovery :: Read-only Routing With Single Application Connection?

Nov 30, 2015

My application supports a single database connection and in the app console I can produce reports. If I include the app database in an AlwaysOn availability group with a read-intent replica will SQL automatically route the “selects” to that second instance thus offloading my application’s reporting activities or I need a separate db connection (maybe from a reporting app or cli) with a connection specifying read-only intent?

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SQL 7.0 Restore Fails- Says Use "with No Recovery " Option

Aug 1, 2001


I have a file backup of a database from machine 1. I create an empty database with the same name on machine 2 and copied the backup file to machine 2. When I run a restore database, I get "Preceeding restore operation did not specify WITH NORECOVERY OR WITH STANDBY.Restart tehe restore sequence, specify the options for all but the final step. Restore failed"

Database : SQL 7.0 Trying to restore from the Enterprise manager

ANy clues as to what might be wrong.

Thanks, MMS

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Database Restore - Norecovery/recovery

Jan 17, 2001

Hello all,

I just restored a SQL 7 db using the Enterprise Manager GUI interface. I
selected the "Leave database nonoperational, but able to restore additional transaction logs" option. I should not have selected this option as I do not have any transaction logs to apply.

Anyway, my question is... Is there a way to mark the database as opertational without running the restore again?


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Recovery :: Backup And Restore At Same Time

Nov 23, 2015

SQL Server 2008 R2

I don't see a "general discussion" thread and this is the closest i think.

I just have a general question: if my backup window is from 8am to 10am, and i do a restore within that backup window, what will happen? assuming we're talking only of a single database, ACME.

I'm comparing because with Oracle RMAN, it pukes when i do a restore while the backup is going on. it would complain of unable to find some archive logs.

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Log Shipping Restore && Recovery Test

Sep 20, 2007

I am trying to imitate a DR situation where the primary db is down and I need to recover the secondary db on another server. They are a log shipping pair and so to imitate a DR, I remove the log shipping in the primary server maintenance plan. Then I go to the secondary server and disable the log shipping jobs there and attempt to do the following


but I can't get exclusive use because the database is in use. But I don't see any other users... am I wrong in thinking that the log shipping was completely deleted? Anything I can do to force exclusive access?

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Recovery :: Logshipping Restore Job Fails

Jun 5, 2015

I am set up log shipping  as backup and copy every one hour and restore every ( disconnect users and stand by) one hour on servers in same domain. Set-up completes successfully.Copy job works as expected. but the restore job fails intermittently to restore the .trn file saying ' could not apply  log, data invalid' .

when i  delete and copy the files for which restore failed  manually using CTRL+C and CTRL+V across network and re run the restore job it does restore successfully . Through out the day i get about 5-6 problematic .trn files on secondary server which are copied from primary server and when restore fails i have to manually delete the log file which had problem restoring and then copy that file again using CTRL+C and CTRL+V  then run the restore and it gets restored successfully.when running restore filelistonly on the logfile in issue on secondary server  it gives below error


RESTORE verifyonly
FROM disk='G:xxxx_Copyxxx_20150604010501.trn'


Msg 3203, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Read on "G:xxxxxxx_20150604010501.trn" failed: 13(The data is invalid.)
Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
VERIFY DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

and when i run restore filelistonly using netwok path then is seem s good and i can restore the logs as well


RESTORE verifyonly
from disk=''

Output: The backup set on file 1 is valid.I can assure there is no corruption on the log back up, no lsn mismatch, no log files missing.Same version and edition on both servers. Both servers are SQL server 2012 Enterprise edition on window server 2012 

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Restore From Snapshot After Changing Recovery Model

Oct 18, 2007

Given the follwoing scenario: You create a snapshot of a database with full recovery model, change it's recovery model to simple, then perform several updates/modifications on the database, before you finally (due to an error) restore the database from the snapshot.

Will the log chain be broken or not? The resteore sets the recovery model back to full, but I'm still a bit "curious" about the transaction logs.

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Recovery :: Restore A Point Between Two Full Backups?

Oct 23, 2015

I make two full backups on Oct 1 and Oct 10. I want to restore the server to a state in Oct 5. So I just do as follows:
Perform a transaction log backup on the server on Oct 23. I have never backup transaction log in the past. Restore the server with Oct 1 full backup with NORECOVERY option.Try to restore to the point at Oct 5 12:00, with the transaction log.
But the restore fails and  SQL Server said the transaction log does not contain the point. The point is too early. Why? Also my .LDF file is about 13G, but the transaction log backup is only 200MB. Why?

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DB Engine :: Restore Backups With Different Recovery Fork

Oct 21, 2015

how to restore database backups with different recovery fork. I have 1-full backup 2-diff backups and 10-tran backups. My prod database in mirror, so after error, switched to mirror with "allow_data_loss" option. And now I have full and diff backup with one recovery fork GUID and other backups with another GUID.So the question is, how to restore all this backups if in middle of restoration will be different recovery fork.Tryed to restore log backups with new fork guid and got error:This backup set cannot be applied because it is on a recovery path that is inconsistent with the database. The recovery path is the sequence of data and log backups that have brought the database to a particular recovery point. Find a compatible backup to restore, or restore the rest of the database to match a recovery point within this backup set, which will restore the database to a different point in time.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: How To Do System Restore To Previous Restore Point

Dec 31, 2014

In Windows Server 2012. How do I do a System Restore to a previous restore point?I need to install the 64 bit and 32 bit Oracle Client Install for connections in SSIS and to create Oracle Linked Servers.

If you make a mistake it is not fun removing it. Sometimes it corrupts the machine and it is difficult to uninstall since there is not an Oracle Universal installer for Oracle 11g.If you install the 32 bit before the 64 you mess up the to create a restore point.

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Recovery :: Create Server Cluster On Existing Server

Aug 3, 2015

I have an urgent query that we are running SharePoint server 2013 on single server and installed SQL server 2012 on single server, our management decided that we need to configure failover cluster on existing SQL server. I want to confirm that it is possible that we can install failover clustering services on existing SQL server and then add an other server on SQL 2012 for high availability or do we need to first install failover cluster service and then install SQL server for failover clustering.

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Restore In Recovery Mode Fails Sometimes With [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 3013)

May 26, 2008

I run 2 steps viz with NORECOVERY and with RECOVERY in sequence as SQP jobs. The 2nd step fails some times. When it starts failing, I run full backup of the production server again and the 2nd step starts succeding. Unless I run the full backup the 2nd step keeps on failing.

What are the conditions which generate for [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 3013) and how to tackle this problem.?

The 2 steps are :-
FROM DISK = 'E:SQL backup from productionsql_full_backup'
Replace ,
MOVE 'arsystem' TO 'd:ardataarsystem.mdf' ,
MOVE 'arsystem_log' TO 'D:ARLOGARsystem' ,

FROM DISK = 'E:SQL backup from productionSQL daily diff back up'

The status of the 2 steps is :
1 Executed as user: BPOTESTREMEDY
emedybackup. Processed 104480 pages for database 'ARSYSTEM', file 'ARSystem' on file 1. [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 4035) Processed 1 pages for database 'ARSYSTEM', file 'ARSystem_log' on file 1. [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 4035) RESTORE DATABASE successfully processed 104481 pages in 49.452 seconds (17.307 MB/sec). [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 3014)

2. Cannot apply the backup on device 'E:SQL backup from productionSQL daily diff back up' to database 'ARSYSTEM'. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 3136) RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 3013). The step failed.

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Restore A Single Table

Mar 18, 2002

Does anyone know of a way to restore a single table using SQL 7.0? I know that I can build a dummy database and do a database restore, then copy the table from database to database. But....was wondering if there is a way to restore a single table from a backup. Is losing the ability to restore a single table one of the 'features' of 7.0?

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How Do I Restore A Single Table???

Feb 15, 2001

Does anyone know if I can restore an individual table in SQL 7.0?
I know I can DTS from a copy of the database but how can I restore a table directly from a backup file.


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