Recursive Queries/Update Statement
May 22, 2008
Trying to update a single value within a table, thus eliminating nulls. Another words, if the value is NULL update it with the next preceeding non-null value. In this example, 1 should be CO, 2 should be CO, 6 should be CO, 8 should be TT, and 10 should be TT.
For example,
3 CO
4 CO
5 CO
7 TT
9 TT
Any ideas? Thanks.
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Jul 13, 2004
I have a following structure
table A
userid ReferedBy
Table B
Userid compID
now the scenario is :
the user A is from the company "Alpha"
he introduces user B, who registers in the system his company bcomes "self",
now B inturn refers user C who also registers in the system and his company is now again "self".
Now I need to generate a report of number of users that have registered under one company, for eg.
for the company "Alpha" no of users becomes 2 since A refered to two users and both of them have registered.
I m stuck with the query.
thanks in advance...
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Dec 1, 2006
Hello all,for computig graphs and its transitive closure I need recursive SQL-Queries. Best it will be fast.Now I heard of a new syntax in SQL: the WITH RECURSIVE-Clause. Which Database-Editions and versions support those recursive queries? Can anyone tell me where can I find more info about it? Thanks and best regardsyelmin
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Jun 14, 2007
Hi, can anyone tell me how I can get implement sorting and paging using a recursive query?
I have a created a stored procedure (bit like the simple example below), but would like to add in sorting and paging using order by and row_number().
DECLARE @CategoryID intSET @CategoryID = 12;WITH CTE_Example (CategoryID, CategoryName, ParentID, Depth, RowNum)AS(SELECT CategoryID, CategoryName, ParentID, 0 AS Depth, Row_Number() OVER (ORDER BY CategoryName) AS RowNumFROM Categories WHERE CategoryID = @CategoryIDUNION ALLSELECT Categories.CategoryID, Categories.CategoryName, Categories.ParentID, CTE_Example.Depth + 1 AS Depth, Row_Number() OVER (ORDER BY Categories.CategoryName) AS RowNumFROM CategoriesJOIN CTE_Example ON Categories.ParentID = CTE_Example.CategoryID)SELECT * FROM CTE_Example WHERE RowNum BETWEEN @Start AND @End ORDER BY RowNum
I think the problem comes down to the Union, appreciate if someone can help.
Many thanks,
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Feb 18, 1999
Dear fellows,
Can anybody tell me how can i apply recusive/Tree query using select
For example I've a table structure for an Organization as follows:
TableName: Employee_tbl
Fields: emp_id, emp_name, supervisor_id
emp_id emp_name supervisor_id
---------- --------------- -------------------
102 BRUNNER 101
108 CALLAHAN 102
105 RUSSO 102
110 SIM 102
103 DUELL 101
and so on
1. How can I get the above records in Hirarchical format starting from top
or from anywhere else in the hierarchy?
In Oracle it can be done as follows:
SELECT emp_id,emp_name,supervisor_id
FROM employee_tbl
CONNECT BY supervisor_id = PRIOR emp_id
START WITH supervisor_id is null;
Please reply me at the following address if possible:
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Oct 24, 2007
Good morning!
Or good "whatever daytime you read this"!
SQL Server 2005 has this nice new feature Common table expression or CTE, which allows quite easy to define a "drill down" in recursive self join tables.
By recursive self join tables I mean this common example:
idPerson INT <--------|
idReportsTo INT ---------|
PersonName VARCHAR
A CTE to "go down" the tree from any entry point and find all subs to a parent entry is well documented. I managed to make myself a CTE and use it a lot!
What I find myself needing too often is:
a) Look up from a deep position and find the entry that is for example 3 steps above my reference in the branch
b) Look up from a deep position and find the one that is 2nd or 3rd level (absolute) from top of the tree in the branch
I did try quite some versions, but I cannot get it to work. Any idea how you do the "drill up" with a CTE or another SQL solution.
Of course performance is always needed, so I'd like to avoid the cursors I got it working with and use now. (It is not working good I admit...)
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Apr 11, 2001
I have an update trigger I created that updates a field based on the user who last updated the record. Under 7 the only way it would work was to have recursive triggers firing turned on. Under 2000 might there be a btter solution. The code is below. Thanks
-- updates record with sql user and timestamp
--created 11-28-00 tim cronin
DECLARE @muser varchar(35),
@rec_lock_status int,
@ptacpt_status int
set @muser = current_user
set MODIFIED_BY = @muser,
MODIFIED_TS = getdate()
from deleted dt
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Aug 25, 2015
Msg 240, Level 16, State 1, Line 14
Types don't match between the anchor and the recursive part in column "ParentId" of recursive query "tmp". Below is query,
DECLARE @TBL TABLE (RowNum INT, DataId int, DataName NVARCHAR(50), RowOrder DECIMAL(18,2) NULL, ParentId INT NULL)
(1, 105508, 'A', 1.00, NULL),
(2, 105717, 'A1', NULL, NULL),
(3, 105718, 'A1', NULL, NULL),
(4, 105509, 'B', 2.00, NULL),
(5, 105510, 'C', 3.00, NULL),
(6, 105514, 'C1', NULL, NULL),
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Jul 23, 2005
I am having problem to apply updates into this function below. I triedusing cursor for updates, etc. but no success. Sql server keeps tellingme that I cannot execute insert or update from inside a function and itgives me an option that I could write an extended stored procedure, butI don't have a clue of how to do it. To quickly fix the problem theonly solution left in my case is to convert this recursive functioninto one recursive stored procedure. However, I am facing one problem.How to convert the select command in this piece of code below into an"execute" by passing parameters and calling the sp recursively again.### piece of code ############SELECT @subtotal = dbo.Mkt_GetChildren(uid, @subtotal,@DateStart, @DateEnd)FROM categories WHERE ParentID = @uid######### my function ###########CREATE FUNCTION Mkt_GetChildren(@uid int, @subtotal decimal ,@DateStart datetime, @DateEnd datetime)RETURNS decimalASBEGINIF EXISTS (SELECTuidFROMcategories WHEREParentID = @uid)BEGINDECLARE my_cursor CURSOR FORSELECT uid, classid5 FROM categories WHERE parentid = @uiddeclare @getclassid5 varchar(50), @getuid bigint, @calculate decimalOPEN my_cursorFETCH NEXT FROM my_cursor INTO @getuid, @getclassid5WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINFETCH NEXT FROM my_cursor INTO @getuid, @getclassid5select @calculate = dbo.Mkt_CalculateTotal(@getclassid5, @DateStart,@DateEnd)SET @subtotal = CONVERT (decimal (19,4),(@subtotal + @calculate))ENDCLOSE my_cursorDEALLOCATE my_cursorSELECT @subtotal = dbo.Mkt_GetChildren(uid, @subtotal,@DateStart, @DateEnd)FROM categories WHERE ParentID = @uidENDRETURN @subtotalENDGORod
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Mar 2, 2006
Hi i'm new to this just started using SQL 2000 have created two select statements which return data fine but now i need to run them both in the same statement HELP please
statement below
select count (*) Total, displayname0 AS 'Software', (prodid0) As 'Product ID', (Publisher0) AS ' Publisher', (version0) as 'Ver'
from v_gs_add_remove_programs arp
join v_cm_res_coll_OA10006b sap on arp.resourceid=sap.resourceid
where displayname0 = 'SAP front end'
group by displayname0, prodid0, publisher0, version0
select count (*) Total , (displayname0) AS 'Software Name', prodid0 As 'Product ID', Publisher0 AS ' Publisher', version0 as 'Ver '
from v_gs_add_remove_programs arp
join v_cm_res_coll_OA100073 mac on arp.resourceid=mac.resourceid
where displayname0 = 'mcafee virusscan'
group by displayname0, prodid0, publisher0, version0
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Aug 29, 2006
I am currently having this problem with gridview and detailview. When I drag either onto the page and set my select statement to pick from one table and then update that data through the gridview (lets say), the update works perfectly. My problem is that the table I am pulling data from is mainly foreign keys. So in order to hide the number values of the foreign keys, I select the string value columns from the tables that contain the primary keys. I then use INNER JOIN in my SELECT so that I only get the data that pertains to the user I am looking to list and edit. I run the "test query" and everything I need shows up as I want it. I then go back to the gridview and change the fields which are foreign keys to templates. When I edit the templates I bind the field that contains the string value of the given foreign key to the template. This works great, because now the user will see string representation instead of the ID numbers that coinside with the string value. So I run my webpage and everything show up as I want it to, all the data is correct and I get no errors. I then click edit (as I have checked the "enable editing" box) and the gridview changes to edit mode. I make my changes and then select "update." When the page refreshes, and the gridview returns, the data is not updated and the original data is shown. I am sorry for so much typing, but I want to be as clear as possible with what I am doing. The only thing I can see being the issue is that when I setup my SELECT and FROM to contain fields from multiple tables, the UPDATE then does not work. When I remove all of my JOIN's and go back to foreign keys and one table the update works again. Below is what I have for my SQL statements:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT:SELECT People.FirstName, People.LastName, People.FullName, People.PropertyID, People.InviteTypeID, People.RSVP, People.Wheelchair, Property.[House/Day Hab], InviteType.InviteTypeName FROM (InviteType INNER JOIN (Property INNER JOIN People ON Property.PropertyID = People.PropertyID) ON InviteType.InviteTypeID = People.InviteTypeID) WHERE (People.PersonID = ?)UPDATE:UPDATE [People] SET [FirstName] = ?, [LastName] = ?, [FullName] = ?, [PropertyID] = ?, [InviteTypeID] = ?, [RSVP] = ?, [Wheelchair] = ? WHERE [PersonID] = ? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The only fields I want to update are in [People]. My WHERE is based on a control that I use to select a person from a drop down list. If I run the test query for the update while setting up my data source the query will update the record in the database. It is when I try to make the update from the gridview that the data is not changed. If anything is not clear please let me know and I will clarify as much as I can. This is my first project using ASP and working with databases so I am completely learning as I go. I took some database courses in college but I have never interacted with them with a web based front end. Any help will be greatly appreciated.Thank you in advance for any time, help, and/or advice you can give.Brian
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Jan 9, 2015
Ok I have a query "SELECT ColumnNames FROM tbl1" let's say the values returned are "age,sex,race".
Now I want to be able to create an "update" statement like "UPATE tbl2 SET Col2 = age + sex + race" dynamically and execute this UPDATE statement. So, if the next select statement returns "age, sex, race, gender" then the script should create "UPDATE tbl2 SET Col2 = age + sex + race + gender" and execute it.
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Aug 13, 2014
i was tasked to created an UPDATE statement for 6 tables , i would like to update 4 columns within the 6 tables , they all contains the same column names. the table gets its information from the source table, however the data that is transferd to the 6 tables are sometimes incorrect , i need to write a UPDATE statement that will automatically correct the data. the Update statement should also contact a where clause
the columns are [No] , [Salesperson Code], [Country Code] and [Country Name]
i was thinking of doing
Update [tablename]
SET [No] =
WHEN [No] ='AF01' THEN 'Country Code' = 'ZA7' AND 'Country Name' = 'South Africa'
ELSE 'Null'
What is the best way to script this
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May 5, 2015
I am attempting to run update statements within a SELECT CASE statement.
Select case x.field
FROM OuterTable x
I get incorrect syntax near the keyword 'update'.
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Jul 23, 2005
Hello,I am trying to update records in my database from excel data using vbaeditor within excel.In order to launch a query, I use SQL langage in ADO as follwing:------------------------------------------------------------Dim adoConn As ADODB.ConnectionDim adoRs As ADODB.RecordsetDim sConn As StringDim sSql As StringDim sOutput As StringsConn = "DSN=MS Access Database;" & _"DBQ=MyDatabasePath;" & _"DefaultDir=MyPathDirectory;" & _"DriverId=25;FIL=MS Access;MaxBufferSize=2048;PageTimeout=5;" &_"PWD=xxxxxx;UID=admin;"ID, A, B C.. are my table fieldssSql = "SELECT ID, `A`, B, `C being a date`, D, E, `F`, `H`, I, J,`K`, L" & _" FROM MyTblName" & _" WHERE (`A`='MyA')" & _" AND (`C`>{ts '" & Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss") & "'})"& _" ORDER BY `C` DESC"Set adoConn = New ADODB.ConnectionadoConn.Open sConnSet adoRs = New ADODB.RecordsetadoRs.Open Source:=sSql, _ActiveConnection:=adoConnadoRs.MoveFirstSheets("Sheet1").Range("a2").CopyFromRecordset adoRsSet adoRs = NothingSet adoConn = Nothing---------------------------------------------------------------Does Anyone know How I can use the UPDATE, DELETE INSERT SQL statementsin this environement? Copying SQL statements from access does not workas I would have to reference Access Object in my project which I do notwant if I can avoid. Ideally I would like to use only ADO system andSQL approach.Thank you very muchNono
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Nov 9, 2007
It appears to update only the first qualifying row. The trace shows a row count of one when there are multiple qualifying rows in the table. This problem does not exist in JDBC 2000.
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Feb 11, 2004
Is there any way to use a graphical designer to build your insert & update SQL statements in Enterprise manager? I mean Access has an EASY way to build them, surely SQL does too?
I would just build them in Access and copy the SQL, but then I'm stuck replacing all the "dbo_" with "dbo." and other little nuances.
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Mar 21, 2004
I have a page that will require several hundred update queries to be sent to the database. How much of a performance increase will i get by joining them all into one statement and sending them as a batch instead of running them one by one?
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Jul 23, 2005
In Access, if I want to update one table with information from another,all I need to do is to create an Update query with the two tables, linkthe primary keys and reference the source table(s)/column(s) with thedestination table(s)/column(s). How do I achieve the same thing in SQL?RegardsColin*** Sent via Developersdex ***
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Sep 19, 2013
I have to do following scenario,
if 1st query Then 2nd Query
Else 'Msg'
How Can i do this using Case Statement??how can do this by Other way??
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Jul 30, 2007
I'm writing a fairly involved stored procedure. In this Stored Procedure, I have an update statement, followed by a select statement. The results of the select statement should be effected by the previous update statement, but its not. When the stored procedure is finish, the update statement seemed to have worked though, so it is working.
I suspect I need something, like a GO statement, but that doesnt seem to work for a stored procedure. Can anyone offer some assistance?
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Jul 23, 2005
I'm new to adp w/ sql server but I have to use it on a project i'mdoing...One of the MUSTS for this project is the ability to update a 00 - 09text value with the appropriate text description from another table...Easy as pie in .mdb. Of course In the stored procedure it barks at meand tells me that an update query can only have one table.. ouch thathurts...I'm currently reading on the subject but this group has been veryhelpful in the past.....I found this link... I'm using MSDE not Enterprise so I don't think I can usethe query analyser.. But I tryed it in my Access ADP anywayit barked at me..I tried to go from this....SELECT dbo.LU_SEX.SEX_CODE, dbo.TEST.DEFECTS_DP1FROM dbo.TEST INNER JOINdbo.LU_SEX ON dbo.TEST.SEX_DP1 =dbo.LU_SEX.SEX_DECTo this...UPDATE dbo.TEST.SEX_DP1SET dbo.TEST.SEX_DP1 = dbo.LU_SEX.SEX_CODEFROM dbo.LU_SEX INNER JOINdbo.TEST ON dbo.LU_SEX.SEX_DEC =dbo.TEST.SEX_DP1Maybe I need a good book on this?Thanks,Charles
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Jul 20, 2005
Help, please. I am trying to update atable with this structre:CREATE TABLE Queue (PropID int, EffDate smalldatetime,TxnAmt int)INSERT Queue (PropID) SELECT 1INSERT Queue (PropID) SELECT 2INSERT Queue (PropID) SELECT 3....from this table...CREATE TABLE Txns (PropID int, TxnDate smalldatetime,TxnType char(1), TxnAmt int)INSERT Txns SELECT 1 '20000201', 'B', 100000INSERT Txns SELECT 1 '20020515', 'B', 110000INSERT Txns SELECT 1 '20020515', 'A', 120000INSERT Txns SELECT 1 '20020615', 'c', 130000....only certain txn types are okay, and they have an orderof preference...CREATE TABLE GoodTxnTypes (GoodTxnType char(1), Pref)INSERT GoodTxnTypes SELECT 'A', 1INSERT GoodTxnTypes SELECT 'B', 2The idea is to fill in the NULL fields in the Queue table,according to a rule -- the transaction must be the latesttransaction within a date window, it must be one of the goodtxn types, and if there are two txns on that date, choosethe txn by the preferred txn type (A is preferred over B,according to the field Pref).If the time window were 20020101 to 20030101, the txnselected to update the Queue table would be this one:INSERT Txns SELECT 1 '20020515', 'A', 120000 -- there aretwo in the time window that are type A or B; they areboth on the same day, so the 'A' is preferred.If the time window were 20000101 to 20010101, this wouldbe selected because it is the only A or B type txn inthe interval:INSERT Txns SELECT 1 '20000201', 'B', 100000I'm looking for a statement that starts...UPDATE Queue SET EffDate = ...., TxnAmt = .... (EffDate,in this table, is the same as TxnDate in the Txn table).Assume we have @FirstDate and @LastDate available.Help, please. I'm getting stuck with (a) a sub-query tofind the relevant Txn records, and (b) another sub-querywithin that to find the MAX(TxnDate) within the timewindow. Filtering the Txn records on the basis of theGoodTxnTypes table is easy, as is ordering what is returned.But I'm having trouble joining the sub-queries back to theQueue table on the basis of PropId.
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Apr 10, 2007
SQL Server 2005 Standard 9.0.1399 64bit
Windows 2003 64-bit
8gb RAM
RAID-1 70gb HD 15K SCSI (Log Files, OS)
RAID-10 1.08TB HD 10K SCSI (Data Files)
Runs aproximately _Total 800 Transaction/Second
We deliver aproximately 70-80 million ad views / day
8 Clustered Windows 2003 32-bit OS IIS Servers running 2.0 websites
All 8 servers talking to the one SQL server via a private network (server backbone).
In SQL Server Profiler, I see the following SQL statements with durations of 2000 - 7000:
select top 1 keywordID, keyword, hits, photo, feed from dbo.XXXX where hits > 0 order by hits
UPDATE XXXX SET hits=1906342 WHERE keywordID = 7;
Where the hits number is incremented by one each time that is selcted for that keyword ID.
Sometimes these happen so frequently the server stops accepting new connectinos, and I have to restart the SQL server or reboot.
Any ideas on why this is happening?
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Sep 8, 2007
I'm writing an application for Windows Mobile 5 / Pocket PC using VB.NET 2005. The database is connected using an instance of SqlCeConnection and updated by an SqlCeCommand.
The application can perform select queries on data originally entered into the database through Visual Studio, or perform update / insert queries at run time. Anything inserted or updated can be returned by a select query whilst the application is running, however, anything I have inserted or updated doesn't appear to be written to the SDF file and hence is not in the database after restarting the application.
Am I missing something that's different between performing queries on an SQL CE database on Pocket PC and an ODBC source in a normal Windows application?
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Feb 3, 2015
At one of your client sides we have configured Always on with synchronous mode.Also we have schedule rebuild index and update statistics job which runs in night every alternate day. the issue is there are more then 100 sleeping queries which is blocking update statistics job.
I have to stop update statistics job manually once i come to office manually.
Once I have killed blocking sleeping query but then other sleeping query blocked it and so on.
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Jul 20, 2015
I need to search for such SPs in my database in which the queries for update a table contains where clause which uses non primary key while updating rows in table.
If employee table have empId as primary key and an Update query is using empName in where clause to update employee record then such SP should be listed. so there would be hundreds of tables with their primary key and thousands of SPs in a database. How can I find them where the "where" clause is using some other column than its primary key.
If there is any other hint or query to identify such queries that lock tables, I only found the above few queries that are not using primary key in where clause.
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Dec 12, 2014
I run the following statement and it will not update beyond 7 million plus rows and I have about 38 million to complete. I keep checking updated row counts and after 1/2 day it's still the same so I know something is wrong because it was rolling through no problem when I initiated it. I need to complete ASAP so it's adding to my frustration. The 'Acct_Num_CH' field is an encrypted field (fyi).
SET rowcount 10000
UPDATE [dbo].[CC_Info_T]
SET [Acct_Num_CH] = 'ayIWt6C8sgimC6t61EJ9d8BB3+bfIZ8v'
SET rowcount 10000
UPDATE [dbo].[CC_Info_T]
SET [Acct_Num_CH] = 'ayIWt6C8sgimC6t61EJ9d8BB3+bfIZ8v'
SET rowcount 0
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Feb 9, 2007
My scenario:
I have a master securities table which has 7 fields. As a part of the daily process I am uploading flat files into database tables. The flat files contains the master(static) security data as well as the analytics(transaction) data. I need to
1) separate the master (static) data from the flat files,
2) check whether that data is present in the master table, if not then insert that data into the master table
3) If data present then move that existing record to an history table and then update the main master table.
All the 7 fields need to be checked to uniquely identify a single record in the master table.
How can this be done? Whether we can us a combination of data flow items or write a sql procedure to do all this.
Thanks in advance for your help.
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Jun 14, 2007
Hi,I have table with three columns as belowtable name:expNo(int) name(char) refno(int)I have data as belowNo name refno1 a2 b3 cI need to update the refno with no values I write a query as belowupdate exp set refno=(select no from exp)when i run the query i got error asSubquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when thesubquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used asan expression.I need to update one colum with other column value.What is the correct query for this ?Thanks,Mani
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Aug 22, 2007
Dim lblock As Boolean chkChecked = lblock strSQL = "UPDATE CLIENTS SET " If blnCompleted = True Then strSQL = strSQL & "COMPLETED_DT = '" & Format(Now(), "MM/dd/yyyy") & "', " Else strSQL = strSQL & "LAST_SAVED_DT = '" & Format(Now(), "MM/dd/yyyy") & "', " End If strSQL = strSQL & "COMMENTS = '" & FixString(txtcomments.Text) & "' " _ & "WHERE client_ID = " & iclientID & ""I want to put my booleen value lblock to sql too, I probably need value of it, It is checkbox, called chkblock, . how would I include this to update statement database field for that BLOCK =
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Sep 7, 2007
Hi, i nid help on update statement. I using 03 and a microsoft sql server 2000 database.
I use a more simple example of my error. A Northwind Database is use to update the Region table(RegionDescription)
User will 1st go in WebForm2.aspx and enter a id, if found will retrieve the data to WebForm1.aspx. User type "1" and retrieve Eastern to TextBox1.
User can choose to update the table by typing in a diff word into TextBox1. But when i type any word(e.g East) the page is refresh back to Webform1.aspx with the not updated data and the database is also not updated. Any idea?
WebForm2.aspx.vb Imports System.Data.SqlClient Public Class WebForm2
Inherits System.Web.UI.PageWeb Form Designer Generated Code Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Put user code to initialize the page hereEnd SubPrivate Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Session("id") = TextBox1.Text
Response.Redirect("WebForm1.aspx")End Sub
End Class
WebForm1.aspx.vb Imports System.Data.SqlClient Public Class WebForm1
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Web Form Designer Generated CodeDim cnn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=(local); Initial Catalog=Northwind;User ID=******; Password=******") Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Put user code to initialize the page here
Label1.Text = Session("id")
retrieveTitle()End SubSub retrieveTitle()
cnn.Open()Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Region WHERE RegionID = '" + Session("id") + "'"
cmd.Connection = cnnDim dr As SqlDataReader
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()
If dr.Read() Then
TextBox1.Text = dr("RegionDescription").ToString
End If
cnn.Close()End SubSub UpdateTitle(ByVal title As String)
cnn.Open()Dim sqlstr As String = "UPDATE Region SET RegionDescription = '" + title + "' WHERE RegionID = '" + Session("id") + "'"
Trace.Write(sqlstr)Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(sqlstr, cnn)
cnn.Close()End SubPrivate Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
UpdateTitle(TextBox1.Text)End Sub
End Class
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Mar 13, 2008
I have a SQL Table with the following columns
ID, Date, Meeting, Venue, Notes
What Update statement do i need to update a simple grid view in Visual Studio?I have been experementing but when i click update it updates the whole column insted of the one i was trying to update.
Please can you help? Thanks
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