I have problem is getting list of all the Tree Level Employees.here is the my table structure
Manager ~ SubOrdinate
1 ~ 2
1 ~ 3
1 ~ 4
2 ~ 5
2 ~ 6
2 ~ 7
3 ~ 8
3 ~ 9
4 ~ 10
5 ~ 11
1 ~ 2
1 ~ 3
1 ~ 4
2.1 ~ 5
2.1 ~ 6
2.1 ~ 6
3.1 ~ 7
I am having problem to apply updates into this function below. I triedusing cursor for updates, etc. but no success. Sql server keeps tellingme that I cannot execute insert or update from inside a function and itgives me an option that I could write an extended stored procedure, butI don't have a clue of how to do it. To quickly fix the problem theonly solution left in my case is to convert this recursive functioninto one recursive stored procedure. However, I am facing one problem.How to convert the select command in this piece of code below into an"execute" by passing parameters and calling the sp recursively again.### piece of code ############SELECT @subtotal = dbo.Mkt_GetChildren(uid, @subtotal,@DateStart, @DateEnd)FROM categories WHERE ParentID = @uid######### my function ###########CREATE FUNCTION Mkt_GetChildren(@uid int, @subtotal decimal ,@DateStart datetime, @DateEnd datetime)RETURNS decimalASBEGINIF EXISTS (SELECTuidFROMcategories WHEREParentID = @uid)BEGINDECLARE my_cursor CURSOR FORSELECT uid, classid5 FROM categories WHERE parentid = @uiddeclare @getclassid5 varchar(50), @getuid bigint, @calculate decimalOPEN my_cursorFETCH NEXT FROM my_cursor INTO @getuid, @getclassid5WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINFETCH NEXT FROM my_cursor INTO @getuid, @getclassid5select @calculate = dbo.Mkt_CalculateTotal(@getclassid5, @DateStart,@DateEnd)SET @subtotal = CONVERT (decimal (19,4),(@subtotal + @calculate))ENDCLOSE my_cursorDEALLOCATE my_cursorSELECT @subtotal = dbo.Mkt_GetChildren(uid, @subtotal,@DateStart, @DateEnd)FROM categories WHERE ParentID = @uidENDRETURN @subtotalENDGORod
I need to help in writing stored procedure to recursively delete Categories and ads for those categories Simplified table views: Category: CategoryID, Name, ParentCategoryID Ads: AdID, Name, CategoryID Please help
Hello Everyone, I have a purchase order table that holds say 2 columns. PO and OrgPO. That is Purchase Order # and Original Purchase Order # respectively. Assume i have the following rows in the table. PO OrgPO -- ------ po1 NULL co1 po1 co2 co1 co3 co2 po2 NULL cpo1 po2 po3 NULL Now what i would like to report in the output is the PO and along with the lastly generated change order for that po. For eg, PO LastCO -- ------ po1 co3 po2 cpo1 po3 po3 Currently i 'm using function to achieve this effect and i believe this is not the efficient way. I would like to generate this in a much efficient way. Please help me to achieve this.
is there any way to define a recursive cte within another cte. I have defined a recursive cte which works great for finding the different versions of a given item. What I would like to do is to define a set of items for which I want to find the different versions.
Article(articleID,CategoryID,ArticleTitle) Categories(categoryID,ParentID,CategoryTitle) I am trying to retrieve the main category ID for a specific article ID. For example lets say I have this data: Article:
In this example I want to know who is the main category of article 3. The query should return the answer: 1 Thats because:
The article ID 3 is inside category 11. Parent for category 11 is 10. Parent for category 10 is 2. Parent for category 2 is 1 and Parent for category 1 is NULL, which means category 1 has no parents and it is the main category. Query will return article id, category id, main_category_id, ArticleTitle, CategoryTitle (some union between 2 tables) Do you have any suggestions for such query? Thanks all.
Recursive quey to show products with "custom defines fields" related by Classifications, instead of per product Hello, I’m working on a project .. .
I’m desperating due to the complex (for me and also I think for some others) sql query that I need to write, to show the products with his “custom defined fields� that are inside a ProductsFieldsByClassification table that holds this mentioned “custom defined fieds� according to the Classifications table, on where the Products can be found trought the productsClassifications table.
CustomFields can be defined and set for the products, trought his Classifications (instead of define a custom field for each product (that consume a lot of data), I decide to use it as I explain)
I will to know the properly SQL QUERY to show a list of products with the ProductsFieldsByClassifications and ProductsFieldsValuesByClassifications:
As example on a Requested ID_Classification = 16 (Torents/Games/Dreamcast/PAL), the products must be show with the ProductsFields and Values that has the DBA for the:
· requested ID_Classification
o PAL (ID_Classification: 16)
· AND all the Classifications that belongs above (trought ID_ParentClassification) that are :
o Torrents (ID_Classification: 1) that will show the products values for the “Size�
o Games (ID_Class..:4) ß this classification has no CustomFields so none from this one.
o Dreamcast (ID_Class..:14 ) that will show his ID_Classification(14) product field “Levels� value (but not “AllowSave� as not have value for any product)
Hmnn i show a graphic that i design for (feel to click over to see at correct resolution)
I also write asp.net tutorials. For those interested see my blog at http://abmartin.wordpress.com
i have a table like this parentid | childid | description 1 2 blah 1 3 1 4 2 23 2 24 5 8 3 10 and i want to give the parentid 1 and get all the children i have a cursor now like this but i dont know how to make it recursive any help?
1 2 DECLARE @childid nvarchar(50) 3 DECLARE ItemStruc CURSOR FOR 4 5 SELECT cmponent_prt_no , parent_part_no 6 FROM oauser_prod_structure 7 WHERE parent_part_no = @parentid 8 9 OPEN ItemStruc 10 FETCH NEXT FROM ItemStruc 11 INTO @childNum , @parentid 12 13 WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 14 BEGIN 15 16 print @childNum +'is the a child to: ' +@parentid
Does anyone know how to do an sql recursion queries?
I believe it involves a view with a union.
I have a User Table and in that table i have a employee_id and a boss_id. What i'd like to do is to find all employees under a certain boss. For example,
Employee_ID Boss_ID 1 2 1 3 4 3 5 2
So if i'd like to know who are under the employee_id = 1 it will return employee_id 2 and 5 since employee 2 also is the boss of employee_id = 5.
I have a list of categories that I have to find the path to each my table is set up like ID CategoryNum CategoryName ParentID 1 AA Top Level 1 02 AB Top Level 2 03 BA Second Level 1 1I need my query/stored proc to return Tope Level 1/Second Level 1 if I pass in the integer of 3I can do this in programming but cant seem to wrap my head around it in SQL ServerTIA for the help
I'm using exec sp_dboption 'ilgadmin', 'recursive triggers',true
I made
create trigger dbo.templates_ondelete on templates for delete as begin delete pages where templateid = (select [id] from deleted) end go
create trigger dbo.pages_ondelete on pages for delete as begin delete pageItems where pageid = (select [id] from deleted) end go
The second trigger must be started by the first one.
But it doens't work because if I do delete from templates where id = 2 more than one page (7 pages) are deleted and the second trigger doesn't work (it can only delete one by one in pageitems!)
Is there any option in SQL Server that I forgot or can I use an other methode
Hey there, Hopefully someone has a sec to help me out. I have a pretty tough query here for ya.
I want to turn this:
Parent | Child Fred | Mark John | Cindy Mark | John John | Suzy
into this:
Ancestor | Level | Descendant Fred | 1 | Mark Fred | 2 | John Fred | 3 | Cindy Fred | 3 | Suzy Mark | 1 | John Mark | 2 | Cindy Mark | 2 | Suzy John | 1 | Cindy John | 1 | Suzy
I want to do this in a single select statement. No loops or cursors. Please tell me you are as stumped as I am so that I don't feel so dumb.
Write a query which reports each employee's name and -- experience level and the name of his/her supervisor
need help with this query, the ouput is this ;
Employee ExperienceLevel Supervisor ------------------------- --------------- ------------------------- Barbara Kimball Master Brenda Fowler John Gromek Junior Brenda Fowler
(2 row(s) affected)
Enhance your query to report all employees, whether or -- or not they have a supervisor. some help would be gratifull.
Hi, I have a table with 2 fields in it Circuit_ID and Parent_Circuit_ID and I'd like to pass a stored procedure a circuit_ID and get a resultset back of all Circuit_ID's that are associated with the original.
That means it needs to look at each record and do another search on all circuits that have that parent ID, recursively.
Does anyone have any good ideas on the best way to do this.
I have a table of product types, the table is layed like this:
TypeID TypeName ParentID
each type has a ParentID equal to one of the other types TypeID (except the very top level types) to build a hierarchy with several levels.
I need a way of giving a function a single TypeID, and have it return a table that has the the TypeID of every type underneath it in the hierarchy. it could go down several levels (like 10 or more) so it needs to recursively work...
I'm just completely lost...
I can get this to work just fine in VB... but in VB i can just use a nice little for each loop...
I am trying to write a recursive function which allows me to provide a hierarchical structure from an employee table but I am getting an error
Server: Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Procedure GetEmployee, Line 10 Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
Is there a way in which I can write a recursive function to do this. Or would I need to use cursors, multiple functions??? Any help or examples would be great. Thanks for your help
CREATE FUNCTION GetEmployee(@EmpID as int) RETURNS @Employee Table ( StaffNo int, ParentStaffNo int ) AS BEGIN DECLARE @ManagerID int SET @ManagerID = (SELECT [id] FROM eii.dbo.test WHERE Parent_ID = @EmpID)
IF @ManagerID IS NOT NULL and @ManagerID > '' and @ManagerID <> @EmpID INSERT INTO @Employee SELECT [id],parent_id FROM eii.dbo.test Where [id] = @ManagerID UNION SELECT * FROM GetEmployee(@ManagerID)
Hey all, I am writing a procedure to perform a search against products in a website. It is a hierarchical setup, with websites, catalogs, category hierarchies, categories and products. So I need to get all the products that match the search, that are in categories that are in category hierarchies (category-to-category relationship), that are in catalogs that are in 1 website.
I can get the category that a matching product is in, but from there I need to recursive go up the ladder of category hierarchies until it reaches a point where the parent hierarchy is null, and then join that record with the catalogs that are in the 1 website. Here's what I thought might work:
SELECT ctlgs_CatalogCategoriesToProducts.* FROM COMMERCE_PRODUCTS INNER JOIN ctlgs_CatalogCategoriesToProducts ON COMMERCE_PRODUCTS.ITEMNO = ctlgs_CatalogCategoriesToProducts.ItemNo INNER JOIN ctlgs_CatalogCategoryHierarchies ctlgs_CCH ON ctlgs_CatalogCategoriesToProducts.CategoryID = ctlgs_CatalogCategoryHierarchies.CategoryID
*** some recursive stuff*** WHILE (ctlgs_CatalogCategoryHierarchies.ParentHierarchyID IS NOT NULL) BEGIN INNER JOIN ctlgs_CCH ON ctlgs_CatalogCategoryHierarchies.ID = ctlgs_CCH.ParentHierarchyID END
INNER JOIN ctlgs_Catalogs ON ctlgs_CatalogCategoryHierarchies.ID = ctlgs_Catalogs.RootHierarchyID INNER JOIN ctlgs_CatalogsToWebsite ON ctlgs_Catalogs.ID = ctlgs_CatalogsToWebsite.CatalogID INNER JOIN ctlgs_Websites ON ctlgs_CatalogsToWebsite.SiteID = ctlgs_Websites.ID WHERE ctlgs_Websites.ID = @website AND COMMERCE_PRODUCTS.BLOCKED = 0 AND ( COMMERCE_PRODUCTS.ITEMNO LIKE @searchTerm OR COMMERCE_PRODUCTS.DESCRIPTION LIKE @searchTerm OR COMMERCE_PRODUCTS.DESCRIPTION2 LIKE @searchTerm )
I've never used WHILE before, so I'm not sure what exactly you can put in there. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
now the scenario is : the user A is from the company "Alpha" he introduces user B, who registers in the system his company bcomes "self", now B inturn refers user C who also registers in the system and his company is now again "self". Now I need to generate a report of number of users that have registered under one company, for eg. for the company "Alpha" no of users becomes 2 since A refered to two users and both of them have registered.
I m stuck with the query. thanks in advance... regards, Harshal
id name ----- ------------------------------------------ 1 My top parent node 2 My second node 3 my child node
If I do a search for say 'my child node' I need to display where 'my child node' is in relation to the hierarchy. i.e i need to show it's parent and if that has a parent I need to show its parent etc... and continue until there are no more parents left
So using the table details if i search for 'my child node'
I need to display this : My top parent node -> My second node - > my child node
The id for 'My top parent node' doesn't exist in tblparent because it is the top parent
I am wondering if there is some type of recursive query to return the values I want from the following database.
Here is the setup:
The client builds reptile cages.
Each cage consists of aluminum framing, connectors to connect the aluminum frame, and panels to enclose the cages. In the example below, we are not leaving panels out to simplify things. We are also not concerned with the dimensions of the cage.
The PRODUCT table contains all parts in inventory. A finished cage is also considered a PRODUCT. The PRODUCT table is recursively joined to itself through the ASSEMBLY table.
PRODUCTS that consist of a number of PRODUCTS are called an ASSEMBLY. The ASSEMBLY table tracks what PRODUCTS are required for the ASSEMBLY.
Sample database can be downloaded from http://www.handlerassociates.com/cage_configurator.mdb
use pubs sp_configure 'nested triggers',1 go reconfigure go alter database pubs set RECURSIVE_TRIGGERS ON go create table abcd (recid int) go create trigger abcd_trigger on abcd instead of insert as begin declare @recid int select @recid = recid + 1 from inserted insert into abcd values (@recid) end go insert into abcd values (1) go select * from abcd go drop trigger abcd_trigger drop table abcd go
Why does this insert value as 2 even though I have enabled recursive triggers.... Gurus .. any answers????
And as for changing the database options ... please check what they are before executing this post so that you can reset them later.
Can you please help me to write a recursive query in sql server 2000?
I have got a table WORKORDER. wonum and parent are the two columns in the table. A wonum can have children.Those children can have children, so on. if i am giving a wonum,it should display all the children ,their children and so on.
Went looking for an answer but not really sure what phrases to lookfor. Just decided to post my question.I have a collection of groups which contain items. I also have acollection of users which can be assigned permissions to both groupsand individual items. If a user has permission to a group then the userhas that permission to each of the items in the group. I need a querywhich will return all the items and permission for a particular user.Here is the code for creating the tables and populating them.CREATE TABLE [Account] ([Name] VARCHAR(10))INSERT INTO [Account] VALUES ('210')INSERT INTO [Account] VALUES ('928')INSERT INTO [Account] VALUES ('ABC')CREATE TABLE [AccountGroup] ([Name] VARCHAR(10))INSERT INTO [AccountGroup] VALUES ('Group1')INSERT INTO [AccountGroup] VALUES ('Group2')CREATE TABLE [AccountGroupMembership] ([GroupName] VARCHAR(10), [AccountName] VARCHAR(10))INSERT INTO [AccountGroupMembership] VALUES ('Group1', '210')INSERT INTO [AccountGroupMembership] VALUES ('Group1', 'ABC')INSERT INTO [AccountGroupMembership] VALUES ('Group2', '928')INSERT INTO [AccountGroupMembership] VALUES ('Group2', 'ABC')CREATE TABLE [Permission] ([User] VARCHAR(10), [Item] VARCHAR(10), [ItemType] VARCHAR(1)-- 'A' for account, 'G' for account group, [ReadPerm] INT, [WritePerm] INT)INSERT INTO [Permission] VALUES ('john', '210', 'A', 1, 0)-- readaccess to 210 accountINSERT INTO [Permission] VALUES ('john', 'Group1', 'G', 1, 1)--read/write access to Group1 groupINSERT INTO [Permission] VALUES ('mary', '928', 'A', 0, 1)-- writeaccess to 928 accountThe simple querySELECT * FROM [Permission] WHERE [User] = 'john'returnsUser Item ItemType ReadPerm WritePerm---------- ---------- -------- ----------- -----------john 210 A 1 0john Group1 G 1 1but what I really want is (notice that Group1 has been replaced withthe two members of Group1)User Item ReadPerm WritePerm---------- ---------- ----------- -----------john 210 1 0john 210 1 1john ABC 1 1(Forget for the moment that 210 is listed twice with differentpermissions. I could take the result and do some sort of union to least(or most) restrictive permissions.)
Hello,I'm trying to use a recursive CTE to find some data but I am havingtrouble crafting the CTE; maybe what I want isn't possible.I have the following tables:EMPLOYEE (int ID, int MANAGER_ID)WINNER(int EMPLOYEE_ID)* The heirarchy in EMPLOYEE may be multiple levels deep.* MANAGER_ID is a foreign key to EMPLOYEE.ID* WINNER.EMPLOYEE_ID is a foreign key to EMPLOYEE.IDBasically, I want to generate a list of EMPLOYEE.ID data whichsatisfies the following criteria:1) The ID is present in the WINNER table,-or-2) A child record of the current record, or a child of a child (adinfinitum) is present in the WINNER tableTake the following data in EMPLOYEE:(1,NULL)(2, 1)(3, 2)(4, 1)And the following in WINNER:(3)I want the query to return:123Since 3 is present in WINNER, 3 is included (first condition).Since 3 is present in WINNER, 2 is included (second condition).Since 3 is present in WINNER, 1 is included (second condition).See what I mean? Is this possible using a recursive CTE? I'd rathernot use cursors, etc, unless I really had to. Maybe there is acompletely different way to do this?I'm using SQL Server 2005.Thanks.--Mike
I am writing a function which I hope to use as a column value in aselect query. The function recursively walks a taxonomic heirarchy,extracting the name for an organism at the taxonomic level requestedby the user. I'm having trouble figuring out the syntax to call thefunction from itself (see **1), and the value returned.When I test the funciton, it says 'commands completed successfully',but nothing is returned. This is in SQL2000, runing on Windows2000.The table the function acts on is:CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblbenthictaxa] ([tsn] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[rank_id] [int] NOT NULL ,[dir_parent_tsn] [int] NULL ,[req_parent_tsn] [int] NOT NULL ,[taxa_name] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOTNULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOReqParentTSN is the recursive link to rows in the table;Level is the taxonomic level the user requested (an integerrepresenting Order, Family, Genus or Species).CREATE FUNCTION dbo.CBN_RecursTaxa (@ReqParentTSN int,@Level int)RETURNS varchar(100) ASBEGINDeclare @Rank int,@taxaname varchar(100)SELECT @ReqParentTSN = tblbenthictaxa.req_parent_tsn,@TaxaName = tblbenthictaxa.taxa_name,@Rank = tblbenthictaxa.rank_idFROM tblbenthictaxaWHERE tblbenthictaxa.TSN=@ReqParentTSNif @Rank > @Level**1 --exec CBN_RecursTaxa @ReqParentTSN, @LevelRETURN @TaxaNameENDThanks in advance for any help,Tim
Hi there,Need a little help with a certain query that's causing a lot of acidin my stomach...Have a table that stores sales measures for a given client. The salesmeasures are stored per year and there could be multiple salesmeasures every year per client. There is another field called lastupdate date. If there are multiple sales measures then need to selectthe one that's been entered last based on this field. Also, if thereis no sales measure data for current year then I need to return thelast year's data for which sales measure has been entered. Forexample: if client #1 has sales measure value of $200 for 1999 andnothing since, then I need to return $200 for any year following 1999.So the query would look something like this:SELECT client_name, sm_dollars FROM <tables>Based on the DDL at the bottom I would expect to get back: c1, 100;c2, 200The way I am doing it now is with correlated subqueries (3 to beexact) that each do an aggregate and join back to the original table.It works, but it is notoriously slow. SQL Server is scanning theindex and does a merge join which in a large query takes %95 of thetime. Here is the part of the query plan for it:| | | | | | |--MergeJoin(Inner Join, MANY-TO-MANYMERGE:([sales_measure].[client_id])=([sales_measure].[client_id]),RESIDUAL:(([sales_measure].[client_id]=[sales_measure].[client_id]AND [sales_measure].[tax_year]=[sales_measure].[tax_year]) AND[Expr1013]=[sales_measure].[last_update_date]))| | | | | | |--StreamAggregate(GROUP BY:([sales_measure].[client_id],[sales_measure].[tax_year])DEFINE:([Expr1013]=MAX([sales_measure].[last_update_date])))| | | | | | | |--MergeJoin(Inner Join, MERGE:([sales_measure].[client_id],[Expr1010])=([sales_measure].[client_id], [sales_measure].[tax_year]),RESIDUAL:([sales_measure].[client_id]=[sales_measure].[client_id] AND[sales_measure].[tax_year]=[Expr1010]))| | | | | | ||--Stream Aggregate(GROUP BY:([sales_measure].[client_id])DEFINE:([Expr1010]=MAX([sales_measure].[tax_year])))| | | | | | | ||--Index Scan(OBJECT:([stars_perftest].[dbo].[sales_measure].[sales_measure_idx1]),ORDERED FORWARD)| | | | | | ||--Index Scan(OBJECT:([stars_perftest].[dbo].[sales_measure].[sales_measure_idx1]),ORDERED FORWARD)| | | | | | |--IndexScan(OBJECT:([stars_perftest].[dbo].[sales_measure].[sales_measure_idx1]),ORDERED FORWARD)There are two indexes on sales measure table:sales_measure_pk - sales_measure_id (primary key) clusteredsales_measure_idx1 - client_id, tax_year, last_update_date, sm_dollarssales_measure table has 800,000 rows in it.Here is the rest of the DDL:IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.client') IS NOT NULLDROP TABLE dbo.clientGOcreate table dbo.client (client_idintidentityprimary key,client_namevarchar(100)NOT NULL)GOIF OBJECT_ID('dbo.sales_measure') IS NOT NULLDROP TABLE dbo.sales_measureGOcreate table dbo.sales_measure(sales_measure_idintidentityprimary key,client_idintNOT NULL,tax_yearsmallintNOT NULL,sm_dollarsmoneyNOT NULL,last_update_datedatetimeNOT NULL)GOCREATE INDEX sales_measure_idx1 ON sales_measure (client_id, tax_year,last_update_date, sm_dollars)GOINSERT dbo.client(client_name)SELECT'c1' UNION SELECT 'c2' UNION SELECT 'c3'GOINSERTdbo.sales_measure(client_id, tax_year, sm_dollars,last_update_date)SELECT1, 2004, 100, '1/4/2004'UNIONSELECT2, 2003, 100, '1/3/2004'UNIONSELECT 2, 2004, 150, '1/4/2004'UNIONSELECT2, 2004, 200, '1/5/2004'The view that I use to calculate sales measures:CREATE VIEW sales_measure_vw ASSELECTsm.*FROM sales_measure smINNER JOIN (SELECT sm2.client_id, sm2.tax_year,MAX(sm2.last_update_date) as last_update_dateFROM sales_measure sm2INNER JOIN (SELECT sm4.client_id, MAX(sm4.tax_year)as tax_yearFROM sales_measure sm4 GROUP BYsm4.client_id) sm3on sm3.client_id = sm2.client_idand sm3.tax_year = sm2.tax_yearGROUP BY sm2.client_id, sm2.tax_year ) sm1ON sm.client_id = sm1.client_id ANDsm.tax_year = sm1.tax_year ANDsm.last_update_date = sm1.last_update_dateAny advice on how to tame this would be appreciated. Also, any adviceon the indexes would help as well.ThanksBob
I'm trying to get from the first table bellow to the second one using recursive queries. Could you help me on this issue? I want to be able to group by project and employee id and then if the dates overlap then to get the min and max dates in one row
I've been struggling with this for while. It doesn't seem that hard, but I can't seem get the results right. I've tried several SELECT queries and also played with CTE but I'm quite a novice in that dept. I have searched this forum and read many similar posts but I can't seem to get it quite right.
Suppose I have a table (Categories) with parent categories and sub categories with the following example data:
Can someone suggest the most efficient way to get an appropriate result set that I could use to display each Parent Category followed by each appropriate Sub Category on a web page?