Recursive/Tree Queries In SQL Server.

Feb 18, 1999

Dear fellows,
Can anybody tell me how can i apply recusive/Tree query using select
For example I've a table structure for an Organization as follows:

TableName: Employee_tbl
Fields: emp_id, emp_name, supervisor_id

emp_id emp_name supervisor_id
---------- --------------- -------------------
102 BRUNNER 101
108 CALLAHAN 102
105 RUSSO 102
110 SIM 102
103 DUELL 101
and so on

1. How can I get the above records in Hirarchical format starting from top
or from anywhere else in the hierarchy?

In Oracle it can be done as follows:
SELECT emp_id,emp_name,supervisor_id
FROM employee_tbl
CONNECT BY supervisor_id = PRIOR emp_id
START WITH supervisor_id is null;

Please reply me at the following address if possible:

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Recursive Stored Procedure To Populate Tree

Jan 17, 2008

I apologize if I posted in the wrong section, but I cannot find a solution to this. I was hoping that some one can help me figure this out.
I need this solution in a stored procedure VS using dataset because there are thousands of categories and it is extremely slow with a dataset.
I have a category table







Rurkish Van


German Shepherd

Irish Setter

I need the stored proc to return results in a single record set like this:
ANIMALS - DOGS - - Dalmation - - German Shepherd - - Irish Setter - - Bulldog - CATS - - Abyssinian - - Persian - - Turkish Van
Seems fairly easy but I have been battling with this for days now.
Thank you in advance,

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Cannot Get My TREE VIEW Recursive Query To Work

Mar 17, 2007

My Table Structure

Category_ID Number
Parent_ID Number <----Category_ID reports to this colum
Category_Name Varchar....

MY QUERY <---I replaced the query above with my data
WITH Hierarchy(Category_ID, Category_Name, Parent_ID, HLevel)
SELECT Category_ID, Category_Name, Parent_ID, 0 as HLevel FROM Dir_Categories
SELECT SubCategory.Category_ID
, SubCategory.Category_Name,
HLevel + 1
FROM Dir_Categories SubCategory
INNER JOIN Hierarchy ParentCategory
ON SubCategory.Parent_ID = ParentCategory.Category_ID )
SELECT Category_ID,
Category_Name = Replicate('__', HLevel) + Category_Name,
FROM Hierarchy

My OUTPUT============

All the categories under reporting to Parent_ID 0 or continuous, then the ones reporting to 1 and so fourth. Subcategories are not showing within their main categories. I AM GOING NUTS WITH THIS.

Can you help me please?

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Recursive Query For Tree Style Menu?

Mar 12, 2013

Information stored within the database is as follows, although the number of sub levels could easily grow :

PageID - Title - ParentID
1 - Title1 - 0
2 - Title2 - 0
3 - Title3 - 1
4 - Title4 - 1
5 - Title5 - 4

Required outcome :

[+] Title1
.....[+] Title3
.....[+] Title4
..........[+] Title5
[+] Title2

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Recursive Queries

Jul 13, 2004

I have a following structure

table A
userid ReferedBy

Table B
Userid compID

now the scenario is :
the user A is from the company "Alpha"
he introduces user B, who registers in the system his company bcomes "self",
now B inturn refers user C who also registers in the system and his company is now again "self".
Now I need to generate a report of number of users that have registered under one company, for eg.
for the company "Alpha" no of users becomes 2 since A refered to two users and both of them have registered.

I m stuck with the query.
thanks in advance...

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Info Recursive Queries

Dec 1, 2006

Hello all,for computig graphs and its transitive closure I need recursive SQL-Queries. Best it will be fast.Now I heard of a new syntax in SQL: the WITH RECURSIVE-Clause. Which Database-Editions and versions support those recursive queries?  Can anyone tell me where can I find more info about it? Thanks and best regardsyelmin 

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Sorting && Paging With Recursive Queries

Jun 14, 2007

Hi, can anyone tell me how I can get implement sorting and paging using a recursive query?
I have a created a stored procedure (bit like the simple example below), but would like to add in sorting and paging using order by and row_number().
DECLARE @CategoryID intSET @CategoryID = 12;WITH CTE_Example (CategoryID, CategoryName, ParentID, Depth, RowNum)AS(SELECT CategoryID, CategoryName, ParentID, 0 AS Depth, Row_Number() OVER (ORDER BY CategoryName) AS RowNumFROM Categories WHERE CategoryID = @CategoryIDUNION ALLSELECT Categories.CategoryID, Categories.CategoryName, Categories.ParentID, CTE_Example.Depth + 1 AS Depth, Row_Number() OVER (ORDER BY Categories.CategoryName) AS RowNumFROM CategoriesJOIN CTE_Example ON Categories.ParentID = CTE_Example.CategoryID)SELECT * FROM CTE_Example WHERE RowNum BETWEEN @Start AND @End ORDER BY RowNum
I think the problem comes down to the Union, appreciate if someone can help.
Many thanks,

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Recursive Queries/Update Statement

May 22, 2008

Trying to update a single value within a table, thus eliminating nulls. Another words, if the value is NULL update it with the next preceeding non-null value. In this example, 1 should be CO, 2 should be CO, 6 should be CO, 8 should be TT, and 10 should be TT.

For example,

3 CO
4 CO
5 CO
7 TT
9 TT

Any ideas? Thanks.

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Queries On Recursive Self Join Tables

Oct 24, 2007

Good morning!
Or good "whatever daytime you read this"!

SQL Server 2005 has this nice new feature Common table expression or CTE, which allows quite easy to define a "drill down" in recursive self join tables.

By recursive self join tables I mean this common example:
idPerson INT <--------|
idReportsTo INT ---------|
PersonName VARCHAR

A CTE to "go down" the tree from any entry point and find all subs to a parent entry is well documented. I managed to make myself a CTE and use it a lot!

What I find myself needing too often is:
a) Look up from a deep position and find the entry that is for example 3 steps above my reference in the branch
b) Look up from a deep position and find the one that is 2nd or 3rd level (absolute) from top of the tree in the branch

I did try quite some versions, but I cannot get it to work. Any idea how you do the "drill up" with a CTE or another SQL solution.
Of course performance is always needed, so I'd like to avoid the cursors I got it working with and use now. (It is not working good I admit...)


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SQL 2012 :: Sort Tree Members In Right (tree) Structure?

Apr 6, 2015

I got assignment, how to make it appear in the right order .

SELECT 'MAC' EmpID, 'A' ManID, 'Name__' EmpName UNION ALL
SELECT '1ABA' EmpID, 'MAC' ManID, 'Name____' EmpName UNION ALL
SELECT 'ABB' EmpID, '1ABA' ManID, 'Name______' EmpName UNION ALL
SELECT 'XB' EmpID, 'A' ManID, 'Name__' EmpName UNION ALL
SELECT 'BAC' EmpID, 'XB' ManID, 'Name____' EmpName ) b


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Transact SQL :: Types Don't Match Between Anchor And Recursive Part In Column ParentID Of Recursive Query

Aug 25, 2015

Msg 240, Level 16, State 1, Line 14

Types don't match between the anchor and the recursive part in column "ParentId" of recursive query "tmp". Below is query,

DECLARE @TBL TABLE (RowNum INT, DataId int, DataName NVARCHAR(50), RowOrder DECIMAL(18,2) NULL, ParentId INT NULL)
(1, 105508, 'A', 1.00, NULL),
(2, 105717, 'A1', NULL, NULL),
(3, 105718, 'A1', NULL, NULL),
(4, 105509, 'B', 2.00, NULL),
(5, 105510, 'C', 3.00, NULL),
(6, 105514, 'C1', NULL, NULL),


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How To Convert Recursive Function Into Recursive Stored Procedure

Jul 23, 2005

I am having problem to apply updates into this function below. I triedusing cursor for updates, etc. but no success. Sql server keeps tellingme that I cannot execute insert or update from inside a function and itgives me an option that I could write an extended stored procedure, butI don't have a clue of how to do it. To quickly fix the problem theonly solution left in my case is to convert this recursive functioninto one recursive stored procedure. However, I am facing one problem.How to convert the select command in this piece of code below into an"execute" by passing parameters and calling the sp recursively again.### piece of code ############SELECT @subtotal = dbo.Mkt_GetChildren(uid, @subtotal,@DateStart, @DateEnd)FROM categories WHERE ParentID = @uid######### my function ###########CREATE FUNCTION Mkt_GetChildren(@uid int, @subtotal decimal ,@DateStart datetime, @DateEnd datetime)RETURNS decimalASBEGINIF EXISTS (SELECTuidFROMcategories WHEREParentID = @uid)BEGINDECLARE my_cursor CURSOR FORSELECT uid, classid5 FROM categories WHERE parentid = @uiddeclare @getclassid5 varchar(50), @getuid bigint, @calculate decimalOPEN my_cursorFETCH NEXT FROM my_cursor INTO @getuid, @getclassid5WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINFETCH NEXT FROM my_cursor INTO @getuid, @getclassid5select @calculate = dbo.Mkt_CalculateTotal(@getclassid5, @DateStart,@DateEnd)SET @subtotal = CONVERT (decimal (19,4),(@subtotal + @calculate))ENDCLOSE my_cursorDEALLOCATE my_cursorSELECT @subtotal = dbo.Mkt_GetChildren(uid, @subtotal,@DateStart, @DateEnd)FROM categories WHERE ParentID = @uidENDRETURN @subtotalENDGORod

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MS SQL Server Tree Structure

Sep 11, 2007

Can anyone please help me? I need to create a tree structure of my company's database server. I need to include all the tables and their description in a tree structure. The output can be in any format. Is there some tool in the MSSql that will do this for me, so I don't have to write it out manualy?? Thank you very much for any ideas!!

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Decision Tree In MS SQL Server

Jun 28, 2007


Can we represent the Decision Tree in a programatically way in an .NET application? I understand that the outcome of a Decision Tree model can be integrated into an .NET application but not sure if we can also visualize it. Does MS SQL Server support any API to render such a tree?

Thanks a lot!

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Hierarchy Tree In Sql Server

May 15, 2008


do we have hierarchy query in sql like connect by prior in oracle to dispaly values in tree structure

Help needed

Tahnks in advance

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SQL Server 2012 :: Traversing Down A Tree

Feb 9, 2015

I'm working with a development bug database where if someone puts in a bug number, they want to get the parent bug. No problem.

SET @cur_parent = (SELECTdupeof_key
FROMqds.dbo.Dimduplicates d
WHEREd.dupe_key = @checkbug
ANDd.end_ts IS NULL)
WHILE @cur_parent IS NOT NULL

[Code] ...

However, now they want to be able to do the same thing in reverse. Put in a bug and determine how many bugs are duplicates (either directly - children, or indirectly - grandchildren/great-grandchildren, etc.).

The majority of bugs go no more than three generations deep but there are some that go much deeper so I need to have something where I can loop through each potential generation and get the number of bugs associated with it.


Parent Bug Child Grandchild GGChild
1 2 3 4
1 5
1 28 32
1 40 41 42
1 50
1 60
1 65 70

If I put in bug 1 I should be able to get a count of 13 associated duplicate bugs. Additionally, they want to be able to get a list of the bugs that are associated with that parent.

If there were a set number of levels, self-joining would work to create a generational matrix. However, as there is no limit on how deep the generations can go, I need something dynamic to traverse the tree and generate the list of bugs/count of bugs.

It was easy going up the tree because there was a strict one-to-one relationship between child and parent.

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Sql Server 2005 And Tree Structures

Mar 9, 2007

I am trying to traverse a tree structure like below,

1 Pets
--1.1 Cat
----1.1.1 Persian
----1.1.2 Bengal
--1.2 Dog
----1.2.1 Poodle
2 etc

I would like to be able to search by a keyword, i.e. Poodle, or the reference number, i.e. 1.2.1. I would prefer to do this all through a stored procedure if possible, it seems recursion is the way to go as the number of levels may increase in the future but i'm completely new to this. From what i've seen so far I would need a table structure with a parentID,NodeID,Name field and Primary key.



i've heard that SQL SERVER 2005 provides recursion through CTE, is this the recommended way/only way to achieve this?

Any tips on where to start would be really appreciated.

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Tree View With A SQL Server Database

Jul 20, 2005

We need to present hierarchical data on a web page, the same way thetree view shows files in Windows Explorer. Here's the catch: thattree view needs to be bound to a SQL Server database. How can this bedone?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Many To Many Recursive CTE

Feb 17, 2014

I have the following table:-

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TransactionComponents](
[pkTransactionComponent] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[pkTransactionID] [int] NOT NULL,
[ComponentID] [int] NULL

With the following data:-

INSERT [dbo].[TransactionComponents]([pkTransactionID], [ComponentID])

[Code] ....

pkTransactionID and ComponentID both link to the same column on another table this enables a many to many relationship, what I need to figure out is a complete tree of relationships from one of the ID's in it. I think I need to write a recursive CTE to achieve this but I am not entirely sure how to write it. Below is my attempt:-

SET @ID = 1;
cteTxHeirachy (TxID, RelTxID, TxLevel)

[Code] ...

This returns:-


But the following are missing:-

10 2
2 11
2 12

3 and 4 should not be returned. I figured if I added the code that is commented out in the CTE that should give me everything but I think I get caught in an infinite loop.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Export Tree Data To XML

Feb 23, 2015

I am trying to output the hierarchical data of a tree to xml format.

I can query the data from the tables into a friendly format like this:

create table dummy
id int,
childname nvarchar(max),
parentid int,
parentname nvarchar(max)

[Code] ....

And I always know the root ID from the first record on "table" dummy (generated with a common table expression), in this case it's ID 1, but from here, how to process this for any level of depth ?

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How To Get 2 Level Tree Node In The Sql Server 2005

May 30, 2008


How to get 2 level tree node in the sql server 2005. We have table with data.On load we populate the tree in

Vinayak Panchal

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'Recursive Stored Procedure In SQL SERVER

Aug 31, 2003


I have 2 SQL SERVER tables MSTHDRML (Header table) & MSTDTLML(details Table)


MLID int 4
MLITemID int 4
ConcatStringvarchar 20


MLID int40
ItemID int40
Qty money81

The MLID in the header table will be generated automatically.All the Parents will be stored in the HEADER and their childs in the DETAIL.When a child is added to a parent,the Parent's MLID will be stored in the MLID field in the DETAIL table with the newly added child.That child will come to the PARENT table when a child is added to that.The MLITEM id in the parent table can be repeated when that item undergoes a rivision.But the MLID for this will be a new one.An item in the Parent Table can have any number of childs and these childs can have any number of children(there is no limit for the level.)

Some Sample Data

MLIDMLITemID ConcatStringEffectiveDateFromEffectiveDateTo
11000 56V 01/06/200331/12/9999
21003 Red 01/08/200331/12/9999
31001 01/08/200331/12/9999
41007 01/08/200331/12/9999
51008 01/08/200331/12/9999
61002 01/08/200331/12/9999
71005 01/08/200331/12/9999
82000 01/08/200331/12/9999

11001Round 10
11002Square 20
21004Blue 19
11005Green 22
31007Flat 223
41008 100
51009 200
61010 11
71011 22
71010 45
71012 454
82001 5

Now if i select an item id '1000' (for example from the Header Table) with a concatstring (it could be without a concat string also).all its childs and their children should be printed in a report like the following

--- 1001
| |
| --1007
| |_ 1008
----1002 |__1009
| |_1010

************************************************** ***************************
************************************************** ***************************

How can this be done.Is it necessary to use a recursive function in a stored procedure to generate this ...... i have never used Recursive function in SQL SERVER Stored Procedures.Can anyone help me on this(with Code).if not stored procedure, then what else can be done for this.

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SQL Server 2014 :: Recursive Query Using CTE

Sep 14, 2015

sql recursive query, for example purpose i m providing sample table with insert script

parentid varchar(10), DetailComponent varchar(10) , DetailLevel int)

SELECT '','7419-01',0 union all
SELECT '7419-01','44342-00',1 union all
SELECT '7419-01','45342-00',1 union all
SELECT '7419-01','46342-00',1 union all
SELECT '7419-01','47342-00',1 union all
SELECT '7419-01','48342-00',1 union all
SELECT '7419-01','49342-00',1 union all


From the above table data i want a search query , for example if I search data with "52342-00" I want output to be below format using CTE.


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Recursive Triggers In SQL SERVER 2005

Oct 28, 2007

I have searched the net for atmost two days to find the solution of this problem but we not able to get the solution. I would appritiate if any one could help me in solving this issue:

I have a Table :


1 abc NULL
2 xyz 1
3 hty 2
4 loi 3

I want to write a trigger for deleting the EMPLOYEE with EMPID=1 and the trigger should delete all the employees as there is cascading among them i.e EMPID 1 is the Manager of EMPID=2 and so on..

I found a solution at:
but the solution does not work when i try to implement it . It deletes the record for abc,xyz in the above table but rest are not deleted by the trigger.

Can anybody tell me the exact Trigger code......

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How To Do Recursive Select In SQL Server 2000

May 4, 2006

Suppose there's a table named [Category], which has 2 columns:
CategoryID int,
ParentCategoryID int

Each category, except the top most, has a parent category, it's a 1-to-n parent-children relationship.
Now I want to write a stored proc./function that accepts a CategoryID input parameter, and output all the descendent CategoryIDs (son, grand son, ...). How to do that in MSSQL 2000?

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Recursive Call Of ETL Through SQL Server Job Error

Apr 30, 2008

I have created a package which has to move huge volume of data in chuncks from source to target with a few sorter transformations and many lookup transformation. Once a chunck is completed the Execute SQL Task in the package updates the etldates into a control table against the chunkid. I want this run in a loop, as on completion of a chunk another should start and follow the same process until there are no more chuncks in the control table.
First i execute the package manually, then i have written a trigger to call the SQL Server Job (etl) on update of the dates for the chunkids in the control table. The job when being called by the on update trigger is throwing up the following error. "The job failed. The Job was invoked by User fwt
obin. The last step to run was step 1 (Package1)".
Am i missing something basic here?

PS: So i tried putting the package into a for each loop container, performance suffers. A chunck which used to take 2 hours is taking more than 12 hours to complete. Then i removed sorter transformation and used db sorting in my source OLE db. Then thought of cacheing the lookups but did not know how and what to give so i gave up. While iam here, DB sorting/SSIS sorting? which is better?

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Copy Nested Sub-tree From One Node To Another

May 12, 2015

I have a tree and I need to copy a nested sub-tree (an element with its children, which in turn may have their owns) from one place to another.

The system should allow to handle up to 8 levels. I do know how to move, but cannot figure out how to copy.

Below is a working example With Create Table, Select and Cut / Paste (implemented via Update).

I would like to know how to copy a nested tree with reference id 4451 from Parent_Id 1 to Parent_Id = 2

--***** Table Definition With Insert Into to provide some basic data ****

IF (OBJECT_ID ('myRefTable', 'U') IS NOT NULL)
DROP TABLE myRefTable;

[Code] ....

How to Copy nested sub-tree 4451 with all its children to Parent_Id 2, without deleting from Parent_Id = 1 ?

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Possible To Speed Up The Decision Tree By Clustering The Server 2003

Aug 24, 2007

Dear All,

I have a dataminig programming that need to run for days. Is it possibile to speed up the training process by clustering several server by Windows 2003 clustering services? Is it actually that clustering 2 QUAD core computer is almost giving comparable performance as the sum of the speed of two (There must be some overhead, I know). I am actually familiary with the use of clustering. Is it just for making the server farm more reliable or it will collaborate and speeed up the whole training process?

If it is, is there any limit on the number of cluster is in the cluster. What version of Windows and SQL Server do I need to achieve speed up of data mining training process?

Thanks and regards

Tony Chun Tung Siu

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Recursive Complete Path On SQL SERVER 2005 ???

Apr 18, 2008


I'm having this table:

2 1 Sections
3 2 Bin
4 3 Data
5 4 FinancialReport.doc
6 4 DebtReport.doc
7 3 db.dll

I would like to create a store procedures that will return me a full path by passing a PathID

I started with this code:

DECLARE @path_id int
SET @path_id = 5;
WITH fullPath (PathID, ParentPathID, Path)
SELECT PathID, ParentPathID, Path
FROM tblPath WHERE PathID = @path_id
SELECT tblPath.PathID, tblPath.ParentPathID, tblPath.Path AS Path
FROM tblPath
JOIN fullPath ON tblPath.PathID = fullPath.ParentPathID
SELECT * FROM fullPath

This code will return this:
2 1 Sections
3 2 Bin
4 3 Data
5 4 FinancialReport.doc

What I would like to get is something like this:

Any help would be really appreciated. Lost too much time on it already.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Subtotal In Recursive Query

Feb 17, 2014

i've following data in a recursive query:



in few words i need subtotal only for who have children.I tried with rollup but i wasn't able to have it similar to the aspected.I put it the level just to let clearer the dependencies.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Can Use Lag To Avoid Recursive CTEs?

May 13, 2014

Let's say I have a scalar functions that I'd like it's input to be the output from the previous row, with a recursive CTE I can do the following:

;with rCTE(iterations,computed) as (
select 0 [iterations], 1e+0 [computed]
union all
select iterations+1,dbo.f(computed)
from where rCTE
where iterations < 30
select * from rCTE

Thus for each iteration, is the nTh fold of the function f applied to 1. [e.g 5 is f(f(f(f(f(1)))))]

However, for some illogical reason this relatively simple function did lots of read and write in tempdb. Can I reform this query somehow to just use lag instead? I know for a fact I only want to get let's say 30 iterations. It'd be very nice to be able to enjoy a window spool which will spawn a worktable with minimal IO.

I know I can put 30 rows into a table variable and do a quirky update across it, but Is there a nice way to do this without doing some sort of hack.

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Time Series In SQL Server 2005 Desicion Tree Interpretation

Aug 12, 2007

Dear All
The problem is I am going to predict the production for different category of product.
attributes are
year - key
A production - predict only
B production -predict only
C production -predict only

And in the SQL it is impossible to to give input and predict (I am not sure whether that is a error or not).

And in the decision tree
for the
Product A - get as product A >=12324
Product B year > 2000
Product C product C >=35454

I want to know why the label is changing time to time.
Please help me on this. Thank you

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SQL Server 2012 :: Lowest Child In Recursive Query?

Jan 13, 2015

I have following input:

Childid varchar(20),
Parentid varchar(20)
SELECT '123' , null UNION ALL
SELECT '456' , '123' UNION ALL
SELECT '789' , '456' UNION ALL
SELECT '870' , '456' UNION ALL
SELECT '985' , '870';


Child IDParent ID
123 NULL
456 123
789 456
870 456
985 870

I am trying to populate lowest level child with path and depth...Output should be:

Child IDParent IDLast ChildPath Depth
123 NULL 789/123 1
456 123 789/123/456 2
789 456 789/123/456/789 3
123 NULL 985 /123 1
456 123 985/123/456 2
870 456 985/123/456/870 3
985 870 985/123/456/870/9854

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