Reformat Of A Date Column
Nov 14, 2011
I need to perform caculations on two date columns using datediff. The issue I have is that some of the date columns only have mm/yyyy. When this occurs I need to change the value to mm/dd/yyyy and insert 15 as the dd.My caculations are as follows without the required modification above.
- CASE WHEN Start_DATE >=DateAdd(yy,DateDIFF(yy,DOB,Start_DATE), DOB) THEN 0 ELSE 1
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Jun 5, 2008
I have a table called #table1 which is populated as in the example below.
I would like to write a selectinsert statement based on #table1 that populates #table2 like in the #table2 example.
Note #table2 is a fixed table that follows the structure below.
Can any of you T-SQL gurus help me with my problem?
Any help will be most appreciated.
Please paste T-SQL into query window
--max of 5 orders
custID nvarchar(6),
dateorder [datetime] NULL,
order1 nvarchar(2),
order2 nvarchar(2),
order3 nvarchar(2),
order4 nvarchar(2),
order5 nvarchar(2)
Insert into #table1
select '012345','2008-04-19 00:00:00.000' , '01', '06', '05', null, null UNION all
select '012345','2008-04-20 00:00:00.000' , '01', '07', '05', '07', '03' UNION all
select '012345','2008-04-21 00:00:00.000' , '01', '06', null, null, null UNION all
select '012345','2008-04-22 00:00:00.000' , '01', '02', '05', '07', null UNION all
select '012345','2008-04-23 00:00:00.000' , '03', '06', null, null, null UNION all
select '987654','2008-04-21 00:00:00.000' , '19', '21', null, null, null UNION all
select '987654','2008-04-22 00:00:00.000' , '01', '02', '05', '16', null UNION all
select '987654','2008-04-23 00:00:00.000' , '03', '06', null, null, null
select * from #table1
--This is the table i would like to insert my data into
--max of 5 orders in 1 day
--it does not matter what date the date order was made the 1st date would appear in dateorder1 and so on...
custID nvarchar(6),
dateorder1 [datetime] NULL,
order1_1 nvarchar(2),
order1_2 nvarchar(2),
order1_3 nvarchar(2),
order1_4 nvarchar(2),
order1_5 nvarchar(2),
dateorder2 [datetime] NULL,
order2_1 nvarchar(2),
order2_2 nvarchar(2),
order2_3 nvarchar(2),
order2_4 nvarchar(2),
order2_5 nvarchar(2),
dateorder3 [datetime] NULL,
order3_1 nvarchar(2),
order3_2 nvarchar(2),
order3_3 nvarchar(2),
order3_4 nvarchar(2),
order3_5 nvarchar(2),
dateorder4 [datetime] NULL,
order4_1 nvarchar(2),
order4_2 nvarchar(2),
order4_3 nvarchar(2),
order4_4 nvarchar(2),
order4_5 nvarchar(2),
dateorder5 [datetime] NULL,
order5_1 nvarchar(2),
order5_2 nvarchar(2),
order5_3 nvarchar(2),
order5_4 nvarchar(2),
order5_5 nvarchar(2)
Insert into #table2
select '012345','2008-04-19 00:00:00.000' , '01', '06', '05', null, null, '2008-04-20 00:00:00.000' , '01', '07', '05', '07', '03','2008-04-21 00:00:00.000' , '01', '06', null, null, null,'2008-04-22 00:00:00.000' , '01', '02', '05', '07', null,'2008-04-23 00:00:00.000' , '03', '06', null, null, null UNION all
select '987654','2008-04-21 00:00:00.000' , '19', '21', null, null, null ,'2008-04-22 00:00:00.000' , '01', '02', '05', '16', null,'2008-04-23 00:00:00.000' , '03', '06', null, null, null , null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null
select * from #table2
drop table #table1
drop table #table2
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Sep 28, 2015
Basically, the sample raw data is a result from my last cte process which consolidate all the records. I want to find the closest date in PO ended using Receipt_date column but my problem, for this ESN R9000000000019761824, i wanted to get the latest or the last transaction date.
please see below DDL and sample data.
--this is the result from my last cte process
Create table #sample
(ESN nvarchar(35),ESN2 nvarchar(35), Receipt_Date datetime,PO_ENDED datetime)
insert into #sample(ESN,ESN2,Receipt_Date,PO_ENDED)values('990002036924452','990002036924452','2015-01-07 17:39:44.660','2014-01-09 04:13:29.000')
[Code] .....
Expected result:
990002036924452-------990002036924452--2015-01-07 17:39:44.660--2015-04-23 20:26:55.000
990002038378525-------990002038378525--2015-01-07 05:29:56.923--2015-05-29 14:50:52.000
R9000000000019761824--354403060637509--2015-01-03 19:23:54.980--2015-03-20 16:43:07.000
[Code] ....
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May 5, 2008
Hi i have a long query which goes something like this:
SELECT e.LoginID, d.Name, e.Title As 'Worktitle', e.MaritalStatus,
e.Gender, c.FirstName + ' ' + c.LastName AS 'FullName', c.EmailAddress,
c.Phone, a.AddressLine1, a.AddressLine2, s.Name As 'ShiftName', p.Rate,
p.PayFrequency, t.Name
FROM EmployeePayHistory p INNER JOIN
Employee e ON p.EmployeeID = e.EmployeeID
INNER JOIN Contact c ON e.ContactID = c.ContactID
INNER JOIN EmployeeDepartmentHistory ed ON ed.EmployeeID = e.EmployeeID
INNER JOIN Shift s ON s.ShiftID = ed.ShiftID
INNER JOIN Department d ON d.DepartmentID = ed.DepartmentID
INNER JOIN EmployeeAddress ea ON ea.EmployeeID = e.EmployeeID
INNER JOIN Address a ON a.AddressID = ea.AddressID
INNER JOIN StateProvince sp ON sp.StateProvinceID = a.StateProvinceID
INNER JOIN SalesTerritory t ON sp.TerritoryID = t.TerritoryID
ORDER BY e.EmployeeID
My problem is that in EmployeePayHistory there are rows repeated for the same employees, so for example, employee with ID of 2 has 3 rows and each row has different information and there's a RateChangeDate column so I want to select only the most recent RateChangeDate. But I don't want this column to appear, how do i do this?
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Nov 6, 2014
Table created
declare @t table
Qtr VARCHAR(1000),visittype VARCHAR(1000),
CMSContractID VARCHAR(1000,memid VARCHAR(1000),
CarrierMemID VARCHAR(1000),HeadOfHouse VARCHAR(1000),
dobdatetime ,FullName VARCHAR(1000),minstartdt datetime,maxenddt datetime
[Code] ....
Expected output:
06/01/2014 - 08/31/2014EDH8677CA140812115 1000000039546468-Apr-54TOM5-Jul-146-Jul-14
06/01/2014 - 08/31/2014EDH8677CA140812115 1000000039546468-Apr-54TOM9-Jul-149-Jul-14
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