Refresh Destination Table (Replication)
Dec 25, 2012
I have two program (App1 And App2) on two separate system.on App1 there is a database named DB1 and on App2 there is a database named DB2.on DB1 i create a table named Table_1 .i define replication for DB1 to push publication (for table_1) .
I define DB2 as a subscriber to receive all changes on [DB1].[Table_1]. every thing is ok but just one thing. when App1 and App2 both are running if i change the contents of [DB1].[Table_1] this change only shown if one time i exit from App2 and rerun it . how can i refresh App2 without rerun it?
A friend said to me it is possible with trigger, but how? I don't know how can i define a trigger for this reason . or any way that exist for this reason.
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Jul 15, 2007
In Transactional Replication -while Publisher, Distributer & Subscriber are on same instance- can I have additional columns in destination Table & set "Action if name is in use" for related Article to "Keep existing object unchanged"?
I do this but even Snapshot is not transfered to destination table!!
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Jan 13, 2006
Can i referesh a open table?
The scenario is that i have two windows open... one is the table and the other is the query that modifies the same table. I was wondering if there is a way to refresh the table so that after i modify the table i don't have to close it and reopen it to verify the changes.
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Apr 7, 2008
Now, that when I open a access I need to go to Data -> Databse Utilities - > Refresh Table Manager. Then I select which table to refresh. Is there a way to make it auto refresh when I the database?
Any help would be greatly appreciate.
Thank You
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Nov 26, 2002
Hi Gurus,
We have a SQL 2000 DB1 ( publisher) which is replicated using transactional replcation onto the secondary server DB2 ( subscriber). we have identity columns on the DB1 and we created those tables with 'not for replication' clause. we skipped the following errors in the replication profile '2601:2627:8102:20598'. on DB2 ( the subscriber ) some records are missing in some tables . ( I verified this with record count differences for some tables in both the servers DB1 & DB2.
How to find out what are all the records missing & the cause.
I have listed the msrepl_errors table on DB1 , distribution databases all I'm seeing there are error code 8102 , unable to update identity column.
Any Idea is appreciated.
- Thanks
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Nov 18, 2007
Hi all,
I have created an SSIS package to export rows of data from SQL to Access using SSIS package. The package is executed from web application. Below is what i want to achieve:
-User enters a date range
-SSIS package will export data between the date range from SQL to Access database.
-When user enter another date range, I want to clear the contents of the Access database. (Im using Execute Sql Task--- Delete tablename)
The problem is that when I look at the table after the second user request, the fields will show #deleted. Only after i click refresh will the new data appear. How can I make the data appear without manually refreshing the Access table.
Thks alot.
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Dec 21, 2014
My PowerPivot workbook, is generating new tables on each refresh.
When opened up the workbook I find a dozen tables named, "Query1", "Query2", "Query3" etc.
It's pulling data from SQL Server.
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Sep 13, 2004
Good day!
I am getting a bizard error here...
I am trying to drop replication off a database, and funny enough went trough all the steps and I am still getting the error when I try to Disable publishing.
I also did an EXEC sp_removedbreplication 'databasename'
Any ideas?
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Aug 6, 2007
My company is moving to a SQL Server-based packaged application early next year. We€™re planning our SQL Server architecture but have some questions that I can€™t readily find answers for. I€™m hoping someone here can point me in the right direction.
We have three servers, I€™ll call them A, B, and C. We want to duplicate all changes to certain databases on server A to server B, then duplicate changes to selected databases and tables on server B to server C.
Ideally we€™d run SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition on all three servers, but the packaged application vendor does not support SQL Server 2005 yet, only SQL Server 2000. Our license agreement with them does not allow us to use replication on server A. We€™re free to do whatever we want on our other SQL Servers, but server A must sit alone, untouched, like a monolith on a far-away moon. (I€™m lobbying to have the server named Tycho, or TMA2.) Stranger still, they€™re OK with log shipping from server A to other servers. We€™ve tried to explain that replication and log shipping are both core function built into SQL Server, and that if one is acceptable, then both should be. Their fear is that replication could cause performance and stability problems, and to eliminate this possibility they€™re ruling out replication on server A.
Given these constraints we€™re resigned to using SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition on servers A and B, and SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition on server C. We plan on periodically shipping logs from server A to server B and applying them at server B.
We€™d like to know if it is possible to also use transactional replication on server B to duplicate changes from server B to server C. I€™ve used log shipping and replication in the past, but never at the same time. My understanding is that a database goes into recovery mode while a transaction log is being applied and that any user changes to the database after the log has been applied will cause later log applications to fail. The scripts I€™ve seen that are used to apply the transaction logs put the database into single user mode after the log has been applied to prevent this.
This raises a few questions:
If we try to RESTORE a log to a database being used as a source for transactional replication articles, will the RESTORE fail? Or will the RESTORE start and break the transactional replication? I€™ll test this on my own, but it€™d be nice to know if anyone has already experienced this.
Is it possible for us to have a database in read-only mode serve as the source for transactional replication articles? (I can€™t imagine why not, ever though it seems counter-intuitive - why would you want to replicate transactions from a database that has no transactions?)
If the answer to number two is yes, can we suspend transactional replication on a database, RESTORE a log to the database, put the database into read-only mode after the RESTORE, and restart the replication on the database?
Thanks in advance for sharing your wisdom, everyone!
Thomas C. Mueller
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Jul 8, 2015
Is it possible to generate automatic refresh of excel 2013 table which displays some table of a power pivot model on file open?? I dont want to use pivottable (which supports this ...)
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Jun 13, 2007
Im from Russia, sorry if my english is not very good.
Here's the case:
I made a DTS-package in sql2000 that transfers the [sql table] into [dbf file] via jet4.
First i create (in delphi) the empty dbf with the same name and columns same as in sql table.
Second, I run my DTS with variables - source and destination table names
In DTS there is source, destination and transformation . After I send the Variables(table names)
, the transformation "arrow" needs to be "refreshed" to make column names in both tables correspond each other. For that in transformation I chose ActiveXScript Mode and wright VB Script:
' Visual Basic Transformation Script
' Copy each source column to the destination column
Function Main()
dim i
For i = 1 To DTSSource.Count
DTSDestination(i) = DTSSource(i)
Main = DTSTransformStat_OK
End Function
And it works
I want to do same thing in sql2005 SSIS but don't figure out how...
I managed to make a package that recieves (in variables) table names and runs correctly.
But after I change those variable names into any other it crashes -
Description: "component "OLE DB Source" (1)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_NEEDSNEWMETADATA".
Of cource this happens 'cause I didn't "refresh" the transformatoin (and maybe also source and dest), but I don't know how.
Anyone can help ?!
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Apr 1, 2014
I am stuck on finding a solution to transpose source data from a system via a metadata look-up table into a destination table. I need a method to transpose/pivot the source data into columns (which are by various data-types). The datatypes for each column are listed in a metadata table.
Source Data Table:
Table Name: Source
SrcID AGE City Date
01 32 London 01-01-2013
02 35 Lagos 02-01-2013
03 36 NY 03-01-2013
Metadata Table:
Table Name:Metadata
MetaID Column_Name Column_type
11 AGE col_integer
22 City col_character
33 Date col_date
Destination table:
The source data to be loaded into the destination table(as shown below):
Table Name: Destination
SrcID MetaID col_int col_char col_date
01 11 32 - -
01 22 - London -
01 33 - - 01-01-2013
02 11 35 - -
02 22 - Lagos -
02 33 - - 02-01-2013
03 11 36 - -
03 22 - NY -
03 33 - - 03-01-2013
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Jan 17, 2002
In my production box is running on SQL7.0 with Merge replication and i want add one more table and i want add one more column existing replication table. Any body guide me how to add .This is very urgent
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Mar 2, 2004
My DTS package does nothing special it just pulls in an data from another server (specifying the SQL in a Global V).
This data is then altered using various Stored Procedures.
What would be nice is if the data's destination table could be a #temp table (within tempdb) and then my sps could access it and perform their various operations.
At the moment i cannot get this to work and instead all i can think of is to Create a table within the main working db and insert the data into that and then insert the data into a #temp table and DROP the table i created in the working database.
There must be a better way to achieve this.
Is there any way to copy the data straight to the #temp table i have created?
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Feb 8, 2007
How to create a new table dynamically in OLE DB destination.
This is what i am doing
I am reading multiple flat files in loop and saving file name to a variable. Then i have a source script component which read and transforms data .Now how can I push the data to SQL table. I want to create a new table with name saved in a variable. I tried using OLE DB destination and assigning table name from variable. Does'nt work.
Thanks in advance for any insight on how to make this work.
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Jun 27, 2007
I need to truncate the Destination table every time before the data is loaded.
I had checked out in OLE DB Destination properties but couldn€™t find any information on truncate table.
In INFORMATICA we have a properties setting for truncating the table every time the data get loaded.
I€™m looking for this option in SSIS can any one guide me on this.
Thank you,
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Nov 7, 2005
In my Data Flow I have a OLE DB Destination that needs to get the table name to write the data to dynamicaly from a variable I created.
So I select "table name or view name variable" from the Data access mode and select my variable below. So far so good, but when I click "ok" I get the following error message :
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Sep 23, 1998
Has anyone done this before?
Transfer table from one server to another (using EM) and create the destination table using a different table name.
The `Transfer` tool in EM do not allow name change.
I`d appreciate any help from you if you`ve done it successfully.
Thanks in advance.
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Sep 21, 2006
I have a data flow task that performs an "upsert" by directing successful rows from a Lookup to an OLE DB Command that updates rows and unsuccessful rows (Lookup error output) to an OLE DB Destination for insertion.
The problem is that execution hangs when both tasks update/insert into the same table (execution is still hung after 20 minutes). Modifying the OLE DB Destination to insert into a different table succeeds (execution completese within 2 minutes). Replacing the OLE DB Destination with a Row Count transformation also works.
Could this be due to a table-locking issue? Any suggestions?
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Mar 17, 2008
I created a package using the Import Data wizard and everything works fine when I re-execute it. I needed to change the name of the destination table so I went into SQL Server and renamed the table. I then went in and edited the DTSX file via a text editor and changed the OpenRowset setting from [CMBS].[dbo].[raw_Note] -> [CMBS].[dbo].[T_Raw_Note]
<property id="104" name="OpenRowset" dataType="System.String" state="default" isArray="false" description="Specifies the name of the database object used to open a rowset." typeConverter="" UITypeEditor="" containsID="false" expressionType="None">[CMBS].[dbo].[T_Raw_Note]</property>
There are no other references to the table in the DTSX, i saved the file and then re-ran.
When I run, I get invalid object name dbo.raw_Note (old table name). Is there some data being cached somewhere or hidden elsewhere that it would reference the old table? When I go back into the DTSX file, the correct name is in there so I don't know where it is getting the old name from? Any help would be appreciated.
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Apr 12, 2007
I want to do the following in a package:
Create a table at the beginning of a package (using a ExecuteSQLTask component) and then use the created table as a OLE DB destination component, later on the package.
Is this possible in SSIS?
The problem I run into is that I have to point the OLE DB destination component to a table and set up mappings, however as the table does not exist until the package is running, it does not seem to be possible.
I've looked at:
Which is slightly similar to what I want, but the table I create would not be a temp tables, and I need to set up mappings and I don't see how this is possible.
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Feb 20, 2006
I have searched the SSIS forum for an answer to my question, and I think I have found my answer but what i have read does not come out directly and answer my question.
I am attempting to create an SSIS package that imports data from a Visual Foxpro table into a SQL Server table. From what I have read, the source and destination tables must match column for column. Is this correct? My SQL Server table has a few more columns in it. However, i consistently get "Cannot create connector. The destination component does not have any available inputs...blah".
From what i have read, it sound like the reasoning is that my source and destination tables do not match.
Is this correct, or am i barking up the wrong tree?
Thanks in advance...
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Jul 2, 2007
Short Question: How do I delete all records from a destination table prior to appending new data to that table?
I am working with a SQL database that was migrated from MS Access. All relationships, primary keys, and identity columns have been set identically to the MS Access database values. The MS Access database is still being used as the database of record until the SQL database is fully functional with front-end, etc.
I want to delete the information stored in all the SQL tables, and then append the MS Access values to the SQL tables. I was able to write delete and append queries in MS Access to correctly transfer data to the SQL tables. However, I would prefer doing this through SSIS because I have several other sources of data to move to a SQL Server database and most of those other sources are not a MS Access database.
Due to relational entegrity settings, I need to delete the records from 8 tables in a specific order. I have tried independent control objects for each of the 8 tables with data flow objects of either "OLE DB Command" or "OLE DB Source" with the SQL command as "Delete From TableName". Results of the debug indicate everything is "green" but no records were deleted fromt the tables.
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Jan 26, 2007
Is there any way around (or will there be) using the drop-down? It takes several minutes when running against an Oracle Apps database to populate that dropdown with the several hundreds of tables and views.
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Apr 18, 2008
I am having a Data flow task in For each loop which will gets 100 sourcetable names and 100 target table names...
am having a simpleData flow task which trasferes from OLEDBSource to OLEDBDestination.
I am repeating the Dataflow task which transfers from sourcetablename extracted from for loop to a destination table var.
The problem am gettting is for the first table it is able to transfer correcly because I did mapping for those tables at design time...but for the next coming sourcetable-desttable (which r having different no of cols,datatypes) its giving Validation failed...and...needs to refresh metadata....
is there any way to refresh the metadata of Data flow task (I set the property of OLEDBSource validate external meta to false then also same error is coming)
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Dec 2, 2014
I used bulk insert to insert a txt file into a table. It works fine. (see code below) Now, one txt file with column's name at first row and has about 200 columns. There is no table created before. How to code to create a destination table based on first row of the txt file so that bulk insert will work for that txt file?
FROM 'c:order.TXT'
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Sep 22, 2013
I want to process data from source table to destination table without using cursor.
At this point; we are creating temp table and inserting data from source to temp table. once we get data into temp table; using while loop we are processing record one by one to destination table.
while executing stored procedure; we noticed that there are few records in source table which are invalid and stored procedure is terminating from such records.
Any better approach to log INVALID data and resume code to process next record instead of terminating.
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Sep 26, 2006
hi all,
i'm a newbie in SSIS. i created a package to transfer data from one table to another. before the data flow, i added a Execute SQL Task package that truncate the dest table if it exists and create a new one if it doesn't.
i'll encounter an error (invalid object name) when i run the whole package but no error if i execute the tasks 1 by 1.
what's the workaround for this? thanks!
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Sep 26, 2007
I have a series of data flow tasks that I want to output to a temp table. I've set the data source for RetainSameConnection and the Data Flows are DelayValidation. The OLE DB data source inside the Data Flow works fine, but the data destinations don't offer a # or ## as a target. I've tried every destination that sounds logical, without success.
Any pointers? ... Thanks!
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Feb 17, 2007
I'm programmatically able to import data between tables when the Destination table already exists but when Detination table has to be created on the fly (Name will be provided), I'm not successful in doing so.
Basically the requirement is to dump the resultset from the source in to a temp table so that the temp (Destination) table matches the Source's Schema exactly.
Has anybody done that?
Any help in this regard is greatly appreciated.
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Sep 17, 2007
Dear Members,
I extracted data from a flat file using SSIS package and load them into destination table. One column contains no data. Data type of that column is varchar(9). I want to display "NULL" values in that column.
I used LOOK up transformation and used the following query.
SELECT PassThroughRouting =
CASE PassThroughRouting
But it gives a error message.
Does any body can help me?
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Apr 23, 2015
I have a simple powershell script, that is writing single row to remote SQL server as sort of keepalive solution for branch machine. It opens System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection, SqlBulkCopy writes table, and closes connection.
Sometimes script throws an error in form of - Cannot access destination table.
We are not managing internet connectivity in that place, so I don't know for sure, but can this error be caused by connection timeout that comes when script tries to write ?
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Feb 17, 2006
Hi All,
What is the most straighforward way of not importing rows that already exist in the destination table (as determined by a primary key value)? Thanks.
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