I'm currently working in SSRS 2000. While exporting a report to PDF format, some blank pages are being added in the PDF file. Can you suggest me how to take them off. It is an urgent requirement and any feedbacks are appreciated.
I have developed a report that when displayed in page layout view is giving me blank pages with only heaer & footer information even though none of my groups have page breaks designated. This also occurs when exported to PDF.
Can anyone provide some information on why this is occurring and how to remedy it ?
I've created a simple .rdl report and seems to show the preview under my visual studio. But, when I add the .rdl file into the server and export them to be a .PDF, The pdf is created with two blank pages for every single page with data. Please comment me to fix this.
I created a report with multiy pages and in between every page of data is a blank page. If the Report is Sixteen pages long i get eight blank pages. The Body size of the report is 8.5in, 25.475in. The Report porperities or 8.5 x 11in. Each page has a table with a page break at start set to true. But I still get blank pages in between the report.
I am very new to SSRS. I developed a report which has two subreports in it. Blank page is generated at the end of each Page. Can any one help me how to avoid this.
I ahve a report, that has 24 fields in the layout. When I tried to print the reprot, it prints BLANK pages, in between and at the start. I have confirmed that the width BODY of the report, < width of the report properties. It still prints blank pages.Pl advise.
I am using a matrix control in a report containing 2 subreports. The matrix control is present in one of the subreports. When I export the full report into the PDF,if the matrix are rendered in a single page, the report is fine and there are no blank pages. But when the number of columns exceeds the first page and moves into the second page then there are 3 blank pages in the report for every page with content. The number of blank pages after each page with content is equal to the number of times the matrix would scroll into a new page.
This problem occurs only when I try to generate the whole report in PDF. No blank pages appear when I render subreports into PDFs individually.
When I view my reports in PDF format, I can not view the whole report on a single page. Thats fine with me. But the problem is report is appear on every other page. not on continuous pages. How can I avoid blank pages?
I have a fairly large report with multiple matrix tables. They grow to a fixed width horizontally and may grow to various heights vertically. I have the interactive height set to zero so that it displays on the web page on one screen. When I go to print this report, I am getting a blank page between each page with data. Here are my dimensions:
height: 15 in
width: 8.5 in
interactive height: 0 in
interactive width: 8.5 in
left margin: .5 in
right margin: .5 in
top margin: .5 in
bottom margin: .5 in
height: 13.3875 in
width: 6.9 in
Would this problem be due to the fact that my matrix tables span an area greater than a normal page height in design mode even before they grow dynamically? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I have a master report that contains 4 sub reports. The first two subreports contains matrix controls that can (and will) spill over to a second page. With 5 columns of data the matrix subreports fit nicely onto one page, 6 or more columns and they will spill into a second page. The second two subreports will always fit onto one single page. All four subreports are inside a list control which will repeat for each structure. e.g. Each subreport will be rendered once per structure.
The master report renders perfectly (with no blank pages) whenever the two subreports with the matrix controls fit on one page each. However, whenever the matrix control subreports spill into a second page it causes the master report to insert a blank page after subreport 3 and 4, bare in mind subreport 3 and 4 both fit perfectly on a single page. I've check all margins and page widths etc.
The blank page problem only occurs whenever the matrix needs to span two pages.
Anybody encountered this problem or have any ideas how to fix it? I'm beginning to think it is a bug with reporting services.
I am very new to Reporting Services. When I set the report to landscape, either by setting width and height at 11 X 8.5 when in layout, or by setting landscape in page setup when I am in preview, a blank page prints in between each report page. I've checked the forum, and tried setting margins to 0, but have not had any success. I saw this response:
the body width plus margins should be less than the defined page width. but I'm not sure what settings are being referred to
Hello, I printed Browser Report,but it is getting Blank pages in middle, that is header part only visible for 2 pages and then data getting printed, any ideas??
I wrote a report today containing one grouping. Everything appears all right in the report preview, except that every other page is "blank", i.e., shows only the page header and page footer; all grouping and detail information is missing.
The data on the page following the blank page seems to pick up where the previous non-blank page left off, so all information seems to be present within the report.The report width and height properties are typical portrait-style -- 8.5 x 11 inches. The columns do not "run off the edge" of the report page boundary. I haven't selected any page break for the grouping, as the grouping detail is typically only a few rows long, and would otherwise result in a very large number of pages.
We have a report that has been working fine for almost a year and just recently we found a bug that when we print, the 1st 3 pages each have a single line from the table header and then the details of the table print.
The report table does have 2 subreports in detail rows. We have diligently checked to make sure that the sizes fit in both the main report and the subreports and we know that the report version did not change.
After a little digging we discovered that we recently patched RS to be version 9.2.3042. When we run the report on another RS server that is running 9.00.1406.00, it works fine. Do you know if this could be the cause? If so, is there another patch that addresses the issue?
I have a report that looks and works fine in the native 'screen layout' but when I select the Print Layout option, a blank page is inserted after each page. These blank pages contain the header and footer, but not the body section of the report. Has anyone else seen this sort of thing? Is there something in my report layout causing this, or is it a bug in the Print Layout rendering?
Hi every one, I am facing problem in printing the reports from browser and also when i export it to pdf,the problem i am facing is blank pages are coming when report column getting the large amount of text around 2500 characters into column value. can any one help me in this issue?. if the report is getting acceptable amout of data it is printing in proper way i.e no balnk pages at all.i maintained all properties like margins+body size < page size.
I have created a few reports and linked them to a URL on a web page. (sample link is : http://servername/ReportServer/Pages/ReportViewer.aspx?%2fMy_Reports%2fBacklog+Report&rs:Command=Render )
When the user clicks on the link above it renders correctly but when the user tries to export the report to any format on the list, it launches another window with the following URL : http://servername/ReportServer/Reserved.ReportViewerWebControl.axd?ExecutionID=czq4c355dmsxdy55dif1nm55&ControlID=ad74d68e-2a9c-430f-8655-dd0e6c46f831&Culture=1033&UICulture=9&ReportStack=1&OpType=Export&FileName=Backlog+Report&ContentDisposition=OnlyHtmlInline&Format=EXCEL
which then prompts the user to Open or Save the report.
How do I stop this window from opening ? or how can I make it close automatically ?
Please advise.
I know if I can change the ContentDisposition somehow to AlwaysInline then this extra window will not show during the export but it keeps defaulting to OnlyHTMLInline for ContentDisposition.
My report when rendered to the screen outputs the correct number off pages...HOWEVER when i export it to adobe i get a trailing blank page which accompanies each page break.
Can anyone please help ?
My report has a table which is bounded to a list with separate fields at the top of the list specifying the username in a text field and the table displays the user details, For each user there is a page break.
I have notice when i got rid off the list everything is ok, however the list seems to be within the boundaries of the report
I'm hoping that someone can shed some light on this for me... I'm using SSRS SP2 and I have a basic report using a single list object which, at the moment, should print only two pages based on the results of the underlying query. When previewing the report, it shows the two pages. But when the report is printed or exported, there is a blank page before each report page.
What I've done so far: 1) Verified the properties of the list object and made sure that 'Insert a page break before this list' is not checked
2) Ensured that there are no hidden objects that could be causing this behavior 3) Ensured that the report size + margins are within the boudaries of an standard 8.5x11 paper size
Any suggestions on something that would solve this issue?
in microsoft doc there is written on the topic of BP Extensions with SSD's in SQL Server 2014: only clean pages are written to disk... does this mean data pages that have not been modified yet? or also those data pages that have already been modified, and where log has finished writing and the transaction has been marked as commited??
why are there clean data pages being written to L2 cache to make space for other not modified pages? I mean, shoudnt they be modified first, before letting other unmodified data pages into the Cache? I mean they have still to be modified..that makes no sense to me to page them out and page them in again just for other data pages...
we have migrated from win 2000 to win 2003. now web site which has database connection with sql server 2000 ( running on same win2003 server ) , is running very slow. pl help as soon as possible.
i'm not sure that i understand how sql server stores data.
in documentation, i found that sql server stores data in pages.
every page have size of 8192 bytes (8060).
as i understand well, every table row is stored in one page. also, every table row can not be larger then one page. and that's where my confusion starts - because it sounds like we can not have data in table that is larger then 8060.
please, if you can you help me to understand this.
Hi everyone, I have a simple question about Rows in Pages for you. In my opinion, rows are the storage of the data in databases. I would like to ask that there are any important properties of Rows which I am not aware.
I have a report with a few subreports and after each subreport I've added a page-break. But I want to skip a page and to leave it blank if the previous subreport ends at an odd page, so the next subreport will start at the next odd page instead of the even page.
I use a transparent rectangle to add page breaks after each subreport, but because I don't have access to the Global.PageNumber variable in the body section of the report, I don't know when the page is even, so a second rectangle with a custom expression for the Visibility property is unuseful.
Does anyone know how to fix this issue?
Thank you and I look forward to seeing some suggestions.
I have been looking everywhere and cant seem to find out how to do this using 2.0I would like to have my connection strign in my web.config file being decralred publicly in my pages so that I dont have to repeat lines of code throughout pages.In my web.config I have this.<connectionStrings> <add name="myconn" connectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|ASPNETDB.MDF;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" /> </connectionStrings>then in my pages I haveImports System.DataImports System.Data.SqlClientPublic sqlconnection As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("myconn"))Public sqlcommand As New SqlCommandPublic sqldataAdapter As New SqlDataAdapterPublic sSQL as StringFunction getdata()sSQL = "INSERT INTO tbl_Idea (Status) value (@Status)Dim dbcommand As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(sSQL, sqlconnection)Dim statusparam As New SqlParameter("@Status", SqlDbType.NVarChar)statusparam.Value = "PENDING"dbcommand.Parameters.Add(statusparam)sqlconnection.Open()dbcommand.ExecuteNonQuery()sqlconnection.Close()for some reason this code does not seem to work. It keeps telling me The ConnectionString Property has not been initialized.I do the same thing in my asp.net 1.1 pages using vs 2003. Can some one help or atleast point in the right direction.thanks