Register SQL2k From SQL7

Apr 6, 2001

Does any body know if it is possible to register SQL 2000 server from SQL v7.0 enterprise manager.


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From SQl7 To Sql2k

Apr 6, 2001

I have to move 2 fields from sql 7 to sql 2k .
the field is text.
feild a is text
field b is text.
I have to add field a and field b and move it to another field (say field c which is also text )in sql 2k.
How to go about it?

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SQL7/SQL2K On Same Box: Compatable As 6.5/7.0?

Jan 4, 2001

I don't have any extra machines, so I'm thinking of evaluating SQL2K on one of my existing boxes with SQL 7 already installed. My experience is that SQL 6.5 co-existed extraordinarily well with SQL 7. Does the same apply to the SQL 7 / SQL 2K combination? Thanks!

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SQL7/SQL2K On Same Box: Compatable As 6.5/7.0?

Jan 4, 2001

I don't have any extra machines, so I'm thinking of evaluating SQL2K on one of my existing boxes with SQL 7 already installed. My experience is that SQL 6.5 co-existed extraordinarily well with SQL 7. Does the same apply to the SQL 7 / SQL 2K combination? Thanks!

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Restoring SQL2k Backup In SQL7.0

May 10, 2001

Can we restore a SQL 2k Backup in SQL Server 7.0 database?

Will there be any issues on it?

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Linked Server With SQL7 And SQL2K ...

Aug 16, 2000

Anyone of how to link a SQL2K server to a SQL7.0 server ...

I have tried and the two servers from the NT level can see and talk to each other ... but trying to link the servers is not working ...


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SQL7.0, SQL2K And Linked Servers

Apr 16, 2001

I am running a SQL 2000 server (Server A) on Win2000. I have a seperate server(Server B) running SQL 7.0 on NT6.0. When I attempt to create a linked server From B to A, I am unable to connect but I am able to create a linked server from A to B and connect( but I can go the opposite direction from A to B and connect). We have another server (Server C) that is running SQL 2000 and NT6.0. We can connect from B to C (so we are assuming that issue is not one of version compatability between versions 7.0 and 2000). The server Network configurations on all the servers are the same. The only difference is Win2000. Are there any other factors we may not have considered?


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MDAC2.6 With Sql7 And Sql2k Clients

May 10, 2001


iam under process of upgrading sql7 to sql2000.
already i upgraded clients to sql2000. then i got problem with some of our applications to connect to sql7 server. then i replaced in clients new ntwdblib.dll with old one then it works fine. to overcome this problem shall i install MDAC2.6 on server, where sql7 is there.

Is there any problem to SQLserver7.0 with MDAC2.6 ? because i want to install MDAC2.6 on production server with sql7.0.


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Removing Secondary DB Files - SQL7 To SQL2K

Feb 24, 2003

I'm converting DBs from SQL7 to SQL2K; the previous owner & server issues had created secondary data and/or log files. The size of the databases, and the configuration of the new server, do not warrant those secondary files. In restoring the databases from SQL7 to SQL2K, either by detach/copy/attach or backup/restore, is there a method for deleting the secondary files without, of course, losing any data?!



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Issues With Sql7/sql2k In Win 2003 Domain?

Jan 13, 2005

Just wanted to know if anyone is aware of any issues with NT40/SQL70 & Win2K/SQL2K servers in a Windows 2003 domain? ... or if anyone can point me to some links to read up on ... thanks in advance for any response.

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Can Msdb From SQL2K Personal Edition Be Restored On SQL2K Standard?

Oct 12, 2007

The company for which I work did not have a DBA until I started a few weeks ago. Whoever installed SQL2K used the wrong CD so they have been running Personal Edition on their servers. I have installed a new SQL2K standard instance and have restored everything except the jobs and DTS packages. Can the msdb from the Personal edition be restored to the standard instance?

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Downgrade SQL2K Enterprise To SQL2K Standard

Mar 15, 2007

Is it possible to downgrade SQL from Enterprise to Standard Edition, or do you have to remove the previous installation (uninstall) and reinstall. Meaning you would also have to restore all user databases? Thanks.

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Copy SQL7 To SQL7

Dec 5, 1998

How can I copy a SQL 7 database from one server to another? Please tell me all the ways because I've tried the obvious and it doesn't work. (backup and restore - won't go from one server to another, DTS transfer object Wizard - does a whole pile of errors and doesn't do stored proceedures and trigures). Thanks for help in advance. Also, what is the email address to post to the listserv and where is the FAQ for SQL7? Most of my listserv's tell you where to post right at the bottom of the digest I get - any chance you guys would do that with this list? Thanks again.

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Cannot Register To EM

Jul 18, 2000

Hi all,
I am tring to register a SQL Server 6.5 to EM on a Win95 machine which has Admin tools only.I have tried to change the Client Configuration for
both SQL Server and Windows 95 ,i have TCP/IP and Named Pipes,but its saying server cannot be found can any one pl help me of what i should do...???


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How To Register A Table

Dec 8, 2007

I was advised to use a table in addition to the standard aspnet_ tables for keeping extra data and to register it with the rest of the database. However, when I tried to register it, I couldn't even see a database to choose from then received an error. All the tables, including the ones I created, work when I run my VSE 2005 project. If someone can give me some A-B-C guidance, I'd appreciate it.

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Register Sql Server

Mar 2, 2004

Iam learning myself .
I've installed SQL Server7.0 in my PC.
How will I register a server
for example: localhost using enterprise manager.
I keep getting error message:
Specified SQL Server not found

Please help with registering a server.


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Mar 23, 2000




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Unable To Register

Jan 30, 2001

I am trying to register one server and I get the following message -
"Client unable to establish connection Connection OpenCreatefile()"
Any advice highly appreciated.

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DTS PACKAGE Do Not Register

Sep 22, 2000


When I distrubuided my application In VB, the dll from DTS PACKAGE , slq server, Do not are registred, why ?
I have register each with regsvr32
thank you in advance

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Register 6.5 Server Under 7.0

Jul 8, 1999

When converting from 6.5 to 7 the Servers I had registered under 6.5 were still available. When I try to connect to them the old 6.5 Enterprise Manager starts up and I really like this ability.

I would like to register a new 6.5 Server while running 7.0

I'm developing on 7.0 and thus would like to keep my machine running 7, but need to add 6.5 servers on occasion. Any suggestions.
(I think if I switch to 6.5 and register that will work, but don't want to switch)

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Register A Server

Aug 7, 1999

I loaded a microsoft SQL server training CD. When i go to enterprise manager i am prompted for a server. I checked the online books and it says that i should use the compter name. This does not work. My dialog box that i am using to enter the computer name, logon ID, and password is titled connect server. The documented information has Register server for the title of the dialog box. Is there a difference? What am i doing wrong? I am not able to connect the server at all. This is a training disk and is only good for 120 days. I am running out of time and i have not even started.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Cannot Register SQL Server

Jul 14, 1998

Really would like some help from anyone who has experienced this problem.
I installed SQL server v6.5 on my machine. I selected communication options TCP/IP and Named Pipes and took all the other defaults. After receiving the `installed ok` message, I went on to register the server and received the following msg.
A connection cannot be established to A0194876 [DB Library] Unable to
connect. SQL server is unavailable or does not exist.
My machine name is, A0194876. I have tried changing the machine name, rebooting, etc. but nothing works.

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Not Able To Register Server

Feb 26, 1999


We are facing problems in registering server in MS-SQL Server 6.5.
We are getting CODE EXCEPTION error. We tried unistalling SQL Server
and Re-Installing again. In spite of this, it is still giving the same error.
We happen to change the HOST name of the NT Server m/c on which
the SQL Server resides once.
What could have possibly gone wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Can't Register SQL Server In Ent. Mgr.

Apr 17, 2001


I installed SQL Server 2000 (Standard Edition) on my desktop running Win2K Pro. During installation, a message indicated that only the client tools could be installed on this version (I assume it was referring to Win2K Pro). No errors were encountered during installation.

Now, I am trying to figure out how to get started working with SQL Server 2000. I opened the Enterprise Manager and have tried to register a SQL Server using the wizard to register a SQL Server. I then selected my computer name under the available servers list and then chose Windows Authentication to connect. On the next wizard screen I then chose to add the SQL Server to the default group name (SQL Server Group). After clicking on the Finish button, the Status block on the last screen indicates "SQL Server does not exist or access denied."

Any idea what's happening? What am I doing wrong?


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Can Connect But Cant Register

May 22, 2006

Hi there , hope someone out there can shed some light into this subject , myself im running up the wall with it.
I have several pc's all running SQL Server 2000 all connected to the main office through a VPN.
We are trying to have merge replication working with our Business Aplication and all the sites on the VPN.
While trying to register the remote databases on the Main office server , some of the pc's worked like a charm everything is smooth as silk, but now the problem......
Out of 14 total machines , on 3 of them i have this problem.

In 2 of them i can open a ODBC connection to the SQL Server wich works , with Query Analyser i can connect to the servers and query all the DB in them.IF i try to register them in Enterprise Manager i get an Access Denied/Server does not exist message ( Using Alias ) , if i go through IP it registers but the merge replication does not work so im stuck with the Alias????Any clue?(1 of the pc's uses XP Pro the other XP Home)

On the other pc i cant simply do anything , nothing will work , no odbc,no query analyser no enterprise manager no nothing.

Why????I can see the pc's on the VPN , if i do a \IP i can access them so the VPN is working.

Thanks in advance for any help

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Can't Register Another SQL Server!

Feb 23, 2004

Hi all,

I'm having difficulty with registering a new SQL server across
a network. I'm guessing it's something to do with the authentication method, but as of yet I can't get it to work.
I recieve the message

"Login failed for user 'computername/Guest' "

Curiously, doing things the other way round (registering this server on the other one across the network) works absolutely fine, and as far as I can tell I have them set up exactly the same.

Any help would be very much appreciated!


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Register SQL Server Remotely

May 17, 2002

Hi all,

Can someone tell me if it is possible to register and connect to a SQL server that is not on my local network? I want to be able to use the Enterprise Manager to make updates to the SQL servers in my office from home. I am using SQL 7.0

Thanks in advance,

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Register 6.5 In 7.0 Enterprise Manager?

Jul 25, 2000

I have one 6.5 server left that I admin, can I register it in my client copy of 7.0 enterprise manager or do I have to install the 6.5 client on my machine to register the 6.5 servers?


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Save Register That WERE Insert

Oct 17, 2000


I have 2 Database ( INFORMIX AND SQL-SERVER), When the INFORMIX fall only work SQL SERVER, but when INFORMIX go back, I want to insert in the INFORMIX only register that were inserting in the SQL SERVER while the INFORMIX was out. For it I want DTS for export register, How I can get only this registers ?

thank you in advance

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Register Server OLAP

May 6, 2005

I want register a server it is on other PC is a server, BUT IT SHOW TO ME A MESSAGE OF ERROR:
Errors ocurred while connecting to ----ip-----
Cannot open connection to Analysis server ----ip-----
Can not connect a server ----ip-----. not this in operation or this occupied
Do you still Want to register this server

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Unable To Register Sql Server

May 3, 2004

Got error message when trying to register sql server:
NYCPI - SQL Server does not exist or access denied. ConnectionOpen(connect()

where NYCPI is my remote server name which has sql server in it.

When the registration wizard display a list of available servers, NYCPI appear twice in the available server list. But this problem is not exist in another machine. I tried register this sql server from another server and it is working in the second machine.

Any ideas?


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Register Hasn't Been Updated

Jun 2, 2006

hi,i have a programmer problem. When i exec a update sql with odbcdrivers, in database i dont update register, but if i exec the executesql in manager, then i update the register. Someone knwos what ishappening?thanks for answer.

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Cannot Register With External Access

Oct 12, 2005

I've done a lot of digging, and I can't find the solution to this one.  I followed Vineet's instructions to get an assembly registered that can call out to Web services; however, when I try to register, I get the following error:

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