Registering/licensing DEMO SQLserver....

Mar 29, 2004


I am new to SQLserver and have installed the DEMO version of SQLserver 2000 on my system. I got it up and running and verified that it was working properly.

I then purchased two CPU's of the standard edition for my system. The software has arrived, but all that arrived are the CD's. I see no key, nor do I see a way to provide a key even if I had one.

I do not know how to proceeed and need help to figure out how to obtain a key or how to enter it if I ever obtain one.

Any help is greatly appreciated!!!!!



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SQLserver Express Licensing

Sep 26, 2007

Can anyone tell me if there is a $ price for a license if SQLserver Express is used on a website? I want to replace Mysql.

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SQL Server 7 Demo.

Jun 29, 1998

Can someone direct me where I can get my hands on SQL Server 7. I know it`s a beta but I would like to test it out.

Ted Tirado

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'Demo: Sev. 24 Errors'

Sep 9, 2004

The last 3 mornings when I get to my desk, there is a windows msgbox waiting for with the following information:

<<<<<<<<< Start of Message >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
'Demo: Sev. 24 Errors' on //MySQLServerBox

Description: 17550
DBCC TRACEON 208, server process ID (SPID) 52
<<<<<<<<< End of Message >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

It seems to be coming from the same machine, but I don't really understand the nature of the error and can't find and info in the Help files or MS Knowledge Base.

Curious if anybody on this forum can provide some insight or point me in the right direction.



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Please Send Me The Demo Application

Nov 29, 2007


Plesase help me by sending any of demo application and course material for WinCE visaual studio 2005 for development of smart device applications how to connect to atand alone database and for connectivity for Http to mobile .

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Is There A Demo Of SQL Reporting Services And Analysis ??

Nov 9, 2007

We're looking at several tools to do reporting and analysis of our SQL 2005 data.

We want to create canned web based reports
We want internal - non-developers to create canned reports for our customers
We want internal - non-developers to create ad hoc reports
We want to slice and dice the data in various way and produce graphs and trend reports - pretty stuff for management

Tools like Business Objects Edge satisfy many of these requirements but we already have SQL 2005 which I understand can do similar things. I can easily get a demo of a companys products to show me what can and can't be done.

Does anyone know how I can get a SQL demo using these services ? I tried contacting Microsoft but didn't get anywhere

I don't have the luxury of time to learn all the benefits and functionality to understand if SQL is the best way to go. Database wise - yes - but Analysis and Reporting ??


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Demo Performance Penalty Of User Defined Functions

Feb 5, 2007

SQL Server User defined functions can be a powerful tool, but they can also create a substantial performance penalty in a query where they are called a large number of times. Sometimes it is something that must be accepted to get the job done, but there is often an alternative of putting the code from the function “in-line� in a SQL query. That also has a penalty in development time, so judgment about which way to go is called for.

I did some testing on three different methods of converting combinations of integer values of Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, and Second to Datetime values and compared the runtime of each. In the first method, I did the conversion in-line in the query. In the second method, I used a UDF to do the conversion using the same algorithm as the in-line query. In the third method, I used a UDF that called two more UDFs to do the conversion.

To perform the test, I loaded a table with 3,999,969 randomly generated date/times, along with the matching year, month, day, hour, minute, and seconds, in the range of 1753-01-01 to 9999-12-31. I re-indexed the table with fill factor of 100 to make the physical size as small as possible.

For the actual test, I ran queries that converted the year, month, day, hour, minute, and second on each row to a datatime, and compared it to the datetime from that row. I ran the query using the in-line conversion, single UDF (DateTime1), and with the UDF (DateTime2) that called two more UDFs (Date and Time). I ran the tests several times, and saw only minor variations in run time. The single UDF took over 8 times as long to run as the in-line conversion. The test with the UDF that called other UDFs took over 36 times as long to run as the in-line conversion, and took over 4 times as long to run as the single UDF.

These results show that there can be a substantial performance penalty for using a UDF in place of in-line code, and that UDFs that call other UDFs can also have a substantial performance penalty compared to a UDF that does not call other UDFs.

Code to load table with test data. The functions used in the script to load the test data can be found on these links:
Random Datetime Function:
Number Table Function:

create table T_DATE (
[DATE] datetime not null primary key clustered ,
[YEAR]smallint not null ,
[MONTH]tinyint not null ,
[DAY]tinyint not null ,
[HOUR]tinyint not null ,
[MINUTE]tinyint not null ,
[SECOND]tinyint not null

insert into T_DATE
select distinct top 100 percent
[DATE] = dateadd(ms,-datepart(ms,a.[DATE]),a.[DATE]),
[YEAR]= year(a.[DATE]),
[MONTH]= month(a.[DATE]),
[DAY]= day(a.[DATE]),
[HOUR]= datepart(hour,a.[DATE]),
[MINUTE]= datepart(minute,a.[DATE]),
[SECOND]= datepart(second,a.[DATE])
selecttop 100 percent
[DATE] =
[dbo].[F_RANDOM_DATETIME]( '17530101', '99991231',newid() )
f_table_number_range(1,4000000) aa
order by
) a
order by

dbcc dbreindex(T_DATE,'',100)

exec sp_spaceused 'T_DATE','true'

select count(*) from T_DATE

Code to create functions used in the test. These functions are based on functions that Jeff posted in his blog on this link, modified with some suggestions of mine:

create function DateTime1
(@Year int, @Month int, @Day int, @Hour int, @Minute int, @Second int)
-- returns a dateTime value for the date and time specified.
returns datetime
create function Date(@Year int, @Month int, @Day int)
-- returns a datetime value for the specified year, month and day
returns datetime
return dateadd(month,((@Year-1900)*12)+@Month-1,@Day-1)

create function Time(@Hour int, @Minute int, @Second int)
-- Returns a datetime value for the specified time at the "base" date (1/1/1900)
returns datetime
return dateadd(ss,(@Hour*3600)+(@Minute*60)+@Second,0)
create function DateTime2
(@Year int, @Month int, @Day int, @Hour int, @Minute int, @Second int)
-- returns a dateTime value for the date and time specified.
returns datetime
return dbo.Date(@Year,@Month,@Day) + dbo.Time(@Hour, @Minute,@Second)

Test code:

set nocount on
select [T_DATE Rowcount] = count(*) from T_DATE
declare @count int
declare @st datetime
select @st = getdate()

@count = count(*)
a.[DATE] <> 0+a.[DATE]

select [MS No Action] = datediff(ms,0,getdate()-@st)
declare @count int
declare @st datetime
select @st = getdate()

@count = count(*)
a.[DATE] <>

select [MS No Function] = datediff(ms,0,getdate()-@st)
declare @count int
declare @st datetime
select @st = getdate()

@count = count(*)
a.[DATE] <> dbo.DateTime1(a.YEAR,a.MONTH,a.DAY,a.HOUR,a.MINUTE,a.SECOND)

select [MS DateTime1] = datediff(ms,0,getdate()-@st)
declare @count int
declare @st datetime
select @st = getdate()

@count = count(*)
a.[DATE] <> dbo.DateTime2(a.YEAR,a.MONTH,a.DAY,a.HOUR,a.MINUTE,a.SECOND)

select [MS DateTime2] = datediff(ms,0,getdate()-@st)

Sample test results:

T_DATE Rowcount

MS No Action

MS No Function

MS DateTime1

MS DateTime2


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Show Me Demo Of How To Create Foreign Key In SQL Server 2000

Dec 5, 2007

show me demo of how to create foreign key in SQL server 2000

thank you

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Is There Any Sample Code To Demo The SSB Send Messages With Same Sql Instance?

Aug 18, 2007

Is there any sample code to demo the SSB send messages with same sql instance?

my case is very simple:

I want write a stored procedure to send a xml to another database. The stored procedure is called by tables triggers when some data is changed under the specific conditions.

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Full Feature Demo For SSRS Web Service Rendering (with Interactive Sort)?

Dec 16, 2006

Is there any example I can find a full feature demo of SSRS Web Service Rendering with Interactive Sort and other features enabled?

For MS: Indeed I think ReportViewer Control should be an open source component as we as developer needs the flexibility to customize the report viewer interface as well as can learn directly from the control source so to understand how can we integrate better with SSRS.

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Registering A Server

May 8, 2001

Does anyone know what SQL Server uses to identify other servers which contain SQL Server, when you attempt to register a new server through enterprise mgr? For instance when you go through the new sql server registration wizard, the second screen allows you to choose what server you would like to register, and it shows you the available servers on the lan that contain sql server 6.5 or 7.0. What is enterprise mgr using to locate the other servers containing SQL Server? Thanks in advance.

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Registering 6.5 Sql Servers Into 7.0

Mar 2, 2000

Can anyone give me advice on how to register 6.5 servers using SQL 7.0. Every time I try and register a 6.5 servers it fails. I get an error stating that "I must upgraded the 6.5 server or later to be administered by this version of SQL-DMO". I can't upgrade the server to 7.0 because the COTS product that we are using as the front end relies on 6.5. Is there any way to do this? Or do I have to install 6.5 on my workstation as a separate application than 7.0? Someone please help?

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Registering A Server

Dec 15, 2000

I just created a new db on a programmer's machine. Now I cannot register his sql server on my sql server. It doesn't like 'sa'. I can connect as 'administrator' but then I cannot do anything. Seems like the logins are messed up. I am not able to execute any stored procedures as administrator.

Any ideas besides reloading sql?


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Registering Databases

Oct 14, 1999

When using MSDE or SQL7 as the back-end to Access2000 projects (adp),
the examples often have an .mdf file to match such as say NorthwindCS.mdf
The instructions are:
1. set this file aside,
2. create a database with this name then
3. stop SQLServer,
4. copy own file to msql7data...
5 use it....
although this soemtimes works, i mostly get a "suspect" database
I was hoping to fix this with DBCC REPAIR, but support for this command seems
to have disappeared

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Un-registering SQL Servers

Aug 28, 2000


I mistakenly registered a SQL 6.5 server in SQL 7.0. I would like to remove the registration entry, since I often will click it by acident, and it will fire up the SQL 6.5 EM session. However, when I right click on the server and try to select the "Delete SQLServer Registration" from the menu, that option is greyed out. Is there any way I can remove this SQLServer somehow?



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Registering 6.5 Servers In 7.0 EM

Jul 24, 1998

Hi! Just started playing, but when I try to register an active (on the network) 6.5 server in the 7.0 EM I get the message that I must upgrade the 6.5 server...I know in 6.5 I could access 6.0 servers after runnning a script on the 6.0 server, but so far I don`t see anything like this for 7.0. Will I end up having to run 2 versions of EM on a machine (if possible) to access my 6.5/7.0 servers? (I know I won`t be able to do anything fancy, but it is nice (under my 6.5 EM) to be able to manage server activity/db`s from one machine, regardless of them being 6.0 or 6.5!


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Registering Server

Mar 8, 2001


I have recently installed SQL Server 2000, And trying to register a remote SQL 7 server, through enterprise manager which fails with the following error message: Timeout expired

I am able to connect to the same server using Query Analyzer.
I was able to register this server from the same machine, prior to the installation of SQL 2000. Also, I am still able to connect to other SQL 7 servers, with SQL 2000 enterprise manager.

Any Ideas?

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Registering Server

Sep 30, 2002

Over the weekend we changed ISPs on our SQL Server 2000 machine. The only configuration change was the IP address. I'm able to register the server from client machines using EM which are on the same network, but I can't register it from home. I've verified the IP address, username/password etc and the connection just fails with the message 'Sql Server does not exist or access is denied.' Could this be a port issue? Any ideas? Thanks.

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Registering SQL Servers Via TCP/IP

Mar 15, 2001

How do I register servers in Enterprise Manager or access them in Query Analyzer in non-trusted domains via TCP/IP? I must administer a number of servers for which I have all the security credentials (IP addresses, Windows Administrator logon and password, sa password).

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Registering SQL Servers

Jan 12, 1999

I need help with a problem that is driving me nuts and should be so easy that it is mindless. The problem is with registering SQL servers in Enterprise Manager.
The network is a routed environment with many subnets. TCP/IP addresses are assigned by DHCP and name resolution is done via WINS. The SQL clients are set to use Named Pipes as the Net-Library. The servers are using standard security. I have the correct sa password. Then I try to register a SQL server. It returns a message that it is unavailable.
The SQL box is visible in Network Neighborhood; is able to be pinged both via machine name and IP address; the msssqlserver service is running on the box. I can register the box using standard security and the same credentials in EM right on the server. Why can't I register it from a client?

Thanks in advance,

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Registering SQL Server

Aug 25, 1998

is it possible to register an SQL server any other way than SQL Enterprise Manager?
If so, how?


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Registering SQL SERVER

May 8, 2004

How to register a Remote SQL SERVER from a node in Local Area Network?

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Un-registering A Server

Dec 12, 2005

Please pardon my ignorance, but I am using MS SQL2000...On system start upthe Server Service Manager defaults to server "BACK" which is not evenregistered in the SQL Enterprise Manager. Enterprise Manager shows only oneserver " OFFICE" which is the one I want to default to. How do I remove the"Back" server completly from the system?thank you

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Registering AdventureWorks

Jul 5, 2006

The organization I work for will be converting to SQL Server 2005 in the near future so I downloaded the free 90 day trial to familiarize myself with the software. I've installed the software and my plan now is to go through the Tutorials. I need to access AdventureWorks sample database. AdventureWorks did not download upon initial setup so I've downloaded/installed it into what appears to be the correct folder: c:ProgramFilesMicrosoft SQL Server90ToolsSamples. I cannot, however, seem to locate it within SQL Management Studio. As advised by the tutorial I've tried setting up a New Server Registration but I can't seem to locate AdventureWorksDB when I'm browsing for it under the Connect to Database:' option under the "Connection Properties" tab of New Server Registration.

I am familiar with database development as it relates to MS Access but I realize this is a whole new ball of wax. Any advise would be appreciated as it relates to this problem but also any information, i.e., very basic books on learning SQL Server would also be appreciated.


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SQL Reporting Service And Registering

May 14, 2004

Hi all
When I'm installing sql reporting service I get an error that says "ASP.NET is not installed or is not registered with your web server."

I have iis installed, all of .net, and just installed .NET Framework Redist version 1.1

Can anyone tell me what I need to do to register ASP.NET or what I've done wrong.

Thanks for your help

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Registering A SQL Server Instance

Jun 24, 2005

Ok, well I just installed Visual Studio.NET 2003 on my PC, and to
prepare for next years courses I thought I might get going on some of
the exercises. But I am rather new to this and when I try to expand
"SQL Server" in the "Server Explorer Window" I get this message.

Could not automaticly discover any SQL Server instances.
Choose Register SQL Server instance from the shortcut menu if you know there are SQL Server instances on this machine.

From there all I know is that I can right click on "SQL Server" and
chose register new instance, but I do not know what to enter, and it
suggrests leaving it balck but that doesn't work. I will get an
instance but when I try to expand it another error pops up.

So as you can see I have no idea what I am doing when it comes to SQL Server, can any one help me with this?

Thanks again,


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Registering Problem---urgent

Jul 12, 2000

hi ,
One of my user to register a server , then he is getting following error.

Unable to connect to server (reason:[sql server] login failed-- user:login1.
Reason : Not defined as a valid user of a trusted sql server connection)
Register anyway.

He is having permissions to the specified server. This server is 65.

thank u.


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Registering Servers With IP Addresses

Apr 27, 2000

I hope someone can help me with this problem.
I need to replicate some tables from our store servers
to our corporate server. All of them are 6.5, and
the corporate server will subscribe and the stores
will publish. I have registered
all of our stores on the corporate server so that I can
enable them for replication.

The problem is that to be able to register them I had to create
a system DSN for ODBC, but that would only work if I used the
IP addresses. Unfortunately, then when I try to enable them
on the corporate server I get an error stating that name (which
is the IP address) is not a valid object identifier.

In ODBC I did actually use a real name (not an IP) for the
name, a normal description, and the IP is in the Server
field. Is there some way to use an alias? What am I doing wrong?

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Registering SQL 6.5 Within SQL 7.0 Enterprise Manager

Oct 22, 1999

Hi folks,

i'm at a loss as to why i can not register a SQL 6.5 server in SQL 7.0 Enterprise Manager. When i right click the 6.6 group there is no 'New SQL Server Registration...' as you get in the SQL 7.0 group. Highlighting the 6.5 group and clicking the toolbar button (which is actually visible) does nothing either. But, funnily enough when i installed Enterprise Manager another 6.5 server was automatically registered! Even more wierd is the fact that i can connect through OK with the ISQL utility to my 6.5 server (the one i can't register) and query it, fine.

How do i register it in the Console Root? It's definatly 'connectable' just that i can't register the thing! I bet i'm being really stupid (no comments folks!)


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Registering Server After Installation

Nov 23, 1998

hi, I have just installed Ms sql 6.5 and tried to register the server, I typed a name and did not get any response. This installation was on a single pc which is not connected to the network... any idea of why the server is not responding. Do I need to give a name to the pc before I installed the sql server and then use register the server...

thank for your help


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Registering Instance Of SQL 2000

Jan 29, 2001

I cannot register, from my W98 workstation, an instance of SQL 2000. I just installed SQL2000 (evaluation edition) on my server. Previous to my install I had MSDE installed on the server and successfully registered it from my W98 workstation. When I installed the SQL2000 it recognized there was already a version of SQL Server (MSDE) on the server and said that was the default. Hense, I installed the SQL 2000 as an instance using the format servernameinstance. I can see both of them on the server EM with no problem--I just can't register the SQL 2000 instance from my workstation. When asked for the server name I use the format servernameinstance as it appears in the EM on the server. However, I get the error that the server does not exist or access is denied.? What could I be overlooking? Any help would be much appreciated.

Eugene Jenkins

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Problem With Registering A New Server?

Dec 27, 2004

Hi all,
I have installed SQL Server 2k personal ed on Win xp and now I want to add another instance other than that one I added when installation.But I do not know how? I used EM and its wizard but it says could not find server or access is denied...
-any quick help is appreciated

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SQL 2012 :: Authentication After Registering SPN

Jul 1, 2015

SQL Server 2012 two node cluster.I was checking the authentication after registering SPN and found the following.When the windows cluster is in one node and the SQL Server role is failed over to the other, windows logins to SQL Server use NTLM authentication.Or is it just my SPN is not working properly ?

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