Relational Data And RDA

Aug 1, 2006

I have a few questions for you guys. I have a client
application that can be offline or online. While offline, records can be added and need to be later synced to production.

I will use rda to pull the table down, and this is working fine. Now what if I
have multiple tables where I want a foreign key relationship?

With rda I can only pull down one table at a time from
everything I've read. Now say create a constraint after pulling the two or more tables down. While in offline mode I create a new record on two seperate tables with foreign key/primary key relationship.

When I do the push to the server will it automatically
update the foreign key reference (locally) to the right one on the production
server? Or will I get a duplicate primary key error? On the production server the primary key will be different because of the identity. This is very important because I will have multiple clients.

Thanks in advance

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Create A Relational Diagram From Non-relational Database

Aug 4, 2005

Hi all,
I am trying to create a diagram for our database, during the creating, I create some of the relationships which were not there(basically our original database is not relational database, that's why I am doing it)
So sometimes I have to chage data type in order to create a relationship for the coloumns in different tables. i.e. change char(16) to varchar(7) (I checked the field that make sure all the data in this field is <= 7 characters)

But when I saved the diagram, there is an error message that state:
Errors were encountered during the save process. Some of your database objects are not saved on your diagram.

'agent' table saved successfully
'VisitUSA' table
- Unable to create relationship 'FK_VisitUSA_agent'.
ODBC error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with COLUMN FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_VisitUSA_agent'. The conflict occurred in database 'CMC', table 'agent', column 'AgentCode'.

What does that mean? is it caused by some of the agentcode data in VisitUSA table which is not in agent table?

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SQLDataSource Relational Data

Nov 14, 2005

I am just now starting the switch from .NET 1.1 to .NET 2.0.  I really like the new way of using the SQLDataSource and setting up Views declaratively as opposed to doing it all in code, which brings me to my question.In some of my applications I have a single Stored Procedure return multiple result sets to a single DataSet where I have a DataRelation set up.  Then I can have nested DataGrids that use the GetChildRows() method to filter the results to display the hierarchical data.  I would like to do something similar with the SQLDataSource and GridViews but haven't found a way to get multiple result sets.One thought I had was to create a Strongly Typed Dataset and then use the ObjectDataSource object, but I still didn't see a way to get child rows out of the datasource.  I've seen an example that uses a <FilterParameter> to get nested data, but there is an extra trip made to the server for each parent item as it just put an extra parameter in the WHERE clause of the query.

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Converting Relational Data In XML??

Apr 2, 2008

Hello everyone

When converting From Relational data into XML which
method ie RAW, AUTO, PATH, EXPLICIT is mostly used and why please



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Relational Data Transfer In DTS

Jul 20, 2005

Hi Please help for this simple problemDTS Transfer or any other method?I have Customer_Order Table and customer_Order_Details Table.For OrderID = 1, I have 3 rows of Order Details.I want to transferCustomer_Order Table for OrderID 1 in DTS, the system should transferOrder Table as well as Order details table Rows for ORderID =1.How to customize in DT or is there any way to get this data to transferfrom source DB to Dest DB?KAMAL KUMAR V--Posted via

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Using A Sub Query To Return Relational Data

Jan 19, 2008

Hi i am trying to use this query to pull all the publications stored in the database and all the authors contributing to that publication (1 to many relationship). I am trying to use a sub query so that i can display the results on one row of a gridview (including a consecutive list of all the authors). However i am recieving this error: Incorrect keyword near the word SET. ?
Maybe i need to add a temp column in the sub query to pull all the related authors for a single publication - but i dont know the sql for this? can anyone help?
 SELECT ISNULL(Publication.month, '')+ ' ' + ISNULL(convert(nvarchar, Publication.year), '') as SingleColumn,  Publication.publicationID, Publication.title FROM Publication WHERE Publication.publicationID IN (SELECT (convert(nvarchar, Authors.authorName)) FROM Authors INNER JOIN PublicationAuthors ON Authors.authorID = PublicationAuthors.authorID) AND Publication.typeID IN (SELECT PublicationType.typeName FROM PublicationType INNER JOIN PublicationType ON Publication.typeID = PublicationType.typeID

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How To Flatten Relational Data For Analysis

Mar 22, 2007

Hello everyone, this is my first post here so hopefully I am not asking a common question.

I am trying to create a flat dataset in SQL 2005. Basically I run a query and I get multiple rows for the same primary key. The query I am running is quite large and has several different tables connected to it, here is a small sample of what it looks like...

Typeid(Primary Key) Individual Address

1 Sam 912 Ave. J

1 Sam 913 Ave. Q

1 Sam 914 Ave. R

2 Mike 1000 Ave. O

3 Jill 1001 Ave. O

I want it to kind of look like this

TypeID Individual Address_1 Address_2 Address_3

1 Sam 912 Ave. J 913 Ave. Q 914 Ave. R

2 Mike 1000 Ave. O

3 Jill 1001 Ave. O

As I said before, this query is pretty big, and has several variables like Address where multiple rows are being taken by one Primary Key.

If it is not possible to do this in SQL 2005, is there a program that may be able to? Right now we are using SPSS as sort of a bandaid... we run the query in small portions like the one in the sample and then restructure the in sections but this takes several hours.

Anyways, thanks for any help that you may be able to provide.


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Fast Loading Relational Data

Apr 8, 2006

I am searching for a way to fast load relation data. I know how to load data fast but how can i store relation data fast.

For example :

Table1 ( tabel1Id int identity , name varchar(255) )

Table2 ( tabel2Id int identity , table2Id , name varchar(255))

When i insert 50 records into Table1 i can't get the 50 identity fields back, to insert the related data into Table2.

I think one of the solutions could be returning a selection of
Table1 joined with syslockinfo, but i have no idea how to do it.

Does anyone have an idea?

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Xml File Import - Relational Data

May 19, 2006


I have played around with SSIS in addition to reading an SSIS book front to back, but I am still a little confused as to how to import an Xml file with relational data.

The Xml file is structured as follows:





Basically I want to import the Xml data into three tables: categories, products and fields. A product can belong to one or more categories and has one or more fields which store information about the product.

Using the Xml Source component I can load the Xml from the file, but I can only output one section (category, product or field) at a time. Since the relationship is infered from the hierarchical structure of the Xml (e.g. the fields don't store an ID of the product they belong to), I am not sure how to import the relationships into my tables.

If anyone has any tips on how I can go about that, then it would be most appreciated :)


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Need To Insert Data Into 2 Tables, Relational Having Problems

Mar 7, 2007

Ok, I have a page on my website where we can add products to our database.  We are a music store, and most products have different versions or colors.  I've created 2 tables, Products and Subproducts.  The products table may hold info like Fender Stratocaster, and the subproducts would hold colors (Blue, Sunburst, etc).  The subproducts table has an integer field called MainProductID, which is linked to the mainproducts table field RecordID. So far the page uses a wizard where if first creates the main product using an sql datasource.  After the data has been added to the main products table, my page gives you the opportunity to add different sub products.  The problem I am having is actually feeding in the RecordID from the main products table to my insert parameter on the sub products data source.  This is what I have tried so far: There is a formview on the page that is bound to the main products table, after the entry is created I can physically see the info on my screen, so I know the data is there at my disposal SubProductsDataSource.InsertParameters.Add("@MainProductID", Formview1.datakey.item("RecordID"))SubProductsDataSource.Insert()Using this adds the data to the table, but the MainProductID is nullalso is there a cheap little way to refresh a page, because when I upload the product images I have it go to the next step where you are supposed to be able to see the images you uploaded, I don't see them which makes me think that the page is loading faster than the images are uploading.  Thanks   

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Matching Relational Records. Is It Possible Using Data Minig?

Jun 20, 2006

I am working on a price comparison system which matches the best prices for a purchase (or an order) from exisiting purchase data.
The order is stored in multiple tables including order details (stores major items purchased: e.g., PC) and order sub-details (optional items purchased with the major items: e.g., speakers, backup device, webcam etc.).
There could be a number of major items in an order and each major item could have multiple related sub items. The other variables that affect the price include trade-ins if any, sales going on at the time of order, number of units etc.

Now, for any new configuration (major items/related sub items), the system should be able to return a list of previous purchases made with similar configurations, and similar variables (quatities, trade-ins etc). Even if the same model is not present, similar pcs by the same vendor should be considered. etc etc.

Is this possible using Data mining?
If yes, which algorithm is recommended?

Also, can I assign/modify any kind of weights to certain variables (if same model: .6 ; if same model not available but pcs made by same manufacturer available: .3 ; by other manufacturers: .1)?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


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Converting Relational Data Into XML With ROOT NODE NAME In SQL 2000.

Aug 28, 2007

hi All,
I tried following piece of code in SQL 2005 , is working fine.
Select * from Table
But when i tried the same thing in SQL 2000 , it was not working .
Plz suggest a way in 2000 to get the XML output with custom RootNode Name in 2000 also like in 2005 ?
Thanks in advance.

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Question About Data Mining Features In A Relational Database?

Jun 12, 2006

Hi, all here,

As people say, Microsoft was the first major database vendor to include data mining features in a relational database. What dose this exactly mean? Thanks a lot for any guidance.

With best regards,

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Relational Tables Are Not Relational After Exported From My Sql Server To Host Sql Server

Dec 25, 2007

I am beginner for and sql server. I used Sql server manegement studio full version and I exported my aspnetdb which was created by VS2005 to my host sql server. I have a question: 
relational tables are not relational no longer. I noticed that when I created database diagram. what is wrong by exporting?
thanks for your helps...

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Approach Help To Load Data From Flatfiles Into Relational Table Where Data Is Coming As Spaces In Few Columns From Flatfiles

Sep 18, 2007

Hi ,

My Input is a flat file source and it has spaces in few columns in the data . These columns are linked to another table as a foreign key and when i try loading them in a relational structure Foreigh key violation is occuring , is there a standard method to replace these spaces .

what approach should i take so that data gets loaded in a relational structure.

for example

Name Age Salary Address
dsds 23 fghghgh

Salary description level
2345 nnncncn 4

here salary is used in this example , the datatype is char in real scenario

what approach should i take to load the data in with cleansing the spaces in ssis

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Errors In The High-level Relational Engine. A Connection Could Not Be Made To The Data Source With The DataSourceID Of '

Feb 7, 2006

When I deploy the cube which is sitting on my PC (local) the following 4 errors come up:

Error 1 The datasource , 'AdventureWorksDW', contains an ImpersonationMode that that is not supported for processing operations. 0 0
Error 2 Errors in the high-level relational engine. A connection could not be made to the data source with the DataSourceID of 'Adventure Works DW', Name of 'AdventureWorksDW'. 0 0
Error 3 Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the dimension, with the ID of 'Customer', Name of 'Customer' was being processed. 0 0
Error 4 Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the 'Customer Alternate Key' attribute of the 'Customer' dimension from the 'Analysis Services Tutorial' database was being processed. 0 0

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Relational Databases

Oct 3, 2007

I have a membership database and a profile database with a userid column in both.  The foreign key is in the profile database where i want a persons profile details to go like location,occupation and what not.  How do I make it so when a new user registers a userId is created in the profile database that matched the userid in the membership database so i can query out profile details based on a registered members userid?

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Help With Relational Query - Many To Many

Jun 21, 2005

Hi all! I am working on a piece of SQL at the moment and I'm getting a little confused. I have 3 tables: Items, Attributes and a table linking them. I have 5 attributes and an item can have any of the 5 attributes. So my linking table holds the ItemID and the AttributeID and there can be 1-5 entries for each Item. A user can search for items based on Attributes; so they can tick 5 checkboxes that represent the 5 Attributes. So I need to build a query based on their choices. At the moment I'm using:Select * FROM ItemsINNER JOIN linking on Link_ItemID = Item_IDWHERE Link_AttributeID IN (10, 13, 17)But this brings out the Item that have either AttributeID of 10 or 13 or 17 whereas I need it to pull out ONLY items that have a AttributeID of 10 AND 13 AND 17.Can anyone help with this query? Sorry if this is badly worded. The solutions is prolly something really simple I have overlooked... :SI've also tried:Select * FROM ItemsINNER JOIN linking on Link_ItemID = Item_IDWHERE Link_AttributeID = 10 AND AttributeID = 13 etcBut obviously that won't work! :s

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Relational Database

Apr 22, 2006

I'm using  VB.NET,ADO.NET in ASP.NET .
Microsoft .Net framework 1.0 
Windows 2000
Visual Studio IDE
and SQLServer.
I have to create to tables as
Table1 contains ID,Name
Table2 contains ID,Marks,Foreign Key ie Primary key of the table Table1.
Give me an information how to create these two tables in SQLServer (I know how to create a table but i don't know how to create a table which includes Foreign Key.)
Then using Dataset i want to display the records as Name,Marks which are stored in two tables.
I have studied that in ADO Join query and record set object is used but it gives a problems and it is not good when we want to transfer the data between two applications or pages but dataset solves all those problems.
Give me an information about it.
Kindly help me
Thanks in advance

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Relational Databases

Jun 18, 2001

what is the difference in making relational databases in SQL vs. Access? Do you need to make them if you will be using ColdFusion? What do the other fields in minor tables need to be in order to connect them to a major table when it will all be based on a number that is in the major table? i'm kind of confused on this issue...Thanks!

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Relational Design

Nov 10, 2004

I have a database with 3 tables in a many to many relationship.


I created the third table to hold the employeerenewal dates, I did this because I cant have repeating vaules in the primary table. I am just making sure that my course of action is the correct one. The purpose of the Employeerenewals is to give the users an indication that a certain renewal has been processed, because in the past there was several hundred that were not processed. The problem was that the users had no way of knowing this. What I was thinking was having the primary table calculate a renewal date based off the finalsuit and show the results in the Employeerenewals with a yes of no drop down. Now the yes or no drop down box will be give the users their red flag if the renewals have been processed or not.

Does that make sense??

Thanks guys :)

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Relational Databases

Sep 4, 2006

I am developing a website current and i have a database that seems to be growing very rapidly..
I would like to ask if anyone knows of any good tutorials/examples on relational databases?
Also does anyone know of any good database design tutorials/examples?

If it helps i am using Microsoft Visual Web Developer


If you think you know it all?! You know nothing!

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Relational Database

Apr 26, 2007

If I have a table that contains default values or a constant values do I have to relate it to my other tables that might need them. Thanks in advance.


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A Many-to-many Relational Problem

Jun 15, 2007

My question:
How to have an unknown number of authors returned for a list of books, with the multiple authors being returned on the SAME row as each book

My table structure:

Table A - Books
BookID | BookName
1 | Book One

Table B -
BookID | AuthorID
1 | 60
1 | 61

Table C - Authors
AuthorID | AuthorName
60 | Bob
61 | Joe

My query:

SELECT * FROM Books, RelatingTable, Authors AS a
INNER JOIN Books AS b ON b.BookID = r.BookID
INNER JOIN RelatedTable AS r ON r.AuthorID = a.AuthorID

Output I am getting:

b.BookID | b.BookName | r.BookID | r.AuthorID | a.AuthorID | a.AuthorName
1 | Book One | 1 | 60 | 60 | Bob
1 | Book One | 1 | 61 | 61 | Joe

Desired output:

b.BookID | b.BookName | r.BookID[0] | r.AuthorID[0] | a.AuthorID[0] | a.AuthorName[0] | r.BookID[1] | r.AuthorID[1] | a.AuthorID[1] | a.AuthorName[1]
1 | Book One | 1 | 60 | 60 | Bob | 1 | 61 | 61 | Joe

The desired output does not have to be like an array - I only assume thats what it would need to be

If you can post anything to help me get in the right direction I would really appreciate it
Thanks for your time!

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Relational Database

Feb 16, 2006

Hi,I have a very simple question.In what cases are relational databases necessary?Are they really necessary in cases where only asingle type of query is to be performed based on one uniquefield or can we just put all fields together in a single databaseand just access them through that unique field?

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Relational Model And XML

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,This question has been bothering me for some time. A lot of peopleseem to "think" XML is the king of data problems, and I've heard thatnext version of SQL Server is going to have a strong XML flavor,meantime, I seem to get the impression that a large number ofhard-core relational model gurus do not seem to be that impressed withXML (technical value of this extra layer seems to be limited whilebusiness value might be substantial for instance, more software work,more disk space requirement etc. etc.). What's your take on this?Generality or specifics, all welcome. One specific question is, howcan XML supplement relational model?Thanks.

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SQL - Relational Database

Jun 27, 2007

Hi guys,

What is a "Relational Database"?



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Designing Relational Tables

Sep 22, 2007

Hi, not sure if this is the right forum for this question.
 I am creating relational tables for the first time in sql server express. I will have an orderItems table and an orders table. the MenuItems table is the problem. It is a catalogue of books. There will be about ten columns. all are unique to each book. i.e isbn number, title, author, publisher etc. but ten columns seems to be quite cumbersome. it may be easier to break the table down into two tables (i.e. primary details and secondary details perhaps) However to populate the table in the first place it would be easier to have it as one table instead of opening and closing 2 tables Adding the odd book to the two tables in the future would not be a problem. so the question is can i create a table and then brak it into two relational tables afterwards. If so how do i do this. this is my foirst go at relational tables and i am still trying to get a handle on visualising them. If my logic is up the wall please let me know....

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OLAP Relational Structure

Sep 28, 2005

I am building a data warehousing solution without using analysis services or OLAP or OLTP....

Dont ask why ... but I have to....

Ok so which table structure would be better ?

dimention 1|dimention 2|dimention 3|matrix 1|matrix 2|matrix 3|matrix 4....


dimention 1|dimention 2|dimention 3|matrix name|matrix value

I prefer the second one....

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Relational Algebra Question

Apr 24, 2007

This is a bit of a trivial question, since I know how to actually create the code in SQL. Hope this is the right section to post it in too, since it sort of concerns design I guess..

My problem is how to I represent the following SQL query in relational algebra:

FROM Staff;

Since I'm using SELECT, I assume I use selection to represent it, so would it be as "ó(Staff)" [using the sigma symbol, in case it doesn't show]? But as I'm not specifying a predicate since I wish to select all fields in Staff, would it be simply represented as "Staff"?

I appreciate any help... it's been baffling me for a while

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Query Help Please (relational Algebra)

Dec 12, 2007

Hotel(hotelno, hotelname ,city)
Room(roomNo, hotelNo,type,price)

i need the reltional algebra to list the price and type of rooms in the hilton hotel

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Insert On Relational Tables

Apr 7, 2008

I understand the basics for doing an insert. Their seems to be many ways of achieving the same thing in .net. I have used the tableadpaters and sqlcommand functionality to achieve this. My one question is how foregin keys should be created in associated tables. EG so if i create a new record entry in one table and the primary key for that entry is a foreign key in another table, do I need to call 2 table adapters, or run 2 sqlcommands(taking the primary key from the first traction and use this in the next transaction)?

Any help or direction for some good tutorials on this would be much appreciated.



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How To Extract Json From Relational DB

Jul 3, 2013

Is there a good, common way to migrate data from relational tables into hierarchical json?

I am asking this because, basically, I prefer not to write a lot of procedural code.

I am currently working with MS SQL Server db and I’ll soon need to do the same with My SQL db. I use java and java db connectivity for access. It would be great if any of these two db’s can somehow assemble the data server-side.

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