Remote Online Backups

Mar 20, 2008

We have about 40 locations worldwide, with a typical data size of about 200 GB per location, with some up to 2 TB. Most sites have 1024 to 1536 Kb/s MPLS links, with a few 2 Mb/s and one 4.5 Mb/s. Central data center has two 45 Mb/s links.

We are looking to remote, online backups to our data center from each location. I'm wondering which products and processes have worked.

Has anybody successfully implemented remote, online backups of Windows servers across their WAN to a central data center?

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Is There An Online Remote SQL Server I Can Test Against?

Jun 5, 2006

HiI am trying to connect an application to a remote sql server database, however it does not appear to eb configured for remote connections. Does anyone know a connection string of a database I can connect to , soem sort of learnsers database sort of idea ?Thank you.

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How To Automatically Replicate Remote Database Which Is Not Permanently Online

Jul 23, 2005

Dear group,I have to replicate remote data to a SQL Server in the headquarter.The data are on a site which does not have permanent online-connectionto the headquarter.I have written a script which replicates the data and i want to set upa process / batch on the headquarter-machine which roughly does thefollowing1) Connect to the remote site2) start replication script (in fact a stored procedure)3) on success disconnect from the remote siteAll this has to run automatically e.g. during nighttime.Could someone please outline how i set up the connection and keep itup during my database-action and how to automatically disconnect aftersuccess of my replication script.I'd be jolly grateful.Thanks in advance and Greetings from ViennaUli

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Check If A Remote Server Is Online/available Before Executing A Series Of Sql Statements

Sep 30, 2007


We have unreliable circuits connecting our office to remote sql servers. At our office I need to delete/insert a bunch of records from those remote locations. Since the connection is unreliable what is the best way to check if a server is available before executing delete/insert statements. A few points to consider:

1. I want this to be done in SQL
2. I have a cursor that cycles through a tabe that contains the name of the linked servers. The cursure is used to delete/insert a bunch of records from each remote server.
3. If one server is unavailable the stored proc should continue to the next sql server (next record in the cursor.)


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Remote, Automated MS SQL Backups.... ?

May 9, 2005


I'm looking for a bit of advice about the best way to make automatic remote backups of a MS SQL server.

I currently run a dedicated windows 2003 standard server that i have complete control over, but my databases are hosted on a shared machine that i have no control on.

Is there a way to automate backups from the SQL database onto the windows machine?

Any suggestions on how to do this would be appreciated!

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Remote Transaction Log Backups

Jan 20, 1999

Using SQL Server 6.5 and NT 4.0,..I'm trying to schedule a backup of a transaction log from one SQL Server
to another SQL Server both running NT 4.0. I keep getting:

dbsvolopen:Backup device t:ackup
emote.dat failed to open, operating system error =5 (Access denied)

I've checked every conceivable permissions entry on the target NT server and am now reading about the
different security modes for communicating between SQL Servers but I'm concerned that this may not be
where the problem really resides. Time is money.

Has anyone else configured a backup strategy where the database has a full backup to tape daily and the
transaction log is backed up every couple of hours, without truncatre, to disk, on another SQL Server?

Thanks in advance,

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Backups Through EM On Remote Registration

Mar 1, 2005

I have installed Sql Server 2000 evaluation copy on Windows XP, which I use to monitor other sql server 2000 installations (on Windows 2000) through Enterprise manager version 8.

What has been noticed is that if you try and set up a backup job through enterprise manager you do not get the option to remove inactive transaction log entries (yes the database's use full recovery models). Also if you select the verify backup option, it is not included within the job.

This is the same if you try the above on the local instance. This is not a problem as you can use the server installations, but what I am wondering is:

1. Has anyone come across this before?
2. Is it sql server 2000 on XP?
3. Is it the evaluation copy that is causing the problem?
4. Is it none of the above but indeed a far more complex reason which will mess with my head?

As always your help / knowledge is very much appreciated.

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Offline/remote Backups

Aug 10, 2006


What is the best way to perform daily offline/remote/off-premise backups of our websistes Sql Server 2005 database?

I've looked into using SSIS but for one reason or another am having serious problems with this. Ideally we'd like to be able connect over the internet and/or lan and pull the entire database down in one go. Our db is ~600mb so isn't major.

We used to use Sql Server 2000's DTS and this worked well, but I'm having a real hard time using SSIS to do the same so was wondering what the other options are

Many thanks


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Backups/Restores Of Remote Hosted SQL Server To Local?

Aug 21, 2005

Is there any way to backup a remote SQL Server that is on a hosted account to a local drive?  We have a web hosted account that has a SQL Server that we do not have full admin rights on, just dbo access to the data and structure.  We would like to be able to do backups and restores to our local development server if possible.  Perhaps vis DTS or some similar means?  WE cannot use the normal backup/restore as we do not have right to these fucntions nor can we access the servers local drives directly.

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Data Integrity Verification Once Backups Transferred To Remote Server?

Feb 18, 2015

I am thinking about moving some backups from the local machine to a remote server. Right now, I am using Ola Hallengren script for backups. The script performs checksum on the backup while it's being written on the disk. I am going to move the files using Robocopy utility. How do I check the data integrity once the backups are transferred to the remote server?

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Recovery :: Server Cluster Resource Fails To Come Online And Pending Online State

Nov 3, 2015

We have SQL cluster installed on top of windows cluster on VM environment. Node1 and Node2 under Windows Failover Cluster. SQL instance is currently on node2 the instance is up and running, but SQL Cluster service remains online pending and it restarts the instance on every 5 minutes.

SQL Browser service are running successfully.TCP/IP ports are enabled and configured.If we start the SQL server agent it is on for seconds and stopped immediately  .Cluster Service is attempt to connect to the SQL service every few minutes (setting in SQL cluster resource) for the IsAlive check, if this fails then the SQL resource is restarted even if the instance was online. Hope this is what happening exactly.

[sqsrvres] ODBC Error: [08001] [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0]SQL Server Network Interfaces: Error Locating Server/Instance Specified [xFFFFFFFF].  (268435455)
00001024.00053314::2015/10/30-19:57:50.772 ERR   [RES] SQL Server <SQL Server (SIMAH_COMMDB)>: [sqsrvres] ODBC Error: [HYT00] [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0]Login timeout expired (0)
00001024.00053314::2015/10/30-19:57:50.772 ERR   [RES] SQL Server <SQL Server (SIMAH_COMMDB)>: [sqsrvres] ODBC Error: [08001] [Microsoft][SQL Server

Native Client 11.0]A network-related or instance-specific error has occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. Server is not found or not accessible. Check if instance name is correct and if SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. For more information see SQL Server Books

Online. (268435455)
00001024.00053314::2015/10/30-19:57:50.772 INFO  [RES] SQL Server <SQL Server (SIMAH_COMMDB)>: [sqsrvres] Could not connect to SQL Server (rc -1

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DB Engine :: Will Transaction Log Backups Not Free Up Log During Full Backups

Nov 15, 2015

The space allocated to the Log in question is 180 GB. During this time period I was running TLog backups every 5 minutes, yet the log continued to chew through to 80 GB used, even after the process was complete and a final TLog backup had been taken. It continued to stay very large until the Full backup was complete -- or something else that I'm unaware of completed. Like every other DBA I typically take a TLog backup to shrink the log, but what appeared to be the case here was the Full completed and it released the used log space. All said, will Transaction Log backups not free up the log during Full backups?

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Get Db Online

Mar 16, 2006


I have made a small mistake while restoring the DB I selected the 3rd option in the em

Leave the DB read-only and able to restore additional transactional logs

I have just realized that all I have is a complete back up to restore & no transaction logss...

I see the Db in a Read-only state & when I try to get it online It says
Error 5063 : Db is a warm standby. A warm standby db is read-only
Alter DB statement failed.
sp_dboption command failed

Please Help

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Remote Access Server Configuration Option And Remote Query Timeout?

Jun 2, 2015

- When I disable "allow remote connections to this server" from server properties>connection page, I can still remotely connect to the server from what is the impact of enable/disabling it?

- what is the impact of changing the remote query timeout (on the same page) from default value?

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Can You Use SQL For Online Games?

Jan 8, 2008

I know MMORPGs take tons of special servers, but what about a simple 2D minorly-multiplayer online game, say with 3-5 players- could that be run through an SQL database or is it still too slow?

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SQL Reference Online?

Jan 21, 2004


I'm looking for a good reference guide online as I am more used to mysql (and stil quite limited vocab at that)

I create table outside of a database by accident and I'm now looking for the sql syntaxt for moving tables, but I can't find it anywhere?

most simple guides don't seem to provide the syntax to do this. :(

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Best OnLine Backup

Sep 29, 1999

Can someone share with me their experience or thougts on whether it is better to :
1) backup db to the disk first, then to the tape OR
2) use online backup which backup the database on realtime basis to the tape.

Any excellent software for online backup?

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Make SQL Available Online

Sep 28, 2005

Can anyone tell me how I would go about making my SQL server accessable from the Internet, or know of any good tutorials to get me started, I haven't had much luck looking on google.

I need to access an SQL database from one server on another server for a web application.


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Need Online Tutor

Jul 1, 2007

Dear fellows,

I need online database tutor whom I can pay and he makes my database concepts from scratch. Is there any such facility available


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Online Sql Interpreter

May 16, 2008


I have started to learn SQL, I need to practise those commands through online sql interpreter. Is there any web page available to do so? or where can i down load it for free?

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Books Online

Aug 10, 2005

How do you use BOL? I've heard time again that there is much info in BOL but when i look at it it seems too brief and not detailed. I find it hard to find what i'm looking for anyway. How do you use it?


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Online Graphics

Dec 15, 2007

Hello all! Im new to SQL2005. If it is possible to see realtime graphs from tables? For example current sales result?


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SQL Online Backup...

Jul 20, 2005

Dear Friends,I don't know anybody has asked this question before or not.But I needa support urgently.How to take online backup in MS Sql server 2000.ThanksArijit Chatterjee

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How To Get Datafile Online Again?

May 23, 2007

Hi need to something like this:

"alter database modify file (name=<name>, ONLINE)",

but it isn't possible.

Here what I did:

alter database bdj add file (name ='bdjfg1', filename='d:db
djfg1.ndf' )
to filegroup bdjfg;

alter database bdj modify file (name='bdjfg1', OFFLINE);

alter database bdj modify file (name ='bdjfg1', filename='d:db
ewdestdjfg1.ndf' );
--Msg 5056, Level 16, State 4, Line 1
--Cannot add, remove, or modify a file in filegroup 'bdjfg' because
the filegroup is offline.

alter database bdj modify filegroup bdjfg READWRITE;
--Msg 5056, Level 16, State 3, Line 1
--Cannot add, remove, or modify a file in filegroup 'bdjfg' because
the filegroup is offline.

Yes, yes and should have read the cautions section saying:

"Use this option only when the file is corrupted and can be restored. A file set to OFFLINE can only
be set online by restoring the file from backup. For more information about restoring a single file,
see RESTORE (Transact-SQL)."

But I have not an backup of the datafile, but I have the datafile itself!

What can I do to get it online again, the old location could be fine, but it would be better on an new location (thats is the reason for all the trouble, the original drive has not much space left, so I wanted to move the datafile)

What can I do, HELP


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Remote Connections Enabled, But I Still Get Error That Remote Is Not Configured - Sql 2005

Aug 23, 2006

Fellow Devs,
I have an instance of SQL Server Express 2005 running on another box and I have Remote Connections enabled over both TCP/IP and Named Pipes, but on my other box I keep getting the error that the server does not accept Remote Connections.
Any ideas why this might be happening? Is there some other configuration?

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Login To Online Sql Database

Apr 11, 2005

Hi all; I am trying to login to an online sql database from enterprise manager;
First of all is this possible and second of all, how do I go about doing it from enterprise manager (by the way I am using MS SQL 2000)
THanks for any assistance

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SQL Database Diagrams Online?

May 10, 2001


I hope i'm in the right forum. Is there a way to create a DB diagram schema via ASP/HTML and publish it on-line - keeping it up-to-date?
I want to at least output a diagram schema to HTML format? Any ideas. TIA!

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Free Online SQL Formatter

Jun 10, 2005

We have just release a free Online SQL Formatter
which can beautify different sql dialects for you on the fly,
and translate to other languages such as C#, Java,Delphi with many format options.

Try it here:

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Online Books / Tutorials

Aug 2, 2002

Hi All...

Can anyone guide me to a place where I can download some Tutorials / Books (Not that new) covering Microsoft SQL 2000 essentials ? I tried to find here, but artices are too advanced for me.. I need something that covers the Basic and that could be used as a small reference/guide while I am learing...

Thanks to ALL

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SP That Lists The Servers Online

May 3, 2001

Does anyone know which SP to use to get the list of available servers?
I want to call it from a VB app via ADO to provide the user with a choice of servers available.

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Locating Database Online

Apr 20, 2006

I've just started with a company that had a web developer in to set up their site. She set it up with Coldfusion and MS SQL Server, uploaded the whole thing to their provider, then disappeared. Then the whole thing got dumped in my lap, and I'm pretty new to both SQL Server and Coldfusion.

My first question is, how can I access the SQL Server database online? It's somewhere on the web host's site, and I have the name of it and the password, but I have no clue how I'm supposed to get a look at the thing. Is there a file I should be able to find? Can anyone provide a clue?


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OnLine Code Formatter

Nov 15, 2007

I am sure that most of you will have seen this but for those of you who haven’t, its basically a dialog box where you dump you T-SQL and then tell it which system your using (ie. MS SQL). When you press the format button, it returns an almost perfectly formatted version. The link is:

Hope it helps


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Offline|Online Database

Dec 21, 2005


Is there any method to get an historical log where appears the database status (Online|offline) ?


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