Remote SQL Admin Across The Internet

Mar 16, 2004


What is a secure way or accepted method to make database changes,IE: edit tables, add sprocs. ect. on a server being ran by an ASP.NET hosting service across the internet?

Thank you


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Sql Admin Via The Internet

Mar 29, 1999


I will soon be managing a sqlserver/iis4.0/nt box located remotely in another state. It has a permanen connection to the net. I have a dialup connection.

I have a remote control package, but it is slow. Is there a way to add that boxes sql server to my enterprise manager on my local nt server so that I can
adminsiter it from my machine? I am not over familair with sql server, but quickly learning!

Will I need to set up a vpn to do that?
I searched microsoft knowledge base, but could not find anything.
Thanks for your support.

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Is ASP The Only Way For SQL Remote Access Via Internet

Jul 20, 2005

Hi.I would like to access my database outside of my company. I read manydocuments but they are all pertaining to accessing the database viaASP or some form of web application. Is there no single windows orlinux application tht runs natively to access a remote SQL data base?Any advise is appreciated. Thanks!!

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SQL Server 2005 Rejects Remote Internet Connections

Sep 27, 2007


SQL 2005 rejects connection from an test webpage (shown below).


Internet > Concast Cable > Router > Sever01 Nic1 > Server01 SBS 2003 & SQL 2005 > Sever01 Nic2 > Switch > Local Area

Linksys Router WRV54G( Firmware Version: 2.39.2): Port Range Forwarding TCP 1433 and UDP 1434

Small Business Server 2003 Premium (Server Name: Server01)

Two network cards: Internet Ionnection and Local Area Network
Ran: Configure E-mail And Internet Connection Wizzard
Ran: Remote Access Wizzard (disables access to Windows Firewall)
Note: Remote workplace, Outlook Web Access, Sharepoint, etc, on ports 443,444, 3389, 4125 All work remotely - so Linksys router and RRAS port settings are working.

Routing And Remote Access(RRAS) >NAT/Basic Firewall > Internet Ionnection > Services And Ports

Added TCP Incoming Port 1433, Private Address, Outgoing Port 1433
Added UDP Incoming Port 1434, Private Address, Outgoing Port 1434

SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition version 9.0.3042 (installed on same machine, default instance ID MSSQLSERVER)

By default: TCP protocol is enabled and local remote connections are enabled on standard Edition. Also by default: MSSQLSERVER automatic/started/running and SQL Server Browser automatic/started/running

Ran: SQL Server 2005 Surface Area Configuration to confirm MSSQLSERVER instance settings are running.
Using: SQL Server Authentication: Login and Password
"sa" is a default account that works locally.

SQL Server Configuration Manager:

MSSQLSERVER protocols: Share Memory and TCP/IP enabled
TCP port 1433 by default (confirmed listening by ERRORLOG)

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

Database Engine lists SERVER01 (instead of SERVER01MSSQLSERVER - the default instance is not named explicitly)

Created database "Test" under SERVER01 > Databases.
Created table "tblCategories" in "Test" (included some fields and data)

Server-Side Successful?

netstat -ano | findstr 1433


Ping Successful

ping <>
Telnet Successful (blank screen)

telnet <> <port#>

TEST Web Page Button Sub

I have this button on a page at connecting to an instance of MS SQL provided by Godaddy and there is no problem connecting to that SQL Server.

Public Sub TestSQL_Click(Sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

Dim rdr As SqlDataReader = Nothing
Dim conn As SqlConnection = new SqlConnection("Data; Initial Catalog=Server01 blCategories; User ID=sa; Password=xxx")


Dim cmd As SqlCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT Category FROM tblCategories;", conn)
rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader()

End Sub

The follworing error occurs or variations of it depending on different connection string configurations:

Occurs at: conn.Open()

An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.)


Possibly a bad connection string or Microsoft security issue.

I've attempted many other connection string formats such as:

Dim conn As SqlConnection = new SqlConnection("Data,1433;
Network Library=DBMSSOCN; Initial Catalog=Server01Test; User ID=sa; Password=xxx")

But I continue to receive connection failure messages (or invalid connection string errors for incorrectly formed connection strings).

I've tried disabling RRAS and Windows Firewall and the same errors resulted.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

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Remote Admin

Nov 2, 2001

Are there any tools for administering SQL2000 remotely over the TCP/IP? And if this is possible what are the main hurdles on setting it up. Emulation is an option.

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Remote Admin Using MMC On NT Workstation

May 30, 2000


I would like to know if one can adminiter SQL server remotely using MMC on NT workstation? If so, how do you install the MMC and SQL Enterprise Manager Add-in on NT workstation?

Thanks for the help


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Pulling A DB Via Remote Admin

Aug 27, 2001

using remote admin program and i need to pul the entire DB onto my local maachine to do some trial runs. I have a static IP so i thought I could just DTS the how system to my computer. Can any one verify that this is the best way of suggest another?

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Is Enterprize Manager Secure For Remote Admin?

Mar 10, 2004

Hello all,

An ASP.NET website hosting service allows the use of Enterprize Manager to manage the backend database of a hosted website. This is not done across a VPN and I don't think it could be done on SSL so the question is : How Secure is that? would this be ok for learning but not Ecommerce? Or is it an encrypted session and I paranoid?


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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Remote Connections Not Establishing

Mar 26, 2015

I am getting problem with remote login to the sql instance.

In machine Sql 2008R2 is installed as default later 2014 installed as named instance. Both TCP/IP, shared memory, namedpipes are enabled for both named & default instances. For the default instance I can used the remote connections but the named instance is not allowing remote connections.

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SQL Server 2005 Express Remote Admin Firewall Issues

Mar 6, 2006


I'm experiencing problems connecting remotely (through the Management Studio) to a named instance of SQL Server Express 2005.

After investigation I determined it was a firewall issue - turn off windows firewall and I can connect fine. I initially added ports 1433 and 1434 to windows firewall - still no joy. Then I added the binaries explicitly (sqlservr.exe and sqlbrowsr.exe - or whatever they are) - still no joy. So, I looked into the firewall log to see what was being dropped. I found that my IP was trying to connect via port 1047 (TCP)... I've searched for anything about this on google and cannot find any indication that the management studio should be using this port to connect.

If I add this port, the connection works fine. Has anyone else experienced this ? As there seems to be no way of modifying the management studio to connect via a specific port, I'm a bit concerned that something is just not right.

I would appreciate any advice you can give.


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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Remote Database Connectivity Error

Apr 17, 2014

We are in web site development company,Previously we don't have proxy configuration, after implementing Proxy , we have an issue to connect a remote database.

The error pops "A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. Error 53".

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Remote Access To Named Instance

Jul 6, 2015

I try to connect from a pc to a SQL Server on another pc. Both pc’s are in a workgroup. I want to connect from a Windows Forms application to a named instance on the other computer. By now I have been able to connect from one pc to SQL Server on the other with tcp:smurfin, 52782.

I want to be able to use servernameinstancename (instead of portnumber) to make a connection in a Windows Forms application.

I’ve checked / tried te following:

•In the properties of the instance, tab Connections, the option Allow Remote Connections is enabled
•In Configuration Manager: TCP is enabled
•The service SQL Server Browser is started
•On the tab IPAddresses, in the section IPAll, there is NO portnumber for TCP Port. And TCP Dynamic Ports has the nummer 52782
•I have created un inbound rule for port 52782 and also for 1434 (SQL Server Browser). And to be on the save side: a rule for 1433 as well.
•Restarted the service

If I run the following code in SQL Server, that same port number (52782) is returned:

EXEC xp_ReadErrorLog 0, 1, N'Server is listening on', N'any', NULL, NULL, 'DESC'
SELECT local_tcp_port
FROM sys.dm_exec_connections
WHERE session_id = @@SPID

[Code] ....

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SSIS Package Cannot Access Remote UNC File Via The Admin Share

Mar 6, 2008

I am developing a package to restore a database from backup file on a remote server. I am having problems accessing the remote backup file when it is addressed via the admin share, in this case N$. It runs okay if a specific share is created but for some unknown reason fails via the adminshare.

I am executing the package job with a proxy account that is a member of the local administrators group on the remote server.

It appears that access via a remote admin share isn't possible from within a SSIS package. Is this the case?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Deny SSMS Connections From Remote Servers?

Nov 20, 2014

Is there any way I can deny connection from SSMS only from remote servers?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: SSMS Restarts Daily On Remote Desktop?

Dec 11, 2014

I'm using ssms 2014, but got the same problem with 2012. I use ssms almost entirely on remote desktop sessions ( Windows 7, Server 2008R2, Server 2012 ). It may be related to having filtered job activity monitor windows open for hours, but about once per day ssms fails, and has to restart. Upon resuming usually only one of several queries is restored.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Setup Performance Monitor Collector On Workstation Collecting Remote Server Data?

Mar 31, 2015

I set up the collector, and specify the Run As as my AD account in the Collector Set - Properties - General screen. My AD account is the local admin of the remote server.

However, the collector does not seem to work. Although the collecting set is shown as running, the The blg file stays at 64K. If I open it, there is nothing inside (no counter at the bottom). What did I miss?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Does Security-admin Role Plus Deny Alter Any Login Cancel Each Other Out

Aug 27, 2015

I want to set up a database role so that users can use sp_readerrorlog through SSMS. It does a check on membership in the securityadmin role.

I have tested it and can see you can grant execute on xp_readerrorlog but the SSMS GUI uses sp_readerrorlog.

I thought I could create a user/certificate and add the signature to sp_readerrorlog but it's not permitted (likely because it's not a normal database object).

So the other solution is to add the users to the securityadmin role but then explicitly deny alter any login (best done with a custom server role in 2012+ but otherwise just manually in 2008). I tested this out and it works, I'm not able to alter any logins or increase my own permissions, I also did a check of what's reported from fn_my_permissions(null, null) and it shows minimal permissions like I'd expect.

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Remote Access Server Configuration Option And Remote Query Timeout?

Jun 2, 2015

- When I disable "allow remote connections to this server" from server properties>connection page, I can still remotely connect to the server from what is the impact of enable/disabling it?

- what is the impact of changing the remote query timeout (on the same page) from default value?

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Remote Connections Enabled, But I Still Get Error That Remote Is Not Configured - Sql 2005

Aug 23, 2006

Fellow Devs,
I have an instance of SQL Server Express 2005 running on another box and I have Remote Connections enabled over both TCP/IP and Named Pipes, but on my other box I keep getting the error that the server does not accept Remote Connections.
Any ideas why this might be happening? Is there some other configuration?

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SQL 2000 Over The Internet

Jul 5, 2001

I am trying to connect to SQL Server 2000 using the enterprise manager, and I want to do it over the Internet. My server is in another country and I am using SQL authentication. When I try to make the connection I get a message of server does not exists or access denied. If I ping the server the ping is successful, I am using TCP/IP as protocol for the client, I am not behind any firewall, and the port 1433 is enabled and is the default. I imagine it has to be something with permissions but since I am using SQL validation it should work. Is there something else I have to change?

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SQL Connection Over The Internet

Jul 11, 2001


I am trying to upload a database (MS SQL 7) from my machine to a remote location (host company). This company has MS SQL Server 7 running in its machine, so they told me that all I had to do was to connect from my SQL Enterprise Manager. I am new to MS SQL, so I would appreciate if someone can help me to create a connection from Enterprise Manager to this remote SQL Server.


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Access SQL Through Internet

Jul 16, 2001

I need to access my SQL server from another domain across the internet. How can I do this? Everything I have tried has been unsuccessful.

Chris Walcott

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Administration Of SQL 7 Over The Internet

Jan 21, 2000

Could someone help me out with administration of SQL Server over the internet.
What do I need to change on my SQL Server and what will I need to configure on my clients using SQL analyzer connecting over the internet


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SQL Server And Internet

Mar 13, 2000

I am developing a VB app that will be accessed over the net. What do i need to do so that my users will be able to connect to the SQL server without being denied the permission.
a hind regarding the network library settings will be most appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

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Sql Data On The Internet

Feb 9, 2000

I would like to know how I can make data from sql 6.5 availeble for viewing on the internet. I think that I have to use ASP but how to implement this and what the steps are to follow is a big mystery for me, so if someone can the me more about this....

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Replication On The Internet Through FTP

Aug 6, 2001

I am trying to replicate using Win 2000 and Sql 2000 on the Internet(FTP) using merge replication
The seqence of Activities are
..Connecting to publisher 'PUBSERVER'
..Retrieving publication Information
..Retrieving Subscribtion Information
..The subscription has been marked for reintialization.Reinitialization will occur the next time you synchroize this subscription
..The schema script 'Pubserver.. .. emp_1.sch' could not be propagated to the subscriber.
..The schema script 'Pubserver.. .. emp_1.sch' could not be propagated to the subscriber.
..The process could not read the file 'Pubserver....emp1.sch due to OS error 53
Can you help me out with this
(Please not I was able to replicate on the LAN with the same setup)


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Connection Thru Internet

Dec 9, 2004

Hello again pals, i meet you again to ask an old question i had, but no found answer.

Can i connect to a remote SQL Server thru Internet, lets say from a client like Query Analyzer?

I read to make it using a VPN, but i try to configure it and cant get connected.

I'm using a Win2000 Server or Win2003 Server,


There is many people asking for that, i start to think it cant be done! :'(

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Who Can Help Me With Conection Over Internet?

Jan 11, 2006

Now I really need you help. I have an application that needs to conect to a server
over the internet and I have change the MSQL port to 2015 cos the server even with a
firewall it has been attempt to be hacked. So I needed to change the port but my application
cannot conect to the server if I change it. If I left in the firewall 1433 and SQL it works fine
but once I change it to 2015 it doesn´t work.

I´m using ADO conection as folow:

Variables string parameters:
04=server IP adress

"Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password='+01+';Persist Security Info=True;User ID='+02+';Initial Catalog='+03+';Data Source='+04;"

Using this conection string I can conect to the server using 1433 port but if I change the port I get the folow message:

"[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied."

I´d try to add the new port number to IP adress but it doesn´t work as ( and it return the folow message:

[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (ParseConnectParams()).]Invalid connection.

What I need to know or to do? Please somebody help me cos I don´t know more what to do and my superiors need awnsers.
Thanks for attetion.

Leonardo Almeida.

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Connecting To Sql Over Internet

Sep 23, 2006

we are learning sql2000 at school. i have been put in charge of trying to make it possible for the students to connect to the sql database from home.At the college they connect via a lan. Can anyone give me a way to do this, or is there a way. There are 30 students who will need to connect not all at the same time. Besides buying something like pcanywhere is it possible and how. I would really appreciate it. thanks again, tom

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Jun 17, 2008

Please help me connect sql server over internet. I tested the connection in Windows XP, SQL Sever 2000, Router (forwarding IP port 1433) and its is working properly.
But using the same process in Windows 2000 Advance Server, Microsoft SQL Server 2000, Router (forwarding IP port 1433) Im getting the error "Unable to connect to server" . Can any one help me to setup this network. Thank you in advance!

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SQL Query Over The Internet?

Jan 22, 2007

it is my first time using SQL remotely, i am used to client/server ..

i need to run query and execute procedure remotely.

i have SQL server 2000 installed on one machine connected to the internet with static IP adress, the second machine does not have SQL server but also connected on the internet but different cities.. so how that can be possible?

i am using VB6 to and ODBC, i need to know the full code to execute procedure or run query and what i have to do on the first machine to let it work and give me access over the internet?

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Authentication Across Internet

Jan 3, 2007

From what I have understood, Reporting Services could be configured to use Basic Authentication. In this way, a user can access a RS-server across the internet and he/she will be prompted for a valid username/password when trying to access.

However, from what I can understand this username and password will be sent uncrypted over the Internet (from the client machine to the RS-server), right?

My problem is, I need to give access to users acress the internet to a RS-server. The users uses all kind of operating systems (Windows, Linux, MacOS tec). And the communication needs to be encrypted.

How would you recommend me to implement security for this solution? I guess some kind of "Forms authentication" will have to be used? But how to make sure the data traffic is encrypted? And where do you recommend me to store the username and passwords? In an Active Directory on the server side, or in a separate database on the server side?

regards Andreas

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Connecting Via The Internet

Jun 1, 2008

I have just started on SQl Server and C# and was wondering if the following is possible.

Using a Windows application, is it possible to connect to a database held on another computer via the Internet? I am not talking about a local network / domain whatever.

What I am really asking is can you use the IP address of a 'real' remote computer in the connection string or is it done some other way?


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