Removal From Sys.transmission_queues On Exceeding LIFETIME

Apr 20, 2007


We needed to detach a database that contained a target ServiceBroker service and wanted to do this without impacting the rest of our system. The idea was the ServiceBroker would enqueue message to this service to be pickedup when the database was re-attached. Our sequence to do this was:

1. Disable the queue on the target service forcing ServiceBroker to queue in the initating side transmission queue.

2. Detach the database.

3. Re-attach the database.

4. Re-enable the queue

Messages sent to the service have a specified LIFETIME. What appeared to happen was that messages were being stored in the transmission queue as expected but on hiting the LIFETIME period they were being removed from the transmission queue and were therfore "lost".

Has anyone else experienced this or can anyone suggest what we are doing wrong.

Incidentally, beaware that detaching a database will disable ServiceBroker in that database when it is re-attached - we discovered that one the hard way :-)

Any suggestions gratefully recieved.

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SQL 2005 Exceeding Memory Limit

May 13, 2008

I'm having problems with SQL 2005 Express Edition exceeding the maximum memory limit. I hard set the minimum to 100 and the maximum to 500, but the server is currently using over 800MB and is causing the system to page. Has anyone had any experience with similar issues and if so how did you resolve them.

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QUERY Exceeding Variable Max Length

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,A query is exceeding the length of varchar and nvarchar variable.Because I'm picking the data from each record from table and giving itto the query.suggest me some way to do it.sample query:SELECT P1.*, (P1.Q1 + P1.Q2 + P1.Q3 + P1.Q4) AS YearTotalFROM (SELECT Year,SUM(CASE P.Quarter WHEN 1 THEN P.Amount ELSE 0 END) ASQ1,SUM(CASE P.Quarter WHEN 2 THEN P.Amount ELSE 0 END) ASQ2,SUM(CASE P.Quarter WHEN 3 THEN P.Amount ELSE 0 END) ASQ3,SUM(CASE P.Quarter WHEN 4 THEN P.Amount ELSE 0 END) AS Q4FROM Pivot1 AS PGROUP BY P.Year) AS P1GO---> even the P.QUARTER .... FIELD NAME IS BEING GENERATEDDYNAMICALLY.MY QUERY IS EXCEEDING VARCHAR AND NVARCHAR LIMIT.THANX IN ADV.

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Class Lifetime

Feb 4, 2008

there was a post some time ago but nobody answered. Maybe somebosy will answer now?

I have created a class which contains a few UDF's. The class has a static constructor that reads from the databse and loads a Dictionary<> collection.

What is the lifetime of the class?
What will cause the static constructor to be called again?
When will it be garbage collected?
If the life time is limited by default, can it be extended?


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Conversation LIFETIME

Jul 13, 2006

I have a conversation that I want to know has not ended so I am using LIFETIME.

When the conversation times out I then have three records in the queue.

1. The original conversation record that has not been received.

2. Error message to the initiator.

3. Error message to the target.

Both message bodies on the error records say that it was a lifetime error.

If I end the conversation on the initiator side after it is sent, I still get the target error record but the message_body field is null.

So say I don't end the conversation on the initator side. My next receive on the target side will pull the original record. Then it will pull the initator record and then it will pull the target record. Nothing on that record says that it had timed out.

What is the best practice for handling lifetime errors?

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SQL Rows In Pages Exceeding 8060 Bytes

Jan 14, 2008

This is a question that I have not had an opportunity to test. Was wanting to know if anyone in the SQl world knows the answer. In SQL 2K and 2005 your rolls are limited to 8060 bytes without using varchar(MAX). My question is do you have to specify varchar(max) before your roll can exceed 8060 or does SQL 2005 exceed without specifing varchar(Max). Also does SQL 2005 expand it across multiple pages automatically. Please assist if you can.


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Conversation Lifetime After Close

Oct 18, 2006

Given that the conversation states are as follows: (Thanks Rushi!)

Event Initiator Endpoint state Target Endpoint state

from Initiator
to Target

SEND message(s) CO --
from Initiator
to Target

Target receives a fragment CO SI
of the first message sent
or receives out of order

Target received entire CO CO
first message

END conversation at CO DO

Initiator receives EndDialog DI DO
message from target

Target receives ACK for the DI CD
EndDialog message sent

END conversation at CD CD

When does the 30 minute timer start for clearing the conversation from the sys.conversation_handles table? Is it the same for both sides (initiator and Target) ie, the end conversation at the Initiator. I guess it must be just in case a resend is necessary.


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Lifetime Of SqlDependency Objects?

Sep 17, 2007


I am now using SqlDepency objects in a WCF windows service. This service could very well be running for weeks or even months at a time, in a perfect world...

I have some shared, global data caches that I now update only when the table's data changes, thanks to the SqlDepedency objects and Service Broker. I only have one question - what kind of considerations must I make when using this inside a long-running windows service? What if my SQL Server crashes, or the server is stopped and restarted, or someone trips on the cord... Will everything automatically work just as it should, or must I call SqlDepedency.Start() again, or possibly re-load my dataset and re-wire my OnChanged event to my SqlDepdency object? Is there any special events fired to notify me that I must do something of the sort? (e.g. maybe OnChanged will fire with some details). Or does Service Broker automatically handle all of this behind the scenes? Something tells me life isn't that easy...

Thanks very much,


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The Dialog Has Exceeded The Specified LIFETIME

Mar 30, 2006


I'm trying to get the HelloWorld_CLR project that comes with the SQL 2005 samples download to work, which it seems to. However, after I run the application a few times, an exception indicating "the service queue ClientQueue is disabled." After running the following query I notice the body of the error message is consistently "The dialog has exceeded the specified LIFETIME."

select service_name as [SERVICE],

message_type_name as [TYPE],

CAST(message_body as nvarchar(max)) as BODY

from ClientQueue

I believe that the problem is a poison message causing a RECEIVE statement to get rolled back 5 times, disabling the queue. My question is: How do I troublshoot the issue from this point?



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Exceeding SQL 2005 Express' 4GB Databse Size Limit...

Sep 5, 2006

Okay, I know the maximum size limit on a database in SQL 2005 Express is 4GB, but what happens when you exceed that limit? I can't seem to find much info on that topic. What kind of error return would you get from a stored procedure attempting to do an insert that will exceed the 4GB limitation? Also what factors go into that maximum size, factors that might not be completely obvious of course?

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Error: Dialog Has Exceeded The Specified LIFETIME.

Nov 22, 2005

Hello again!

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Conversation Timer Versus LIFETIME

Nov 17, 2006

I need to follow up on a message and check on its status. I am planning on using Conversation Timers (self addressed). I've tried it and they do work well. I am wondering if the LIFETIME parameter can be used for the same purpose. If the dialog has not been closed and the LIFETIME expires, will a message be queued into the service's queue? It does not seem that this is the case, but it is worth checking, as it could be a much desired feature.


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Integration Services :: Will Exceeding Command Timeout On OleDB Source Fail Pkg

Jun 16, 2015

We run std 2008 r2.  I'm trying out the commandtimeout property of an oledb source.  I set it to 30 expecting 30 seconds.  if connection and or execution exceed that threshold, will the pkg fail?  Either way is there a way I can detect that the threshold was exceeded? 

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Character Removal

Aug 10, 2007

Hello all,

I've been struggling with an interesting problem. I currently have a solution but it is very slow.

I will be cycling data through a table. Each cycle has 1 million records with 60 fields. One procedure I need to perform on this data is a character cleanse. I have a list of 12 characters that need to be removed.

Right now I have a stored procedure that pulls the characters from a table one at a time. It feeds it to a nested loop that replaces the character with nothing ('') on records that contain the character (something like "update tbl1 set FIELD = replace(FIELD, '&', '') where Field like '%&%'"). This works... but seems rather inefficient. It can take 10 minutes to do a 250,000 record table.

I have tried borrowing regular expressions from VBscript using com objects, it worked and seemed more efficient at first but then I threw a large file at it and it took a half hour to complete.

Im running SQL 2005 on a dual Xeon 3.4 box with 2 gb of ram.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!


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Duplicate Removal And Intelligent T-SQL

Jul 20, 2005

I am looking for some T_SQL code that would help us eliminateduplicate data entry into our mailing db. Finding and removing theexisting dups is not rocket science, but I am looking for a completesolution.We also want to be able to come up with a T-SQL script to beintelligent enough to know if:"Bill Jones" is the same as "Billy Jones" or"Bill Jones" is the same as "William Jones" or"Bill Jones at 123 My street" is the same as "Bill Jones at 123 MySt."Purchasing scripts from a company is not out of the question. Its amatter of script cost versus my hourly rate to create them... Needlessto say, something cheap.We have only heard of one app that is dynamic enough to handle this,and the cost was way, way out of our range, 6 figures is almost 2years salary.Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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How Do I Automate Removal Of Reports?

Jul 11, 2007

We can use rs.exe to publish a report automatically, but how do we do the reverse - remove a report automatically?

Is there a way by using a MS utility?

Is there a way by writing code, using library objects?

Part of the problem we face is having servers with RS all set up with a particular connection string and published reports. We then want to change everything and we want to do it automatically.

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Data Removal Real?

Jun 27, 2007

I have a situation where my client wants to ensure that data which is removed from a SQL Server database is truly removed. That is, if I delete a record, or delete data from a row, can I be sure that the data is truly gone and that it's not just the internal B-Tree pointers that were removed? Can I trust that someone with access to the .mdb file could not perform some binary pattern matching on the file and find the data that I assumed was deleted (regardless of how difficult that task would be)? I'm using SQL Server 2000. Thanks in advance.

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Removal Of Superflous Replication Data

Jan 8, 2004

Ive got a server which replicates an awful lot of constantly changing data - the db itself could be around 2gb in size, however with the replication data in it it has ballooned to 6gb. On top of this, there is all the data in the D:MSSQLREPLDATAunc directories which seem to represent another log of some description.

Can I delete this data? I cant see what it would be used for and it totals some 25Gb! Obviously I cannot have this lying around on my server.

Does anyone know what it is used for?
Pete Storey

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SQL 2012 :: Removal Of BLOBs From Database

Apr 29, 2015

I currently have a lot of XML blobs being stored in several of the production databases that I look after. They're there as a application "logging" feature, so that the developers can investigate issues if they ever occur.

I want to get these out of my OLTP databases asap and am currently looking at options. I know Brent Ozar recently posted an article about Content Addressable Storage systems [URL] ....

How do you handle point in time recovery? Any other ways of storing this data?

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Sync'ing A Merge Subscription Before Removal.

Feb 15, 2006


is there a way to ensure a merge subscription is synchronised before it is removed from the publisher using SMO? - (it is a push subscription)

I thought I had it as there is a MergeSynchronizationAgent object on the SubscriptionDatabase object, but calling Synchronize() on this throws an exception saying it can't contact the publisher.

Any help would be really appreciated, thanks.


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SSIS Deployment And Removal Issues

Feb 20, 2007

I created a setup package and installed it on my SQL2005 server. I cant seem to find anywhere on the server where they are installed, but I can access them from the Job schedule tool, which work for me.

However, now I have to upgrade the deployed SSIS and I cant seem to install on top of an existing one (gave me no errors but after testing it i realized it is still running the old version.)

My questions are:

1) How can I find and delete these SSIS packages from the server?
2) How can I just upgrade for a new version of a SSIS package?

I need to be able to do both things as at some point I may want to just remove some packages.

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Periodic Removal Row Entries In A Data Table?

Mar 29, 2008

Hi everyone,
I am using this temporary data table which gets cluttered after certain time (table is used for registering data waiting for email confirmation).
Is there a possibility to empty a data table automatically every day (at a certain moment)?
Kind regards,Maxime

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TSQL - Repeation Removal Related Quest.....

Oct 4, 2005

I need help using the TSQL Command.... I want to display car reviews by authors.... a car may be reviewed by multiple authors.... but the latest entry should be displayed... the older enteries will not be displayed....the following is the query </P><FONT color=#0000ff size=2>
<P><FONT color=#000000>SELECT&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; CarReviews.Date AS Date, CarReviews.Company AS Company, CarReviews.Name AS Reviewer, CarMake.MakeName, CarModel.ModelName, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; CarModel.YearName, CarMake.KeyName + '/' + CarModel.Image AS Image, CarReviews.Id AS IdFROM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; CarReviews INNER JOIN&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; CarMake ON CarReviews.MakeId = CarMake.Id INNER JOIN&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; CarModel ON CarReviews.ModelId = CarModel.IdGROUP BY CarMake.MakeName, CarModel.ModelName, CarModel.YearName, CarMake.KeyName + '/' + CarModel.Image, CarReviews.Id, CarReviews.Name, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; CarReviews.Company, CarReviews.DateORDER BY CarReviews.Date DESC</FONT></FONT></P><FONT color=#0000ff size=2>
<P>Results of above statement....
Date Company Reviewer MakeName ModelName YearName Image Id
----------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------
10/3/2005 5:12:25 PM Dan Neil MINI Cooper S 2005 RAJ-0122/RAJ-0122-82.jpg 8
10/3/2005 5:11:41 PM G. Chambers Williams III MINI Cooper S 2005 RAJ-0122/RAJ-0122-82.jpg 7
10/3/2005 4:51:31 PM Joe Wiesenfelder MINI Cooper S 2005 RAJ-0122/RAJ-0122-82.jpg 6
10/3/2005 4:49:22 PM Jim Flammang MINI Cooper S 2005 RAJ-0122/RAJ-0122-82.jpg 5
10/1/2005 4:19:25 PM Erphan Rajput Audi A4 (2005.5) 2005 RAJ-0089/RAJ-0089-80.jpg 3
10/1/2005 4:19:25 PM Jim Flammang Audi A4 (2005.5) 2005 RAJ-0089/RAJ-0089-80.jpg 4 Problem is repeation... In the above statement .... the statement should return only 2 records... but it is displaying 6 records....record one should be of MINI Cooper S 2005 & second should be of Audi A4 (2005.5) 2005Urgent reply will be highy appreciated...Thanks,Erphan Rajput..

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SQL Server 2008 :: Removal Of Unused Indexes

May 21, 2015

I am working with one of the production database around 200 GB. This database has above 350 tables and more than 500 Indexes. I am feeling the database has so many Indexes than the required ones

When I run the below query, it gives me some indexes read value "0". The server was restarted a month ago.Is it ok to remove those indexes?

SELECT OBJECT_NAME(s.[object_id]) AS [Table Name] , AS [Index Name] ,
i.index_id ,
user_updates AS [Total Writes] ,
user_seeks + user_scans + user_lookups AS [Total Reads] ,
user_updates - ( user_seeks + user_scans + user_lookups )
AS [Difference]


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SQL 2005 Cluster (Service Account) Removal.

Jun 13, 2008

We have a N+1 SQL 2005 x65 SP2 + 3159 cluster which was running fine until the service account which runs Windows cluster and the SQL services was removed as a login from SQL. This was a new setup so the only SQL accounts are (SA) as SA, Windows Domain GROUP's which one group is configured as SA and the cluster account is added to this group. I cannot start SQL service on the cluster now. I've tried logging into one node as the service account which is member of a AD group which has SA rights to SQL as well as my personal account. If anyone knows a way ot fix this without reinstalling I'd appreciate your help.

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Concatination Of Empty Field And Removal Of Symbols

Mar 21, 2006


I am going crazy trying to figure out how to do this. I have a flat file which I am massaging the data and loading into a table here is an example of a line out of the flat file:

"ABC NUTRITIONAL PRODUCTS","550","","","N","FAIR OAKS","","","COLORADO SPRINGS","C0","","","","","","","","A","","",""

My problem is that I have one field which is this address in a concatinated form. The fields that do not apply to this entry are suite#, floor# and other columns which are designated by the "" characters. The final concatinated addres field looks like this:

"550""""N""FAIR OAKS"""

I would like to remove the "" characters in the concatinated string. I just don't know the best way to do this? I was told DTS had a way of removing the "" from the flat file source. Since I have not used DTS extensively I am not sure if this is true. I was wondering how in SSIS I could go about removing the "" marks without removing the "" say if someone is quoted eg. John said "This is only a test". Removing the quotation marks in this instance would be changing the data. I am not sure how to do this and any help or advice is greatly appreciated!

Thank you...

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Removal Auto Schema At Creation Of Table

Sep 11, 2015

I've done already the schemas for all the tables a you suggested.But when I created a new table the dbo prefix (dbo.ADM.NewTable) appears.I'd like this dbo not to automatically appear whenever i created a new table — as it requires me to alter whenever I created a new table.Is this something that is required to determine the creator of the table?Otherwise, I'd like that to remove.

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Transact SQL :: Removal And Deletion Of Duplicate Records In Table

Nov 15, 2015

I have this table:

id | Name | Age
1 | AAA | 22
1 | AAA | 22
2 | BBB | 33
2 | BBB | 33
2 | BBB | 33
3 | CCC | 44
4 | DDD | 55

I need to delete from this table all the duplicate records and leave only one record. The table will looks like this:

id | Name | Age
1 | AAA | 22
2 | BBB | 33
3 | CCC | 44
4 | DDD | 55

I work with sqlCE for Mobile...

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SQL Server 2012 :: Removal Of Records Dynamically Using Information Schema

Aug 14, 2015

I'm looking to dynamically remove records from tables dynamically using the information schema within SQL Server. Looking to remove records from all the tables within a schema. I have gotten as far as generating the script dynamically then using a while exist clause to execute the delete statements.

DECLARE@TargetSchema varchar(100),
--@LibNameData varchar(100),
@fnameIndex varchar(100),
--@startOFR_SCR_FILENAME_DATE varchar(25),


Would like to execute the statements generated by the results from the information schema.

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Removal Of Selected Indexes / Script Index Create For List Of Indexes

Jul 1, 2014

I'm working to improve performance on a database I've inherited, and there are several thousand indexes. I've got a list of ones which should definitely exist within the database, and I'm looking to strip out all the others and start fresh, though this list is still quite large (1000 or so).

Is there a way I can remove all the indexes that are not in my list without too much trouble? I.e. without having to manually go through them all individually. The list is currently in a csv file.

I'm looking to either automate the removal of indexes not in the list, or possibly to generate the Create statements for the indexes on the list and simply remove all indexes and then run these statements.

As an aside, when trying to list all indexes in the database, I've found various scripts to do this, but found they all seem to produce differing results. What is the best script to list all indexes?

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Replication :: Transactional Replication Removal Sequence

Sep 2, 2015

I have been researching on the proper steps or sequence to follow to completely remove SQL Server 2012 Transactional Replication.  I have read articles about using SSMS as well as using replication stored procedures and some procedures use SQLCMD or just regular TSQL executed in SSMS.  I have also read articles where people said all you really need is connect to the Publisher instance, find the publication you want to remove and choose "Delete" and everything will be taken care of behind the scene. I have three SQL servers that participate in transactional replication.  SQL-P (publisher), 

SQL-D (distributor) and SQL-S (subscriber).  Do I need to connect to the distributor instance and the subscriber instance when removing transactional replication or is it just really connecting to the publisher and click delete on the publication? I want everything gone including any metadata, systems tables, distributions db and any other replication objects created during the initial configuration.

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