Removing SQL Utilities Off Server

Aug 27, 1998

Does anyone know how to remove SQL utilities off the server manually.
When I run the setup.exe from the SQL CD to remove SQL from server that option button is
shaded, I try reinstalling SQL utilities and then I try removing and still it won`t let me?

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Sql Server Utilities

Apr 16, 2002


Would like to know whether SQL server has the utilities do the following and the command to activiate the followings:
- limit the no. of login (ie to set the number of failed_login_attempts)
- password_reuse_max (eg password A can only be reuse 3 times)


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SQL Server Network Utilities

Jan 13, 2006

Hi everyone,
Can anyone tell me the basic difference between Client Network Utility and Server Network Utility and also when to use what..?????

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16 Bit-client Utilities

Mar 30, 2000

Hi all,

I am going to upgrade a SQL server 6.5 box to SQL7.0. The 16 bit-client utilities are a prerequisite because there is a 16-bit application and requires some of the database libraries. My question is how does SQL7.0 deal with 16-bit application? In my case, could I upgrade the SQL6.5 box to SQL7.0?

I appreciate any input and help ahead,

Stella Liu

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Palm Utilities For DBA

Feb 23, 2001

Does anyone have any palm utilities, or reference docs, urls - I am administering SQL7 and would like info on Palm-3, using as a references. I have ModileDB installed, with Oracle Recovery references, but could not find SQL.


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MS SQL Utilities For Documentation

Oct 16, 1998

I am looking for good utilities that document MS SQL table schema, indexes, layouts etc. I am currently looking at SQL auditor, but this product does not give me table schema or any kind of device revisions. I recently was given several SQL servers that have not been documented in any way.


ps SQL auditor gets a B+ in my book. Let me know what you think

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Client Utilities For MSDE

Mar 23, 2005


I heard from a guy that the client utilities (Enterprice Manager and Query Analyser) that are on the Sql Server 2000 CD can be fetched separatly from Microsoft and that they can be deployed with MSDE to a potential customer.

Is that correct?

And if it is, where can I obtain those client apps?



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DTS Version Control Utilities?

Jun 15, 2001

We are looking for utilities to help us manage DTS packages. Specifically to help us track changes in the packages in a fairly fine-grained fashion; several layers deeper than the version listing under package info, for example. Think of it as an object-oriented diff utility if you will, something that can report on changes in a package very specifically; for example, we need to know that step 4 of a package is a SQL widget and the text has changed between versions, and what the changes are. Converting the package to a VB project & versioning the source text doesn't work, for several reasons too complicated to state here.

Is there aything like this available? We would rather buy than build, but I haven't seen anything like this yet. If anyone has experience with such a utility I would appreciate knowing about this. Thanks.

Jim Rivera
Software Engineer
Grange Insurance Graoup
Seattle, WA

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Third Party Reindexing Utilities

Jul 23, 2005

Folks,I work on a system which is growing rapidly, with the number oftransactions we process growing on a daily basis. While this is goodnews or the business, maintenance is starting to become an issue as thedatabase is the backend for a website which cannot be down for alengthy period of time.While I do defrag the indexes, periodically the indexes do need to berebuilt. When this happens, the process locks pages and transactionsstart getting bounced out.Are their any third party utilities which will rebuild an indexwithout this locking occuring? Any help in pointing me in the rightdirection would be appreciated.

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Loadbalancing Utilities - For Clustered SQL 2000

Feb 20, 2001

Hi all ,

I would like to know about third party tools available or sites where I can get some evaluations on this tools to load balance our Clustered SQL 2000 on Windows 2000. Thanks for the help In Advance.


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Installing SQL 6.5 And 2000 Client Utilities On The Same Machine

Aug 24, 2004

Can I install the client utilities for Microsoft SQL versions 6.5 and 2000 in the same machine?

Please, provide me with any information or links in this matter.

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Utilities To Check For Errors In Stored Procedures

Jul 20, 2005

I have written a utility that checks our stored procedures forpotentially incorrect code (eg = null as opposed to is null, unusedvariables/parameters etc). It also ensures that parameters/variablesetc match our naming conventions and data types/sizes are the sames asthe corresponding type in the database (if appropriate)Are there any other utilities that do this sort of thing?

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Utilities For Comparing Stored Procedure Results?

Dec 11, 2007

I have large stored procedures in SQL Server 2005 that often get updated. Sometimes it is very difficult to recognize how one change could impact the overall results. I would like to have some sample input that I could test during changes and see it compare the data results before & after my changes. This would help me quickly identify if the results are fine to pass through.

So basically I would like an easy way to compare the results of 2 stored procedures. Any suggestions or utilites that would help me do this?

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CLR Programming: Best Place To Define Utilities Functions

Apr 27, 2007


I find the CLR integration very handy and I would like to use it in the proper way but I need some helps because is not easy to find "best practice" programming info.

This is what I have to do: from a "period" coming from the DB I have to compute start/End date and save them in the DB.

The computation involves regular expression and several functions that makes several calculations on date type variable.

I have created my UserDefinedFunction class that contains the TV function to return a row with 2 fields (startdate,enddate).
Now my question is: what is the base place to define my utilities functions that perform the computation?
In the same class or it is better to add a new class?

For example I have created a module that contains all the Regular expressions patterns.

Any help is appreciated!


Marina B.

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Compare Utilities For Comparing Stored Procedure Results?

Dec 10, 2007

I have large stored procedures in SQL Server 2005 that often get updated. Sometimes it is very difficult to recognize how one change could impact the overall results. I would like to have some sample input that I could test during changes and see it compare the data results before & after my changes. This would help me quickly identify if the results are fine to pass through.

So basically I would like an easy way to compare the results of 2 stored procedures. Any suggestions or utilites that would help me do this?

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Removing A Server Name

Mar 31, 2007

Upgrading to VS05 Pro SP1/SqlExpress (from VS03 Pro/SQL MSDE)

Question 1) €“ is there a way to tell which version of the SQL Express was installed? I think it is €œSQL Server 2005 Express Edition With Advance Services€?, but don€™t know how to confirm that.

Question 2) - SQL Server Management Studio Express, Registered Servers, it shows :
Database Engine
sqlexpress (note the lower case)
If I right click and choose €œPreviously Registered Servers€?, it shows a message that I will be displaying SQL Server 2000 (i.e. MSDE) server names, and it shows
SQL Server Group
SQLEXPRESS (note the upper case)

I wish to completely remove CSOLUTION (in MSDE you would uninstall it from the Control Panel), but right clicking and choosing the delete option does nothing (it does not delete it). Deleting SQL Server Group also has no affect either. How do I remove CSOLUTION ?

Question 3) - In the VS05 program, the SQL connection string includes €œData Source=.SQLEXPRESS€¦.€? (NOTE UPPER CASE) Why do I have a lower case and an upper case listed above? Starting/stopping one sqlexpress/ SQLEXPRESS does the same to the other. Don€™t I wan€™t to complete delete anything under SQL Server Group since it represents SQL Server 2000 (i.e. MSDE) server names? SQL Server 2000 and CSOLUTION have been uninstalled from this machine.


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Failed To Load Expression Host Assembly. Details: The Type Initializer For 'CableReporting.Utilities' Threw An Exception

Sep 18, 2007


I am using sql reporting service 2005 with .NET 2.0.
I have created a custom dll file for report and put this dll in appropriate folder.
Report is running fine in designer project.
but when I am trying to view this report after uploading to report manager it give me an error like

Failed to load expression host assembly. Details: The type initializer for 'CableReporting.Utilities' threw an exception. (rsErrorLoadingExprHostAssembly)Is there any solution for that?

thanks and Regards

Apurv Shah
IBM India pvt Ltd

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Will Removing A Registered Server Running SQL Server Remove The Database Too ?

Feb 17, 2006

Hi all, i encountered this problem.. whenever i tried to create publications it always prompt me this error msg "sql server replications does not support nicknames,such "." or "(local)". i know i need to delete the registration and register a new server with a different name.. i just want to double confirm whether deleting the registration will affect the databases or not ? :

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Removing Server Groups

Sep 29, 1999

In SQL 6.5 enterprise mgr I Could easily delete by right clicking on a server or group. In 7
this functionality is gone. Anybody done this.

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Removing IIS From A SQL7 Server?

Feb 26, 2001

An unknown person at a client's site installed IIS on a production SQL Server. I would like to remove it (it's not being used and the service is shut down). Does anyone know of any troubles with uninstalling IIS? Will the removal also hose SQL?

Thanks in advance?


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Removing The Echoing Of Sql Server

Sep 20, 2006

Hi All,

Hope all is going well ...... I have a question for you ...

Whenever we execute any command in sql query analyzer ... suppose to retrieve a table ... the sql server echoes a line .... 'X rows selected ' or like that ....
Is there any command by which I can supress the echoing of SQL Server in the GRID box ....
Like that @echo off in DOS

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Removing A SQL Server Instance

Jan 30, 2008

I have to install SQL 2000 and SQL 2005 on a server to do a Share Point upgrade. After the upgrade I want to remove the SQL 2000 instance.

My question is, has anyone done this and what, if any, issues did you have. Does it matter what order they are installed in? Will I break my 2005 instance when I remove the 2000 instance?

Any information would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!!

Jim Youmans
St Louis, MO USA

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Removing Certain Records Of A SQL Server Table

May 10, 2004

Hello all,

A little question regarding SQL Server DB's.

I have a two tables containing customers invoices, one for the invoices header (ie: customer #, invoice date,... KEY: invoice # + invoice date) and another for the details of the invoices (ie: each invoice line details KEY: invoice # + line #). I need to periodically remove invoices older than a certain timeframe (ex: all invoices older than 48 months).

How can I proceed?

I am fairly new with SQL server.... Please help!



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SQL Server 2008 :: Removing Null From Result Set

Aug 25, 2015

I want to remove the nulls from the result set so the result is 1 line. Code and results are below:

(case when yearseq = 2012 then isnull(sum(mainPower),0)+isnull(sum(sidePower),0)+isnull(Sum(leftPower),0)
+isnull(Sum(netappPower),0)+isnull(Sum(rightPower),0)+isnull(Sum(lowerPower),0) end) as '2012',
(case when yearseq = 2013 then

[Code] ....

What can I do to my code to remove the Nulls to the entire result is just 1 line?

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Removing Installed Instances From SQL Server Express

May 16, 2007

I installed SQL Server Express trail for 3 times each with new instance. Now I came to know that I need to have a default instance. I un-installed the SQL Server Express and tried to install it again. It still says I have installed instances and if I select default instance the option buttons are un-checked and disabled. I tried to delete all the folders related to the SQL Server installationa dn tried but still I see the same thing. Please help me in istalling the default instance.

Thank you.

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SQL XML :: Server Is Removing First Character Of Values If It Is A Space

Jun 3, 2015

I'm creating a table using a XML string and a stored procedure to the SQL Server. I'm having problems in just one field, it is a nvarchar(10) type. This field's string XML Schema is also nvharchar(10) type. It is called CodCanalPrice.

Today, the only values this field can assume are AA or BB or CC, (...), ZZ or (space)A, (space)B, (...), (space)C. Note that (space) is actually a space character. They all have 2 characters.

The XML data string of one data row is showed below:

<row id="1" (...many fields...) CodCanalPrice=" A" />

When the statement is executed, SQL server removes the first space (so in this case it is updated to A without space in the table). The others values that don't have an space before like AA or BB are updated fine. All others fields are also updated correctly.

So far I tried to replace the first space for   but SQL Server doesn't accept this tag.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Removing Database Name Prefix From Tables

Aug 21, 2014

When I create a table in sql server database name appears in prefix of table.

My database name: Digitall

My table name: Digitall.News

How can I remove Digitall prefix from my tables?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Removing Character (Letters Only) From A String

Dec 19, 2014

I need to build a query, or use a function to removing alfabetic Character from a string.

My string is

The value i want to keep is : 14000323-0003.

I try using this SELECT:

SELECT STUFF(Upper(z.lote), PATINDEX('%[A-Z]%', Upper(z.lote)), 2, '') from mytable

but in this case i have only 2 letters WI, but in the future i dont know if is only 2 letters, 1 letter or more, then is not what i pretend.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Removing / Deleting Data From 2 Tables

Mar 11, 2015

I have found a bunch of duplicate records in our housing database that ideally I need to delete.There are two tables that I need to remove data from ih_cml_log_entry and ih_cml_log_notes. There is no unique identifier between the tables for a log entry. So I have had to join on the person_ref, log_seq and the date/time of entry.How do I go about deleting the data - I've used the script below to identify what I need to delete -

select cml.person_ref, cml.open_date + open_time as 'datetime',cml.open_user,cml.log_type
,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY cml.person_ref, cml.open_date + cml.open_time,cml.open_user,cml.log_type ORDER BY (SELECT 0)) AS RowNo
FROM ih_cml_log_entry cml


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SQL Server 2008 :: Removing 00-00-00 From Varchar Column In Table?

Jul 29, 2015

I've look at several different methods for removing leading zero's from a column but I need to remove trailing data from a VARCHAR column. For some reason, the old database saved the time along side the date in my client's app.

For example:

The old database format "2015-07-28 00:00:00"

I need the data in this column in the new database to only be the date "2015-07-28", there are alot of rows with this issue.

Is there a query I can run to remove the 00-00-00 from all of the rows? Some of the fields actually have a time in there like this: 2015-07-28 12:15:35, with this one, I don't think it's going to be easy but if I could at least remove the 00-00-00 from all the rows that have it, that would be a good start.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Removing Greek Characters From A String

Sep 17, 2015

I have a varchar field which contains some Greek characters (α, β, γ, etc...) among the regular Latin characters. I need to replace these characters with a word (alpha, beta, gamma etc...). When I try to do this, I find that it is also replacing some of the Latin characters.

DECLARE @Letters TABLE (Letter NVARCHAR(10))
INSERT INTO @Letters VALUES ('a'), ('A'), ('b'), ('B'), ('α')
SELECTLetter, REPLACE(Letter,'α','alpha')

In this case, the "α" is being replaced, but so are "a" and "A".

I have tried changing the datatype from varchar to nvarchar and also changing the collation.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Removing Duplicate Character From String

Oct 18, 2015

How to write a function to remove duplicated characters only if they come in sequence.


darrk should return dark

eeagle should return eagle

redd should return red

corner should corner as it is as the r's are not in sequence.

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Removing Unused Objects - SQL Server 2000 Or 2005

Jan 22, 2008

Sometimes at the end of a project you'll end up with unused Tables,Stored Procs, Functions, and Views.Since there is not something like a 'SELECT' trigger ... what is thebest way for telling what is not being used by your solution? To turnon some kind of tracing?Any ideas?Thanks,Kelly GreerJoin Bytes!change nospam to yahoo

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