Rename The Worksheet Tabs

May 4, 2007


I want to rename the worksheet tabs when I export the report to excel. The answer is NO with SQL Server 2005 but any luck with SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2? Please help.

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Use Data To Rename .xls Worksheet

Dec 5, 2007

Is there a way to specifically name the .xls worksheet name when a report is exported and there are over 5 tabs/worksheets?
...can you use a header value to name the worksheet?

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Rename Tabs In Excel File Created By SSRS

Nov 13, 2007

I love SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), but it doesnt let me name the tabs when exporting to Excel. The feature is well documented as not being available.

So I figured I can use the cell(1,1) on each tab to contain the tab name, and have an SSIS job poll a file share, open the file, read the cell, rename tabs, rename the file, and then email out the file. Polling the directory and emailing is a piece of cake, but I can't find any way to rename a tab without having Excel loaded on the SERVER. Not to mention instantiating an entire instance of Excel on the SERVER every time I want to do this.

I want to leverage SSRS, and preserve the formatting of the excel file, which is why I don't just dump the data in with SSIS to begin with.

Anybody have any ideas?

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How To Get Worksheet Name

Sep 25, 2007


I know no one helped me in the previous post but I pray this time someone can help me on this regard. I am developing through VB ActiveX Script using DTS SQL Server Enterprise Manager. I have one question, I wanted to get the woorksheet name for an excel file but I do not know how to do that. Can you help in this regard? Thanks in advance.

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Trying To Import An Excel Worksheet To Sql

Jan 7, 2007

I am trying to import data from an excel worksheet to sql mgmt studio express..Everyone has told me to right click my database, select tasks, select import but the problem is there is no IMPORT option..What did I do wrong??

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Exporting To Formatted Worksheet

Nov 9, 2007

I need to export data to a worksheet and format the resultant sheet appropriately. I kow server side automation is a no-no. What would be the best alternative to accomplish this?

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Return Excel Worksheet Name

Sep 14, 2005

Currently my package contains an Excel Source with a contraint to a SQL Table.  The Excel Connection Manager currently has an expression attached to it which allows it to read the variable value and this in turn loads the correct file.  This all works fine.
The problem I am having is that if the Worksheet name is different to what was previously set a error is thrown.
Is there anyway in SSIS I can retrieve the name of the excel worksheet and pass it into a variable to be used.

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Exporting To Excel GridLine,worksheet Name, E.t.c.

Mar 26, 2007

I am Exporting my report to excel.

1, One thing i want's is to have gridlines available when report is exported to excel. {not by setting borderstyle }

2,I am inserting page break after a table to put different data on different sheet.How can i name the resultant work sheet {like table1 should be DATA,table2 should be MYSummary}

3,Can I insert page break after any control like simple textbox or it is necessary to put in a table ?

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Query Result To Excel Worksheet

Jun 29, 2007

hi guys,

How could I export the result from Query? I'd like to run the query and at the same time the result must be saved in Excel Worksheet. is this possible? How?

Thank you very much.

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OLAP Cube In Excel Worksheet

Aug 13, 2007

Lets say i have one analysis server project on server A . I have made an excel sheet on desktop B in which i have inserted a pivot table which datasource is Server A's cube . I then have save this worksheet as webpage and save it on Server A. When i run this webpage on server A its working fine with but as soon as when i run this webpage on other PC it give me the error

"The query could not be processed:

The data provider didn't supply any further error information."

what could be the reason .. Please help me i am going mad....

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Import Excel With Varying Worksheet Name Using DTS

Jun 6, 2007

Hi Everyone,

I'm trying to create a DTS package that will let me import an Excel file. The user will be able to name the file the same name every time. But can the DTS package read a different worksheet name each time? Right now, if I use the Excel connection object in DTS designer, it wants to hard code the worksheet name.



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Exporting To Excel GridLine,worksheet Name,

Mar 26, 2007

I am Exporting my report to excel.

1, One thing i want's is to have gridlines available {not by borderstyle } when report is exported to excel.

2,I am inserting page break after a table to put different data on different sheet.How can i name the resultant work sheet {like table1 should be DATA,table2 should be MYSummary}

3,Can I insert page break after any control like simple textbox or it is necessary to put in a table ?

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Export To Excel, Naming Of Worksheet

Sep 25, 2007

I have a report, which when I do Export to excel it comes in excel in multiple worksheets(because I ahve page breaks in my report), Now I want to name each worksheet programatically and not manually, Any idea how we can name the worksheet through reporting services, so that on export to excel I will get the work sheets with my preferred names

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Exporting To Excel With Worksheet Names

Jun 10, 2007

Hi Guys,

I have a sales report with each item group strating in a new page. When I export this to excel, I get mutiple worksheets (one sheet for each item group). This is fine but only problem is worksheets are not named( in this case name of item group). Has anyone got an idea how to populate worksheet names fro reporting services?



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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: OPENROWSET When Excel Worksheet Name Is Unknown

Sep 7, 2011

I've created a stored procedure that accepts two arguments: the name of an Excel workbook (@workbookBillRun), and the name of the first worksheet found in that workbook (@worksheetBillRun).

Through dynamic SQL, I'm able to construct a statement that pulls out data.

SELECT @sqlBillRun = '
FROM OPENROWSET (''Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0'', ''Excel 12.0;;Database=' +@workbookBillRun+ ';HDR=YES'',
''SELECT * from [' +@worksheetBillRun+ '$]'')'

The workbook name will always be known: when the user uploads the file, I change the name to match a certain pattern. Example: 2011-08 AUG.xlsx

However, I won't always know the worksheet name. The workbook *should* contain just one worksheet; and the worksheet *should* be named identically to the workbook (2011-08 AUG), but it may not be named as such. And if I pass an invalid worksheet name, the code above will fail.

I've created error handling to alert the user of an incorrectly named sheet. However, I was curious whether I could extract the name of the first worksheet in the workbook from within T-SQL.

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Delete An Excel Worksheet Only If It Exists, In A Dts Package

Jun 18, 2007

Hi :1. I import data into sqlserver, from an excel file, from a worksheetwithin it, named 'input_data'2. then i scrub the data in sqlserver3. then i export some data into the same excelfile but into anotherworksheet named 'output_data'I have got it working and this is how i am doing it right now. I amhaving a problem in the few steps identified below :1. I delete the worksheet 'output_data' using an execsql taskDROP TABLE `output_data'2. Then i have another execsql task to create itCREATE TABLE `output_data`3. Then i have datapump task to put data into worksheet.The work fine, but i am running into a problem, when the output_dataworksheet doesnt exist.So i need to write a query tellingIF `output_data` doesnt exist, then DROP ITHow do i do thisI am open to doing this in ActiveX Script(vbscript) and ExecSQL taskAlso i do not have excel dll or runtime in my dbserver.Please let me knowthanksRS

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Migrate MSExcel Worksheet Sources To SQL2005

Apr 3, 2006


Is there anyway I could do to migrate my data on my excel workbook to SQL Server 2005 per worksheet? Meaning, I have to create table for all my excel worksheet then transfer all the data to a new table through SSIS package.

How will I possibly do this? Please help.

Thanks in advance.

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Power Pivot :: Refresh From Worksheet Doesn't Work

Dec 4, 2015

I have a PowerPivot table setup based of a SQL Server stored procedure. I am kind of surprise that when I click the Refresh button on the PivotTable Tools ribbon bar above the report the report does not refresh.  I have to open the PowerPivot window, click refresh and then go back to the worksheet with the PivotTable and click Refresh.  Is that by design?  It seems like the Refresh on the worksheet just gets the existing data from the table.

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Help Please!!! Replacing Returns And Tabs

Jan 10, 2002

how can I remove newline characters and tabs from a char field in sql.
We are directing the results from a query to an excel and having the newlines in one of the columns is messing up the whole output.

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How To Remove Tabs From A Field?

Mar 17, 2004

Is there any way to remove tabs from text fields? I see tabs at the end when I import the data in Excel.

Appreciate any help

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Home Page Has No Tabs

Apr 18, 2007

Using System Role Assignment I grant a domain user account "System Administrator" & "System User" within Reporting Services.

Then I connect via IE7 to Report Server with the domain account that has been granted the above rights. The page comes up but the "Contents" and "Properties" tabs are missing. This user can use "Site Settings" and perform admin though.

If I assign the users domain account to the local Administrator group on the Win 2003 Server, then when they reconnect to Reporting Services the missing tabs appear.

We are a development shop, need some of our qa testers and developers to have admin rights within Reporting Services but don't want to grant them local Administrator rights on the server. This could also be an issue upon deployment at customer sites.

So how to get round this. I have been trying ACL's on the Reporting Services directorys, ASP.Net security etc but with no success.

PS: Everything was sweet before SP2

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Management Studio Tabs

Jul 10, 2006

I'm in Management Studio right now and I have two tabs called : "Table".

As is the case, one tab is actually for the Schema of the table while the other shows the data in the table. (I'd also guess that if I was looking at a "contact" table from another database or server it would also be listed as "Table").

Is there an option in Studio to provide more detailed tab descriptions?



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Integration Services :: Load Excel File Dynamically With Different Columns And Worksheet Names

Apr 2, 2014

 I have a situation where I want to load the Excel file dynamically, and the excel file have different columns or even worksheet name. How I could approach this? I believe there's no way to modify the meta data (specifically the mapping) in the data flow.

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Export To Excel And Want To Set The Worksheet (print Mode) As One Page (width&&hight) - Landscape

Dec 14, 2007

Hi, This is because there are many columns need to display ,when users export to excel ,now they have to manually adjust the worksheet as one page . Therefore,as the title,can anyone help me?

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Cross Tabs Problem In Sql Server

Apr 17, 2004

I want a query which is used in sql server like access query

TRANSFORM Sum(Q_DayBook.Debit) AS SumOfDebit
SELECT Q_DayBook.Purticular, Sum(Q_DayBook.Debit) AS [Total Of Debit]
FROM Q_DayBook
GROUP BY Q_DayBook.Purticular
PIVOT Q_DayBook.CDate;

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SQL 2012 :: How To View OR Retrieve All The Tabs

May 3, 2014

SQL query windows saves all the tabs in numerical sequence after you close each window. SO for example if you are typing query in window 1 and close it and open a new query windows it labels the new windows as SQL Query2 and so on.

What is the purpose of saving the SQLQuery windows like this? And how to retrieve all the windows.

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Message And Results Tabs Have Disapeared

Jan 12, 2008

I know this is an easy one. I have some how made the message and results tabs disapear. Now when i run somethinbg in the query window i don't see my results or errors.

Where do i click to bring those back?

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Excel Files, Multiple Tabs

May 8, 2008

I know from experience that the Excel connection mechanisms are somewhat limited. I was wondering if anyone has come across a solution to this problem.

We receive an excel file from a business line. Basically a list of account mods for a given month. Due to the tabular nature of Excel, sometimes the amount of mods exceeds the limits of one tab and has to roll over into a second tab. The names of the tabs reflect the file creation date, which often is the last day of the month, but not always. Here is a question related to this-

Is there a way to "query" a the list of tabs in an Excel file, so that I could store that record set in an SSIS variable, use it to loop through all the tabs? If no, can you think of a way to somehow get the value of the tab name or names so that I can use it to dynamically set the OpenRowset value of the Excel Data Source?

Thanks for your help, everyone!


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Navigating To A Different Tabs In Reporting Manager

Mar 20, 2008

Hello All,
I am viewing the report in Reporting Manager. It has four tabs at the top viz. View, Properties History and Subscription. When I click any one of Properties, History or Subscription and click the View tab again, I loose my dataset that was there before I started clicking the tabs. It prompts for the parameters again.
Is that by design? I find this a nuisance to enter the parameter again and run the report just because I navigated to a different tabs.
Any suggestions to alter this behavior to make the data sticky in the report?


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SQL 2012 :: Any Way To Display Multiple Rows Of Tabs?

Jun 20, 2013

SSMS 2012: when you open up many sql files in the IDE, it starts hiding some tabs and you have to click on the drop down at the right to navigate to the tab you want. Is there a way to make it display more than one row of tabs, so that tabs are not hidden and always displayed?

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SQL 2012 :: Ssms Display In Vertical Tabs?

Feb 27, 2014

I liked the default appearance of SSMS in 2005 and 2008. 2012 is lousy by default.

My quesion is whether it can be made to approximate the way it behaved in 2008.

What I liked: Registered Servers and Object Explorer resided on nested vertical tabs on the left-hand side of the screen. Queries stacked up on the right-hand side of the screen.

I managed to get the Registered Servers and Object explorer to display with nested vertical tabs (tabs at the top, rather than the bottom - that's ok). But if there aren't any other vertical tabbed displays, then the tab on top fills the screen. There's no point to that. Both Registered Servers and Object explorer are narrow trees. The rest of the screen is white nothingness.

If a query is opened, it then fills the screen - empty. If I want that in a vertical tab I have to manually make it one (right click, choose New Vertical Tab Group).

s there a way to make the doggone thing behave?

The way I got the Registered Servers and Object explorer to behave this way was to right click on a tab and play with the vertical tabbing options.

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Error Message Occurs When Closing IE7 Tabs

Feb 18, 2007

Ever since I installed Internet Explorer 7 I have recieved an error message when closing the browser tabs. It doesn't matter if I am closing one or all of the open tabs. Here is the message I recieve,

"Access violation at address 02050200 in module iesdsg.dll Read of address 25202E67"

This message didn't occur until I installed IE7. When I uninstall IE7 the message does not show up. Any insight would be appreciated.

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Closing And Reopening Tabs In Management Studio...

Nov 6, 2007

is there a way to avoid closing and reopening tabs in mgt studio when one task conflicts with another? For instance, I sometime look at a stored proc by scripting it as a create to a new query window. If I need to alter the db it is on, in a way that conflicts with a separate connection that is looking at a stored proc, I have to close the tab in which I was viewing the sp, run the alter, close that tab and then rescript the sp as a create in a new window.

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