Repetitive Tasks Across Databases

Oct 25, 2007

Does anyone have any piece of sql that can help with the following.

1. I have to perform repetitive tasks across about 13 databases on 13 different servers involving
a. Alter table drop constraint
b. Alter table drop column

Is there anyway i can pass the database connection details into a procedure and run the task from one database and execute these tasks?

This means I do not have to physically log into the different servers and execute these tasks.


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Transaction Support Across Tasks Accessing Two Different Databases

Apr 7, 2008

I am trying to determine if it is possible to add transaction support for a SSIS package. Here are the basic tasks:

Read New/Updated records from SQL Server
Update changed records in Access
Insert new records into Access
Update new records in SQL Server with Access key assigned on insert in previous step
Reset dirty_flag

I would like to wrap a transaction around this. If the package fails in the task that updates sql server with the Access key, the next time it runs, it duplicates the new records in Access because it did not finish the process. Is it possible to have a transaction wrap this entire process so I can undo the inserts to Access if I fail any subsequent tasks?



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How Remove Repetitive Rows

Apr 9, 2008

Forget abt all.

My input table consist of ONLY TWO columns. And this is my table
Time Action
17:42 SELL
17:43 BUY
17:44 SELL
17:45 SELL
17:46 SELL
17:47 BUY
17:48 BUY
17:49 SELL
17:50 SELL

When ever ACTION columns data is repeating remove that repetitive data rows.

(i mean to say Bold characters rows want to remove)

And finally my output should like this

Time Action
17:42 SELL
17:43 BUY
17:44 SELL
17:47 BUY
17:49 SELL

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Combine 4 Tables Without Repetitive Records

Oct 29, 2006

How to write a sql to combine the 4 tables into one without repetitive records? The 4 tables have exactly the same fields.

The tables do not have primary key. The fields to identiry the rows is name and dob. In the case the name and dob is same for two records, the one with latest date_created is selected.


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How To Remove Repetitive Data Rows?

Apr 9, 2008

Hi, i am very struggle to find out.

My input table consist of TWO columns. And this is my table
Time Action
17:42 SELL
17:43 BUY
17:44 SELL
17:45 SELL
17:46 SELL
17:47 BUY
17:48 BUY
17:49 SELL
17:50 SELL

When ever ACTION columns data are repeating remove that repetitive data rows.

(i mean to say Bold characters rows want to remove)

And finally my output should like this

Time Action
17:42 SELL
17:43 BUY
17:44 SELL
17:47 BUY
17:49 SELL

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Transposing Repetitive Serial Fields Into Table Structure

Nov 27, 2006

Dear All,I'm attempting to create a query that will transpose repeated fieldsinto a single table structure. Can anyone think of how this can be doneas I'm stumped at the minute? I'd like to do this without having tocreate a cursor due to the overheads and performance issues associatedwith cursors. The table may also include additional fields which I'mnot interested in.Serial Data is like this.............IkeyIval-----------------------------------------------RAF_EMAILJoin Bytes!RAF_FIRSTNAMEtestFirstName1RAF_LASTNAMEtestLastname1RAF_EMAILJoin Bytes!RAF_FIRSTNAMEtestFirstName2RAF_LASTNAMEtestLastname2....Transposed into table like this ..............EmailFirstnameLastname--------------------------------------------------------------------------Join Bytes!testFirstName1testLastname1Join Bytes!testFirstName2testLastname2....Any help, much appreciated ...Kind Regards,Tim-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: these create temporary tables ....DECLARE @XML TABLE(ikey VARCHAR(200),ival VARCHAR(1000))INSERT INTO @XMLSELECT 'RAF_EMAIL', ''UNION ALL SELECT 'RAF_FIRSTNAME', 'testFirstName1'UNION ALLSELECT 'RAF_LASTNAME', 'testLastname1'UNION ALLSELECT 'RAF_EMAIL', ''UNION ALL SELECT 'RAF_FIRSTNAME', 'testFirstName2'UNION ALLSELECT 'RAF_LASTNAME', 'testLastname2'UNION ALLSELECT 'FORM_CATEGORY', 'nothing'UNION ALLSELECT 'NO_DOGS', '1'DECLARE @RESULTS(EMAIL,FIRSTNAME,LASTNAME)

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Calculate Sum Of Dates Minus Repetitive Dates

Jul 18, 2014

Today I have got one scenario to calculate the (sum of days difference minus(-) the dates if the same date is appearing both in assgn_dtm and complet_dtm)/* Here goes the table schema and sample data */

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[temp_tbl]') AND type in (N'U'))
DROP TABLE [dbo].[temp_tbl]
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[temp_tbl](
[tbl_id] [bigint] NULL,
[cs_id] [int] NOT NULL,


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Linking Tables From Different Databases Or Querying From Multiple Databases

Dec 10, 2007

Dear Readers,Is it possible, like in Access, to link to tables in other SQL databases that are on the same server? I have a query that I originally had in Access that queered from multiply databases. It did this by having those other tables in the other databases linked to the database that had the query. 

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More Of DBA Tasks

Apr 11, 2006

are there restrictions on what a DBA can do on a developer's edition?

i'm asking coz i get really bad connection problems when changing service accounts, client aliases, port numbers, connecting to different components like ssis, reporting services, database engine, etc...

in sql2000, changing these things are a breeze, is there some guidelines when making these changes in 2005?


keeping it simple...

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DBA Tasks

Feb 21, 2008

Hi guys

Just want to know whether you guys do the following as a dba:

1. Setup a logging for tracking database as well as table size that containing size, indexing size. You can measure the growth.
2. Record for indexing for each database. I think this is over kill task.
3. Record database setup such as create statistic, update statistic etc.

These tasks can be automate to record every month for example and record this into Administration database for instance.

What else you guys record?


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How To Run Only Certain Tasks

Mar 14, 2006

If I'm in the Data Flow tab in VS 2005, how can I select only certain components to run to test?  I tried highlighting the ones that I want to run but it's running all of them in the tab...some of the components I want to take out for testing then maybe put back in later.  If I delete the tasks I don't want to run, then I end up having to recreate them

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Where To Find The Web Tasks?

Dec 17, 2001

Where to look for the web assitant created jobs on the server?I created a web page using the web assistant which is suppossed to get updated each time a value changes in a particular table,but I can't find the task which I created ,where do i look for that?I didn't use this wizard previously.thanks for any help!

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DTS Custom Tasks

Oct 5, 2000

Would anyone be aware of anyplace I could find some good information on creating DTS custom tasks? I've come across a couple of articles from SQL Server Magazine, but nothing too substantive...
Better yet, if anyone has any success (great or small), I'd like to hear from you and hear some of the things you did, what your custom task does, difficulty.
I'm just trying to get an idea of how much work I have ahead of me....

Thank You...

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Scheduled Tasks

Sep 15, 1999

If I have 2 scheduled tasks set for the same time (perhaps accidentally), will the
SQL Executive start 1 and queue the other one until the first is complete and
then run the 2nd task? Or will they both be started simultaneously?

Toni Eibner

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Scheduled Tasks In 6.5

Feb 12, 1999

I have been running the following production job successfully for a long time.
It now fails, and the Task History Last Error Message displays 'No Message'.
The log file ( C:MSSQLLOGMaint_TombV50.txt) shows it ran successfully,
with a Return Code 0.

SQLMAINT.EXE -D TombV50 -RebldIdx 10
-CkDB -CkAl -CkTxtAl -CkCat
-UpdSts -Rpt C:MSSQLLOGMaint_TombV50.txt

It looks like SQL Executive burps for some reason.

Any ideas, comments, suggestions?


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Scheduled Tasks

Jun 23, 1999

To all,
If I have a scheduled tasks that is owned by 'sa', how can I assign permissions to allow another user, even the database dbo, to register the SQL server and view the scheduled tasks?

Thanks in Advance,
Ed Molinari

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Schedule Tasks

Jun 5, 1999

Hello ,
I need create tasks, which will be wake up daily to backup 4 databases.
My questions are:
1. Can I create 1 task to backup all databases using TSQL command?
Ex: DUMP DATABASE test1 to test1_backup
DUMP TRANSACTIONS test1 to test1_backup with truncate_only
DUMP DATABASE test2 to test2_backup
DUMP TRANSACTIONS test2 to test2_backup with truncate_only
If it’s possible can I just print this command to ‘Command:’ text box in the ‘New task’ window
without writing the TSQL command into a text file and execute it with the ISQL program through
2.If first doesn’t work: can I do the same job, but create for every backup own task and run the same
TSQL command for particular database. And if I can is it possible to schedule run all 4 tasks the same time or I should put time’s interval?
3. If 1. And 2. Are false. Give me your smart advice.

Thank you,

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Transfer Of Tasks

Jun 28, 1999

Is anybody knows how to transfer all the tasks in one server to another?
Our development database will be transferred/copied to a new production box
and that includes all tasks that we've created. We have almost a hundred
tasks defined and we don't want it create manually. If someone had done
this before, please give me a hint, i appreciate it very much!


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DTS Workflow And Tasks

Jul 12, 2005

Hi all,

I've got a DTS job which has lots of tasks in it. I've also got quite a few flows of workflow and i've noticed that a task won't execute if it has both Failure and Success workflow pointing to it... It can have multiple failures pointing to it and it will execute but it can't have multiple successes or a combination of workflows...

Does anyone know a way to get around this or to change the 'AND' ing that seems to be on the workflow going into a task..


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How Often To Do Certain Maintanence Tasks.

Jul 29, 2004


I just volunteered to be the database administrator of our new sql server. I am normally the programmer so I have little experience with database administration. There are some basics that I need some assistance with mainly when to perform various maintanence checks. For example, how often do I need to perform some of the dbcc commands that I have read about? How often do I check for data integrity, index fragmentation, rebuilding indexes, or defrag indexes?

I have to come up with a plan by tomorrow and I don't know if I have anything solid enough since I don't exactly know when to perform some of these tasks. :confused:

Thanks so much for your advice.

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Tasks To Automate

Mar 2, 2006

Can someone let me know any 10 things that are usally automated using the SQL Server Agent,

I mean besides backup what all can i automate


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Plz Solve For This Tasks

May 13, 2006

could some one help in giveing solution for this tasks..
Task 1 : Get the first day and last day of the week

Ex: input : '04/12/2006'

Required ouput :

start_date End_date

Note :1. start_date should be sunday
2. end_date should be saturday

Task 2 -- Find the product sales week wise

Find the product sales week wise

Output Required:

gasstationID productClass week1 week2 week3 week4
-------------------- ------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
111 DSL 1 0 0 0
111 GAS 2 0 1 1
222 DSL 1 0 1 1
222 GAS 1 0 0 0

create table trial_sales(
productClass varchar(4))

insert into trial_sales values(111,'11/01/2005',10000,'GAS')
insert into trial_sales values(111,'11/02/2005',1000,'GAS')
insert into trial_sales values(111,'11/02/2005',20000,'DSL')
insert into trial_sales values(222,'11/01/2005',10000,'GAS')
insert into trial_sales values(222,'11/02/2005',10000,'DSL')
insert into trial_sales values(111,'11/15/2005',1000,'GAS')
insert into trial_sales values(222,'11/15/2005',10000,'DSL')
insert into trial_sales values(111,'11/25/2005',1000,'GAS')
insert into trial_sales values(222,'11/25/2005',10000,'DSL')

Task 3 Display unique values

Display unique values in

create table t (colA varchar(25))

insert into t values('apple')
insert into t values('bat')
insert into t values('car')

ouput required:


Task : 4

I have a table in the database I am working with with the following columns:
(I have simplified this down for the sake of clarity)
int p1
int p2
int p3
int s1
date d1
string s1

There is no primary key and the table more resembles a log than anything.

p1 p2 p3 s1 d1 s1
1 12 14 100 23May comment 2
1 12 14 800 22May comment 1
1 12 14 300 24May comment 3
1 12 15 100 22May comment 2
1 12 15 800 21May comment 1
2 12 15 100 23May comment 1

What I want to do is exttract the rows from the table where the combination
of p1 p2 and p3 is distinct/unique and the date is the most recent one for
all combinations of p1, p2, p3. So from the table above I would end up with
the resultset:

p1 p2 p3 s1 d1 s1
1 12 14 300 24May comment 3
1 12 15 100 22May comment 2
2 12 15 100 23May comment 1

Task 5

say i have the following data...
uId(int PK), productcode(int), quantity(int)

....and i have an order for productcode 12 with quantity of 6 products.
i need to select only enough rows to reach a quantity of 6.
in this case, i would want the first two rows which would give me a sum of
how can i do this without looping through each record, getting the quantity
and exiting the loop when i have a sum >= 6?

Task 6

I have two tables as below, TABLE1 and TABLE2.

TABLE 1: Base


TABLE 2: History


The ID of TALBE1 is the primary key and the ID of TABLE2 is the foreign key.
What's the right T-SQL JOIN statement when I pass the date of 2005/8/7,
it will return the result as below:


and when I pass the date of 2005/8/8, it will return the result as below:


Task : 7

Reverse the Name

create table sample_judge(

insert into sample_judge values ('J Smith')
insert into sample_judge values ('M Samuel')
insert into sample_judge values ('S Shan')
insert into sample_judge values ('K Anand')
insert into sample_judge values ('K K K K Anand')
insert into sample_judge values ('K R Shanth Anand')
insert into sample_judge values ('K R Shanth Anand Kumara Velu')


Expected Output :

Smith J
Samuel M
Shan S
Anand K
Anand K K K K
Shanth Anand K R
Shanth Anand Kumara Velu K R


thanks in adv

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Run Tasks Against Each Sql Server

Jun 18, 2008


I would like to run several checklists against each sql server 2005 instance.

I can get a list of the sql server 2005 machines (Which are on the network) from a sql server table.

There is a another table which holds the list of the checks that need to be carried out against each sql server 2005 machine called tblCheckList.

The list of tasks in the table is briefly as follows:

1) get the path where the .mdf file is placed.
2) get the path where the .ldf file is placed
3) get the path where .BAK or .TRN are placed
4) get the path where the sql 2005 is installed
5) get the servicepack version
6) get the authentication
7) remove sample databases i.e. northwind or pubs, etc...
8) get the recovery model on UserDB
9) get the size of each database


The list goes on


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Tasks To Automate

Mar 2, 2006

Can someone let me know any 10 things that are usally automated using the SQL Server Agent,

I mean besides backup what all can i automate


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Daily Tasks

Jun 6, 2007

Just wonder what do you dba do in your daily tasks. I usually have meetings where I have to say what Ive been doing during the week.


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Scheduled Tasks

Mar 6, 2007

Is it possible to schedule tasks in SQL Express, for example a database backup, or to periodically execute a stored procedure?

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Scheduled Tasks

Feb 7, 2008

I am using Windows 2000 and created around 15 scheduled tasks. My scheduled tasks supposed to run every morning. I have to set password to first scheduled tasks every morning; otherwise none of the scheduled tasks works. As soon as i put password in the scheduled tasks, other tasks work fine.

Any ideas how to save password to schedule task?

Thanks in advance..

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Plz Help - Day To Day Tasks Of A Mssql DBA

Dec 22, 2007

Hi all,

I will be entering a job as a Junior Sql Server DBA with no senior above me. I would like to know what a DBA does everyday and all day.

If anyone can give me a thorough answer I would very much apreciate it, what are the day to day tasks.

Receiving projects is one thing, that is understood, but sometimes there are no projects and u r just supposed to do ur job.

What do you do as soon as you start your shift, then half an hour later at 9am what do you do then?
then at 10am what do you do, then 11am, noon, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm, etc.....

Do do you do all day and everyday? Someone please give me a thourough answer.

Thank You very much

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Seperating Dts Tasks

Apr 15, 2008

I am sort of new to SSIS.. I am doing the following

- Have a package that does some data transformation
- The transformed data is written to a csv file
- The csv file is copied to multiple destinations by a script task

All the above actions are performed in one package.

The SSiS log is not very helpful it just mentions a generic error code that is of no use.

Q1) If I need to separate the above actions in the Sql Server job scheduler as separate tasks do I have to
split the above tasks into separate dtsx files ?
If so how can we have the first dtsx kickoff the second one and can the second dtsx file share the variables ?

Q2) does anyone have any suggestions or examples on how log each step of your dts package to a log file


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Scheduling Tasks

Mar 11, 2008

Hi All,
How to Schedule the execution of set of packages for every one hour. In the control panel > Schedule tasks >

There are options available only to the day granular level.

Any ideas on this would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance ...

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Automating Certain Set Up Tasks?

Apr 29, 2015

After SQL Server Express 2012 is installed, is there a way to automate setting up a few options? I need to enable the option for both windows and sql server authentication. Can this be done with Powershell or other tool? This is a situation where the user has absolutely no computer skills and there is no one available in their office that can set the options manually. I thought some sort of script would be useful for this.

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Path Of Tasks

Jan 12, 2007


no results during my search of the web, maybe one of yours can help.

Is there a possibility (during design time is OK) to find out, which TaskHost is before and after a CustomTask (by wiring in ssis-designer) and which type of wire it is (Error, Finish, Success).

Maybe the order of executables is providing this information, when there are no props or methods (and i found none), but then you don't know anything about the type.

Any ideas?


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SSIS Tasks

Oct 26, 2007

Hello everybody,

I need some help :

I want to transfer a few access mdb kept in a folder to sql server. I am using foreach file enumerator. I want to perform the following actions :

1. At time of loading the file, check if the file name starts with "ED". If not, move the file to error folder.
2. Count no. of records that were there in the access db and that were transferred to the sql table.
3. I also want to run the package from command line. Even though i figured out that, i want to display only limited messages on the console. For eg: File processing begins, File currently being processed, TOtal rows transferred, File processing completed etc.

Please guide me with some examples.

thanks mint.

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