ReplMerge.exe Vs. RMO

May 10, 2007

What are the pros and cons using replMerge.exe vs RMO? I'm specifically interested in error handling issues. I have a test app that calls replmerge and it works great, but if there are errors in the replication, does it pass back specific error information?

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ReplMerge.exe Works But RMO Doesn't -

May 14, 2007

I have been successful in getting a Merge Replication to happen via the web using ReplMerge.exe, but unsuccessful in doing the same using RMO.

The following code is what I am using for merge replication via the web using the ReplMerge.exe and this is working fine.

replString = "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90COMREPLMERG.EXE"

Dim procID As Integer

Dim newProc As Diagnostics.Process

Dim si As Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo

si.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden

newProc.StartInfo = si

newProc = Diagnostics.Process.Start(replString, "-Publication pub_mergetest

-Publisher publishername

-Subscriber subscribername

-Distributor distributorname

-DistributorLogin sa

-DistributorPassword pwd

-DistributorSecurityMode 0

-PublisherDB MergeTest-Publisher

-SubscriberDB MergeTest-Subscriber

-PublisherLogin sa

-PublisherPassword pwd

-SubscriberLogin sa

-SubscriberPassword pwd

-SubscriptionType 1

-SubscriberSecurityMode 0

-LoginTimeOut 30

-ParallelUploadDownload 1

-QueryTimeOut 300")

procID = newProc.Id


Dim procEC As Integer = -1

If newProc.HasExited = -1 Then

procEC = newProc.ExitCode

End If

However, I cannot get the same to work via RMO. The error i get back is "The process could not connect to subscriber "subscribername". What am I missing? Any help and feedback is greatly appreciated.

Dim _mergeAgent As MergeSynchronizationAgent = New MergeSynchronizationAgent()

_mergeAgent.Publication = "pub_mergetest"

_mergeAgent.Publisher = "publishername "

_mergeAgent.Subscriber = "subscribername"

_mergeAgent.Distributor = "distributorname"

_mergeAgent.DistributorLogin = "sa"

_mergeAgent.DistributorPassword = "pwd"

_mergeAgent.DistributorSecurityMode = SecurityMode.Standard

_mergeAgent.PublisherDatabase = "MergeTest-Publisher"

_mergeAgent.SubscriberDatabase = "MergeTest-Subscriber"

_mergeAgent.SubscriberLogin = "sa"

_mergeAgent.SubscriberPassword = "pwd"

_mergeAgent.SubscriberSecurityMode = SecurityMode.Standard

_mergeAgent.SubscriptionType = SubscriptionOption.Pull

_mergeAgent.PublisherLogin = "sa"

_mergeAgent.PublisherPassword = "pwd"

_mergeAgent.PublisherSecurityMode = SecurityMode.Standard

_mergeAgent.LoginTimeout = 30

_mergeAgent.QueryTimeout = 300

_mergeAgent.UseWebSynchronization = True

_mergeAgent.InternetUrl = "https://###.###.###.###/virtualdirectory/replisapi.dll"

_mergeAgent.InternetLogin = "domainusername"

_mergeAgent.InternetPassword = "pwd"

_mergeAgent.InternetTimeout = 5000


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