Replace Nulls With Blank Spaces In Float Data Type
May 8, 2008
I have a simple question. Is it at all possible to replace columns which has nulls with blank spaces for a float data type column.
The columns has null values( written)) in it in some rows and has numbers in other rows . I want to remove nulls before copying it to another file.
I need to convert a a string column to integer. Before converting, I need to check if it has blank values then convert it to NULL. Someone told me that its easier to convert it to NULL before converting to integer.
I can populate a dataTable with type double (C#) of say '1055.01' however when I save these to the CE3.5 database using a float(CE3.5) I lose the decimal portion. The 'offending' code is:
I am using SQL Server 7.0. I create a table with one field..type of float. Using SQL Server Query Analyzer: INSERT INTO MyTable(MyField) VALUES (4.9) INSERT INTO MyTable(MyField) VALUES (Round(4.9,2))
Result = 4.9000000000000004
This is a basic example of a problem I am having in another table with the same float field that I am using to store money in. I don't want to use the money field as the BDE from Borland has some issues with money fields. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
We are using a GL package called Solomon. It uses SQL Server 7.0 for it's database. I want to create a data warehouse using this data as the source. The package uses the float data type for dollar amounts. The dollar amounts in the data have either no numbers, 1 number, or 2 numbers after the decimal point. Is the float data type the best one to use in my data warehouse for dollars and cents, or should I try using the monetary or decimal (precision 2) data type? Which type uses the most storage?
Hi all, I have declared a field with datatype as float. When I enter value with two precision it chooses to round off to lower value and insert into the database.
I am losing precision in this case.
I want to insert 4.56. It inserts the way shown and hence all my further calculations go haywire.
Is SQL server designed to store float like this or Am I doing soemting wrong ???
Hopefully ur guys can help me. I declare data type as float in price table. So the problem here is, whenever i enter a float number and move to the second row to enter a new number. The first number in the first row will automatically change to integer, without no reason. For example "2.3" will become "25".
1. In c++ (or any other language) I'm copying bit by bit to a doublevariable dob_var.2. If I copy dob_var to dob_var2 which is also a double I do not loseinformation.3. This implies that the same would be when copying to a data base, butwhen I write dob_var to an sql server float field (same size as adouble variable = 64 bit) it sometimes loses information. e.g. whenvalue=1E-320.It is true that SQL float is valid until 1E-308 but so is a C++ double.Any comments?
W2k3 server, SQL 2005. @@version = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.1399.06 (Intel X86) Standard Edition on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 1)
I have my first SSIS package almost working, but I'm having an odd problem and can't find any information to help resolve it.
I'm importing from a flat file (csv) to an existing table (append). I've got a Derived Column transformation in the middle to do some data cleanup. It's all working except for one little problem...
One of the transformations is 'REPLACE([Column 3],"^","; ")', output to a new column. (The input file has a field that uses carets as delimiters between an unknown number of items; I'm changing that to semicolons for easier reading.) Not all rows have data in this column, some will have one item, some will have multiple items.
The REPLACE works except that it fills in repeated data for all the blank rows.
Incoming data is:
1 Smith,Jane^Jones,Jane
2 Brown,John
4 Adams,James^Adams,Jim
6 White,Debra
Data inserted into the table is:
1 Smith,Jane; Jones,Jane
2 Brown,John
3 Brown,John
4 Adams,James; Adams,Jim
5 Adams,James; Adams,Jim
6 White,Debra
I've tried to use a Conditional to skip the empty rows, but I can't get that working at all (get syntax errors no matter what I put in).
Any suggestions on how to fix this would be most appreciated!
hello anyone... i got this message "Error converting data type varchar to float" when i was trying to insert values into table using instead of trigger...
below is my table ClimateData
quote:USE [PVMC Database] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[ClimateData] Script Date: 03/26/2008 03:04:44 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_PADDING ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ClimateData]( [Climate_application_id] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ClimateData_Climate_application_id] DEFAULT (newid()), [Latitude] [float] NULL, [Longitude] [float] NULL, [Altitude] [varchar](50) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI NULL, [Climate_type] [varchar](100) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI NULL, [PV_application_id] [uniqueidentifier] NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_ClimateData_1] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [Climate_application_id] ASC )WITH (IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY]
GO SET ANSI_PADDING OFF GO USE [PVMC Database] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[ClimateData] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_ClimateData_Photovoltaic] FOREIGN KEY([PV_application_id]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Photovoltaic] ([PV_application_id]) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
Below is photovoltaic table
quote:USE [PVMC Database] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[Photovoltaic] Script Date: 03/26/2008 03:06:58 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_PADDING ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Photovoltaic]( [PV_application_id] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Photovoltaic_PV_application_id] DEFAULT (newid()), [PV_site] [varchar](50) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI NULL, [PV_state] [varchar](50) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI NULL, [PV_type_of_system] [varchar](50) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI NULL, [PV_nominal_power] [float] NULL, [PV_module] [varchar](150) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI NULL, [PV_mounting] [varchar](50) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI NULL, [PV_building_type] [varchar](50) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI NULL, [PV_topology] [varchar](50) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI NULL, [PV_new_or_retrofit] [varchar](50) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI NULL, [PV_period_of_design] [varchar](50) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI NULL, [PV_period_of_construction] [varchar](50) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI NULL, [PV_commissioning_date] [datetime] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Photovoltaic_PV_commissioning_date] DEFAULT (getdate()), [PV_site_photo] [varbinary](max) NULL, [PV_peak_nominal_rating] [float] NULL, [User_application_id] [uniqueidentifier] NULL, [Org_application_id] [uniqueidentifier] NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Photovoltaic_1] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [PV_application_id] ASC )WITH (IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY]
GO SET ANSI_PADDING OFF GO USE [PVMC Database] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Photovoltaic] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_Photovoltaic_OrganizationDetail] FOREIGN KEY([Org_application_id]) REFERENCES [dbo].[OrganizationDetail] ([Org_application_id]) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Photovoltaic] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_Photovoltaic_Users] FOREIGN KEY([User_application_id]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Users] ([User_application_id]) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
Below also my command for instead of trigger
CREATE trigger [tr_v_PhotovoltaicClimateData] on [dbo].[v_PhotovoltaicClimateData] instead of insert as BEGIN
insert Photovoltaic (PV_site, PV_state, PV_type_of_system, PV_nominal_power, PV_module, PV_mounting) select distinct inserted.PV_site, inserted.PV_state, inserted.PV_type_of_system, inserted.PV_nominal_power, inserted.PV_module, inserted.PV_mounting from inserted left join Photovoltaic on inserted.PV_site = Photovoltaic.PV_site and inserted.PV_state = Photovoltaic.PV_state and inserted.PV_type_of_system = Photovoltaic.PV_type_of_system and inserted.PV_nominal_power = Photovoltaic.PV_nominal_power and inserted.PV_nominal_power = Photovoltaic.PV_module and inserted.PV_nominal_power = Photovoltaic.PV_mounting where Photovoltaic.PV_site IS NULL /*** Exclude Organization Detail already in the table ***/
insert ClimateData (Latitude, Longitude, Altitude, Climate_type, PV_application_id) select distinct inserted.Latitude, inserted.Longitude, inserted.Altitude, inserted.Climate_type, Photovoltaic.PV_application_id from inserted inner join Photovoltaic on inserted.PV_site = Photovoltaic.PV_site left join ClimateData on inserted.Latitude = ClimateData.Latitude and inserted.Longitude = ClimateData.Longitude and inserted.Altitude = ClimateData.Altitude and inserted.Climate_type = ClimateData.Climate_type where ClimateData.Latitude IS NULL /*** Exclude Organization Types already in the table ***/
END -- trigger def
and finally, i hav tried using this command to insert into table v_PhotovoltaicClimateData.. this is the command to insert
Hello everyone... i have some problem with instead of trigger... after insert values into v_PhotovoltaicClimateData, i got this error, Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Procedure tr_v_PhotovoltaicClimateData, Line 6 Error converting data type varchar to float.
quote:CREATE VIEW [dbo].[v_PhotovoltaicClimateData] AS SELECT dbo.Photovoltaic.PV_site, dbo.Photovoltaic.PV_state, dbo.Photovoltaic.PV_type_of_system, dbo.Photovoltaic.PV_nominal_power, dbo.Photovoltaic.PV_module, dbo.Photovoltaic.PV_mounting, dbo.ClimateData.Latitude, dbo.ClimateData.Longitude, dbo.ClimateData.Altitude, dbo.ClimateData.Climate_type FROM dbo.ClimateData INNER JOIN dbo.Photovoltaic ON dbo.ClimateData.PV_application_id = dbo.Photovoltaic.PV_application_id
below is my instead of trigger command...
quote:CREATE trigger [tr_v_PhotovoltaicClimateData] on [dbo].[v_PhotovoltaicClimateData] instead of insert as BEGIN
insert Photovoltaic (PV_site, PV_state, PV_type_of_system, PV_nominal_power, PV_module, PV_mounting) select distinct inserted.PV_site, inserted.PV_state, inserted.PV_type_of_system, inserted.PV_nominal_power, inserted.PV_module, inserted.PV_mounting from inserted left join Photovoltaic on inserted.PV_site = Photovoltaic.PV_site and inserted.PV_state = Photovoltaic.PV_state and inserted.PV_type_of_system = Photovoltaic.PV_type_of_system and inserted.PV_nominal_power = Photovoltaic.PV_nominal_power and inserted.PV_nominal_power = Photovoltaic.PV_module and inserted.PV_nominal_power = Photovoltaic.PV_mounting where Photovoltaic.PV_site IS NULL /*** Exclude Photovoltaic already in the table ***/
insert ClimateData (Latitude, Longitude, Altitude, Climate_type, PV_application_id) select distinct inserted.Latitude, inserted.Longitude, inserted.Altitude, inserted.Climate_type, Photovoltaic.PV_application_id from inserted inner join Photovoltaic on inserted.PV_site = Photovoltaic.PV_site left join ClimateData on inserted.Latitude = ClimateData.Latitude and inserted.Longitude = ClimateData.Longitude and inserted.Altitude = ClimateData.Altitude and inserted.Climate_type = ClimateData.Climate_type where ClimateData.Latitude IS NULL /*** Exclude Climate Data already in the table ***/
END -- trigger def
this is my commad insert values using instead of trigger that i've created...
after execute this commad, i got this error.. quote:Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Procedure tr_v_PhotovoltaicClimateData, Line 6 Error converting data type varchar to float.
I have created a stored procedure that contain this field (below) inorder to meet certain criteria. But my problem is when I try to runthe stored procedure I encounter an error "Error converting data typevarchar to float".CASE Final WHEN 0 THEN '--' ELSE Final END AS FinalGradeThe Final field is a float data type.Could anyone teach me how to fix this problem?
In the following code I want to compare 2 values: AccessVal and SQLVal. The values are stored as nvarchars, so I'm isolating the numeric values in a subquery. Notice I'm only selecting 1 row. The commented line, where I compare the values, is throwing the error.
SELECT QA_AutoID, AccessVal, SQLVal ,ROUND(ABS(CONVERT(float, AccessVal,1)),0) as AccessFloat ,ROUND(ABS(CONVERT(float, SQLVal,1)),0) as SQLFloat FROM QA WHERE QA_AutoID in ( SELECT TOP 1 QA_AutoID FROM QA WHERE ISNUMERIC(SQLVal) = 1 AND ISNUMERIC(AccessVal) = 1 ) --AND ROUND(ABS(CONVERT(float, AccessVal,1)),0) <> ROUND(ABS(CONVERT(float, SQLVal,1)),0) ORDER BY ROUND(ABS(CONVERT(float, AccessVal,1)),0) DESC ,ROUND(ABS(CONVERT(float, SQLVal,1)),0) DESC
Here is the output with the comparison commented out...
Here's what I get with the comparison line activated:
I've tried converting to numeric, int and bigint instead of float. I've tried CAST instead of CONVERT. Nothing works.
I have a problem with the round of SQL Server 2K on the float data type.
In my application I do a SQL request for find a row in a table of SQL Server 2K.
This is the request :
N_UNIT_PRICE is a float data type.
In the line need, the field N_UNIT_PRICE has 329.78 but with the round of SQL Server 2K I have 329.779999999999997.
So I never find the row
Do you have a solution for comparate a float flied with SQL Server round and a float send in a request as my 329.78?
I can't transform the column in decimal or numeric data type.
We imported approximately 2.9 million records from our mainframe server into our SQL Server but have run into a problem. The data in a few of the fields contains both leading and trailing spaces. An example of the data would be like this, using periods to represent spaces:
What we have:
What we need:
1A02938 (no spaces)
Is there some sort of algorithm I can run on the data to remove those spaces? The problem is coming up when trying to perform a SELECT query. We try something like:
SELECT * FROM PCPIPT0 WHERE PANO20 = "1A02938" but we get zero results because of the spaces in the database. The datatype of the filed is char(20) because we need some flexibility on the size of the data stored.
I am trying to load a field in my DB and it is defined as varchar(11) but when I populate it, it still adds spaces at the end. When I try to use it in an If statement, it doesn't match and executes the else instead. The wierd part is it seems to make it 10 characters long and not 11 or the the actual length. I think I had originally set it up for char(10) then changed it afterward but I even deleted the field and reentered it as varchar(11).Thanks,Eric
Hi i hv a doubt in Sql server reporting..I do generate some reports based on some criteria.In the results screen i hv empty fields based on the search i hv generated.I need to set "0" instead of blank spaces in the fields..Can any one help me?
I am dealing with what I believe is Oracle that is the source of a SQL View.
I am seeing a data type of Integer in the View, but I am not able to see what makes up that View. When I query the View, I can see that an Integer data type column is storing a blank space. I use ISNUMERIC(ColumnName) = 0 and there are a lot of rows that show as a zero length blank space, or text, or something. I just know that it is not an Integer.
I have attempted to CAST and Convert this value, but it will not. I have changed the data type on the table that is being inserted in too, and it still fails with a Conversion error. I have tried REPLACE(), but still the same conversion error.
Happy Friday! A while since I have posted a question, and this one is probably real easy. I am trying to store numeric values from a php form in MSSQL 2000 database. However, the columns are set to float and if the value is 1.00, when entered into the table it is saved as 1
If I change the column type to money, the query fails, with an error message of conversion of datatype varchar to datatype money statement terminated.
anybody know what I need to do? do I need to do something in my query to specify that this is NOT varchar data?
Will the fuzzy grouping task match a null value to an empty string (or spaces)? I've got 5 columns I'm matching on, and one of them may be null for certain rows but an empty string for others. Given the 4 other columns may match, will this difference stop similar columns being grouped together?
(Someone's modified my grouped data since it was deduped, which takes a while, and I'm hoping for a quick answer on this).
In Sql server reporting service the blank spaces or white spaces are coming in between the subreports, when we place the subreports in the main reports.
If any one know how to remove the blank spaces between the subreports, please reply me. Its very urgent.
I need to map several columns of data from one database to anotherwhere the data contains multiple spaces (once occurance of a variablenumber or spaces) that I need to replace with a single space. Whatwould be the most efficient way to do this? I am using SQL2K. I wasthinking a function since I know of no single Transact-SQL commandthat can accomplish this task.
I have several fields that have multiple spaces between the City State and Zip Code. I want to be able to make only one space between each. A combination of Substring and Replace is what i have been trying but not able to make it work. a do while might be what i need but not sure how to do it.
I am running into an issue when adding data from multiple columns intoone alias:P.ADDR1 + ' - ' + P.CITY + ',' + ' ' + P.STATE AS LOCATIONIf one of the 3 values is blank, the value LOCATION becomes NULL. Howcan I inlcude any of the 3 values without LOCATION becoming NULL?Example, if ADDR1 and CITY have values but STATE is blank, I get aNULL statement for LOCATION. I still want it to show ADDR1 and CITYeven if STATE is blank.Thanks
I wanted to remove duplicate records from SSRS report. I set the "Hide Duplicates" to True. It is now working, But i am getting the space between the two records, which i want to get rid of. How to get rid of extra spaces between two records ( Please find the details below).