Replacing Multiple Strings Using The REPLACE Function

Jul 9, 2007

I'm would like to replace all occurrences of "99999" and "-99999" with "" in a column using SSIS. I can use the REPLACE function in a Derived Column to replace one of those strings, for example: REPLACE(mycolumn,"99999",""). Or to replace both I could use REPLACE(REPLACE(mycolumn,"-99999",""),"99999",""). This seems kind of cumbersome and would get very complicated if I were replacing more strings with "". I'm guessing there is a better way. Can anyone help me out?


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Replace Function: Replacing An Apostrophe With Whatever

Aug 7, 2007

heyi'm having a problem with a stored procedure, to cut a long story short i need to replace apostrophe's in my text, like soSET @prOtherValue = REPLACE(@prOtherValue,''', '''')this doesn't work thowhats the work aroundcheers!!!! 

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Integration Services :: Replace Blank Strings Values To NULL And Convert To Integer Data Type

Oct 5, 2015

I need to convert a a string column to integer. Before converting, I need to check if it has blank values then convert it to NULL. Someone told me that its easier to convert it to NULL before converting to integer.

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Replacing NULL Value In Multiple Columns In A Table

Dec 18, 2006

Hi,I have some tables where I import data in, lots of field have gotten aNULL value which the application can not handle.Now can I replace each NULL value with '' in a columns with:update <tableset [<column>] = '' where [<column>] IS NULLBut because there are lots of columns this is pretty much work, alsothere are multiple tables.Is there an easy way to replace all NULL values in all columns in atable?Thanks in AdvanceBob

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Replacing Multiple Spaces With A Single Space

May 21, 2008

I have records where there are multiple spaces between items of text. I would like to strip out all the excess spaces characters. To that end I have written to separate functions (both are listed below) neither of which I would imagine will be particularly efficient. The first uses an int table and the second a while loop. I am presently ignoring the leading and trailing space issue as this can easily be recitfied with LTRIM and RTRIM. However, I would be keen to know if there is a better way of achieving a similar result.

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.StripAdditionalSpaces (@Input varchar(1000))
RETURNS varchar(1000)
DECLARE @Changed int, @Output varchar(1000)
SELECT @Output = ''
DECLARE @String TABLE ([Output] varchar(1000))
INSERT INTO @String ([Output]) VALUES (@Input)

SELECT @Output = @Output + SUBSTRING([Output], i1.Position, 1)
FROM @String
LEFT JOIN dbo.Ints i1
ON SUBSTRING([Output], i1.Position, 1) <> ' '
or ISNULL(SUBSTRING([Output], i1.Position - 1, 1), '') <> ' '
RETURN @Output
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.StripAdditionalSpaces2 (@Input varchar(1000))
RETURNS varchar(1000)
DECLARE @Output varchar(1000)
SELECT @Output = @Input

WHILE @Output LIKE '% %'
SELECT @Output = REPLACE(@Output, ' ' , ' ')
RETURN @Output

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Is It Worthwhile Replacing Multiple Instances Of MSDE With 1 Express?

Nov 11, 2005

Just wondering.  On some workstations and a couple of servers we
have apps each running an instance of MSDE so these machines each have
anywhere between 2 - 5 instances of MSDE each.

Would it be benificial from a resources point of view (not to mention a
patching one) if we set up one instance of Express to replace the
multiple MSDE ones?

Anyone got any thoughts?


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Problem With Function Splitting Strings

Feb 21, 2008

simply I hopeI have 2 functions which take '1,2,45,66' as an argument, split the numbers, joins to a table of values and returns OK, but I want to use the field from Table1 as an argument If I call the function from a procedure including Table1 I get Cannot find either column "dbo" or the user-defined function or aggregate "dbo.Function1", or the name is ambiguous.
Table1 - I have a table has a field of delimetered numbers 1,2,45,66Function1 - splits the String and returns a table of integers OKFunction2 - Joins the results from Function1 and returns a table of string values OKThis is function 2 which works OK if I type the string to split as an argument ALTER FUNCTION [8977_sql].[Function2] (@list varchar(100))RETURNS TABLEASRETURN (SELECT dbo.tblOCompIssues_N.CompIssue, dbo.tblOCompIssues_N.IssueLocationFROM dbo.tblOCompIssues_N INNER JOINdbo.Function1(@list, ',') AS tempTable ON dbo.tblOCompIssues_N.CompIssueID = tempTable.Element)
Thanks in anticipation

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Replace Function In SQL?

Oct 30, 2003


I have a table with a field called productname, and it has about 5000 rows, and within that about 1000 have a productname that has 'NIB' in the name, ie "My Product NIB DVD" and I have been asked to replace 'NIB' with 'New' ie "My Product New DVD" Can I do this in SQL using an Update statement? Or do I have build something in maybe to use a replace function to change the name.


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Using Replace Function

Aug 10, 2004

I am using MSDE. In this I have a field that contains a desciption. Prior to saving to the db, I replace all vbcrlf's to <br />'s. That works fine when displaying in HTML, but when I display it in a datagrid, I want to replace the <br />'s with vbcrlf's.

I thought I might be able to do it with a replace function in my SQL query, something like "Select ID, replace(Description, '<br />', vbcrlf) as Description". This produces an error that vbcrlf is not a fieldname. So I tried "select replace(Description, '<br />', 'xxx') as Description", and while this did not create an error, neither was the text replaced.

Am I not using the replace function correctly? Is there another way in which I might accomplish the task?

Dim ConnectionString As String = "server='(local)'; trusted_connection=true; database=dbname"
Dim CommandText As String

'Command text is greatly abreviated for this discussion.
CommandText = "Select ID, replace(Description, '<br />', vbcrlf) as Description"

Dim myConnection As New SqlConnection(ConnectionString)
Dim myCommand As New SqlDataAdapter(CommandText, myConnection)

Dim ds As New DataSet()
Dim dv as new dataview()

DataGrid1.DataSource = ds

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Using Like Function With Replace

Mar 28, 2006

I have a need to evaluate a parameter to use like keywords. (Not my server, so indexing is not available.) I can get the first scenario to work, but wanted to see about getting the syntax so I wouldn't have to exec the statement. If I run the first execute statement, I get three rows (accurate). If I run the second statement, I get no rows. Anybody help me out with the syntax? I've tried so many variations, I'm lost. Many thanks.

declare @key as varChar(50), @sql as varchar(1000)
set @key='flow afow'

set @sql='select myID from myTable where [title] like ''%' + replace(rtrim(ltrim(@key)),' ','%'' or [title] like ''%') + '%'''

select myID from myTable where [title] like '%' + replace(@key,' ', '%''' or [title] like '''%') + '%'

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REPLACE Function

May 17, 2002

I'm trying to replace some text in a field. It looks something like this:

63.73 Avail %= 36.27 Used space MB = 2609.34375 Free space MB = 1485.34765625

I only want the 63.73 number at the beginning. How do I put a wildcard to replace everything after it, starting with 'Avail...'?

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Does T-sql Has Replace(in Vb) Function?

May 12, 2004

I want to perform Replace(searchstring, oldstring, newstring) like function in T-sql as same as in VB..

is there existing one or any other user-defined function?


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Using The REPLACE Function

Apr 16, 2007

Is it possible to replace 4 different values into one alias column?

ie REPLACE(EligStatus, '0', 'Verified') AS VRFD I need to replace 3 other values with words but i want to keep them in the same VRFD column so I can add it to the report layout.

or is there a better way to do it?

I can't set up a linking table because nowhere in the DB are the values linked to the actual status.

Thanks in advance,


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I Have A Problem With The Replace Function.

Aug 12, 2004

Let's try this again.
When I try to use the replace function in my query it ignores the "<" and ">" characters, so that this query:select Description, replace(Description, '<', '* * *') as [Description 1] , replace(Description, 'br /', '? ? ?') as [Description 2] from TT_Projects
produces these results:
Description | Description 1 | Description 2
testsfv <br /> | testsfv <br /> | testsfv <? ? ?> I also tried to replace char(60) with no success.

Any ideas why this is happening?

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Replace Function Not Working

Oct 19, 2005

I posted a request here and am still working on it when I landed on this bug.

select top 10 replace(comma_separated_string,',','giveaverylongp assagehere') from table

The function works fine if the comma separated string is small or if the passage is small. It fails for long passages..

Is this a mssql bug?

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Replace Function In Sql Statement

Oct 15, 2007

how should i use replace function in sql statement??

in my scenario, user enters the meeting ID and i want that if user enters the meeting ID which includes apostrophe('), the stored procedure should remove the apostrophe before inserting it into database table.

my stored procedure accepts two parameters.
Is there any way to solve my problem??


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Problem With Replace Function

Apr 9, 2007

Hi,Please find the below scenarioOriginal Tablecourse branch_existBY0UI1PO1LI0MK1select REPLACE(branch_exist,1,'yes') as branch from university;displayscourse branch_existBY0UIYesPOYesLI0MKYesWhat i need iscourse branch_existBYNoUIYesPOYesLINoMKYesSql-Server replace function only accepts three arguments, anysuggestions will be greatly welcomed!

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Using Replace Function With 2 Keywords To Look For

Oct 16, 2007

We have this syntax from Microsoft for Replace function:

REPLACE ( string_expression1 , string_expression2 , string_expression3 )

I want to search for two keywords and not only one:
images and images/ (second one is with back slash.

Is it possible to include something like:

images/ OR images in expression2 like

REPLACE ( string_expression1 ,'images/ OR images', string_expression3 )

I want something like that, how do I get that please?

Thank you.

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Replace A Function By Pure T-SQL

May 20, 2008

I have 2 tables
1) One With ExchangeRates
a. CurrencyCode ValidFromPeriod Rate
b. EX1 200801 1
c. EX1 200803 2
d. EX1 200805 3
2) One with just OrderHeaders
a. ID CurrencyCode Period
b. 1 EX1 200801
c. 2 EX1 200802
d. 3 EX1 200803
e. 4 EX1 200804
f. 5 EX1 200805

The Idea is to link these orderheaders with their correct ExchangeRate. Which I only managed to do by using a function. Is there a beter (faster) way to do it?

Code Snippet
SELECT OrderHeaders.ID, OrderHeaders.CurrencyCode, OrderHeaders.Period, dbo.GetExchangeRate(OrderHeaders.CurrencyCode, OrderHeaders.Period) AS ExchangeRate FROM OrderHeaders

FUNCTION GetExchangeRate
@CurrencyCode VarChar(3),
@Period int
DECLARE @VarResult Float
SET @VarResult =0
SELECT TOP 1 @VarResult=Rate FROM ExchangeRates WHERE CurrencyCode=@CurrencyCode AND ValidFromPeriod<=@Period ORDER BY ValidFromPeriod DESC
Return @VarResult

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Multiple Strings In An SQL

Apr 4, 2006

I've got a GridView, a datasource, 2 textboxes and a button. If I choose to bind the GridView to the datasource the correct data is shown. But if I modify the datasource and chooses the TextBoxes as Parameter Controls it doesn't work out as I expected.
Can I please have a step-by-step response which will work? And expecially if one if the TextBoxes eguals nothing/null. Because this is very important, too, and that part doesn't work either.

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Remove And Replace Accents Function

Nov 2, 2005

does anyone know where i can find a user defined function that replaces accented characters with their normal ones

i want to replace all accented characters since for some reason sql server does not store the characters properly, or when they exported to excel for html they are displayed incorrectly


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Way To Improve Performance Without Using Replace Function

Feb 13, 2014

i have column in table which contains tabs and " i want replace with space...i am using repalce function is thier other way to improve performance with out using replace function.

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Replace Function And Regular Expressions

Jul 20, 2005

Is it possible to use the REPLACE function in SQL Server 2000 so thatit returns a string containing only alpha-numeric characters (muchlike using regular expressions)?Thank you in advance for any suggestion.Darren.

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Transact SQL :: Modify URL With Replace Function

Jul 1, 2015

Update query to modify a Url in the text column with another url


Col1 Col2
1 An unexpected event occurred
3  This alert occurs when service jobs run on
10  This alert fired to indicated that error with
Col1 Col2
1 An unexpected event occurred
3 This alert occurs when service jobs run on
10 This alert fired to indicated that error with

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Enhanced Find And Replace Function

Apr 17, 2014

I'm looking for a way to pull off a complex find+replace within some code, as follows:

@step_name = N'SAME - OCF Collins (Tabard)', @command = N'DTSRun /~Z0x5F4F7B0688825E7544AC46CFD664F98AC ', @database_name = N'

We have over 200 variants of the above, but following the same syntax (@step_name, Dbname, @Command etc...


1) Note the unique identifier "~Z0x5F4F7B0688825E7544AC46CFD664F98AC". I would like it replaced for whatever is between "@step_name = N'" , and @command = N'DTSRun ; (this will form a filename).

2) Note the 'DTSRun /' string. I'd like that replaced with Dtexec /F "D:MyFileLocationFolderHere" (this folder remains constant).

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Replace-type Function For Text Datatype

Jul 20, 2005

I have a table that has a Text datatype column that has gotten somegarbagecharacters in it somehow, probably from key entry. I need to removethe garbage, multiple occurances of char(15). The replace functiondoes not work on Text datatype. Any suggestions?

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Help - How To Concatinate Strings From Multiple Rows?

Jul 20, 2005

I have a need to concatenate all Descriptions from a select statementSELECTt_ReviewSection.PeerRevSectionDescriptionFROMt_ReviewSectionWHEREt_ReviewSection.PeerRevID = @lngRevIDORDER BYt_ReviewSection.PeerRevSectionOrderI want to return a single string "section1, section2, section3, section4"based on the multiple rows returned.Any ideas

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SQL Matching Two Multiple Valued Strings

Jul 20, 2005

I am a little stomped and wandering if someone might have an idea howto go about doing this.following on from this guide on matching acomma-delimited string, I would like to expand on this and match twocomma-delimited string in a sproc.In my database, table A have a city field containing a comma delimitedstring ie 'sydney, new york, chicago'. I am passing a similarcomma-delimited string to a sproc and returning matcheing, we have table A:id/city1/sydney, new york, chicago2/new york, san antonio3/beijing, sydney4/london,beijingpassing string 'sydney, new york'need to return: id 1,2,3 (1,2 match new york and 1,3 matching sydney)any ideas?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Select Query With REPLACE Function?

May 22, 2015

using below code to replace the city names, how to avoid hard coding of city names in below query and get from a table.

select id, city,
'JRK_Ikosium', 'Icosium'), 'JRK_Géryville', 'El_Bayadh'),'JRK_Cirta', 'Constantine'),'JRK_Rusicade', 'Philippeville'),
'JRK_Saldae', 'Bougie')))
from towns

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REPLACE Function Doesn't Work With Null-bytes

Feb 7, 2006

Dear Community,We have a problem with null-Bytes in varchar-Columns, which are nothandled correctly in our application. Therefor we try to filter themout using the Transact-SQL REPLACE function.The Problem was, that the REPLACE-function didn't behave the way weexpected.Following Example demonstrates the behavior:declare @txt varchar(512)declare @i intset @txt = 'hello ' + char(0) + 'world'print @txtset @i = 1while @i <= len(@txt)beginprint str(@i) + substring(@txt, @i, 1)set @i = @i + 1endprint 'Length: ' + str(len(@txt))print 'trying to replace null-byte:'print replace(@txt, char(0), '*')print 'replace Letter h'print replace(@txt, 'h', char(39))-- end exampleOutput:hello1h2e3l4l5o678w9o10r11l12dLength: 12trying to replace null-byte:*replace Letter h'elloThe Null-Byte replace destroys the whole string. This behavior occursonly on some of ourdatabases. The others work correctly.Is it possible that it depends on some server setting?ThanksEnno

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Sample Problem : Function Replace() In Derived Column

Mar 22, 2007

Hello All.

Hopefully someone out there will have an idea as this isdriving me nuts.
Ihave some sample problem. I want to use function replace() on Derived Column.
For example.
when strDate = 2007/03/22

I used ==> replace(strDate, "/", "") ==> 20060322

But If strTest = "123.10" ====>> 123.10

How can i do to replace ( " )double qoute ?
by function replace()

what is a statement for replace (") in Derived Column ?

please tell me for this event.

any suggesstion appreciated
Thank you very much.


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Retrieve Multiple Roleid's By Passing Csv Strings

Jun 24, 2008

Dear All
I have a table Roles with columns(RoleId,Rolename)
I have another table userrole with columns(userid,roleid)

I need to retrieve the roleids when rolenames(multiple strings in csv format) are passed.
The stored procedure is as follows
create procedure GetRoleIds(@Rolenames varchar(200),@RoleIds int output) as
declare @roleidlist int
Exec GetRoleIds 'Admin,Manager,Developer',@roleidlist output
print @roleidlist

The output must be 1,2,3.

Roles table data

Roleid rolename
1 Admin
2 Manager
3 Developer

How to do this.Please help


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Working With Multiple Datasets And Connection Strings

May 8, 2008

Hey guys,

I am pretty new to reporting software and I was just wondering in reporting services 2005 when working with multiple datasets and data connection string in order to populate text boxes if the data is a number it is prefixed with SUM at the start of the expression and if it is text it is prefixed with FIRST even though it is just for one value.

I was wondering if this is normal or have I messed up somewhere?

Many thanks.

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