I'm using the query wizard in VB.net to write a query for SQL CE. I want to replace null values with text. I expected the COALESCE function to do this but I get an error message saying its not a valid function. This is a sample.
Select COALESCE(table.Name,'No Name') as Name from table
I am newbie to reporting services and I need some help. Could any one please let me know how to replace Null value with 0 in the data section of the Matrix. I don't want blanks to be displayed on the report, I want those to be replaced with 0's.
SELECT Band.Name, Member.Name FROM Member JOIN MemberOf ON Member.Mid = MemberOf.Mid JOIN Band On MemberOf.Bid = Band.Bid WHERE MemberOf.Instrument = 'keyboards';
which basically shows me the name of the bands who had keyboard players. I would like it to also display the names of the band who didnt have keyboard players, replacing the keyboard players name with "NULL".
so... my questions are :)
how do u get it to display the records that do not match the condition, and how do u get it to replace the keyboard players name with "NULL" when they do not match the condition.
PS. The three tables are
Band. Which has Bid as a primary key. Member. Which has Mid as a primary key. MemberOf. Which links these through its two foreign keys Mid and Bid.
I have an SSIS package that imports data from an Excel file, replaces any value in Excel that reads "NULL" to "", then writes the data to a couple of databases.
What I have discovered today, is I have two columns of dates, an admit date and discharge date column, and what I need to do is anywhere I have a null value in the discharge date column, I have to replace it with the value in the admit date column.
I have searched around online and tried a few things using the Replace funtion in Derived columns but no dice so far.
sql = "select firstname AS Expr1, lastname AS Expr2, status AS Expr3 from person order by lastname"
Status is either 0,1,2 or 3
How can I use the query to create "a temp Alias" for the query, so that there is a "temp Alias" AS Expr4, AS Expr5, AS Expr6 and AS Expr7.
So if status = 0 then Expr4 = "true" else false So if status = 1 then Expr5 = "true" else false So if status = 2 then Expr6 = "true" else false So if status = 3 then Expr7 = "true" else false
So when the reader reads Expr4 its either true or false.
I have a pivot transform that pivots a batch type. After the pivot, each batch type has its own row with null values for the other batch types that were pivoted. I want to group two fields and max() the remaining batch types so that the multiple rows are displayed on one row. I tried using the aggregate transform, but since the batch type field is a string, the max() function fails in the package. Is there another transform or can I use the aggragate transform another way so that the max() will work on a string?
I am trying to have a query with the option for items to be null. (So users don't need to fill in the other fields if they choose not too) SELECT Tickets.TicketID, Tickets.UserID, Tickets.SystemID, Tickets.Title, Tickets.Description, Tickets.Software, Tickets.Date, Systems.OS, OS.OS AS OstitleFROM Tickets INNER JOIN Systems ON Tickets.SystemID = Systems.SystemID INNER JOIN OS ON Systems.OS = OS.osIDWHERE (Tickets.Title LIKE '%' + @title + '%') AND (Tickets.Software LIKE '%' + @software + '%') AND (Tickets.Description LIKE '%' + @descrip + '%') AND (Systems.OS = @osid) OR (@osid IS NULL)This works when i give the LIKE values % as a parameter. So they can choose to search by title + software but not description or description and nothing else etc etc etc. The problem is, the osid. If I give it a value it works but if i try to do null, *. or % it always displays every item in the databse ignoring any of the previous like statements. Anyone have an idea?
If txtLink1 happens to be empty, I want @link1 to enter null. The column in the Sql Server allows for nulls, but I get an error message that says no value was supplied. In short, how do I supply a null value using a parameterized query?
#2: For debugging purposes, how can I view what my SQL string looks like (with all the values entered) before it gets submitted to the database? When I view the string, it still contains the placeholder values (@link1) instead of the actual values.
I have a grid with checkbox, where users can select multiple rows and edit at the same time and save it to the DB. Now I have used a Footer Template with textbox in the gridview. So if I want to put similar data's for some particular rows at the same time in the grid, I select the multiple rows and try to put values in the footer template textbox and when I click on save, it saves successfully.
UPDATE QUERY: "UPDATE [Test] SET [Name]='" + Name + "',[Designation]= '" + Designation + "', [City]= '" + City + "' WHERE EmpID='" + EmpID + "'";
Now here is the challenge, but even when I enter null values in the footer template textbox it has to save with the old values of the rows and not null values. I tried it and couldn't make it happen. So anything like putting the case for each column and mentioning like if null accept the old value and not null accept new value.
Hi,I have some tables where I import data in, lots of field have gotten aNULL value which the application can not handle.Now can I replace each NULL value with '' in a columns with:update <tableset [<column>] = '' where [<column>] IS NULLBut because there are lots of columns this is pretty much work, alsothere are multiple tables.Is there an easy way to replace all NULL values in all columns in atable?Thanks in AdvanceBob
I am hoping someone could help me understand why this is happening and perhaps a solution. I am using ASP.NET 2.0 with a SQL 2005 database. In code behind, I am performing a query using a parameter as below: sql = "SELECT field_name FROM myTable WHERE (field_name = @P1)" objCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@P1", TextBox1.Text)) The parameter is obtained from TextBox1 which has valid input. However, the value is not in the table. The query should not return ANY results. However, I am getting one single row back with null values for each field requested in the query. The SQL user account for this query has select, insert, and update permissions on the table. The query is simple, no joins, and the table has no null values in any fields. If I perform the exact same query using an account with select only permission on the table, I get what I was expecting, no records. Then if I go back to the previous user account with more permissioins, and I change the query to pass the paramter this way: sql = String.Format("SELECT field_name FROM myTable WHERE (field_name = {0})", TextBox1.Text) I also get NO records retuned using the same criteria. What is going on here? I would prefer to use the parameterized query method with the account having elevated permissions. Is there some command object setting that can prevent the null row from returning? Thanks!
I would like to populate a grid with data from 2 different tables. Table1: [PK]id(int), name(nvarchar), areaID(int) Table2: [PK][FK]areaID(int), areaDescription(nvarchar)
My cerrent query is: SELECT Table1.id, Table1.name, Table2.areaDescription FROM Table1 INNER JOIN Table2 ON Table1.areaID = Table2.areaID
However, sometimes the areaID in Table1 will only be populated at a later stage and therefore will be NULL in Table1. Table2 is used as a lookup table when inserting into Table1. This query therefore ommits any records in Table1 which do not have an areaID. I would like to view ALL records(ones without an areaID as well) as they would be populated in the grid and selected to be updated on web forms because they are incomplete and then subsequently assigned an areaID.
Any help with this query would be much appreciated...
I have a fixed-width flat file. Within some of the rows, I have embedded NULL characters. The inherit problem is that NULL characters are string terminators, so using a flat file source doesn't allow the capturing of these NULL characters or any characters after the first NULL character -- only the string up to the NULL character.
So, within SSIS, what would be the best way to replace NULL characters with a SPACE character? My file is fixed-width, and replacing with a space will allow me to keep the length the same. I am not opposed to running a script task against the file first (before using my flat file source), but would need some guidance as I'm not a .Net guru, by any means.
Unfortunately, going to the bank to have them correct this file has proved fruitless. We're going to have to deal with these characters on our side.
I want to create a report such that i should see all values of col1 but in col2 i want to show only value of 21 and the remaining should be zero. So basically all the other values except 21 should be zero in the report but should not be updated in the database.
I am trying to replace field values in SSIS. For exapmle, I have 'unkown' and 'N/A', and a few other values that mean the same thing, and I want to give all these fields the same value. I have not been able to find a tool in the toolbox to make this type of change. Is there one? And, if there is, do you know a link to a page explaining its use?
The closest I have come is the Derived column String Transformation:Replace. But, I have not been able to get this to do what I want. If you know of a good reference explaining this tool's use I'd appreciate it.
Using c# in the compact framework, is there a way to do a parameterized query for counting the number of records where a specified column is null. I tried all of these, but none of them work:
cmd.Add(new SqlCeParameter("@IntColumn", SqlInt32.Null)); cmd.CommandText = "select count(*) from TableName where IntColumn is not @IntColumn";
cmd.CommandText = "select count(*) from TableName where not IntColumn = @IntColumn";
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlCeParameter("@IntColumn", SqlDbType.Int32)); cmd.Parameters["@IntColumn"].Value = SqlInt32.Null; cmdGetNumRead.CommandText = "select count(*) from TableName where IntColumn is not @IntColumn";
I have run into a problem that I am stuck on. I have 3 tables lets call them a,b, and c. What I want to do is left outer join a with b on a common value, then replace any null values in this result with a default value, and then left outer join table c on the previously joined table (on the columns that I just replaced certain values on).
I have a field in a table that contains a different formula (varchar(1000)) for each record. It's along the lines of something like this, although each formula is different: ([ColumnA] - [ColumnB])/([ColumnC] - [ColumnD]). I plug that into a dynamic SQL statement so that it can get executed in a select statement.
Due to the variations of the formulas, checking for Divide by Zero, etc, we want to move this to a .NET method. We'd like to replace "ColumnA" and "ColumnB", etc., with the actual values so that we're passing something like (5-3)/(6-2). I haven't been able to figure out a way to do this without actually executing it. We don't want to pass the solution, but the equation filled with the actual values rather than the column names.
I have a DTSX package which reads values from a fixed-length text file using a data reader and writes some of the column values from the file to an Oracle table. We have used this DTSX several times without incident but recently the process started inserting NULL values for some of the columns when there was a valid value in the source file. If we extract some of the rows from the source file into a smaller file (i.e 10 rows which incorrectly returned NULLs) and run them through the same package they write the correct values to the table, but running the complete file again results in the NULL values error. As well, if we rerun the same file multiple times the incidence of NULL values varies slightly and does not always seem to impact the same rows. I tried outputting data to a log file to see if I can determine what happens and no error messages are returned but it seems to be the case that the NULL values occur after pulling in the data via a Data Reader. Has anyone seen anything like this before or does anyone have a suggestion on how to try and get some additional debugging information around this error?
I have SQL Server 2012 SSIS. I have Excel source and OLE DB Destination.I have problem with importing CustomerSales column.CustomerSales values like 1000.00,2000.10,3000.30,NotAvailable.So I have decimal values and nvarchar mixed in on Excel column. This is requirement for solution.However SSIS reads only numeric values correctly and nvarchar values are set as Null. Why?
can somebody explain me how I can assign a NULL value to a datetime type field in the script transformation editor in a data flow task. In the script hereunder, Row.Datum1_IsNull is true, but still Row.OutputDatum1 will be assigned a value '0001-01-01' which generates an error (not a valid datetime). All alternatives known to me (CDate("") or Convert.ToDateTime("") or Convert.ToDateTime(System.DBNull.Value)) were not successful. Leaving out the ELSE clause generates following error: Error: Year, Month, and Day parameters describe an un-representable DateTime.
I am trying to clean up an ugly query that's based on trying to find items that exist in one table but not the other. My tables are like this: ITEMSitemID,itemName,itemDescriptionetc... ORDERITEMSOrderLineID,OrderID,itemID ORDERSOrderID,OrderCompleted Currently my query looks something like this: Select Items.* from ITEMS where not exists (select 1 from ORDERITEMS inner join ORDERS on ORDERITEMS.OrderID = ORDERS.OrderID where ORDERITEMS.itemID=ITEMS.itemID and (ORDERS.OrderCompleted=1)) So this query is looking for ITEMS what don't have a corresponding entry in the ORDERITEMS table. As I understand it this is pretty inefficient as it is going to be executing the sub query in the Not Exists statement for each entry in the ITEMS table. Is the preferred method to do something along the lines of somehow making the sub query into a derived table and doing a left or right join? Thanks for reading! Ryan
My query "select blah, blah, rank from tablewithscores" will return results that can legitimately hold nulls in the rank column. I want to order on the rank column, but those nulls should appear at the bottom of the list
Hi, I ve a table, I want to fetch certain rows based on the value of a Column. That column is nullable, and contains NULL values.I used the following query,SELECT Col_A FROM TABLE1 WHERE SOME_ID = 1317 AND Col_B NOT IN (8,9) Here, Col_B contains NULL values too. I need to fetch all rows where Col_B is not 8 or 9.Now, if I use "NOT IN", it does not work. I tried reading on it and got to know why it does not work. Even "NOT EXISTS" does not help. But still I've to fetch my values. How do I do that?Thanks & Regards,Jahanzeb
I have tried doing a search, as I figured this would be a common problem, but I wasn't able to find anything. I know that my SP is functional because when I use VWD execute the query outside of the webpage, I get the correct results -however I have to ensure that a field is either entered, or set to <NULL>. In my SET's I want it to use the wildcards. What I want is to do a search (plenty of existing topics on that, however none were of help to me). If a field is entered, then it is included in the search. Otherwise it should be ignored. In my VB I have the standard stored procedure call, passing in values to all of the parameters in the stored proc below: CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.SearchDog@tagnum int,@ownername varchar(50), @mailaddress varchar(50),@address2 varchar(50),@city varchar(50),@telephone varchar(50),@doggender varchar(50),@dogbreed varchar(50),@dogage varchar(50),@dogcolour varchar(50),@dogname varchar(50),@applicationdate varchar(50)AS IF @tagnum=-1 SET @tagnum=NULL SET @ownername = '%'+@ownername+'%' SET @mailaddress = '%'+@mailaddress+'%' SET @address2='%'+@address2+'%' SET @city = '%'+@city+'%' SET @telephone='%'+@telephone+'%' SET @dogcolour='%'+@dogcolour+'%' SET @dogbreed='%'+@dogbreed+'%' SET @dogage='%'+@dogage+'%' SET @doggender='%'+@doggender+'%' SET @dogname='%'+@dogname+'%' SET @applicationdate='%'+@applicationdate+'%' SELECT DISTINCT * FROM DogRegistry WHERE ( TagNum = @tagnum OR OwnerName LIKE @ownername OR MailAddress LIKE @mailaddress OR Address2 LIKE @address2 OR City LIKE @city OR Telephone LIKE @telephone OR DogGender LIKE @doggender OR DogBreed LIKE @dogbreed OR DogAge LIKE @dogage OR DogColour LIKE @dogcolour OR DogName LIKE @dogname OR ApplicationDate LIKE @applicationdate ) AND TagNum > 0GO I don't know why it is creating links inside my SP -ignore them. TagNum is the primary key, if that makes a difference. On the webpage, it ONLY works when every field has been filled (and then it will only return 1 row, as it should, given the data entered). Debugging has shown that when nothing is entered it passes "". Any ideas?
I am trying to retrieve data from two different tables. One of the tables has more than 20 columns some of which are null. I would like to retrieve data from both tables excluding the columns which have null values. How do I do this?
Would this take care of null values in either a.asset or b.asset?
SELECT convert(decimal(15,1),(sum(isnull(a.asset,0))/1000.0)+(sum(isnull(b.asset,0))/1000.0)) as total_assets
What's throwing me off is that there are multiple a.asset or b.asset for each unique ID. It seems to work, but I'm not following the logic too well. If I were doing this in another language, I would loop through, summing a.asset and b.asset wherever it's not null for each unique ID.
How can I use "Derived Column" to check if a Datetime value is null or not and if null to insert 00/00/00 instead. ?
The background being that while using a "Derived Column" to change a Column from a (DT_DATE) to a (DT_DBTIMESTAMP) everytime I get a null value it see's it as a error.
And the column in particular has ~ 37 K blank / null fields so Im getting a lot of errors
So far I have tried to use something like
ISNULL([Column 34])
SELECT ISNULL(ID, '00/00/0000') FROM [Column 34]
SELECT ISNULL(au_id, '00/00/0000 00:00') AS ssn FROM [Column 34
but none seems to work [Column 34] being the offending column.
What a normally use is just a simple "(DT_DBTIMESTAMP)[Column 34]" in the expression column, which seems to work well, but here I get alot of errors
I set up a new SQL database file, in that file I allowed nulls, When I went through code to save the record, the exception is saying it doesnt allow nulls.
Before I get to involved with SQL, is it a bad practice to use nulls?
If it is what do you enter in place of the null value,
hi ive got a inert sub where i grab values from text boxes etxthe values are passed to a stored procedure however , one of these fields is a date field , but the field is not required ...so on this line if the date text box is left blank i get an error , not a valid date .Parameters.Add("@actiondate", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = txtActionDate.Texti have tried ( the actiondate field can take nulls ..)if txtActionDate="" then .Parameters.Add("@actiondate", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = nothing else.Parameters.Add("@actiondate", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = txtActionDate.Textend if but this doesnt workwhat is the best way of allowing blank values to be passed to the stored procedure( it doesnt fall over with normal text / varchar fields ) thanks
I have a sproce that accepts null for one of its parameters I can execute the sproce and enter null and it works fine, it returns all rows. When I try doing this with my GridView and the SQLDataSource it does not work. I need some help in understanding how the SQLDatasource wants a null. Here is what the parameter row of the SQLDataSource looks like. <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="EnteredByText" DefaultValue="Null" Name="EnteredBy" PropertyName="Text" Type="String" ConvertEmptyStringToNull="true" /> In my sproce I have setup the parameter as follows; @EnteredBy Nvarchar(50)=Null In my WHERE Clause I have: WHERE (tblClient.EnteredBy = @EnteredBy OR @EnteredBy IS NULL)