Replicate To Other Server If Replication With Main Server Failed ...

Aug 16, 2007

Let say I've 4 server with MS SQL 2000 installed and I want all of them having the same data. So I'm using merge replication by assign one of them as publisher/distributor.
The problem is when ( let say ) server that have been assign as publisher/distributor down then all the other server cannot make replication.
My idea was to make it replicate to other available server ( among them ) if replication to main server failed.
Is it possible ?
If possible how to do it ?


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SQL Server Replication Error - Not Able To Replicate On Subsriber.

Jan 19, 1999

I am having two NT/SQL Server 6.5 and i tried to replicate the database on SQL Server from One Server to another Server.
When i try to replicate from Server A[Publisher] to Server B[Subscriber] it is giving error on Distribution History Log on Manage Scheduled Task Dialog.
The Error is like this :
08001 [ODBC SQL Server Driver] [dbnmpntw] ConnectionOpen (Createfile()).

and it is trying again and again by using retry option.

Kindly guide me by mentioning the reason for this error.

Email to :

R. Suseendran Raja.

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A Call To SQL Server Reconciler Failed. SQL Server 2005, SQL Server Mobile Merge Replication

Oct 2, 2005


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Replication Agents All Say Server Execution Failed

Aug 21, 2006

This is the most frustrating error I've ever encountered.

I can get no more info from sql server besides "server execution failed". It gives this error when starting the snapshot, distribution, and log reader agents.

This server has been working in this configuration for over a year. We made no changes except restarted the server. This is a windows 2003 server with sql server 2000 running all the latest patches and windows updates.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Replication Subsystems Failed To Load

Sep 4, 2009

I am running SQL 2008 Enterprize Edition with SP1 on Windows 2008. I am trying to set up replication. I have completed the following:

1. Created distribution Database
2. Created publisher
3. Granted SQL Agent access to the ...MSSQL100Com folder to execute the agent_exe files
4. Granted SQL Agent access to ...MSSQLinn where the subsystem_dll files are located
5. Granted SQL Agent write permissions to ...MSSQL
epldata in order the write the bcp files

Each time I try to initialize the snapshot, I get the following errors in the SQL Agent Log

1. Log Step.......cannot be run because the LogReader subsystem failed to load. The job has been suspended.
2. Log Step.......cannot be run because the Snapshot subsystem failed to load. The job has been suspended.

I found posts where the records in the msdb.dbo.syssubsystems pointed to different folders than where the dll and exe files are located. So, I checked that, but they are correct.

The SQL Agent has sysadmin on the SQL Server and is using a windows service account.

I believe it is a security issue because I can run the executables from the command prompt to generate the snapshot for the publication. Have I missed the forest for the trees?

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Data Trasfer Between Host Server And Main Server

Jan 18, 2007

bab writes "My company is going to host our web application in a host server with the sql server DB needed for the application. what is the best way to transfer the data between host server and main server.

Any thought."

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Is There Any Downside Having The SQL-server Installed On The Main Server?

Mar 13, 2006

Is there any downside having the SQL-server installed on the main/domain server? Or should you have a separate server just for SQL?

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Replication Doesn't Replicate

Jul 8, 2004

Ok, I'm knee-deep in replication-hell.

I'm trying to set up snapshot replication between two SQL Server 2000 databases over the internet. Both servers run Windows 2000 server edition and SQL server 2000. The idea is to send certain local information, stored in database tables to a database from which the information is published on a website.

I've set up the distribution database (with the original name: distribution) and connected a publisher to it (let's call that one "source_database") using the sp_adddistpublisher stored procedure. No problems there...
Next step, I added a publication, the tables in source_database, and a subscriber, the website database. I've opened up port 1433 on both servers, but still it won't send anything from the source_database to the website database....

It gives no errors, but just doesn't do anything...
Now, I've looked for possible problems and I think these problems might be able to cause problems:
- The initial snapshot is not reaching the subscriber
- I've made a push subscription which may has to become a pull subscription
- The RPC's aren't available, because both servers are highly secured
- The wrong serverpack is installed (this one is a wild guess)

Does anybody have any idea on how I can get my distribution working or solve any of the problems above, cause I'm running out of idea's....
(P.S. I'm a bit of a noobie to replication, I've set it up in a test environment before and it just worked perfectly, but the real thing isn't)

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SQL Server To Main Frame

Jun 23, 2004

I'm trying to send data from a table on SQL server to a DB2 table on the Main Frame and I get this error. Any ideas?

[IBM][CLI Driver][DB2]SQL0904N Unsuccessful execution caused by an unavailable resource. Reason code: "UPDATABLE WORKFILE", type of resource: "100", and resource name: "TEMP DATABASE". SQLSTATE=57011

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SS2005 Replication: Can You Replicate Constraints Without Reinitializing?

Jan 11, 2007

We have a two SQL Server 2005 databases set up using Transactional Replication. My manager has asked me to set it up to replicate constraints (default, fk, et) on the tables in the main publication. I said sure, I can do it, but I will have to re-initialize the subscription. He said there was a way to do it without re-initializing the subscription. I cannot find anything in my research to indicate that there is a method to do so (via call sp_ functions, etc). Is it indeed possible to replicate constraints on replicated tables without re-initializing the who subscription? The reason he does not want me to perform a re-initialization is that we are a few weeks before moving into production, and a full re-initialization takes 1.5 days, which would impact system availability.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

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Replication :: Unable To Replicate A View Or Function

Nov 13, 2015

I have some issue when replicating a view (transactional replication).I have following objects on publisher:

Table: [Metadataschema].[Entity]
View: [dbo].[EntityLogicalView]
the view definition is:

create view [dbo].[EntityLogicalView] as (SELECT * FROM [Entity] WHERE OverwriteTime = 0)

this is what I get when I run "Script View as Create". The same query is used by the replication.Unfortunately this query fails on the subscriber "Unable to replicate a view or function because the referenced objects or columns are not present on the Subscriber". I cannot even runt his query manually on the subscriber, it only works when I change it like this:create view [dbo].[EntityLogicalView] as (SELECT * FROM [Metadataschema].[Entity] WHERE OverwriteTime = 0) Is there any way to get this working? Can I change the creation scripts used by the replication or force publisher to include schema names in all objects?

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Transactional Replication Setup To Replicate Views

Mar 20, 2007


I setup the transactional replication to replicate remote database that has 50 tables.

Two of the tables with huge columns.

I splitted the columns by creating several views before running the initial snapshot.


1. Can the database replication copy the views.?

2. Where the view will be stored at the subscriber database?

Thank you.


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Replication :: Replicate Value Of A Computed Column Not The Formula

Jun 16, 2015

I'm trying to replicate client data from multiple databases into a single table. So database A, B and C replicate client data to a table in database Z. There is a settings table on A, B and C that holds the businessID and I use a function in a computed column to add this to the client table. At the moment I have just database A and Z as a test and what happens is the computed column gets replicated as a computed column with the formula. 

Can I change this so that I can replicate the computed value (at db A,B,C) of this column?

I don't really want to add a businessID to the table if possible as I'm going to need to add a number of other tables to this replication which will each need to have the businessID, a computed column would be much easier and save updating a load of scripts.

If the above is not possible is there some other solution available so I can identify which database the records came from in the table on database Z?

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Deploying A Report To The Main Server

Oct 5, 2007

I have created several reports using SSRS which is installed in my local machine. But source data base is in the main server. Data source connection works properly. Report manager is also configured to local machine.

Now I tried to deploy these reports to main server. So I changed the target URL to http://mainservername/reportsserver in the internal report property change box. But it was not succeeded. I get a error message like this.

------ Build started: Project: Partner Reports -Internal, Configuration: Production ------

Build complete -- 0 errors, 0 warnings

------ Deploy started: Project: Partner Reports -Internal, Configuration: Production ------

Deploying to http://derby/ReportServer

Error rsRPCError : The report server cannot decrypt the symmetric key used to access sensitive or encrypted data in a report server database. You must either restore a backup key or delete all encrypted content. Check the documentation for more information. (rsReportServerDisabled)

Deploy complete -- 1 errors, 0 warnings

========== Build: 1 succeeded or up-to-date, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========

========== Deploy: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========

Reporting services was already installed in main server. Do I have to change settings of report configuration manager in my local machine?

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Merge Replication Replicate Master And Related Tables

Jan 19, 2007

hi all,

Could we configure a merge replication such as replicate the master table and its all related tables (relation deep could be 1.)

We dont want to manually find master table relations and configure replication for the related tables.

please help for that configuration


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Replication :: Replicate DDL Setting Is Not Working If Multiple Subscribers Are Used

Oct 22, 2015

Replicate ddl setting is not working if multiple subscribers are used...

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Replicate Ntext Text Image In Transaction Replication

May 16, 2007


i have a problem with my replication.

I have two SQL 2005 SP2 Server and want to use the transaction replication with updateable subscriber. Now the problem is that i can do any changes on the master server. But if i want to change a record on the subscriber which contains a ntext, text, oder image column - then i geht the error that the field will be NULL on the master.

Is there any solution to fix this problem? I dont wan`t to change the datatype vom ntext to varchar(max) !!



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Data Migration From MAIN FRAMES To SQL Server 200

Oct 19, 2001

What are the tools available in MS SQL Server 2000 migrate data from Main Frames. Can we do with DTS if so are drivers available to connect to sql servers.

Can you let me the technies and tools available ?

Thanks in Advance

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Replication :: Replicate All Data From Remote Locations To Central Location

Aug 29, 2015

there are several remote locations where sql is running, my company has asked me to find a way to collect all the data from the remote locations to a central location automatically,for example day to day data should be synced at night time from 2am to 7 am and it should be compressed automatically before data transfers to the central location. NOTE there is no domain only standalone workstations

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Replication :: Replicate Multiple Databases (publications) To One Central Subscriber?

Sep 2, 2015

We need to replicate multiple databases (publications) to one central subscriber. The schema of those articles are identical in all publications and also the primary keys in publications do not have any overlap.

Is this possible?If yes is there any specific thing that I should consider for it's implementation? Should each publication has it's own dedicated distributor or all of them can share one distributor?

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Multiple Stores Orders To Sink Up With Main Server

May 4, 2007


Say there are 10 retail store locations that need to push their daily sales to the main server at the head office.

What techniques are used to accomplish this? I'd imagine the transaction rows would have to be some sort of a GUID.

What options are there? What techniques are used to ensure each stores orders have indeed been pushed to the main server?

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Replicate From Oracle To Sql Server

Nov 8, 2001


How can i replicate data from oracle to sql server 2000?



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How To Replicate The Whole Server Or Database

May 8, 2000

we have a server in our environment, we would like to make a copy of it on the other server in side the company and also do the same on the remote server.

Can u tell me how to do it or any sites where i can find the stratergy's which have been already implemented for review.

Thanks and with reply is appreciated,


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SQL Server - Failure To Replicate

Jul 20, 2005

After a recent crash, where tables had to be repaired we have beenunable to re-instate or create new merge replication from a MS SQL 2000system. All old publications and subscriptions have been deleted. Newreplications fail at the snapshot level. Anyone ideas ?*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Replicate And Sync Between Server 2k And 2k5

Sep 25, 2006

Hi all.

I want to do the following:

I have a (quite big) sql server 2000 database. I'd like to replicate the whole DB onto a 2k5 server. Then disconnect that connection, to have an independent copy on the 2k5 machine. After I made some modifications on the data on that machine, I'd like to sync those databases to have the data on the sql server 2000 as well.

Is this possible in any way (tool or API available) or must I hand code it? At the moment I do this thing by exporting to *.sql files, and then importing, but the replication/sync method would be quite nice.

Yours, Dave

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Replication :: Replicate Data From 3 Publishers To A Single / Central Subscriber Transactionally?

Oct 15, 2015

Is it possible to replicate data from 3 publishers to a single/central subscriber transactionally? In other words I have Server A, Server B, Server C with databases A,B,C respectively. I need to replicate 2 articles from A,2 from B and 2 from C to a central Server D that hosts database D. D will have only 6 articles. The replication is Transactional Replication.

If it is possible what will be the drawbacks of such implementation? (if one server goes down will the whole replication break?) If not possible then what is the best way of implementing this?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Can Use Different Index On Main DB And Mirror Database

Oct 31, 2015

We use SQL server always on feather on my database and we distribute statement on main database server and mirror database server for raise performance.

My police for split statement is DML (insert, update and delete) statement go to main DB and Read Data (select) statement go to mirror DB.

I want know can I use different index on main DB and mirror Database?

Because some index are used in mirror DB not used in main database.

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Replicate Oracle Date From SQL Server

Oct 25, 2001

I want to update Oracle table from SQL Server 7. I need to read data from a table in SQL Server and want to update Oracel table accordingly. Please help.
Thnaks in advance.

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Replicate Data From DB2 To SQL Server 2000

Feb 5, 2004

We have a distributed Database in DB2 and SQL Server 2000.
As the user updates/Inserts data to DB2 Database , the data need to be dynamically replicated to SQL Server.
Please Let me know the best possible method of doing it.

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How Do I Replicate Data From MySQL Into SQL-Server

Jul 23, 2005

Hello group,i am relatively new to SQL-Server database, but i have lots ofexperience with DB2 and Oracle Database. One of my tasks is setting upa replication between a Mysql-Database running on Linux and one of ourSQL-Servers.How do i achieve this ?If i understand the documentation correctly you have to program thereplication mechanism for yourself or you have to use some third partytool.Could anyone please outline, how to set up the replication mechanism(pointing me to some web-site should be enough) and also tell me ifthere is any third party tool.Thanks in advance and greetings from ViennaUli

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SQL Server 2008 :: Creating Multiple Charts Based Off Of Main Chart

Jun 4, 2015

I have this main chart setup. It pulls data from a query based on the selected parameters.

I want to create multiple charts for every catagory in the result set.

On the main chart there is a catagory called "Missing".

I want a chart for this category to display when the main chart is loaded. So below the main chart it would show a chart for each of the categories on the main chart.

Basically this report returns information on a certain part number displaying its problem types. Then I want it to create other charts for each problem type displaying the problem sub-types.

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How To Replicate From ODBC-Unix(Progress) To SQL Server

Oct 12, 2001


How can I assign the ODBC Database(Progress) on UNIX as publisher and SQL Server as subscriber. When I use the Enterprise Manager, I cannot see the Unix Server. I just can see the server and database in DTS.

Would you please explain the steps?


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Is It Good Idea To Replicate Sql Server Db Files?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi.I am wondering if it is a good idea to replicate sql server db filesusing frs.I don't really know how the frs works, sodoes frs replicates the whole database from time to time or just theportion that is changed?Also if the db is expected to change very often, and wouldn't it makethe whole system down?I wonder if it's a good idea just to make a backup of the database andcopy it.What's the usual practice?

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