Replication - DB2 As Publisher - SQL 2005 As Subscriber

Sep 14, 2007

I have been looking for a way to replicate data from a DB2 system running on an AIX machine. I found some information related to doing this with SQL2000, but not with 2005. Can this be done - preferably without writing our own provider.

Thanks in advance

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SQL Replication: 2005 (Publisher) And A 2000 (Subscriber)???

Sep 25, 2006


I was wondering if it is possible to setup replication between a 2005 SQL Publisher and a 2000 SQL Subscriber? Is there any special setup steps I need?

Thanks so much,


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Transactional Replication From SQL 2000 Sp4 Publisher/distributor To SQL 2005 Sp2 Subscriber

Jun 26, 2007


Are there any requirements that dictate the SQL Server version for the distribution agent for a SQL 2000 publisher with a transactional push subscription to a SQL 2005 subscriber?

Thanks in advance,


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Replication When Publisher And Subscriber Hostname Conflicts?

Sep 23, 2015

We've got x2 data centers in the US:


Sadly the hostnames for the boxes I am trying to replicate are similar:

- db1.sac.mydomain.tld

The servers can talk to each other over all necessary ports however when I generate a push subscription from the publisher, I am asked to add the SQL Server subscriber and it already shows DB1 listed since itself is How can I attach the remote subscriber when setting up the subscription from the publisher if the hostname conflicts in my unique scenario?I created a entry on the publishers host file to use db2sac for the SAC IP and entering that alias in as the remote subscriber but no dice.

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Transactional Replication - Re-syncing Publisher From Subscriber After Failure

Jul 23, 2005

I have taken over a transactional replication setup that is being usedfor fault tolerance (I know, I know...).The scenario I am concerned with is where the publisher goes down due tofailure, so we need to point our application at the subscriber and startupdating the data there. We are not using the immediate updating option.How do I go about re-syncing the publisher with the data that been addedto, or changed on the subscriber, when the publisher comes back online?Thanks,TGru*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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How To Speedup Data From Subscriber To Publisher On Merge Replication?

Mar 9, 2007

How to speedup data from subscriber to Publisher on Merge replication?

Is there any we can speed up data from Subscriber to Publisher (uploading).

Subscriber downloading data from publisher running more than 20 hours after drop and recreate subscriber.

Could you please post reply.


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Problem Pushing Subscriber Updates To Publisher In Transactional Replication

Apr 15, 2004

I have a primary and secondary servers both running Windows 2000 SP3 with SQL 2000 SP3. I have set up transactional replication with the primary server as publisher and the secondary server has the distributor and subscriber DB. I am testing the scenerio where my primary server goes down and I have to make updates to the secondary server until my primary server comes back up. I am able to update my subscriber database and the transactions go into the MSreplication_queue table to be pushed back to the primary when it comes back up. When I bring the primary server back up and start the queue agent job it starts pushing the transactions over and then stops after 4 or 5 transactions with the error "Failed while applying queued message to publisher". I have attached part of the log file for the agent below

dbserver2.Old_Processing: {? = call dbo.sp_getsqlqueueversion (?, ?, ?, ?)}
dbserver2.Old_Processing: {? = call dbo.sp_replsqlqgetrows (N'DBSERVER', N'Old_Processing', N'Old_Processing')}
[4/15/2004 3:59:47 PM]dbserver2.distribution: exec dbo.sp_helpdistpublisher @publisher = N'DBSERVER'
Connecting to DBSERVER 'DBSERVER.Old_Processing'
DBSERVER.Old_Processing: {? = call dbo.sp_getqueuedarticlesynctraninfo (N'Old_Processing', 21)}
SQL Command : <exec [dbo].[sp_MSsync_ins_IQ2KProcSystem_1] N'dbserver2', N'Old_Processing', '072175', '2004-03-19 00:00:00.000', 1>
DBSERVER.Old_Processing: {? = call dbo.sp_getqueuedarticlesynctraninfo (N'Old_Processing', 15)}
SQL Command : <exec [dbo].[sp_MSsync_ins_NightlyProcess_1] N'dbserver2', N'Old_Processing', '072175', '2004-03-19 00:00:00.000', '2004-04-15 15:56:44.623000000', 'Begin ProcessIQ2KSystem', 'AB14E5D7-C81D-4A39-A8F5-51F1C48227B0', '17E5D98F-EDF0-41D0-9991-97511B850720', 1>
SQL Command : <exec [dbo].[sp_MSsync_upd_IQ2KProcSystem_1] N'dbserver2', N'Old_Processing', '072175', '2004-03-19 00:00:00.000', 1>
DBSERVER.Old_Processing: {? = call dbo.sp_getqueuedarticlesynctraninfo (N'Old_Processing', 7)}
SQL Command : <exec [dbo].[sp_MSsync_upd_TheatreProcess_1] N'dbserver2', N'Old_Processing', '072175', 1, '2004-03-19 00:00:00.000', 1, NULL, '79A114D6-FF31-4E37-AC2D-90C0A0114F40', '072175', 1, '2004-03-19 00:00:00.000', 0, NULL, 'AF61A098-44A3-45D7-B25B-E8EA9CD464A1', 0x2800, 1>
Failed while applying queued message to publisher
Disconnecting from DBSERVER 'DBSERVER'
Worker Thread 692 : Task Failed
Disconnecting from dbserver2 'dbserver2'
Processed 3 queued trans, 3 cmds, 0 conflicts
Queue Reader aborting

In the sql server logs I am getting this message:
Replication-Replication Transaction Queue Reader Subsystem: agent Repl Queue Reader failed. Failed while applying queued message to publisher.
Error: 14151, Severity: 18, State: 1

Any help would be greatly appreciated

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SQL 2012 :: Setup Of Transaction Replication Between One Publisher And Subscriber In Same Server

Jul 30, 2014

I have a setup of transaction replication between one publisher and subscriber in the Same server.Now, I need to add a new subscriber to the existing publisher. So publisher database name is DB_A and Subscriber 1 name is DB_B. So the new subscriber will be DB_C. Is this kind of setup possible on one server?

If yes then at the time of reinitialization is it going to apply the snapshot on DB_B as well as DB_C?Also let say if due to disk error DB_B gets corrupted then will data be still replicated between DB_A and DB_C? (Assuming publisher, subscriber 1 and 2 are sitting on individual disks).

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SQL Server 2008 :: Merge Replication - Publisher And Subscriber On Same Computer?

Nov 6, 2015

For study effect, can I configure merge replication using just one SQL Server Instance?

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URGENT Merge Replication: Missing Rows At Publisher And Subscriber: No Conflicts

Jun 9, 2006

We have SQL Server 2000 with merge replication at a Publisher and subscriber.

We have some records getting deleted at Publisher and Subscriber and no conflicts are logged.

We have tried the compensate_for_errors setting and this has had no effect.

This is causing serious data corruption and has now become an URGENT issue. Out tech team are almost out of ideas.

Has anyone experienced this or have any ideas as to what to check next?

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Replication :: Check If Web Merge Sync Is Working Between Subscriber And Publisher Thru HTTPS?

May 14, 2015

How to check if web merge sync is working between a subscriber and publisher thru HTTPS ? SQL port 1433 at subscriber is blocked so no direct connection to subscriber.

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Replicar SQL 7 ( Publisher ) Y SQL 2005 ( Subscriber )

Sep 27, 2006

Quisiera saber si se puede y como llevar a cabo la replicación con SQL 7 (Publisher) y SQL 2005 (Subscriber). Desde ya muchas gracias.

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32-bit SQL 2000 Publisher And SQL 2005 64-bit SQL Distributor And Subscriber

May 16, 2006

For transactional replication, are there any issues and is it even possible to have 32-bit SQL 2000 publisher and SQL 2005 64-bit distributor and subscriber? Thanks

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SQL 2000 As Publisher And SQL Express 2005 As Subscriber?

Jan 21, 2006

I want to have transactional replication setup with SQL 2000 as a publisher and SQL Express 2005 as a subscriber? Where can I get some documentation around that?

Basically, the problem I am stuck with is that while registering the subscriber in SQL2000, SQL2000 cannot recognize my SQL Express 2005 instance as a subscriber. I have tried both SQL Ent. Mgr. and sp_addsubscription.

Please help.


Rupak Ganguly

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SQL 2000 (publisher &&amp; Distributor) &&<&&> SQL 2005 (subscriber) - Is It Possible

Jul 30, 2006

We have a SQL 2000 Server (publisher & distributor) with around 15 databases being replicated (all using merge replication).

My question is the following:

Is it possible to perform Merge replication from a SQL 2000 (acting as the publisher & distributor) to a SQL 2005 server acting as the Subscriber)?

If anyone has a link to any instructions somewhere that would be great.


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Error While Changing Custom Resolver Between 2005 Publisher And 2000 Subscriber

Sep 25, 2007

Hi all,

here is the context of our problem:

- Publisher :

version SQL Server 2005 SP2
table in SQL Server 2000 (80) compatibility level
publication in SQL Server 2000 compatibility level
- Distributor : SQL Server 2005 SP2
- Subscriber : SQL Server 2000 SP4 + hotfixes (version 8.00.2187)

There is only one article in our publication (a simple table with a GUID and a nvarchar(50) columns), and we have left the default resolver.

1 - The first synchronization of the subscription is successfully completed, and it is the same for the different updates/inserts/deletes or conflicts.

2 - Then we change the Resolver of our article by our own COM-Based Custom Resolver (developped in C# 2.0). This resolver only change the default behaviour: the subscriber always win (this is for a test, in the future we will have a complex business logic). All the synchronizations works fine and do what we want in the conflicts.

3 - We rollback the resolver to the default one... and here is the problem!
The synchonizations stop to work correctly. For all of them we've got the same error:

Code SnippetReplprov.dll , 2007/09/25 14:26:07.591, 4000, 16890, S1, ERROR: ErrNo = 0x80045017, ErrSrc = <null>, ErrType = 8, ErrStr = The schema script '
declare @cmd nvarchar(1000)
set @cmd='exec sys.sp_MSchangearticleresolver @article_resolver=@ar, @resolver_clsid=@rc, @artid=@ai, @resolver_info=@ri'
exec dbo.sp_executesql @cmd, N'@ar> nvarchar(255),@rc nvarchar(40),@ai uniqueidentifie..." mailto:N?@ar">N'@armailto:N'@ar">N'@ar</A< A>> nvarchar(255),@rc nvarchar(40),@ai uniqueidentifie...

It is no more possible to synchronize this subscription... Any remark will be helpfull cause we did not find anything on the net concerning this error.

Thanks a lot!

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Publisher Is Empty Under Replication Monitor - Publisher.! But Replication Is Still Running Fine..

Nov 9, 2006

I have a wired situation..!I set up transactional replication on one of my development server (SQL2000 Dev Edition with sp4).It is running fine without any issues and all of a sudden, i noticed inmy repication monitor tab under Publisher where I usually see thepublication is empty now.I do see the snapshot agent, log reader and distribution agent under myagents inside the replication Monitor. But its usefull to see all 3agents in one window under publisher before. What happend? Is there anyway to get that inside that monitor? Has someone encountered thissitation before? Please advise....After that I tried to create a new set of replication on differentdatabase on the same server and i dont see those either underReplication Monitor - Publishers....All it says is (No Items)....I would appreciate any help to correct this issue... Thanks in advance..

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Unable To Create Subscriber On A 2000 Server From A 2005 Server Publisher

Dec 1, 2006


I'm trying to set up a transactional replication from SQl Server 2005 to SQl server 2000. The Distributor and the publisher are on our server and the subscription is supposed to be on a SQL 2000 server on a different location. Before upgrading to 2005 I didn't have problems - the replication from 2000 to 2000 was working perfectly.

After I succesfully created the distributor and the publication the first problem that I encountered was that when I tried to create the subscription it was giving me an error that I cannot use an IP to acces the server. I realized to fix that issue by creating an Alias in the SQL Server Configuration Manager for the server where I wanted to create the subscription (a push subscription).

Now when I try to add the subscriber it gives me another message "Execute permission denied on object 'sp_MS_replication_installed', database 'master', owner 'dbo'" - so I cannot create the subscriber.

The user that I use to create the subscriber on the 2000 server is dbo for the subscriber database but it doesn't have rights on the master database. Also I realized that on the 2000 server I still have the old subscription but I cannot delete it - for the same reason - no access on the master database. Before upgrading to 2005 I had the exact same rights on the 2000 server.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Can SQL Server 2000 Publisher Work Normally With SQL Server 2005 Subscriber ?

Nov 8, 2005

or is there any resource about it?

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Using A Subscriber As A Publisher

Oct 2, 2007

I am having a problem creating a publisher.

I have a database, MobileApp, on a server called Server03, which is a subscriber to a database Stock on Server01. I create the database as a subscriber on Server01, and it gets replicated to Server03 correctly.

I now want to use MobileApp on Server03 as a publisher to mobile devices. I click to add a new publication, and add all the tables. I get all the way to the end, but when I click on finish, I get an error for each table - 'an article with a different subscriber_upload_options value already exists for object.

Any ideas please?



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Publisher SP1 Subscriber SP2 ?

Aug 26, 2007

I have a clustering between Server A and Server B. There is a clustered SQL Server installed.

Server A is a primary node(oltp production server) and Server B is a secondary node.

i've set up transactional replication betw serer A and B. Server A is Publisher and Server B is subscriber. B also has a distribution database. I use serve B for all the reporting purposes.

Currently both servers have sp1.

Now i want to apply sp2 to the server B first since i use it for reporting purposes (just to make sure there are no issues and then after some days i want to apply sp2 on server A which is my prodction oltp server)

So when i apply sp2 on server B , my publisher will have SP1 and subscriber (& distributor) will have sp2. Will this cause any issues with replication?

Any help would be appriciated.


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Who Is Distributor, Publisher And Subscriber ?

Mar 28, 2007


I'm reading the MS online docs about replication. there's something not so clear until so far.

I have one central server and 7 client servers.
Sometimes new data is entered at one client server. This should be replicated (when client comes online) to the Central Server (merge replication).

Also, the other way, once the central server gets new data (that was replicated from a client), it should be again replicated to all 6 other clients (from the central server).

now, who should i configure as the distributor, publisher and subscriber?

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Mssql 6.5 Database As Publisher And Subscriber?

Feb 9, 2000


I am running an application on mssql 6.5, sp4.

We are working on using a database as a publisher and a remote database as a subscriber for one replication in Canada.

WE havw just been told that another application on a different server(publisher/ distribution) wants to replication to our database as a subscriber.

We also will need(as a publisher/distribution) to replication to a second subscriber database after we completely test the first replication to Canada.

Therefore my questions are:

1) Can a database on a local database -- our database -- on one server be a publisher and subscriber to ther different databases?

2)has any one been involved with replication on a database used both as a publisher and subscriber to different replications requirements?

What are the pitfalls aside from the scheduling conflicts?

3) In terms of database space requirements, how much disk space extra do we need? What guidelines should we use? For each table as an article, assuming we are doing the full table, do we add 100% more space or what?

4) Any other pitfalls we should be aware of?


David Spaisman

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Subscriber Database MUCH Larger Than Publisher

Dec 7, 2006

I have replication setup between our main site and a remote one, and have recently noticed that the database at the remote site's .MDF file is about 3 times as large as the main site's. This doesn't seem to make sense since essentially all of our data is replicated between the two servers. Can anyone suggest why this might be happening and what is safe to do to shrink the remote file?


Ron L

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SQL 2005: Transactional Replication &> Executing Sp On Subscribershould Execute On Publisher

Jan 16, 2008

Hi,I am trying to set up a Updatable Subscriptions for TransactionalReplication with SQL 2005 (queued updating).I have a stored procedure "SYS_spShellTest" which is replicated to thesubscriber viathe replication option "Execution of the stored procedure":-------------------------------------------------------------ALTER procedure [dbo].[SYS_spShellTest] @cmd varchar(1000)WITH EXECUTE AS ownerasBEGINEXEC @result = master..xp_cmdshell @cmd, NO_OUTPUTReturn (@result)END-------------------------------------------------------------1) If I call "exec SYS_spShellTest" on the publisher the call is alsoexecuted on the subscriber.2) If I call "exec SYS_spShellTest" on the subscriber the call is NOTexecuted on the publisher.How can I make 2) work so that it is also executed on the publisherplease?Thanks a lot,Patrick

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Changing Publisher-subscriber Roles On SQL Server 6.5

Sep 14, 1999

Hi Nerds
There are 2 production servers (SQL Server 6.5). One is publisher and the other one is subscriber. Data is replicated from publisher to subscriber which is a transaction based replication. Each day at 8:00PM data comes into publisher and the updations,replication,backup,reporting are carried out till 11:00AM next day. The subscriber server is used as a reporting server and the publishing server is used as the data warehouse server.
I want to cleanup a table on the publisher. Since it is replicated on the subscriber, can I do delete operation on the subscriber, make the subscriber server a publisher and the publisher server a subscriber, do replication from publisher(new) to subscriber(new) and again change publisher to subscriber and subscriber to publisher without affecting the production line of the databases. I have to do this between 11:00AM to 8:00PM.

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Issue: Sql2k As Subscriber, Sq2005 As Publisher

Apr 13, 2008

Hi Everyone,
I plan to do transactional replication. The publisher/distributor is sql2005 and subscriber is sql 2000. Is that possible. Because When I setup subscriber, I keep getting "The directory service is currently unavailable" in finding sql server replications.

Thank you in advance

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SQL2000 Publisher &&> SQL2005 Subscriber On Different Port

Sep 21, 2006

Hi,I'm trying to setup replication using SQL 2000 as the publisher and SQL 2005 as the subscriber.The problem I have is that the SQL 2000 instance is running on a non standard port 1083, so the name of the instance I'm connecting to is: TESTPC1SQL2000,1083SQL 2005 requires you to provide the "requires the actual server name" which would be "TESTPC1SQL2000" which unfortunately will not work as it's on a different port.The error message I'm getting when attempting to setup the subscription on SQL 2005 Management Studio is this:TITLE: Connect to Server------------------------------Cannot connect to TESTPC1SQL2000,1083.------------------------------ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:SQL Server replication requires the actual server name to make a connection to the server. Connections through a server alias, IP address, or any other alternate name are not supported. Specify the actual server name, 'TESTPC1SQL2000'. (Replication.Utilities)Does anyone know a workaround to this?Thanks,Andy

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What Are The Gotcha's When Using Publisher Backup Restored To Subscriber?

Apr 24, 2007

According to BOL, you can initialize a transactional subscriber by restoring the Publisher's backup to the Subscriber DB. But any timestamp columns must be converted to binary(8) and indexed views must be converted to tables. But are there other things you must do? What about identity columns? Triggers?


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Hi Greg , Any Solution For Alter Tables On Publisher And Subscriber End As Well ....?

Dec 11, 2006

Hi Greg Y and seniors ones,

I am working with replication on sql server 2005 (standard edition sp1).There is scenario that some time one of the team of coders want to alter objects mostly tables being replicated on publication database but unable to do that due to error on adding column "Cannot add columns to table 'table1' because it is being published for merge replication.." in sql server 2000.

While other one want to alter replicated objects on subscriber end (like name of objects, add columns in replicated table etc).

We was working on sql server 2000 and for implementing this scenario I always use mechanism disabling/reconfigure the replication setup by the mean of long exercise.

After that, In order to alter the objects in publication database simple DDL script was executed after disabling the replication.

While manipulating the requirements on subscriber end, I created tables with same structure as replicated tables and replicate the data on self created tables by customizing code in triggers (ins_C9D57350-605A-4D87-85C0-0DB645F1CEC8 etc.) of replicated tables.

Also I have script of all replicated tables€˜s triggers but when I rerun snapshot agent it replaces the name of triggers with new one so at that time I lost my mind and I put code again in all tables€™ triggers. IS there any way to force sql server 2000/2005 generate and rerun snapshot but use already generated guid of articles instead created new one .

Let me know Plz, is there any solution/feature or any easy way in sql server 2005 to avoid this annoy exercised. I could implement this scenario.

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Seperate SQL 2K Publisher, SQL2K Distributor, SQL2K5 Subscriber

Feb 17, 2006


We are about to alter our replication architecture from

 SQL 2K publisher/SQL 2K5 distributor/subscriber


 SQL 2K publisher, seperate SQL 2K distributor and SQL 2K5 subscriber.

 The subscriptions will be pulled from the distributor and pushed to the subscriber. Basically, all the work will be done by the distributor (in the hope of improving performance).

Has anyone had any experience of a similar architecture? All SQL servers are running with the latest service packs.

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2005 Replication With SCHEMABINDING Subscriber Views

Dec 6, 2007

Hi Folks Is there an easy way around this ? One Way Transactional Rep Subscriber needs SCHEMABINDING on the majority of their Views (require View Indexes) which read from Replicated Tables. Main table has 4 Million Rows ReInitialize Subscription Errors with Cannot Drop Table because it is being referenced By Object ..... [schemaBound View] GW

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Replication Isues After Upgrading Subscriber To 2005

May 16, 2006

Hi There

A while ago i migrated a 2000 database to a new instance of sql server 2005 and succesffully setup replication from a 2000 publisher.

However to experiment i took an existing 2000 instance with a subscriber databases and upgraded the default instance to 2005. (Upgraded from 2000 Enterprise to 2005 Enterprise)

After the upgrade the setup logs were all successful, i also run upgrade advisor before and made sure there were no issues.

To see what happens i did not drop the subscription before upgrade (is this an absolute neccessity ?)

All i did was stop the distribution agent before upgrade, to see what would happen, i did not expect it to work.

But since the upgrade i cannot delete the subscription on the subscriber after upgrade, i also cannot create a new subscriptions on the upgraded subscriber.

I get the following error:

Sql Server error 207: column job_step_uid not found.

I found the following link :

but it only refers to desktop editions and express, they refer to the msdb database not upgrading, but the upgrades logs are clear i see no evidence of an issue when upgrading msdb.

What exactly is going on? How can i delete the old subsciption and start creating new ones in the upgraded subscriber ?

I have read the Upgrading replicated DB's topic in BOL, no mention of having to drop subscription before upgrade although i suspect so, all it mentions scripting out the replication , changing the scripts , dropping the subscription (no mention of before or after upgrade), and re-creating them. (all of these i am unable to do due to the above error.)

Please assist, thanx

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