We have two servers using merge replication. I have updated one with SP1 and not the other (yet). Replication fails to work after the upgrade. I get the following error message:
Date 5/26/2006 2:09:08 AM
Log Job History (BB-CM1-SRV1-CountAndCrush-New Sync for Crusher-CC-SQLSRV-6)
Step ID 2
Server BB-CM1-SRV1
Job Name BB-CM1-SRV1-CountAndCrush-New Sync for Crusher-CC-SQLSRV-6
Step Name Run agent.
Duration 00:00:00
Sql Severity 0
Sql Message ID 0
Operator Emailed
Operator Net sent
Operator Paged
Retries Attempted 0
2006-05-26 06:09:08.316 Category:NULL
Source: Merge Replication Provider
Number: -2147199417
Message: The Publisher failed to allocate a new set of identity ranges for the subscription. This can occur when a Publisher or a republishing Subscriber has run out of identity ranges to allocate to its own Subscribers or when an identity column data type does not support an additional identity range allocation. If a republishing Subscriber has run out of identity ranges, synchronize the republishing Subscriber to obtain more identity ranges before restarting the synchronization. If a Publisher runs out of identit
2006-05-26 06:09:08.316 Category:SQLSERVER
Source: BB-CM1-SRV1
Number: 20663
Message: The publisher's identity range allocation entry could not be found in MSmerge_identity_range table.
It seems that all of a sudden my companies clients are running into problems with the installation of servicepack 5a on SQL Server 6.5 workstations. The servicepack is apparently getting to the point where it checks the master DB and then Chkmast.exe returns a value of 0 which seems to indicate that there is not enough space in the master DB for the service pack to install. I have expanded master databases well beyond the capacity where this would ever be a problem but the service pack continues to fail on chkmast.exe. What nweeds to be done to allow the service pack installation to complete?
I know that this has been covered a few times and I have made sure that permissions are correct on all the files, however I'm still failing on SQL9_Hotfix_KB918222
I would like to post the SQL9_Hotfix_KB913090_sqlrun_sql.msp.log but either its too big for the forum to handle or the forum is having some problems.
I would be more than happy to send it to anyone interested in helping out
We have successfully been using MSCS with MSSQL7 (SP1) running under NT4 EE (SP6a), installed in an active/active configuration using, two DELL PowerEdge 6350 machines. Recently I installed MSSQL7 (SP2), I followed the instructions that came with SP2, and unclustered the SQL nodes using the Failover Cluster Wizard, and installed SP2, this was uneventful, and appeared to install correctly. Next I tried to recluster the SQL nodes using the Failover Cluster Wizard as directed. This failed with: "Could not run setup on remote machine. SQL Cluster Setup failed." So I began the usual research using the usual resources, and have found articles that discusses this error, and the things to look for when it happens. I have exhausted all suggestions without success. I appear to have everything correctly configured. I have enabled Cluster Logging (level 3), following are the two things I have found that indicate something is wrong:
1. In the SQL Error Log the following gets logged when I run the wizard: "Attempting to initialize Distributed Transaction Coordinator." "Failed to obtain TransactionDispenserInterface: XACT_E_TMNOTAVAILABLE"
2. In the Cluster Log I see the following message repeatedly: "[ClRtlCopySecurityDescriptor] MakeSelfRelativeSD failed, 0x00000551"
3. In the sqlclstr.log I see the following, without an indication of which file is missing: "[reghelp.h:235] : 2 (0x2): The system cannot find the file specified." "[clushelp.cpp:166] : 259 (0x103): No more data is available." "[validate.cpp:147] DeleteTestGroup:OpenClusterResource: 5007 (0x138f): The cluster resource could not be found." "~~~ XXX InstallRemote failed"
Does anyone have any ideas about what could be causing this problem? Many thanks in advance.
I have an installation of SQL Server 2000. Both MBSA and @@versionshow this to be the gold release. When I install Service Pack 3a, itshows no error. But after restart of the server, it's still unpatched,by both MBSA and @@version.Any idea what may be going on here?
Hi, i tried to install SQL Server 2000 Developer and MSDE the whole day on my Windows XP SP2. MDAC is the latest, that come with WinXP SP2 (2.81). The installation fails at the end after 100% complete.
It says: Translated: "the setup programm starts the server and installs the configuration you chose..." ("das setup-programm startet den server und installiert die von ihnen gewählte konfiguration...")
then it takes some time and the failure appears, saying: "the setup programm could not configure the server. you can find more information in the server-failure-log files and in "C:windowssqlstp.log."
From the Windows update site and also via automatic download of updates, the following update fails every time...The SQL it is trying to update works fine. The following updates were not installed: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services Service Pack 2 (KB 921896)
Does Anyone know if there is a way to verify the SQL Service Pack Version on 7.0 on Windows 2000 Advanced server?
I'm getting this results for select @@version
Microsoft SQL Server 7.00 - 7.00.623 (Intel X86) Nov 27 1998 22:20:07 Copyright (c) 1988-1998 Microsoft Corporation Enterprise Edition on Windows NT 5.0 (Build 2195: Service Pack 1)
I installed Service Pack 5 on SQL 7.0 successfully, but when I go back to run @@version, it gives me Service Pack 2 which is the old pack. Does anyone know why and had an experience with this?? Thanks wonderful people!!!
I have a cluster server, with SP3 coming out I wanted to upgrade the SP2 I have right now, when I start SP3 installation it starts and quickly exits from the program. DO I need to uncluster the server before applying SP3? or there is a way arround it?
has anyone had this experience before after we installed service pack 2 our jobs are taking about 10hrs, some run it says it's succesfull but it didn't update the tables.
I have installed service pack-1 on SQL SERVER 7.0 Standard Edition. After the pack is installed @@version is still showing 7.00.623 instead of 7.00.699 HELP !!!
Does anyone else have any concern about this Watson technology creeping in to SQL Server in SP3? I don't like it in Explorer and I'm sure not going to like it in SQL Server!
BTW, Forrest article about the new security patches at http://www.databasejournal.com/news/article.php/1475241 is in error, I think, when it refers to SP4.
Is the sql server 2000 service pack 3 worth applying to production database server or should I still wait. i do have sql 2000 service pack 2 on the server ?
I am binding bunch of SQL object change t/sql code into one service pack and then distribute to around 1500 databases.
gradually, I feel I need to put the table/proc/trigger/field/datatype/data size.... all the changes into a kind of database so that could let me or other developers quickly pull out all the change info against a particular object, say table customer. It may have changed 15 times already, from enlarge customerName data size from 30 to 50, add a unique constraint to force the customerName uniquenss, add an index on companyPhone field, modify a delete trigger when an customer becomes inactive to append to a historyCustomer table before delete it....
Of course, the db should also include servicePack release date, each object release reason, approved by.....
At first, it sounds simple and not a big deal, but when I draw something and found the relationship between table--field--datatype--size--constraint is not so simple. Is there something even 'raw' available there already, so I might take a short cut and move on?
Is there a way to check what version of SQL 6.5 is currently in use? I installed SP5 but want to verify whether it is recognized as the current version. Also, what is the release # for SP5?
I just installed service pack 5.0a on a server.While I was installing it, when it came to the screen "updating system catalogs" it froze up and I had to reboot the machine.I could not get past this screen on successive attempts. When I do Select @@version it gives me the correct version though.
is there a way to uninstall the sql service pack,or is there another way of finding out whether the service pack was correctly installed.