Replication :: Non-Clustered Indexes Not Copying

Dec 10, 2012

I set up replication on our servers at work to streamline some procedures we run daily/weekly on them. This copies around 15 articles from two databases on the "Master" server to another server used for execution purposes. For the most part it was a pretty straight forward task and it seemed to work nicely; but I realised after some investigation that the non-clustered indexes weren't copying over to the child server.

I set the non-clustered indexes property in the properties of the publishing articles to "True" and generated a new snapshot, this seemed to work, but I've come into work this morning to find the property has reset to "False" and I have no indexes on the table again. Why is this happening and is there any way I can resolve the matter so the indexes are copied over concurrently?

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Merge Replication And Clustered Indexes

Oct 5, 2006


I am getting the following error during replication of Database to a client:

The schema script 'Statutes_6.dri' could not be propagated to the subscriber. (Source: MSSQL_REPL, Error number: MSSQL_REPL-2147201001)
Get help: http://help/MSSQL_REPL-2147201001

Invalid locale ID was specified. Please verify that the locale ID is correct and corresponding language resource has been installed. (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 7696)
Get help: http://help/7696

Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression or an xmlnamespaces clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon. (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 319)

The database is relatively small, only about 5 tables but there is a clustered Full-text Index.

Any ideas?



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A Question About Clustered Indexes Forcing Rebuild Of Non-clustered Indexes.

Sep 18, 2007

So I'm reading and I come across this:
When selecting a column to base your clustered index on, try to avoid columns that are frequently updated. Every time that a column used for a clustered index is modified, all of the non-clustered indexes must also be updated, creating additional overhead. [6.5, 7.0, 2000, 2005] Updated 3-5-2004
Does this mean if I have say a table called Item with a clustered index on a column in it called itemaddeddate, and several non-clustered indexes associated with that table, that if a record gets modified and it's itemaddeddate value changes, that ALL my indexes on that table will get rebuilt? Or is it referring to the table structure changing?
If so does this "pseudocode" example also cause this to occur:
sqlstring="select * from item where itemid=12345" sqlstring, etc, etc, etc
rs.Fields("ItemName")="My New Item Name"
Note I didn't explicitly change the value of rs.fields("ItemAddedDate")...does rs.Fields("ItemAddedDate")=rs.Fields("ItemAddedDate") occur implicitly, which would force the rebuild of all the non-clustered indexes?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Logic To Rebuild Only Clustered Indexes / Skipping To Rebuild Non Clustered Indexes In Same Table

Jun 25, 2015

I have a requirement to only rebuild the Clustered Indexes in the table ignoring the non clustered indexes as those are taken care of by the Clustered indexes.

In order to do that, I have taken the records based on the fragmentation %.

But unable to come up with a logic to only consider rebuilding the clustered indexes in the table.

create table #fragmentation
FragIndexId BigInt Identity(1,1),
--IDENTITY(int, 1, 1) AS FragIndexId,
DBNAME nvarchar(4000),
TableName nvarchar(4000),

[Code] ....

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SQL 2012 :: Remember Definitions Of Clustered And Non Clustered Indexes?

Nov 24, 2014

What is the easiest way to remember the definitions of clustered and non clustered indexes.

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Clustered/Non-clustered Indexes And B-Trees

Jan 31, 2005

I would like to find information on Clustered and Non-clustered indexes and how B-trees are used. I know a clustered index is placed into a b-tree which makes sense for fast ordered searching. What data structure does a non-clustered index use and how? I tried to find info. on the web but couldn't get much detail...

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Clustered And Non-clustered Indexes

Feb 18, 2006


how clustered indexes and non-clustered indexes been saved in memory?

non-clustered is a table of a references to the actual table?

and what about clustered indexes?


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Clustered Indexes

Mar 19, 1999

Can anyone help ?

If you have a clustered index on an identity field are appends then forced onto the last page anyway because of the identity field order. So is there any advanbtage of having a clustered identity field ?

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Clustered Indexes

Mar 4, 1999

I need to convert several tables that currently have nonclustered indexes (primary keys) to clustered. Could anyone suggest what the easiest way of doing this would be.

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Non Clustered Indexes

Sep 10, 2007

can someone tell me why there are only 249 non-clustered indexes,

is there any significance to that number

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Don't Use Clustered Indexes?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,The more I read, the more confused I'm getting ! (no wonder they sayignorance is bliss)I just got back from the bookstore and was flipping through some SQL ServerAdministration books.One says, that to get the best query performance, youi do two things:1. Cover all the columns used in each SELECT (including the WHERE, ORDERBY , etc.) with an index2. Make sure it's a NON-CLUSTERED index.In this way, the author says, you avoid ever going directly to the basetables for data to resolve the query - i.e. it's resolved in the index.So, for example, he argues if you have:SELECT Lname,Fname, CompanyNamefrom Contactsinner join Customerson (contacts.custid = customers.custid)that you use two non-clustered indexes:1. Lname,Fname and custid from the Contacts table2. CompanyName and custid from Customers(as opposed to the standard approach of a clustered index on the PK's ofeach table)He says that clustered indexes don't speed up performance because they'rethe same as a full table scan. Should I drop clustered indexes from mylarge tables, given that there are multiple non-clustered indexes on them?Is it better to just use multiple non-clustered indexes on a heap table?Steve

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Copying Indexes

Jul 7, 2006

WE have a database named DM on a test system and production system. All the indexes got lost in the test system somehow. Is there a way i can copy the indexes from the production system to the test system like I know you can with data?

Tricia Colwell

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Indexes Vs Clustered Indexes

Sep 17, 2006

What is the difference please?

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Dropping Clustered Indexes

Sep 20, 2001

SQL 7 created by default a clustered index on my primary key field. I would like to drop this index and recreate it on another field, but it is not allowing me. Error message states: "An explicit DROP INDEX is not allowed... It is being used for PRIMARY KEY CONSTRAINT enforcement." Can anybody advise how I can solve this? TIA

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Changing Clustered Indexes

Jan 10, 2001

Is any one know of a way of changing the clustered index without creating in the middle the default clustered index

we have a big table that we use to switch the clustered index
whenever we change the clustered index we cannot change it directly we have
to drop the existing than the default clustered is built
and than we can built the new one - since it is a big table the process
takes a lot of time and I wonder if we can do it directly from one cluster
index to another

What we do not is running the following SQL:
-- remove the old index
drop index Tbl.I_oldId
-- now create the newId as clustered
INDEX [I_newId] ON Tbl ([newId])

Any Idea ?

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Question About Clustered Indexes

May 17, 2007

Using SQL Server 2000 ... hopefully not too dumb a question.

Is there a performance hit using Clustered Index on a table that gets a lot of deletes?

I'm creating a Transaction Log table that will get about 4,000 inserts per day. The value of some of this historical data is worthless after a while, so I delete it.

It occurs to me that this may create a lot of fragmentation. If so, is this cleaned up during weekly "Reorganize data and index pages" in the Maintenance Plan? Do I also need to select "Remove unused space from database files"?

Additional question: I though that care needed to be taken that a clustered key be a value that always increments (datestamp, identity key, etc), yet in this write-up, it shows using randomly generated key values. I'm confused. Wouldn't it have to reorganize everything with greater values to insert the new row into the appropriate spot?

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Creating Clustered Indexes

May 6, 2008

Greetings all,

What's best practice for creating clustered indexes?! Should they be added to a table AFTER it has been populated or should the clustered index be created BEFORE?

Thanks for your advice in advance.

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Upsizing - Clustered Indexes

Aug 30, 2005

When you Upsize from Access using the wizard, unsurprisingly, a Unique index is created on the PK field, but these are all non-clustered. I presume there isn't one definitive answer to whether a index should be clustered or not, (which I understand means the table's records are held on disk contiguously), but generally, is it worth altering these all to become clustered?
Would you selectively cluster only those tables which you think would benefit most? Leave them all unclustered and look for bottle-necks?

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Nulls In Non Clustered Indexes

Apr 2, 2008

1) is there a way in ss2005 to filter out nulls from a non clustered index?
2) if nulls are allowed in a non clustered non unique index, is there anything worth knowing about performance? I assume such an index would assist in a query that asks for rows where col A is or isnt null, but might it be better for us to reserve some invalid values for cols that would otherwise have been null and been in such an index? I'm worried specifically about a very large table we'll have, indexed on 2 columns that 50% of the time are both null. Partitioning isnt an option.

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Clustered Indexes On Datetime Columns

Jun 13, 2000

Does anyone have a recommendation for creating an index on a datetime column?
We use alot of dateranges in our statements and none of them perform very well.

Pete Karhatsu

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EAV Performance And Clustered Indexes On Views

Jan 25, 2008

OK so I have this EAV system on a server that is old enough for kindergarten. Insanely enough, this company that makes more money than any of your gods can not buy me a new box.

Before you say "redesign", I need funding allocated for that. See my first statement.

Anywho, I have this page that touches the dreaded Value table and does a clustered index seek on it. Can't search faster than that, right? Well I am getting some funding for "performance tuning". I am wondering if maybe incorporating some clustered index views involving the value table and producing a smaller clustered index for it to seek may alleviate some of this. Any thoughts?

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Clustered Indexes - High Or Low Selectivity?

Apr 4, 2007


I am studying for MCTS and through some of the course material it recommends that a low selectivity field i.e. First Name is a good canditate for a clustered index.

This goes against what is recommended online (completely the opposite) and goes against what I have been taught in the past.

What is correct for the exam?


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DB Design :: Rebuilding Clustered Indexes

Jul 23, 2015

Currently we are facing some performance issue while accessing the archive data from the archive tables. the archive table is hugh and it contains around 100,000,000 records and this archive table is being used in few reports and in our commission cycles too. since we are facing performance issues we are rebuilding index once in a week on all the indexes on this archive table.

We have 1 clustered index and 5 non clustered indexes, every time when we rebuild all these indexes on this table it is taking more time, more often rebuilding the clustered index itself is taking approx. 1hr which is consuming more time. wanted to know is there any useful to rebuild clustered indexes or not, if yes then what would be the better way. if not then do we need to rebuild only non clustered indexes.

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Clustered Indexes On Primary Keys

Aug 18, 2006

All of the 3 books I've read say it is not a good idea to create a clustered index on the primary key but it is created as the default. My question is has this changed in 2005? My understanding is to create the clustered index on columns used first in join clauses and then in where clauses, what is the answer?

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Do You Include Clustered Index Column In Other Indexes?

Apr 3, 2002

I have a database where records are Inserted by an external process.
There is no updating or deleting of the data once inserted. The table in
question has a Clustered Index on the Machine_ID (integer) (data is from
manufacturing processes). Each record bears a start and end time. Most
queries involve the Machine, a time span (start time between to points in
time), the Downtime Cause, and the Running Mode.

I want to add an index on the Start Time, the Downtime Cause, and the
Runtime Mode.

My question is: should this new index also contain the Machine_id column
or does the existence of the Clustered Index already on that column negate
its need in the new index?

RC - Dedicated to only creating original mistakes!

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Traditional Indexes Vs Clustered Column-store Index

Apr 3, 2015

I've been asked to look at using Clustered Columnstore indexes for one of my tables. The table contains about 5 million records with about 50 columns. The max field size is a NVarchar(MAX) with max field length currently of about 4k characters. It's only about a gigabyte's worth of data. The table is about 50% R/W operations. Currently, we have multiple indexes with no clustered index due to some performance issues that happened in the past. I've been attempting to determine if it's even really worth it to switch over. I feel that the table is still fairly small with minimal columns and don't believe there will be any noticeable improvement over traditional indexing.

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Transact SQL :: Fragmentation Levels Of All The Clustered Column-store Indexes In A Database?

Sep 18, 2015

I have a  database in which I have  some tables in which I have implemented Clustered columnstore Index. How to find the fragmentation levels of all these indexes via  a single T-SQl script

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Clustered VS Replication In WAN

Jun 4, 2001

We have two SQL servers, one in NY, one in Illinois, and we
want to sync them. Suppose we have a T1 line as backbone,
which one is a better solution for us, Clustered or SQL
replication ? Your help will be greatly appreciated!

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Is Replication From Clustered Servers Possible?

May 29, 2001

Hi All,

Just want to know if we can replicate data (Transactional Replication) from a clustered servers (server A and Server B are active-passive clustered running SqlServer 7) to another server C running SqlServer 7.

If yes, how to go about doing this. Any white papers, KB articles or books out there which will walk through the steps to do it.

Appriciate any help.


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Replication :: Clustered Index Is Not Replicated

Mar 1, 2010

Using SQL 2005 SP2. I have a publication that contains indexed views, and some other objects that query the indexed view using WITH (NOEXPAND). Currently replication fails because the CLUSTERED INDEX on the view is NOT replicated. I've experimented with various schema options but nothing changes. The view is replicated but not the clustered index on that view. I've seen some discussion on replicating indexed views to a table, but I would like to replicate indexed view schema fully. (Including the clustered index on that view). Is there a way to make this work?

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Replication Of SQL Server In Clustered Environment

Aug 9, 2006

We are running 2 SQL Server and both run in failover clustered Environment.
The Problem is now we need to Replicate a Database from one Virtual SQL Sever to the other.

The Second one (clusterd environment)is stroing their database localy while the First One (clustered environment)is storing database in a shared storage.
Note that Both Server are used for sperate purpose , but we now need to set replication on the Other Clustered Setup for Reporting Purpose.

Will it work if we configure replication from One SQL Server Clustered Setup to the Other Clstered Setup.
If yes, then please let me know how it can be done ?


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Recovery :: Can Run DAG Replication Between Two Clustered Instances In FCI?

Aug 27, 2015

My ambition is to run ASPStateInMemory with durability on, supplementing the in-memory database with an on-disk version to give session state persistence when and if the clustered instance of SQL runs into, say a network card failure and needs to fail to a partner node. I understand that DAG's are usually run between standalone instances of SQL running on different machines. But, can I combine the DAG with the FCI?  Instead of using a remote standalone SQL server, can I just another instance in the same cluster?

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SQL Server Replication From Non-clustered Database Servers

Jun 22, 2006

Hello,Being a bit of a SQL Server novice, need some advice with the followingsituation.Server A and Server B have SQLServer 2000 based databases. The vendorof the application/system has implemented their own replication processto ensure the 2 databases are in sync. However, there is no clusteringwith virtual IP addresses implemented. So to an external client/db, itis 2 identical databases with the same name on 2 distinct servers.We need to develop an application that will reside on a networkedserver C and with SQLServer 2000 as well. While most of the tables inthis database are self contained, around 10 tables will have to bemirror copies of the same tables from either Server A or Server B.Question, how do we implement subscription based replication on top ofa redundant database, when no clustering is implemented? So, inessence, when Server A is alive, the database on Server C willperiodically (or on change) replicate the 10 tables from Server A. WhenServer A is not alive, it needs to do same from server B. (When bothserver A and B are alive, it is acceptable to get data from either,since they are synchronized internally).Any alternate suggestions on achieving this functionality are welcometoo. If SQL Server 2005 has some capabilities that may address thisproblem, that is a consideration as well.Thanks

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