Replication Setup Under 7.0

Sep 14, 1999

I have a question:

I want to be able to do bi-directional transaction based replication
between a 7.0 SQL server running on Windows NT 4.0 server SP5 and an NT Workstation 4.0 SP5. Can this be done or would it require that both
machines to be NT Server based? The reason I asked is because previously under 6.5 I was able to install the SQL operating system on Windows NT Workstation and now it looks like I can only install the Desktop version under 7.0. Will this give me the type of replication I am looking for?

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Replication Setup

Jun 7, 2000

I need to replicate a database which will be updated both sides.Table doesn't have the primary key,and already has data.Please advice which replication will suit and what are the limitations.URGENT!!

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Replication Setup Under 7.0

Oct 12, 1999

I did setup to have a Desktop SQL Server running on Windows NT workstation in a different domain across the internet create a pull subscription to a transaction publication that is immediate updating that I have published on my NT SERVER in my domain. It never got any further than creating the subscription -- I got the following error on the pull:shared agent job history:

The job failed unable to determine if the owner (domainusername) of job
SQLServername-databasename-pubname-SQLServername2-databasename2 - 0 has server access (reason: Could not obtain information about Windows NT group/user 'othernameIdon'tunderstand'(SQLState 4200000) (Error 8198)

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Replication Over WAN Setup

Dec 14, 2006

Hello, I'm newbie in replication field. At the moment, I am able to setup replication on LAN (1 distributor to few subcribers). However, I found some difficulties on setting-up the replication on WAN. Is there any guidelines, setup documents or examples (like print screen) for me to refer to ? Hope able to get any assistance at here.

Best Regards,


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Replication Setup Error..

Jun 29, 2004

When I tried to configure replication, the following error comes out.
What is that about and any idea?

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Error When Trying To Setup Replication

Feb 4, 2004

I am trying to setup replication on my server, but was getting an error that said:

"The Distributor is not available Error 6. Specified SQL Server not found"

So, I did some searching and found a couple things to check and found

sp_helpserver....the server with id of 0 was a remote server, not the local server instance...and

select @@servername also returned the name of that remote server!!

I'm assuming this is my problem, but how did it get this way and how do I fix it?


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Initial Replication Setup - HELP!

Jan 19, 2007

I am setting up 2005 Transacational Replication on a database that was created on SQL 2000. There are 1400 articles (tables, views, sp and functions). It takes 2.5 hours to create the snapshot. Then, once the distribution errors gets its first error, it keeps retrying and getting the same error. Q1: Can I tell it to record the error but keep going? Q2: How do I stop the distribution agent once it gets in the this state? I have been deleting the publication but that seems like overkill.

I am trying to figure out a more efficient way to identify all the articles that are going to get errors. Is there any way to test the articles to see which ones will get an error? My current process takes a long time just to identify one error (since I have to create the snapshot each time).


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Sql 2005 Replication Setup

Mar 14, 2007

I am trying to create a new transactional publication between two Sql 2005 servers.  This is my first attempt with replication in 2005, so i have obviously missed something in the setup.  Each time i try to create the new puplication i receive the following error.


Any help is greatly appreciated




TITLE: New Publication Wizard

SQL Server could not configure 'DTS-70P40LT2Y0A' as a Distributor.


Property LoginSecure cannot be changed or read after a connection string has been set. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)



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Replication Setup Under 7.0 (related Question)

Sep 20, 1999

Sorry for the previous mail.. Didnt mean to send it like that..

I have a question about replication. I have created the destination machine as the subscriber, where I created a pull subscribtion and tried to replicate I got this error.
"Subscriber must be running in perseat license moe to use this."

The cd I used to install MSSQL 7.0 is the msdn back office test platform. Where am I going wrong??/ because I never got to specify the per seat license anywhere..
The documentation says that If I can have it installed on a 95/98 box then it means I have a perseat licesne, which I was able to do..

Any any help is appreciated!!


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Error 21271 In Replication Setup?

Jan 15, 2000


We are working on mssql 6.5, sp 4 and are beginning to test replication between two servers containing the same databases.

In EM, we added a distribution database on the publisher machine and through EM added each server as a local on each separate server and installed mssql 65 and sp4 on each machine and created the same database on each repsective machine.

In EM , through replication configuration, we added a subscriber database on one machine. On the publisher machine ,in EM through replication configuration, we went to add a publisher and when we clicked on the subscriber and then clicked on the publisher database and then clicked 'O.K.", we got the following message:

'Error 21271 : the name 'xyz-01' is not a vlaid object identifier, oe is not a valid format for this proprty or method'

This error message is not in BOL.

Has any one received this message in this situation?

What do we do to resolve it?

Any assistance that can be provided will be greatly appreciated. THanks.

David Spaisman

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HELP - Weird Error After Replication Setup

Feb 19, 2004

Hello guys,
Have any ever seen this error before?

Steps I made:
1) Created Publications by script - using Manual Sync. (Transacat Repl)
2) Created Subscriptions by script
3) Started Distribution Agent

Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__@snapshot_seqnos__24F8BF73'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object '#24049B3A'.
(Source: SYD242 (Data source); Error number: 2627)

****Lost, has any got any ideas?

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How To Setup Merge Replication With Sql Express

Jun 12, 2007

I have a Windows Mobile aplication that uses merge replication to synchronize between sql compact and full sql Enterprise edition and It works great. Instantiating the SqlCeReplication object setting it's properties and calling Synchronize on it is pretty simple assuming everything is setup properly at the publisher.

For the life of me I can't figure out how to do this on the desktop (Programatically setup a subscription and create a database using objects in the System.Replication Namespace and hopefully call Synchronize on it).

Someone please point me in the right direction.



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Need For Distributor Server In Existing Replication Setup

Dec 4, 2004

We have a setup with one Publisher Server and 15 Subscribers with merge replication configured for all subscribers. The current Database size is approximately 3 GB expected to grow to 10 GB in next 1 year. We wanted to know what benefits would we incur if we add an additional seperate distributor server (hardware box). Also, what is the approx. size of a database where a seperate distributor server (hardware box) is recommended.

Thanks in advance

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Transactional Replication Setup To Replicate Views

Mar 20, 2007


I setup the transactional replication to replicate remote database that has 50 tables.

Two of the tables with huge columns.

I splitted the columns by creating several views before running the initial snapshot.


1. Can the database replication copy the views.?

2. Where the view will be stored at the subscriber database?

Thank you.


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Can't Setup Replication: Encryption Error Using CryptProtectData?

Aug 14, 2006

I am trying to setup replication but am having the following issues

SQL 2005 SP1 Enterprise Cluster (Active, Passive)
SQL 2005 SP1 Enterprise

When trying to create a publication or subsubscription running under a Windows Domain account the following error message appears:

Replication-Replication Distribution Subsystem: agent ECHOECHO-InsDB-INS_CMS_PUB-HARPO-58 failed. Unable to start execution of step 2 (reason: Error authenticating proxy DETINIsrvRep_user, system error: Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.). The step failed.

Further in the SQL logs we find that the above message is due to:

[298] SQLServer Error: 22046, Encryption error using CryptProtectData. [SQLSTATE 42000]

It appears that when Credentials for the agent proxy are being created that this message occurs. So when the SP that tries to run the agent (snapshot or distrobution) is called it always returns incorrect password details.

The Credentials do appear to be created, they are visible via SQL Studio, but you can't see the password. Changing the password via SQL Studio does not work as the Credentials are recreated every time.

I have checked the following:

MSDTC is running correctly
The Domain Account has the correct privileges to run these services
Regenerated the Service Master Key
Created Master Keys in each database effected by replication
Ensure SQL Service accounts have access to decrypt the Service Master Key
I can create a Publication and Subscription using the local system account on the cluster

Does anyone have any idea ?


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ISDN Dialup Setup For SQL SERVER 2000 Replication

Sep 28, 2004

I am using two windows 2000(SP4) server box for Sql server 2000(SP3a) replication wit following methods-

1.ISDN Dialup line with NT1 terminator at both end.
2.Create Dialup from one computer.
3.Create RAS with static IP Address at second computer (Dial in) for acceptance of dialing.
4.Dialing from one place to another computer and get connection by dialup.
5.I can ping only Remote IP (RAS STATIC) Address at both end.

Try to registered SQL Server 2000 from dial place or dial in place got following errors-
Specify Sql server not found, Connection Open Connected()

What I am missing in setup of windows or Sql server 2000 or any hard component, let me help. Is the any need of physical router.

Thanking You


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ISDN Dialup Setup For SQL SERVER 2000 Replication

Sep 30, 2004

I am using two windows 2000(SP4) server box for Sql server 2000(SP3a) replication wit following methods-

1. ISDN Dialup line with NT1 terminator at both end.
2. Create Dialup from one computer.
3. Create RAS with static IP Address at second computer (Dial in) for acceptance of dialing.
4. Dialing from one place to another computer and get connection by dialup.
5. I can ping only Remote IP (RAS STATIC) Address at both end.

Try to registered SQL Server 2000 from dial place or dial in place got following errors-
Specify Sql server not found, Connection Open Connected()

What I am missing in setup of windows or Sql server 2000 or any hard component, let me help. Is the any need of physical router.

Dear Pat Phelan Sir
Resident Curmudgeon

Lot of thanks to you for your valuable suggesion, I did do whatever you suggested prior to his emal but not yet got solution

I am using port 1430 for a server and 1440 for b server.

How I can open my case with MS-PSS (Microsoft Professional Support Services), I didn't find any rool for unregistered users.

Thanking You


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SQL Server 2005, Replication And Websync Setup Problem

Jan 3, 2007

Not sure if this is the right place, but ill give it a try.. Everytime i try to make a websync for my replications i get this error and then it rolls back everything:


The operation completed successfully. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070000) (mscorlib)

Program Location:

at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHRInternal(Int32 errorCode, IntPtr errorInfo)
at Microsoft.Win32.Security.Win32Helpers.UnsafeSetNamedSecurityInfo(String objectName, SE_OBJECT_TYPE objectType, SECURITY_INFORMATION securityInfo, Sid sidOwner, Sid sidGroup, Dacl dacl, Sacl sacl)
at Microsoft.Win32.Security.Win32Helpers.AddEveryoneToShare(String share)
at Microsoft.Win32.Security.Win32Helpers.GetNamedSecurityInfo(String objectName, SE_OBJECT_TYPE objectType, SECURITY_INFORMATION securityInfo, Sid& sidOwner, Sid& sidGroup, Dacl& dacl, Sacl& sacl, SecurityDescriptor& secDesc)
at Microsoft.Win32.Security.SecurityDescriptor.GetNamedSecurityInfo(String objectName, SE_OBJECT_TYPE objectType, SECURITY_INFORMATION securityInfo)
at Microsoft.SqlServerCe.ConnWiz.ConnWiz.SetNTFSPermissions(String userName, String path, AccessType permissions, SE_OBJECT_TYPE objectType, AceFlags inheritance, NamedObjectType namedObjectType, Boolean isExplicit, Int32 actionNumber)

As far as i can see it says "successfully" but it comes up as an error.. Anyone seen this before?

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Urgent - Change Data Type In Merge Replication Setup

Jul 7, 2004


I am new to Sql server and had just finished the MErge Replication setup on one of the PRoduction server. Today I got the request to change one of the Datatype of one the Published Article. Please help as what are the correct step to make it happen. Is there any production downtime required and if yes , then how much.

Thanks in Advance

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SQL 2012 :: Setup Snapshot Replication On High Availability Replica?

Jul 9, 2014

We have a vendor that is exposing our database via a High Availability replica. They are geographically far away from us though so we would like to extract portions of the database over to our side for our reporting /warehousing purposes. I was curious if it is possible to setup snapshot replication on a high availability group?

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SQL 2012 :: Setup Of Transaction Replication Between One Publisher And Subscriber In Same Server

Jul 30, 2014

I have a setup of transaction replication between one publisher and subscriber in the Same server.Now, I need to add a new subscriber to the existing publisher. So publisher database name is DB_A and Subscriber 1 name is DB_B. So the new subscriber will be DB_C. Is this kind of setup possible on one server?

If yes then at the time of reinitialization is it going to apply the snapshot on DB_B as well as DB_C?Also let say if due to disk error DB_B gets corrupted then will data be still replicated between DB_A and DB_C? (Assuming publisher, subscriber 1 and 2 are sitting on individual disks).

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SQL 2012 :: Method To Setup Table Replication Between Server Express?

Aug 12, 2014

Is there any method to setup table replication between you sql server express?

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Setup Replication Job In Cluster2005 Failed With Unknown User Name Or Bad Password

Dec 4, 2006

Hi all,

I am setting up the replication with the scripts which used to setup in MSSQL2005 (non-cluster server). After I run the script and start the snapshot agent, log agent or distributed agent, it prompts,

Unable to start execution of step 2 (reason: Error authenticating proxy abc.comadmin9, system error: Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.). The step failed.

abc.comadmin9 is the administrator for all cluster, mssql service and I am sure that the username and password is correct.

Any advise? Thanks in advance.

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Transactional Replication Setup (SQL Server Could Not Configure 123456 As A Distributor

Jul 17, 2007


I have server "123456" SQL 2005 On clustered environment. I added permissions to snapshot folder, it is on sharing for both nodes.

I got error during the set up as:


Additional Information:

An exception occurred while executing a TSQL or Batch(


An error occurred during the execution of xp_cmdshell. A call to "Create Process" failed with error code 5

Destination path d:Microsoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLData is not Valid. Unable to list directory contents. Specify a valid destination path

Changed database context to 'master' (Microsoft SQL Server, Error 15121)

The datafolder exists, sql cluster service account from domain added in to snapshot folder, administrators access also on this folder.

Please advice how to troubleshoot this issues. Thanks, Jay

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Peer-to-Peer Replication (Programmatic Control And Setup)

Feb 7, 2007

I have reviewed the BOL documentation on how to configure Peer-to-Peer replication via T-SQL and how to use the Replication Wizard to implement replication.

What I would like to find out is how do I configure the peer-to-peer replication process to use an existing column on a table that contains a GUID instead of creating an extra column with a uniqueidentifier GUID value. When you use the Wizard each table article has this extra column added to it.

I don't seem to be able to find it in the books-on-line. Can some one point me to the correct article or BOL page.

Thank you.


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MDAC 2.8 Fatal Setup Error. This Setup Does Not Support Installing On This Operating System

Jan 5, 2006

I have XP Pro SP2 with MDAC 2.8.1022.  It had a problem so I tried to reinstall MDAC and got a Fatal Setup Error. This setup does not support installing on this operating system. I downloaded MDAC 2.8 1177 and get the same error.

I thought of uninstalling/reinstalling SP2, but this is a 2 month old Dell Latitude 610 with factory installed XP.  There is no Windows Service Pack 2 option listed in the Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs. 

There's some other strange things, so I wonder if they are related. 

1) I have Paul set up as an administrator account.  Some folders like MSSQL show that account with no permissions.  I grant all the permissions to Paul for that folder.  I come back later and the permissions are gone.

2) I deleted 20 files in Explorer, but 7 of them did not go away. I deleted those 7 again and they instatnly reappeared.  I deleted those 7 again and then they finally went away.

3) I get a slow reaction time for things like Windows Explorer and opening and closing programs. This is suprising since it has 2 gig of RAM and 2.3 Gig processor. Could it be a memory handling problem that's causing OS problems. Probably, the memory didn't handle the OS installation well and the whole system is compromised now.


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Setup And Upgrade :: 2008 R2 Setup UI Has Incomplete List Of Installed Features - Can't Uninstall RS

Jul 23, 2015

We're doing upgrades from SQL 2008 R2 to SQL 2014. This is blocked due to RS is installed but not configured. Our desired action is to uninstall RS and proceed with the upgrade. But when setuparp.exe is raised, it does not list all the features on the 'Select Features' page.  In fact, it only lists the last 2 shared features (SQ Client Connectivity SDK and Microsoft Sync Framework). However, all items appear to be listed on the 'Select Instance' page including RS. I've seen this issue on 2 of our SQL 2008 R2 Servers already.

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Setup And Upgrade :: Error Setup Account Privileges

Nov 15, 2015

I'm trying to install SQL Server Management studio 2012 on my Windows 7 (x64) standalone laptop.  When I click "New SQL stand-alone installation..." it runs a Setup Support Rules check and always fails "Setup Account Privileges". I've looked into the error and I keep getting that I need to change security rules but I don't have that option in window 7.  How do I get around this without having to resort to a computer running Windows Server?

I have Visual Studio 2013 premium installed along with Localdb v11.  I just want to connect and manage my database engine through SSMS when developing any application.

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Please Post Setup And Installation Questions In The Setup Forum

Nov 17, 2005

This forum is intended for users who are new to SQL Server, and have basic usage questions. If you have setup or installation issues or questions, you should check out the Setup forum.


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Setup And Upgrade :: One Machine 6 IPs - How To Setup DNS For Server

Apr 24, 2015

I am running a number of SQL instances on my PC. Within the network, I have think server with various System Center components. For compatibility reasons, some features of System Center 2012 R2 had to be delegated to different SQL databases. My question is, because there is now more than one IP address on my system, and each instance of SQL is assigned to its own IP, is there a way to setup DNS and SQL so the namespace points to the desired IP address? For Instance:

MSSQL2008 instance is set to run on =
MSSQL2012 is set to run on =
A Record: Mike-PC =
A Record: Mike-PC =

If I want to use MSSQL2008 by specifying Mike-PC as the DNS name, how would I do that with 100% accuracy? If there is another way to get the job done, I am more than willing to approach this differently.

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SQL 2005 Error: Replication-Replication Distribution Subsystem: Agent (null) Failed.

Jun 15, 2007

I'm getting this, after upgrading from 2000 to 2005.Replication-Replication Distribution Subsystem: agent (null) failed.The subscription to publication '(null)' has expired or does notexist.The only suggestions I've seen are to dump all subscriptions. Sincewe have several dozen publications to several servers, is there adecent way to script it all out, if that's the only suggestion?Thanks in advance.

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Replication Issues After A Database Restore - Unable To Drop Or Create Transactional Replication

Sep 13, 2007

Hi,I have transactional replication set up on on of our MS SQL 2000 (SP4)Std Edition database serverBecause of an unfortunate scenario, I had to restore one of thepublication databases. I scripted the replication module and droppedthe publication first. Then did a full restore.When I try to set up the replication thru the script, it created thepublication with the following error messageServer: Msg 2714, Level 16, State 5, Procedure SYNC_FCR ToGPRPTS_GL00100, Line 1There is already an object named 'SYNC_FCR To GPRPTS_GL00100' in thedatabase.It seems the previous replication has set up these system viewsSYNC_FCR To GPRPTS_GL00100. And I have tried dropping the replicationmodule again to see if it drops the views but it didn't.The replication fails with some wired error & complains about thisviews when I try to run the synch..I even tried running the sp_removedbreplication to drop thereplication module, but the views do not seem to disappear.My question is how do I remove these system views or how do I make thereplication work without using these views or create new views.. Whyis this creating those system views in the first place?I would appreciate if anyone can help me fix this issue. Please feelfree to let me know if any additional information or scripts needed.Thanks in advance..Regards,Aravin Rajendra.

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Adding New Table In Replication And Changing One Column Replication Database

Jan 17, 2002


In my production box is running on SQL7.0 with Merge replication and i want add one more table and i want add one more column existing replication table. Any body guide me how to add .This is very urgent

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