Replication Error: There Are Already Statistics On Table Xxx

Sep 26, 2007

We recently upgraded one of our servers to SQL 2005 - SP2. This server is a subscriber. Both the publisher and the distributor are SQL 2000. We are now having issues with some of our Snapshot publications.
One of the tables in the publication has statistics created on it - not sure how they were created. This table is small - has a PK on it but no other indexes - this is similar to other tables in the same publication that aren't having issues.
When the snapshot runs each night it tries to recreate these stats on the tables. Since they already exist we get and error saying There are already statistics on table XXX named ZZZ.
We can go in and delete the stats on the table and then replication will go through and recreate them but obviously this isn't something we want to do everyday.

Does anyone have a work around for this??

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Replication :: Snapshot Agent Updates Statistics

Jun 26, 2015

We have transactional replication publications from SQL 2014 to SQL 20122008 R2. When we add new tables to the existing publication and start the snapshot agent, Snapshot agent updates the statistics for random tables on the publisher DB. It appears that all the outdated statistics are being updated regardless which table is being initiated. In a highly transactional environment we can't update the statistics every time. its causing huge issues for us. Is there any work around for this ? 

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Auto Created Statistics And Missing Statistics

Jul 20, 2005

Hello group.I have an issue, which has bothered me for a while now:I'm wondering why the column statistics, which SQL Server wants me tocreate, if I turn off auto-created statistics, are so important to theoptimizer?Example: from Northwind (with auto create stats off), I do the following:SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Country = 'Sweden'My query plan show a clustered index scan, which is expected - no indexexists for Country. BUT, the query plan also shows, that the optimizer ismissing a statistic on Country, which tells me, that the optimizer wouldbenefit from knowing this.I cannot see why? (and I've been trying for a while now).If I create the missing statistics, nothing happens in the query plan (andwhy should it?). I could understand it, if the optimizer suggested an indexon Country - this would make sense, but if creating the missing index, queryanalyzer creates the statistics with an empty index, which seems to me to beless than usable.I've been thinking long and hard about this, but haven't been able to reacha conclusion :) It has some relevance to my work, because allowing theoptimizer to create missing statistics limits my options for designingindexes (e.g. covering) for some rather wide tables, so I'm thinking why notturn it off altogether. But I would like to know the consequences - hopesomebody has already delved into this, and knows a good explanation.RgdsJesper

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Unit Of Time-statistics In Client Statistics

Aug 1, 2006

What is the unit of the numbers you get in the Time Statistics-part when running a query in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio with Client Statistics turned on?

Currently I get mostly 0´s, but if I try and *** up a query on purpose I can get
it up to around 30... Is it milliseconds or som made up number based on clockcycles or... ?

I would also like to know if it´s possible to change the precision.

- Nikolaj

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Making A Statistics Table....

Jan 31, 2007

hi. i'm trying to make a report in asp that sums up a whole bunch of statistics. the report is quite lengthy and takes about 2 minutes to load. i thought i would solve that problem by making a table to dump the statistics into instead of calculating the statistics every time the report is viewed. this way, the page would just read the table with the statistics already put in it. these statistics would be updated every day or two so i don't need anything up to the minute.however, i have run into a small problem which is actually updating the information in the table. my new table is called OfficeReport and it looks like this:UserID Stat1 Stat2 Stat3 ...... Stat3223 0 0 0 056 0 0 0 072 0 0 0 0this is a query for one of the statistics i am currently using:SELECT DefendantCase.UserID, COUNT(DefendantCase.UserID) AS CountOfUserID FROM DefendantCase LEFT JOIN UserDescription ON DefendantCase.UserID=UserDescription.UserID WHERE UserDescription.Status=1 AND UserDescription.UserType=1GROUP BY DefendantCase.UserIDif i run this query, this is what i get:UserID CountOfUserID54 2160 1052 294 427 22how can i modify this query so its output updates the same UserID column in the OfficeReport table? Thanks!

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Update Statistics On Table

Apr 15, 2008

Hi Gurus,

I need you update statistics on table .

Is there any command or stored procedure for this.


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Set Statistics Profile On Into Table

Jul 23, 2014

How can I insert the results of "set statistics profile on" into a table?

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How To Get Statistics On DML Statements Per Table

Aug 18, 2006

Can I get statistics on which type of DML statements (e.g. insert, delete, update) that are executed by users on a table without creating triggers? I want to be able to show the number of executed statements per statement type. I have tried the 2005 Profiler but it outputs the entire batch statement which makes it a bit more difficult to create statistics.



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SQL 2012 :: Error - Cannot Drop Table Because It Is Being Used For Replication

Sep 2, 2014

The error message is "cannot drop the table because it is being used for replication"

my sql version is in sql server 2012 and Im ussing merge replication.

I want to drop only one table.

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Cannot Drop The Table Transactional Replication Error 3724

Mar 14, 2006

This thread is no longer active. I moved issue to a new, cleaner thread named: How can I get Transactional Republishing to work?


I've tried for more than a week to figure this one out, but have not found a solution. I'm missing some critical information that perhaps someone can share. I'm desperate and embarassed that this has kept me stuck for so long. Thanks for any assistance.

In my simplist scenario, I'm transactionally replicating a single table from database A to database B and then from database B to database C. All databases are on the same XP server (in this simplist version of the problem). This is SQL 2005 RTM. Publication A to B replicates fine. Publication B to C can't even get the snapshot to work because I get the error:

Command attempted:
drop Table "dbo"."MyReplTable"

(Transaction sequence number: 0x00004174000000E100A300000000, Command ID: 41)

Error messages:
Cannot drop the table 'dbo.MyReplTable' because it is being used for replication. (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 3724) Get help: http://help/3724  (fyi - there is no help here)


I have a simple example script where I've renamed real names to fake names, that is exactly what I run to simulate the problem. Obviously the script is wrong, but where? I used the wizard to create the whole script (I know that is my first mistake ;-) ). After I start the snapshot jobs, I get the error above.

I presume that the sp_addarticle option @pre_creation_cmd = N'drop' is part of the problem. I don't have row filters. Also, I want to be able to replicate schema modifications when necessary (like add a column or drop a column)

Perhaps the sp_addpublication @repl_freq = N'continuous' option in the AtoB publication prevents the BtoC publication from ever getting a chance to do anything, if it never lets go of the table.

If it helps, here is my script with hopefully helpfully renamed objects. My real world scenario has many articles, but this is a simple version - 2 publications each having 1 article (the same table).


/****** Scripting replication configuration for server MyInstance. Script Date: 3/14/2006 11:16:58 AM ******/
/****** Please Note: For security reasons, all password parameters were scripted with either NULL or an empty string. ******/

/****** Installing the server MyInstance as a Distributor. Script Date: 3/14/2006 11:16:58 AM ******/
use master
exec sp_adddistributor @distributor = N'MyInstance', @password = N''
exec sp_adddistributiondb @database = N'distribution', @data_folder = N'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2MSSQLData', @data_file_size = 4, @log_folder = N'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2MSSQLData', @log_file_size = 2, @min_distretention = 0, @max_distretention = 72, @history_retention = 48, @security_mode = 1

use [distribution]
if (not exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'UIProperties' and type = 'U '))
 create table UIProperties(id int)
if (exists (select * from ::fn_listextendedproperty('SnapshotFolder', 'user', 'dbo', 'table', 'UIProperties', null, null)))
 EXEC sp_updateextendedproperty N'SnapshotFolder', N'C:ThisFolderMY2005DBWorking
epldata', 'user', dbo, 'table', 'UIProperties'
 EXEC sp_addextendedproperty N'SnapshotFolder', 'C:ThisFolderMY2005DBWorking
epldata', 'user', dbo, 'table', 'UIProperties'

exec sp_adddistpublisher @publisher = N'MyInstance', @distribution_db = N'distribution', @security_mode = 1, @working_directory = N'C:ThisFolderMY2005DBWorking
epldata', @trusted = N'false', @thirdparty_flag = 0, @publisher_type = N'MSSQLSERVER'

use [DatabaseA]
exec sp_replicationdboption @dbname = N'DatabaseA', @optname = N'publish', @value = N'true'
-- Adding the transactional publication
use [DatabaseA]
exec sp_addpublication @publication = N'PubAtoB', @description = N'Transactional publication of database ''DatabaseA'' from Publisher ''MyInstance''.', @sync_method = N'concurrent', @retention = 0, @allow_push = N'true', @allow_pull = N'true', @allow_anonymous = N'true', @enabled_for_internet = N'false', @snapshot_in_defaultfolder = N'true', @compress_snapshot = N'false', @ftp_port = 21, @ftp_login = N'anonymous', @allow_subscription_copy = N'false', @add_to_active_directory = N'false', @repl_freq = N'continuous', @status = N'active', @independent_agent = N'true', @immediate_sync = N'true', @allow_sync_tran = N'false', @autogen_sync_procs = N'false', @allow_queued_tran = N'false', @allow_dts = N'false', @replicate_ddl = 1, @allow_initialize_from_backup = N'false', @enabled_for_p2p = N'false', @enabled_for_het_sub = N'false'

exec sp_addpublication_snapshot @publication = N'PubAtoB', @frequency_type = 1, @frequency_interval = 0, @frequency_relative_interval = 0, @frequency_recurrence_factor = 0, @frequency_subday = 0, @frequency_subday_interval = 0, @active_start_time_of_day = 0, @active_end_time_of_day = 235959, @active_start_date = 0, @active_end_date = 0, @job_login = null, @job_password = null, @publisher_security_mode = 1

use [DatabaseA]
exec sp_addarticle @publication = N'PubAtoB', @article = N'MyReplTable', @source_owner = N'dbo', @source_object = N'MyReplTable', @type = N'logbased', @description = null, @creation_script = null, @pre_creation_cmd = N'drop', @schema_option = 0x000000000803509F, @identityrangemanagementoption = N'manual', @destination_table = N'MyReplTable', @destination_owner = N'dbo', @vertical_partition = N'false', @ins_cmd = N'CALL sp_MSins_dboMyReplTable', @del_cmd = N'CALL sp_MSdel_dboMyReplTable', @upd_cmd = N'SCALL sp_MSupd_dboMyReplTable'



-----------------BEGIN: Script to be run at Publisher 'MyInstance'-----------------
use [DatabaseA]
exec sp_addsubscription @publication = N'PubAtoB', @subscriber = N'MyInstance', @destination_db = N'DatabaseB', @subscription_type = N'Push', @sync_type = N'automatic', @article = N'all', @update_mode = N'read only', @subscriber_type = 0
exec sp_addpushsubscription_agent @publication = N'PubAtoB', @subscriber = N'MyInstance', @subscriber_db = N'DatabaseB', @job_login = null, @job_password = null, @subscriber_security_mode = 1, @frequency_type = 64, @frequency_interval = 0, @frequency_relative_interval = 0, @frequency_recurrence_factor = 0, @frequency_subday = 0, @frequency_subday_interval = 0, @active_start_time_of_day = 0, @active_end_time_of_day = 235959, @active_start_date = 20060314, @active_end_date = 99991231, @enabled_for_syncmgr = N'False', @dts_package_location = N'Distributor'
-----------------END: Script to be run at Publisher 'MyInstance'-----------------

use [DatabaseB]
exec sp_replicationdboption @dbname = N'DatabaseB', @optname = N'publish', @value = N'true'
-- Adding the transactional publication
use [DatabaseB]
exec sp_addpublication @publication = N'PubBtoC', @description = N'Transactional publication of database ''DatabaseB'' from Publisher ''MyInstance''.', @sync_method = N'concurrent', @retention = 0, @allow_push = N'true', @allow_pull = N'true', @allow_anonymous = N'true', @enabled_for_internet = N'false', @snapshot_in_defaultfolder = N'true', @compress_snapshot = N'false', @ftp_port = 21, @ftp_login = N'anonymous', @allow_subscription_copy = N'false', @add_to_active_directory = N'false', @repl_freq = N'continuous', @status = N'active', @independent_agent = N'true', @immediate_sync = N'true', @allow_sync_tran = N'false', @autogen_sync_procs = N'false', @allow_queued_tran = N'false', @allow_dts = N'false', @replicate_ddl = 1, @allow_initialize_from_backup = N'false', @enabled_for_p2p = N'false', @enabled_for_het_sub = N'false'

exec sp_addpublication_snapshot @publication = N'PubBtoC', @frequency_type = 1, @frequency_interval = 0, @frequency_relative_interval = 0, @frequency_recurrence_factor = 0, @frequency_subday = 0, @frequency_subday_interval = 0, @active_start_time_of_day = 0, @active_end_time_of_day = 235959, @active_start_date = 0, @active_end_date = 0, @job_login = null, @job_password = null, @publisher_security_mode = 1

use [DatabaseB]
exec sp_addarticle @publication = N'PubBtoC', @article = N'MyReplTable', @source_owner = N'dbo', @source_object = N'MyReplTable', @type = N'logbased', @description = null, @creation_script = null, @pre_creation_cmd = N'drop', @schema_option = 0x000000000803509F, @identityrangemanagementoption = N'manual', @destination_table = N'MyReplTable', @destination_owner = N'dbo', @vertical_partition = N'false', @ins_cmd = N'CALL sp_MSins_dboMyReplTable', @del_cmd = N'CALL sp_MSdel_dboMyReplTable', @upd_cmd = N'SCALL sp_MSupd_dboMyReplTable'



-----------------BEGIN: Script to be run at Publisher 'MyInstance'-----------------
use [DatabaseB]
exec sp_addsubscription @publication = N'PubBtoC', @subscriber = N'MyInstance', @destination_db = N'DatabaseC', @subscription_type = N'Push', @sync_type = N'automatic', @article = N'all', @update_mode = N'read only', @subscriber_type = 0
exec sp_addpushsubscription_agent @publication = N'PubBtoC', @subscriber = N'MyInstance', @subscriber_db = N'DatabaseC', @job_login = null, @job_password = null, @subscriber_security_mode = 1, @frequency_type = 64, @frequency_interval = 0, @frequency_relative_interval = 0, @frequency_recurrence_factor = 0, @frequency_subday = 0, @frequency_subday_interval = 0, @active_start_time_of_day = 0, @active_end_time_of_day = 235959, @active_start_date = 20060314, @active_end_date = 99991231, @enabled_for_syncmgr = N'False', @dts_package_location = N'Distributor'
-----------------END: Script to be run at Publisher 'MyInstance'-----------------


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SQL Server 2000: Update Statistics Causes Error 3628

May 30, 2007


I am using SQL Server 2000 sp4 (standard edition); when I run an Update Stats command against a table I get error 3628:

Server: Msg 3628, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
A floating point exception occurred in the user process. Current transaction is canceled.

Does anyone know of a fix or a workaround?

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Replication Invalid Syntax Error: Table Has Computed Primary Key

Sep 13, 2006


I have set up a publisher using transactional replication. ( all seems ok). The initial snapshot has been generated.

The replication share on the distributor has all the generated DDL in it.

I add a subscriber. The tables are generated up to tblCountry then I get an incorrect syntax near ')' error

The Replication Monitor shows the following code as the cause. ( bold indicates incorrect sql)

Is this a bug in Replication (as this is an autogenerated sp)or have I configured something incorrectly?

The ddl for the table index is as follows ( from the replication folder)


CREATE TABLE [APP].[tblCountry](
[CountryCode] AS ([ISO 3166-1 ALPHA-2]) PERSISTED NOT NULL,
[CountryName] [varchar](80) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NOT NULL,
[ISO 3166-1 ALPHA-2] [char](2) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NOT NULL,
[ISO 3166-1 ALPHA-3] [char](3) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NOT NULL,
[ISO 3166-1 NUMERIC-3] [int] NOT NULL



/------ Keys ddl (.dx)




Command attempted:

create procedure "sp_MSins_APPtblCountry_msrepl_ccs"
@c1 int,@c2 varchar(80),@c3 char(2),@c4 char(3),@c5 int
if exists ( select * from "APP"."tblCountry"
update "APP"."tblCountry" set
"CountryName" = @c2
,"ISO 3166-1 ALPHA-2" = @c3
,"ISO 3166-1 ALPHA-3" = @c4
,"ISO 3166-1 NUMERIC-3" = @c5
insert into "APP"."tblCountry"(
,"ISO 3166-1 ALPHA-2"
,"ISO 3166-1 ALPHA-3"
,"ISO 3166-1 NUMERIC-3"
values (

(Transaction sequence number: 0x00000016000004F2014500000000, Command ID: 213)


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SQL Server 2012 :: Finding What Table A User-created Statistics Is Located?

Feb 21, 2014

I can easily find user created stat in a databaseSELECT * FROM DB.sys.stats WHERE user_created=1But how do I determine what tables those stats are in? with over 6000 tables I don't feel like looking through all the tables.

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SQL 2005 Error: Replication-Replication Distribution Subsystem: Agent (null) Failed.

Jun 15, 2007

I'm getting this, after upgrading from 2000 to 2005.Replication-Replication Distribution Subsystem: agent (null) failed.The subscription to publication '(null)' has expired or does notexist.The only suggestions I've seen are to dump all subscriptions. Sincewe have several dozen publications to several servers, is there adecent way to script it all out, if that's the only suggestion?Thanks in advance.

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Identity Range Managed By Replication Is Full And Must Be Updated By A Replication Agent. Error Message Makes NO SENSE.

Mar 6, 2007

Hello,I'm getting the following error message when I try add a row using aStored Procedure."The identity range managed by replication is full and must be updatedby a replication agent".I read up on the subject and have tried the following solutionsaccording to MSDN without any luck.( )sp_adjustpublisheridentityrange ( ) has no effectFor Testing:I've reloaded everything from scratch, created the pulications from byrunning the sql scripts generated,created replication snapshots andstarted the agents.I've checked the current Identity values in the Agent Table:DBCC CHECKIDENT ('Agent', NORESEED)Checking identity information: current identity value '18606', currentcolumn value '18606'.I check the Table to make sure there will be no conflicts with theprimary key:SELECT AgentID FROM Agent ORDER BY AgentID DESC18603 is the largest AgentID in the table.Using the Table Article Properties in the Publications PropertiesDialog, I can see values of:Range Size at Publisher: 100,000Range Size at Subscribers: 100New range @ percentage: 80In my mind this means that the Publisher will assign a new range whenthe Current Indentity value goes over 80,000?The Identity range for this table cannot be exhausted! I'm not surewhat to try next.Please! any insight will be of great help!Regards,Bm

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Adding New Table In Replication And Changing One Column Replication Database

Jan 17, 2002


In my production box is running on SQL7.0 with Merge replication and i want add one more table and i want add one more column existing replication table. Any body guide me how to add .This is very urgent

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DB Replication Or Table Replication Via Triggers?

Apr 17, 2007

Hello everyone,I am involved in a scenario where there is a huge (SQL Server 2005)production database containing tables that are updated multiple timesper second. End-user reports need to be generated against the data inthis database, and so the powers-that-be came to the conclusion that areporting database is necessary in order to offload report processingfrom production; of course, this means that data will have to bereplicated to the reporting database. However, we do not need all ofthe data in the production database, and perhaps a filtering criteriacan be established where only certain rows are replicated over to thereporting database as they're inserted (and possibly updated/deleted).The current though process is that the programmers designing thequeries/reports will know exactly what data they need from productionand be able to modify the replication criteria as needed. For example,programmer A might write a report where the data he needs can beexpressed in a simple replication criteria for table T where column X= "WOOD" and column Y = "MAHOGANY". Programmer B might come along amonth later and write a report whose relies on the same table T wherecolumn X = "METAL" and column Z in (12, 24, 36). Programmer B willhave to modify Programmer A's replication criteria in such a way as toaccomodate both reports, in this case something like "Copy rows fromtable T where (col X = "WOOD" and col Y = "MAHOGANY") or (col X ="METAL" and col Z in (12, 24, 36))". The example I gave is reallytrivial of course but is sufficient to give you an idea of what thecurrent thought-process is.I assume that this is a requirement that many of you may haveencountered in the past and I am wondering what solutions you wereable to come up with. Personally, I believe that the above method isprone to error (in this case the use of triggers to specifyreplication criteria) and I'd much rather use replication services tocopy tables in their entirety. However, this does not seem to be anoption in my case due to the sheer size of certain tables. Is thereanything out there that performs replication based on complexprogrammer defined criteria? Are triggers a viable alternative? Anyalternative out-of-the-box solutions?Any feedback would be appreciated.Regards!Anthony

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The Push Method Returned One Or More Error Rows. See The Specified Error Table. [ Error Table Name = ]

Jan 10, 2008

I have application in which i am performing synchronization between SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005 CE.
I have one table "ItemMaster" in my database.There is no relationship with this table,it is standalone.I am updating its values from Windows Mobile Device.

I am performing below operations for that.
Step : 1 Pull To Mobile

Code BlockmoSqlCeRemoteDataAccess.Pull("ItemMaster", "SELECT * FROM ItemMaster", lsConnectString,RdaTrackOption.TrackingOn);

Step : 2 Using one device form i am updating table "ItemMaster" table's values.

Step : 3 Push From Mobile

Code BlockmoSqlCeRemoteDataAccess.Push("ItemMaster", msConnectString);

So i am getting an error on 3rd step.
While i am trying to push it says,
"The Push method returned one or more error rows. See the specified error table. [ Error table name = ]".
I have tried it in different ways but still i am getting this error.

Note : Synchronization is working fine.There is not issue with my IIS,SQL CE & SQL Server 2k.

Can any one help me?I am trying for that since last 3 days.

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SQL <->Access Replication Error (Source: MS.Jet.4.0 (Agent); Error Number: -1507)

May 22, 2002

I get this error in my Agent after starten to synchronise.

I see the access mdb been created and then deleted and renamed to

Do you have some help?


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Replication Error, Error: 15404

Oct 9, 2007

When creating a replication publisher in the live server enviroment, the repicaltion displays an error saying
Could not obatin information about Windows NT group/user '........', error code 0x6e. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 15404)

When looking at the replication server, the error report says that the user is a System administrator on the Live Server but they do not exist on the replication server.

Why would this cause an error?

I appreciate your answer



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Delete Table And Immediately Crate Table, Error Occur Table Already Exist

May 29, 2008


Cmd.CommandText = "Drop Table Raj"


Cmd.CommandText = "Select * Into Raj From XXX"



This generates error that Table already exist.

If Wait 1 sec then execute statement then it works fine.

Thanks in Advance

Piyush Verma

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Replication Error

Aug 10, 2000

Has anyone seen this error on the publisher when setting up replication?

"Distributor must be running in Per Seat (Named User) licensing mode to use this replication feature."

I am trying to replicate from Sql Server 7 to Oracle.

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Replication- Error

Mar 8, 2000

i am getting error in replication minitor distributor must be running in per seat (named user) licensing mode .
So it is not able to replicate data.
has any one came across this type of error
from nirmal.

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Replication Error

Sep 19, 2007

Hi, we had an issue with our data warehouse where we get the following error.

exec dbo.sp_table_validation @table = 'tabelname', @expected_rowcount = 1214384, @rowcount_only = 1, @full_or_fast = 2, @shutdown_agent = 0, @owner = 'dbo'
General network error. Check your network documentation.
Communication link failure

We found that this procedure was causing blocking on the DB server which killed replication. Does anyone know how this procedure is called or what calls it? I haven’t found any information on it except what BOL has.

Thanks for your time.

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Replication Error

Apr 10, 1999


I have created replication between 2 servers. Publication and distribution servers are the same. The distribution tasks finishes with the following error :

08001 [[Microsoft] [ODBC SQL Server Driver] [DBNMPNTW] ConnectionOpen (CreateFile())

Can anyone describe what is wrong here?

Thank you in advance.

Ali Malekshahi

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Replication Error

Jun 8, 1999

Hi guys,

I have tried to install replication.The publication/distribution server has properly installed but the subscriber server side i am getting two error messages from the menu of SQL enterprises manager remote servers... topic

Error 229 : [SQL SERVER] EXECUTE permision denied on object sp_addserver,database, owner dbo

Error 229 : [SQL SERVER] EXECUTE permission denied on object sp_msupdate_subscriber_info,database distribution,owner dbo

what will do ? how to troubleshot the error msg will trap the error msg. in help,and i have checked the client side topolozy its properly connected but the server side only having the problem. If any one know about this could you help me...

Thanks in advance


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Replication Error

Jul 9, 2004

I have a database thats got sql as the engine and access 2000 for the client side.Now my problem is every time I edit a record this "Write Conflict" comes up. I did some investigating and I found out its due to a REPLICATIONCONFLICT ERROR.

Can anyone help me pls

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Replication Error

Sep 26, 2005


I get the following error when I select Replication --> Configure Publisher....
from EM

"the passed ordinal is out of range of the specified collection"

didnt find any article on KB

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Replication Error

Aug 29, 2006

i have a problem

when i select distributor and click next

"SQL server agent on 'PC-...' currently uses the system account, which causes replication between servers to fail. In te following dialog box, specify another account for the Service startup account"


"SQL server enterprise manager couldn not configure 'PC-...' as the distributor for 'PC-...'

Error 18483: Could not connect to server 'PC-...' because 'distributor admin' is not defined as a remote login at the server."

what can i do?

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Replication Error

Jul 10, 2007

I have 2BD which is installed on 2 serv #, they have same architecture (the same table, relation diagrams) I need 2réplications:
sens1=> BD1 (table1, table2) to BD2 (table1, table2)
sens2=> BD2 (table3, table4) to BD1 (table3, table4)

problem: when I want to retort one or 2 table of the BD1=>BD2
The diagram that I had on BD2 is crushed in other words the whole of the relation are re-initialized.
I found an explanation: when I notch (yes to initialize diagram and data) in the assistant of extraction of subscription the problem is to announce but the replication that passes but not as it is needed,
if not =>when I notch (Not the subscriber has already of the diagram and the data) another message is announced “Impossible to find the procedure stored “sp_MSupd_table1”. “is the replication is blocked,
ideas??? thank you in advance

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Replication Error...

Jan 6, 2004

I have a SQL server which has the databases installed with transactional replciation enabled. I got an error which is mentioned below in my distribution agent history :-

Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__@snapshot_seqnos__3647D946'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object '#3553B50D'.

Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__@snapshot_seqnos__3647D946'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object '#3553B50D'.
(Source: FLORAINSTANCE1 (Data source); Error number: 2627)

Can anyone let me know the reason for the above mentioned error???


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Replication Error

May 19, 2008

I am doing Transactional Replication
I am bring 8 tables from one server to another. ALL the tables are working fine means its creating snapshot in snapshot folder except one table which brings 12 millions records.
I am getting Error in Snapshot Agent : the Agent Is in Suspect Mode, No response within last 10 minutes.

Any suggestion is greatly apreciate.

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Replication Error

Sep 4, 2007

hi all,
i'm trying to create a publisher.

i've sys3 server.i'm using the sys3 for replication. there i've jugor and jugor1 databases.

my interest is what ever changes done on jugor, the same should be automatically reflected in jugor1 also.

now while i'm trying to create a publisher, the error is like this...

"server agent on 'sys3' currently uses the system account, which causes replication between servers to the following dialog box, specify another account for the service startup account"

i've full rights like create or drop.....

then how could i proceed....

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