Replication Error - Pretty Urgent
Jun 30, 2000
I changed the sa password today on my subscriber databases, and now my transactional replication fails, as it cannot connect to the subscribers. I updated the publisher's linked server logins, but it still fails. Help please!
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Oct 4, 2000
I am getting many instances of the following error, and I cannot find any documention on it, or how to remedy. Any help/suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated.
Thanks in advance - jason
SQL Server Assertion: File: <xcbmgr.cpp>, line=1299
Failed Assertion = 'pss->IsXcbLocked ()'.
Dump thread - spid = 58, PSS = 0x2e637158, EC = 0x2e637308
Stack Dump being sent to C:MSSQL7logSQL00115.dmp
************************************************** *****************************
* 10/04/00 16:39:54 spid 58
* Input Buffer 42 bytes -
* s e l e c t u i d = N E W I D ( )
************************************************** *****************************
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Feb 6, 2007
With SQL Server 2005 SP1. We are working with transactional replication without problems. Now we try to create merge publications but we get this error at sync.:
{call sp_MSsetconflicttable (N'BARArticulos', N'MSmerge_conflict_prueba_BARArticulos', N'ANTFOR-MLOPEZ', N'AntforHotel', N'prueba')}
The JOB show this error:
2007-02-06 12:30:47.127 {call sp_MSsetconflicttable (N'BARArticulos', N'MSmerge_conflict_prueba_BARArticulos', N'ANTFOR-MLOPEZ', N'AntforHotel', N'prueba')}
2007-02-06 12:30:47.174 Category:COMMAND
Source: Error en el comando
Number: 0
Message: {call sp_MSsetconflicttable (N'BARArticulos', N'MSmerge_conflict_prueba_BARArticulos', N'ANTFOR-MLOPEZ', N'AntforHotel', N'prueba')}
2007-02-06 12:30:47.174 Category:SQLSERVER
Number: 102
Message: Sintaxis incorrecta cerca de 'Articulo'.
2007-02-06 12:30:47.174 Category:NULL
Source: Proveedor de rÚplica de mezcla
Number: -2147201001
Message: El proceso de mezcla no pudo entregar la instantßnea al suscriptor. Si se utiliza sincronizaci¾n Web, es posible que el proceso de mezcla no haya podido crear el archivo de mensaje o escribir en Úl. Para solucionar el problema, reinicie la sincronizaci¾n con registro de historial detallado y especifique un archivo de salida para escribir en Úl.
Help please.
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May 18, 2000
can some one tell where to look for a solution to this error or what i can do to fix this ... any and all help will be welcome !!
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Feb 12, 2004
Hi colleagues!
In trying to activate a merge replication between a Win2000/SQL7 distributor/publisher and a Win2003/SQL2000 subscriber I keep getting the following error:
Process could not enumerate changes at the subscriber (error 2812)
Merge publication works fine between the distributor and another subscriber (NT4/SQL7).
When i look at the details of the merge agent history i can see the process stopped with :
call sp_MSenumeratechanges(?,?,?,?,?)
I read article 308743 on microsoft/technet, and there they advise to install SP3a for SQL2000 on the subscriber. Ive done that but the error persists.
SQLServerAgent on the subscriber starts up with a local administrator account, the (physical) server itself is not a member of the local network; (outside the DMZ). The server is declared in the Client Network Utility of the distributor/publisher and is therefore known as a potential subscriber. In fact, the snapshot agent works perfectly (or so it seems).
Can anyone give me a helpfull hint?
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May 10, 2004
I am getting an error while replicating the sql 2000 database.
The error no is 20598...It stopped replicating the database...
Can any body tell me what is this pls....
Tks in advance...
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May 24, 2007
Hey guys, I'm new to reporting services and I just need to throw together a report that references multiple datasources. I can query up all my info individually, but I need to write a query that says,
Select ProductName,ProductId from datasource 2
where ProductId = @ProductIdFromDataSource1
I can get this to work, but if my query from datasource 1 returns 10 productID's, this will only return the productname from the first ProductID, 10 times. I believe that's because I'm using the First() aggregate function. Is there another function I can use that doesn't do that, or some way I can reference each field individually?
Just to clarify a little more, here's what I want:
Code Snippet
Product ID (ds 1) ProductName (ds 2)
------------------------ ----------------------
11 A
12 B
13 C
123 D
and here's what I'm getting right now:
Code Snippet
Product ID (ds 1) ProductName (ds 2)
------------------------ ----------------------
11 A
12 A
13 A
123 A
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Dec 5, 2007
Good Morning,
Hate to sound so dumb, but, it's been years since I've done any SQL programming and I was bad at the time!
What is the code for taking my time stamp 2007-02-09 10:15:02.000 and just displaying the date as 02/09/2007?
Do I use variables? Are they set up before my select statement? Can anyone suggest a really good, easy, very explanable SQL (that will work in SQL Server) progamming book?
Thanks so much!
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May 7, 2008
Hello there, i'm pretty new to web development and i've come across this problem, so here's the case.I got a videoclub database and i wanna show the movies categorized by the category that the movie belongs to. I got a table with all the categories (the table includes an ID and the name of the category),and the movies table has movie data plus a category id field which is related with the categories table. Anyway enough with the background info here's the query i'm trying to use:SELECT MovieID, Name, Director, Category, Casting, Photo, Supplier, ReleaseDateFROM MoviesWHERE (Category = @ Category) The error i'm getting on the query builder is "Error in WHERE clause near '@'. Unable to parse query text.". If i aint wrong i'm supposed to use the "@" to indicate that its supposed to get data from a control. Anyway thats the prob, any help would be really apreciated.P.S. The control i'm using is a dropdownlist that shows the categories names and has as a value the category id, so there isn't a variable miss match error as much as i know.
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Aug 17, 2007
I know that the query governor works off of estimated query plans, but the estimation is usually so far off from reality that it might as be generating a random number to determine whether a query should run.
Right now I have query governor set at 300. I've been able to run queries that take more than 10 minutes without any complaint from query governor.
What's really annoying though, is that it has also blocked queries that take less than a second to run. It blocked a query for having an estimated executing time of 338 seconds. When I set the limit up to 400, the query ran virtually instantly.
Is this just how query governor is suppose to work? Is there any way to make it work better?
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Sep 6, 2007
Can someone help me rewrite this query? Basically I need to check if the name stored in "CustomerName" already exist in the table "Renter". If it does not then I ncan insert the new customer name
into the data table "Renter". If the value in "CustomerName" already exists in the database, then I need to bypass the "INSERT" and somehow return a value indicating that the insert was not performed. How can I do this. Here is the
query I currently have for performing the insert.
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[VacancyGet]
@CustomerName nvarchar(100),
@ClientCode nvarchar(10)
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Dec 18, 2001
I am configuring replication and i started using wizard . i opened publishing and distributor wizard and click on next it is saying that "Sql manager could not complete wizard because @@sername is null and use sp_add server name to set @@ servername.
This is productionbox. Any body help me how to fix the problem and what is that meaning osf error.
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Aug 14, 2001
While setting up replication i get a following error..
I am using publisher + distributor on one server
and subscriber on other server
I am getting the following error
"The process could not connect to Subscriber '<Server_name>'"
Any Ideas..
Thanks in advance
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Aug 22, 2001
Hi Guys,
We are using transactional replication, I want to add a filter on the rows.
Can Any one explain me how to add it. To do this we should stop replication and then add the filter ???.
Thanks in advance
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Aug 29, 2001
Hi Guys,
I am having around 1000 tables, in which around 700 tables are not having primary keys on the tables, The tables which are not having primary key, i want to set up an snap shot replication, Tables with primary keys with transactional replication. can i have both transational as well as snap shot set up on the same server????
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Jun 13, 2000
I have setup the snap shot replication on one table.It says the initial snap shot not yet available.What does it mean?How to activate the replication?
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Aug 19, 1999
Hello there,
I need some urgent help on the Replication .....SQL 6.5, sce 5a, windows NT4.0
A Publication has been installed between 2 server (SQL 6.5, sce pack 5a).
The task Repl_Subs_Distribution fails with the following message:
"The last distributor job id and the last subscriber job id do not match. No jobs were available with a job id > 80"
1) with a Push Subscription, the error "no subscriber has been defined" came up, so I also did a pull subscritption for
the remote server = could it be the cause of the job id not matching?
2) although I found a document on a "sp_Mskill_job" replication stored procedure, it is not present in my DB and I cannot
use it. Is there a way to create it?
Thanks for your precious help.
Best regards,
I was advised to Compair max job_id in MSsubscriber_status on distribution and MSlast_job_info on subscription and If not match,
to modify the id in MSlast_job_info.
There is no distribution server in this Replication....any other idea or possibility??
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Dec 20, 2001
Hello Everybody ..
Greetings !!
I wanted information on Transactional Push replication between SQL Servers . I have one table on SQL Server 6.5 and there are certain text in the table with single quotes .
When i replicate this table to SQL Server 7.0 the text appears in double quotes on SQL Server 7.0 .
Can anyone help regarding this problem ? Has it something to do with version problem .? Where can i get more information on this issue ?
Many thanks . An early response will be highly appreciated .
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Dec 21, 2001
Hello Mr. Paul...
Thank you so much for your prompt response . Is it possible to change the settings of the Quoted Identifiers ? How can we do it in SQL Server 6.5 and SQL Server 7.0 ? Do you have any info. on the same . ?
Thanks once again .
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Feb 21, 2002
Hi Guys,
I have a database replicated to another database in a remote server.
We have a trigger in one of the tables in remote Database(replicated), which will fire as soon as there is an insert into this table. This trigger is maintaining the business logic. This trigger will insert the records into another table depending on what kind of information obtained from the new row(which was replicated).
Problem is, since we are using replication ( it uses bcp internaly), the trigger is not firing. I some how wanted to add these new records to the other table (automated). Can you guys please advice me on how to implement this.
I appreciate your help
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Apr 2, 2002
Hi All,
I have been asked to take over the maintenance on dB servers that I have not originally 'set up'. The request came as a result of the database log files growing at such a rapid pace its taking up hard drive space. I ran sp_dboption and noticed that the log files are NOT set up to truncate on checkpoint. As in SQL 2000 I wanted to determine if the dB was set up in 'simple' or 'full' recovery mode. It appears they are set up in 'full' recovery mode (which we can modify, since this is not a transactional dB and we rarely if ever have to restore from the transaction log). Hence my question,
Is there anything I need to worry about (regarding replication)if I change the dboption to truncate on checkpoint and set dB in simple recovery mode?
And after I backup the transaction log and try to shrink it will that have any adverse affects? I feel like this is all I need to do but replication is new ground for me, any information regarding it would be greatly appreciated. Also, any advice on how to maintain the transaction logs would be helpful.
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Jul 23, 2001
I want to setup transactional replication(PULL) between 2 servers .
can anyone guide me with the steps involved while performaing a Pull replication from server1 to server2.
Any help appreciated.
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Aug 3, 2001
I am setting up merge replication between 2 server located at different location on different Domain..Domins have a trusted connection .
When i run the merge agent i get the following error detail.
Last action : - "xp_execresultset: unable to get a bound connection back to
Last Call : - {call sp_MSmakearticleprocs (?, ?)}
Does any one have the idea
Thanks in Advance
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Oct 27, 2001
I need some urgent help. I'm managing merge replication between 12 servers. Today I had to make some changes in the database design, so I removed replication, altered the tables in question (on all servers)and created a new publication.
I choose the option that all subscribers have the data and the schema, but when I start the replication I get almost immediately an error "Invalid column name rowguidcol". But there is no column in my database with such a name. Further investigation brings up another message "xp_execresultset: unable to execute result set".
Can anyone please help me. The database should be ready by tomorrow.
TIA Markus
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Aug 24, 2000
Every one
I have added new column in my Publication - Article Table ,
Same column I have added in my Subscriber Table ,
I am doing Transaction replication , but now its giving me error
Insert Error - Column Name or Supplied Value doesn't Match,
If any one has any idea please suggest me
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Aug 24, 1999
Hi !!
We are using Ms SQLSERVER 6.5 on NT 4.0 service pack 3
I have joined in as a new DBA and don't know much about MS-SQLSERVER & it's replication.
What I have observed out here is that one of the databases was being replicated betnn Tokyo and
Kawasaki and suddenly after 22nd Feb stop replicatiing without giving any errors.
I have checked the max job_id in MSsubscriber_status on distribution database as well as max_job_id
in MSlast_job_info on subscription db.They seem to match.I have also tried to drop and recreate
the unique clustered index on the subscribing database.But nothing seems to work.
can anyone help me with this ?
Thanking in anticipation.
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Aug 12, 1999
Hello there,
A Publication has been installed between 2 server (SQL 6.5, sce pack 5a).
The task Repl_Subs_Distribution fails with the following message:
"The last distributor job id and the last subscriber job id do not match. No jobs were available with a job id > 80"
1) with a Push Subscription, the error "no subscriber has been defined" came up, so I also did a pull subscritption for
the remote server = could it be the cause of the job id not matching?
2) although I found a document on a "sp_Mskill_job" replication stored procedure, it is not present in my DB and I cannot
use it. Is there a way to create it?
Thanks for your precious help.
Best regards,
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Jun 26, 2004
Hi, all..
I by mistake Overwrites distribution DB.
Server1 and Server2 replicates each other.
Applications are using Server1, and Server2 is back up purpose.
When server1 fails application redirected SErver2, using same data since there is replication.
Server2 had distribution DB.
Now there is no distribution DB.. it's messed up...
I want to restore replication between Server1 and Server2.
I tried to make replication from Server1, I got errors..
How can I do this???
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Sep 21, 2004
By Accident One table got truncated on the subscriber which is one of the table in Published articles. Now all the Update inserts and delete are failing .
and other tables are not being replicated either. what could be done to fix this .
Publisher gets a lots of updates every hour how ever because of this problem all the tables are not getting any transactins replicated. Please help ASAP
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Dec 3, 2007
I am trying to do transactional replication from 2000 to 2005 . But i am getting error" agent hasn't been registered .Run sql server setup program' while creating snapshot. It is production server. How do i make it work.I am doing pull subscription from 2005 server
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Mar 9, 2007
A very urgent solution needed I have one main feed Server "A" replicating data to two Servers "B" & "C"
The Distribution agent profiles of Both "B" and "C" are as follows
"B" Distribution Agent Profile
-BcpBatchSize 100000 (default)
-CommitBatchSize 100 (default)
-CommitBatchThreshold 1000 (default)
-HistoryVerboseLevel 1 (default)
-KeepAliveMessageInterval 300 (default)
-LoginTimeOut 15 (default)
-MaxBcpThreads 1 (default)
-MaxDeliveredTransactions 0 (default)
-PollingInterval 10 (default)
-QueryTimeOut 2000
-SkipErrors 2601:2627:20598
-TransactionsPerHistory 100 (default)
"C" Distribution Agent Profile
-BcpBatchSize 100000 (default)
-CommitBatchSize 100 (default)
-CommitBatchThreshold 1000 (default)
-HistoryVerboseLevel 1 (default)
-KeepAliveMessageInterval 300 (default)
-LoginTimeOut 15 (default)
-MaxBcpThreads 1 (default)
-MaxDeliveredTransactions 0 (default)
-PollingInterval 10 (default)
-QueryTimeOut 300
-SkipErrors 2601:2627:20598
-TransactionsPerHistory 100 (default)
The latency for the server "B" is around 500000 & for the Server "C" is around 3000
Can u suggest anything wrong in the agent profile which can cause the Server LAtency to Shoot Up. what is the QueryTimeOut property about
thanks in advance
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May 3, 2002
Hello everyone,
I'm running merge replication with several databases. So far everything worked fine, but now I tried to insert some new records and I get the message:
Server: Msg 7139, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Length of text, ntext, or image data (73728) to be replicated exceeds configured maximum 65536.
The statement has been terminated.
Can anybody tell me how if I can change this max. value and how ?
Thanks a lot
Mike B.
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May 1, 2000
Hi ,
We have a sqlserver 6.5 and sqlserver 7.0 on separate machines.
We cannot upgrade the 6.5 to 7.0 as of now since we have certain projects still running on that box.
However,we would need to push and pull data across the servers.
Could we setup replication across the instances?although they are of different versions?
Thanks and Regards,
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