Replication :: Not Working After Password Change?

Sep 18, 2015

I have a publisher, distributor and subscribed in transactional replication topology, each on a different MS Windows 2008 server. SQL server version is 2008. I changed the password of the service account used to the the sql server and sql server agent services on all 3 servers. But now replication stopped working (Distributor to publishers shows errors in replication monitor for all publications).

I restarted the services and also tried restarting the servers. I did "update replication passwords" and also used sp_changereplicationserverpasswords to change replication passwords. But it doesn't seem to work.

From [MSrepl_errors], i get the below errors:

The process could not connect to Subscriber 'XXX'.

Cannot generate SSPI context

SQL Server Network Interfaces: The target principal name is incorrect.

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Setup And Upgrade :: Windows Authentication Not Working After Password Change?

Apr 29, 2015

This morning I attempted to connect to my local copy of SQL Server (2012) (Win 7) using Windows Authentication. I was unable to do so and per the error log it was due to error 18456 (invalid credentials).

Yesterday I changed my windows password. Is it possible for this to be the cause?

FYI, following is from the error logs:

2015-04-27 10:10:32.98 Backup BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 0 pages in 0.451 seconds (0.000 MB/sec).2015-04-28 00:00:41.90 spid18s This instance of SQL Server has been using a process ID of 2096 since 4/21/2015 9:08:05 AM (local) 4/21/2015 1:08:05 PM (UTC). This is an informational message only; no user action is required.2015-04-28 09:58:51.16 Logon Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 38.2015-04-28 09:58:51.16 Logon Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM'. Reason: Failed to open the explicitly specified database 'model'. [CLIENT:]2015-04-28 17:09:59.87 Server  SQL Server is terminating because of a system shutdown. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.

The logs showed the error occurred yesterday (4/28) which is about when I changed my password. The 17:09 log (last one) is when I shut down my computer.  Note that I was logged into SQL Server when I changed my Windows password and worked with it several times through out the day.

Also, per the configuration manager SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) (and all other services) is stopped and I was unable to start it ("The request failed or the service did not respond in a timely fashion).

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Change SA Password. Any Effect To Replication?

Sep 11, 2006

Dear all,

I have some questions regard subject above. I want to know the impact of replication process after SA pasword been changed.

Example: server1 (hq), server2 (district) & server3 (district).

If server1, SA password been changed, is it server2 & server3 need to change too?

may i know where is it the replication SA password stored? is it replication script refer ID (SA) from Security -> Logins?

I hope someone can help me.. thanks.

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SA Password Is Not Working And Local Admin. Can't

Jun 4, 2008

Hi there,
i have a test sql server. personal Edition Sp2. i loggoed on with a domain account that is part of local admin group. i was surprised when i found that i don't have enough access to work on the database like create and restore databases
i tried to log on with sa but password not succeeded i don't remember that i had changed the password or put a difficult one.
i also tried from the local administrator i also couldn't get the permission !!
what could gone wrong ? thanks god its only a test server :S

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Can't Change SA Password

Apr 20, 2001

I have one server out of 6 that lets me logon as SA with the default password
of null.
If I run this command to change the password I get password changed, but it
did not change it, I still can logon as SA with the NULL password.

exec sp_password NULL, abc123, 'sa'

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Password Change (I Think)

May 4, 2000

The old administrator left and I am learning slowly. Since his password was changed, SQL cannot start. I get an error 1069 login failed. Maybe you have a good idead I haven't thought of?

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Change Sa Password

May 7, 2001

I changed the sa password now all my jobs fail, if
I change the password back to what it was they run.
Any insight is appreciated.

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Change SA's Password

Sep 20, 2005

I've searched this forum and was surprised to not find this asked before - Is there any way to change SA's password (we have managed to lose it somehow)? And we do have physical access to our SQL Server of course...if that helps.

thanks in advance,

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How To Change Password

Jul 17, 2006

We have change administrator password. How can i change the sql server job password, so that the maintain plan work fine as before. Thanks.

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Where Should I Change Password

Aug 28, 2006

Dear experts,
i'm getting problem with sql server 2000. actually i changed the service from automatic to manual, right from that day,sql server is not working on my machine.when i checkd in the properties of sql server registration, it is showing some around 8 letter password. actually i will connect with sa and password sa.

where should i change the password? is there any other solution?

or is it better to uninstall and install again? if so what about my databases?

please help me in this regard

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Change Password

Jan 11, 2007

ikram writes "i have to changed the password of sql server and after password change it is not assassable form the network. some of my friend tell me that you will have to change some configuration form server side file. he dont know that file exactly. please tell me the soloution.


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Change SA Password

Dec 17, 2007

Hi All,

I am newbie at SQL server, we have sql 7.0, sql2000 and sql2005. we need to change SA password but developers claim they have hardcode the SA password.

anyone can tell me where developers hardcode this SA password? what are the files i need to look up? if they hardcode it, impossible to change?

any ideas and thoughts are welcome.

Thanks in advance



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Jan 9, 2008

Any way to change the password on QA without knowing the old password?

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FTP Password Change

Apr 15, 2008

I have a SQL JOB that I inherited that uses FTP to xmit some data. When I attempt to change the password within the FTP job a window warns me that files will be deleted. My question is are these files just sytem buffers or will any important files get the axe ? Thx in advance. Lou

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Changing SQL 2005 Password Policy Not Working

Feb 19, 2007

I have modified the Security Settings>Account Policies>Password Policy on my PC as follows:

Minimum password length: 10 characters

Password must meet complexity requirements: Enabled

However, when creating a login within SQL Server 2005, which does not adhere to the amended policy, this does not seem to be taken into account:





have tried restarting the SQL Server and rebooting the PC, but this does not solve the problem.

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Change Database Password

Sep 8, 2007

I have a SQL database hosted on a server. This server supports SQL Sever 2000. How do I change the password to the password?Thanks in advance, 

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Change Password On Sql 2000?

Apr 4, 2008

I am trying to change password, using the code below.. The code below is in a stored proc and I am passing these parameters from a web application.....
 sp_password [ [ @old = ] 'old_password' , ]     { [ @new =] 'new_password' }     [ , [ @loginame = ] 'login' ]
sp_password 'cust1','cust2','cust1'
Server: Msg 15210, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_password, Line 20Only members of the sysadmin role can use the loginame option. The password was not changed.
I made my user part of the db_securityadmin role, but that does not help...
How can I give the above mentioned permissions, so that when user cust1 logs on then he can chnage his own password from the web application as long he has given his old password correctly?

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Osql -- Change Password

Apr 3, 2001

When using osql from a command prompt the following script was run:
EXEC sp_password 'Current Password', '', 'TestLogin'

We were trying to set a password for a login to blank, but now cannot access login into the application because the application was looking a blank password for this user but the password would not work for blank.

Note ---This client only has MSDE installed, not SQL Enterprise.

If the script is run from Query Analyzer it works fine.

The script should have been this:
EXEC sp_password 'Current Password', Null, 'TestLogin'

It should have explictly stated NULL for the new password but it wasn't done.

Is there anyway to reset the password without knowing the existing password.
No other logins exist. They tried logging into the system with no password, '',"".
I am not sure what the password was set to.

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How Do I Change (multiple) 'sa' Password.

May 24, 2001

Howdy - I am using SQL 7.0. I have done some research using the Books On Line and I do not find any documentation on how to change the sa password using a SQL Script. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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How To Change Sa Password After Installation?

May 27, 2004

I just installed MS SQL SERVER2000, but seems the password I was setting didn't look good. So I want to change it, but how? Thanks!

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Change Username And Password

Sep 30, 2006


I newly installed the SQL Server 2005.During installation i chose the option Mixed Mode.I aslo did nit mention any user name and password to the SQL Server.Iam able successfully create Databases using the SQL Server Management Studio.
My problem iam unable to connec to the SQL Server from my .net windows application.My application code is

Dim strCon As String
Dim sValue As String
Dim strQuery As String
Dim dsEventTransac As New DataSet
Dim daEventTransac As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
Dim rowCount As New Integer
Dim oWebService As New WebReference.TkmService
'Dim nwRow As DataRow
'Dim delCmd As SqlClient.SqlCommand

strQuery = "SELECT * FROM EventTransaction"

strCon = "Data Source=localhost;integrated security=SSPI;initial catalog=KmsDb;User ID=sa;password="
objCon = New SqlClient.SqlConnection(strCon)
If objCon.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
End If
daEventTransac = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(strQuery, objCon)
Dim cmdBuilder As New SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder(daEventTransac)

'update the DataAdapter
oWebService.Url = ""

''display the table in a grid
dgEventTransac.DataSource = dsEventTransac.Tables(0)

Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub

Private Sub DataGrid1_Navigate(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal ne As System.Windows.Forms.NavigateEventArgs) Handles dgEventTransac.Navigate

End Sub
End Class

When i donot specify user ID and password i get connected correctly.But when i run the above code i get an error
"Unable to connect to the remote server"
Now i want to change the username and password.Please tell me how to do

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How To Change The User Name And Password

Sep 30, 2006


I newly installed SQL Server 2005 .I did not mention any username and password during installation.But now i want to specify one.Can you tell me how to do so .My Operating System is WindowsXp.

Thanks In Advance

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Last Password Change Date

Feb 21, 2008

Theres a script that the SQL workprogram instructs someone to run which shows the last change date for a users password.
Within the results of the script theres two rows of dates and I would like to know which date indicates the "last password change date"

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Change 'SA' Password At Sql Server

Mar 11, 2008

Hi All,

we plan to change SA password and there are 2 servers running on replication.

what are the precautions that i have to consider?

what is the fallback plan should changing SA password causing other error/ bugs?

can somebody tell me the exact steps to change SA password for this kind of environment?

thanks in advance.



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Password Change Problem

Jan 25, 2008

We have an application using SQLDMO tried to change password. From the trace file, it seems the application used a "SP_password" and the operation failed. However, the application returns its own message which doesn't help us at all in finding the reason. I wonder if SQL server can somehow track the operation(password change) and report a message if it failed.
Does anybody know if SQL server 2005 have such type of functionality? Or what could be the possible reasons of the operation failed. (The new passowrd fullfill the requirement of window policy.)


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SQL Security :: How To Change SA Password

Apr 28, 2015

We are wanting to change the SA password on one of our Sql server 2012. My question is what are the implications? Will our agent jobs still run? SSIS packages still run under agent jobs? Is there a proper way/how to change SA password?

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How To Change Password To Dts Package Programmatically?

Jun 19, 2007

 I was wondering if it is possible to change the password on a SQL Server 2000 DTS package programatically instead of justmanually using the the interface?
 I have over 150 DTS packages  used for building BI data cubes and our password policy requires a password change every 60 days.
I would like to write a windows application that loops through all the DTS packages and changes the password.
 Please advise.

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SQL 2000 Password Change Form...?!?

Jul 23, 2007

I am looking to create an ASP w/ functionality to change user's SQL password.  Many do not have access to EM or Query Analyzer and need a website to visit.  Has any had expirience w/ this prior?

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Setting Up MSDE - How To Change SA Password?

Feb 13, 2004

I have installed WebMatrix and MSDE and have been able to successfully make a connection from WebMatrix to MSDE. I am used to using SQL Server with Enterprise Manager but I do not have that available to me right now so I'm using MSDE instead. I followed the setup instructions on the WebMatrix tutorial and setup MSDE with an SA password. I would now like to change the password to something else. Is there a command that I can use to do that? There is no Enterprise Manager so I'm kind of stumped. Thanks in advance for your help.


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How Can I Change Password Of SQLServer2005/Expres ?

Dec 13, 2005

ow can I change password of SQLServer2005/Expres ?

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Sys Admin Account Password Change

Jun 20, 2000

If someone can tell if it is wise change the SA account password after all of your databases have been set up using NT Authentication for login. Also, by using the sa password at login are you providing more security and and who should have access to that password (Your developers or your Administrators?)


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Service Account Password Change - Help!

Dec 3, 1999

Ugh! Someone changed the password of our SQL Server service account. It is called syssql, and it is used by the MSSQLServer and SQL Executive services to log in at startup. After the password was changed, we noticed that replication wasn’t running, and since I know that replication uses the Executive service, I restarted that service using the new password. That worked to get replication working again, and since the boxes were production machines I didn’t restart the MSSQLServer service with the new password yet. Now, our syssql account keeps on locking up every so often, and scheduled tasks that use xp_sendmail stopped working, and alerts stopped sending. Is this happening because of the MSSQLServer service still being logged in with the old password? I suspect that the SQL Mail logs in through the MSSQLServer service, which is still using the old password, and the login failures are causing the syssql account to lock. Any other ideas???

Cindy Rutherfurd

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SQL Authentication Error On Password Change

May 30, 2005

I have instaled SQL Server2000 in Administrator user login.My OS is Windows Adavance Server2000. It works Fine. If i change my Administrator Password and Login with the new Password then Sql Server dosn't Run.It says Authentication error if i try to run from service.
I belive DBA's in this forum can help me out.

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