Replication Of Great Plains Data
Jan 13, 2006
Hi All,
We have the requirement to replicate financial data to Aus from the UK, however I dont know if Replication is the best solution around?
Reason why I ask this, is that to create the publication, there are in excess of 10000 articles, which takes forever and a day to create, then when setting up the push subscription, this takes equally as long.
DB's physically range between 100MB and 2GB. Link to Aus is 2MB E1.
The accounts server isnt the most powerful of beasts (HP DL380, 1x1.4Ghx CPU) and with 4 DB's to setup and replicate, it's going to take some time.
With this in mind, I would also be looking to script out the publication should there be any failures and put it into SourceSafe, however this would also take a vast amount of time.
I've thought about using Log Shipping, however I dont know if there are any better ways
Thoughts appreciated.
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Feb 1, 2007
Our company has a database server (Windows Server 2003 x64 EE w/ SQL Server 2005 x64 EE) that has Great Plains installed. We have a database for one of our companies that I would like to begin replicating to another server. The reason behind this is that we want to run the GP/CRM Connector which requires 32-bit ODBC connections.
Anyways, what I need to do is enable replication to our 32-bit server. We have been successful in making this happen from 64-bit to 32-bit with a much smaller database. When I go to enable peer-to-peer in the properties of the publication (which I set up using all of the default settings), SQL Management Studio will hang and run for days while appearing to be working. However, when we end up killing Management Studio days later (we let it run for a week once) the peer-to-peer option does not seem to have been set properly.
Any ideas?
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Aug 20, 2007
Hope someone can solve my problem
I have a working version of the above installed on a win 2000 machine with SQL ver (MSDE2000A.exe)
I purchase a laptop with vista home premium installed on it
MSDE2000A.exe would not install hence I installed SQL Server Express I managed to install the server and connect but when trying to login through Great Plains it says that I need SQL version 7. I have done a little research and found that SQL 7 is not supported by Vista.
Which way do I go now ?????
Do I install a copy of xp, update Great Plains or wait for an updated version of SQL Server Express SP ???
Please can anyone help !!!
and please dont get too technical Im not an expert
Many Thanks
Mr Magoo
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May 31, 2006
We currently use GP 8.00 with the SQL Server 8.0.
We are trying to develop a view based on manfacturing orders - when a finished good is placed on hold and then calculating the componet parts that are on hold.
The calculation runs fine, we multiply end quanity x componet quanity found on the BOM. But we are not getting the correct componet item numbers to display.
Here is the syntax we are using:
TOP 100 dbo.BM010115.QUANTITY_I, dbo.WO010032.ENDQTY_I, dbo.WO010032.ENDQTY_I * dbo.BM010115.QUANTITY_I AS QTY_REQHOLDMO,
dbo.BM010115 ON dbo.WO010032.BOMCAT_I = dbo.BM010115.BOMCAT_I
We have tried several different types of joins but still no luck. The upshot is we need to know that when a finished good is placed on hold, - how many of its componet parts are placed on hold.
Any assistance you can provide will be appreciated.
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Feb 27, 2008
Here is my problem.
I am setting up a new server with Great Plains v8.0 (I have migrated all the databases from the other server, which has a working version of Great Plains v8.0 at the present moment). We are planning on getting rid of that server as it causing a lot of problems at the moment. I start the install of Great Plains v8.0 on the new server, install the components. After Great Plains v8.0 installs I go into Great Plains Utilities, and get the following message (I have installed SQL Server 2005 on the new server, and SQL Server 2000 is being used on the old server).
After I run Great Plains Utilities, I get the following error message -
"The stored procedure verifyServerVersion() of form duSQLinstall: 111
Pass Through SQL returned the following results: DBMS: 0, Great Plains: 0."
and when I click OK, it gives me another notification message -
"Your current SQL SERVER is not a support version
Req: Microsoft SQL Server 7.0
Act: Microsoft Server 2005
You need to upgrade to SQL Server 7.0 before continuing".
Why am I get that error message when I have SQL Server 2005 installed?
Can someone point me in the right direction.
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Feb 1, 2006
Hi there. We're doing a save on a MS Great Plains with SQL Server screen and get the following error:
"A save operation on table 'WS_Time_Sheet_TRX_WORK' failed because a database constraint was violated."
If I hit More Info it says:
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]INSERT statement conflicted with COLUMN FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_WS10702_UPR00100'. The conflict occurred in database 'NSP', table 'U00100PR', column 'EMPLOYID'.
I know these messages probably make perfect sense to you guys, but I'm a newbie. Can you point me in the right direction? My thinking is that maybe I should force the foreign key constraint using the "WITH NOCHECK" option or maybe the wrong data type is mapped between the two tables sharing the Foreign Key and the key should be deleted and recreated.
Any help you can provide would be most appreciated! Assume that I'm a newbie and that I know very little. You won't hurt my feelings if you "dumb it down" so I can understand where to begin! lol I'm not even entirely sure I know where to look to edit the connection in the first place.
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Sep 21, 2007
Not sure if there's a GP 8.0 forum, so giving this one a go.
I've added an AFTER UPDATE trigger to the RM00101 table (customer master) in a Great Plains 8.0 SQL Server 2000 SP4 DB. The trigger assigns field values to variables, constructs an update query, and executes the query on a table in a linked SQL Server 2005 DB.
The trigger works fine when fired as a result of a direct field update made through Enterprise Manager. However, when the same update is made through the Great Plains GIU (customer card window), an exception error is thrown:
"Unhandled database exception:
A Save operation on table €˜RM_Customer_MSTR€™ failed accessing SQL data
The odd thing is that if I drop the trigger from the RM00101 table, the exception error still occurs. Not just on the record originally updated, but on all records and all fields within the record.
Code for the trigger follows:
CREATE TRIGGER CTrig_Logic_Update_Customer
ON RM00101
DECLARE @Server_Name Varchar(25),
@Logic_DB_Name Varchar(25),
@SQLStr nvarchar(1000),
@CustomerN int,
@SICCode int,
@ARContact Varchar(35),
@LongName Varchar(50),
@CustomerName Varchar(24),
@SalesTaxCode Int,
@AddrLine1 Varchar(40),
@AddrLine2 Varchar(40),
@AddrLine3 Varchar(40),
@City Varchar(30),
@StateProv Varchar(4),
@PostalCode Varchar(15),
@TelephoneN Varchar(25),
@FaxTelephoneN Varchar(25),
@SalespersonN Int,
@TermsCode Varchar(60), -- Put the customer terms into the CommentN1 field
@CustRateSched Int,
@SalesAreaCode Int,
@InactivePurge Tinyint,
@CreditStatus Tinyint,
@CreditLimit Int
------- Get the new Customer data from Inserted table
SELECT @CustomerN = CAST(RTRIM(i.CUSTNMBR) as Integer),
@LongName = RTRIM(i.STMTNAME),
@CustomerName = RTRIM(i.SHRTNAME),
@AddrLine1 = RTRIM(i.ADDRESS1),
@AddrLine2 = RTRIM(i.ADDRESS2),
@AddrLine3 = RTRIM(i.ADDRESS3),
@City = RTRIM(i.CITY),
@StateProv = RTRIM(LEFT(i.STATE,2)),
@PostalCode = RTRIM(i.ZIP),
@TelephoneN = RTRIM(LEFT(i.PHONE1,10)),
@FaxTelephoneN = RTRIM(LEFT(i.FAX,10)),
@SalespersonN = RTRIM(i.SLPRSNID),
@TermsCode = RTRIM(i.PYMTRMID),
@CustRateSched = RTRIM(i.DEX_ROW_ID),
@SalesAreaCode = ISNULL((SELECT Dex_Row_ID FROM RM00303 WHERE RM00303.SALSTERR = i.SALSTERR),0),
@InactivePurge = i.INACTIVE,
@CreditStatus = i.HOLD,
@CreditLimit = i.CRLMTAMT
FROM inserted i
------- Get Logic server name and database name
SELECT @Server_Name = RTRIM(l.Server_Name),
@Logic_DB_Name = RTRIM(l.Logic_DB_Name)
FROM tbl_Logic_DB l
------- Insert new Customer record into Logic database
SET @SQLStr = 'UPDATE [' + @Server_Name + '].[' + @Logic_DB_Name + '].dbo.[Customer] ' + '
SET SICCode = ' + CAST(@SICCode as varchar(10)) + ', ' + '
ARContact = ''' + @ARContact + ''', ' + '
LongName = ''' + @LongName + ''', ' + '
CustomerName = ''' + @CustomerName + ''', ' + '
SalesTaxCode = ' + CAST(@SalesTaxCode as varchar(10)) + ', ' + '
AddrLine1 = ''' + @AddrLine1 + ''', ' + '
AddrLine2 = ''' + @AddrLine2 + ''', ' + '
AddrLine3 = ''' + @AddrLine3 + ''', ' + '
City = ''' + @City + ''', ' + '
StateProv = ''' + @StateProv + ''', ' + '
PostalCode = ''' + @PostalCode + ''', ' + '
FaxTelephoneN = ''' + @TelephoneN + ''',' + '
SalespersonN = ' + CAST(@SalespersonN as varchar(10)) + ', ' + '
CommentN1 = ''' + @TermsCode + ''', ' + '
CustRateSched = ' + CAST(@CustRateSched as varchar(10)) + ', ' + '
SalesAreaCode = ' + CAST(@SalesAreaCode as varchar(10)) + ', ' + '
InactivePurge = ' + CAST(@InactivePurge as varchar(10)) + ', ' + '
CreditStatus = ' + CAST(@CreditStatus as varchar(10)) + ', ' + '
CreditLimit = ' + CAST(@CreditLimit as varchar(10)) + ' ' + '
WHERE CustomerN = ' + CAST(@CustomerN as varchar(10))
EXEC sp_executesql @SQLStr
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Nov 24, 2006
can anybody give me some nice links with a detailed explaination of the various replication errors and solution
thanks in advance
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Feb 6, 2007
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Jan 4, 2005
hi, im currently on sql hell right now. im having a hard time learning this sql thingie....
...the thing is this: im currently using the book ASP.NET Unleashed and most of the examples there are on SQL. what i was trying to do before was convert everything to OleDb to fit the ms access which i have right now.
unfortunately, some of the codes seem not to work properly. maybe its because of im using OleDb...
so what i did was i downloaded the MSDE sp3 package and installed it on my PC. now that i have an sql server for my WebMatrix, i just dont know what to do next? i mean, where do i put the sql sample databases like northwind and pubs???
im really confused about this sql thing. i really hate it.
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Mar 17, 2004
Does anyone know of any links to some great MS SQL sites I can check out to learn from?
Thanks for your thoughts.
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Feb 10, 2014
Im not getting data when I execute the below 0 Rows:
select mydate from [dbo].mytable
where convert(varchar, mydate,101) between '11/18/2013' and '02/08/2014'
However the below gives results...
select mydate from [dbo].mytable
where convert(varchar, mydate,101) between '01/01/2013' and '02/08/2014'
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Jan 30, 2007
I have two servers both with different collation. Server A being SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS and the live server and Server B being Latin1_General_CI_AS and a dev server. Now i have a load of data on the dev which i'm query to see if its on the live server.
select * from ServerA.Table1 where Col1 in
(select Col1 from ServerB.Table1)
I get this Error message.
Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "Latin1_General_CI_AS" and "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" in the equal to operation.
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Nov 28, 2007
I am SQL server DBA for 4 years. ALways i am getting help from TARA and other SQL gurus. Salute to all
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Mar 30, 2007
We've been working hard with our teams here to get better/more/good information out to our users. We€™ve created a new a customized Windows Live search, that limits results to Books Online. Check this out, and make sure you let your contacts know to visit it and provide feedback:
We want to generate as much traffic as possible here so that we can see if this is useful to our users. We€™d love to hear back from everyone we can!
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Oct 15, 2007
Great Circle distance calculation
Is there any stored procedure or application that implements Great Circle distance calculation
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Feb 26, 2001
Hello, I have just started working with Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 and was wondering if anyone could recommend a great book for learning T-SQL. I was looking for something that would provide several examples on triggers and stored procedures.
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May 17, 2000
Does any one have information on any good Access Sites that are similar to this one, which could be helpful in completing some task. Thanks.
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Oct 15, 2007
Great Circle distance calculation
Is there any stored procedure or application that implements Great Circle distance calculation
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Aug 3, 2007
My small business has about 21GIGs of data in our database. This entire week we've been running absolutely slow. Posting transactions have been taking up to 30+ seconds when they're normally instant.
We ran the profiler and found that certain stored procedures were taking an absolutely long time to run. We checked for fragmentation, indexing, etc. Keep in mind our hardware was constantly pegged at 80%+ all the time. We have about 60 users connected to our server at any given time.
After much effort to no avail, we finally resorted to just restarting the software. Some have even suggested powering down and rebooting our hardware, but I halted that. We stopped and restarted the server via the management studio and now everything is just peachy. We're funning super fast and smooth.
My concern is that we're just bandaid-ing the problem and not resolving it; so eventually we're going to be faced with this problem again. Even though restarting the server is quite easy and not too effective on our downtime, personally, I'd like to know what the real issue is. Isn't sql server 2005 a self-tuning software to begin with?
Has anyone experienced this and share some insights on what they did and didn't do to resolve this quirk?
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Oct 16, 2006
I am using SQL 2005. I have created a SSIS package that basically executes another SSIS package (as part of a larger package) . It runs fine in SSBIDS but will not run if I save it and schedule it using SQL Agent. I should mention I am using a domain/admin account with SQL Agent, so I don't think that is the problem.
When I execute the job in SSBIDS, the Execute Package Utility window pops up, at which point I click on the Execute button, the job runs successfully and then I click on the close button.
I suspect it is not running via SQL Agent because of the user intervention required to complete the task (i.e. clicking on execute as described above). Is this correct? If so, is there a way to override the requirement for any user intervention. Or, could it be from something else?
Thanks for any insight.
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Jul 28, 2006
I have a app that access a SQL Express database. I have transactional repliaction set up on a SQL 2000 database (the publisher) and a pull subscription from the app. I use RMO in the VB app to connect to the publisher. My problem is I am getting some strange behaviour as follows
- if I run the app and invoke the pull subscription it works fine. If I then close my app and go back in, I can access my data without any problem
- If I run the app and try to access data in my SQL Express database it works fine. I can then close the app, reopen it and run the pull subscription it works fine
- if I run the app, invoke the pull subscription (which runs fine), and then try to access data in my local SQL Express database without firstly closing and reopening the app, I get a login error
- if I run the app, try to access data in my local SQL Express database (which works fine), and then try to run the pull subscription I get a "the process cannot acces the file as it is being used by another process" error. In this case I need to restart the SQL Express service to be able to run replication again.
I get exactly the same behaviour when I use the Windows Sync tool (with my app open at the same time) instead of my RMO code to replicate the data.
I am using standard ADO.Net 2 code to access my SQL Express data in the app and closing all connections etc
Any advice appreciated !
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Mar 28, 2007
This function computes the great circle distance in Kilometers using the Haversine formula distance calculation.
If you want it in miles, change the average radius of Earth to miles in the function.
create function dbo.F_GREAT_CIRCLE_DISTANCE
@Latitude1 float,
@Longitude1 float,
@Latitude2 float,
@Longitude2 float
returns float
Computes the Great Circle distance in kilometers
between two points on the Earth using the
Haversine formula distance calculation.
Input Parameters:
@Longitude1 - Longitude in degrees of point 1
@Latitude1 - Latitude in degrees of point 1
@Longitude2 - Longitude in degrees of point 2
@Latitude2 - Latitude in degrees of point 2
declare @radius float
declare @lon1 float
declare @lon2 float
declare @lat1 float
declare @lat2 float
declare @a float
declare @distance float
-- Sets average radius of Earth in Kilometers
set @radius = 6371.0E
-- Convert degrees to radians
set @lon1 = radians( @Longitude1 )
set @lon2 = radians( @Longitude2 )
set @lat1 = radians( @Latitude1 )
set @lat2 = radians( @Latitude2 )
set @a = sqrt(square(sin((@lat2-@lat1)/2.0E)) +
(cos(@lat1) * cos(@lat2) * square(sin((@lon2-@lon1)/2.0E))) )
set @distance =
@radius * ( 2.0E *asin(case when 1.0E < @a then 1.0E else @a end ))
return @distance
Edit: corrected spelling
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Jul 28, 2006
In dexterity iam using table_compare() function to check if tables in datasource and dictionary are same but its not picking up the primary key change but it does pick up the column change
any suggestion
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Dec 28, 2007
I have an SSRS file with 2 total reports - the first is a sort of template - a matrix with about 6 varying parameters, and the second report uses the first as a subreport - ultimately, there are about 5 subreports on the second page, all using the main "template" report, with the only variance being certain parameters. The client wanted an excel file as the end result, and I decided the quickest way to populate the data they needed would be SSRS.
My problem is when I export this stuff to excel. The template report, by itself, comes out beautifully. The expand/collapse boxes on the groups are all aligned and the data just fits.
However, when I export the "combined" report, the whole thing turns to caca....
For one, subtotals are auto-magically added in for certain groups (these aren't in the main report, and they don't show render in IE, and subtotals are showing for groups where subtotals aren't even on. ) Annoying, but not major.
More importantly, the expand/collapse buttons for the matrix groupings seem to align to the top, and not the actual row of the grouping. So, if I wanted to expand the data on say, row 11, the '+' button is actually on the previous row (row 110). This is the real showstopper and just not acceptable on a usability level.
Again - the only difference between the two spreadsheets is that one is its own report, and the second one renders the same report from a subreport. On IE it looks identical. Any reason why simply using a sub would cause such drastic differences in excel appearance??
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Nov 17, 2006
I am trying to setup Trans Replication with updating subscriber on sql2000. One column on few tables got data with single quote (').
How do I handle in this case? Did any one come across such case?
Can I Change default QUOTED IDENTIFIER from ' (single quote) to something else (@@@) on SQL2000?
If yes, how to do?
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Oct 26, 2007
I have 14 databases, the last database - 14th one will have lookup tables only. The other 13 databases will have these lookup tables and data tables. At the end of each day I will make updates for lookup tables on 14th database, I want to be able to push the updates to any or some of the 13 databases. Look up tables will have only upto 100 rows, so I am not concerned about the bandwidth. What is the best way to accomplish this.
Any suggestions and inputs would help
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Jan 24, 2007
I have 3 databases which i will reference as Database1, Database2 and Database3.
Database1 and Database2 are running SQL SERVER 2000
Database3 is running SQL SERVER 2005
Database1 and Database2 each have a Member Info table containing login information for seperate websites.
Database3 has a Member Info table also, but the login information is populated from the Member Info tables in Database1 and Database2.
Curently this is achieved by running a job once a day that clears out the Member Info table on Database3, and then running two insert statements that take the data from Database1's Member Info table and Database2's Member Info table and insert it into Database3's Member Info table.
This all works fine, but I don't think it is the best way to do this. Also, doing it this way leaves the chance that the job might hang up and then the Database3's Member Info table will be empty.
I am trying to find if there is a more efficient way to do this. And any ideas are appreciated!!!
In idea i thought about trying is to populate the Database3's Member Info table, and then place triggers on Database1 and Database2's Member Info tables. If a row is created/updated/deleted in Database1 or Database2's Member info table, it could take that information and update the corresponding information in Database3's Member Info table. But I have never really messed with triggers, so this may not be possible.....
Another idea I though of is to run a job once a day, but then have a cursor that goes through each row in Database1 and Database2's Member Info table, and if the information is not found in Database3's Member Info table, it could then either create/update/ delete that info.
Just wanted some opinions/ideas before I tackle this.
Hope this wasn't too confusing...
And Thank you in advance!!!
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Jan 29, 2007
Hi all,
Where is the replication log will be stored.My replication is failed due to server down.I have setup as a transaction replication. I just want to know where that log will be availbale.
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Aug 31, 2007
What is the best way to do a two way data transfer between Sql server 2005 and sql server 2000. These data transfer should take place on triggers happening on either of these databases. Please help. Is there any tutorial online which addresses this.
Thank You
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Feb 28, 2005
I have two sets of data i.e two instances of SQL server in two different cities. Data entry happens at both the places.I need to balance the data in two servers i.e. I need to Synchronize the data.
Currently I am Exchanging the data between two sides and using a Buffer database to update the incremental infromation.(Running a SQL script).
I have GUID columns in my database. I am too new to replication.I wanted to know whether I can implement repliaction and what changes i need to make?(e.g. Replacing GUID columns with Identity columns).
Permanent connectivity between two databases is required or Replication can be performed whenever connected?
Best Regards
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Mar 9, 2007
What tools are available to update SQL Server application tables from a DB2 database?
The DB2 database is on iSeries (AS/400).
Thanks in advance.
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Feb 10, 2007
Hy im PCV
I want to know how to calculate the amount of data(in MB) that is transfered from 1 server trought another
Puplisher--->Subscriber, using a merge replication. I know that the amount of data depends on the number of the rows and the scale of the colums. I only want to know how to calculate that amount of data. I am using Sql server 2000, and a OS windows XP profesional, thank you
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