Replication :: Replicate All Data From Remote Locations To Central Location
Aug 29, 2015
there are several remote locations where sql is running, my company has asked me to find a way to collect all the data from the remote locations to a central location automatically,for example day to day data should be synced at night time from 2am to 7 am and it should be compressed automatically before data transfers to the central location. NOTE there is no domain only standalone workstations
Is it possible to replicate data from 3 publishers to a single/central subscriber transactionally? In other words I have Server A, Server B, Server C with databases A,B,C respectively. I need to replicate 2 articles from A,2 from B and 2 from C to a central Server D that hosts database D. D will have only 6 articles. The replication is Transactional Replication.
If it is possible what will be the drawbacks of such implementation? (if one server goes down will the whole replication break?) If not possible then what is the best way of implementing this?
We need to replicate multiple databases (publications) to one central subscriber. The schema of those articles are identical in all publications and also the primary keys in publications do not have any overlap.
Is this possible?If yes is there any specific thing that I should consider for it's implementation? Should each publication has it's own dedicated distributor or all of them can share one distributor?
Dear group,i have the following setting:satellite databases in different locations with the same structure (andsometimes identical data) need to be replicated into one centraldatabase. The databases hold information on machine results andmachines are numbered from 1 to n.Results for machine 1 in location 1 should be entered in the centraldatabase whereas results for machine 1 in location 2 should also beentered.Thus i would need a copy of the tables in the satellite database whichadds one column for "location id" (or something like that).Is there an easy way to accomplish this ? Seems to me that thereplication scenarios in the "replication wizard" for SQL-Server missout this case.Some hint at documentation or websites would be extremely helpful.Thanks + Greetings from ViennaUli
hey i am going to be writing a query to search for stock in a certian location, but what i wnat to do is allow the user to search in all locations as well, how could i do this? or would it be more asp based? Jez
Hello I have a table with inventory where each item has a field called location. What i would like to do is to get a summry with how many items there are in in each location. All the data is stored in one single table named article. inside this table i have Counter (PK), Artnr, location, type and some other things. 2 other importent columns are date and interval. Date is the last time the item was inspected and interval is an integer saying how many months untill the next inspection. So i guess Counter, location, date and interval, are the ones i need to use in my query to do the following. Wo what i would like to do is to present a short list with all locations and then a number that says how many items need inspection in 3 months or less (and even items that have apssed their date). Im somewhat new to sql so iv only been doing the regular insert, delete and update here and there but i have a feeling this query is a bit more complicated. The list does not need to say what items needs inspection. I only need to know how many. Could anyone help me out with constructing this query?
SQL Server service accounts; the default (and recommended) service account is NT ServiceMSSQLServer virtual service account - which is shown as MSSQLSERVER locally - if you want to assign permissions to a local location. Fine, that's OK, works.
For network resources, as far as I understand it (or think I do, anyway), a virtual service on a box is made visible to the network using the <Domain><Computer>$ credential. Eg for box Bimble on Domain Wimble - if I want to give access to a directory on backupServer1, I simply assign rights to WimbleBimble$ and SQL Server should get those rights.
This, or so I thought, should allow SQL Server access to that location. The thing is, when trying to access that location, it's throwing an access denied error. But it works fine with LocalSystem.
Do I need to do some additional configuration to allow the Virtual Service account to be shown via <Domain><Computer>$ ?
Using SQL 7.0 I'd like to replicate just schema from DB on server A to DB on server B, then be able to replicate data only form DB on server B to DB on server A. I need help!!
Thanks for ANY information you can give me... ~Jepadria
Dear group,I have to replicate remote data to a SQL Server in the headquarter.The data are on a site which does not have permanent online-connectionto the headquarter.I have written a script which replicates the data and i want to set upa process / batch on the headquarter-machine which roughly does thefollowing1) Connect to the remote site2) start replication script (in fact a stored procedure)3) on success disconnect from the remote siteAll this has to run automatically e.g. during nighttime.Could someone please outline how i set up the connection and keep itup during my database-action and how to automatically disconnect aftersuccess of my replication script.I'd be jolly grateful.Thanks in advance and Greetings from ViennaUli
We have one development server and another production server. I am trying to restore a production dat file to the development server. I can get as far as adding the path name of the remote file (e.g. serverd$directoryfilename), but I can`t seem to enable the "Restore Now" button. The file actually displays in the Devices and Files section, but when I click it, nothing happens.
There happens to be another pre-existing device that does respond to my click - the device is added to the "Backup Information" section of the screen, and the Restore Now button is enabled - but that isn`t really the one I want to restore from.
I'm trying to set up snapshot replication between two SQL Server 2000 databases over the internet. Both servers run Windows 2000 server edition and SQL server 2000. The idea is to send certain local information, stored in database tables to a database from which the information is published on a website.
I've set up the distribution database (with the original name: distribution) and connected a publisher to it (let's call that one "source_database") using the sp_adddistpublisher stored procedure. No problems there... Next step, I added a publication, the tables in source_database, and a subscriber, the website database. I've opened up port 1433 on both servers, but still it won't send anything from the source_database to the website database....
It gives no errors, but just doesn't do anything... Now, I've looked for possible problems and I think these problems might be able to cause problems: - The initial snapshot is not reaching the subscriber - I've made a push subscription which may has to become a pull subscription - The RPC's aren't available, because both servers are highly secured - The wrong serverpack is installed (this one is a wild guess)
Does anybody have any idea on how I can get my distribution working or solve any of the problems above, cause I'm running out of idea's.... (P.S. I'm a bit of a noobie to replication, I've set it up in a test environment before and it just worked perfectly, but the real thing isn't)
I am having two NT/SQL Server 6.5 and i tried to replicate the database on SQL Server from One Server to another Server. When i try to replicate from Server A[Publisher] to Server B[Subscriber] it is giving error on Distribution History Log on Manage Scheduled Task Dialog. The Error is like this : 08001 [ODBC SQL Server Driver] [dbnmpntw] ConnectionOpen (Createfile()).
and it is trying again and again by using retry option.
Kindly guide me by mentioning the reason for this error.
We have a two SQL Server 2005 databases set up using Transactional Replication. My manager has asked me to set it up to replicate constraints (default, fk, et) on the tables in the main publication. I said sure, I can do it, but I will have to re-initialize the subscription. He said there was a way to do it without re-initializing the subscription. I cannot find anything in my research to indicate that there is a method to do so (via call sp_ functions, etc). Is it indeed possible to replicate constraints on replicated tables without re-initializing the who subscription? The reason he does not want me to perform a re-initialization is that we are a few weeks before moving into production, and a full re-initialization takes 1.5 days, which would impact system availability.
I have some issue when replicating a view (transactional replication).I have following objects on publisher:
Table: [Metadataschema].[Entity] View: [dbo].[EntityLogicalView] the view definition is:
create view [dbo].[EntityLogicalView] as (SELECT * FROM [Entity] WHERE OverwriteTime = 0)
this is what I get when I run "Script View as Create". The same query is used by the replication.Unfortunately this query fails on the subscriber "Unable to replicate a view or function because the referenced objects or columns are not present on the Subscriber". I cannot even runt his query manually on the subscriber, it only works when I change it like this:create view [dbo].[EntityLogicalView] as (SELECT * FROM [Metadataschema].[Entity] WHERE OverwriteTime = 0) Is there any way to get this working? Can I change the creation scripts used by the replication or force publisher to include schema names in all objects?
I'm trying to replicate client data from multiple databases into a single table. So database A, B and C replicate client data to a table in database Z. There is a settings table on A, B and C that holds the businessID and I use a function in a computed column to add this to the client table. At the moment I have just database A and Z as a test and what happens is the computed column gets replicated as a computed column with the formula.
Can I change this so that I can replicate the computed value (at db A,B,C) of this column?
I don't really want to add a businessID to the table if possible as I'm going to need to add a number of other tables to this replication which will each need to have the businessID, a computed column would be much easier and save updating a load of scripts.
If the above is not possible is there some other solution available so I can identify which database the records came from in the table on database Z?
SQL Server 2012 running under a domain Managed Service Account. (Server A) File located on a Windows 2012 server in a directory which has been shared to user A. (Server B). User A is a domain account and is using his laptop, (laptop C) which is using SSMS to run a bulk insert command.
User A (Bulk Insert from laptop SSMS Client) --- > SQL Server (server A) --- > File Server (Server B)
The command fails and is returning Access denied to the file/folder share on Server B.
Running the same command on the SQL Server (Server A), the command works fine, so this is a double hop kerberos issue.
If I use a SQL Login from Laptop C, then the command works fine as the SQL Server will use the SQL's Managed service account to connect to the file share, which is set up for delegation and impersonation.
I am struggling to work out why a domain user cannot bulk insert a file from a remote location. I have checked that the user is connected with Kerberos authentication and they are. All articles seem to talk about setting up SPN's for the SQL Server so that SQL Login authentication can work over remote bulk insert, and just say to set up the file share properties properly if using a domain account.
What I am missing to allow domain accounts to bulk insert remotely, from a remote file share?
What is the recommendation for having multiple data files ? I've read 1 per CPU etc... some say keep it all in one data file.
How do multiple sql data files help when they are located in the same raid group/single volume ?
This is the setup that I have: 4 CPU box with 2x P400 array controller to 2x MSA10 exclosure (for data only, tempdb,logs,backups are on other arrays) one array controller per enclosure. single big RAID 10 volume on each ( or should I do 4-4-2 separation). (In single big raid 10, All disks would help for performance of each query... I don't want to create separate raid groups, mostly due to growth constraints in the future, am I wrong ?)
How should I split database across these two enclosures ? one,two data files on each or more ?
I have two SQL 2005 SP2 Server and want to use the transaction replication with updateable subscriber. Now the problem is that i can do any changes on the master server. But if i want to change a record on the subscriber which contains a ntext, text, oder image column - then i geht the error that the field will be NULL on the master.
Is there any solution to fix this problem? I dont wan`t to change the datatype vom ntext to varchar(max) !!
I have developed on winodws based application using C# in .NET. I am connecting from my database using internet, means my database kept on remote location. I have to save images in DB because I can't save and access images in external folder from remote location. In this situation my DB is growing very fast. Is there any other alternative to work on this requirement or compress image in any format so that I can reduce DB size.
1) Are there any "hooks" available to insert processing when a subscriber is about to copy data from a replicating site?
2) Is it possible for a subscriber to change only his local copy of the data - without replicating the changes back to the publisher?
I realise that once the data changes in one place it isn't really replicated anymore, and I realise that my limited knowledge of the subject might well mean I'm not even asking the right questions. Therefore, I shall try to describe as best I can my scenario.
I wish to use many servers for transactional input (to distribute the workload) and use replication to publish the inputted data to a subscribing central site. One of the tables I wish to replicate has an identity column as primary key, but the records should otherwise be unique - i.e. no two records should differ only in the value of the key. Another table, which should also be replicated, uses this id value as a foreign key.
I can use the identity increment and seed to guarantee no key violations will occur when copying data to the central server. However, there is another issue: Several servers can create the same record but with different id values.
I need to "merge" such records by deleting duplicate entries in the table with the identifier as primary key, and update the foreign keys correspondingly. To clarify (I hope!), here's an example of what data I might have on the central site after copying data from two input sites:
amount = 200, metadata_id = 1001 // Replicated from server INPUT_1
amount = -117, metadata_id = 2001 // Replicated from server INPUT_2
id=1001 Actitiy=Sales, Country=USA
id=2001 Activity=Sales, Country=USA
What I would like is basically for the central site to identify that metadata 2001 is really the same as metadata 1001, update the foreign key in the TRANSACTION record accordingly and not import (or delete, if this "merging" is done in a post-treatment) the duplicate metadata record.
If anyone can offer any advice on how to achieve this I would appreciate your input.
I'm trying to find any useful whitepapers about how to effectively build and operate a disaster recovery site at a remote location for SQL Server 2000. Does anyone know where to find such information?
I also know that one good option for my customer is using the Mirroring feature of SQL Server 2005. What are the other options? Is Replication an effective one for a mission-critical database (online banking)?
Greetings: I am trying to gather into a central location the missing index data from the sys DMV's for dynamic index creation in the next step. In trying to use a cursor, I get the following errors:
Msg 154, Level 15, State 3, Line 20
variable assignment is not allowed in a cursor declaration.
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 94
Incorrect syntax near 'Get_Data'.
Msg 16916, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
A cursor with the name 'Get_Server' does not exist.
Msg 16916, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
A cursor with the name 'Get_Server' does not exist.
Here is the SQL:
--CREATE PROCEDURE usp_Get_Missing_Index_Data
--Declare @Sql2 nvarchar(4000)
Declare @Sql nvarchar(4000)
DECLARE Get_Server Cursor -- gets a server name from a list of servers
Select MachineName from rsqlaudit1.DBStatistics.dbo.servers
Open Get_Server
Declare @Server nchar(20)
Fetch Next from Get_Server Into
While (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) --and (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -2)
DECLARE Get_Data Cursor
select @sql= 'select distinct id.*
, gs.avg_total_user_cost
, gs.avg_user_impact
, gs.last_user_seek
from '+@Server+'.master.sys.dm_db_missing_index_group_stats gs
,'+@Server+'.master.sys.dm_db_missing_index_groups g
,'+@Server+'.master.sys.dm_db_missing_index_details id
where gs.group_handle = g.index_group_handle
and id.index_handle = g.index_handle
order by gs.avg_user_impact desc'
exec (@Sql)
Open Get_Data
DECLARE @Handle int,
@database smallint,
@object int,
@equality nvarchar(4000),
@inequality nvarchar(4000),
@Included nvarchar(4000),
@statement nvarchar(4000),
@avg_user_cost float,
@avg_user_impact float,
@last_seek datetime,
@compiles bigint
While (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) --and (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -2)
insert into rsqlaudit1.DBStatistics.dbo.Missing_Index_data
Hi, I have transactional replication setup with SQL 2000 on W2K3 cluster using updateable push subscribers. While setting up replication, we chose default location for snapshot folder that resides on non-clustered drive. Is there a way to change this location without disturbing current replication setup. I looked at the 'alternate snapshot location' solution, but it requires snapshot re-initialization. I am trying to do this with minimal effort and downtime. Thanks, np70
Hi everyone, I've recently been thrown into a DBA role (I've never done any DBA work except writing a few SQL queries), so please go easy on me if these are stupid questions. My first task is to find the best way to replicate data between two SQL Server production databases. The data is to come from Production DB #1 to Production DB #2 (for access by a different system). The data has to be super-close -- not necessarily real-time, but within a few minutes. So when data is updated in #1, #2 shouldn't be be lagged by more than 45 minutes (5-10 is ideal). There are hundreds of thousands of records.What would be the best way to do this? Are there options in SQL Server 2005 to do "differential" updates from DB1 to DB2? Or is that how "transactional replication" works? If we were to implement a "full recovery model", will this impact any sort of replication? Thanks.
Hi, there I have a situation here.... I have Production DB and Development DB in the same SQL7.0 box.... I want to update the data and SP from Pro. to Dev at least once a day... So this is my plan.
1. Back up(Pro.) and restore(Dev.) so I can have the same DB in the same box. 2. Using a Replication (Pulication and Subscription) ro update the data and SP. 3. Because DTS can not update the SP, I use the replication instead of DTS. I need to update the SP, too..(Front end is ACCESS and backend is SQL7.0 DB)
Is there any other methods or way to make ti happen... Any suggestion can help...
We have transactional replication setup to replicate data from production across to a reporting server.
We want to ARCHIVE production, but don't want the ARCHIVE duplicated on the reporting server.
Does anyone know of a way that the reporting server can be stopped from replicating these changes, and continue to hold the FULL history of the database?
We have transactional replication setup to replicate data from production across to a reporting server.
We want to ARCHIVE production, but don't want the ARCHIVE duplicated on the reporting server.
Does anyone know of a way that the reporting server can be stopped from replicating these changes, and continue to hold the FULL history of the database?
Hello, I am trying to add a View to an existing publication and it the subscribers (all devices with SQL CE) don't get the View after replication. I have deleted and recreated the publication, and only the tables will appear on the device, not the view.
Also, I want the data from the view to be dynamic, filtered by using the Host_Name() function/value. Will this work for a View?
Let say I've 4 server with MS SQL 2000 installed and I want all of them having the same data. So I'm using merge replication by assign one of them as publisher/distributor. The problem is when ( let say ) server that have been assign as publisher/distributor down then all the other server cannot make replication. My idea was to make it replicate to other available server ( among them ) if replication to main server failed. Is it possible ? If possible how to do it ?