Replication To ODBC Database
Dec 16, 1998Hi,
we tried to set up a replication from SQL Server 6.5 to
an Oracle database via ODBC but all our attempts failed.
Where can I find a description about this subject ?
we tried to set up a replication from SQL Server 6.5 to
an Oracle database via ODBC but all our attempts failed.
Where can I find a description about this subject ?
I apologize if this is not the correct forum for this posting. Looking at the descriptions, it appeared to be the best choice.
I am running Windows XP Pro SP2. I have installed the SQL Native Client for
XP. However, when I try to add a new data source through ODBC Connection
Manager, SQL Native Client is not listed as an option. I have followed this procedure on three other systems with no problems. What would be causing the
SQL Native Client to not show up in the list of available ODBC data sources?
Hi !
I want do replicate some tables from a SQL 6.5 server to a 7.0 server. I understand that I need to use an ODBC connection to transfer data between the two servers, but the initial synchronization failes. Especially tables containing columns of datatype text failes to be transfered. I think the error depends on the bcp datafile is delimited by tabs between all columns and our data in the text columns also contains tabs, witch makes the initial transfer by bcp to fail.
Is there anyone who has encounter the same problem and if so How have you solved it ?
Many thanks in advanced
I will try the mixed security tomorrow. I have in the mean time discovered that I am not able to use the odbcping.exe utility successfully. It returns the same 08001 error message (Specified SQL Server not found). Does this means that the problem is within ODBC? What are somethings that I can try?
Thanks, Kevin
You need mixed security, also check password of the sql service account on nt.
Kevin G. at 3/8/00 3:21:47 PM
I have set up replication on two SQL Servers (6.5), SP5a, on NT 4.0 (SP3). The Distribution Task on the Publisher is failing with the following error:
08001[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][dbnmpntw]Specified SQL Server not found.
I am using standard security in a workgroup environment. I have my trusted connection setup and I am using named pipes. I had this process working on our test servers but when I tried to implement it into production I received the above message. Please give me some ideas or things to try. What source can I use to look up the 08001 error?
Thanks, Kevin
I'm "trying" to set up Replication. The Publishing/Distribution server is in one domain, and the subscribing server is in another. Both domains are fully trusted.
The synchronization step builds the .tmp file, but the repl_subscriber Distribution task bites the dust with an error message, "28000[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] Login failed".
The setting on the distribution options dialog box is ODBC, SQL Server. I'm not using a special login/password. I've even tried putting a user name and password there, and it doesn't work. The ODBC connections test out fine on both servers. Any suggestions where I've gone wrong?
We have a SQL database that uses Active Directory with Windows Authentication. Can users that are members of the Active Directory group that has read/write access to the SQL database create ODBC connections to access the database directly and update the data? They dont have individual logins on the server. They are only members of the Active Directory group that has a login?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHi,I have transactional replication set up on on of our MS SQL 2000 (SP4)Std Edition database serverBecause of an unfortunate scenario, I had to restore one of thepublication databases. I scripted the replication module and droppedthe publication first. Then did a full restore.When I try to set up the replication thru the script, it created thepublication with the following error messageServer: Msg 2714, Level 16, State 5, Procedure SYNC_FCR ToGPRPTS_GL00100, Line 1There is already an object named 'SYNC_FCR To GPRPTS_GL00100' in thedatabase.It seems the previous replication has set up these system viewsSYNC_FCR To GPRPTS_GL00100. And I have tried dropping the replicationmodule again to see if it drops the views but it didn't.The replication fails with some wired error & complains about thisviews when I try to run the synch..I even tried running the sp_removedbreplication to drop thereplication module, but the views do not seem to disappear.My question is how do I remove these system views or how do I make thereplication work without using these views or create new views.. Whyis this creating those system views in the first place?I would appreciate if anyone can help me fix this issue. Please feelfree to let me know if any additional information or scripts needed.Thanks in advance..Regards,Aravin Rajendra.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI need detailed instructions on how to connect to a database from a Microsoft Access 2007 database to a Microsft Office Accounting 2007 database. The accounting database is an SQL 2005 datbase. It has an instance name of "MSSMLBIZ".
When I try I get an SQL error 53. Do not have permissions or database does not exist.
Thanks in advance for any help.,
In my production box is running on SQL7.0 with Merge replication and i want add one more table and i want add one more column existing replication table. Any body guide me how to add .This is very urgent
I have database on localhost and i want to show this data on my website. I want to create a database online and want to sync with Local Host. Can it be possible syncing data automatically after some interval?
View 6 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to choose which database you want to connect to in the ODBC connection?
And does this differ from one ODBC connection to another, say for instance Teradata and SQL Server?
I was looking up the syntax and it seems like you can say Database=LACPP and it will choose the database....
I have also seen username/password@LACPP.SQLSERVER
Are there any documents out there that talk about how to create different kinds of ODBC strings and if you can always limit which database you are looking at?
I am trying out a simple ASP.NET application which includes access to an SQL Server Database. It works fine on my local machine when I connect to the SQL Server and use SQL commands (via C#) to access it.
But my web hosting provider uses ODBC drivers for database access (they support the SQL database type). I would like to find out how I should connect to my SQL Server database and program the access in order for it to be ODBC compatible, so that I can deploy it to my web hosting server. I should also mention that I am using Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition.
Thanks for any help or pointers.
Hi, does anybody know how to access data in filemaker using ODBC.
I have read the help files that we can connect to filemaker database via ODBC.
I have tried to create DSN for that, but when I tried to connect using that DSN my C# application, It failed to retrieve the catalog information, it said that login failed.
I have no idea what the username and password that I have to used in my connection because as i knew that filemaker only use password, and i have tried to use that password too.
I never used filemaker before, but this time i need to retrieve data from filemaker, so please help :)
I'd like to set up an ODBC DSN to a table in a linked SQL Server, viamy local SQL Server.I'm having a few problems:1. When I use Enterprise Manager to link the remote SQL Server, itdoesn't allow me to select the database in the remote server. It onlyshows one database.2. When I use the Data Sources program to set up the ODBC DSN, it onlyshows databases in the local SQL Server, not in the linked one. If Itry typing it in: [NAMEOFLINKEDSERVER].databasename - it tells me thatit is an invalid table.
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow Do I use an ODBC database in Query Analyzer? Presumably I couldthen join a table from another database to a SQL table to either pullinformation together or pass information back and forth between thetwo databases.Thanks.
View 1 Replies View RelatedGood afternoon everyone I am trying to import data from mas90ODBC DSN into my SQL2005 DB. IN 2000 I was able to connect to an ODBC DSN but it seems that this option has been deprecated in 2005. Can someone please provide me with the best step by step instructions on how to go about importing my data.
View 6 Replies View RelatedHello,
I need to pull in data from a progress database into a table in SQL server 2005. I have an ODBC conncetion on the server where I am working.
I am new to SSIS but have used DTS. I need to succsefully pull the data into a table in SQL server 2005 from this progress database.
I have setup my ODBC connection but I cannot pull the data using this connection. The connection test succeeded for the connection manager. When I attempt to use the datasource reader and point to the ODBC Connection Manager entry I recieve Cannot acquire a managed connection from the run time connection manager
Any help is appreciated.
Hi Everyone,
First of all I don't know whether this is the right place to put my query............please guide me the right link if this is not......
I am using Sybase Server in my .net project.............
and using this connectionstring...
Driver={INTERSOLV 3.11 32-BIT Sybase};Srvr=MySybase;db=MyDatabase;Uid=admin;Pwd=admin
I can make odbc connection (in .net code) using this connectionstring.............. and fetch the data also....
But somehow I don't know why... it gives the wrong result for my stored procedure.....
stored procedure is quite big and has many statements.......... after some digging I found that it gives the correct result if we use Server Explorer like Sql server, DBArtesian etc.. (not possible to copy it here, but it gives wrong result in date calculation)
But in Visual Studio Server Explorer when I make new connection and select "Microsoft OLEDB Provider for the odbc" and put the above connection gives the correct result for the tables but wrong result for the stored procedure...
I feel that there is some problem with Provider....
I am not passing any provider here so it takes MSDASQL.1...
My question is What should be my connection string here..........????
and what's provider does actually???
Thanks in Adavance......
Hi all,
I'm trying to copy a table from an odbc db to an sqlserver2005 db. SSIS will not do this for me and says I must write a script. I'm not experienced enough in sqlserver to do this and was unable to find a example of this by searching the web. Does anyone know of any websites with an explanation of how to do this?
thanks for any help.
I have a user AD account SOPUSJSmith for example. I have given this account security admin at the SQL Server level and dbo at the database level. Is there any way to prevent them from using ODBC to pull data into an Access DB or an Excel spreadsheet?
Thanks in Advance - SOX is killing me!
Hi Everybody,
I am getting this error when I try to bcp in or even when
I try to create a Primary key or index on a Table.
- Unable to create index 'PK_CMCMessages'.
ODBC error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]
Backup, CHECKALLOC, bulk copy, SELECT INTO, and file
manipulation (such as CREATE FILE) operations on a
database must be serialized. Reissue the statement
after the current backup, CHECKALLOC, or file manipulation
operation is completed.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Could not
create constraint. See previous errors.
I ran CHECKALLOC and its running for days and I dont have
any clue whats happening. If you have any idea please let
me know how to solve this problem.
tks in advance,
I have an ODBC 3.0 Application on Windows NT Server maintaining aconnection to a SQL Server 2000 database on the same machine. When anerror occurs, I'd like to be able to determine whether the error isserious enough that the database connection has been lost, so I canhave the application try to reconnect automatically. My understandingis that any error of severity 20 or above includes a broken connection,but I'm having difficulty retrieving the error severity through ODBC.So my first question is, how do I retrieve the error severity throughODBC?Also, as a test, I stopped the database while my application is stillrunning, and the first error I received had a native error code of 55.There is no 55 error in the sysmessages table, so I'm confused as towhat the severity of the error is. Can anyone shed some light on why Iwould be receiving an error code that is not in the sysmessages table,and where I might be able to find more information about the error?Thanks in advance,Abram
View 2 Replies View RelatedGot an error of
Error during Transformation 'DirectCopyXform' for Row number 813. Errors encountered so far in this task: 1.
TransformCopy 'DirectCopyXform' conversion error: Destination does not allow NULL on column pair 1 (source column 'Customer' (DBTYPE_R8), destination column 'Customer' (DBTYPE_STR))
What does that mean?
I have an excel file named Customer List with fields such as Customer, Name, City.
I want to import it into a syspro table called SyproCompanyF.ArCustomer.
The project I�m working needs to import data from a Progress Database. I had configured my ODBC (MERANT 3.60 32-BIT Progress SQL92 v9.1D) driver and everything seems to be ok.
But when I tried to create a DataRearder Source pointing to my ODBC Data Source, and open the next tab I received this error message:
��Error at Data Flow Task [DataReader Soucer [135]]: Cannot acquire a managed connection from the run-time connection manager�?
Anyone can help ?
My task is simple, I want to use the execute sql task editor to grab a value from a database in Access and put it in a variable. The connection is via ODBC and the access database is protected by a password.
I've done all the preliminary stuff such as running profiler to make sure that the package is getting the call to the database, setting up the ResultSet to be "single row" in the general tab, mapped the Result Set correctly, but nothing works. I get the same error every time.
This is my sql command:
select count(FingerPrintID) as FingerPrint
from Employee
Result Set is set up like this:
Result Name: FingerPrint ; Variable Name: User:: varDataset
Here is the error I get:
Error: 0xC002F309 at Execute SQL Task, Execute SQL Task: An error occurred while assigning a value to variable "varDataset": "Value does not fall within the expected range.".
My variable is set up as a Int16.
Please help!!!!!
If you could provide step by step example's that would really make my day.
can any one provide any suggestions to help this error i installed automation studion 5.4 and the program will not run on my laptop.
i traced the data below when i try to start the program.
AsProjet db0-b5c ENTER SQLAllocEnv
HENV * 015CF6B0
AsProjet db0-b5c EXIT SQLAllocEnv with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
HENV * 0x015CF6B0 ( 0x015e1540)
AsProjet db0-b5c ENTER SQLGetEnvAttr
SQLHENV 015E1540
SQLINTEGER 201 <unknown>
SQLPOINTER [Unknown attribute 201]
SQLINTEGER * 0x0013E380
AsProjet db0-b5c EXIT SQLGetEnvAttr with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
SQLHENV 015E1540
SQLINTEGER 201 <unknown>
SQLPOINTER [Unknown attribute 201]
SQLINTEGER * 0x0013E380 (1567744)
any help would be great.
I am using SSIS 2014 with the below .net framework version and installed in Windows server 2012 R2 . I have installed my client's odbc drivers (both 32 bit and 64 bit) in my production server and created ODBC system DSNs for 32 bit and 64 bit.
When i open SSIS 2014 and tried to create the odbc connection but i can able to see only the 32 bit system DSN connection ,i can't able to see my 64 bit odbc system dsn connection.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Shell (Integrated)
Version 11.0.50727.1 RTMREL
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.5.51650
SQL Server Integration Services
Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Designer
Version 12.0.1524.0
And i installed my client odbc drivers(32,64 bit) and created ODBC system DSNs in my local system and when i open ssis 2014 and i can able to see both the ODBC system DSNS(32,64) connections from SSIS ODBC connection.
I am using below version of .net framework in my local system which was installed in windows 7 and i have SSIS 2012 also installed in my system and i can able to see both ODBC connections using 2012 as well in my local system.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Shell (Integrated)
Version 11.0.50727.1 RTMREL
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.5.50938
SQL Server Integration Services
Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Designer
Version 12.0.1524.0
why i can not see the ODBC 64 bit system DSN connection from SSIS in my production server ?
I am using VB.NET 2005 and set up an ODBC connection via ODBC.ODBCConnection to a MDB database. Therefor, I use the "Microsoft Access ODBC Driver (*.mdb)".
When I set up a ODBCCommand like "ALTER DATABASE..." or "CREATE TABLE..." and issue it with the com.ExecuteNonQuery() command, I get an error from ODBC driver, that a SQL statement has to begin with SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE.
How can I use DDL statements via ODBC?
I would appreciate if you could help me to use ODBC for that - no OLE, no ADO.
Thanks for help!
Stefan D.
Hello All,
Does anybody know how to achive that?
<add name="ConnectionString" connectionString="Dsn=dsn_name;uid=user;pwd=password" providerName="System.Data.Odbc" />
I have got this created by the wizard for my sqlDataSource. I am able to get data from tables in the default database specified with the DSN.
But I want to go to other database than the default.
Thanks a lot in advamce for your help!
Hi All, Please help me how to proceed from this situation, my requirement is to present (load) data in excel file and need to access (update/delete) it, the data which is in remote server; I want to connect database using odbc connection through ASP.NET. Please suggest me how to continue.
Thanks to all in Advance.
I am by no means a "Database Expert" and have recently been asked toassist with a SQL 2000 database move to a new server. I was wonderingif there was an easy way to reconfigure the ODBC pointers on theworkstations?Thanks for the help in advance.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy application works with the Connection pooling ODBC. Everything works well, when it data base this down the SQLConnect function finishes steeply my application.
View 3 Replies View RelatedAs stated in the subject I have a situation where if database mirroring is employed for either manual or automatic failover, all the client (including web connections) connections use ODBC not ADO, or OLEDB etc... so what methods are recommended? Client side redirect is not available so I could not employe the "Data Source =A; Failover Partner=B..." option.
Right now the method employed (pre database mirroring and basically employing log shipping on SQL 2000) is to have a DNS alias for the ODBC connection so that if the server were to change in a failover situation the DNS record would have to be altered, so that all the client connections would not have to be reconfigured.
Dominic Baines