ReporItems Referring To A Cell Containing A Subreport?

Mar 28, 2006

Hi guys,

i have a column in a report that must calculate a percentage based on two columns that follow them. I am aware that i can use the ReportItems! collection for this, but one of the columns i need to reference is actually a subreport because its data comes from a different source. It is just a single cell subreport, which makes it appear totally part of the table it is in. Is this possible? Just to be clear, what i want is an expression like this in my cell:

= FormatPercent( ReportItems!CurrentEarnings / ReportItems!BudgetedEarnings )

the BudgetedEarnings cell is actually a subreport, but all i want is the text it is showing.

Thanks for any help or suggestions!


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Copying An Ntext Cell From One Cell Into Another (destination Row Already Exists)

May 6, 2004


What I'd like to do is:

UPDATE table1
A_TEXT_COLUMN = (SELECT another_text_column
FROM table2
WHERE table2_id = @precomputed_id_1)
WHERE table1_ID = @precomputed_id_2

Since the cells are text, this does not work. Since the cell to be updated is in an already exitant row, it's not possible to simply use insert.

I'd like to do something like (PSEUDOcode):

WRITETEXT(table1.A_TEXT_COLUMN, READTEXT(@textptr_initialised_to_point_at_target_c ell))

But the *actual* synatx of WRITETEXT and READTEXT seem totally inappropriate for any such trick...

Any hints or pointers HUGELY appreciated... THANX

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Is There A Way To Do Mass Formatting Of Cells In A Table Instead Of Cell By Cell?

Oct 5, 2007

I'm working with MRS and I've got a table with a lot of entries. For each value in the table I'm trying to get the text colour to be set to 'red' when the value of the cell is less than 0. Otherwise remain black.

I can do this by setting the colour property cell by cell. But I have a lot of cells in the table. Is there a way to set the statement to apply to ALL cells in the table?

Basically I'm asking if there is a way to set the property in bulk instead of going through tediously cell by cell.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!

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Jul 20, 2005


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Reporting Services :: Report Builder V3 Subreport Data Retrieval Failed For Subreport

Nov 3, 2015

I am trying to create a report with a sub report in Sql Server 2012 using Report Builder Version 3.  I can run the subreport without any problems.  I read where using a shared connection can cause this error so both the main report and the subreport use a connection that is embedded in my report.  

For testing, I created the subreport without a parameter and added it to the main report.  When I ran it that way, the report worked and sub report displayed the data.  So I know it can read from the database.It seems to only give me this error when I am trying to tie the two reports together using a parameter.  

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Referring To Sql Connection String In Web.config From Code Behind

May 15, 2007

Every time I move my project from my computer to the testing server I have to change the connection string references in the aspx side and in my code behind.
For the code behind I declared the SqlConnection string at the top of the code-behind page for both connection strings and comment out the one not in use. Obviously I then comment out the string not in use in the WebConfig as well.
Being superlatively lazy I always look for the easiest and quickest way to do most anything - connection strings included. Having to comment out strings twice brought rise to the question of whether I can refer to the connection string in the web.config file from the code-behind page. I'm sure it can be done, and I did a good amount of hunting around, but I couldn't find any examples of code that would do that.
Currently, as I said above, I have two connection strings declared at the top of my code-behind. Here's an example of one:Private sqlConn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=DATABASESERVER;Initial Catalog=DATABASE;User ID=USER;Password=PASSWORD")
 Then, I just use sqlConn as usual in my binding without having to "dim" it in every sub:sdaPersonnel = New SqlDataAdapter(strSqlPersonnel, sqlConn)
 Then there's the SqlConnections set up by the wizard on the aspx side:<asp:SqlDataSource ID="sqlDataSourcePayrollCompany" Runat="Server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:DATABASECONNECTIONSTRING %>" ...>
 And for the connection in the web.config:<add name="DATABASECONNECTIONSTRING" connectionString="Data Source=DATABASESERVER;Initial Catalog=DATABASE;User ID=USER;Password=PASSWORD" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
 So, what would be the code in the code-behind page to refer to the connection string in the web.config file?

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Referring To Function Results In Connection Manager

Nov 9, 2007

Hello! My group uses scalar-valued functions to denote the FTP drives on our SQL Server 2005 database servers. This allows many (over 100) import processes to refer to that function to find the flat files they need, and if the FTP drive is changed, then only the function needs to be updated, not 100 SP's.

The function is defined this way. Currently, F: is our FTP drive:

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnFTPPath] ()
RETURNS varchar(200) AS

return 'f:'

Now the question: Can a Flat File Connection Manager be used in an SSIS ETL package that refers to the output of this function, plus the FTP folder name, so we can continue updating the FTP drive name in just one place? If so, how is this done?

Thank you!

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Reporting Services :: Hiding Subreport If Parent Report Row Containing Subreport Is A Certain Value

Jul 14, 2015

Using SSRS 2014 and VS2013 rc5.

How do I hide a subreport if the parent report row containing the subreport is a certain value? I am attempting to create a statement with ageing buckets. In the main body of the report I have to display payments and invoices. If the invoice row is blank, I need to hide the row containing the subreport.

First, Is this even possible?
Second, How?

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How To Suppress A List Containing A Subreport, When The Subreport Returns No Data

Dec 16, 2006


I have a report which contains a subreport placed inside a list. when the subreport returns no data. it appears as a blank space in the main report. So i want to suppress the list when the subreport returns no data. Can somebody help me with this?


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Integration Services :: Referring To Text Stored In Package Level Object?

Jul 12, 2015

I am developing a table driven ETL system, where I store large PL/SQL queries in a varchar(max) field.  I read the field into an object variable at the package level using a SQL task.  Next I have a C# script task that creates a connection to our Oracle database using the Oracle provider.  I am trying to set the Command.Text property to the PL/SQL statement I've stored in the package level object variable, but I'm having difficulty getting the Pl/SQL text back out of the object.

I've tried Object.value.tostring, but it just returns a generic "system__text". how I can proceed?

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A Subreport Which Aslo Has Another Subreport In A Master Report

Mar 17, 2008

Can we include a subreport which aslo has another subreport in a master report? (assuming all three reports have parameters too)


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Apostrophe In Cell

Jan 8, 2008

I need help with a simple query. We have 86 entries with the City of O'Fallon in our db. How do I do this with the apostrophe in O'Fallon? Below is just to give an idea of what I want. Thanks.
FROM Organization
WHERE City=O'Fallon

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Cell Is Ready Only!!!

Apr 5, 2008

Hello All, i am trying to create a normal ASP.NET application using VS2005. Yesterday i was adding tables.. entering data from within "View Table Data" tab, but today i am unable to do any data insertion or updating except by entering the insert or update statement by hand. When updating data of existing record or trying to add new data, it reports that "Cell is readonly!". I did not modify any settings or configuration and actually did nothing to set it to readonly! I am quite confused to be honest and writing sql statements by hand is kinda time consuming for me if i want to update a single field. What can i do to re-enable data modifications from VS2005 without reporting readonly?   Thanks,Rakan       

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Cell Security : Help

Feb 4, 2004


From what i've read cell security s enforced on the client. If someone is able to gain access to a machine running the client (for example an application server or a web server) he is able to get cell values independently of the fact that those values will be defined as #N/A in the secured cell value property. The real value is travelling between theAnalysis Server and the application server. Is this true ? How can we effectively garantee true security ?

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Invalid Value For Cell

Apr 20, 2007


I updated my db system from access to sql 2005.
But, i can not add new recors to database.
I'm receiving this error:

"""Invalid value for cell (row 3914, column 2).
The changed value in this cell was not recognized as valid.

.Net Framework Data Type: Int32
Error Message: Input str?ng was not in a correct format.

Type a value appropriate for the data type or press ESC to cancel the change."""

It can not open new id number. DataType was Auto Number in Access. Which can I select in SQL 2005?

Thank you.

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Cell Changed Each Less Than 1 Sec

Feb 1, 2008

hi all
im really have a problem in my project.
i have server and client side each side contain SQL Server DB.
and i have excel file on the server side this excel file conected with another server, this file changed data in continuosly each less than 1 sec by data feed.

now i need to read each changed data cell from this file to save it on server DB and Client DB (just changed data).

my problem :

u know changed event is not fired when change cell by data feed or not edit manually, just calc event is rised . but calc event do not specify the changed cell range (address).

so i do this to know changed cell range:
when run the program saved all excel tabel into SQL server table.
and then check row by row between excel and sql if any change , when i get any change, i update the excel row insted this DB row.

and rise event to send this row to client by socket over internet to update the row in client side too.

but i tell u that the excel file updated each less than 1 sec, and i noted that many changed excel data missed until checked row by row for whole excel sheet with DB tabel and updated change.

this is my problem ( please help me as soon as posible coz i have dead line to Delivered this program)

and if u recomended me for another techneque to be easy or quickly to solve this problem i will thaks so much for u)

thank u.

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Cell Is Read Only

Mar 14, 2008


In SQL 2000 I used to be able to open a table in Enterprise Manager and make changes or Update with Query Analyser. Now when I attempt this in SQL 2005 I am told that the Cell is Read Only.

How do I update this column as I cannot find a read-only or allow updates property anywhere?

Please help,

A very frustrated user

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Cell Is Read Only

Oct 16, 2007

HI All,

I changed the join type and did some modifications to the query in the query designer. Then I executed the query. Resutls are shown in query designer. But it says Cell is read only. Therefore when I change the tap from data to preview , I can not view the report.

This happens only when I use generic query builder.
Does anybody know how to change the read only option ?


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Row And Cell Security

Dec 13, 2005

I am trying to implement row-security in SQL 2005 but i make a query to make a view

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Read Cell Value

Jan 4, 2007

anyone can help me plz,

I have data like these in the report page:

Item_ID code_ID
xxx1 x1
xxx2 x2
xxx3 x3
xxx4 x3
xxx5 x3
xxx6 x2

I want get summary data like these:
code_ID x1 : 1 (items)
code_ID x2 : 2 (items)
code_ID x3 : 3 (items)

what should I do to get summarized data like that?
I've tried to use "CountDistinct" but the result always 6 that indicate how many of the data.

thank you.

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Fetch The Value From Each Cell Into Datatable

Jul 23, 2007

I'm trying this code but nothing is being displayedSqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["STRING_CON"]);
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("my_sproc", conn);DataTable dt = new DataTable();
DataRow dr;
//Adding the columns to the datatabledt.Columns.Add("CategoryIdIn");
dt.Columns.Add("CategoryNameVc");foreach (DataGridItem item in gd_freq.Items)
dr = dt.NewRow();
dr[0] = item.Cells[0].Text;
dr[1] = item.Cells[1].Text;
gd_freq.DataSource = dt;

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Select Certain Data From One Cell

Jun 13, 2006

Anyone knows how to select
only certain data from one data field?

Lets say i have this field which captures
Member Name and ID.
The ID is in parantheses "()".
I only want the Member name.
How do I select this from the table?

Field: Data
MName: John Doe (123)

I need to select only "John Doe".
Any help is deeply appreciated.
Thank you!!

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Ordering Values In A Cell

Jul 21, 2004

10 13 15 3 26
10 13 20 35 29
10 13 5 26 2
10 15 27 34 33

Declare @num1 char(5)
Set @num1 = (SELECT ltrim(Substring(ltrim(number2), 8, CHARINDEX(' ', ltrim(number2)))) FROM Num2played)
SELECT @num1 FROM Num2played

Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

Any suggestions or fix?

Thank you.
The data above is in one colum. I would like to rearange the
numbers in order. e.g. from "10 13 15 3 26" to "3 10 13 15 26".

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Masking Cell Contents

Oct 11, 2004

Is there a way to mask the contents of a cell or column? I have a table that stores passwords and I would like to mask the password much like Access does with asterisks. I know I can restrict the column based on user but that creates other problems on the frontend.

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Can Use A Formula From A Table Cell

Apr 17, 2012

I'm looking at a system where formulas have been added into fields in a table and I need to look at the field to see what formula to use when selecting eg: eg this + this, this / this etc.Here's a basic table I have knocked up to try different things...

CREATE TABLE #HeaderOrder(
[HeaderCode] [varchar](10) NOT NULL,
[HeaderCode2] [varchar](10) NOT NULL,
[FormulaCode] [varchar](10) NOT NULL


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Checking !empty() Cell

Sep 29, 2007


I have the following statement:

'select TOP 1 CATCODE From IMS.CATEGORY WHERE YEAR = 2007 and catcode <> ""'

exec @L_SQLCMD

The ms sql not accept the "" for !empty value is there a way to work around

Best Regards

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Cannot Edit Text Cell

Jul 23, 2005

I am trying to edit a long text cell in Enterprise Manager but when I select"<long text>" and try to delete it, I get an error saying "cannot edit thiscell".Could anyone tell me how to edit this cell?Thanks, Amanda

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Using Cell Value For Formatting Expression

Mar 25, 2008

I have created a report that uses a fairly complex IIF statement to sum the data. That part works just fine. Now I need to format the font color so negative values show in red. Is there a way to reference the individual cell (by its textbox name maybe?) in the Expression Editor?

For example, if tb_Orders was the name of the textbox that sums the data, I'd like to write something like:

=switch(tb_Orders < 0, "Red")

I could just copy the IIF statement but I'd rather keep things simple. This way, if I need to change the formulas, I don't have to change all of the conditional formatting as well.

Is this possible?


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Matrix Cell Expression

Apr 21, 2008


I'm currently working on a report which contains a number of matrix' with subtotals. Each matrix calculates a STDEVP which works just fine and the total shows the values I want.

However, I would like to change the font color of each cell based on the value compared to the total.

For example:

A 4.5
B 7.8
C 3.9
D 5.2
Total 5.7

With the values of A and C being less than the Total, I want to change their color to "Green" and the others to "Red".

I was hopeing I would be able to do something like this.
=Iif(ReportItems!matrix1_std.value < xxxxxxxxx,"Green","Red")

Where ReportItems!matrix1_std.value is the values of A-D and xxxxxxxxx would be the "Total"

Is this in some way possible??

I found many expamples for changing the color etc of the totals cell but nothing which tells me how to change the layout of a cell based on the total value.

Many thanks in advance


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Multicolumn Cell In Table

Feb 21, 2007


I need to realize multicolumn cell in table for grouping fields, but i don't know how to do that. Help me please.

1col. 2 col. 3 col.

long text grouping field

first second third

data data data

Thank you.

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Column Number Of Particular Cell

Jun 27, 2007


Can I come to know Column number of particular cell.The way we get rownumber().



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Add Spaces To A String Value In A Cell

Jan 22, 2007


I am trying to add spaces to a string value in a cell but when I run the report the value is trimmed.
Any ideas?
Here is the expression I am using:
=Fields!strVal.Value & " "


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Analysis :: Getting Available Cell Properties Via XML/A

Jun 1, 2015

In the relevant documentation on Cell Properties I read:

" Only the CELL_ORDINAL, FORMATTED_VALUE, and VALUE cell properties are required. All cell properties, intrinsic or provider-specific, are defined in the PROPERTIES schema rowset, including their data types and provider support. For more information about the PROPERTIES schema rowset, see MDSCHEMA_PROPERTIES Rowset."

So it seems that for each cube, the MDSCHEMA_PROPERTIES rowset would at least need to return CELL_ORDINAL, FORMATTED_VALUE and VALUE would need to be in the MDSCHEMA_PROPERTIES rowset.

However, when I retrieve the MDSCHEMA_PROPERTIES Rowset via XML/A, with a request like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="...I can't post links yet..." SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="...I can't post links yet...">
  <Discover xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="...I can't post links yet...">

[Code] ...

I only get a list of properties that apply to the levels. CELL_ORDINAL, FORMATTED_VALUE and VALUE are not there.

The rowset columns for PROPERTY_TYPE is always either 1 or 5 (which according to MDSCHEMA_PROPERTIES documentation indicates these are all member properties, not cell properties)

DIMENSION_UNIQUE_NAME, HIERARCHY_UNIQUE_NAME, LEVEL_UNIQUE_NAME are always filled, also indicating that these are member properties, not cell properties.

So the question is: Why don't I see any cell properties in the rowset?Is the documentation on Cell properties I cited wrong? Is there another way to retrieve a list or rowset of available cell properties via XML/A?

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