Report Based On Stored Procedure - ODBC
Jun 25, 2001
Can anyone tell me if this can be done?
I'm using CR8 against SQL Server 7 and am trying to use a stored procedure as my data source.
Basically my boss would like to move all the code that is now client-side(formula fields, parameters, suppressions, etc.) to the server-side.
I connect by Database>ODBC and then choose my sp here.
I get the error: "There are no fields in the file"
All my sp is doing is accepting two parameters: a report type and a user name, and then generating a report based on this data.
I can post the exact sp but it is a pretty long IF THEN ELSE block.
I checked the Seagate site and it said to convert the database driver to the native driver;
I guess this would mean to connect by: Database>More Data Sources>Microsoft SQL Server
But we need to connect by ODBC since we don't want the popup for the Login to Database, Server, etc., to be entered by the client.
Can someone tell me if there is a way around this to connect by ODBC using stored procedures.
Thanks in Advance.
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Jan 12, 2008
I have the following stored procedure:
Code Block
CREATE PROCEDURE udsp_td_queryowner
@state varchar(10) = NULL,
@businesstype varchar(20) = NULL,
@size int = NULL,
@sortorder varchar(20) = 'state'
SELECT gl_t.state AS [State],
gl_t.business_type AS [Business Type],
gl_t.lowsize AS [Low Size],
gl_t.highsize AS [High Size],
e.InternetAddress AS [Owner]
FROM gl_territory gl_t JOIN employee e ON gl_t.employeenumber = e.EmployeeNumber
WHERE state = COALESCE(@state, state) AND
business_type = COALESCE(@businesstype, business_type) AND
COALESCE(@size, lowsize, highsize) between lowsize AND highsize
ORDER BY CASE WHEN @sortorder = 'state' THEN gl_t.state
WHEN @sortorder = 'business type' THEN gl_t.business_type
WHEN @sortorder = 'owner' THEN RTRIM(e.FirstName) + ' ' + RTRIM(e.LastName)
CASE WHEN @sortorder = 'low size' THEN gl_t.lowsize
WHEN @sortorder = 'high size' THEN gl_t.highsize
CASE WHEN @sortorder = 'statedesc' THEN gl_t.state
WHEN @sortorder = 'business typedesc' THEN gl_t.business_type
WHEN @sortorder = 'ownerdesc' THEN RTRIM(e.FirstName) + ' ' + RTRIM(e.LastName)
CASE WHEN @sortorder = 'low sizedesc' THEN gl_t.lowsize
WHEN @sortorder = 'high sizedesc' THEN gl_t.highsize
What it allows me to do is enter in any number of the variables when running the stored procedure. For example, EXECUTE udsp_td_queryowner @state = 'IA' would give me everything in the table in the state of IA regardless of the other field values. Likewise, if I ran EXECUTE udsp_td_queryowner @state = 'KY', @size = 15 it would return the records that are in KY and the size of 15 is in the range of the low and high value.
If I run the first example in Query Analyzer I get 53 records from the data I have. It returns every record that has IA as the state. I run the same thing in Reporting Services and all I get is 3 records. Just the 3 records for the state of IA where the business type is either null or blank (I can't tell.) If I allow all of the variables to accept Nulls then it returns the correct data. However, I would like to find a better alternative because when the report is run it returns all of the records in the table initially and if they user wants to enter in any parameters they have to toggle off the null box for the corresponding paramter.
Any ideas?
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Aug 9, 2007
We have a report that uses several data sets. In 3 data sets we are using multiselect drop downs to select criteria for the report to run. As long as we create the DataSet in SRS there is no problem and things work as expected.
Our code looks something like this
If we select multiple values the report give multiple results
However we have some very complex querys that use #temp tables. If we put these querys directly in the SRS dataset it wiill not allow us to use the fields because SRS can't read past the #temp tables, thus we need to use procedures.
When we use procedures we want to still use "IN" statement in order to utilize the multiselect. But SRS is forcing us to chage the Int type to string, and then it is not returning the proper results if we select more then one value.
Do we have to do something different to use IN statements in a procedure?
Here is the code that will not run as a proc from SRS
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Jan 17, 2006
Hey guys,I'm trying to get the column names from a table to which I'm connectedthrough OBDC. I don't want to use linked server. I get my data withOpenrowset.I found the SQLDescribeCol and SQLColumns ODBC functions.Can anybody tell me how to use those functions in a SQL Server storedprocedure?Thanks a lot
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Sep 25, 2006
Dear all,
I am using SQL 2000 and would like to dynamically assign ODBC data source to transform data task. Do you have a stored procedure to perform read/write from/to ODBC data source? I would like to input data source and table name.
Thank you and Best regards,
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Jun 3, 2004
I have a stored procedure written in MS SQL Server2000 which takes argument(OUTPUT) as a cursor, and fills in the cursor with the record from the table.
I have to run this stored procedure from my C application program running in SUN OS2.9 with the help of ODBC calls.
Can anyone guide me through steps as to how to run the store procedure from my C program and receive records with the help of the cursor.
The store procedure is as follows
CREATE PROCEDURE testCursor @xyzCursor cursor varying OUT AS
OPEN temp
SET @xyzCursor=temp
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Mar 11, 2006
HiWe're trying to use call a stored procedure to update information in aremote Ingres database. We've linked the server, and can readinformation using SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY (..........), but we can'tfind a suitable syntax for executing a procedure.Using SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY and passing the EXEC statement in astring gives a message about not returning any columns - not surprisingas there aren't any, and trying to execute the procedure more directlyusing:-EXECUTE abrs..vipdba.ats_reader_pi0 ........Gives the errorCould not execute procedure 'ats_reader_pi0' on remote server 'abrs'.[OLE/DB provider returned message: Parameter type cannot be determinedfor at least one variant parameter.]Any bright ideas?Chloe
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Apr 18, 2008
I have a ms access application with a button. Clicking this button runs a sql server 2000 stored procedure. The stored procedure updates product information. When I click the button it updates the products fine. When the users (with lesser permissions than me) click the button, no error message is sent but the transactions are rolled back. Does anyone know why or how this could happen? Please let me know before I pull out the last strands of hair from my head.
Thank you,
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Oct 7, 2006
I would like to transfer selected data from an ODBC-based table to a OLEDB-based table. However, there isn't a data flow source on the Data Flow Design screen to accomodate such an action. Please help!
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi,I have a loopback connection using ODBC in the DLL initialization codeofthe SQL Server ESP Module (SQL Server 2000). The loopback connectionworksfine when the DSN is specifed with the "NT Authentication", however thesamefails when specified with the "SQL Server user authentication". I havetriedusing both the SQLConnect and SQLDriverConnect calls, butu none of themworks. Also the same code works fine on SQL Server 2005. Is this aknownproblem with some fix, or am I doing something wrong here??The code is as given below,// ESPODBCLoopback.cpp : Defines the entry point for the DLLapplication.//#include "stdafx.h"#include <sql.h>#include <sqlext.h>#include <srv.h>#define XP_NOERROR 0#define XP_ERROR 1#define SEND_ERROR(szMessage, pServerProc) { srv_sendmsg(pServerProc, SRV_MSG_ERROR, 20001, SRV_INFO, 1, NULL, 0, (DBUSMALLINT) __LINE__, szMessage, SRV_NULLTERM); srv_senddone(pServerProc, (SRV_DONE_ERROR | SRV_DONE_MORE), 0, 0); }// typedef const char* (_MakeODBCConnection)(void);static const char* _szMessage = "ODBC Working out....";void_MakeODBCConnection(void){char szConnOut[1024];SQLSMALLINT nOut = 0;const char* szDSNName = "TestOdbc";const char* szUsername = "test";const char* szPassword = "test";SQLHANDLE hEnvironment = NULL;SQLHANDLE hDBConnection = NULL;if (SQL_ERROR == SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE,&hEnvironment)) {_szMessage = "Failed to create the environment handle";return;}SQLSetEnvAttr(hEnvironment, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION,(void*)SQL_OV_ODBC3,SQL_IS_INTEGER);if (SQL_ERROR == SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hEnvironment,&hDBConnection)) {SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, hEnvironment);_szMessage = "Failed to create the database connection";return;}/*----------------- This is where it fails -------------------*//* Tried both the with/Without database name */if (SQL_ERROR == SQLDriverConnect(hDBConnection, GetWindow(,(SQLCHAR*)"{DSN=TestOdbc;UID=test;PWD=test;DATABASE=test;}", SQL_NTS,(SQLCHAR*)szConnOut, sizeof(szConnOut), &nOut, SQL_DRIVER_COMPLETE)){SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hDBConnection);SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, hEnvironment);_szMessage = "Failed to connect to the database";return;}/*if (SQL_ERROR == SQLConnect(hDBConnection, (SQLCHAR*)szDSNName,SQL_NTS,(SQLCHAR*)szUsername, SQL_NTS, (SQLCHAR*)szPassword, SQL_NTS)) {SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hDBConnection);SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, hEnvironment);_szMessage = "Failed to connect to the database";return;}*/SQLFreeConnect(hDBConnection);SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hDBConnection);SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, hEnvironment);_szMessage = "ODBC Connection cycle completed successfully";}BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HANDLE hModule,DWORD ul_reason_for_call,LPVOID lpReserved){switch (ul_reason_for_call){case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH:_MakeODBCConnection();break;case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH:break;case DLL_THREAD_DETACH:break;case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH:break;}return TRUE;}static void_CheckODBCConnection(void){//_MakeODBCConnection pFunction = NULL;//_szMessage = pFunction();}extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)RETCODE xp_test_odbc(SRV_PROC *pServerProc){//_szMessage = _MakeODBCConnection();if (FAIL == srv_paramsetoutput(pServerProc, 1, (BYTE*)_szMessage,(ULONG)strlen(_szMessage),FALSE)) {return XP_ERROR;}return XP_NOERROR;}Thanks,Anil KumarArizcon Corporation ( )
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Mar 6, 2006
I have created a stored procedure on the iSeries that creates a cursor and opens it. I am trying to write my report to use the stored procedure. I cannot get the data source to work. How do I create my data source so that it uses the stored procedure? My SP has three parameters I am trying to pass from the report. The parms are created in the layout.
Thank you
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Jul 29, 2015
I am new to SSAS. I have requirement to build a cube based on SQL Stored procedure. This Stored Procedure contains lot of temp tables, which are aggregated as measure columns.
Initially I have done creating views on each temp table, finally I created a view which calls like 15 views. when I try to execute the view, it is taking long time to execute the view.
I tried building cube on this view, when I try to deploy, even it is taking long time to deply..I have waited for 2 hours, still the deployement process going..
What I wonder is, is there any other way I can build cube based on SQL stored Procedure.
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Feb 25, 2008
Hello, I am hoping someone can help me in this. I am looking to write a stored procedure that will return the heirarchy of an organization. I will display how the heirarchy might look and then list the tables involved.
John Smith
- Jacob Jones
- Lisa Thompson
- Samuel Barber
- Paul Smith
- John Jackson
Ok, so Jacob, Lisa, an Samuel report up to John Smith. Paul and John Jackson report up to Samuel Barber.
Here are the tables:
Users holds the user_id, first_name, last_name, and reports_to_user_id.
User_Roles holds the user_id, role_type_id
Role_Types holds the role_type_id, and the type (which could be Administrator, Standard, Guest) for example. In addition, Role_Types also has ranking which must be taken into consideration as well. 1 being the top rank and 9 being the lowest.
Thanks very much in advance,
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Jun 15, 2007
I'm having some difficulty getting the appropriate results for my scenerio. I have two different datasets that I'm using. One is consisting of two joined tables and the other consisting of one sp. The sp's parameters rely on two things- one is the companyNum (inputed when the user runs the report) and two is the ContactNumType. The ContactTypeNum comes from the dataset of tables. I need to have a table consisting of this format:
ContactNumType1 (From the Tables)
File_Name1 (From the sp)
File_Name4 (From the sp)
File_Name3 (From the sp)
ContactNumType2 (From the Tables)
File_Name2 (From the sp)
File_Name7(From the sp)
ContactNumType3 (From the Tables)
File_Name5 (From the sp)
ContactNumType4 (From the Tables)
File_Name6 (From the sp)
File_Name10 (From the sp)
File_Name8(From the sp)
File_Name9 (From the sp)
So essentially what is going on is that every returned File_Name is grouped based upon the type of ContactNumType. My table returns the appropriate ContactNumTypes and the appropriate number of File_Names but returns only the first File_Name for each row. The File_Names should only grouped by the ContactTypeNums and each be unique. Is there any way to do that?
Edited: I still am trying to work this out. I've tried a few run-arounds but none have worked. Adding custom code apparently is too risky at this point because of the security precautions that I've been instructed to take. Any help would be greatly appreciated as this project has been going on for days now....
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Aug 13, 2007
Hi All,
I am trying to create a CLR based stored procedure in C#. When i tried printing simple "Hello" from it, it works fine.
Now requirement is to run an exe file from it. For that i use process.start. But when i try to execute the procedure i get all the security execptions. Can someone please help. Following is the code snippet.
public partial class StoredProcedures
public static void RunProc(string arg)
SqlPipe pipe = SqlContext.Pipe;
Process.Start("E: est.exe");
FROM 'RunProcess.dll'
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sqlclr_RunProc
@arg nvarchar(1024)
AS EXTERNAL NAME [RunProcess].[StoredProcedures].[RunProc]
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Apr 27, 2004
Help! I'm very tired (and new at this) and have looked for a solution in many places. I have an Employee table with a one to many Revenue table. All revenue types are in this table. I need the goals and actuals (two different revenue types) for a datagrid.
This is the result. Because I am looking at two revenue types, the result is providing 2 rows of data instead of one. what is the best way to combine this.
Region FullName SHARP Year Ann Goal YTD Goal YTDActual
Region1 Doe10, John X 2003 20400 5100 0 Select
Region1 Doe10, John X 2003 0 0 3987 Select
Region1 Doe11, John X 2003 29645 7411.25 0 Select
Region1 Doe11, John X 2003 0 0 5377 Select
Here's my stored procedure:
@RIDsent As Integer,
@StatusSent As Integer,
@SelectedRegion As NVARCHAR (50) Output
SELECT Region.CountryID,
When Employee.SHARP = 1 THEN "X"
Employee.LastName + ', ' + FirstName AS FullName,
When ProducerRevenue.RevenueTypeID = 1 Then
END AS AnnGoal,
When ProducerRevenue.RevenueTypeID = 1 Then
SUM(ProducerRevenue.Revenue)/DATEPART(mm, GETDATE())
When ProducerRevenue.RevenueTypeID = 2 Then
END AS Actual,
FROM Employee
LEFT OUTER JOIN ProducerRevenue
ON Employee.EmployeeID = ProducerRevenue.EmployeeID AND
ProducerRevenue.YearID = DATEPART(yy, GETDATE()) - 1 AND
ProducerRevenue.MonthID < DATEPART(mm, GETDATE()) AND
ProducerRevenue.StatusID = 1 AND
ProducerRevenue.RevenueTypeID <= 2
ON Employee.RegionID = Region.RegionID
WHERE Employee.StatusID = @StatusSent AND
Employee.RegionID = @RIDsent AND
Employee.RoleID = 1
GROUP BY Region.CountryID,
ORDER BY Region.CountryID,
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Sep 18, 2013
I am writing a number of data migration scripts, like the (simplified version) below
INSERT INTO newDatabase.dbo.DaDestinationTable(col1, col2, col3)
SELECT col1,
FROM OldDatabase.dbo.DaSourceTable
There are no validation rules defined in the database (don't ask why), only in the program code. Because of the absence of validations in the database, the data migration scripts could violate business rules (NOT NULL, FK violations, domain values in a column, ...).
A solution could be that both the program and the data migration call the same stored procedure to insert records in the destination table, so the validation rules must only be defined in one place (the stored procedure).
I have never used stored procedures in a "set-based" situation. Is this even possible? The only solution I see is to call those sp's in a loop (WHILE or CURSOR). Something like
SET @my_id = -1
SELECT @my_id = MIN(id)
FROM OldDatabase.dbo.DaSourceTable
WHERE id > @my_id
[Code] ....
For each record, the table OldDatabase.dbo.DaSourceTable is hit twice, once to get the next id (@my_id), once to get the column values. I could combine both with one SELECT script by using ROW_NUMBER(), but I doubt that that will perform faster.
I only work set-based, I have barely ever used a WHILE loop, let alone a CURSOR. What the consequences will be on performance. There are millions of records that have to be migrated.
I was thinking of CROSS APPLY, but you can't use that in combination with a SP.
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Mar 11, 2008
I have an SSIS package that executes a stored procedure. In that stored procedure is a try/catch block. If the try isn't successful, it goes to the catch block which does a rollback. So when I execute the SSIS package, it tells me that the stored procedure was ran successfully because there essentianlly were no errors and everything ran fine, but in reality, everytime it goes into the catch block and does a rollback, I want the SSIS package to fail as well. How would I send back a failure to the SSIS package from the stored procedure?
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Oct 16, 2007
My product was developed for and works correctly on SQL Server 2000. However, when we upgraded to 2005, we found that certain system stored procedures were different, causing our product to break.
We can easily change our stored procedures to work in 2005, but we have a large client base, some of whom will be using each version. Our current solution is to check the version of SQL Server during installation and choose which script to use at that time in order to have an appropriate stored procedure for that version, but we are concerned about users who install our product with SQL Server 2000 and then upgrade to SQL Server 2005.
How can I make a stored procedure that will run differently depending on the version? I tried something like:
if (select charindex('2000', @@version)) > 0
begin -- SQL Server 2000
else -- SQL Server 2005
Unfortunately, the system tables I'm selecting from have different stuctures in the different versions (one example is msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules and msdb.dbo.sysschedules), and even though the code never gets into the SQL Server 2000 section on 2005, it parses the whole procedure for errors before allowing it to be saves and will not allow this.
Any thoughts?
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May 17, 2007
I created a stored procedure based custom conflict resolver in SQL 2005, I return the winning result set and also save that result set to a test table to compare the values. The values saved to the test table are correct but some of the values saved as the conflict winter are truncated.
Example a char(3) filed is updated at the subscriber as €˜111€™ and updated at the publisher as €˜222€™, in my custom conflict resolver if I use the value from the subscriber the conflict resolver updates the field as €™11 €˜, if I use the publisher value the conflict resolver updates the field as €™22 €˜. Now the same records is saved to the test table correctly as either €˜111€™ or €˜222€™ depending on the logic I used. So the result set has the correct values, its after the custom conflict resolver is called where the values is somehow truncated. Has anybody run into this before and what steps can I take to avoid this.
Thank you,
Pauly C
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Jun 23, 2015
Using the following:
SQL Server: SQL Server 2012
Visual Studio 2012
I have created an SSIS package where I have added an Execute SQL Task to run an existing stored procedure in my SQL database.
General Tab:
Result Set: None
Connection Type: OLE DB
SourceType: Direct Input
IsQueryStoredProcedure: False (this is greyed out and cannot be changed)
Bypass Prepare: True
SQL Statement: EXEC FL_CUSTOM_sp_ml_location_load ?, ?;
Parameter Mapping:
Variable Name Direction Data Type Prmtr Name Prmtr Size
User: system_cd Input NVARCHAR 0 10
User: location_type_cd Input NVARCHAR 1 10
location_type_cd - Data type - string; Value - Store (this is static)
system_cd - Data type - string - ??????
The system code changes based on the system field for each record in the load table
Sample Data:
SysStr # Str_Nm
3 7421Store1
3 7454Store2
STORED PROCEDURE: The stored procedure takes data from a load table and inserts it into another table:
Stored procedure variables:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_ml_location_load]
(@system_cd nvarchar(10), @location_type_cd nvarchar(10))
BEGIN .....................
This is an example of what I want to accomplish: I need to be able to group all system 3 records, then pass 3 as the parameter for system_cd, run the stored procedure for those records, then group all system 18 records, then pass 18 as the parameter for system_cd, run the stored procedure for those records and keep doing this for each different system in the table until all records are processed.
I am not sure how or if it can be done to pass the system parameter to the stored procedure based on the system # in the sys field of the data.
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Sep 15, 2015
I'm seeing where previous developers have used a single stored procedure for multiple reports, where each report required different columns to be returned. They are structured like this:
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.GetSomeData (@rptType INT, @customerID INT)
IF @rptType = 1
SELECT LastName, FirstName, MiddleInitial
[Code] ....
As you can see, the output depends on the given report type. I've personally never done this, but that's more because it's the way I learned as opposed to any hard facts to support it.
So what I'm looking for is basically 2-fold.
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Jul 15, 2014
I am writing a stored procedure that takes in a customer number, a current (most recent) sales order quote, a prior (to most current) sales order quote, a current item 1, and a prior item 1, all of these parameters are required.Then I have current item 2, prior item 2, current item 3, prior item 3, which are optional.
I added an IF to check for the value of current item 2, prior item 2, current item 3, prior item 3, if there are values, then variable tables are created and filled with data, then are retrieved. As it is, my stored procedure returns 3 sets of data when current item 1, prior item 1, current item 2, prior item 2, current item 3, prior item 3 are passed to it, and only one if 2, and 3 are omitted.I would like to learn how can I return this as a one data set, either using a full outer join, or a union all?I am including a copy of my stored procedure as it is.
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Sep 23, 2004
Is there a way I can display the data returned from more than one stored procedure in a report using reporting services. Or can I use more than one dataset in the report????
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Apr 19, 2004
i have the stored procedure in the SQl and i m using the crystal report how to pass the paramaters to the stored procedure ..from the crystal report .:confused:
pls its urgent:mad:
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Jul 16, 2007
Hi, there,
I have a report that requires to join a lot of tables.
May I ask if I can use a stored procedure to make all the joins and populate a temp table, then make the report sit on the temp table. so every time the user runs the report, it will kick off the stored procedure which will truncate the temp table and repopulate it, then show the report.
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Aug 22, 2007
I'm not sure if this is possible, i want to create a report from a stored procedure, all the stored procedure does is select data from my database, however, the code is 1800+ lines of code, it executes in about 1 minute, which is fine. My problem is that i can't paste 1800+ lines of code into the dataset in Reporting Services, so is it possible to get the values from my stored procedure into reporting services so that i can use them to design and execute my report?
Or musst i find an alternative way to do this?
Any help or suggestions will be greatly appreaciated and welcome.
Thanks in advance
Kind Regards
Carel Greaves
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Nov 14, 2007
Using sql server reporting services, I want to create a report against a stored proc which has input parameters to the stored proc. Thanks!
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Jul 11, 2007
I have the following stored procedure. I have a few questions regarding its use in Reporting Services.
1) Invalid Object ##Tmp_Table1, this prevents the report designer from displaying the available fields.
2) The @totalcount isn't available (I need this value for a calculated field in the report)
3) How would I go about creating dropdowns/calendar controls for users to fill in the parameter values?
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spTermCodeReport]
@tablename char(12) = 'results_NAF',
@source varchar(20) = 'AmExpProvList',
@sourcedate datetime = '05/30/2007',
@TotalCount int = 0 OUTPUT
DECLARE @SQLString varchar(255)
SELECT @SQLString = 'SELECT count(*) AS TRCount INTO ##Tmp_Table1 FROM ' + @tablename + ' WHERE source=''' + @source + ''' and sourcedate=''' + convert(varchar(10),@sourcedate,110) + ''''
SELECT @TotalCount = TRCount FROM ##Tmp_Table1
DROP TABLE ##Tmp_Table1
SELECT @SQLString = 'SELECT termcd, count(termcd) AS TermCDCount FROM ' + @tablename + ' WHERE source=''' + @source + ''' and sourcedate=''' + convert(varchar(10),@sourcedate,110) + ''' GROUP BY termcd'
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May 3, 2007
How do I jump to another report based on a value in my current report. The report that I am jumping from has no parameters, just values.
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May 8, 2007
Hi, I have found this question asked many times online, but the answers always consisted of getting a parameter from the user and to the report. That is NOT what everyone was asking. I would like to know how to pass a parameter I already have into my stored procedure. Using Visual Studio 2005, in the "Data" tab of a report calling something likeUnique_Login_IPsreturns correctly when that stored proc takes no params, but when I have one that takes the year, for example, I do not know how to pass this info in. Note: the following does not work in this context : EXEC Unique_Login_IPs ParameterValue nor does EXEC Some_proc_without_paramsVisual studio seems to want only the procedure name because it returns errors that say a procedure with the name "the entire line above like EXEC Unique_Login_IPs ParameterValue" does not exist.... Thanks in advance,Dustin L
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Aug 13, 2007
Hi Guys,
I need some help and suggestion to rewrite one of my screens (using ASP.NET) which is using stored procedure. The processing on this screen is taking more than 3 minutes (which i know is totaly
unacceptable). I am making use of cursors within the stored procedure (SQL Server 2005). I really intend to get rid of cursors as they have their performance hit. I have been told to rewrite this screen
(or the stored procedure) so i need some help for SQL Gurus. Following are the details:
1. This is a Monthly Employee Attendance Report on a day by day basis for any given month (maximum 31 days in a month)
2. The values (for each day) have to be computed at runtime and not stored. e.g. Since an employee may have signed in/out several times in a day
3. There are around 500 employees data im dealing with
4. The user will select any given department and employee's data for the respective department has to be displayed for any given month
5. If the user selects [All Department], the entire 500 employees have to be displayed on the screen
6. This report will look like an excel report on the screen i.e. Employee's basic info and record of 31 days (maximum days in a month) are displayed in one row for each employee
7. This report involves are 7-8 tables. 7 tables are for employees basic info whereas one table has the attendance record
Kindly give me your suggestion on writing the SQL stored procedure. I cannot use any other option such as a real Excel Sheet or anything. I need suggestion on how to write this monthly report. By the
way, we dont intend to Cache the data since the report can be viewed at anytime of the day, so fresh data is required everytime. Also the data for 500 employees may be too much to be cached. Also in
the attendance table, we are dealing with approximately half a million attendance records.
Thanks and waiting for your suggestions...
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Mar 15, 2004
I'm working on a stored procedure to populate a Crystal report. My company insists that we put the report parameters in the stored procedure instead of in that the SQL server (rather than the desktop)does the work of restricting the data. Is there anything I can do on the SQL side(possibly User Defined Data Type) to get Crystal to prompt me for a date WITHOUT the time? I started with this:
CREATE proc uspReportData @BeginDate datetime, @EndDate datetime
When Crstal prompts me for the parameters, I can type the date or use the calendar to pick a date, but I AM FORCED to enter a time. I know I could choose to ignore the time in the stored procedure, but the users don't want to see the time section of the parameter. Apparently SQL doesn't have a plain "date" parameter without a time.
I've also considered this:
CREATE proc uspReportData @BeginDate char(10), @EndDate char(10)
However if I do it this way, I can't seem to find a way to make sure a valid date is entered when Crystal prompts the user for the dates.
If using char(10) turns out to be the best method, is there a way I can pre-populate the Crystal prompts like this:
@BeginDate = 1st day of the current month
@EndDate = the current system date
Crystal seems to allow hard coded default values, but I can't find a way to do calculated default values.
I'm open to suggestions.
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