Report Builder Issues For Large Reports
Jan 11, 2008
I have a very simple report model with two tables in it but having millions of rows.
I have developed a report on this report model, which will return atleast half million rows.
I have published this report to report server and trying to access the report through the report manager. It never returns the result. Fails with tme out expired error. I have 64 bit machine and 2 GB RAM. The report is expected to return atleast 500 MB data. As per the SSRS documentation it the memory should be three times to process the report. It does not work.
If I develop the same report using the report designer, I get the results returnd within a minute.
If I use the above mentioned Report Model as my data source, again I get the results within less than minute.
So what is it the report builder report is doing additional? It is strange that the same report model when used as data source returns the same number of rows within less than minute and the report developed and uploaded to report manager using report builder fails with time out expired error?
What is that the Report builder doing internally? Can I change some configuration for report builder report to work for large reports? I have already changed the memory settings in the report config and machine config files.
Your early response is appreciated.
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Apr 30, 2008
Here is one scenario. There is Department X which has subdepartments A,B,C,D. A has 5 members and B has some 7 products, C 5 members and D has some 12 members. My problem is I need create a Report model where is if we select X
all the list of subdepartments and their members should be displayed. I.e if we select X then
C and so on..........every thing should be displayed that are under department, i.e subdepartments under that department and the members under each subdepartment of that Department.
The problem here is all those departments and subdepartments are in same table which has columns like,
"DeptId" and "Dept Reporting to" and "EmplID.
When we select "Dept Reporting to" = X, we need to get the result as I specified above
Can anyone please help me out to create a Report Model to generate ad hoc reports
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Oct 6, 2006
We have a "folder hiriarchy" in reporting services with permission for different users to only create reports in their own folder. However, it would be nice if they (in report builder) could open eachothers reports, modify them and then save them in theri own folder. In this case, if they find a useful report that someone else has created, they could just make their own small modifications and save it in their own folder.
The problem is that I cant't seem to find a securitysetting that allow this. Either they can create/modify/delete the reports in a "folder" or they can't even open them in report builder...
Is there a solution to my problem?
regards Andreas
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Apr 9, 2007
Hello -
I know that you can build a Report Designer report and add URL navigation from a field. I am trying to figure out how to do this with report BUILDER. I haven't been able to do it using the UI and editing the RDL directly to match what I see in a similar report Designer report is being ignored (if I did it right).
I can put the URL into the DSV & Model as a field/attribute, but displaying the a field with a URL in it doesn't make it "clickable".
Does anyone have a trick for this? Or know that there is definately no way to do it?
Thanks in advance,
Toni Fielder
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Jun 22, 2007
I have a development server setup with Report Builder that our users have been testing out. They have a number of reports that they have created on this dev server.
We now have our live environment all setup and I'd like to move their Report Builder reports to the new server for them so they don't have to recreate them.
Is this possible? If so, how?
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Feb 8, 2006
I get a problem when I want to preview a report in Report Builder. I just launch Report Builder by the url [1] (RS is on a server, and I work on a laptop). Then I choose a model and create a simple report. When I press "Run Report", I get an error message saying: "The permissions granted to user 'mydomainmyusername' are insufficient for performing this operation. (rsAccessDenied)". But my user are assigned to content manager...
If I then save the report to the Report Server, I can access the report through e.g. the Report Manager without any problems.
Why doesn't the preview functionality work for me? Are there some settings I need to set, or is it a bug in Report Builder?
Regards, Tomsi
[1] http://<servername>/reportserver/reportbuilder/reportbuilderlocalintranet.application
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Mar 15, 2007
Is it possible to create cascading parameters with in Report Builder? I have done this with Report Designer but i need a solution with Report Builder.
(I need the structure: First the user selects the state, afer the postpack the cirties of the state are listed in another dropdownlist for selection).
Thanks in advance
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Mar 5, 2007
I need to create letter type reports using the report builder, is this possible?. I am trying to create a letter that embeds some variable fields, i.e,. name, address, contact number. I can't seem to find a way to create page headers, and embed report data fields within text. Is this not possible within the report builder? it seems that the only thing you can do within the report builder is add fields to their predesignated areas. I am being forced to use the report builder instead of the report designer in order to give the end user the ability to make modifications to the report/letter. This is very frustrating. not being able to allow the user to edit report designer files, and then having force them to use report builder which doesn't seem to support some simple features..
Any suggestions would be appreciated...
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Jan 2, 2007
I have created some reports using Report Builder however they autorun with default values when selected in report manager, cant think many people would want this to happen. Is there a way of getting rid of the default values in RB or preventing auto execute in RM?
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Apr 4, 2007
Hello - I am having difficulty enabling the automatic click-through functionality for my model. I have two entities - Customer & Incident. Incident is a role/FK/OptionalMany relationship to customer.
I've read through earlier postings on this subject (below) and have verified that the #Incidents attribute in my incident entity has the EnableDrillThrough=true.
My test report is simple - Customer Name (from customer) and #Incidents (from incident). When I run it, the click-through option is not available (the cursor stays as an arrow and doesn't change to a finger).
Are there other properties or settings that I need to be working with? I have SP2 (9.0.3042) installed on our Standard edition of SQL 2005. I know Infinite Click-Through is not in Std edition, but a few levels should be, correct?
Thanks in Advance,
Other related postings -
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Aug 20, 2015
I am using Report Builder 3.0 and i have report which has a drill down group. The report opens in a collapsed form.This report has interactive sorting on a column. But,when we drill down and sort the column, the group collapses and the details disappear.
In some posts, i have seen that instead of interactive sorting, people recommended a parameter. But i have to do interactive sorting only.
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Nov 5, 2007
Hi all,
I'm trying to get empty cells from an OLAP cube to display in a report designed using the Report Builder. Of the three report types, only the Table report shows the empty cells. Is there any option/setting that I need to enable to get this to work for the Matrix or Chart reports? Something like the "Show Empty Cells" option that is available in the pivot table used by BI Dev Studio?
Any help appreciated.
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Nov 8, 2007
Does any body know that creating free form rports using Report Builder is possible?
Free-form report - in the sense - that user should be able to drag the fields from the leftside fields pane and drop on body as we do in report designer using BI studio.
I could not figure out a way to do so. Is this a limitation?
Raj Yennam
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Nov 20, 2015
I run these stored procedure to build the report and I am able successfully to build the report but I need some prompts to in the report to get the specific data .
PROCEDURE [dbo].[Sharepoint_Ticket_Report]
[Code] ....
And for prompts how to create created_by and message_type dropdowns as shown in picture.
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Feb 6, 2008
When i select datasource in Report Builder, i am able to see all the available DataSources.
Eg: I have selected one datasource from the list and which has 3 tables(table1, table2, table3) associated to that datasource.
when i drag and drop table1 fields to report, i am not able to see the other 2 tables(table2 & table3)
Is there any property or relationship do i need to maintain?
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Sep 9, 2015
I just created a report builder. I have a main report and i wanted to create a sub report. why i cant or i cant view the path or the folder of my .rdl file to be use as my sub report.
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Jun 30, 2006
After I use the report builder to create a generic report, how do I actually get that report into the report designer so that I can modify it more effectivly?
The issue that I have now is that the file on the report server is not a .rdl file and if I simply save it as one and then bring it into VS to modify it the code file is a html structure rater than a XML file type.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
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Jul 25, 2007
Hi all, when i create a reports deploy on the Report server, i usually choose a filter prompted on Run. The lsit containt for example the list of my customers, but the list in empty like i want (like that, user can put a list from excel by copy-paste). But ... , if the want all the customers, what is the " * " operator to select all my records ?
Thanks for help
Erwan, France
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Nov 2, 2007
I have created bunch of reports using SSRS. Now I want to deliver all of these reports together. I can use data driven subscription in Report Manager. But that feature allows to deliver one report at a time. Can anyone tell me how to deliver all reports together?
Requirement is reports should be delivered to dirrent departments. These reports have been parameterized.
P/S ;
I found this one on MSDN. But I'm not sure whether I can change this and use for multiple reports subscription. I dont hv a good knowledge on C# or VB.
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Sep 6, 2007
I've created a linked server with a pretty basic Excel spreadsheet, and used this command to create a linked server to it:
sp_addlinkedserver ''XL_SPS_1', 'Excel', 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'c:MyExcel.xls', null, 'Excel 8.0'
I want to use this as the data from which to build a report model. As linked servers don't show up in the Data Source View wizard, I created a view in SQL Server:
create view MyExcel
select * from XL_SPS_1...Sheet1$
Okay, great, now the view shows up in the DSV wizard and I can create the data source view. However, when I create a new report model based on this data source view, the Report Model Wizard tells me at "Create entities for all tables" that I've got an error when it processes dbo_MyExcel that "Table does not have a primary key."
I assume this is where the identifying attributes for the entities in the report model are taken from, so I really can't go further. Does anyone have an idea as to how to add a primary key to a linked server (Excel) in SQL 2005? Can this be done? Other than importing spreadsheet data to a SQL table, how can I get around this?
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Feb 16, 2007
We have a remote business client who has a proxy server setup and this translates into receiving a 407 proxy authentication blocking error when attempting to download the report builder application for deployment off the report server which is housed locally with us. The proxy server does not allow them to download application type files off another site. At the moment, they would not like to disable the proxy for these users to allow them to deploy the application on their client or add the report server as a trusted site. Is there a method by which Report Builder can be locally installed on the client pc instead of online only with it knowing the correct report server to access and then still launch correctly when the report builder button is pressed through report manager?
I am not a web application guru by any means and we have tried to replicate the oneclick deployment and what occurs in the local settings/apps/2.0 subdirectories, but the application still attempts to download/install again. If we attempt to just launch the local executable on the client, report builder assumes the client pc (localhost) is the report server to access. Is there a method which will succeed?
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Jul 17, 2007
I am unable to launch report builder from the report manager from a client machine. But I am able to launch from the localhost.
Even I am able to launch report builder by clicking reportbuilder.exe on the local machine.
Please help !!
OS - Windows XP professional
SQL Reporting Services 2005.
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Dec 15, 2006
I have installed SQL Server Reporting Service on window xp. everything working fine except one thing.
I have installed sql server with my a/c. my a/c have admin rights. when i giving http://dineshpatel/reports it is displaying page but Report Builder and other option are not displaying. I hope i don't have admin rights.
I have checked with local administrator login also but same problem.
what additional setting are require for admin rights?
Dinesh Patel
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Oct 28, 2015
I have a report builder drill down report. I have row groups with totals. It looks like the attached. The problem is when the report is not expanded the Grand Totals column is not accurate... it is displaying the totals of one of the rows when expanded.The expression in the Total Show text box is
= Switch (
Sum(IIF(Fields!status.Value = "CO", CDbl(Fields!TX_CO.Value), Nothing)),
MID(Fields!protocol_id.Value,1,7) = "GENERAL" and MID(Fields!program_id.Value,1,6)
= "INTAKE", Sum(IIF(Fields!status.Value = "CO",
Is there any way to not display the expression in the Total columns unless the report is expanded?
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Feb 1, 2007
HI, there,
I added a new windows user "ReportUser" which is a local user (not in administrator group). When I connect to the report manage's web page, I use reportuser to log in (when the anonymous access is disabled it will ask a log in). Report builder icon is not showing up on the report manager home page.
If I log in as a user in administrator group, the reportr builder icon shows up so I can download it and build report.
I have assigned reportuser "Content manager" and "repoter builder" access to the home folder. Is there anything else I have to do to make the report build icon show up on the home page?
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Oct 9, 2007
sql 2005 sp2
exchange 2003 sp2
i've got the report server setup to relay through the exchange server for delivering reports. all reports are exported to excel and emailed successfully with the exception of the largest report at about 16mb. the smtp logs on the exchange server show the report server starting a session but no "DATA" is every sent for this report and emails do not arrive. i am assuming due to the size of the report there is some timeout out issue between the smtp client and server. any ideas on how to resolve this issue? maybe a timeout setting on the exchange smtp server? i'm trying to avoid installing a local smtp server on the report server.
thanks in advance
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Sep 17, 2007
I have provided required permissions, still user not able to view report builder option in his console.
what could be wrong? what needs to be done to provide report builder to users.
Deleep P
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Dec 19, 2006
I have client machine in one domain, say A domain , on which I have installed .net 2.0 without any problem. I have report server running in other domain (B domain) where I have deployed few models which will be used from domain A to create ad hoc reports by launching Report Builder. I can access other reports in domain B from A
But when I click on Report Builder tries to connect to server in domain B but fails to connect and shows following log in a text pop up
I know, problem is because of cross domain communication but question is then how to fix it ? what changes I need to do for that in firewall, domain etc etc settings?
Here is the error, I have highlighted lines which might give some clue:
Windows : 5.2.3790.65536 (Win32NT)
Common Language Runtime : 2.0.50727.42
System.Deployment.dll : 2.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200)
mscorwks.dll : 2.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200)
dfdll.dll : 2.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200)
dfshim.dll : 2.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200)
Deployment url :
Below is a summary of the errors, details of these errors are listed later in the log.
* Activation of resulted in exception. Following failure messages were detected:
+ Downloading did not succeed.
+ The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.
No transaction error was detected.
There were no warnings during this operation.
* [12/19/2006 6:49:58 AM] : Activation of has started.
Following errors were detected during this operation.
* [12/19/2006 6:50:14 AM] System.Deployment.Application.DeploymentDownloadException (Unknown subtype)
- Downloading did not succeed.
- Source: System.Deployment
- Stack trace:
at System.Deployment.Application.SystemNetDownloader.DownloadSingleFile(DownloadQueueItem next)
at System.Deployment.Application.SystemNetDownloader.DownloadAllFiles()
at System.Deployment.Application.FileDownloader.Download(SubscriptionState subState)
at System.Deployment.Application.DownloadManager.DownloadManifestAsRawFile(Uri& sourceUri, String targetPath, IDownloadNotification notification, DownloadOptions options, ServerInformation& serverInformation)
at System.Deployment.Application.DownloadManager.DownloadDeploymentManifestDirectBypass(SubscriptionStore subStore, Uri& sourceUri, TempFile& tempFile, SubscriptionState& subState, IDownloadNotification notification, DownloadOptions options, ServerInformation& serverInformation)
at System.Deployment.Application.DownloadManager.DownloadDeploymentManifestBypass(SubscriptionStore subStore, Uri& sourceUri, TempFile& tempFile, SubscriptionState& subState, IDownloadNotification notification, DownloadOptions options)
at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.PerformDeploymentActivation(Uri activationUri, Boolean isShortcut)
at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.ActivateDeploymentWorker(Object state)
--- Inner Exception ---
- The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.
- Source: System
- Stack trace:
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
at System.Deployment.Application.SystemNetDownloader.DownloadSingleFile(DownloadQueueItem next)
No transaction information is available.
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Feb 26, 2015
I was wondering if there was any way to add a value field to a report, with the time it took for the report to Process.
It would probably be a text field with an Expression, but don't know how that would go.
I know that in Expression there is a value for ExecutionTime (when report began to run), but nothing about when it ends.Can this be done? and if yes, how?
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Mar 22, 2011
Is there a way to see Report-Level variables in Report Builder 3.0? Also, just as a feedback, it would be really nice if there were a way to see and easily access all of the variables used in a report from one location instead of going to the dataset, the report, and then to the individual groups (if needed) to see the variables. Also, it would be very useful if Group-level variables can show up in the Expression Builder as well.
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Jul 6, 2015
I've gotten to the point of publishing the new reports on the SSRS server and have run into the following problem.
I use a field in the primary report with the "Go to report" action to open up another report (also published) for more details. It works properly from within ReportBuilder (2.0) using the report server and I can go to and from the secondary report as I expect. Its passing the correct parameters to the second report and its runs.
But when I use the reports from the SSRS web, the Go To link no longer works. Mouse hover shows its still a link but clicking goes no where. I can run both reports independently from SSRS and they still work.
I've tried this in IE and Chrome with no luck in either. I also poked around at Compatability view and popup blocker but nothing made any difference.
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Nov 22, 2006
I am setting up the SQL2005 reporting service to let users build their own reports on the web. I'll provide them with pre-built report models. We have concern with SQL database performance by allowing users to execute huge reports. The problem that I have is: If I give the users permissions to build report they'll have access to the report's Properties | Execution page, which allows them to disable the report execution timeout. Is there a way for me to allow them build reports while restrict them to access the report execution timeout settings?
Please advise. Many thanks.
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Feb 11, 2007
I've created dsv that contain all fields from table database. in the smdl I've remove some fileds due to security. All fields in the smdl do not contain drill.
Issue: When I created calculated field in the report builder the field has a link. When I clicked the drill I saw all the record data including field that not in the smdl.
1) Can I remove the link from the calculated fields?
2) Can I prevent from users drill to fields that not in the smdl?
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