Report Designer: Need To List Fields From Multiple Result Rows As Comma Seperated List (like A JOIN On Parameters)
Apr 9, 2008
I know I can do a JOIN(parameter, "some seperator") and it will build me a list/string of all the values in the multiselect parameter.
However, I want to do the same thing with all the occurances of a field in my result set (each row being an occurance).
For example say I have a form that is being printed which will pull in all the medications a patient is currently listed as having perscriptions for. I want to return all those values (say 8) and display them on a single line (or wrap onto additional lines as needed).
Something like:
List of current perscriptions: Allegra, Allegra-D, Clariton, Nasalcort, Sudafed, Zantac
How can I accomplish this?
I was playing with the list box, but that only lets me repeat on a new line, I couldn't find any way to get it to repeate side by side (repeat left to right instead of top to bottom). I played with the orientation options, but that really just lets me adjust how multiple columns are displayed as best I can tell.
Could a custom function of some sort be written to take all the values and spit them out one by one into a comma seperated string?
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Jun 25, 2007
Hi All,
When I'm building a report in report designer and get error message that says --error like --field textbox25--whats the easiest way to see all my report fields and quickly access them instead of clicking every field in a report?
Ideally a fields map with links to these fields.
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Jul 26, 2005
Is there a way to return a comma seperated list in a query?For example if I have this simple querySelect member_name From members It returns all the members in diff rows (lets assume we have 3)So the result will bemember_name--------------name1name2name3Instead of this I need to have the result in one row with values seperated by commas.member_name---------------name1,name2,name3I hope I am clear enough. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
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Jul 20, 2005
Scenario:Table 1 (a id, b name)Table 2 (a FKid, d value)A standard join on a gives me something like:a1 b1 d1a1 b1 d2What I want is:a1 b1 d1,d2I can easily do this with a function or cursor, but is is somewhatslow, and I need to do this a lot and I don't really want to have tomaintain tons of functions or cursors.Thoughts?
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Jul 4, 2004
I have a table of users, a table of categories, and a many-to-many table linking users to categories.
My problem is that I want to select all the users with an extra column containing a comma-separated list of the categories they belong to.
Here is a stripped-down version of the table fields:
UserId, Email
CatId, CatName
UserId, CatId
I have tried using the coalesce function to build a string, but can only get this to work for one row at a time:
DECLARE @list nvarchar(100)
SELECT @list = COALESCE(@list + ', ', '') + CAST(CatId AS varchar(4))
FROM tbl_User_Category
WHERE UserId = @UserId
SELECT @list as List
Any ideas on how to add to this to get it to do each row in tbl_Page? Or am I attacking this from the wrong angle?????
Any help would be fantastic!
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi, all:I have a form which lets users choose more than one value for each question.But how do I insert each value as a separate row in my table (instead ofhaving the values submitted as a comma-delimited list)?Thanks for your help.J
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Jun 2, 2015
I have a table that is used to build rules. The rules point to other columns in other tables and usually contain only one value (i.e. ABC). But one of the options is to add a comma-separated list of SSNs (i.e. 123123123,012012012,112231122). I am trying to build a single query that allows me to leverage that list to get multiple rows from another table.
This obviously works:
SELECT * FROM vw_Person_Profile P (NOLOCK)
WHERE P.PrsnPIISSN_Chr IN ('123123123','012012012','112231122')
But this does not:
SELECT * FROM vw_Person_Profile P (NOLOCK)
SELECT '''' + REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(4000),txtFieldValue), ',', ''',''') + ''''
FROM MassProcessing_Rules PR
WHERE PR.intRuleID = 10
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Jan 18, 2006
Hi i want to create a table as follows :if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[Indexes]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)drop table [Indexes]GOCreate table Indexes(indexname Varchar(100), index_DescriptionVarchar(100), index_keys Varchar(100))GOINSERT INTO Indexes EXEC sp_helpindex 'SDM_Fact_Order_Detail'GOThis will give me a table (northwind)IX_Auto_SDM_Fact_FK_Shipped_Date nonclustered located onSAMIS_SDM_Index FK_Shipped_DateIX_Auto_SDM_Fact_Order_Detail_FK_Insert_Dateclustered located onSAMIS_SDM_Data1FK_Insert_Date, FK_Insert_TimeAs you see sp_helpindex will give me a comma seperated field. I wantto split the third column FK_Insert_Date, FK_Insert_Time into a extrarowLike this :IX_Auto_SDM_Fact_FK_Shipped_Date FK_Shipped_DateIX_Auto_SDM_Fact_Order_Detail_FK_Insert_Date FK_Insert_DateIX_Auto_SDM_Fact_Order_Detail_FK_Insert_Date FK_Insert_TimeCan anyone help me with this?ThanxHennie
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi,I'n in an environment where I cannot make stored procedures. Now I needto make a query with a subquery in the SELECT part which gives a commaseparated list of,listFunction(SELECT name FROM names WHERE AS'nameList'FROM projects AS pThis query should return something like:1, "john,mike,petra"2, "bob,carl,sandra,peter,etclistFunction is (of course) not (yet) defined. Is this possible withoutthe use of stored procedures?Mike
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Jul 12, 2006
I have the following query:
Newsletters ON News.ID = Newsletters.fkNewsID
My problem is that fkNewsID can contain a comma delimited list of various IDs. Is there a way to properly do the join in this case?
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Jun 15, 2015
So at the moment, I don't have a function by the name CONCATENATE. What I like to do is to list all those different values that go with a single CASE_ID to appear as a a comma separate list. You might have a better way of doing without even writing a function
So the output would look like :
dbo.Concatenate( '[' + CAST(preop.value_text AS VARCHAR) + ']' ) as variable
dbo.TBL_Preop preop
preop.Deleted_CD = 0
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Jun 28, 2005
Hi, I need a sql that returns the query result as comma seperated list of values, instead of several rows. Below is the scenario... Table Name - Customer Columns - CustomerID, Join DateSay below is the data of Customer table ...CustomerID JoinDate1 04/01/20052 01/03/20033 06/02/20044 01/05/20025 09/07/2005Now i want to retrieve all the customerid's who have joined this year. Below is the query that i use for this case.Select CustomerID from Customer where JoinDate between '01/01/2005' and GetDate()This gives the below result as two rows.CustomerID15But i need to get the result as '1,5' (comma seperated list of resulting values).Any help is highly appreciatedThanks in AdvanceRamesh
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Jun 3, 2010
I am trying to find a way to add into a table a flattened (comma seperated list) of email addresses based on the multiple columns of nformation in another table (joined by customer_full_name and postcode.
This is to highlight duplicate email addresses for people under the same customer_full_name and Postcode.
I have done this using a loop which loops through concatenating the email addresses but it takes 1minute to do 1000. The table is 19,000 so this isn't really acceptable. I have tried temp tables, table variables and none of this seems to make any difference. I think that it is becuase i am joining on text columns?
Create table #tempa
customer_Full_Name varchar(100),
Customer_Email varchar(100),
Postcode varchar(100),
AlternateEmail varchar(max)NULL
insert into #tempa (customer_full_name,customer_email,postcode)
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Jan 18, 2006
I need some help with a stored procedure to insert multiple rows into a join table from a checkboxlist on a form. The database structure has 3 tables - Products, Files, and ProductFiles(join). From a formview users are able to upload files to the server. The formview has a products checkboxlist where the user selects all products a file they are uploading applies too. I parse the selected values of the checkboxlist into a comma delimited list that is then passed with other parameters to the stored proc. If only one value is selected in the checkboxlist then the spproc executed correctly. Also, if i run sql profiler i can confirm that the that is passing the correct information to the sproc:
exec proc_Add_Product_Files @FileName = N'This is just a test.doc', @FileDescription = N'test', @FileSize = 24064, @LanguageID = NULL, @DocumentCategoryID = 1, @ComplianceID = NULL, @SubmittedBy = N'Kevin McPhail', @SubmittedDate = 'Jan 18 2006 12:00:00:000AM', @ProductID = N'10,11,8'
Here is the stored proc it is based on an article posted in another newsgroup on handling lists in a stored proc. Obviously there was something in the article i did not understand correctly or the author left something out that most people probably already know (I am fairly new to stored procs)
CREATE PROCEDURE proc_Add_Product_Files_v2/*Declare variables for the stored procedure. ProductID is a varchar because it will receive a comma,delimited list of values from the webform and then insert a rowinto productfiles for each product that the file being uploaded pertains to. */@FileName varchar(150),@FileDescription varchar(150),@FileSize int,@LanguageID int,@DocumentCategoryID int,@ComplianceID int,@SubmittedBy varchar(50),@SubmittedDate datetime,@ProductID varchar(150)
/*Insert into the files table and retrieve the primary key of the new record using @@identity*/ INSERT INTO Files (FileName, FileDescription, FileSize, LanguageID, DocumentCategoryID, ComplianceID, SubmittedBy, SubmittedDate) Values (@FileName, @FileDescription, @FileSize, @LanguageID, @DocumentCategoryID, @ComplianceID, @SubmittedBy, @SubmittedDate)
Select @FileID=@@Identity
/*Uses dynamic sql to insert the comma delimited list of productids into the productfiles table.*/ DECLARE @ProductFilesInsert varchar(2000)
SET @ProductFilesInsert = 'INSERT INTO ProductFiles (FileID, ProductID) SELECT ' + CONVERT(varchar,@FileID) + ', Product1ID FROM Products WHERE Product1ID IN (' + @ProductID + ')' exec(@ProductFilesInsert) EndGO
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May 3, 2006
Hi All
I'm really new to SQL and would appreciate a solution to the following problem.
I have a table that contains 1 record. in that record there is a column called CODES which contains multiple values that are seperated by a comma.
I need a solution to select all values from CODES that are distinct so I end up with the following.
Any help would be really appreciated. Please bear in mind I'm a complet novice.
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Jul 17, 2007
Hi all,
This is my table :
WorkstationNo UserID
101 a1
102 a2
103 a3
101 a2
and there are many other fields too. The output I need is something like this
WorsktationNo OccupiedBy
101 a1,a2
102 a2
103 a3
In the similar fashion I would also require to retrieve the values based on the UserID something like this
UserID Workstations
a1 101
a2 101,102
a3 103
Could someone tell me how to write the query for this.
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Jul 2, 2005
I want to allow visitors to filter a list of events to show only those belonging to categories selected from a checklist.
Here is an approach I am trying:
TABLE Events(EventID int, Categories varchar(200))
EventID Catetories
1 ‘6,8,9’
2 ‘2,3’
PROCEDURE ListFilteredEvents
@FilterList varchar(200) -- contains ‘3,5’
WHERE (any value in Categories) IN @FilterList
How can I select all records where any value in the Categories column
matches a value in @FilterList. In this example, record 2 would be
selected since it belongs to category 3, which is also in @FilterList.
I’ve looked at the table of numbers approach, which works when
selecting records where a column value is in the parameter list, but I
can’t see how to make this work when the column itself also contains a
comma delimited list.
Can someone suggest an approach?
Any examples would be greatly appreciated!
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Mar 27, 2008
We are using xml to pull data from a custom sharepoint list into sql 2005. We have set a parameter that allows the user to filter the data by surname, however when the user tries to filter the list the drop down box brings up a list of every record, so there are duplicate entries for each surname.
Is there a way of filtering this so that there is only one instance of the users surname instead of it showing all the records?
Any help would be much appreciated.
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Dec 3, 2015
I have 3 tables:
TABLE [dbo].[Tbl_Products](
[Product_ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Product_Name] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
[Catagory_ID] [int] NOT NULL,
[Entry_Date] [date] NOT NULL,
[Code] ....
I am using this query to get ( Product name from tbl_products , Buy Price - Total Price- Total Quantity from Tbl_Details )
But am getting a multiple result if the order purchase has more than 1 item :
SELECT DISTINCT B.Product_Name,A.AllPieceBoxes,
Tbl_Products B INNER JOIN Tbl_PurchaseHeader C
ON C.ProductId=B.Product_ID INNER JOIN Tbl_PurchaseDetails A
ON A.PurchaseOrder=C.purchaseOrder
WHERE A.PurchaseOrder=3
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Jul 17, 2007
Can someone please tell me how to retrieve/query the list of fields from an entity of a report data model that has been published on the reporting server programmatically ?
I am trying to upload a report data model to the reporting server and planning to use that model as the data source and consume it through our existing web application?
Thank you ,
Rashid A. Khan
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Aug 13, 2007
Is it possible to get a comma delimited list of the views in a DB?
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Feb 26, 2008
Hello. I need to write a UDF that would split a comma separated list and return 4 values. I need to return the first 4 values and ignore the commas after that. If there are no commas in the string that's passed then just return the table with empty strings. The UDF should accept 2 inputs. The ntext and a position and return a value based on the position.For example: 1,2,3,textshould createPosition | Value-------------------------1|12|23|34|textand return a value based on the position. If there are more than 3 commas for example1,2,3,This string, though short, contains a commashould createPosition | Value-------------------------1|12|23|34|This string, though short, contains a commaand return a value based on the position. And if there are are less than 3 commas in the string passedFor example: 1,2 or NULL or 2:3.5 or This is a string with no commasshould createPosition | Value
1| (empty string)
2| (empty string)
3| (empty string)
4| (empty string)and return a value based on the position.This is what I wrote so far. CREATE function GetValueFromPosition (@Input nvarchar(4000), @position int)Returns nvarchar(4000)AsBegin -- Declare the return Variable Declare @ReturnValue nvarchar(4000) Select @ReturnValue = LTRIM(RTRIM(member_id)) From dbo.SplitString(@Input, ',') Where position = @position Return @ReturnValueEnd CREATE Function SplitString(@text varchar(8000), @delimiter varchar(1) = ',')-- This function splits a string of CSV values and creates a table variable with the values.-- Returns the table variable that it createsRETURNS @Strings TABLE( position int IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, member_id varchar(8000))ASBEGIN Declare @index int Set @index = -1 WHILE (LEN(@text) > 0) BEGIN SET @index = CHARINDEX(@delimiter , @text) IF (@index = 0) AND (LEN(@text) > 0) BEGIN INSERT INTO @Strings VALUES (@text) BREAK END IF (@index > 1) BEGIN INSERT INTO @Strings VALUES (LEFT(@text, @index - 1)) SET @text = RIGHT(@text, (LEN(@text) - @index)) END ELSE SET @text = RIGHT(@text, (LEN(@text) - @index)) END RETURNEND I am trying to modify these according to what I need but its not working. Please help. Thank you.
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Mar 18, 2008
How can I get a comma delimited list of the views in my db?
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Jul 11, 2005
I have a complex query where each row in the final dataset is a
However each product has a number of authors associated with it.
What I
would like to do is have a query/subroutine join the authors to the
as a string:
1 The Sacred and the Profane John Rieggle, George
2 Dancing
in the Dark Dan
Brown, Peter Kay, Paul
Product Authors
Is this at all
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Jun 7, 2008
I have the following SQL Query:
SELECT user_profiles.userFirstName, user_profiles.userInitial, user_profiles.userLastName, user_types.userTypeDesc, user_profiles.userOfficeIDs, user_profiles.userEmail
FROM user_profiles
INNER JOIN user_types ON user_types.userTypeID = user_types.userTypeID
The field userOfficeID contains a comma separated list of values such as "1,2" to identify that the user is in both the NJ and NY office.
Table office_locations
OfficeID officeState
1 NJ
2 NY
3 CT
I would like the output to be something similar to:
Name Office userOfficeIDs value
John Smith NJ 1
Mary Smith NJ/NY 1,2
Jim Smith NJ/CT 1,3
Mike Smith NY 2
Any direction would be appreciated.
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Oct 29, 2014
i have a list of data as below:
Company Email
i would like to write a query to list out as below where select the company A,, ...
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Jun 28, 2006
How to use comma separated value list in the where clause?
I would like to do something like the following (Set voted = true for all rows in tblVoters where EmpID is in the comma separated value list).
update tbl_Voters
set voted = true
where EmpID in @empIdsCsv
Where, @empIdsCsv = ��12,23,345,�� (IDs of the employees)
Since the above is not possible I have done the following dynamic query:
-- Convert the comma separated values to conditional statement like EmpID = {id} or EmpliD = {id}��
set @empIdsCsv = 'EmpID=' + substring(@empIdsCsv , 0, len(@empIdsCsv )) -- Remove trailing comma
set @empIdsCsv = replace(@empIdsCsv , ',', ' or EmpID=')
declare @markVoters varchar(8000)
set @markVoters = '
update tbl_Voters
set voted = true
where �� + @empIdsCsv
--Execute the dinamic query
exec (@markVoters)
The above code generates the following dynamic query:
update tbl_Voters
set voted = true
EmpID= 12 or EmpID=23 or EmpID=345
The obvious drawback here is the performance and the limitation of the dynamic query length (8000 chars).
Can someone suggest a better solution with the ability to use comma seperated values in the where clause?
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Aug 17, 2007
Hello any MS SQL experts out there! please help if you can. i'm trying to run a subquery
within a query to keep myself from having to loop over the original query on display and
then run additional queries to get the further info. here's the setup. i have two tables:
persons table
column: name (varchar)
column: vehicleids (varchar)
vehicles table
column: id (int pk)
column: vehiclename (varchar)
- The persons table is a list of peoples' names and what kind of vehicle/s they own.
- The persons.vehicleids field is a comma-delimited list of one or more integers which correspond to the field.
- The vehicles table contains a list of vehicles like car, bicycle, motorcycle, etc, distinguished by the field.
The result i want returned by the query is:
Joe Somebody - car,bicycle
Sheila Johnson - van,pogostick,motorcycle
John Nobody - skateboard,car
The query i'm trying to run to get this result is:
Code Snippet
SELECT ve.vehiclename
FROM vehicles ve
WHERE CAST( AS VARCHAR) IN (pe.vehicleids)
) AS vehicles
FROM persons pe
It returns the persons names in the first column, but only returns vehicle names in the
second column when there's a single id in the persons.vehicleids field. if there's more
than one integer in the field, it returns an empty string.
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I do have the option of table restructuring if
its necessary, but I'm not looking for a stored procedure solution or a temp table
solution. Any takers? I would be in the kharmic debt of anyone providing a workable
Thank you,
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Jan 20, 2006
Have 2 tables in SQL Server 05 DB:
First one is MyList
user_id -> unique value
list -> comma-delimited list of user_ids
notes -> random varchar data
Second one is MyProfile
user_id -> unique value
I need a stored proc to return rows from MyProfile that match the comma-delimited contents in the "list" column of MyList, based on the user_id matched in MyList. The stored proc should receive as input a @user_id for MyList then return all this data.
The format of the comma-delimited data is as such (all values are 10-digit alphanumerics):
The data returned should be all the columns of MyProfile, and the columns of MyList (which will obviously be duplicated for each row returned).
Thank you!
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Jan 14, 2014
Trying to run a simple query below
Update CustomerID
set CustomerLevelID='5'
where CustomerID='97000,57700,560046,462334,454453,522444,539743'
When I try this I get
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value
Is it possible to use comma delimited values in a where command?
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Aug 5, 2015
I have a replace statement like the following:
select (replace('FMG','FMG','FM'))
So this is straightforward as it will replace the word 'FMG' with 'FM'
However, SSRS is passing a comma separated list like this:
select (replace('FMG','AFM','FMG','FM'))
And what I need to do is replace the comma separated list of 'FMG','AFM' only. I tried this:
select (replace('''FMG','AFM''','FMG','FM'))
But it still complaining about syntax errors. How do I get the comma separated list to be seen by the replace function?
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Nov 23, 2007
I have a need to display on screen AND email a pdf report to email addresses specified at run time, executing the report with a parameter specified by the user. I have looked into data driven subscriptions, but it seems this is based on scheduling. Unfortunately for the majority of the project I will only have access to SQL 2005 Standard Edition (Production system is Enterprise), so I cannot investigate thoroughly.
So, is this possible using data driven subscriptions? Scenario is:
1. User enters parameter used for query, as well as email addresses.
2. Report is generated and displayed on screen.
3. Report is emailed to addresses specified by user.
Any tips on how to get this working?
Mark Smith
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May 2, 2008
I am trying to pass a comma delimited llist of names to a stored procedure. I am getting a syntax error and I can't seem to figure out why. When i plug the names by hand into my select statement in query analyzer it all works fine.
Just a little background so i don't have to put all the code in... the list of name is built dynamically.
Below are all the code snippets. Thanks for your help in advance.
The is the list of names and the call to the stored procedure:
employeeList = 'name1','name2',name3','name4','name5'
SQL="sp_REVIEW @ACTION='lde', @CURRENT_USER='" & currentUser & "', " &_
"@EMPLOYEE_LIST='" & employeeList & "'"
Here is the stored procedure
SELECT ww.ORACLE_USER_NAME, ww.LAST_NAME + ', ' + ww.FIRST_NAME as employeeName,
ww1.DIVISION + ' - ' + ww1.COST_CENTER + ' - ' + ww1.COST_CENTER_DESC as department
OR ww.DEPARTMENT_ID IN (SELECT ud.department_id
WHERE ud.nt_id = @CURRENT_USER))
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