Report Designer Training

Feb 21, 2008

Are there any training seminars/classes anyone would recommend attending? I am looking to further develop my Visual Studio Report Designer Skills. Leaning more to the intermediate/advanced side.

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Modifying A Report Created In Report Builder In The Report Designer.

Jun 30, 2006

After I use the report builder to create a generic report, how do I actually get that report into the report designer so that I can modify it more effectivly?

The issue that I have now is that the file on the report server is not a .rdl file and if I simply save it as one and then bring it into VS to modify it the code file is a html structure rater than a XML file type.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks

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Custom Assembly Behaves Differently In The Report Designer And Report Manager

Mar 18, 2008

Hello everyone,

I created a custom assembly using C# to transform some binary data into text, and in this assembly I used one win32 dll developed by our customer to help me to do the tranformation.
The code I used to call the win32 dll is like below:
[DllImport("tdasuie.dll", EntryPoint = "AlrtLogConditionToText",
ExactSpelling = false, CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
private static extern UInt32 AlrtLogConditionToText(Byte[] pbCondition, StringBuilder pszText, UInt32 dwSize);

I defined a C# method to call the above win32 method and return a string. Then in the report, I called this C# method to get the correct string.

In the report designer, the C# method in the custom assembly can return the correct string in the preview window. But after I deployed the report into the report server, the textbox will only display "#error" in the report manager web page.

Can anybody help me on it? Thanks a lot.


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'Dynamic Time(year,month,date)' Report Template (rdl) Using Report Designer VS2005

Jan 19, 2007

I have three types of specific reports that i have to create with the input parameters (range) either

1: By date (rdl 1)

2.By Month (rdl 2)

3.By Year (rdl 3)

Is it possible ( or how do I ) to create just one report template ( one rdl) with the three sets of parameters ( hiding/invisible which ever two sets base on user selection) and the output of the report will display the desired type( either by year, month or date).

I ask this because its possible to create a drill down report from year down to date etc in report designer (vs 2005). Not sure if I can create one instead of three rdls and with the 'logic' built within that template.




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How To Limit Number Of Rows Displayed In A Report From A Report Designer

Jun 5, 2007

How to limit number of rows displayed in a report, i' am using report project in Visual studio 2005 to design my reports

How to use page navigation once i deploy the report on to report server..?

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Multi Value In Report Parameter Using MSVS Report Designer.

Aug 14, 2006

Hi All,

I have a question, How to user the Multi value in Visual Studio Report Designer.

My dataset contains the following

Select empno,empname,basicpay,deptcd from employee where deptcd in (substring(@gdept,1,4))

Here variable gdept is the report parameter. I am passing the value.
it works fine with single value.

( the source of gdept is a another dataset to list the deparment code+name,






when I preview, i have a combo box to select the department.

If I choose one deparment, it works fine.

If I choose more than one department or select all I have error message

"substring function requires 3 aruguments."

what is wrong is the query

Please advise.






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Report Designer Report That Queries A Cube Model

Jun 15, 2007

In Report Designer I am able to create a Model data source and see my entities/fields.

But when I run the report I get a "Failed to execute Query" message.

I know in the past this was an issue because Designer doesn't allow you to specify a perspective.

Does anyone know if this has been resolved?

I'm using SP2

Thank you,


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Oct 18, 2007

I dont know if theres a way to print a section of some report, for example a summary report, where I have several charts and tables, and I want to print just the first 2 charts
Could this be done by mapping the document or separating it in some other way?

I tried using 'SubReports' control, but this way I need to have for example the first two charts in a different report (lets say 2charts.rdl), and then in the summary.rdl, add the control and set the link to 2charts.rdl,.... but I think this is pretty annoying considering the future modifications of the format in the 2charts.rdl...

Thanks for your help...


-Edith Colegio

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Report Does Not Display In Designer

Mar 28, 2007


I am developing some reports for an ASP.NET solution, but my IDE does not display the design view of the reports. Instead, it only displays the XML definition even when I click View Designer. Yesterday the reports showed up correctly, and I know that the design view is there. Is there a setting that has been changed somewhere?

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Report Designer Not In VS 2003

Feb 7, 2007

I have Reporting services 2000 (Version 8.00.1038.00) installed (installed with installation of MS CRM) and visual studio 2003 installed however, do not have the business intelligence report designer available. Where can I obtain the report designer addin? We don't have a RD 2000 CD. Is what I need available via download?


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Using A Like Clause In Report Designer

Apr 14, 2007

Well, I noticed several other threads on this topic, but the solutions accepted as answers did not resolve my issue.

I'm trying to pass a like clause via a parameter in a report. I'm running the report against an Oracle 10 db using the microsoft for oracle oledb driver. Here's my sql I'm using in the report designer:

select * from dbprod.database_names_vw
where db_name LIKE ('%' + :1 + '%').

When I run this, I get the dreaded: ORA-01722 error

I referred to this page:

which covers: Using Query Parameters with Specific Data Sources

I tried all the variations from that link...I tried the "@" sign. I tried the ?. I tried double quotes...I've tried everything...

I was under the impression I had to use unnamed parameters, as above....

Frustrated in Cali.

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Cannot Shut Down VS After Using Report Designer

Jan 27, 2006

Routinely when I use BIDS to work on a report design, I cannot close BIDS because I get a message box that says:

Microsoft Visual Studio cannot shut down because a modal dialog is active. Close the active dialog and try again.
Of course, there is no visible dialog open. I actually have to terminate the process from task manager.
I do not get this problem when using SSIS or SSAS. Only SSRS.
Any Ideas?

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Problem On Report Designer

Mar 12, 2007

Hi all.

I have the problem on showing the records in my report.
I explain how i designed the report. I made the report in Business Intelligence Project. The report I am achieving is the Personal Information of all employees.
After creating a query/dataset, I dragged the fields to the textboxes. I am trying to show 1 employees' record in each page.
My report looks like this...


Employee Name : _______________ <There is a photo Image here>
Age : _________________________
Address: ______________________
Telephone #:___________________

Civil Status:_________________Height:____
Relgion:______________________Hair Color:____
Nationality:__________________Eye Color:_____


High School.............LaSalle....1992-1995

Run Time: 2/3/2007
Page No. : 1

I used dot above just for spacing and alignment but not included in my actual report.


My problem is: when i ran the report, it can't automatically creates report for all employees. It only shows the first employee in the database.

Any suggestions and guidance please.


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Report Designer - Not A WYSIWYG?

Oct 29, 2007

What you see on the designer is not what you get? How frustrasing can this be when you develop a report? Why did Microsoft made such a deviation from actually designing the windows UI (where you always get what you want and it is a true wysiwyg)

We are doing some data entry apps and would like to simulate a paper based report at the end of the data entry. I designed a portion of it and preview showed what I want. Published the report and found out that the layout is messed up in the IE. I went trough the pain of correcting the layout and made it work for IE. Now when I use the preview the layout is messed up. How can I desgin a layout that works on both worlds. (client side and server side??)

We would like to make the report avaliable in both the windows application(client side) as well as through the report manager (server side)

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Report Designer Client Software

Feb 18, 2004

I've loaded the Report Services from Microsoft unto our server. How do I get the Client Designer tool loaded on other boxes. Does anyone know where the Install is to install the report designer into a Client machine?


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How Do I Get Visual Studio Report Designer?

May 25, 2008

...and Report Builder?

I have SQL Server 2005 Express and Reporting Services and Report Manager up and running...


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Microsoft SQL Server Report Designer

Aug 23, 2007

Hi, I have installed SQL Server 2000 and Reporting Services 2005 and Visual Studio 2003 all works OK but I need to create a report with the Microsoft SQL Server Report Designer 2005 and it doesn't appear in my VS, someone could help me with this?


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Report Designer ActiveX Control?

Feb 7, 2008


Is there an ActiveX control for the Report Designer available so I can just drop it into my program so the user can edit or add reports without buying the Business Intelligence Studio or Visual Studio 2005? I understand I'll have to pay royalties on this but depending on the cost I am open to it.


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Dynamic Grouping With Report Designer

Feb 26, 2007

I've got this working -- I allow users to have 2 groups, and choose what they want to group by. I'd like to add one extra bit of functionality -- for the inner grouping, I would like my users to have the option "None" -- i.e. don't have an inner group.

I've tried setting the group expression of the second (inner) group to "" when the user chooses the "None" option but the report errors out. Any suggestions as to how to dynamically get rid of the inner group?



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Report Designer Dynamic Filter

Feb 28, 2007

I have a requirement to add the ability to filter a report by partial last name, at the report level (i.e. not at the database server). In case someone else needs to work out how to do this, here is what I did.

Add a Parameter to the report. In my case it is named LastName, is non-queried, allows Null or Blank, and has a default of null.
Add a filter to the dataset that contains the field to be searched. Set its Expression to:
=IIF(Parameters!LastName.Value = System.DBNull.Value OR Parameters!LastName.Value = "",
Fields!LastName.Value, Nothing) ,
its operator to "="
and its value to =IIF(Parameters!LastName.Value = Nothing OR Parameters!LastName.Value = "", Nothing, Parameters!LastName.Value & "*")



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Issue Running MDX In Report Designer

May 1, 2008

Below I have query I run in Management Studio. The sample results are below. When I put the same query in SSRS Report Designer it strips the "All" result out and replaces it with a Null. Is there a reason for this? Is there a way to force a string result instead of a Null.

Any assistance would be appreciated.



* [FACT NETWORK TT 2].[Quarter].[Quarter].ALLMEMBERS


ON ROWS FROM [Network TT2]

Sample results:
2006 2006-Q1 2006-02 All 1
2006 2006-Q1 2006-02 SMARTSNET 1
2006 2006-Q1 2006-03 All 613
2006 2006-Q1 2006-03 217
2006 2006-Q1 2006-03 Netview 25
2006 2006-Q1 2006-03 SMARTSNET 371
2006 2006-Q2 2006-04 All 62
2006 2006-Q2 2006-04 17
2006 2006-Q2 2006-04 SMARTSNET 45
2006 2006-Q2 2006-05 All 2
2006 2006-Q2 2006-05 SMARTSNET 2

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How To Get LIST Of Fields In A Report (designer)

Jun 25, 2007

Hi All,

When I'm building a report in report designer and get error message that says --error like --field textbox25--whats the easiest way to see all my report fields and quickly access them instead of clicking every field in a report?

Ideally a fields map with links to these fields.



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Aggregation Problem In Report Designer

Feb 14, 2007

Hi!!! Please help me.

I have the following table structure.

-A (name)

--B (name)

--C (name, total)

For example.

A { Tom, Sam John }

B {Mazda, Audi, Ford }

C: { (Monitor, 100), (Telephone, 230), (Mouse, 370)}

The corresponding sql select:

select * from A left join B left join C

Retrive obvios result:

And now I have desing report with the following structure:

1) Create list element (A_List) and use detail group to grouping data by in it.

2) Then I use 2 another lists and placed it in A.

Now I want get the textbox = Sum( in the A_List area. It is obvious that ealier represented sql select make cartesian product (AxBxC) of A,B,C tables. And now I have multiple record for single row for each row in each table. For example I have three equals records for totals.

And I could't use aggregation function in Sum. Anobody know how this problem solves???

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Using Stored Procedure In Report Designer

Jul 11, 2007

I have the following stored procedure. I have a few questions regarding its use in Reporting Services.

1) Invalid Object ##Tmp_Table1, this prevents the report designer from displaying the available fields.
2) The @totalcount isn't available (I need this value for a calculated field in the report)
3) How would I go about creating dropdowns/calendar controls for users to fill in the parameter values?

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spTermCodeReport]
@tablename char(12) = 'results_NAF',
@source varchar(20) = 'AmExpProvList',
@sourcedate datetime = '05/30/2007',
@TotalCount int = 0 OUTPUT
DECLARE @SQLString varchar(255)

SELECT @SQLString = 'SELECT count(*) AS TRCount INTO ##Tmp_Table1 FROM ' + @tablename + ' WHERE source=''' + @source + ''' and sourcedate=''' + convert(varchar(10),@sourcedate,110) + ''''
SELECT @TotalCount = TRCount FROM ##Tmp_Table1
DROP TABLE ##Tmp_Table1
SELECT @SQLString = 'SELECT termcd, count(termcd) AS TermCDCount FROM ' + @tablename + ' WHERE source=''' + @source + ''' and sourcedate=''' + convert(varchar(10),@sourcedate,110) + ''' GROUP BY termcd'

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Report Designer Preview - SQL Server 2008

Mar 17, 2008


I have to try Report Designer Preview and i have to make a demo for a client.

I have 2 problems.

* We need Report Designer Preview to be the end-user Report Maker Tool. But, it doesn't have the Query Designer and the MDX Query Designer. In future version of MSSQL2008, is it integrated ?

* We work with MOSS 2007 and i just want to know if it's possible to deploy directy from Report Designer Preview to a Sharepoint with Reporting Services in Integrated Mode.
If it's not, is it preview to have it ? and when ?

Thanks for your help. (if you know people from Microsoft who can help me for features in future version, thanks to forward me his email).

Cédric Boulton

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Page Setup Disabled In Report Designer

Mar 22, 2007

I'm trying to change the snap-to grid functionality in a SRS 2005 Report Design (within VS 2005). I tried the same steps in the following post, without success. Based on the SRS help, it appears you change Grid Settings by accessing the File > Page Setup dialog, but the Page Setup (along with Print) is disabled.

Maybe these are instructions for Report Builder only? If so, how do you adjust the Grid Settings (to turn off the "snap" functionality) for a SRS Report project in Visual Studio?



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Invoices/batch Reports - Using Report Designer?

Mar 14, 2008

I'm a Reporting Services newbie.

I want to use Report Designer in SQL Server 2005 to generate monthly invoices for customers. I would need to somehow automatically repeat running the same report, but for a different customer ID each time. Kind of like a batch process.

How can I make this happpen?

The data is in SQL Server 2000. I have Visual Studio 2008 if that helps.

I know Crystal Reports can do this, using the Crystal Reports server. But I'm hoping to find a way to do it using MS Reporting Services.

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How To Add Fields To Report Designer From A Web Service Or Something Equivalent?

Sep 22, 2007


I am trying to add some fields to my report (Using SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services, Visual Studio 2005).

As of now I can only use fields from one of my tables, or use functions within SQL DBMS. However, sometimes I wish to do more complicated things which can not be done (or at least I don't know how to do) withing SQL DBMS.

I wish to write a C# function (Web service) which takes a bunch of parameters and spits out some text. Is it possible to add a field to the report which calls this Web service, sends a bunch of parameters and displays the result of the function.

If not, Is there any way at all to manipulate some data using C# and display the result in the report.

Thanks in advance,
Any help is much appreciated


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Microsoft Report Designer - Deploy Problem

Nov 27, 2007

Using VS2005, trying to make simple reports :

TITLE: Microsoft Report Designer
A connection could not be made to the report server http://<myNonLocalServer>/ReportServer.
The request failed with HTTP status 400: Bad Request. (Microsoft.ReportingServices.Designer)

Have no problems to access http://<myNonLocalServer>/ReportServer and http://<myNonLocalServer>/Reports
This is an new installation of reportserver.

Configure Report Server:
All green, but
SharePoint Integration: blue
Encryption Keys : blue
Email Settings : yellow
Execution Account: yellow

Platform: Windows Server 2003 Standard x64 Edition
SQL Server: SS2005
@@version says: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3042.00 (X64) Feb 10 2007 00:59:02 Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Standard Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 2)

Visual Studio on my local pc:
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005
Version 8.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200)
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 2.0.50727
Installed Edition: Professional
Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 77718-204-0000007-41260
Microsoft Visual Basic 2005
Microsoft Visual C# 2005 77718-204-0000007-41260
Microsoft Visual C# 2005
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 77718-204-0000007-41260
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005
Microsoft Visual J# 2005 77718-204-0000007-41260
Microsoft Visual J# 2005
Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2005 77718-204-0000007-41260
Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2005
Crystal Reports AAC60-G0CSA4B-V7000AY
Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2005

SQL Server Analysis Services
Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services Designer
Version 9.00.2047.00
SQL Server Integration Services
Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Designer
Version 9.00.2047.00
SQL Server Reporting Services
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Designers
Version 9.00.2047.00

TargetServerURL: http://<myNonLocalServer>/ReportServer

How to deploy??

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Output Flow Layout On Report Designer

Apr 22, 2008

Hi all,

How can I design report to flow layout output?

Thank you very much

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Report Designer : BIDS Seems To Hang After Querry

May 16, 2007


I'm creating my first report.
I do "new project" > "report server project".
Thereafter I create my shared datasource.
Thereafter I try to add a new report.
It ask to enter my querry.

I've built up my querry previously with the querry analyser in SSMS, and there it runs quite fast.

But when i copy-paste the querry in the reporting designer, and i choose to preview it, it takes more then 20 minutes.

however, my querry it quite big, but i've written querries ten times larger in my life.
(it's about 50lines: 10 querries, union-ed together and in each one i have 4 innerjoins.... all tables are even almost empty, so it's not that indexes are missing or whatever)...

is it known that in the report designer querries are much more slower????

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Forms Authentication Breaks Report Designer?

Oct 17, 2007

I have implemented forms authentication via a custom security extension in RS2005 as described in a relevant sample. I am asked for credentials when accessing the Report Manager and the Report Builder, however I can no longer connect to the report server in SQL Server Management Studio (I get HTML code as the error message) and the Preview tab in the Report Designer now fails with User Not Authorized.

I can live with the first problem, but the Report Designer needs to work. When I debug the extension, I can see that LogonUser method is being passed empty strings. This makes sense, since the Report Designer has not asked me for the credentials. Do I need to modify any the of the Designer configs to have it pop up the username/password window (similar to Report Builder) or is the only solution to use Windows Authentication on development machines and Forms Authentication in production?

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Report Designer In Visual Studio 2008

Nov 21, 2007

How do I install the report designer in Visual Studio 2008?

Edit: I mean, how do I install the SQLRS 2005 Report Designer in Visual Studio 2008?

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