Report Footer - Need Viable Workaround

Oct 18, 2007

After digging for some time now into the "guts" of SSRS, I am wondering if anyone out there has any ideas which might help me at this point.

I am trying to write an Invoice report.

Each report can have 1 to n invoices on it.
Each invoice can have 1 to n line items (spanning several pages for the larger ones)
Each page must have a fixed header and footer with account and payment information on it (the page header and page footer work OK for this).

And here is the problem. Each invoice must also include 1 to n images at the end of the report. 2 on a page and take up an entire 8.5 by 11 inch page. (spanning many pages when many line items exist)

Since the report already has a page header and footer with the report detail stuffed in a table in the middle of the page (report body), I am stuck.

I have read several posts which talk about having a can-grow container with a subreport in the existing footer, but I can't even come close to getting this to work. My footer would have to take up the entire page and having nothing but a subreport in it.

I can not provide a link to the images in the report, as each report must print in its entirety without user involvement (no drilling down).

I am thinking that my report is too complex for SSRS at this time. I would love to be proven wrong by someone on this forum.

Thanks for any and all replies.


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Continuous Priniting - PDF (MSFT Workaround: Make Sure That Your Report Does Not Use The Subreport Control.)

Nov 6, 2007

I have a report that has one subreport. I am finding that if the entire content of the subreport will not fit within the space remaining on the page that it will not start displaying data from that subreport until the next page of the report, leaving a blank section in the report. I would like it to display as much as possible on the first page and then continue on subsequent pages.

Is there a way?

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Report Footer?

Oct 2, 2006

Is it possible to have both page footer and report footer in SSRS. If so, how?

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Page Header And Page Footer Not Loading Report Items In The Main Report When Subreport Called?

Apr 2, 2007

Hi All,

I am having a main report having two subreports, say M1,S1 and S2 respectively.

The issue is S2 normally tend to go beyond one page, for all pages except first page of the of the subreport I am getting the page header and footer blank,

Actually this is not loading the ReportItems that are used in main report but it shows text boxes containing strings for eg . "My Name" and date functions eg Today()

Any Solution?

Thanks and Regards


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Report Footer To Appear At The End Of Page

Jun 10, 2007

Hi guys,

my report footer displays at after the last row of the table(can be middle of the table)

how do you get the footer to appear at the end of each page?



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Footer Report Version Number

Aug 28, 2007

How do I display the SQL embedded major version number of my rdl report.



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Trying To Get A Report Footer With Out Having Spaces In The Other Pages

Jun 5, 2007


I working on an Invoice report on the last page of each invoice, there is section the client cut off

that section has:

Company Logo

Company Address

Invoice number

INvoice date

Sub total

PSP tax

and Amount due

The Height of the page footer is 1.71823in

This is the work around that I did,

I added a page footer, put a rectangle in it, set the Visibility expression on =Globals.PageNumber < Globals.TotalPages, so it will only show on the last page.

My problem is, on each page I am getting the page footer space, the page footer does not

supress, it's just hidden and every page is having the page footer space in the buttom.

I also set the PrintOnLast page on the page Footer, but that did not work as well.

in print on other pages as well.

I also tried to fit that page footer in a very small Height, but that did not work too, the page footer does not auto grow and the info is getting cut.

Please help.

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How To Add A Group Header And Footer For A Report

Jan 9, 2007

I have a report that is being called via stored proc, and i want to group by contract. when report gets generated i get multiple contracts info. but will be grouped/sorted by contract.

please how can i have a group header and also a group footer to show a summary of each contract information with some calculated fields in it.

i may get 100 records related to 10 contracts , 10 rows for each contract.

as soon as the first contract info is shown on the report it has to show a summary related to the first contract in the group footer, and then continue populating the second contract info and so on.

Please i am totally new to reporting and help would be appreciated. thank you all.

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Report Header And Footer Size When Using Matrix

Jul 2, 2007


Is there a way to dynamically make report header and footer fields change location (or size)? I have many matrix reports that grow in width and then the header and footers do not look good.

Another example is I have a line that is in the header...I would like this to grow to the width of the report, which again is not static on a matrix report.


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How To Put A Footer On The Bottom Of Sets Of Pages In A Report

Aug 16, 2007

Hi forum members.

I'm a new SQL Reporting user and could use some guidance.

Here is a simple explanation of my application: imagine a report which prints out a grade report for each of 10 students. Depending on how many notes a teacher makes on the student's individual grade report, each student's report might be 1 or 2 pages long.

To create this report I just used a List report item and laid out a typical grade report and filled in the appropriate fields (name, teacher, etc.) from my dataset query.

When I run the report, it is running great and the students and their grade reports all print out.

The problem I am running into is I want to make sure each student's name is on page 2 if the grade report for that student goes more than 1 page (so pages aren't separated from each other or mixed up). I tried using a Report Footer, but that just put the first student's name at the bottom of every page. I could put a textfield at the bottom the list control but that would just appear at whatever length page 2 ended up being (basically you could have a "footer" at mid-page if the whole list only took up 1.5 pages).

How can I create a footer for each set of pages? Basically this would be a "footer" to the list control itself.

Thanks in advance!

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Report Footer Doesn't Export To Excel

Nov 7, 2006


I had developed a simple report, that has header, body and footer. In footer i have copyright.

Now the problem is that, when i export it to excel the copyright text i had in the footer doesn't export.

any one had any idea.


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Hide Header And Footer When No Data Returned On Report

Aug 23, 2007

Any suggestions on how to hide the header and footer information if there isn't any data returned on the report?

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Reporting Services :: Footer For A Report That Is Converted To Word Gets Cut Off

Nov 24, 2015

In Visual Studio, when previewing a report with a footer that has two rows of text, the footer appears to display correctly. When I export to Word, the footer for the first page looks as if it has shifted down slightly and the second line is missing. Subsequent pages show the footer correctly.

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Absolutely Page-bottom Alignment On Report Footer: Impossible?

Mar 21, 2007

Relative newb to SSRS here, but the answer to this question evades me; answers and insight are appreciated.

Report in question is an invoice form. It requires an absolutely bottom-of-page aligned footer that has databound elements.

This is so that whatever page that footer finally appears on will print in such a way that the address will align in a windowed envelope.

Ironically, Books Online gives this exact scenario in explaining headers and footers in SSRS, but they cleverly don't explain how an absolutely bottom-of-page-aligned and data-bound footer can be made to happen. Headers at absolute page top is obviously no problem. Footers at page bottom, not so much.

So, this is not a "page footer"--page footers are employed in the body. Also this footer is databound, so a page footer as it's known in SSRS is out the window anyway.

Most of the time this will print on a single page, but if it breaks to multiple pages, that footer needs to go all the way to the absolute bottom.

I grasp that the "report footer" for SSRS is just what appears at the end of any repeating controls that you've implemented in your body. Because SSRS uses this kind of repeating-control based idiom rather than a section-based idiom as Crystal does, this kind of (what I would consider very basic) positioning control is looking fairly impossible right now.

Among what I've tried:

--Page footer (can't; databound)

--Specifying a page break after the pre-footer controls, and/or a page break before the controls that make up the footer in their properties. This leads to unpredictable results with blank printed pages (as many as 8 for what previews as a 2-page report, how silly is that?).

--Putting in a page-height rectangle as part of the footer (with and without the page breaks mentioned above), with the idea of forcing a basically blank page at the end of the report so that the footer will go to the bottom. SSRS will go ahead and break the page anyway on long elements like that, which again leads to the "footer" being printed in the middle or top of the final page, or whereever it happens to fall.

I may be having to explain to my client that you can't get there from here, and they may have to redesign their report. Does anyone have any insight?

Thank you for your time in reading this.

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Subtotals In Table (group Footer) Using Report Items 2005

Aug 31, 2007

How can I calculate a subtotal for a Report Item? I have a textbox(lets call it "PlusMinus") in the detail section of my table, which is a calculated textbox of two others (lets call them "Budget" and "Spent"). So, PlusMinus = (Budget - Spent). What I would like to do is get a subtotal for PlusMinus. I have tried several ways, using Sum() or RunningValue, even tried to write code, but I can't seem to get it right. Any ideas??

Thanks in advance!

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Reporting Services :: Absolutely Page-bottom Alignment On Report Footer

Mar 21, 2007

Report in question is an invoice form. It requires an absolutely bottom-of-page aligned footer that has databound elements. This is so that whatever page that footer finally appears on will print in such a way that the address will align in a windowed envelope. Ironically, Books Online gives this exact scenario in explaining headers and footers in SSRS, but they cleverly don't explain how an absolutely bottom-of-page-aligned and data-bound footer can be made to happen. Headers at absolute page top is obviously no problem. Footers at page bottom, not so much.So, this is not a "page footer"--page footers are employed in the body. Also this footer is databound, so a page footer as it's known in SSRS is out the window anyway.

Most of the time this will print on a single page, but if it breaks to multiple pages, that footer needs to go all the way to the absolute bottom.I grasp that the "report footer" for SSRS is just what appears at the end of any repeating controls that you've implemented in your body. Because SSRS uses this kind of repeating-control based idiom rather than a section-based idiom as Crystal does, this kind of (what I would consider very basic) positioning control is looking fairly impossible right now.Among what I've tried:

--Page footer (can't; databound)
--Specifying a page break after the pre-footer controls, and/or a page break before the controls that make up the footer in their properties. This leads to unpredictable results with blank printed pages (as many as 8 for what previews as a 2-page report, how silly is that?).
--Putting in a page-height rectangle as part of the footer (with and without the page breaks mentioned above), with the idea of forcing a basically blank page at the end of the report so that the footer will go to the bottom. SSRS will go ahead and break the page anyway on long elements like that, which again leads to the "footer" being printed in the middle or top of the final page, or whereever it happens to fall.

I may be having to explain to my client that you can't get there from here, and they may have to redesign their report.

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How To Get A Data Bound Page Footer In SSRS In A Report Having Multiple Tables?

Feb 19, 2008

hello to all..

can someone tell me how I counld get a pagefooter linked textbox to show a data bound
page footer in a report having 8 tables....???
I have tried the common solution showed on the previous forums..
They worked when there was only one table...
where in i could place a group in 1 of the cells in the table body of the report.
but now since der are 8 tables in the report.. d job is become very tricky.

the page footer is not showing up on all the pages of the report.
it only shows on the first page of the report.

Plz help......


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Added Space Character On The Header/Footer Contents Of An Exported Report In Excel

May 21, 2008

A space was added as the first character of the contents in the Left, Center and Right section of the Report Header and Footer exported to Excel. Example :

In the RDL, Header values are:

Left = "Product Report" ; Center = "Confidential" ; Right = "Page n of n"

In the exported report to Excel, Header properties (-->File.-->Page Setup--> Header/Footer Tab) are:

Left = " Product Report" ; Center = " Confidential" ; Right = " Page n of n"

Is there a way to eliminate that space character?

Thanks in advance.

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Viable Question

Oct 14, 2006

Why this always returning 'AAA'declare @ss char(20)set @ss='AAA'set @ss=@ss+'BBB'print @ss

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Reporting Services :: Report Exported To Excel - In Print Preview Footer Text Box Data Truncated

May 6, 2015

I am exporting SSRS report to Excel I am aware that excel doesn't show footer , It shows in print preview but my footer has text box which have text disclaimer more than 255 characters, the data getting truncated.

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Reporting Services :: SSRS Report Page Footer - How To Fix At Absolute Bottom With Dynamic Body Content

May 20, 2015

We have the customer requirement to display the footer of a SSRS Report fixed at the absolute bottom of a DIN A4 format page. The footer contains information like company address and stuff.

I searched quite a while on this topic and only found workarounds for SQL Server 2005 with Custom Code in the SSRS Report to calculate the size of the body content and then insert some empty lines to get the space needed to push the footer to the bottom of the page. But this won't work in SQL Server 2012. And I wasn't able to figure out how to achieve this yet.

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Is My Database Connection Alive And Viable?

Jan 23, 2007

Currently, our application is issuing a 'select count(*) from systypes' command to check to see if the database connection is live (has not been reaped by the firewall.) This is somewhat inefficient. Perhaps a less expensive way to implement this functionality is to issue a ping statement to the instance? At least a more simple SQL query is needed.

I'm sure this function is typical in application architecture. What recommendations do you have for confirming that a database connection is alive and viable from the application?


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Verify Data Source Viable Before Proceeding

Feb 12, 2004

I've completed my first SQL project, for which I've built a DTS Package. First thing it does it drop all records in the destination table, before importing new records from a txt file and then massaging them.

After I got done, I realized that if the data source is not available for some reason, the records will still be dropped, the process will fail, and the destination table will be left empty. In this case, leaving the existing records intact would be preferable to not having any.

How can I test that the txt file exists before dropping the records?



ps: Users will maintain a link to the table. I plan to update the table after business hours. If someone happens to have their linked application open while I'm trying to update the table, will it fail?

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ODBC Connect From MS Access To SQL Server 2000-Viable?

Jul 20, 2005

How viable is it to use MS Access as a front end (via ODBC) to a SQL Server2000 database?The users would access via the internet using a netgear vpn setup.Thanks,Paul S

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Page Totals: Table Footer Or Page Footer?

Nov 28, 2007

I currently have an Ungrouped Dataset being displayed in a Table. One of the columns include AMOUNT.
This is an example of what my report looks like atm:
**Report Name**

No Name Amount

Signed By XXXX

I would like to display a SUBTOTAL of the Amounts for each page and, on the final page, a TOTAL of the Amounts.
Yes the Last Page's SubTotal and Total will be the same.
Looking like:

**Report Name**

No Name Amount
Sub Total Amount
Signed By XXXX

**Report Name**

No Name Amount

(<-----no huge spaces between Table/Subtotal)
Sub Total Amount

Total Amount

Signed By XXXX


I've found a way to get a Page's SubTotal, but the way I found requires this to be put in a field on the Page Footer Section.
This means that on the final page, the SubTotal will be at the top of the Page Footer and not neccessarily directly beneath the table.

1. Is there a way to move the Page Footer so that its printed DIRECTLY under neath the Page Body instead of at the bottom of the Page?
2. If not, is there a way to have the SubTotal of each Page and a Final Page Total in the Page Body section.

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8114 Workaround

Dec 14, 2004

The very simplified version of my problem is that these


Select DISTINCT Convert(Numeric,KWID)

should work, but don't because KWID is a varchar and somewhere in there is something that won't convert.

I get this error:
Server: Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 1
Error converting data type varchar to numeric.

I would love to find out which rows are causing the error, but more importantly I would like to have a Null value where the conversion doesn't work and the numeric values where it does work.

I have already deleted all obvious non-numeric characters, but I believe there are some line terminators being read as carriage returns in this table. :confused:

Any workaround or way to determine which rows have KWID that cannot be converted to numeric would be most appreciated.


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Deadlocks Workaround?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All,I have read about deadlocks here on Google and I was surprised to readthat an update and a select on the same table could get into adeadlock because of the table's index. The update and the selectaccess the index in opposite orders, thereby causing the deadlock.This sounds to me as a bug in SQL Server!My question is: Could you avoid this by reading the table with a'select * from X(updlock)' before updating it? I mean: Would thisresult in the update transaction setting a lock on the index rowsbefore accessing the data rows?Merry Christmas!/Fredrik Möller

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How Can I Workaround This Problem?

Nov 8, 2006

Hello everbody,

this query:


WHERE (DD_CATEGORIES & 2147483648) > 0

bring the error message:

Invalid operator for data type.

The value 2147483648 is hex 0x80000000 for bitwise

joining defined.

I try to cast it to decimal, but it does not work.

Have anybody an idea?

Thanks for answers!

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Need Workaround For DATEPART(wk, ...) Function !

Aug 6, 2001

The function "DATEPART(wk, [valid_date])" appears to have the following bug:

DATEPART(wk, date) returns week 53 for the following dates (checked years 2000, 2001, 2002):
year 2000: 12-24-2000 through 12-30-2000 inclusive
year 2001: 12-30-2000 through 12-31-2001 inclusive
year 2002: 12-29-2002 through 12-31-2002 inclusive

DATEPART(wk, date) returns week 54 for the following dates:
year 2000: 12-31-2000

SQL2000 SP1.

Are there any known workarounds/fixes/patches for this (other than just hand-coding the function?)


David Schneider
Engineering Manager
iScribe, Inc.

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Whileprintingrecords Equivalent Or Workaround?

Apr 10, 2008

I'm converting crystal reports to SSRS reports right now and came across this function that I'm not familiar with.
It's a formula field in crystal that has this formula:

NumberVar RTCurrent;
NumberVar RT31to60;
NumberVar RT61to90;
NumberVar RT91to120;
NumberVar RTOver120;
if {@AgedDays} < 31 then RTCurrent := RTCurrent + {@BalanceDue} else
if ({@AgedDays} > 30 and {@AgedDays} < 61) then RT31to60 := RT31to60 + {@BalanceDue} else
if ({@AgedDays} > 60 and {@AgedDays} < 91) then RT61to90 := RT61to90 + {@BalanceDue} else
if ({@AgedDays} > 90 and {@AgedDays} < 121) then RT91to120 := RT91to120 + {@BalanceDue} else
if {@AgedDays} > 120 then RTOver120 := RTOver120 + {@BalanceDue}

@Aged days is just an integer, but that shouldn't matter for this thread.

Is there just a While loop equivalent for this in SSRS?

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Apr 10, 2008

At some point in time, when I release my code from developemnt to production, somebody will onvoke the SQL Script containg my certificates and symettric keys based on my master key. Unfortunately this seems a bit of a weekness as my SQL SCRIPT contains the CREATE MASTER KEY ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD stement which has the password itself in clear. (script gets invoked from a command line in a batch script which is all under documeny mangement control). Obviously I would not like my password to be be in clear anywhere - i.e. not in document control nor viewable from whoever invokes the script. What is best pracrice to adopt on this? - encrypt the script file?


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UDF Taking Too Long To Run Workaround ?

Apr 28, 2006

I have written a UDF into which I pass a table name, field name, value of the field, whether alpha characters are valid, whether numerics are valid, and a string of alphanumerics that are valid. I return back a string with all invalid characters removed. Unfortunately when I use this on names and addresses in an 12000 row table, it takes forever to run. Can anyone think of an easy way to do this which isn't so labour intensive. Please see code below.

NB CHAR(32) is space, CHAR(45) is -,CHAR(39) is '

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.UDF_RemoveInvalidCharacters
( @sTableName varchar(50),-- e.g. 'Contact'
@sFieldname varchar(50),-- e.g. 'Lastname'
@sFieldValue varchar(500),-- e.g. 'Jeremi@h O''Grady84'
@sAlphaValid char(1),-- e.g. 'Y'
@sNumericValid char(1),--e.g. 'N'
@sAlphanumericsValid varchar(500))--'CHAR(32):CHAR(45):CHAR(39)'
RETURNS varchar(500)
DECLARE @sReturnValue varchar(500),
@nTableID int,
@nFieldLength int,
@nCurrentPos int,
@sTestChar char(1),
@sValid char(1),
@nAlphanumericPos int,
@sAlphanumericTest varchar(8),
@sTempTestChar varchar(8),
@sAlphasFound char(1),
@sNumericsFound char(1),
@sAlphanumericsFound char(1)

--Get ID of table that the field is on
SELECT @nTableID = [id]
WHERE [name] = @sTableName

--Get the length of the field
SELECT @nFieldLength = sc.length
WHERE = @nTableID
AND = @nTableID
AND = @sFieldName

--Initialise values
SET @sReturnValue = ''
SET @nCurrentPos = 1
SET @sValid = 'N'
SET @sAlphasFound = 'N'
SET @sNumericsFound = 'N'
SET @sAlphanumericsFound = 'N'

--Test each character to ensure it is valid before adding it to the return string, a string consisting solely of alphanumeric characters would be wrong
WHILE @nFieldLength >= @nCurrentPos
SET @sTestChar = substring(@sFieldValue,@nCurrentPos,1)
IF @sAlphaValid = 'Y' --alphas are valid
IF UPPER(@sTestChar) in ('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z')
SET @sValid = 'Y'
SET @sAlphasFound = 'Y'

IF @sNumericValid = 'Y' AND @sValid <> 'Y'--numerics are valid
IF @sTestChar in ('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9')
SET @sValid = 'Y'
SET @sNumericsFound = 'Y'
SET @nAlphanumericPos = 1
WHILE LEN(@sAlphanumericsValid) > @nAlphanumericPos AND @sValid <> 'Y' --alphanumerics that are valid
IF CHARINDEX(':',SUBSTRING(@sAlphanumericsValid,@nAlphanumericPos,LEN(@sAlphanumericsValid))) > 0
SET @sAlphanumericTest = SUBSTRING(@sAlphanumericsValid,@nAlphanumericPos,CHARINDEX(':',SUBSTRING(@sAlphanumericsValid,@nAlphanumericPos,LEN(@sAlphanumericsValid)))-1)
SET @sAlphanumericTest = SUBSTRING(@sAlphanumericsValid,@nAlphanumericPos,(LEN(@sAlphanumericsValid)-@nAlphanumericPos)+1)
SET @sTempTestChar = 'CHAR(' + RTRIM(LTRIM(STR(ASCII(@sTestChar)))) + ')'
IF @sTempTestChar = @sAlphanumericTest AND (@sAlphasFound = 'Y' OR @sNumericsFound = 'Y') --alphanumerics are only valid once we have alpha or numerics
SET @sValid = 'Y'
SET @sAlphanumericsFound = 'Y'
SET @nAlphanumericPos = @nAlphanumericPos + LEN(@sAlphanumericTest) + 1
IF @sValid = 'Y'
SELECT @sReturnValue = @sReturnValue + @sTestChar
SET @nCurrentPos = @nCurrentPos + 1
SELECT @sValid = 'N'
IF @sAlphanumericsFound = 'Y' AND @sNumericsFound = 'N' AND @sAlphasFound = 'N' --alphanumerics on their own are not valid
SELECT @sReturnValue = ''
RETURN @sReturnValue --in the example I would get Jeremih O'Grady

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Workaround For Precendence Constraint

Apr 30, 2007


Any insights to this issue would be great.

Following is my problem statement. I have write around 20Batch programs and in each batch i have atleast 7-8 data validations. If any of the data validation fails then i have to perform a log operation and exit.

Now I have each of my data validation as a Script Task (Control Flow) which inturn would call my SP and set the "Status" variable accordingly

I have written a "OnVariableValueChanged" Event with Raise Change Event for "Status" variable set to "True" Now in this event i check if Status = False, if it is false then i perform the log operation and throw a new DTSException to abort the control flow execution. The event gets fired but it continues to process the next control step(but i wanted it stop there). I could have acheived this by setting a precendence constraint (Status = True) for all of my control flow task but i feel the other approach to be very elegant.

Any suggestions to make this work??

Thanks & Regards

Arvind T N

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