Report Formatting Differently On Different Servers With Same RDL
Mar 5, 2007
This is a good one:
Same RDL, 2 different servers. I run the report on my computer and export to PDF, it prints properly. When the customer runs the report on their server (SSRS 2K5 SP1, same as mine), they get it displayed differently. The columns on the report extend to the next page and the lines are thicker.
Is this a formatting issue on the customer's PC? It uses standard fonts (Tahoma, Sans-serif).
I created a custom assembly using C# to transform some binary data into text, and in this assembly I used one win32 dll developed by our customer to help me to do the tranformation. The code I used to call the win32 dll is like below: [DllImport("tdasuie.dll", EntryPoint = "AlrtLogConditionToText", ExactSpelling = false, CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)] private static extern UInt32 AlrtLogConditionToText(Byte[] pbCondition, StringBuilder pszText, UInt32 dwSize);
I defined a C# method to call the above win32 method and return a string. Then in the report, I called this C# method to get the correct string.
In the report designer, the C# method in the custom assembly can return the correct string in the preview window. But after I deployed the report into the report server, the textbox will only display "#error" in the report manager web page.
Hi,I've run into a curious problem with MS SQL Server 8.0. Using sp_help andSQL Query Analyzer's object browser to view the columns returned by a view,I find that sp_help is reporting stale information.In a recent schema change, for example, someone lengthened a varchar columnfrom 15 to 50 characters. If we use sp_help to find out about a view thatdepends upon this column, it still shows up as VARCHAR(15), whereas theobject browser correctly reports it as VARCHAR(50).Dropping and recreating the view fixes the problem, but we have quite a fewviews, and dropping and re-creating all of them any time a schema change ismade is something we want to avoid. I tried using DBCC CHECKDB in hopes thatit would 'refresh' SQL Server's information, but no luck.(if you're curious as to why I don't just use the object browser instead,read boring technical details below)Has anyone seen this before? Is there some other way (other thanre-creating every view) to tell SQL Server to "refresh" it's information?Thanks!-Scott----------------------Boring Technical Information:The reason this is an issue for us (i.e., I can't just use the objectbrowser instead) is that our object model classes are built using standardmetadata query methods in Java that seem to be returning the same staleinformation that sp_help is returning. These methods are a part of thestandard JDK, so we can't easily fiddle with them. Anyway, as a result, ourobject model (at least with respect to views) may not match our currentschema!
I have a report that was designed using SQL Reporting Services that sits on a SQL reporting server. It's nothing too exciting, it is essentially a three page application with legal jumbo on pages 2 and 3 and applicant data in fields on page 1.
We use rectangles to force page breaks to page 2 and to page 3.
When running the report on the report server, it shows and prints fine.
When running the report from the QA website internally, it shows and prints just fine.
When running the report from the production website from a machine internally, it shows and prints just fine.
When running the report from outside of the company network, the report is jacked. It obliterates large chunks of text, crams text together, and creates blank pages.
I need help in determining where I even begin with trouble shooting this!
Hi, I have to generate a report in this format ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Id NO date1 date2 date3 date4 defination ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 xxx xxx xxx xxx ABC 2 xx yy yy LMN 3 22 33 xxx fff HIF 3 22 33 xxx fff TEST 3 22 33 xxx fff BEST 3 22 33 xxx fff TRUST
The problem is for the field Id No where the fields---------------- Id No, date1 ,date2,date3,date4 are same and only defination is differrent they do not want me to repeat the same data but shown it once and display all the different defination like below
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Id NO date1 date2 date3 date4 defination ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 xxx xxx xxx xxx ABC 2 xx yy yy LMN 3 22 33 xxx fff HIF
I tried doing grouping by IdNO and show defination in seperate detail line,it gives the field defination in the next line like below, which the end users dont want
Id NO date1 date2 date3 date4 defination ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 xxx xxx xxx xxx
How can you I format the top portion of the report? In other words: I have a report with two parameters: dropdown Test, and a text box Test 2. Everything works fine but I want the dropdown to be in a line then the text box in another line. I can€™t find away to format this automatically generated section?
I created a report using SQL Report Server project. I was able to retrieve my data without any problem. I am having a hard time to format the data correctly: when somebody access the report he will have the option to export it to PDF file
Here is how I would like to format the PDF File:
Test (title)
Department : A Mike Jebson
St Address State City 14111 NC Test 12541 NC Test2
Page 1
For the second user I will have all the above template to be Repeated again
St Address State City 14111 NC Test 12541 NC Test2
Department : A George Jebson
14111 NC Test 12541 NC Test2
Department : B Steve J
14111 NC Test 12541 NC Test2
I want the whole template to be repeated for each user. I do group by name but still I can€™t repeat title and the lines for each page. It will put everything under one title. Is there a design screen for pdf? Or i just need to do everything in the layout tab for the report then expor it as a PDF?
I have a problem.... I have a TSQL procedure that calculates employee overtime based upon days 1-5 of week being "in-week", and days 6-7 oweek being week-end overtime. The resulting data is then mailed to dept managers. My problem: for some reason the calculated colums are being generated at a width of 40 char per column. I somehow need to reduce the width to 8-10 characters per colum (this will eliminate the wraping that I currently get in my e-mails)... Any help would be appreciated... Thanks..Tom
I have a report with two datasets(and two tables). They both have a field in common(a customer code).
I want the results to be one customer per page. This isn't a problem when using one dataset, because I can just group by customer_code and page break at the end.
But in this case I need the customer info from the second dataset to be on the same page as the customer info from the first set.
We have developed client SQL Server Reporting Services reports (rdlc) that are completely dynamic.
Everything on the report itself is build from code.
There are a few problems in the formatting of these reports that we have not been able to correct.
1) Because of the way the data has to be displayed. we have had to use a List control with Textboxes and Lines within to give the appearance of a table.(Column headers are textboxes with background set to gray). Line controls exist between each column of data. We did this because we need to have nested lists in some cases to display the data.
The height of the listbox is adjusted to fit the contents within. The vertical lines between the columns appear broken with gaps between each item.
Is there any way to set the line height to automatically fit the height of the ListBox.
2) Another issue we have is with Texboxes. If there is no value in the Textbox, the borders do not show. CanShrink is set to false. Hidden is false. Is there any other setting or something else that could be causing this?
Using SQL 2005 Reporting Services, with the click of one button in my custom report viewer, is there a way I can generate my report, format it into PDF and send it to an email address that is shown on the report itself. (Report run may generate 1 copy specific to each, I want one copy to email to each client, and not have to have the clients subscribe to the report).
I need Report Builder to format Certain Numbers as Currency by default. According to the documentation I need to set the culture setting in the report's datasource.
I'm using a SSAS2005 Cube The Report Manager then let's me create the Model wich is used by Report Builder.
My Question is: Where do I set the culture setting?
I cannot find it in the Cube and viewing the model's xml hasn't helped. Any help will be dearly appreciated
I cannot find anything that would suggest it is possible to use a cascading style sheet when formatting data elements within a local report (RDLC). We created an HTML report using CSS and now want to generate the same report using the Report Viewer control along with our defined styles.
I have a "report" that is more like a form with a great many fields on it that are not arranged like columns. The data is displayed in text boxes. My problem is that the "fields" or text boxes do not always form a nice single line where they connect - at least in the displayed format (HTML4.0), but actually do in printed format. It looks like the fields/textboxes may have a varying width, and possibly height.
Is there any way to make sure that the width and height are static?
I am currently developing a report for users who insist on exporting to Excel 2007. When I export to Excel on my PC, the report formatting is fine (I am using Excel 2003), however, font sizing as applied in the report is lost when exported to Excel 2007 (i.e. font size 9 in the report is actually 10 in excel 2007). In Excel 2007, the data which runs onto two lines does not show up correctly - the second line is squashed below the first.
Env: Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Version 8.00.1042.00, <OSName>Microsoft Windows NT 5.2.3790.0</OSName> <OSVersion>5.2.3790.0</OSVersion>
Last week a number of reports that were working fine began rendering incorrectly when sent out in report subscription emails - they work fine when directly rendered using report manager. The weird issues include broken alignment (left instead of right), missing borders, and changed fonts.
I checked the report deployment dates and these reports have not changed since well before the issues arose. I am digging thru the event logs to see what might have changed, but has anyone seen this issue before?
I have a report that has ten pages (essentially ten different reports). Each page has one, large main chart and then three smaller charts stacked on top of each other off to the right. The layout is in landscape. When I render the report in Reporting Services, the layout looks fine. If I export it to Adobe, it is also fine. However, when the report is emailed as a PDF attachment, the main chart on each page is completely missing. Has anybody experienced something simliar? I was having issues with the layout, and decreasing the height of each page fixed everything, but created this new problem. I am using Adobe 7.0. Thank you.
I'm looking for a new way to publish reports based on OLAP data and was very disappointed to find that Reporting Services does not natively support displaying MDX query results in a matrix. While it is possible to assign an MDX query to the matrix control in Reporting Services, the two main problems are that the columns of the query must be measures (not dimensions), and it does not support display of server based formatting (fore color, back color, and font flags).
Does anyone know of any custom control that properly deals with Analysis Services data?
I'm working with the SQL Report Viewer in VS2k5. In the Data tab, where the Dataset drop down list is, I click the "..." to edit the dataset. I am currently using the following for the datasource... Data Source=ServerName;Initial Catalog=DatabaseName In one database, I store an employee ID number. I need to access a different database on a different server to reference the employee ID and pull the employee's name. Is there a way to specify two different databases on two different servers in the connection string above? Thanks!
I am trying to configure MOSS and SSRS and when I go to Grant Database Access via Central Admin, I get this error No report servers were found on the specified machine.
I have created the sharepoint integrated databae via Reporting Services Config tool. Any ideas?
Error: "no report servers were found on the specified machine"
I get this error when launching the Reporting Services Configuration Manager...I've never seen this error, usually it can talk to my local servername but unfortunately it's not. This is a new test server and the first time I've come across this message after setting up Reporting services on 2 machines sucessfully in the past.
I'm looking to deploy some SQL Server reports and I want to restrict the access that the users have. Currently when connecting to the reports site they have access to a lot of functionality through the header bar, for example - Properties - New Folder - New Data Source - My Subscriptions - Site Settings - Search etc.
How can I disbale or hide all these options so that all the user sees is the list of reports?
Our report server are constantly getting the below error.
What causes this - I know how to fix it, in fact, I've automated it but why does it constantly happen on some servers? I guess I'd like to know what causes it to try and fix it at those points instead of having to fix it here. Proactively.
Reporting Services Error
The report server cannot decrypt the symmetric key used to access sensitive or encrypted data in a report server database. You must either restore a backup key or delete all encrypted content. Check the documentation for more information. (rsReportServerDisabled) (rsRPCError) Get Online Help
The report server cannot decrypt the symmetric key used to access sensitive or encrypted data in a report server database. You must either restore a backup key or delete all encrypted content. Check the documentation for more information. (rsReportServerDisabled)
The report server cannot decrypt the symmetric key used to access sensitive or encrypted data in a report server database. You must either restore a backup key or delete all encrypted content. Check the documentation for more information. (rsReportServerDisabled)
I created a PDA application with a database, which has a table with a uniqueidentifier field and primarykey.
While doing the bulk insert from dataset into sql mobile database, It is inserting the record but it is not inserting the id which was entered into the sql server 2005 database, instead the id by creating a new id and the code is as below.
conAdap = new SqlCeDataAdapter(strQuery, conSqlceConnection);
SqlCeCommandBuilder cmdBuilder = new SqlCeCommandBuilder(conAdap);
I have a report designed in RB3 that uses a data source from a SQL database that is on the report server. I want to add data to the report from an access database an a network drive.
I can add the second data source and create a data set to add data to the report. The dataset query returns data from the Access database but when I run the report I get the following error.
An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
Cannot create a connection to data source 'Feasibility'. (rsError OpeningConnection)
Also when I test the connection to the Access data base I get error ERROR (IM002) (Microsoft)(ODBC Driver Manger) Data source name not found and no default driver specified.
I noticed that Report Builder is connecting to the report server. If I disconnect from the report server I can a can connect to the Access data base but not the SQL database.
How can I get the report to run against both data sources?
I'm hoping someone can help me out - at least by pointing me to who I can ask, if not answering the question directly. I have some encrypted values in a SQL Server 2000 database that I unencrypt and use in a website that I just converted from .NET 1.1 to .NET 2. The data is pulled from the database using standard ADO with no changes between the .NET 1.1 version and the .NET 2 version - yet for some data entries, when the identical value is pulled by the .NET 2 code it is changed or shorted. For example: 1.1 code traces out a value pulled from the db as: ᒪ࢖淨�d�把���媑쬹�䜻ꖉ��� The same value pulled from the database by .NET 2 looks like this: ᒪ࢖淨�d�把媑쬹�䜻ꖉ Do you know why the database value would be interpreted diferently by .NET 2 than by .NET 1.1? How can I bring this in sync so that both 1.1 sites and 2 sites can use the same data?
So I get the basics, have a script that can deploy a single report to a single server. I have other simple scripts that work as well. Now I want a script that can deploy a single report to multiple Sharepoint servers. I have about 30. I know we are probably doing this wrong, as in, we shouldn't be deploying the same report to 30 sites, as they are all all technically all on the same server however they are all independent site collections so as far as I know there is no way to deploy them to a central location and then link to them from each site.
So I tried to copy elements of my single report deploy script and duplicate the Sub Main() to Sub Main1() and Sub Main2() with multiple "ParentPath1" dims, yes I know I'm stupid. That obviously didn't work. So looking at some other scripts including my own subscription updater and I'm sure I need to do some kind of "For Each item in X" but where to start. The other lists I've seen all come from rs.Something. My list is just 30 variables in the script, how can I say for each site in this list, Publish this report?
Here's the simple script that works fine. I just don't know how to modify it to make it deploy this to multiple sites. After I figure that out, I was going to accept the challenge of deploying multiple reports to multiple sites in a single script...
Dim warnings As Warning() = Nothing Dim parentFolder As String = "Reports" Dim filePath As String = "filepath" Dim reportName As String = "Report file name" Dim parentPath As String = "Sharepoint site URL" Public Sub Main()
There is an int filed in my table called "WeekNo" and when I use order by WeekNo Desc, I am getting the following result. 9 8 7 7 6 5 4 3 2 18 17 16 15 15 14 13 13 12 11 10 10 1
This does not seem right, can anyone comment why i am getting this result.
Our Transactions/sec counter jumped quite a bit when we moved to SQL Server 2005. The move coincided with increased load so we didn't think anything of it until recently. Upon further review, the counter just seems too high.
There was an article in SQL Server magazine a few years ago by Brian Moran where he states, "Transactions/sec doesn't measure activity unless it's inside a transaction. Batch Requests/sec measures all batches you send to the server even if they don't participate in a transaction." He goes on to say that Transactions/sec will be skewed lower because it is a subset of Batch Requests/sec. (
The article was written for SQL Server 2000. We conducted tests in 2000 and found what he said to be right on the money. SELECT statements increased Batch Requests/sec, but not Transactions/sec. UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE statements increased both in lockstep. Makes perfect sense so far.
We conducted the same tests in 2005 and found a radically different story. While SELECT statements behaved the same, UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE statements showed Transactions/sec skyrocket 2-10x more than Batch Requests/sec for the duration of the statement. In other words, a single transaction submitted by our application fires off exponentially more transactions than the one we submitted. I was unable to pinpoint exactly what these "hidden" transactions were actually doing. Is this something that occurred in 2000 but simply wasn't reported? Or is it new behavior in 2005?
While trying to answer these questions we noticed a second strange behavior in 2005. When no queries are being executed the Transactions/sec counter still jumps every six seconds like clockwork. And these phantom transactions number in the thousands. We tried to use profiler to capture what SQL was being executed, but nothing shows up in any SQL Statement or Batch event. However, when we turned on the SQLTransaction event we found it, sort of. An object called GhostCleanupTask runs every six seconds causing thousands of transactions. We don't know exactly what it is doing, but we noticed that it ran consistently on some databases, but never on other databases. Both sets of databases are identical and in use.
So, all of this investigation leads me with three final questions.
1. What is behind all the extra transactions caught by perfmon when I submit a single transaction? 2. What is GhostCleanupTask and why does it take so many transactions? (And why does it only run on certain databases?) 3. If a potential customer asks for our Transactions/sec count, is it accurate to give them the big number, knowing that our application is only actually submitting a fraction of that? On the other hand, the system apparently is actually doing that many transactions. (For instance, on our production server during peak, Batch Requests/sec is about 4,000, while Transactions/sec hits 26,000.