Report Model Is Generating Without Data
Feb 22, 2007
I have been generating report models for users to use with Report Builder and there is no data when they select the model. I noticed that the tables I chose did not have a primary key and when I chose a different table, with a primary key, and generated a model from it, then there was data for the user to use in Report Builder.
Is there a documented work around or will I need to set a primary key on each table?
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Apr 8, 2008
Wasted a lot of time figuring out the possible cause of this. I was working in connected mode (with VSS), and when it tried to create a Report Model (after doing all its validations/checks), it had to check-out the project file, which is normal. But before doing so, it tries to check-out the .dsv file as well (data source view file from which report model is being generated). While attempting this, the visual studio crashes.
I could never guess that this could be an issue. All the time I was trying to figure out if there was anything wrong with the data in my tables.
So, for me, a simple solution worked - check-out the .dsv file before you start creating data model. I hope this may save time for others...
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Apr 20, 2006
My problem is this: How do I dynamically generate a Report Model Definition with c#?
Is there some sort of method I could call from the ReportingService2005 web service? Or some sort of APIs I could use?
If I didn't have a dynamic database structure, I would just create a Report Model Definition with BIS and then deploy the same model to each customer. However, our product creates additional tables in the database, depending on what data users wish to collect.
There are currently 2 solutions for this problem. First, I can manually create a Report Model Definition through the Buisness Intelligence Studio (BIS). However, I wish to be able to dynamically generate the report model without having to go through BIS. Second, I could use C# and manually write the XML of the SMDL. However this seems problematic.
I'm really hoping for some MS API that I'm missing out on here. Thanks for the help.
- Sean
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Mar 20, 2008
When I attempt to generate a datasource model I get the following error messages:
More than one item in the Entity 'Customer' has the
name 'Customer Merge Custs'. Item names must be unique
among immediate siblings. (DuplicateItemName)
More than one Field in the Entity 'Customer' has the
name 'Customer Merge Custs'. Field names must be
unique within an Entity. (DuplicateFieldName)
More than one item in the Entity 'Pricing Service Layout
Detail' has the name 'Pricing Service
Extensions'. Item names must be unique among immediate
siblings. (DuplicateItemName)
More than one Field in the Entity 'Pricing Service Layout
Detail' has the name 'Pricing Service
Extensions'. Field names must be unique within an Entity.
Examining any of the above tables in SQL Server Management Studio does not reveal any duplicate column names. In fact, 'Customer_Merge_Custs' does not appear to be a column in 'Customer' nor does 'Pricing_Service_Extensions' appear in 'Pricing_Service_Layout_Detail'.
As an experiment, deleting the table 'Pricing_Service_Extensions' and regenerating did make the two associated messages go away.
Steve P.
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Dec 5, 2005
Running 2005 Beta 3 Refresh. When I first deploy, it works fine. Subsequent deployments yield the following error:
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Sep 5, 2006
I try to generate ad hoc reporting model for analysis services cube in reporting services.
in Management Studio I connected to reporting services, defined a data source to the analysis services database.
But If i try to generate model i get the error:
"While connection with a data source a mistake has appeared, or the query is invalid for the data source. (rsCannotPrepareQuery)(Report Services SOAP Proxy Source)"
Any ideas as to what may be the problem?
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Jun 15, 2007
I'm creating my first Report Model and I've managed to get through it, but if I select the "Update model statistics before generating" in the "Report Model Wizard", I get this error:
"Specified method is not supported"
(It would be a little less frustrating if it actually HAD specified the method <s>)
Anyone know what this is or how to fix it?
Thanks in advance,
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Sep 24, 2007
I am trying to applying an data filter that will filter out user based on userid
Three tables:
tblPerson (fact table): contains over 1 million records with about 20 fields. One of the fields is called BureauID (int). BureauID indicates what Bureau the person works in for an given record.
tblBureau (attribute table) which has a FK relationship to tblPerson) contains the following fields:
BureauID int - this is the linked field to tbl person
Bureau Code varchar
Bureau ShortName varchar
The reason we use tblBureau as in attribute table instead of place the bureau code and short name directly into table Person is so that we index tbl person quickly with "ints".
tblDataAccess, which has two fields loginID with bureau Code. The bureau code in this table tells me what bureau that userid has access to.
How do i get the report model to filter based on this userid????. I know i have to add some data filters but i am not sure where.
I put an filter on DataAccess so that login = getuserid().
But what do i do to table person or table bureau, so that a person can only see the people in there bureau.
Thanks for you help
Ryan Swann
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Feb 1, 2008
I created a report model using reporting services, deployed the model locally and then built a report based on that model. The report works fine, but any data updates don't show up, seems like data is cached. I bounced reporting services, cleared cached tables in ReportServerTempDB but of no use. Has anybody faced this problem? How can I get updated data for reports built through a report model. Any help is appreciated.
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Oct 18, 2007
I have built a data model in visual studio that I am using with report builder in reporting services. The data model is using data from a view in SQL Server 2005. I am trying to apply a filter to the data model to restrict the data available in report builder. I know that I could change the code for the view and filter that data that way, but I would rather creates two models each one producing differnt sets of filtered data. I have tried adding a filter to the data model, but it does not seem to work. Do anyone have any suggestions?
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Feb 8, 2007
Hi all
I have created security roles that restrict access to a certain Dimension
and a member therein.
The security works fine when the users finened in it runs a report:
The data is accordingley ristricted.
The problem is when those same users run Report Builder and create a report,
those members are no longer restricted and they have acces to absoluteley
all data from the cubes.
Is there some way that I can force the Data Model to follow the cube's security roles?
Any help is much appreciated...
Gerhard Davids
I have found that it uses the wrong user when opening report builder.
For some reason it uses my windows account instead of the one I used to log onto
report manager. This is way the security isnt working
Any thoughts what may be causing this?
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Jan 29, 2007
I've used the Dec CTP of SQL 2005 SP2 to create a Report Server Project.
In this project, I can create an XML datasource and successfully use that datasource in a report published on Sharepoint using the new Sharepoint AddIn.
I've also used Dec CTP of SQL 2005 SP2 to create a Report Model Project.
In this project I can create SQL Data Sources, DataSource Views andReport Models which I deploy to sharepoint and create a report builder based report from.
What I can't do is create an XML based datasource in a Report Model Project. Also, if I create one solution containing both types of project, the Report Model Project Data Source Wizard suggests I can create a data source based on an existing data source in my solution. What I find is that my XML data source from the Report Server Project is not listed. In fact even if I create a SQL data source in the Report Server Project that isn't available either.
Please let me know what should work now/RTM.
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Jan 17, 2008
I've created a Report Model Project that can be used by Report Builder to generate ad-hoc reports. I'm trying to create a connection string in my Report Server Project that points to the Report Model Project data source view.
All I can do is create a regular datasource, which bypasses the metadata contained in the Data Source View.
Basically I want my Report Server Project and my Report Builder reports to leverage the same metadata. Is this possible? If so how do I get the connection string?
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Jul 6, 2007
We've built an oltp that uses nothing but synonyms that reach out to various DB's in the organization thru linked servers.
The issue that we are having is Data Source Views can only see tables and views. Is it possible to use synonyms? If not what would be a work around.
Please advise. Thanks
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Oct 29, 2007
I am attempting to create a new report model. When I try to update statistics from the data source view I get the following error - Data is Null. This method or property cannot be called on Null values. I tried changing the generation rules so that attributes are only created for non-empty columns but that didn't help. Any assistance is appreciated. Thanks.
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Dec 20, 2006
I've been doing research on the web trying to find if it's possible to create a Report Model that is based on a Data Source that is NOT SQL Server and NOT SSAS.
Specifically I'd like to be able to build a Report Model on a Web Server (or multiple web services).
Does anyone have any information relating to this? Based on my research it looks like there's a few interfaces that need to be implemented (such as ISemanticModelGenerator, etc.).
I did find a post relating to using ODBC data sources for a Report Model and the recommended solution was Linked Tables in SQL Server or UDM in SSAS. Both cases don't look feasible for a Web Service-based Data Source.
Jeremy Wiebe
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Oct 18, 2007
I am trying to develop a data model that will filter data based on the user logged in. SUSER_SNAME()
I have a list of User Id's in a look up table, a where clause in a view that filters the data based on who is logged in. This works fine and the data even seems to be filtered when I explore the data in the Data Source View. How ever when I publish the data model to the reporting services site and use report builder the user logged in is no longer recognized. All I am really trying to do is set up report builder so that users can generate reports and only have access to thier data via a customer number. I just can't allow users to see other users data and I don't want to set up a different datasource view for each user. Does any one have any experience with this?
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Feb 22, 2007
I have an existing project with the data source and report folder with working reports. I need to create a model for other department members to use Report Builder, not Business Intelligence Developer Studio, to develop their reports from. How do I add a data source view and report model folder to the project so I can then create a view and model?
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Oct 5, 2015
I need to create a data model for powerview report but I don't have data right now. The data will be loaded later after I create the report. What technique should I use??
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May 23, 2007
I have a datasource view DSV1. It points to a datasource DS1 that is considered the "primary".
I have created a Report Model that uses DSV1 (and thus uses DS1)
I created a new datasource, DS2 that I would like to use instead of DS1. (I can't just modify DS1 because if I modify it, it will overwrite it when we go to our Production environment and break that datasource)
So, I can go into DSV1 and change all the references from DS1 to DS2.
But that's where the problem lies.
When I try to build, I get the following error:
"The Table property of the Entity "E1" refers to the Table "dbo_View", which is not in the primary data source."
Somehow, the entity is tied to the "primary" datasource. When I change it back to DS1, everything works fine. Any thoughts? What can I do?
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Jan 9, 2007
Hi everyone!,
Our team is new to SSRS and we are trying to figure out how to refresh the data source view, autogenerate the corressponding report model and Re-Deploy the Report Model (rewrite existing Report Model) on the server on a periodoc basis or trigger the whole action whenever there is a change in the database on some specific tables.
We prefer to do this action through a Agent job ( a diff approach is also welcome).
Are there any stored procs out there?
Appreciate your time.
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Apr 28, 2015
We are generating excel report using report viewer at run time but if excel report having more then 65000 record generating error Microsoft. Reporting Services.OnDemandReportRendering.ReportRenderingException: Excel Rendering Extension: Number of rows exceed.
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Jul 17, 2007
Can someone please tell me how to retrieve/query the list of fields from an entity of a report data model that has been published on the reporting server programmatically ?
I am trying to upload a report data model to the reporting server and planning to use that model as the data source and consume it through our existing web application?
Thank you ,
Rashid A. Khan
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Sep 6, 2007
I've created a linked server with a pretty basic Excel spreadsheet, and used this command to create a linked server to it:
sp_addlinkedserver ''XL_SPS_1', 'Excel', 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'c:MyExcel.xls', null, 'Excel 8.0'
I want to use this as the data from which to build a report model. As linked servers don't show up in the Data Source View wizard, I created a view in SQL Server:
create view MyExcel
select * from XL_SPS_1...Sheet1$
Okay, great, now the view shows up in the DSV wizard and I can create the data source view. However, when I create a new report model based on this data source view, the Report Model Wizard tells me at "Create entities for all tables" that I've got an error when it processes dbo_MyExcel that "Table does not have a primary key."
I assume this is where the identifying attributes for the entities in the report model are taken from, so I really can't go further. Does anyone have an idea as to how to add a primary key to a linked server (Excel) in SQL 2005? Can this be done? Other than importing spreadsheet data to a SQL table, how can I get around this?
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Mar 6, 2008
I have created and deployed a data source (which uses "Credentials supplied by the user running the report") and a model which uses this data source.
Also I have built a report using Report Builder and all works well.
Now I wish to use Visual Studio to build a report, so I'm trying to create a data source from my computer which the report should use and I want it to use the model on the remote server. In the Report Wizard I am using "Report Server Model" and the following connection string:
IHowever I can't make the credentials to work. I've tried them all with no luck. What username/password must I use? Because so far nothing of what I have tried works.
Any help is highly appretiated.
Kind Regards,
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Feb 11, 2007
I've created dsv that contain all fields from table database. in the smdl I've remove some fileds due to security. All fields in the smdl do not contain drill.
Issue: When I created calculated field in the report builder the field has a link. When I clicked the drill I saw all the record data including field that not in the smdl.
1) Can I remove the link from the calculated fields?
2) Can I prevent from users drill to fields that not in the smdl?
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Mar 10, 2008
Below is the error message I receive when I try to generate a report in Systems Center Essentials 2007.
Can anybody help me in this regard?
An internal error occured on the report server. See the error log for more details. Could
not find stored procedure 'CopyChunksOfType'.
Thanks and Regards,
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Mar 11, 2007
I am using VS2003 and SQL Server 2000 with Reporting Services.
I try to generate the report but get an error "must declare the variable '@qcode'
I check the file quotation.rdl and i found it should have declared... it's like
<ReportParameter Name="qcode">
<Prompt>Quotation Code:</Prompt>
I would like to know what trigger the problem and what shall i do so as to solve it?
Thank you.
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May 12, 2008
I have craated an interface for generating the rdl file through c# (User will select some fields for group and some for details and report will be generated accordingly). I am generating the XML for the rdl according to the schema. And the report is running fine in my local system where i am using sqlexpress but is not working in production. The problem is coming with the datasource as follows.
An error has occurred during report processing.
Cannot create a connection to data source 'SOP'.
Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection
I am using Integrated Authentication, below is the datasource code generated by c#
<DataSource Name="SOP">
<ConnectString>Data Source=SIGMASQL;Initial Catalog=SOP</ConnectString>
When i am pasting the RDL xml to my BI project's Report it is giving preview properly, but after deployment it is not coming.
I have tried with SQL Authentication also by removing the IntegratedSqcurity element and changin g the connection string to add "sa" userid, but still it doesn't run and gives the same error and if i refresh the report with the refresh button of report viewer, it shows some Wrong String Format error.
When i am editing the dataset in the report designer(BI Project), the connection string is not storing password and username info in the xml of the rdl, i read somewhere that it stores these values in VS2005 and reporting service database with some encryption and don't keep in the xml. So it is seeming to me that i am not sending these credentials to reporting service while deployment through my c# code. Below is my deployment codebyte[] byteRDL;System.Text.UTF8Encoding encoder = new UTF8Encoding();
byteRDL = encoder.GetBytes(reportDefination);
Property[] rsProperty = new Property[10];
//Property property = new Property();Warning[] warnings;
warnings = rs.CreateReport(reportName, "/QuoteReports", true, byteRDL, null);
But i have no idea why it is not even running with Windows Authentication also.
I am in big trouble guys. Pls help. I have to show it to my client..
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Jan 22, 2007
Is it possible to dynamically refresh the report model of the report builder?
could it even be using code with any of the interfaces?
When we add a table or add a column to the table in database , will the report model get refreshed automatically or do we need to do it externally. If so, can we use any of the objects and write a custom code in VB.
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Apr 26, 2006
I get this error message:
Semantic query execution failed.
The 'PerspectiveID' custom property for the 'query' perspective is either not set or is not set to the string data type.
The report model does have a perspective.
Anyone else seen this?
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Jun 15, 2007
In Report Designer I am able to create a Model data source and see my entities/fields.
But when I run the report I get a "Failed to execute Query" message.
I know in the past this was an issue because Designer doesn't allow you to specify a perspective.
Does anyone know if this has been resolved?
I'm using SP2
Thank you,
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Mar 4, 2001
we have data base in ms access and reports in crystal reports 5 recently we converted our data base to sql sever 7
and reports to crystal reports 8. when i opend directly in cystal reports and given data base connecting through oledb
i am getting reports but from the application it is in vb6 the report window is poping up and latter a error msg saying un able to open sql server
when i checked up the connection it is ok help me
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