I'm attempting to generate a model for our manufacturing database in Report Server. I can create the Data Source, but when I attempt to generate the model, I get several errors in the following format ...
More than one item in the Entity 'CUST ADDRESS' has the name 'COUNTRY'. Item names must be unique among immediate siblings. (DuplicateItemName) Get Online Help
More than one Field in the Entity 'CUST ADDRESS' has the name 'COUNTRY'. Field names must be unique within an Entity. (DuplicateFieldName) Get Online Help
There are several pairs of similar error messages (DuplicateItemName and DuplicateFieldName) listed.
The tables (i.e. CUST_ADDRESS) do contain the column name (i.e. COUNTRY) but are otherwise unremarkable.
Clicking the "Get Online Help" link leads to a page with an apology and no useful information.
The database is at Compatibility Level 80, but I am able to generate models for other databases at that level.
I've run DBCC CHECKDB against the database and it returns without errors.
This is on SQL Server 2005, Standard Edition x64 with SP2.
I'm at a loss for what to do next, there doesn't seem to be any documentation for this error available.
After some additional research, I've discovered that in the problem entities, i.e. "CUST ADDRESS", there is a column named "COUNTRY" and a separate column named "COUNTRY_ID". I tried renaming the COUNTRY_ID column in a test copy of the database and was then able to generate the data model in Reporting Services. The problem appears to be that the model generator is unable to differentiate between a column name "COUNTRY" with one named "COUNTRY_ID".
However, I cannot do this to my production database. Is there any fixes or workarounds in Reporting Services to handle this type of situation?
I have found that in the autogenerated model attributes are missing for those fields that have relations to other tables. At first, it may look reasonable since a user can still get down to the field's value through the relation/related table. However, if the relation's key fields is the only thing the user wants to display, then going down to the related table is an overkill.
I can add an attribute manually and bind it to the key field(s). Is there an option in the autogeneration process to do it automatically? The only post I've found so far suggests to do everything manually (http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=1152575&SiteID=1). Is this the only way?
I have built two perspectives in a cube. Let's say: Sales and Projects. When I open my cube in Excel 2007 and I choose to open the perspective 'Sales' I see all sales related dimensions and attributes. When I open the perspective Projects I see all projects related dimensions and attributes. So far so good...
But now I generated a report model from the cube. When I start reportbuilder I can choose between three perspectives, because the total cube is added as an perspective as well. Looks pretty good, and now I open the sales perspective, but...
I see al the entities in the model, even the ones from the 'projects' perspective! It doesn't have all the functionality though, but it is visible with all the entritbutes.
I hope somebody knows the solution to this problem. Thanks in advance.
Just by using SQL Server 2000, what's the best way to run a stored procedure outputing the results to an excel sheet? I don't have Crystal Reports or any other 3rd party reporting tool to help me, a restriction of our client.
Found this http://searchsqlserver.techtarget.com/tip/0,289483,sid87_gci1057989,00.html sp_write2Excel. Would this be the best way? Any other methods? The SQL server does not have MS Office so I think I need to ouput to a csv file.
Because of the way in which a specific piece of code is written, I'm bound into using a WHERE clause for a report generation.Each Inspection generates a unique Inspection Number. Any re-inspection created from that inspection is assigned that Inspection Number and appended with ".A", ".B", ".C" and so on.
The problem is this: Each row's Primary Key is the "InspectionId" in "dbo.v_InspectionDetailsReports". I need to return not only the data related to that particular InspectionId, but also the data related to any previous related inspection. For example, if I have a main number of CCS-2012 and three re-inspections, CCS-2012.A, CCS-2012.B and CCS-2012.C, and I report on CCS-2012.B, I need all the data for CCS-2012, CCS-2012.A and CCS-2012.B but NOT CCS-2012.C.
I would prefer to not have to do everything in a WHERE statement, but my hands are a bit tied.
The "SELECT * FROM dbo.v_InspectionDetailsReports WHERE . . ." is already hardcoded (don't ask). SELECT * FROM dbo.v_InspectionDetailsReports WHERE ( RefOnly = 0 OR RefOnly IS NULL
I want to use this as the data from which to build a report model. As linked servers don't show up in the Data Source View wizard, I created a view in SQL Server:
create view MyExcel as select * from XL_SPS_1...Sheet1$
Okay, great, now the view shows up in the DSV wizard and I can create the data source view. However, when I create a new report model based on this data source view, the Report Model Wizard tells me at "Create entities for all tables" that I've got an error when it processes dbo_MyExcel that "Table does not have a primary key."
I assume this is where the identifying attributes for the entities in the report model are taken from, so I really can't go further. Does anyone have an idea as to how to add a primary key to a linked server (Excel) in SQL 2005? Can this be done? Other than importing spreadsheet data to a SQL table, how can I get around this?
I have created and deployed a data source (which uses "Credentials supplied by the user running the report") and a model which uses this data source. Also I have built a report using Report Builder and all works well.
Now I wish to use Visual Studio to build a report, so I'm trying to create a data source from my computer which the report should use and I want it to use the model on the remote server. In the Report Wizard I am using "Report Server Model" and the following connection string:
IHowever I can't make the credentials to work. I've tried them all with no luck. What username/password must I use? Because so far nothing of what I have tried works.
HelloFor my client, I need to generate reports from the information storedin the database. The client has fixed format forms (on paper e.g. USCustoms forms etc).Will I need to redesign the forms in the application and then show theinformation?Another approach is to scan the forms as image and print theinformation on top of that image, so when it is printed , theinformation will be displayed at the right places.Is there any other way? How is the reporting done if the forms arepre-defined and the information is stored in a databaseThanks for your input
Hello all, Say I have a report that is running for a long time and I want to cancel it. Is there a way to cancel the report generation once we submit the Report Generation Button? If I close my Browser, Am I closing my session in the server side? If server is still churning out the old report and I open another browser to request the same report, I might easily crash the server if the requests for the same report keep growing?
Is there any way to change the image "Report is being generated" to something else or at least change the location of it. I have a report that is very long and our users have to scroll down to see that. They think the report is frozen when in all reality it is still generating. It is postioning in the center of the page and I want it to position at the top.
I have developed several reports with selectable parameters. When the report is first requested three stored procedures are triggered and return the parameters (+2 min), following parameters being returned the default report is returned (+3 min), this time is unacceptable. Is there anything I can do to speed up the report generation? Any help here is greatly appreciated.
Hi, We need to generate the reports in a file share location and notify the Users about the location. Since the subscriptions support either File share or Email notification, we have configured file share mode in our subscriptions. We tried writing a custom C# component to send emails to the Users but getting the status of reports generation is difficult. Is there a way to notify the users after generating the reports in a file share? Subash
I have created a database table in MSSQL 2000 like this
[empcode] [leave_date] [type] [reason] 100 2008-12-29 00:00:00.000 T Tour 100 2008-12-30 00:00:00.000 T Tour 101 2008-12-31 00:00:00.000 CL Casual Leave 102 2009-01-01 00:00:00.000 R Restricted holiday 100 2009-01-02 00:00:00.000 T Tour
This table contains only leave details.... but i need to create monthly attendance report such as below
empcode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ............. 100 P P P P S P T CL P P P S P P T ............ 101 P T R R S R R T CL P P S P P P.............. 102 P P P P S P P P P T T S CL P P P............
I'm trying to do something simple that has turned out to be a frustrating problem. I have a field in my report that needs to be populated by user input. Based on this user input, I will use the field in a calculation. The simple solution to me, was to create a custom assembly that has a function that uses Console.Write("Input Data") and Console.readline() to assign the input to a string, and then return that string to the report. This works fine in a test console application, but when I copy and paste the code to my custom assembly, it returns #Error to the report. I've debugged, and found that when I hit F10 on Console.Write("test"); it skips right over it, and nothing happens. It also skips over Console.readline(); with nothing happening. This makes me unable to take the user input and set the textbox equal to that value.
Am I doing this completely wrong? Is there something I'm missing, or just not understanding correcly? It seems like reporting services has to have this option. I'd really appreciate some advice. Thanks!
Hello, I've created a Report Model Project that can be used by Report Builder to generate ad-hoc reports. I'm trying to create a connection string in my Report Server Project that points to the Report Model Project data source view.
All I can do is create a regular datasource, which bypasses the metadata contained in the Data Source View.
Basically I want my Report Server Project and my Report Builder reports to leverage the same metadata. Is this possible? If so how do I get the connection string?
I have a problem while rendering a report which returns around 5000 rows. At first the server is busy to process the request, when the server is done the rendering client side takes 100% of CPU and never displays the result ("IE is not responding"). It seems that the ReportViewer has trouble to handle the server response.
When we generate a report with an account that is in the admin group it takes 2-3 seconds but when we do it with another user it takes over 2 minutes... any reason for this? (The "Report is being generated" thing, by the way)
Not sure if my question is clear, I've been looking and searching for the past 2 hours but can't find anything remotly close to that problem... any help would be appreaciated!
When i deploying a report model by visual studio, a login window popped , a '' char in the user name textbox. I input my username and password ,then click "OK",but nothing happened.the window showing yet.I view the RS log, there is a message: "login failed". But, deploy report project is very well. Has any idea with this problem?
There are my RS configurations: Sql Server 2005 sp2. Visual studio 2005 sp1. Reporting Services with Form Authentication.
Lets say for example I have a table named Drier_Lot_Recipients with columns grower_id int, crop_year int, and email_address varchar(100). This table contains users that would like to receive an SSRS report I created on daily basis.
I created the SSRS report and it is deployed on a reporting services server. The name of the report is Drier_Lot_Report.rdl.
I am not sure what would be the best way to go about this. Should I do it all in SSIS or a stored procedure in SQL Server?OR maybe a combination of both.
Do I need to have calls made to the RS.EXE utility? Do I need to setup database mail in SQL Server?We have two SMTP servers.
So the end solution must call the Drier_Lot_Report and pass in two parameters (Grower_id and Crop_Year). The output must be PDF and either have the grower_id included in the output filename OR generic filename
I have an issue in generating the report in sql reporting services. I need to display a report in a table format. The datas of the table should be from two different sql tables. I have tried to write a stored procedure that returns two result sets from two different tables. As reporting services takes datas only from the first result set, i tried to write two different stored procedures each displays one result set. Then i have created two datasets with that two different stored procedure. Even then i cannot proceed as i was not able to use two different dataset in a single table because i was setting the datasetname to one dataset, when i try to retrieve the fields from another dataset i was able to retrieve only first and count values. Then i tried using sub reports. As sub reports for a dataregion(table) repeats for every row of the main report i was not able to fetch the correct datas. Atlast i have tried combining the query using join and wrote a single stored procedure. This stored procedure returns a single result set retrieves data from two tables satisfying the conditions. The issue i am facing with this is, the first table has only one row satisfying the condition and the second table has three rows satisfying the same condition, as i am using join query for the three rows returned by the second table the first table datas are getting duplicated for the rest of the rows in the second table. As I found using join query is the only resolution for the output which I need, and also I have to avoid the duplication of the records. Hence let me know for any solutions.
I have shown the sample datas that is duplicating which is indicated as bold. Phonenumber, Attemptdate and calloutcome are from first table and start time and endtime is from second table. As there are three different datas for the second table, first table datas are duplicated
I've been doing research on the web trying to find if it's possible to create a Report Model that is based on a Data Source that is NOT SQL Server and NOT SSAS.
Specifically I'd like to be able to build a Report Model on a Web Server (or multiple web services).
Does anyone have any information relating to this? Based on my research it looks like there's a few interfaces that need to be implemented (such as ISemanticModelGenerator, etc.).
I did find a post relating to using ODBC data sources for a Report Model and the recommended solution was Linked Tables in SQL Server or UDM in SSAS. Both cases don't look feasible for a Web Service-based Data Source.
Hi, When i try to deploy a Datasource which is using a report server model, i dont see the Deploy Option Enabled. It is disabled for Report Server Model.
My connection string is server=http://localhost/reportserver;datasource=/i2i Report Model/SCM Data Warehouse Model
I've created dsv that contain all fields from table database. in the smdl I've remove some fileds due to security. All fields in the smdl do not contain drill.
Issue: When I created calculated field in the report builder the field has a link. When I clicked the drill I saw all the record data including field that not in the smdl.
1) Can I remove the link from the calculated fields?
2) Can I prevent from users drill to fields that not in the smdl?
Is it possible to dynamically refresh the report model of the report builder?
could it even be using code with any of the interfaces?
When we add a table or add a column to the table in database , will the report model get refreshed automatically or do we need to do it externally. If so, can we use any of the objects and write a custom code in VB.
Semantic query execution failed. The 'PerspectiveID' custom property for the 'query' perspective is either not set or is not set to the string data type.
I have a report model that I am trying to deploy using report manager web service. A folder is created by the administrator to place all my SSRS reports. I deployed .rdl files using the "Upload file" function in "Report Manager". All the SSRS reports work fine but when I tried to upload .smdl file (report model file) using the Report Manager's "Upload file" function it gave me the following error message.
The permissions granted to user 'xxxxxxman' are insufficient for performing this operation. (rsAccessDenied)
Does this mean I only have permission to upload .rdl file but NOT .smdl file to my designated folder?
I'm having some difficulty linking a custome drilldown or clickthroug report to another report that I have already created in report builder. I followed a MSDN article found at http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms345226.aspx but I cannot find the " Select a page area, select Drill-through reports" option in report manager. Does anyone have a better explanation on how to do this? I'm assuming that when you create the clickthrough report there has to some sore of filter on it that relates to the item of the clickthrough. I guess I'm I little confused, any help would be great. Thanks.
Can someone please tell me how to retrieve/query the list of fields from an entity of a report data model that has been published on the reporting server programmatically ?
I am trying to upload a report data model to the reporting server and planning to use that model as the data source and consume it through our existing web application?
Is there an API or a way to consume a Report Model? I want to try and roll my own simple web-based / thin-client Report Builder without using the ClickOnce control.