Report Snapshot Contents

Feb 13, 2008

I have a report that has a snapshot enabled. I made some changes to my report and redeployed it, but when I view the report from the Report Manager web site the old version is getting used. Apparently the snapshot includes the rdl and the data and not just the data. Can anyone else confirm this? If this is the case, a new snapshot must be created after the report format is modified.


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How DO I Generate A Table Of Contents For A Report??

Aug 28, 2006


Can anybody help me with the generation of Table of Contents for a report using SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services. Let me ellaborate. The scenerio is...i m having a report of lets say 500 pages grouped on employees, showing the performance of each employee between specific date range. Now if the manager prints the report of 500 pages he will be more intersted to jump directly to a perticular employee's page which means my printed report had to have a Table of Contents on my grouped criteria (which in this case is employee number). I would really appriciate if someone can suggest me a solution for this.

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Checking Contents Of Column And Replacing Contents If First Character Is A Letter

Jun 25, 2007

Hi All,I have come up against a wall which i cannot get over.I have an sql db where the date column is set as a varchar (i know, should have used datetime but this was done before my time and i've got to work with what is there). The majority of values are in the format dd/mm/yyyy. However, some values contain the word 'various'.I'm attempting to compare the date chosen on a c# .net page with the values in the db and also return all the 'various' values as well.I have accomplished casting the varchar to a datetime and then comparing to the selected date on the .net page. However, it errors when it comes across the 'various' entrant.Is there anyway to carry out a select statement comparing the start_date values in the db to the selected date on the .net page and also pull out all 'various' entrants at the same time without it erroring? i thought about replacing the 'various' to a date like '01/01/2010' so it doesn't stumble over the none recognised format, but am unsure of how to do it.This is how far i have got: casting the varchar column to datetime and comparing.  SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE Cast(SUBSTRING(Start_Date,4,2) + '/' + SUBSTRING(Start_Date,1,2) + '/' +SUBSTRING(Start_Date,7,4) as datetime)  '" + date + "'"Many thanks in advance! 

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Report Caching - Report Execution Snapshot Issues

Dec 18, 2007

I have a report which have multiple parameters. By default all the parameters are selected. Now I am scheduling a Cache with Report Execution Snapshot. Now if I try to view the report, it disables the prompt selection. It means user cant change the selection. Is it the expeceted behaviour of the exectuion snapshot?
S Suresh

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Create A Table Of Contents Based On Report Items From A List Control

Apr 28, 2008

What are the options to create a table of contents based on the report items in a List Control? Document Mapping works for online viewing. A table of content would make the report easier to read when it's printed.

Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.

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Added Space Character On The Header/Footer Contents Of An Exported Report In Excel

May 21, 2008

A space was added as the first character of the contents in the Left, Center and Right section of the Report Header and Footer exported to Excel. Example :

In the RDL, Header values are:

Left = "Product Report" ; Center = "Confidential" ; Right = "Page n of n"

In the exported report to Excel, Header properties (-->File.-->Page Setup--> Header/Footer Tab) are:

Left = " Product Report" ; Center = " Confidential" ; Right = " Page n of n"

Is there a way to eliminate that space character?

Thanks in advance.

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Using Parameter When Report Has A Snapshot

Feb 14, 2008

I have a report with a parameter that I would like to have created every night but also allow a user to change the default parameter and rerun it if they need to . When the Snapshot is opened, the parameter box is disabled. How can I work around this?


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Get Data From A Snapshot Report?

Mar 16, 2007

Can this be done?

I want to build a report using data from the old snapshop reports, how do i use them as a datasource?

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Create Report Snapshot From SSIS

Mar 7, 2006

I need to create a SSRS report snapshot at the end of an SSIS package (seems like this would be a common task). I tried connecting to the ReportingService web service to do this but I get the following error when after I select the web service in the Web Service Task:

This version of the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) is not supported.

Is there as simple way to do what I want?

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Parameters Disabled With Snapshot Report Execution

May 29, 2007

Is there a way to schedule report snapshots and still give users the option to change the parameters? I found that report parameters are disabled when I set the execution options to use a snapshot. I fixed the problem by setting the report to use cached data that expires on a custom schedule and by scheduling an e-mail subscription that creates a new report cache soon after the cache expires. I'm guessing there must be a better way to provide good report performance with the default parameters as well as flexibility.

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How To Create A Report Snapshot From Integration Services

Apr 21, 2008


We have a datawarehouse that's built nightly through a number of Integration Services packages. I have several packages that compile and aggreage data used by a set of reports constructed and presented using Reporting Services. I would like to augment the packages to incorporate a step that will create a snapshot for each report. Can anyone provide a set of pointers or sample code to accomplish this?

The data is static and this method would allow the reports to be constructed before the first user runs them (caching would require them to be run once). I would also like to delete the snapshot if a report extract needed to be run again. This can occur in some occassions. I'd like to automate this as much as possible.

I imagine I'de be able to do this using a script task in SSIS that interactes with the reporting services web service in some way.

Kind regards,

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Images Not Displaying From Snapshot Or Cached Report

Apr 11, 2008

This is my first post, and I'm hoping you all can help.

Using Reporting Services 2005, I have several reports that use embedded images.
All images render fine when the report execution is set to:
1) Always run this report with the most recent data
1a) Do not cache temporary copies of this report

However, when I change the execution to either a Cache or a Snapshot, the images and some charts render as red "X" placeholders. This is sometimes remedied when the user clicks the page refresh button, but not always.

Of course, I could just have all the concurrent users use the uncached report that hits the OLAP server, but that would be highly inefficient, and just plain slow.

Thanks for any help on this subject.


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Report SnapShot Creation Programmatically Through Java

Jan 5, 2007


I am facing some issues while creating report snapshots programmatically using axis (Java platform for creating and deploying web services applications).

To create a report snapshot what should be the methods called ? I tried using UpdateReportExecutionSnapshot() but didn't find any parameters to set the schedule information which would say when the execute the report snapshot. Can you please guide me for this ?

Also I had one more doubt regarding report snapshots. If a parameterized report is configured as snapshot then we would require to set default parameters for the report.

Is there a way to create snapshots of the same report with different parameters ?

eg : The employee information report displays the information based on the employee id taken as a parameter. So is it possible to create snapshots with different employee id's ?


Amit Shah.

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Unable To Create An Execution Snapshot For My Report

May 18, 2008

Dear All-
i am facing a problem with them creation of the execution Snapshot for my report

simply when i try to create a one and after choose the schedule setting and i press OK to finish
an error appear mention "The current action cannot be completed because the user data source credentials that are required to execute this report are not stored in the report server database. (rsInvalidDataSourceCredentialSetting) (Report Services SOAP Proxy Source)"

i like to mention also i choose the datasource credentials is the redio button Windos integrated security and also the reporting services and the database are exit on the same machine

i hope someone help soon as our work is affected due to this issue

Thanks and have anice day

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Programmatically Create A Report History Snapshot

Dec 20, 2006


To programmatically invoke a subscription we can use -

exec ReportServer..AddEvent 'TimedSubscription', '575F96C6-A1BD-49FD-9C2F-934FC9658780'

How can we programmatically cause a Manual Report History Snapshot to be created.

I know it can be done using the Webservice. How would we do it using the ReportServer stored procedures. Which SP/SP's can we call. With what parameters.



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What Is Render Report With Most Recent Data And Execution SnapShot

Jan 17, 2008

Hi Everyone i wonder if there anyone know
what is "Render report with most recent data" and execution SnapShot and the different between them

and also it will be great of someone provide me with blog or a link that describe these 2 properties


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Report Email Subscription Based On Snapshot Update

Dec 21, 2007

Hi Everyone,

I want to receive some reports by email every time the datawarehouse refreshes its content. The data warehouse is being refreshed on a daily basis but the exact time varies between 9:30 am and 11:30 am.

I have created the 4 reports in reporting services and set the execution property of each report to

Render this report from a report execution snapshot

and then created 4 subscriptions for email delivery based on processing option
When the report content is refreshed

In an Integration Services package I have 4 Script steps ( that perform an UpdateReportExececutionSnapshot for each of the reports.

The problem is that these steps fail in a random order every time the package runs. Sometimes they all run fine , but then one or two fail with timeout error. So the emails are not being sent.

I am currently using SQL Server 2005 SP2.

If anyone has an idea on this issue, please let me know.

Best Regards

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SQL Server 2014 :: Call SSRS Snapshot Report Dynamically

Oct 2, 2014

We are setting up a new reporting environment for our client and as part of the deliverable I need to achieve the following two things.

1. Most of our reports are snapshot reports and all the data needed gets populated into transaction DB tables from a batch program. Some of batches run monthly and others on request, we use a scheduling tool to run these batches. For monthly running batches since I know when they run, I have scheduled snapshot report for the respective dates. But the batch that run on request have no fixed schedule so my question : Is there a way I can invoke or kick off a particular SSRS snapshot Report as soon as the batch completes running. For example if a on-request batch program finishes running today at 6PM , I would like to create a snapshot report as soon as the batch finishes running. Is this achievable ?!

2. As I mentioned above most of the reports are snapshot reports and client wants Report history of 10yrs. We have about 170 reports on the whole which run monthly/daily/yearly. Is there a best practice known in maintaining all the reports and where to store them?

We are using MS SQL Server Reporting Services 2014.

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Problem When Applying A Snapshot When Tables Have Been Updated During Snapshot Generation

Jun 20, 2007


I seem to have a strange problem when applying a snapshot when the tables in the publication have been updated while the snapshot was being generated.

Say for example there is a table called RMAReplacedItem in the publication. When the snapshot starts being applied to the subscriber, a stored procedure called sp_MSins_RMAReplacedItem_msrepl_css gets created that handles an insert if the row already exists (ie it updates the row rather than inserting it). However, after all the data has been loaded into the tables, instead of calling this procedure, it tries to call one called sp_MSins_RMAReplacedIte_msrepl_cssm - it takes the last letter of the table name and adds it to the end of the procedure name.

The worst part is that this causes the application of the snapshot to fail, but it doesnt report what the error is, and instead it just tries applying the snapshot again. The only way i have managed to find which call is failing is to run profiler against the subscriber while the snapshot is being applied and see what errors.

I have run sp_broswereplcmds and the data in there is what is applied to the subscriber - ie the wrong procedure name.

All the servers involved are running sql 2005 service pack 2. The publisher and subscriber were both upgraded from sql 2000, but the distribution server is a fresh install of sql 2005.

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Contents Of The Tran Log

Oct 11, 1999


Can everyone tell me how I can view the contents of a transaction log in SQL Server 7.

Many Thanks
Mathew hayward

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Get Contents Of Xml File

Jul 5, 2007

Is it possible is SSIS to get the contents of an xml file and pass it on to a stored procedure?

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Copying A Database And All Contents

Mar 25, 2008

Can anyone advise me of a convenient way to make a copy of a database in SQL2005.  I need to make a complete copy - including all Stored procedures, functions tables and table contents.
I want the place the copy ont he sae SQL server but obviously under a different name.

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Need Help Splitting Contents Of A Field In T-Sql

May 22, 2006

I have a table with about 2 million records.
One of the fields has data seperated by a comma. I need to be able to grap the data for each record and split those items into their own table in seperate rows. This is easy in Asp but the page will timeout before it can process all the records.
Any Ideas?

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Read The Contents Of CD..(urgent)

Apr 17, 2002

Here i am sending my query.This is urgent to my job.Please give me solution as
early as possible in SQL server.

My query is..
Check for CD drive on your system.If drive available ,display the name of the CD and read the contents of the CD,and search for given file in CD.
I want search this on local machine and on remote system.


with regards.
laxma P.reddy

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Error.log Contents Interpetation

Dec 15, 1998

Where can I get a reference document that will help me troubleshoot and interpet the MS SQL Server ERROR.LOG file? Something that would
describe in detail what the error is and various actions I could take to correct the errors. JLS

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List The Folder Contents Using SQL

Jun 15, 2004

Hi all,
I have built a Disaster Recovery Site for my DB.on periodic basis, trn files from production server reach DR server and DR setup will apply them locally.

If the flow is smooth then no issues, if one of the file does not reach DR
the entire setup will halt for the want of the file and I dn't have any means to
know which file is missing.

Both my production and DR site located remotely behind firewalls, i.e i can't
physically access the servers or remotely login to the server.

Can anyone tell me how to see the contents in a folder in the server using
SQL query .

Any help is highly appreciated

Thanks and Regards
Srinivas Varanasi

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Masking Cell Contents

Oct 11, 2004

Is there a way to mask the contents of a cell or column? I have a table that stores passwords and I would like to mask the password much like Access does with asterisks. I know I can restrict the column based on user but that creates other problems on the frontend.

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Ordering Rows For Contents

Apr 1, 2008

I have a series of records, that are displayed as contents in a .NET application,i know i can order the items to be dynamic, i.e I set the top item in the contents,
However I know this will get quite messy at the application level.

I would like to set up the default if I insert an item, into the table to make it the last in the list, select max(ordernum) + 1, i guess?

How can I set an on insert constraint, or what its called for this in SQL Server?

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Right Justify Contents Of A Column

Aug 17, 2007

I am new to SQl and need to create a numeric field (15,2) that is right justified. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Copy Contents Of One Field To Another

Jan 3, 2008

I have a SQL table and a field called SpecReq. I want to copy the contents of SpecReq in each record to another field in the record called MeetTitle.

Can I do this with an update query or do I need to use Analyser ? Also what is the syntax please

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Merging Contents Of One Db To Another Huge Db.

Feb 15, 2007

I am storing data temporarily in a database... and periodically needto update that huge database, so just has to copy that temp DB to theoriginal one.Using sql may take a few hours to finish this operation. I think youcan do "export" from temp database into a file and "import" into thehuge database. That will be binary data exort and import and hencewill be faster. But, I am not sure if all databases will support thatthough.So, is there any other solution?

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Contents Of Image Fields

Jul 22, 2007

Hi,I have a SELECT FROM TABLE query and in that table there is a field of typeimage. Result of this select goes throug internet do its destination. But infact I need only to know if in this field is or not an image. Is there anyfunciotn which gives me information about contents of image fields?Regards, Paul

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How To See Contents Of Image Column

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,In my MS SQL SERVER database i have an column with datatype image. Somerecords do have data in this column, some others don't. When i look at thistable in Enterprise Manager then i see in every field '<image>' so no way tosee directly wheter a filed has data or not. Is there a way to changedisplay of this column so i can see the binairy data in it?Marcel

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