Report Title Above Parameters (Urgent)

Sep 21, 2007

Hi All,

I have created a report in SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio 2005. I need to add a report title above the parameters area. Is that possible?. please help me

The output should be like

Report Title


Report Parameters Section View Report button


Report Body part.


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Report Title Above Parameters (Urgent)

Sep 21, 2007

Hi All,
I have created a report in SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio 2005. I need to add a report title above the parameters area. Is that possible?. please help me

The output should be like

Report Title


Report Parameters Section View Report button


Report Body part.


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Showing MultiValue Parameters Under Report Title

Nov 16, 2007

Hi all,

I want to show the above. Can someone elighten me how I can loop thru to concatanate the values?

Farouk Yew

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Urgent... Report Parameters Not Retaining Values

Sep 17, 2007

Hi all,
I've developed few reports
I'm passing values to few parameters in a report from menu report.
when I click on "View Report" button values are changed to default for parameters eventhough I've not changed specifically any values for parameters. thus report is missing few parameters and not able to execute properly..
this error occurs only in web environment.. after publishing reports.. they are working fine in developer suite(Visual Studio)

please suggest any ways to overcome this issue..

seniors.. pls throw some light ..

thanks in advance

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Change Page Title From Report Viewer/Manager To The Actual Report Name?

Jan 26, 2007

Can a person change the page title from "Report Viewer/Manager" to the actual report name?

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New Title In Thread : Error/bug In ASMX ? - Parameters And Toolbar Property In DevInfo

Apr 20, 2007

Hi all,

I am trying to build a reportviewer so that I could use reporting services (due to company's security policy).

I am getting a VERY weird error here.

Before I get on ahead, here is the scenario.

I had created a rdl that will give a certain report based on two parameters. At the moment, I didn't assign the parameters to any default values since i don't want the report to start running. These two parameters are run based on stored procedures to get the starting date and an ending date.

I had tried to view this report on Report Manager and it works.

I had set the parameters this way. NOTE: ReportingServer is the disgused name of the reportserver I am using for privacy purposes

Code Snippet

Dim rs As New ReportingServer.ReportingService

rs.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials

'Render arguments

Dim results() As Byte

Dim format As String = "HTML4.0"

Dim historyID As String = Nothing

'PDF Rendering extensions don't have any useful DeviceInfo settings

'the toolbar shown below only affects HTML rendering

Dim devInfo As String = "<DeviceInfo><HTMLFragment>True</HTMLFragment><JavaScript>True</JavaScript><Toolbar>True</Toolbar><Parameters>True</Parameters></DeviceInfo>"

Dim credentials() As ReportingServer.DataSourceCredentials = New ReportingServer.DataSourceCredentials() {}

Dim showHideToggle As String = ""

Dim encoding As String = ""

Dim mimeType As String = ""

Dim warnings() As ReportingServer.Warning = New ReportingServer.Warning(0) {}

Dim reportHistoryParameters() As ReportingServer.ParameterValue = New ReportingServer.ParameterValue() {}

Dim streamIDs() As String = Nothing

Dim sh As ReportingServer.SessionHeader = New ReportingServer.SessionHeader

rs.SessionHeaderValue = sh

But when I started building this reportviewer.aspx, it gives me this error on the following line:-

Code Snippet

results = rs.Render(ReportPath, format, historyID, devInfo, Parameters, credentials, _

showHideToggle, encoding, mimeType, reportHistoryParameters, warnings, streamIDs)

with the error

{"This report requires a default or user-defined value for the report parameter 'start_date'. To run or subscribe to this report, you must provide a parameter value. --> This report requires a default or user-defined value for the report parameter 'start_date'. To run or subscribe to this report, you must provide a parameter value. --> This report requires a default or user-defined value for the report parameter 'start_date'. To run or subscribe to this report, you must provide a parameter value."}

this is occuring on the line where it needs to render the report.

As simple as it is, i tried the following:-

NOTE: some variables has been changed to protect some identity.

Code Snippet

Dim ReportRenderer As New RenderSQLReports

Dim Parameters As int.rrd.sqlreporting_test.ParameterValue() = Nothing

ReportRenderer.RenderReport(Parameters, "/Folder/reportname", "pdffilename.pdf")

What I don't get is that i made sure that it doesn't have any default values.

So I went into this scenario and tried teh following:-

Code Snippet

Dim ReportRenderer As New RenderSQLReports

Dim Parameters() As Reportingservices.ParameterValue = New Reportingservices.ParameterValue(1) {}

Parameters(0) = New Reportingservices.ParameterValue

Parameters(0).Label = "start_date"

Parameters(0).Name = "start_date"

Parameters(0).Value = "10/1/1999 12:00:00 AM"

Parameters(1) = New Reportingservices.ParameterValue

Parameters(1).Label = "end_date"

Parameters(1).Name = "end_date"

Parameters(1).Value = "11/1/1999 12:00:00 AM"

ReportRenderer.RenderReport(Parameters, "/Folder/reportname", "pdffilename.pdf")

And this is what happens. It blows up on this line again. with this error.

Code Snippet

results = rs.Render(ReportPath, format, historyID, devInfo, Parameters, credentials, _

showHideToggle, encoding, mimeType, reportHistoryParameters, warnings, streamIDs)

With the errors

{"Default value or value provided for the report parameter 'start_date' is not a valid value. --> Default value or value provided for the report parameter 'start_date' is not a valid value. --> Default value or value provided for the report parameter 'start_date' is not a valid value."}

This is probably occuring because the date I had provided is not found in the list of dates. I really don't want to default a date at the moment, to allow the user to select a date.

So I finally gave it a date...... a valid date.

Code Snippet

Dim ReportRenderer As New RenderSQLReports

Dim Parameters() As Reportingservices.ParameterValue = New Reportingservices.ParameterValue(1) {}

Parameters(0) = New Reportingservices.ParameterValue

Parameters(0).Label = "start_date"

Parameters(0).Name = "start_date"

Parameters(0).Value = "10/1/2004 12:00:00 AM"

Parameters(1) = New Reportingservices.ParameterValue

Parameters(1).Label = "end_date"

Parameters(1).Name = "end_date"

Parameters(1).Value = "11/1/2004 12:00:00 AM"

ReportRenderer.RenderReport(Parameters, "/Folder/reportname", "pdffilename.pdf")

LO and behold, it works BUT . now i get this error in the aspx code.

Runtime error has occured.

Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'Report' is undefined

on this weird line:- (that was generated automatically)

</script><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="?rs:Command=Get&amp;rc:GetImage=8.00.1038.00Report.js">

</script><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">


function OnLoadReport()


var pageHits = null;

var rep = new Report(1, 16, pageHits, false, docMapIds); <-where error is occuring.

if (parent != self) parent.OnLoadReport(rep);




It did show the report, but I don't understand why it is still getting an error here. Moreover, I didn't even get the HTMLViewer too even when I had assigned the devinfo....

Really need some help here, as this is quite urgent.... I am at a loss at this, and maybe that there is an option that I am not seeing or something I am missing. please help .

Bernard-So close yet so far, How cruel are the software bugs-

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Report Title In Report Manager Subscription

May 9, 2007


Is there a way of passing a default parameter value into the subject title on a report subscription?

Currently there are std global variables i.e. @ReportName was executed at @ExecutionTime, but what other variables can be passed here to make it more relevant to the recipient?


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Need To Add Parameter To Report Title

Nov 16, 2006


I am asking this question here, because it appears that I don't get as fast a response in reporting services as I do on this forum.

I am trying to add an extra parameter in a report title called SummaryBy.Value

Here is my current code:

="BY " & UCase(Parameters!SummaryBy.Value & IIF(Parameters!SummaryBy2.Value<>"", " / " & Parameters!SummaryBy3.Value,""))

If I add the extra parameter I get an error because of the IIf. How do I get around this to display all three parameters?

Please let me leave this post here also. I need to get an answer asap.

TIA and have a great day!


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Create A Report Showing Title First And Last Name

Sep 9, 2015

I need to create a report showing the title the first and last name of all sales representatives-This is what I have so far but am having difficulty retrieving ONLY the "Sales Representatives" Titles.

Select Firstname, Lastname, Title
From Employees
Where ???

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How Do I Change The Report Title Via An Expression?

Mar 3, 2008

How do I change the report title via an expression? I have a parameter that can contain 1 of 3 values and want to change my Report Title accordingly. Can I nest the IIF statements somehow or how can I accomplish this?

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Repeat Report Title On EveryPage

Nov 15, 2005

Dear Anyone,

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Reporting Services :: Report Builder Bubble Chart - Axis Title Disappears

Aug 20, 2015

I have a bubble chart created with Report Builder 3.0. I have the Y-axis series is along the left side of the chart. When all X values are positive, everything displays normally. However, if any X-axis values are negative, the whole graph shifts slightly leftward and the Y-axis title is no longer visible. It seems to be overwritten by the shifted graph or simply pushed into nondisplay area.

Is there something I can do to make the chart stay put?

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Reporting Services :: SSRS 2014 Report Manager - Customize Standard Title And Change Background Colors?

Jul 30, 2015

I have 3 SSRS 2014 (Dev, UAT and Prod).  I would like to change background colors of each environment and customize the title 'SQL Server Reporting Services'  to ' SSRS Development'.

I prefer to implement both, a background color change and a title change.  The reason for this is to clarify to end users which environment they are working with.

Where can I make those minimal changes in SSRS 2014.

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Run Report By Different Parameters Without Having To Enter Information For All Parameters At Same Time

Oct 29, 2013

I have a SSRS report with four parameters,and I want to be able to enter information for two of the parameters and run the report opposed to all four of them. However, when I select allow blanks and only select the parameters that I want to run the report by, the report come back blank..Essentially, I want to be able to the run report by different parameters without having to enter information for all parameters at the same time.

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How Do I Jump To Another Report Based On A Value In My Current Report? Report Has No Parameters.

May 3, 2007

How do I jump to another report based on a value in my current report. The report that I am jumping from has no parameters, just values.

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How To Pass Parameters In Url For A Report Published In Reportserver (report Built On Stocked Procedure) ?

Apr 30, 2007


I have created a report with the report server project template.

the report is created from stoked procedure having defaut input parameters.

With visual studio, i publish my report on reportserver. whenever i access to my report on this url :

http://localhost/ReportServer/Pages/ReportViewer.aspx?%2fReport+Project4%2fReport4&rs:Command=Render. the created report is with the default parameters.

I would like to know if i can transmet parameters for the stocked procedure to build the report with the request i want.

I tried to put parameter directly in the url in this way


but without success.

my error message is that one

An attempt was made to set a report parameter '@region' that is not defined in this report. (rsUnknownReportParameter)

My stocked procedure is :

ALTER procedure [dbo].[akli] @region varchar ='m'
select * from dbo.Report2 where region=@region

The request used to buid the report ?
DECLARE @region varchar
EXECUTE dbo.akli @region

What is wrong in that ?

Thanks for your help.


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Passing Report Parameters To An SSRS 2005 Report Hosted In Sharepoint 2007

Nov 18, 2007

Here is a situation in my company:

We have an Office SharePoint 2007 site, we developed a couple of web parts and added them to our site. We used SQL Server Reporting services 2005 as our reporting solution. The reports are hosted on the report center and when we need a report, we open it by sending a URL requesting the report, passing the report parameters in the URL query string. So the report is filtered based on the parameters passed from the web parts.

But since best practices say that you should host reports directly under SharePoint, by configuring the reporting services to run in the SharePoint integrated mode. We followed the steps and installed SharePointRS and we finally succeeded to publish the reports to a SharePoint folder, but we had a limitation: we are unable to pass the report parameters internally to the report hosted in SharePoint. If we passed them in the query string as the report center case, SharePoint neglects them totally.
So the question is: how can I pass parameters internally between a SharePoint web part and a SQL server 2005 reporting services report hosted in SharePoint?

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Passing Parameters (Urgent)

Jul 21, 2000

I'm trying to execute this statement but due to some missing paremters its creating table in that fashion

Table created = '+@string+'_'+@string1+'

but I want table to be create as what parameters passed, can you have a look pls...

exec sp_test 'master','table'
Starts here-----------

if exists (select * from sysobjects where id
= object_id(N'[dbo].['+@string+'_'+@string1+'])
and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)

Drop table [dbo].['+@tblName+'_'+@table1+']

CREATE TABLE [dbo].['+@string+'_'+@string1+']
[HESClrId] [nvarchar] (20) NULL ,
[HESClrName] [nvarchar] (60) NULL ,
[HESClrSeq] [smallint] NULL

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Reporting Services :: Passing Cascaded Parameters From Main Report To Drill Through Report In SSRS?

Sep 16, 2015

I am trying to develop a report from cube,and it has one drill through report.when i click on sales amount field on main report,then it open the drill through report with details.Here i passed the **(category,subcat,product)parameters(Cascaded)** to drill through report in action part of main report.In my main report i have two columns .

columns are **Level**  and              **Salesamount**.  

Values are like  

**[-]category**              **100**
    **[-]subcat**             **50**
         **product**          **30**

when i click on 100, parameters are passed & it open the detail report correctly, but when i click on 50,the values for subcat parameter is not getting values in detail report and same as the product also.

Here i used the expressions in parameter values




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Reporting Services :: Way To Subscribe SSRS Report Using Dynamic Parameters For Email And Trigger Report

Feb 8, 2015

Is there a way to subscribe SSRS report using dynamic parameters for email and trigger the report from autosys job so that report should generate the exact time the job is triggered.Let me describe, my SSRS report should be triggered on success of one autosys job. i need to send email parameter and time of report schedule from this autosys job.

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Sendmail With Parameters Problem...URGENT!!

Aug 30, 2001

I have a step like this: I am getting the following error:How to code @attachments in quotes?? thanks.

The name specified is not recognized as an
internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

(2 row(s) affected)

Here is my T_SQL step:

Declare @filename char(22)
Declare @cmd char(100)

Select @filename = 'D:Feedsest_' + substring(convert(char(12), getdate(), 12), 3, 4) + substring(convert(char(12), getdate(), 12), 1, 2)

EXEC xp_cmdshell @recipients = ''
, @attachments = @FileName

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Urgent! Asp And Sql Stored Procedure Parameters

Apr 12, 2005

Hi, I have a problem with input parameter which has Decimal DataType. Stored procedure works but it rounds all
values, i.e 5.555 input becomes 6 and 1.3 input becomes 1.
In table QTY has data type decimal(5) - precision(8) scale(3).
Please, suggest what's wrong with this:

newqty = Request.Form("quantity")
cmd.Parameters.Append(cmd.CreateParameter("qty", adDecimal, adParamInput, 5, newqty))
cmd.Parameters("qty").Precision = 8
cmd.Parameters("qty").NumericScale = 3

Please, help!
Thanks in advance.

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Enabling Or Disabling Parameters (URGENT)

Nov 13, 2007

I have a report that can accept two parameters name or address. So if the user selects the name the dropdown for address should be disabled. if the user select an address the name dropdown should be disables?

is it possible to do something like this in SQL Report


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How To Pass Parameters From Report Viewer To Report Server

Mar 28, 2008


I am having hard time in sending parameters to the report server through reportviewer control from my application. Could anybody help me on this issue?. Is there any way to send the parameters and also what kind of configuration do i need on my report project so that it can accept parameters from my application.


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Pass The Parameters From Main Report To Drillthrough Report

Nov 28, 2007

Good morning, all

I have a really cool Budget report which has two matrices on it. One is used/visible if the user selects four levels of grouping, and one is used if the user selects only three levels of grouping. The four choices for grouping are four fields, Par, FERC, Point, and Resource.

Since grouping is optional, I need a way to pass the parameter for a field that is not grouped on from the main report to the drillthrough report. For example if the user chooses to group on all fields but Point, I need to pass the report parameter that was used by the main report for Point to the drillthrough report as a report parameter.

So, I tried testing the three grouping levels values and if none were equal to "Point" then pass in the parameter by putting the following expression in the Parameter Value box for the Point parameter on the Navigation tab of the datacell of the main report that is the drillthrough link:

Parameters!GroupLevel1.Value <> "Point"

But this is not working; the drillthrough report shows a blank dropdown for the Point parameter and I have to manually set it. Does anyone see an error in the syntax of the iif statement?

Any references, links, resources or good clean jokes would be greatly appreciated.


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Parameters Filtering In Report Server Project Report.

Oct 22, 2007

Dear All,

Is it possible to poplulate some control like Dropdownlist (for example, with Product names Or Product Ids) from database table in SSRS project type and then filter report by choosing various choice pre-populated in dropdownlist control.

Project Type is : SQL Server Reportings 2005.

Desired Action: Report will run in browser, User will choose specific product and Run the report(filter) to show that product relate results.

any help,


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Urgent: Passing Parameters From Vb To Access Query

Jan 12, 2004

hi all,

I have a view (query) created in ms acess. how can i pass a parameter from vb to the query at runtime? can i do it?

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Customise Report Parameters In Report Manager

Feb 7, 2007

Is it possible to add custom controls in for parameters in report manager??

I have a parameter that requires the user to click a button and select a bunch of things in another form. How can i do this in reporting services??

I also would like to change the layout of the parameters toolbar, ie. make text boxes smaller widths, show/hide parameters based on other parameter values.

I know i could write my own web page that does this and hide the parameters toolbar when they run the report, but this would mean that we lose other functionality that report manager has, eg. scheduling.

Does anyone know if customising the report manager will become available in a later version??

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Report Parameters And Jump To Report

Jan 15, 2007


I have two reports, Report A and Report B.

Report A has two parameters defined as "Prompted", meaning the report input area is available for the user.

Report A parameters ---> StartDate, EndDate

When Report B invokes Report A using the Jump To Report Functionality and passing Report B's StartDate and EndDate parameters, Report A seems to think the parameters are implied and not needed and fails to drop down the parameter input area.

This is not desired because the user should be able to change report A's parameters. 

Anyone know a workaround? 


View 1 Replies View Related To Add Sub Report..

Oct 2, 2007

Hi All..

my requirement is.. Main report will have some data displayed with 3 columns.. and need to display a sub report side to main report table.. which shows some data based on selection by any row value displayed in main report data..
for ex..
Main report displays country details data..

Country Name, Capital
USA, Washington
Canada, Ottawa
Mexico, Mexico City

if user clicks on USA sub report need to display dynamically following data
Sate , Capital
Delawere, Dover
New Jersey, Trenton
Georgia, Atlanta

I could able to find info till adding a sub report. but no proper info in MSDN regarding passing values for parameters in navigation of column in main report which has navigation link to subreport

Seniors pls throw some light on this..

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Report Parameters

Oct 15, 2007

hi there

I am using Reporting Services 2005.

I have 3 report parameters: startdate, enddate, callstatus

My problem is that once I added callstatus to the parameter list my dates were ignored?

What do I need to do to correct it?

My select code is as below:

SELECT Ticket.TicketNumber, Application.ApplicationName, Status.StatusName, Ticket.LastModifiedBy, CONVERT(datetime, Ticket.CreatedDate),
Application ON Ticket.ApplicationID = Application.ApplicationID INNER JOIN
Status ON Ticket.StatusID = Status.StatusID INNER JOIN
Company ON Application.CompanyID = Company.CompanyID
WHERE (CONVERT(datetime, Ticket.CreatedDate) >= @StartDate) AND (CONVERT(datetime, Ticket.CreatedDate) <= @EndDate) AND
(Status.StatusName IN (@CallStatus)) OR
('SELECT ALL' IN (@CallStatus))

My report Parameters have the values listed in the Non-queried part on report parameters


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Report Parameters BUG!

Sep 19, 2007

Why is it that EVERY TIME you make any change at all to a data set or parameter, RS automatically changes your parameters from single value to Multi-value????

This is VERY annoying.

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Report Parameters

Jun 7, 2007

Is there a way to force report designer overlook parameter dependencies, so that a report could be displayed by either of the two parameters although one parameter accepts but not requires the other?

For Example:

In my report I have two parameters, DeptID and ProjectID. The two drop downs display Departments and Projects respectively but only if the department is selected, the Projects list becomes active as its expecting a DepartmentID in the stored proc but accepts a null value as well. So, what I would like to achieve is display ALL projects in the Projects list, even if no department is selected. Any ideas how to do that?


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