Report Viewer And Image Caching

Nov 22, 2007


I'm having some troubles getting a chart drillthrough to work correctly in the MS Report Viewer. I'm using VB.NET 2.0 in a WebApplication.

Here's what happening:

I build the report with drillthrough functionnality in a chart. When I preview it, or look at it on the report web interface (http://localhost/Reports) it works perfectly. However, once I open it in my WebApplication with the MS' ReportViewer it starts to get ugly.

The report loads the first drillpath correctly. Once I click on a bar to drill to the next drillpath, the report seems to load the data, but the image doesn't represent that as it is the old one. I can tell that the correct data is loaded since the imagemap has changed when I mouseover the chart (links are not on bars, but where they are supposed to be on the second image).

In an attempt to be clearer, here's a step by step:

1- Create the report and the drillthrough functionnality.
2- Preview it in the report builder, works perfectly.
3- Test it in the report manager (http://localhost/Reports), works perfectly.

4- Load it in the MS' ReportViewer in my WebApplication, the first image in the drillpath loads correctly.
5- Click on the chart to get to the next drillpath, report reload with what seems to be the good data, but the image isn't refreshed.

So, is it possible to force an image to be reloaded with Reporting Services?


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How To Avoid Caching Parameters In Report Viewer ?

Aug 23, 2007

Hello all,
I have a peculiar problem. We are using VS-2005,SSRS-2005,SqlServer-2005. Our front end is Windows forms and we are communicating with SSRS through WebServices protocol. Through WebServices we are generating dynamic parameters based on the report and were able to show them on the Win form screen.

The previously entered values are being retained even though we delete the existing one. I am unable to figure out the cause of it.

Please help......


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Our Logo Image Appears In Designer But Not In Report Viewer

Dec 25, 2007

I created a virtual directory in IIS that points to a folder on c: where my images reside. I use a URL to reference one of those images in my report heading. It appears as it should in designer's preview tab but only as a big red X in Report Viewer from my browser.

Directory security on the virtual directory is set to Integrated Windows.

Right clicking on red x in IE7>properties shows a path to report server instead of the special virtual directory I created.

RDL snippet shows:
<Image Name="image1">
<MIMEType />
<Style />

Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong?

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ASP.NET Report Viewer, Slow Rendering, Image Broken

Jan 29, 2008


I have been using the report viewer to render my reports on a webpage. All worked fine for a time and now nothing is working correctly.

I have about ~8 report viewer on one page, all in an individual IFRAME. What happen is, sometimes I'm getting an error from IE (Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage) or the report starts loading (I see the title) but where the chart should be I have an X (broken image) icon.

Sometimes when I click on the image and choose "Display Image" the image will display.


Reports loads correctly on the report manager site (the Reporting Services webpage)
Once those errors starts appearing, the session seems to act funny and I can't even refresh the webpage (F5)
I have the latest report viewer patch installed
I have the SP2 for SQL Server 2005 installed
Running Windows 2000 Server
Running IIS 6
The website was developped using IIS 5, but was tested on IIS 6 for about 3 weeks and we started to have problems today.
The reports are linked with Analysis Services to get the data from cubes.
I'm really out of ideas right now. Maybe I should just restart the IIS server, but the thing is live and I can't do it right now. However, if I need to restart it, will the problem occurs another time? Will it become a solution to restart the server?

I already restarted Reporting Services and nothing has changed.


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Avoid Caching Image Datatype

Jul 23, 2005

Hi all,I have a database with 40GB of binary objects stored in image columnsin two tables.Our database server is also used for another 15 databases.SQL Server caches the image-column, causing the cache-hit-ratio todramatically decrease, since fetching a couple of binaries from theimage-column uses up thememory, and throws other cached objects out of the cache.Is there a way, and could someone tell me how, to avoid caching ofspecificcolumns/tables?Regards///Magnus

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Lookup - Full Caching Vs Partial Caching Vs No Caching

Sep 13, 2005

I needed to do lookup on tables with approx 1 million records (how else do I know if record already exists?).

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Report Caching - Report Execution Snapshot Issues

Dec 18, 2007

I have a report which have multiple parameters. By default all the parameters are selected. Now I am scheduling a Cache with Report Execution Snapshot. Now if I try to view the report, it disables the prompt selection. It means user cant change the selection. Is it the expeceted behaviour of the exectuion snapshot?
S Suresh

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Change Page Title From Report Viewer/Manager To The Actual Report Name?

Jan 26, 2007

Can a person change the page title from "Report Viewer/Manager" to the actual report name?

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Report Viewer Jump To Issues With Relative Intra-report URLs

Dec 26, 2007


Very strange phenomenon with the "Jump to report:" Hyerlink Actions when I deployed my reports to the production servers:

The Actions no longer funcioned properly when attempting to go to one report to another. Sometimes, the same report would come up and sometimes a different report. It appeared that whatever mechanism Report Server uses to construct the proper URL when using "Jump to report:" is unreliable(or the URL is not being honored by the web-server).

All this is happening under the Report Viewer control. I have had to do a painful fix of manually constructing the entire absolute URL and including the reportviewer control in the url.

Any way to get back relative Jump to report: URL's?

Thanks JS

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Reporting Services :: Generating Excel Report Using Report Viewer At Run Time

Apr 28, 2015

We are generating excel report using report viewer at run time but if excel report having more then 65000 record generating error Microsoft. Reporting Services.OnDemandReportRendering.ReportRenderingException: Excel Rendering Extension: Number of rows exceed.

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Problem With Report Viewer , No Data Is Displayed And Report Comes Out As Empty

Dec 6, 2007

Hi ,

I have a problem using Report Viewer With SQL Reporting Services 2005.

I had a really weird issue with a ReportViewer. It would show the little green Loading progress bar image €¦ but it wouldn€™t show any data, just a white background where the output should be. I knew the data was there because exporting to Excel or PDF showed the data just fine.

The problem is report toolbar is display but NO DATA is displayed and the report comes out as EMPTY .

Thanks in advance..

Can you please help me out in resolving this problem.

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Passing Parameter To The Sql Server Report Using Report Viewer Control

Dec 29, 2006


I want to give filtering criteria in my SSRS report.

I have drop down list control having list of Email's of clients.

So, how can i pass the value of the particular Email id in my SSRS report using Report Viewer control?

How can i pass user input as parameter in my report using visula studio 2005?



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SSRS Report Rendering Different In VS2005 And In Report Viewer Via URL Access

Apr 17, 2008

I'm using Reporting Services to render a text (stored in sql as varchar(max)). The text is all plain text, with some lines having trailing spaces.

Source text file i've imported to SQL via SSIS:
CLIENT: 10055

*Note the trailing spaces on the line before 'STATEMENT 2007'.

I've designed a report using the Report Project in VS2005 to retrieve this text via a stored procedure. When I test the report using the 'Preview' tab in the IDE, it looks good
CLIENT: 10055

But when I deploy the report and run it using URL Access:

CLIENT: 10055



On all lines with trailing spaces, they (the trailing spaces) have been removed. This is affecting my formatting of some reports and statements. We really want to use the report viewer as it has built in paging, print and export capabilities.

Why does it look okay in VS2005 but different in Report Viewer via URL Access and Report Manager?

Note: When I export as PDF, it looks okay.

The stored procedure I use to return the data is a CLR Hosted assembly as below:

Code Snippet
Partial Public Class StoredProcedures
<Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlProcedure()> _

Public Shared Sub GetPagedDocument(ByVal inText As SqlString)
Dim dr As SqlDataReader
Dim row As New SqlDataRecord(New SqlMetaData("RowText", SqlDbType.Text))
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("select cast(doc as varchar(max)) as 'DOCTEXT' from testdoc WHERE id='" + inText + "'")
Dim cn As New SqlConnection("context connection=true")
cmd.Connection = cn
SqlContext.Pipe.SendResultsStart(row) 'initialise the resultset to be returned
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader
'If no records in result set, return.
If Not dr.HasRows Then

row.SetString(0, "There is no document to display or you do not have permission to view the document.")
' SqlContext.Pipe.Send("There is no document to display.")
End If
'Read rows in the result set

'Get the entire text
Dim docText As String = dr.Item("DOCTEXT")
row.SetString(0, docText)
'end debug

End Sub
End Class

Any help will be appreciated.

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Reporting Services :: Fixing Ssrs Report Table Column Heading While Scrolling Is Not Working In Report-viewer?

Dec 14, 2012

i just clicked on Advanced mode in Column Group, and then in Row Group Side i set Fixed Data=true for first  top static. I'm using local report not server report and i'm displaying that local report in Reportviewer. Now also its not working....

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How To Pass Parameters From Report Viewer To Report Server

Mar 28, 2008


I am having hard time in sending parameters to the report server through reportviewer control from my application. Could anybody help me on this issue?. Is there any way to send the parameters and also what kind of configuration do i need on my report project so that it can accept parameters from my application.


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Running A SSRS Report In A Report Viewer Control In .net

Jun 29, 2007

Do I need the report server running in order view a SSRS report in a report viewer control? I've created my report in .net and it works great when I'm viewing it in visual studio, but can I run it my web app without the report server.

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Report Explorer And Report Viewer Webparts Not Working With New WSS 3.0

Jan 22, 2007

I just installed a fresh lab machine with WSS 3.0 and SQL 2005 SP1. I registered the RS web parts.

In the home page I added the Reports Explorer and the Report viewer web parts. I set up the Reports Explorer and the list of reports are showed.

When I connect the Report Viewer Web part to get report from the Report Explorer web part I get the maintenance WSS page. I have to delete the Report Viewer web part to have the page working again.

If I use only the Reports Viewer with a report (not connected to Reports Explorer) is working just fine.

Any ideas what could be the problem? Any hints on how to investigate this is also much appreciated.



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Can Not View The Report Embeded In Report Viewer

Mar 19, 2008


I added a page to exsisting web site. Then I used report viewer to show a report. But when I try to view it in the browser, I get the following error message.

Server Error in '/Website' Application.

The type CustomReportServerConnection, APP_CODE does not implement IReportServerConnection or could not be found Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.InvalidConfigFileTypeException: The type CustomReportServerConnection, APP_CODE does not implement IReportServerConnection or could not be found

Source Error:

Line 272: <asp:View ID="vwWARRatingChangeReport" runat="server">
Line 273: <aspanel ID="pnlWARRatingChangeReport" runat="server" Width="683px">
Line 274: <rsweb:ReportViewer ID="rvWARRatingChageReport" runat="server" Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="8pt"
Line 275: Height="100%" ProcessingMode="Remote" Width="100%">
Line 276: <ServerReport ReportPath="/CRMReportsQA/ORA/WARRatingsChange" ReportServerUrl="http://wiismab00035038:8095/Reportserver" />

Source File: c:Dev EnvironmentWebsiteApplicationsORAPDCRD.aspx Line: 274

Stack Trace:

But I created another website using visaul studio in my local machine and then used report viewer to disaply the same report. Its in server mode same as earlier. This one can be viewed without any trouble.

I'm not familiar with ASP.NET thing. Can anyone help me to resolve this one?


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Report Viewer Is Printing A Cached Report

Mar 6, 2007

Hi All

I have a reporting viewer in a windows form that behaves very strange. When I open the form and run the report it shows up nicely in the report viewer. If I print the report it only prints one page. When i print the report a second time the whole report is printed. Next I'll change the report parameters and run the report, then it shows up nicely in the viewer, but when I print the report the first report is printed.

Does anyone know what to do with this problem?

Thanks in advance

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Is It Possible To Know Whether Report Is Still Executing In Report Viewer? (Web Forms)

Apr 13, 2007

Hi All,

I have a Report Viewer and a Exit button in Web Form. Untill the report is processed i don't want to enable the button.

so Is it possible to know whether report is still executing in report viewer ?

I am using Remote Mode.

Any help will be appreciated.



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How Can I Add Report To Report Viewer In Page

Feb 18, 2008

sorry but this is my first dayes to using sql report services i make 14 report in sql report services server and do't know how can i add this reports to my aspx page
and every report have parameters how can i send this parmeter to reports when he open or load in aspx page
like companyID and employeeID
my report have his datasource and dataset
sorry but i just start to using reports services

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Report Viewer

Aug 24, 2007

I am looking for capturing Report viewer events on the web form. Can anyone tell me how to fo this?
S Suresh

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Report Viewer In .DOT NET 3.5

Apr 22, 2008

Hi all,

is it possible to use ReportViewer control in project Windows Application (WPF) in msvs2008,which uses .DOT NET 3.5? I need to run ReportViewer component under xaml but I don't know how / or is it possible?

thanks for every helpful reply


<Window x:Class="WindowsApplication2.Window1"
Title="WindowsApplication2" Height="329" Width="533"


Thanks ,

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Reporting Services :: Display Logo / Image In Middle Of Report Header In SSRS Report

Jun 22, 2015

How to display the logo in middle of report header , The logo is embedded in the Image folder . The column of the report  are static. we are using SSRS 2008

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Error With Report Viewer

Feb 15, 2008

Hi, I am getting the following error when I try to open up my web application now, after installing the report viewer add on and placing it onto one of my pages.

Parser Error Message: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms, Version=, Culture=nutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The system could not find the file specified.

Source Error:
Line 47: <add assembly="Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B03F5F7F11D50A3A" />

Source File: web.config

So far I have tried to fix this error by installing the reportviewer.exe on the server. I have also verified that the ReportViewer files are in the assembly folder on the server. I also found a site saying to run the reportviewer.exe from a specific location, here is the link

but when I try to browse to the folder it is talking about I found out that I don't even have a BootStrapper folder under Microsoft Visual Studio 8/SDK/v2.0

Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this error?

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Favicon In Report Viewer?

Apr 26, 2007

I understand this may be Off Topic for this board, but has anyone figured out how to add a Favicon to the Report Viewer?

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Scroll Bar In Report Viewer

Oct 16, 2007

How can i show scroll bar in winform report viewer.?
I have set Auscroll = true..
But that didnt effect

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Report Viewer 2008

Jan 13, 2008

Can anyone tell me what new functionality is introduced with the 2008 version of Report Viewer (download here). As usual, Microsoft have published the new version, but without any release notes - this is very frustrating.

Is it just for compatibility with SQL Server 2008, or does it actually fix bugs (of which there are many) or introduce new features?

I wish Microsoft would improve their introduction of updates, such that providing detailed release notes was standard practice.



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Version Of Report Viewer

Mar 10, 2008

Can anyone tell me whats the latest version of the Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms.dll for the ReportViewer redistributable sp?
How do we find the version of dll file which is already installed in my machine?


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Report Viewer Not Available In VB Express?

Apr 14, 2006

I'm trying to use report viewer controls, but the controls do not appear in the toolbox. The file reportviewer.exe was not in the location specified in the help files, but I have downloaded it, and when I try to add it to the toolbox, I get the message 'ReportViewer.exe' is not a .Net module. Should there be a .dll somewhere? Is it not possible to use this control w/ VB Express / SQLExpress?

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Report Viewer Redistribution

May 14, 2007

I am creating a .NET WinForm app and would like to include the files required for the ReportViewer component (SP1). Can someone tell me where I can find these files? Also, can I simply drop these files in the folder where the rest of my app is going to reside, or does an installation have to take place?

Thanks - Amos.

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Can I Have A Checkbox In My Report Viewer

Jan 15, 2008

I have a order form and i want to take it to the next level.. So i have a report in my reportserver is exceuted using a sproc. I am using an Report viewer to view the report in my web application.
So is it possible to have 2 - 3 check boxes that will populate thru the webapplication, in my report viewer and still use the report from the report server.. For eg.
The data in my report will looks like this

OrderNo PlanId PlanName ... ETc
chkbox 45 15 ABD
chkbox 46 75 BDA

any help will be appreciated.


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Report Viewer In ASP.NET - Subreport Page 2 Goes Back To Main Report Page 2 On Paging

Nov 22, 2007

What we've found is that when you have two reports where one navigates to the other, if you click on the second page of the second report, it takes you to the second page of the original report. If you navigate over to the subreport again and click for the second page, it works appropriately. This is definitely a no-go for production code and this may delay our ship date because I would think this is definitely undesirable.


ASP.NET Report Viewer using Remote Reports
Report that links to another report
Both reports return more than one page
Reporting Services installed
Steps to Reproduce:

Download the source code here.

Follow the directions (near the bottom of the post) to get the project set up.

Run it and click on a link in the first report to go to the second report.

Click the arrow for page 2 of the second report.

Notice how it takes you back to page 2 of the first report (this doesn't happen when you are in preview mode in the Reporting Services project and I don't believe it does this in a smart client application).

Click on a link in the first report to go back to the second report.

Click the arrow for page 2.

Notice how it takes you to page 2 of the second report.

Here is a link with source code and a more detailed explanation:

So what I am looking for is both a workaround for now and if this is determined to be a bug, to be fixed in the next service pack.

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