Report Wizard - No 'Next' Button Highlighted On Last Screen

May 21, 2007


I am trying to use the report wizard and I get to the last screen where it asks for a name for the report file. The 'Next' button is not unprotected although the 'Finish' button is.

As far as I can tell I have setup the Matrix style report up correctly. If I use the 'Finish' button, Visual Studio just crashes.

The help does not give any clue and I have not found any answers in the forum.

Any ideas what the problem might be?

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Set View Report Button So It Does Not Go Off Screen

Feb 27, 2008

The "View Report" button is relatively positioned so when the report content is wider than the screen size, it pushes it to the right such that the users have to scrool right to click on it again. Is there a way of setting the "View Report" button to a fixed position to eliminate this?

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Problem Deploying Custom Report Item. Items Shows In Preview Screen In VS, But Not In Server Deployed Report

Nov 29, 2006

I have developed a custom report item that works fine in design and preview mode while in Visual Studio. I cannot get it to show up on my deployed reports. Here's what I have done so far:

1. Deployed the report using Visual Studio

2. updated the rsreportserver.config file with the following entry:

<ReportItem Name="PedigreeChart" Type="Uabr.Rap.PedigreeChart.PedigreeChartRenderer, Uabr.Rap.PedigreeChart" />

3. Updated the rssrvpolicy.config file with the following entry.

Description="This code group grants Uabr.Rap.PedigreeChart.dll FUllTrust permission. ">
Url="C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.3Reporting ServicesReportServerinUabr.Rap.PedigreeChart.dll" />

I've also tried using the StrongNameMembershipCondition with no better results.

4. The dll and its dependencies are copied to the bin directory of the report server.

5. When I load a report with this custom report item on it, the report loads fine with no errors or warnings in the log file (even with verbose tracing). The area where the custom item should be is just white. It's almost like Reporting Services isn't registering the item correctly.

This is particularly frustrating because the report works fine in Visual Studio - apparently I configured that correctly. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'm stumped.

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Trying To Use A Image That Is On The Network That Show On The Layout Screen But Not On The Preview Screen?

Oct 25, 2007

get the following error when I click on prview.

Build complete -- 0 errors, 0 warnings

[rsWarningFetchingExternalImages] Images with external URL references will not display if the report is published to a report server without an UnattendedExecutionAccount or the target image(s) are not enabled for anonymous access.

[rsInvalidMIMEType] The value of the MIMEType property for the image €˜image1€™ is €œtext/html; charset=utf-8€?, which is not a valid MIMEType.

Preview complete -- 0 errors, 2 warnings

This is the URL:


I've been told that image is a gif how should I set the mimeType?Or is this a security issue of some sort?

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How To Eliminate Login Screen When I Try To Access Report Via URL

Sep 13, 2007

I am trying to access a report via url

it always asks for username and password.

All my users login to my project which is 1.1(vs2003) based project, now from inside the project, if they try to access any report from (which is on framework 2.0), they have to go through a autentication screen which is related to sql server reporting services.

can you please help, how to override this login screen.

Thank you very much for the information.

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Initial Load Of Report. Wait For And Trap View Report Button

Oct 25, 2007

I have some date criterias on my report that default and so I would like for the report not to display until the user clicks on the "view report" button.

Also, I would like to trap that button to send my own internal parameters to the report. How and where would I do that.

I'm running the report through report viewer and I have a subroutine that would refresh the report with my desired internal parameters. I just need to hook it up.

Thanks for any help or information.

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Double Click On The View Report Button To Get The Report To Render.

Jul 26, 2007

I've got a SQL Reporting Server 2000 SP2 report that takes 3 parameters. FromDT, ToDT, and LocationCD. The first two parameters are free form text fields that expect a date. The last one is a drop down box. For some reason, when I'm viewing the report through the standard reports folder on the report server I have to click the "View Report" button two times to get the report to render. Clicking it just once, doesn't seem to do anything. The report is a line graph.

There are default values in the FromDT and ToDT parameter fields.

Anyone have any ideas what would be causing the need for the second click?

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Calling Subscription Screen Inside Report Viewer

Sep 3, 2007


I use SQL Server 2005 Reporting Service to develop all my Reports. i design the report and deploy to the report server. i have created a Web application where i use the above report to be shown inside a ReportViewer page.

when any user view's the report i also want to give them the subscription screen inside the report viewer. BIG QUESTION is how do i call the subscription screen of a specific report inside the report viewer?

any help is appreciated

/Chandresh Soni

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System Crashes While Printing A Report - Blue Screen Error

May 8, 2007

When I try to print a report ( report viewer control from ASP.NET application). The print dialog box opens, once I select the printer and click ok. It show €œprinting 1 page€? for 3-4 seconds and the System(computer)crashes and displays a blue screen error. This is happening for only two of my reports. And currently we have disabled the print button for these.

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Failing To Deploy Report With Report Manager Wizard In Visual Studio BI !

Jul 16, 2007

I am getting the following error when I attempt to deploy my test report.

"Failed to Deploy Report, The user 'XXX/IUSR_XXX' has insufficient rights to perform this action."

Has anyone gotten this error before, I have tried every permission option I could with the IUSR account by adding it to each folder etc ...and still get no resolve. Anyone have a fix for this bug ?

Responses are much appreciated!!

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Can't Connect To Remote Report Server Model From Report Wizard

Mar 6, 2008


I have created and deployed a data source (which uses "Credentials supplied by the user running the report") and a model which uses this data source.
Also I have built a report using Report Builder and all works well.

Now I wish to use Visual Studio to build a report, so I'm trying to create a data source from my computer which the report should use and I want it to use the model on the remote server. In the Report Wizard I am using "Report Server Model" and the following connection string:


IHowever I can't make the credentials to work. I've tried them all with no luck. What username/password must I use? Because so far nothing of what I have tried works.

Any help is highly appretiated.

Kind Regards,

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Adding Button In Report

Apr 27, 2007

I would like to know whether there is any way to add a button in report. I have 3 report parameters. On clicking the button, the current values of the reports are to be obtained and saved in database i.e saving the report configuration. I will use this saved configuration to form the url and view report directly.



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Add A Print Button To A Report

Feb 28, 2008

How do i add a print button to my report? Do i have to use ASP.NET?
(I dont know .NET)
Is there anyother way?


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How To Add Link In A Report As A Button?

Dec 21, 2006


I want to add a link in a report, possibly a url link or a link to other report. One way of doing this is to go to properties of textbox and then update the jump to option.

But how to do this through a click of a button, inside the report?

I am having Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, designer's version.


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Report Builder Button

Jan 3, 2006

We've installed SQLServer 2005 and are trying to use Report
Builder.  But we only see the Report Builder button if we're
currently logged onto the machine that's running RS.

My understanding is that anybody with a role of Content Manager should
be able to see this, but nothing we do with the role assignments seems
to help.

We've installed on XP and Win2003 machines and this behavior is consistent.

Any ideas?



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Report Builder Button Does Not Appear

Jul 24, 2007

For users who are not admins on the IIS server the report builder button just doesn't appear. Any idea on why this would be???

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Reporting Services :: RDLC Report Wizard To Add RDL Report?

Oct 1, 2015

problem when add RDLC report wizard to add RDL report Unable to cast object of type 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAny' to type 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaElement'.


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Report Builder Button Does Not Appear In SSRS

Nov 26, 2013

I have installed SQL Server Express 2008 R2 Express version and have created various tables and stored procedures. I start Reporting Services Configuration Manager, connect to my report server instance, click on Report Manager URL and get my SQL Server Reporting Services Home page. I have the “New folder, New Data Source, Folder and Upload buttons, but I do not have a Report Builder button.

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Report Builder Button Opens XML File?

Nov 26, 2013

several months ago I briefly set up a data source, tested it and created a very simple report.

I now have an chance to get back into it and when I am at the SSRS Home page and click the button to start "Report Builder I get the yellow bar at the bottom of the page like I'm trying to open a file. It says: "Do you Want to open or save ReportBuilder_3_0_0_0_0.appliation(15.2 KB) from caholoweckyw7" and then the Open, Save and Cancel buttons. If I click open, the actual XML code behind the page appears and the application does not start. ?

The data source has been created and the connection has been tested successfully. I am running SQL Server 2012 and Windows 7 and IE 9.

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Report Manager And The Show Details Button

Jan 24, 2008

I've read posts that state it is impossible to remove the "Show Details" button on the tool bar in Report Manager.

I created a new role assignment for an individual on a folder with the "Browse" role only.

When that individual navigates to the folder and clicks the "Show Details" button, the "Delete" and "Move" buttons also appear on the tool bar, with a checkbox next to each report item.

I can't have a folder where my users have the ability to delete or move my published reports!

Am I missing a setting? Again, the user has the "Browse" role only on the folder.


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Report Viewer Close Button Is Not Working!!!

Sep 26, 2007

We are using ReportViewer control to show SSRS 2005 Reports in a Windows Form. Now, in some Reports the close button is not working. Even user clicks on the Close button in the right top corner of the Report Viewer the Report cannot be closed. Please help me to understand and resolve this problem.

Thanks and Warm Regards Saanj

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Back To Parent Report Button Not Visible

Jun 8, 2006

When I preview a report that has a link to a details report page in VS a "Back to Parent Report" button is displayed. However, when I publish the report to the Report Server, the .aspx page doesnt display the "Back to Parent Report" button. Is there a setting I need to make to have the button displayed?

thanks, lance

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Validate While Clicking The View Report Button

Apr 3, 2007

I want to validate my input report parameters while user clicks the View Report Button. How can I accompalish this in SSRS.

ex: Report parameters should accept only numberic values.

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Help With Print Button On Report Viewer Not Showing Up!

Aug 24, 2007


I am having a problem with Print button not showing up. I tried everything but I can get it to show itself on the toolbar. I am using reporting viewer on local report on the web page. I published my local report on the server but still not showing.
If anybody knows how to fix this problem please help.

I am also tring to insert a report parameter in the header section of the report but when I get to parameters section it tells me that "This report does not contain any parameteres".

Thanks in advance!

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Back Button Does Not Regenerate Original Report

Feb 28, 2007

When I drill down from one report to another and then depress the back button to return to the initial report, the message 'Generating Report" spins forever without actually running. However, if I depress the regenerate button during this time, it will run the report.

I believe that I may have inadvertingly reset a field attribute to have caused this condition. Ironocally, I have the same set of database installed on another server, and the this does not happen.

I forgot to mention that I am using Report Manager to deploy the reports.

Please assist.

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Back Button Does Not Regenerate Original Report

Feb 27, 2007

When I drill down from one report to another and then depress the back button to return to the initial report, the message 'Generating Report" spins forever without actually running. However, if I depress the regenerate button during this time, it will run the report.

I believe that I may have inadvertingly reset a field attribute to have caused this condition. Ironocally, I have the same set of database installed on another server, and the this does not happen.

I forgot to mention that I am using Report Manager to deploy the reports.

Please assist.

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OK Button Doesn't Work In Report Manager RS2000

Aug 14, 2006

Hi, i have a new instalation of RS2000 under Windows 2003 Server SP1 with a fresh reaplied Windows Service Pack 1 and RS2000 Service Pack 2.

My problem is that any page of the report manager with a "OK" button, that button doen't do nothing, it is enabled bu doesn't do any action.

Can't figure this one out

Need Help Thank's

PS: Is did work early on this machine but stop working without notice, or any change at all.

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RDLC Client Report And Query Parameters And Print Button

Feb 9, 2007

Hi, this is my first post here. I hope to be helpful trying to help and not only asking questions arround here. After I have my report ready I will share here the total experience from top to bottom!But for now, here's the issue:

I'm building a RDLC Repor on my ASP.Net VB web application. I added the .rdlc file to the application and created a table to show lines of data binded from a dataset. The thing is:

- The DataSet expects a parameter @intNumber, a identifier to get the correct data to display the correct report.

- I'm using ReportViewer to view the report, and by code I've passed a Report Parameter to the *.RDLC report with success, just like this:

Dim parms(0) As ReportParameter
parms(0) = New ReportParameter("intNumber", 37)

The present issue is the following:
I want to use that parameter sent to the report to be sent to the query of the DataSet as parameter to the query to return the data to fill the report. I've heard that this is not possible, just with report server...

Another issue is the print button, also heard that only can appear on report way to display and work on RDLC reports?Very confused right now...these issues are stupid, MS tools should allow these operations, which are not efficient if this is not possibla on RDLC...

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Reporting Services :: Disable / Enable View Report Button

Sep 14, 2015

Is there a way to make the View Report disabled or enabled if certain condition exists?

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~* Data Driven Subscription Button Missing In Report Manager *~

Dec 6, 2007


I am using SSRS 2005 for reporting. I am not able to see the "New Data-driven Subscription" button in Report Manager. But I am able to see "New Subscription".

Thanks in advance.

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Using The Print Button On SSRS Report Manager Causes Computer To Reboot:

May 4, 2007

This is a really strange problem. There are some reports that work fine when I click the print button provided by the Report Manager but trying to print the report by clicking on print button located by the export causes my computer to reboot. Is there a resolution?

The report can be successfully printed if exported to pdf.

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Highlighted Row, Increment Variable

May 5, 2008

I have an with C# code behind page that displays the following. The information
is being pulled from an SQL database. Each row that is above 7:10am is highlighted.:
EntryDate    EntryTime     Employee4/25/08      7:05:56 AM   
Scot                   4/25/08      7:11:02 AM    Rick        4/26/08     
9:05:00 AM    Jen                        4/27/08      8:05:16 AM   
Mel                        4/27/08      7:15:06 AM   
Bill                        4/28/08      5:00:55 AM    Scot I want to have a static variable for each employee called lateScot, lateJen, lateMel, lateRick, lateBill. For each row that is highlighted, I want to increment the counter of the employee by one. I am using the RowDataBound event to highlight as needed. But how can I use the SqlDataSource1_Selecting event to go through the and increment as needed based on highlighted rows? protected void SqlDataSource1_Selecting(object sender, SqlDataSourceSelectingEventArgs e)    {            }protected void GridView1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)    {        if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)        {            string grr = e.Row.Cells[2].Text;            DateTime ontime = Convert.ToDateTime(e.Row.Cells[1].Text);            DateTime late = Convert.ToDateTime("12/30/1899 7:10:00 AM");                        if (ontime.TimeOfDay >= late.TimeOfDay && grr != "Mailman,Mailman" && grr != "Moses,Bill" && grr != "Bathroom,Women's" && grr != "Bathroom,Men's" && grr != "Sharm,Tonmoy")            {                e.Row.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Firebrick;                e.Row.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.White;            }                               }    } Thanks in advance,Scot 

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Reporting Services :: Extra Command Button To Print SSRS Report

Aug 8, 2015

I have created  web based  ssrs report with Report viewer  and I am trying to add Command button to print result of report reside in ReportViewer and I have worked with  code to generate. Is there any other way to work around without writing function or java script  on Extra print button to print  ssrs report.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;


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