Report From Right To Left

Feb 20, 2007

Report from right to left

Is there a way to define the report from right to left?
and I mean all the report and not just the textBox and stuff?

For example:
Right now, When I have a table that spread over the whole page, If I change the visibility of a column from the center to False - The table shrink to the left (and there is a spare room in the right side of the page).

I tried changing the lenguage to hebrew but no good.

Any ideas?

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How To Define A Left Outer Join In Report Using ReportModel As DataSource

Aug 25, 2006

Dear ppl,

I got a Report Model Project, in which i have created a model of my Database and deployed it on the server...

Then I have a Report Server project for my reports. The reports are using Report Model as the DataSource...

Now in the Report Designer, inside a report, when I define query for Dataset using Report Model , I can't find a way to write a left Outer Join query... It always performs Inner Joins... was wondering ether Report model supports Outer Joins ?... I might achive this using two different datasets but then i'll end up using two data regions e.g. 2 tables, but i don't want to do that... instead I want all of my data to appear in a single table which can reference to single dataset.

Is there a way to define left outer joins using Report model ? I am new to this Reporting Servces and I might be missing something here... would any body please point out that

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How To View Field List On The Left Side Of Report Layout

Jan 4, 2007

I want to see all the fields list on the left side of report layout, you can drag a field and put it on the report.

Thank you very much.

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Placing Sub Total Coulmn To The Left Of The Coulumn In Matrix Report

Jul 4, 2007


If I am taking a Matrix and right clicking on the column header and click on the SubTotal then it always place that column on the right of it .If I want to place that column to the left of my original column then I can't do it.

Adding manual column and then puuting the Expresstion =Sum(Fields!MyCol.Value) is not halping as it will give me the same value that is there in the column instead of giving me the column



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Reporting Services :: SSRS Group Tree View In Left Side Of Report

Jul 9, 2015

I added the row group to show up as the tree view in the left side of the report. But I need it to display the records in the report detail for just that group value for the records when I clicked the group value from the tree view list.

Currently, it‘s not doing that. It takes me to that page where the group value is listed but it lists all other records too (which I don't want).

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Transact SQL :: Left Pad With 0 And Extract 2 Characters On The Left?

Oct 28, 2015

I have a table PLACE with a character column CODE

[Code] [nchar](4) NULL

I need to left pad the column with 0 if it is less than 4 characters long and extract the first 2 characters on the left into a new column COUNTY_CODE.

How can I do that in transact SQL?

I tried:
SELECT  RIGHT(RTRIM('0000'+ISNULL([Code],'')),4)     
   FROM [Place]
   WHERE [Place Code]='B' and [Code]='627'

And I got 0627. And how do I extract the first 2 characters?

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Remove Space Left To Right And Right To Left

Oct 24, 2013

How to remove space left to right and right to left

If I give limit >60 for first 60 character; limit 60< second 60 character

Result would be check if space at 60 character if yes remove and go the 59 character check then space remove and 58 character check if there is charater then display

As well as after 60 character to till 120 for right space

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Left Join Vs Left Outer Join Syntax Generates Different Execution Plans

Apr 16, 2008

Anyone know why using

ON =
instead of

ON =

generates a different execution plan?

My query is more complex, but when I change "LEFT OUTER JOIN" to "LEFT JOIN" I get a different execution plan, which is absolutely baffling me! Especially considering everything I know and was able to research essentially said the "OUTER" is implied in "LEFT JOIN".

Any enlightenment is very appreciated.


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Why Is Left Table In LEFT JOIN Limited By Where Clause On Right Table

Jan 25, 2015

-- Why is the left table in a LEFT JOIN limited by the where clause on the right table?eg

INSERT @LeftTable (LeftValue)
VALUES (111)
INSERT @LeftTable (LeftValue)
VALUES (222)


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Select Where Left In Left

Dec 20, 2006


for MS SQL 2000, i cannot get it

i am having names like AB_12 I want to get all rows with left part similar , AB im that case

SELECT id, name
FROM Users
WHERE LEFT(name, CHARINDEX('_', name) - 1) AS name IN
SELECT LEFT(name, CHARINDEX('_', name) - 1) AS ns
FROM Users
GROUP BY LEFT(name, CHARINDEX('_', name) - 1)

does not work

is there any way to use a variable ?

declare @nm nvarchar
set @nm = SELECT LEFT(name, CHARINDEX('_', name) - 1) AS ns
FROM Users

thank you for helping

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Multiple Left Joins (2 Left Joins 1 Big Headache)

Sep 1, 2005

Hi All,

Im having a problem with a statement i cannot seem to get 2 left joins working at the same time 1 works fine but when i try the second join i get this error:-

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'children_tutorial.school_id=schools.idx LEFT JOIN regions ON children_tutorial.region_id=region.idx'.

My SQL statment is as follows :-
SELECT children_tutorial.*,schools.schoolname,regions.rname FROM children_tutorial LEFT JOIN schools ON children_tutorial.school_id=schools.idx LEFT JOIN regions ON children_tutorial.region_id=region.idx

I am using an Access database i have tried all sorts to get it working and its driving me mad!! any help would be really appreciated.

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Left Join Vs Left Outer Join

Apr 7, 2008

Is there any difference between left join and left outer join in sql server 2000?please reply with example if any?
Thanks in advance

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Left Join Vs Left Outer Join

May 14, 2008


Whats the diference between a left join and a left outer Join

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This Feature Remote Access To Report Data Sources And/or The Report Server Database Is Not Supported In This Edition Of Report

Jun 16, 2006

SQL server 2005 express reporting problem.

error message:

This feature "remote access to report data sources and/or the report server database" is not supported in this edition of reporting service

I got this error message when I try to connect to database hosted in another PC running SQL server 2000.

Is it true that SQlL server Express can only use Local Database Engine to host the database?

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Getting Left _

Dec 1, 2006

how can I can update a table :: I must get all the left part of a columns part1_part2I dont know how many characterssomething like :UPDATE Users SET Users.Info = left(, _ ??? or split('_'))in that case = part1i must update only the one with a '_' and do nothing for the othersthank you

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Pad Left

May 8, 2006


I am trying to pad a field from the left with zeros that is defined in a table as "[char] (9)". The field can have from 1 to 9 chars populated. In this instance the value in the field is "133000", which I am trying to pad so that it will be "000133000". I have made several failed attempts to do this, the latest of which was this:

right(replicate('0',9)+ convert(varchar(9),a.GS06GRP_CTL_NBR),9)
fromTable1 a


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Jan 26, 2007

I'm trying to join 2 tables. I thought I was getting the correct results but it turns out I'm not.
My Query:
 Basically, my problem lies in the seonc condition of the LEFT JOIN. I needed to set the two tables equal my item number, because in some situations I need that logic to get the correct result. It most other cases, that item column in the ORDDIS_TBL is NULL, thus giving me the wrong results. In that case, I would want the JOIN to only be ORDDIS_TBL.OIORDN = INVDET1_TBL.IVORDN, and not include the second part. Is there a way I can condition this with an If statement, If ORDDIS_TBL.OIRESR is Null then do this join, if not, then do this? I'm confused how to get the proper result here.

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Left Trim

Jun 28, 2000

What is the syntax of left triming characters seperated by space.

e.g elsie reed
and i want elsie to go to one field and reed in another field i do not want to use numbers because they don't all have the same numbers but are all seperated by spaces

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Left Join Help

Jul 7, 2005

I need to make a left join from the freezefile f, to sped s, instead of having f.studentid = in the where clause. Any help??

select f.studentid, f.studentname,, fs.mealstatus, s.except, s.lre, r.description, g.testid, g.scale_la, g.scale_ma, t.test_name, t.year
from freezefile f, fsapps fs, sped s, regtb_exception r, gqe_scores g, test_info t
f.type = 'ADM'
s.except = r.code
t.test_name = 'ISTEP'
t.year = 2004
g.testid = t.testid
f.studentid =
f.studentid =
f.studentid = g.studentid

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Left Joins And Where

Apr 25, 1999

To the wise,

This may be a very simple problem but it's been racking may brains for a while and I just can't seem to think it through clearly.

I'm trying to return a query which uses a left join and where. I'm hoping to get a result set which shows - let us says all the departments in a company. I would like to see all the department but only the names of department heads that earn 20.000+.

In MS Access I used a subquery. My subquery returned only departments with department heads that earned 20.000+ - I then left joined the departments table to that query - no problem.

With MSSQL I've tried IN, ANY, ALL but my result sets only returns the departments that earn 20.000+ and the employees for those particular departments.

I'm thinking there must be some way of doing this without having to use a union clause.

Thanks for taking the time to read this message through.


Arthur Lambiris

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Left/right Join

Aug 2, 2004

i'm shure it's some smal stiupid mistake bat I can't find it, PLZ help.

select komorka from #plantemp



select komorka,ustalenia from analiza_1 a where a.koniec between '20040701'and '20040731'

komorka ustalenia

select p.komorka,isnull(sum(ustalenia),0)
from #plantemp p left join analiza_1 a on p.komorka=a.komorka
where a.koniec between '20040701'and '20040731'
group by p.komorka

komorka ustalenia (sum)


I need all rows from table 1 bat right and left join gives me the same results, WHY

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Left Join

Jan 9, 2007

There are two tables:
IndexID, Name

ID, ParentIndexID, ChildIndexID, Weight
121 20
223 80
313 50
412 50

As you can see the ParentIndexID and ChildIndexID fields refer to tblIndices.IndexID
I would like a stored procedure as follows:
show all index names and show the wights for the indexID you passed.
This is what I have so far and it is not correct yet. Not sure what the syntax should be.

alter PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspBasketIndices_Get]



tblIndices as i left join tblBasketConstituents as bc on i.IndexID = bc.ParentIndexID
and i.IndexID = @IndexID
order by

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How Many 'LEFT JOIN' Is Too Many?

Feb 26, 2004

Any one know any facts and figures about maximum Left Joins allowed (or recommended) in one query?

I am running a MS SQL 2000 my database is full of relational data and most of my foreign keys (INT data type) are a Clustered Indexed, Usually I will only be pulling one record from collection of about a dozen tables, but the Database is expected to grow fast and become big.

Right now I have a Stored Proc that has eight(8) LEFT JOINs in it. My worry is that this query will kill me as the database approaches 50,000 records.


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Left Function

Apr 7, 2008

i have a query

select message from ticket

but i want to only get the first 100 characters

select left(message,100) from ticket

is giving me an error - please advise?

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Left Join

Mar 6, 2007

Hi all. My query works fine, it generates reports but not my expected result.

select d.fullname, p.nickname, p.birthdate, p.birthplace,
p.gender, p.civilstatus, p.religion, p.nationality, p. weight, p.height,
p.haircolor, p.eyecolor, p.complexion, p.bodybuilt, p.picture, p.dialectspoken,
d.mobilephone, d.prprovince,[Age] = dbo.F_AGE_IN_YEARS( birthdate, getdate() ),, c.address, c.telno,, c.occupation, ed.year1, ed.year2,, sch.schname
from hremployees as e
inner join psdatacenter as d on e.empdcno = d.dcno
inner join pspersonaldata as p on e.empdcno = p.dcno
left join hrappempcharrefs as c on e.empdcno = c.empdcno
left join hrappempeducs as ed on e.empdcno = ed.empdcno
left join hrsetschools as sch on ed.schoolcode = sch.schcode

the above query gives a 77 records

if i ran "select * from hremployees" generates 60 records

i think the error is in the left joining.
hrappempcharrefs, hrappempeducs and hrsetschools must be left joined to hremployees.


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Anything Left Of A Character?

Apr 18, 2007

if i had many variables like 12-232
and 232131-232

and wanted only that left of the - symbol from that variable how could i do that?

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Substring From The Left?!?

May 21, 2008

we are using Moss 2007 and in one of our lists we add a hyperlink.
when we display this field into a report it is showed as: hyperlinkurl, name

for example:,testsite

What we want to is that the piece after the , is displayed as a value and the string before the , is used as hyperlink.

Now we have tested a few things like:

=Trim(Right(Fields!Variant_Locatie.Value, Len(Fields!Variant_Locatie.Value) - InStr(Fields!Variant_Locatie.Value, ", ")))

and this give's us the string part AFTER the , so that part is correct!

but I can't find out how to do the same thing but then for using everything BEFORE the ,


anyone got an idea? just changing Right with Left give's us (for example): http://thisisa
instead of (he's counting the number of characters from the right to the , and then displays the characters starting from the left but only the number of characters he counted previously) ...

urgent plz!

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Left Joins

Nov 2, 2006

My understanding of relevant topics as well as SQL Books Online definition of left outer joins is that each record in the left table will be retrieved and where no associated right record exists then null values will be displayed for records in the right hand table but I've obviously misunderstood and would be grateful if someone could show me how to produce the required effect.

My scenario is pretty simple: 2 tables DiningTables and Reservations with columns as follows:

DiningTables: TBL_ID and TBL_Location - TBL_ID is the primary key

Reservationss::RES_TBL_ID and RES_Diner_Name - RES_TBL_ID is the primary key

There are 8 records in DiningTables and 4 records in Reservations and the objective is obtain the following output:

TBL_ID RES_Diner_Name

1 Jones

2 Smith

3 Bloggs

4 Mack

5 null

6 null

7 null

8 null

The SQL query I used is

SELECT Reservations.RES_Diner_Surname, DiningTables.TBL_ID
Reservations ON DiningTables.TBL_ID = Reservations.RES_TBL_ID

That query generates 11 rows as follows:

TBL_ID RES_Diner_Name

1 Jones

1 Smith

1 Bloggs

1 Mack

2 null

3 null

4 null

5 null

6 null

7 null

8 null

I'm clealry missing something incredibly obvious and I kinda feel like the village idiot and would be extremely grateful for a clue!!

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Left Or Right Joins

Oct 25, 2007

Hi All,

This may be a stupid question. But I just want to make sure i'm going in right direction.
I wrote the following query. My purpose is to retrieve all the members who submitted loan applications.
I just want to make sure my query is right? Can anyone veryfy this query?
Do I have to use loanApplication table first instead of members. Also Do I need to use right outer joins instead of left outer joins?

Code Block
SELECT Member.CUMemberId, LoanApplication.SubmittedOn, Member.LastName, Member.FirstName, Member.MiddleName, LoanApplication.Amount,
LoanApplication.Decision, LoanApplication.Term, Rate.InterestRate, LoanApplication.Status, Member.CuStatus
MemberLogon ON Member.Id = MemberLogon.MemberFK INNER JOIN
LoanApplication ON Member.LastLoanApplicationFK = LoanApplication.Id AND Member.Id = LoanApplication.MemberFK LEFT OUTER JOIN
Account ON Member.Id = Account.MemberFK AND LoanApplication.LoanFK = Account.Id LEFT OUTER JOIN
Rate ON LoanApplication.RateFK = Rate.Id
WHERE (LoanApplication.Status = 'Submitted')


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Rewriting Left Joins

Sep 21, 2007

I am working on a query that has 11 left join statements, some are hitting against reference data that has a small amount of records, whereas others not so small.  From a performance standpoint, should I look at rewriting this query, and how would I do so?  What is an alternative to left joins; any examples anyone has?

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Left Join Using Vb 9.0 And LINQ

Dec 2, 2007

Hi Guys,
I started working with linq and vb9.0 but i have a small problem i could feagure how to solve in c# but not in vb
I wanted to make left join or right join on vb 9.0 and linq is it possible or this is only c# feature ?
Waiting to hear from u guys,

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The Left Side Of Like Operator

Mar 10, 2008

I have a select statement which accepts 2 variable in the "where" condition.
select username from user where variable1 like variable2. But the problem is in the left side of "like" statement if i use fieldname i get the result , but if i use variable name to represent a fieldname then i dont get the result.
Any ideas??

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Left Outer Join-please Help!

Jan 7, 2002

I need to write a query using left outer join and I'm having trouble with it.
I have 2 tables:customer and cust_info.
I want to pull all records from customer table and cust_info table even if there is no related data in cust_info table.
But I need one condition in this query:only records from customer table where cus_type in ("A","B","C").
I don't need all other types ("D","E").

So my query looks like this:

select customer.cus_name,customer.cus_address, s_type,cus_info.status
from customer
left outer join cus_info ON customer.sxdat_pk = cus_info.sxdat_pk
and cus_type in ("A","B","C")
AND cus_info.cus_table = 'CUSTOMER'

The result should be like this:

cus_name cus_address cus_type status
Amoco 457 bent A new
Bingo 47 lone oak C NULL
Sears 1020 Magic dr. B exist

But my query pulls records for customers with type "D" and "E" that I'm trying to exclude from result.

Please help.

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