Report Loses The Format When Exported From The Second Time

Mar 12, 2008

Hi all,

I am using client reports and SQL server 2005. I have created reports that accepts datasets and displays in the reports. I am also displaying the client's product image in the reports.

The problem I am facing is this.
When I export the report to excel for the first time every thing is fine. The issue is when I export after the second time.

From the second time whenever i export the report to EXCEL, I see that the second excel sheet does not follow the same alignment and format the first one had.

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While Exporting A SSRS 2005 Report In CSV Format ,can We Include The Report Headers And Footers Also To Be Exported

Nov 7, 2007

While exporting a SSRS 2005 report in CSV format ,can we include the report headers and footers also to be exported .
Thanks .

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CSV File Is Getting Messed Up When SSRS Report Is Being Exported To Csv Format

Sep 10, 2007


I am using expressions for the textboxes in the Table control Header, because the header names should be displayed in both English as well as in Japanese based on the language selection.The report works fine and all the render formatts except CSV are working fine.when i export this report to CSV, the header names are not coming in the first row of CSV , but some other textbox names (eg textbox 34..) are being displayed on the first row of CSV.From second row onwards, i am getting the header names seperated by comma and the data is being displayed.This header names are being repeated for all the rows in the CSV along with the data.Please give me a solution regarding this.

I tried by setting Data Element as "NO" from "Auto".I could stop the header names being repeated from second row in CSV, but i couldnot get the names in the first row of CSV.

I need to have all the header names as first row in csv and from the second row, i need data.

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Problem Regarding The Size Of Exported Report From Reporting Services To Excel Format

May 29, 2006

Hi All,

For developing a report I'm using SQL Server 2000 with SP4 & MS Visual Studio .Net 2003. After expoting a report in excel format file, the size of the excel file is so much big that while openning the report file it seemed to be hanged the PC.

Is there any way to reduce the size of the excel in reporting services?


Uttam Kr. Dhar

Medi Assist India Pvt. Ltd.

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Reporting Services :: SSRS Loses Ability To Delegate User Credentials To Database Time To Time?

Apr 30, 2015

we have problems with our SQL Reporting Service 2012 (SSRS) server . We have setup Kerberos delegation between SSRS and the database server (SQL Server Always-on cluster) so users are authenticated down to the database. The issue occurs from time to time that SSRS loses the ability to delegate the user credentials to the database. At this point in time the Report Server logs contain rejected database connections because of ANONYMOUS logon. After restarting SSRS the problem is gone.

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MDX Query Results Loses Format After Data Transformation

Dec 28, 2007


My first post here. I have an Analysis Services Cube and I need to export some of its data into a flat file (a semicolon separated value file) with fixed length columns.

What I have in Integration Services now is:

DataReader Source (ADO.Net conection)
Data Transformation (NTEXT -> WSTR)
Derived Column (WSTR -> STR, and some ISNULL validation)
Flat File Destination (Delimited by ";")

the thing is I have all the measures and calculated measures in the cube formated with format strings and they work fine when I do a query through the SQL server Managment Studio, but in Integration Services before the columns are written into the file they lose its format.

for example, I have a calculated member called "Deuda Total Nacional" that returns something like this +0001234,00 and I need to take off the decimal separator so it is written into the file like this +000123400 , I'm doing it this way

(ISNULL([Deuda Total Nacional]) ? "+00000000000" : REPLACE([Deuda Total Nacional],",",""))

instead it is written like this 1234.

I hope you can help me with this.


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Exported Format Issue

Feb 14, 2008

I am exporting a report run in Report Services to an Excel spreadsheet. The report contains a field with a format of percentage with calculated percentage data. (The field is a calculated field). If there is no data then the reporting services report shows a 'NaN' value in the report field. This is fine for the report. When this report is exported to Excel the percentage data column shows only #####. The data in the Excel edit window will show the correct value of 0% but the column data in Excel shows only the pound signs. When I change the format on the Excel column it doesnt change the ##### signs. The format on the reporting side is specified as (p) or as (p1). Is there a way to correct this problem?

The export of the reports also adds a decimal and a tenths digit to the integer values that get exported from the report builder to the Excel spreadsheet. This is unwanted but is fixed in Excel by changing the format.

Thanks a bunch for any ideas.

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Reports Cannot Be Exported To Csv Format

Feb 9, 2007


We have developed few reports through SQL Server Reporting Service 2005.
All those reports are columnar graphs (BAR charts).
One of the requirement of the project is to have the ability to export the report in different formats.
Since our reports are columnar graphs we are unable to export it to CSV or MHTML format.
Is there are setting in the report, which allows me to display the values, when exported to csv format?
also is there any setting for MHTML format. Some machine open the report in MHTML format and some machine does not.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

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DateTime Parameter Is In Wrong Format When Report Is Executed For The First Time

Dec 7, 2007

In my report I have two date parameters, both are of type DateTime.
The problem is that when the report is called for the first time the report parameter value is not shown in the expected format (de-DE, 01.01.2007) but in en-US 01/01/2007
Only when I change a Date using the calendar popup and click on the "show report" button, the right format will be taken over.

Language properties of the report are"=User!Language"
IE language is de-DE.
Report Server is a MS Windows Server 2003 R2 Standart Edition SP2
with MS SQL SERVER 2005 SP2

on a server with MS SQL SERVER 2005 SP1, this report works fine.
may be this bug is a new feature of SP2?

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Exported File In CSV Format, Empty Fields Are Producing A Space

Sep 20, 2007

Hello, I attempt to export a CSV formatted file from SSRS and if the field is not containing data, a space is added to the field.


4, ,1, , , ,

desired output:


I know it is just a property setting. If someone can instruct me on the correct setting to adjust, I would greatly appreciate your help!

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Report Does Not Exported

Apr 30, 2007

Dear all,
I am trying sql server reporting service 2005.
I made one simple report through business intelligence project and deployed that project to report server.
now when i trying to export to pdf or excel or any option. it only get hanged, does not export.

I am currently not able to identify problem.

Please suggest some idea where i am going wrong

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Problem In Viewing MHTML Report When It Is Exported

Apr 10, 2008

Hi, I am facing a different problem when MHTML report is exported, this happens in alternatve requests, but when I save the file report is proper.The only problem is when I click on Open button , it pops another dialouge with

Name: wbk3E.tmp
Type: HTML DOcument
From :mhtml:http://localhost/riq/web/UI/RunReports.aspx

wbk3E.tmp file is not displaying any report data, I am not getting what happens when I click on Open button..The same code is working on first request and its alternative requests fails to show the report...I don't have any problem with CSV and XML exports.

Please suggest me what is the problem in opening the report on Even open clicks. The below lines of code that renders the report.

switch (_format)
case "MHTML":
Response.ContentType = "text/mhtml";
Response.AddHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment;filename=output.mhtml");
Response.OutputStream.Write(m_bytes, 0, m_bytes.Length);

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: SSRS Report Rendering When Exported To MS Word

Oct 20, 2014

I am having a situation where my SSRS report when exported to PDF shows the exact report & when exported to MS Word, shows some unwanted space in the report column. Also the borders of the report are shown cut when exported.

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Reporting Services :: Limit Report From Being Exported To Excel

Oct 12, 2009

We have a report that we do not want to be able to be exported to excel. Is there a way, just on one report to limit the types it is exported toDBA.

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Data Not Shown, When Report Exported To Excel-Sheet

Feb 21, 2008

Hi everybody,

I'm quite new in Reporting Services and have the following problem:

I created a report which is getting its data from 5 different databases. For every database I made a subreport to get the data. In the preview and on the Reporting Server all the data is displayed find. Now I want to export the report to an Excel sheet which does work. But where the data from the subreports is to be shown it just says that subreports in table-cells has been ignored.

Another problem is that the way the report looks in the preview is fine - on the reporting server the columns are far to wide. I allready marked that the width should be fixed.

Some more information: in the main report some cells are merged. In these merged cells is the data from the subreport to be shown. The subreport displays the data in a table which has exact the same amount of colums (and the same size) the cells in the main report had before merging.

Thanks in advance,


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Reporting Services :: Getting White Space When Report Is Exported To Word

Sep 28, 2015

I build a tablix A in SSRS, which contains a tablix B and a textbox C. When the report is exported to word,  I found that there is white space between the tablix B and textbox C if the row of  tablix B is spilled over to next page.

If I export the report to PDF, the white space issue is gone.

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Reporting Services :: Indents Are Not Included When Exported SSRS Report To Excel

Jun 17, 2015

I have one SSRS report which contains indents but it is not included when exporting to excel sheet. Is it possible to include indents when exporting to excel?I have included indent in the textbox property of a field-->Alignment-->Padding Options-->Left-->Exp-->


This is working fine in the SSRS report but its not applied when exporting to excel.

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Added Space Character On The Header/Footer Contents Of An Exported Report In Excel

May 21, 2008

A space was added as the first character of the contents in the Left, Center and Right section of the Report Header and Footer exported to Excel. Example :

In the RDL, Header values are:

Left = "Product Report" ; Center = "Confidential" ; Right = "Page n of n"

In the exported report to Excel, Header properties (-->File.-->Page Setup--> Header/Footer Tab) are:

Left = " Product Report" ; Center = " Confidential" ; Right = " Page n of n"

Is there a way to eliminate that space character?

Thanks in advance.

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How To Show The Report Exporting Date Only In The Exported PDF/Excel File (ReportViewer Control)?

Mar 3, 2008

Hello everyone,

Our customer wants to display the exporting date only in the exported file when exports a report to PDF/Excel (we are using ReportViewer Control in ASP.NET). Can anybody tell me how to achieve this?

Thanks a lot.

Danny Li

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Transact SQL :: Converting 24hrs Time To 12 Hours Time Query Format?

Apr 21, 2015

    CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),attnc_chkin_dt,101) as INDATE,
    CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),attnc_chkin_dt,108) as TimePart
FROM pmt_attendance

indate   04/18/2015
time part :17:45:00

I need to convert this 17:45:00 to 12 hours date format...

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Reporting Services :: SSRS 2012 - How To Show Hovering Data In Exported Excel Report

Sep 23, 2015

We are showing hovering data in the report. When we hover the pointer of the mouse over cell, it shows the data. But when we export the report in excel, hover functionality is not working in exported report. Finding the solution to ensure hovering should work in the exported excel report.

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Reporting Services :: SSRS 2012 - Groups In Report Manager Not Present When Exported To Excel

Mar 2, 2015

I have a report in SSRS2012. It was copied from SSRS2005 quite recently, as we have upgraded. The SQL developer said that it didn't need any code changes, as he had some kind of tool to test code problems between the two versions. The report has a table, with 5 row groups, and one detail row. The table is setup as follows:

Name             Sales          Costs       Profit


When I run this report using the Report Manager website from SSRS2005, and then export to Excel 2013, I get the 6 row groups in Excel, no problem whatsoever. I can drill into each group in Excel, using the group drilldown column on the left hand side. This works the same as the Report Manager website.

If I run the exact same report from the Report Manager website in SSRS2012, the Report Manager result is the same as SSRS2005 - all the row groups are present, and the drilldown works fine. However, the export to Excel has issues with the groups. There are only 3 row groups showing in Excel, along with a column group added for no apparent reason.

Drilling into each group shows inconsistent details, and there is no apparent logic as to what is shown within each group. I should also mention, that this issue with groups is seen on all my reports which have groups, not just this report.

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Printing Local Time Zone In Time Format

Nov 16, 2007

I am in need of a format string or simple vb code that can add the local time zone to the end of a time field.. Something like:
9:36 AM EST
9:36 AM PST

This timezone will just come from the machine that the reporting server is on. I don't see this listed as a standard format, and I have come up empty so far in my research - anyone got a solution for this?

Thanks a bunch!

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Reporting Services :: Report Exported To Excel - In Print Preview Footer Text Box Data Truncated

May 6, 2015

I am exporting SSRS report to Excel I am aware that excel doesn't show footer , It shows in print preview but my footer has text box which have text disclaimer more than 255 characters, the data getting truncated.

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Export To A Text File, Then Name The Exported File The Date Is Was Exported, Then Zip

Jul 3, 2007

Hi folks

Any help on my request would greatly be appreciated. We are trying to maintain the growth of a particular table, by exporting and deleting data that is older then 90 days. Here are the 4 steps I need to do. I believe I know how to do 1 and 4;

1. Create a job that continously exports data that is older then 90 days to a text file

select *

from table A


(the column 'created' datatype is datetime and looks like this '3/5/2007 3:11:44 PM')

2. Have the job automatically name the exported file, the day it was exported (i.e. 07032007 (todays date))

3. Then zip that file (we're using 7-zip)

4. Then delete the data out of the table


from table A


Im not a big scripter/coder, so I was wondering if there is anything I could do in SSIS. Im more familiar with DTS, so any kind of baby steps you could provide in SSIS, would go a long way.

Thank you so much.

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How Format The Time

Feb 9, 2004

I am looking for a way to retrieve the time from a Sql 2000 database in the format of hh:mm AM or PM. I am storing the information as a "datetime" data type. If I only supply the time (such as 02:30 PM) then the date defaults to 12/30/1899. When I read the information from the database I get "1899-12-30 14:30:00:000".

If I enter 02:30 PM I would like to get 02:30 PM.

I have tried various convert functions in Sql, maybe there is a way to format with an ASP.Net datetime function but I need help to get the information back in the right format.
Thx In Advance

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SQL Time Format

Sep 7, 2006


I am taking datetime value from a table MA and separating date and time by using CONVERT function.

CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), MA.ArrivalDate, 101) AS ArrivalDate, '
CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), MA.ArrivalDate, 108) AS ArrivalTime,

but my ArrivalTime is coming as 13:01:00. I want to convert this time as 1:01:00. I have to do this conversion in my stored proc, not in my code. can you help ..? Thanks

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May 8, 2008


I have TIME stored in the column as


Required output :

I need to get its as in 24 hrs (not required seconds)

I am also require without semicolon Ex:1612

Many Thanks in advance

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Time Format

Nov 27, 2007


we have a column in database named "time" but it stores value as VARCHAR(9) datatype,
when i display the "time" field (let us say "time" value is 07:54 AM) on reports, it displays the value as it is (07:54 AM)
but i need the value to be displayed as 7:45 AM on the reports.

how can i do that ?

field in the database is TIME (varchar(9))
07:45 AM must be displayed as 7:45AM
12:34 PM must be displayed as 12:34 PM
I tryed to write a function in sql reports properties code which acceptes array of charecters and depending up on the value of left most charecter of recieved array it will return charectr string back, but coulded get it worked

could you please help me for solution

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Date Time Format

Jul 22, 2006

In a select statement a date field contains 1/1/2004 3:00:00 AM.In my select statement how do I get the field to show as 1/1/04?

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How To Fetch Time In 12 Hrs Format ?

Mar 11, 2008

I want ot get time just like this : 8:40:15 AMI am using
select convert(varchar(12),getdate(),8) to get this but this function return 24 Hrs format.
How to achive this by using small coding.

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Time Format From Net To SQL2000

Apr 13, 2004


I have a sql table setup with a date field and a time field. They are both set to datetime.

In my net form, the date is entered as a date and gets added the the SQL table OK.

My problem is the time field. If i enter it straight into the SQL table as say 2pm, it adds it correctly as 2:00:00 PM.
When I try to enter the time through my webform, the time gets added ok, but it places the date in the field as well to look like 14/04/2004 2:00:00 PM, I only want the time part of the field.

My code to add the time to the SQL table is as follows,

.Add(New SqlParameter("@time", SqlDbType.DateTime)).Value = txttime.txt

How do I remove the date from the time field.


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Converting Time Format

Jun 14, 2007

Dear all,

i have one table that colum is
164020 ---- that on convert into hh:mm:ss like 16:40:20

advance thanks

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