Report Versioning

Nov 16, 2007

I was wondering if anyone knows if there is a way to version a report, after changes have been made kind of like there is to an application. when changes are made to an app with a version # of say 4.0.1 you can changge to 4.0.1. Without using a program like SourceSafe. Thanks in advance for the speed responses.

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Jul 20, 2005

Dear friends,In the area of GIS (Geographic Information Systems) there is a featureknown as versioning (long transactions).This feature allows databases to maintain different versions of data,in a hierachycal structure, in order to do simulation (what if ...),historical snapshots, concurrent editing, etc.Each version can be reconciled with its parent version in any moment(merge-post changes).I have recently seen that Oracle supports this feature from version9i.I am very interested in knowing if SQL server will support thisfeature in future versions. Looking at SQL Server 2005 doc. I haven'tseen any related info.Thanks,Jerry

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DTS Versioning

Jun 12, 2007

I'm having problems to keep proper versioning control in place between the development and production environments. I'm running SQL2000 and we have hundreds of packages that runs daily. Some on shedules and some not.

Every time a package is saved, it creates a version in SQL Server. After development I want to be able to use something like "Visual Source Safe" and book the final version in that was moved into production. Something with a version number etc.

This is especially a problem if I want to roll back to a prior version of a package. I do not know which one of the 1000 versions to choose from that were created while developing the package.

Another problem is that I do not know if someone is working on a package if I want to work on it.

I can not run a search on all the packages to get a list of which tables/fields are used where to determine the impact of a program/database/design change that needs to be implemented.

Any suggestions would be helpfull.

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Database Versioning

Jul 13, 2000

I have a big delimma. We are developing and application that requires parallel work to be done one different copies of databases at the same time. Then when one when group is done and ready to ship their bug fixes/features, the changes they make to the database and data have to be merge back into the baseline database.

Here's the specifics. 4 databases (that make up the product), 4 copies of the 4 database (one for each team).

I was thinking about using SQL DMO to attach to each database and comare each table's schema and data against the baseline (the current release) then scripting out the changes that were made.

Can someone give me some tips on how to maintain parallel database development and the merge process that can make this happen?


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Row Versioning In SQL 2000?

Sep 15, 2006

I replicate (transactional replication) my data entry database to aread-only database. Both are SQL 2000+SP4. The web server reads theread-only database. At times, there will be lots of changes in the dataentry database, thus lots of replications to the read-only database. Iam concerned that the replication may lock the data in the read-onlydatabase, causing slow response to the web server.I would like to use row versioning so that the read-only database cansupply old data when the same row is being written by replication. Iread that row versioning is a feature in SQL 2005. Is there anyversioning capability in SQL 2000?Thanks

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Sdf Database Versioning

Feb 11, 2008

I have a question about how I should go about handling different database versions (schema changes) with my application. I am using an sdf database as a local data store (either on the .NET framework or Compact Framework).

I set it up so that the database file has the database schema, but no actual data, which is copied to the AppData folder if it isn't already there. The I load the database into the dataset, and can store data in the database with no problems.

What I want to figure out is what happens when I later decide to change the database schema. For example, say I add a column to a table. When I load the existing database into the dataset, I get an exception because the existing database doesn't have that column.

It seems that there should be some way to update the existing database so that it adds the column into the table, and sets the rows to just have NULL for that new column.

I am not sure if the TableAdapter or some other object should handle updating the existing database so it matches the latest dataset schema, or if I need to manually write SQL statements to modify the existing database.

Any help is appreciated.


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Database Versioning?

Sep 4, 2007


Could someone point me in the right direction? I have an internal development database and a production database. Is there an easy way to replicate the changes that have been made to the development version on the production server without modifying the actual data in the tables? So, if I add a new user in my development version I offcourse don't want to see it pop up in the live version. But adding/deleting/updating a new table or column should.

And if possible I'd also like to know how you could do the following: Let's say we have an OrderDetail table containing information about the purchased product. Let's say I'd like to add a new column 'total' to skip calculation on the database every time I want to know the totals. It should be able to initialise the value by doing 'times ordered * price' for every existing row. Is that possible as well?

Srry for the noob questions

edit: Using MSSQL 2005

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Versioning - Deploy Just The Changes To The Server

Jan 8, 2008

At ScottGu's Blog about "Database Publishing Wizard", AlexD from codeplex said:
"Regarding the multiple requests for versioning, backup/restore of remote database, and selection of individual objects - these are all things we are actively looking at for our next release in the first half of 2007."
After so many searches, I still don't know if this tool performs Versioning, i.e, when deploying the database, just update de diferences between the local and server database.
Did Visual Studio Express 2008 have somethingh like that? (I know that VS Team Edition 2005 had).
If this tool can't make it (versioning), which tool/method did you recomend me?
Thanks in advance.

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Stored Procedure Versioning Using VSS

Jun 15, 2005

Anybody using this feature?How To Add SQL Server 2000 Stored Procedures to Visual SourceSafe by Using Visual Studio .NETany comments?

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Versioning && History Question

Jun 22, 2005

I did a seach here and found some posts but none that answered my specific problem.I am a programmer tasked with building an application for generating Quote Proposals.  The database is for the most part fairly simple except when it comes to versioning and history.  Basiclly every quote can be revised and modified several times prior to making a final decision (final approved quote), so I need to keep track of the changes that occur durning the revision process.  I am not a DBA but I have had some database experience.  From what I can tell I have two choices a.) Duplicate all the data everytime the quote is revised.  While this method is does cause a lot of duplicate data it is very straitforward and easy to explain (or turnover to someone else) and reporting becomes very easy as well.Reporting....   this is my biggest area of concern as the users of the app should have the ability to print out the original quote proposals as well as the revised quote proposals.  Duplicating all the data makes reporting very easy.b.) Create a history table and record the original data (along with who and when) before recording the new value in the main table.  While this method does conserve disk space it make reporting a bit difficult as you would have to pull the specific value for a specific Quote Revision and display the orginal values on the report instead of the current ones.Table info:  I looking a 10 to 12 tables to record and store the data.  The largest table will have about 40 fields.  Current estimates are producing about 5 to 8 quotes per week.  Each quote is revised an average of 2 to 3 times.Are the pros and cons I listed the main ones to be concerned with and are there any other options?Thanks

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Service Pack Versioning

Mar 6, 2001

Does Anyone know if there is a way to verify the SQL Service Pack Version on 7.0? Thanks. Dallas

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Row Versioning, Audit, Best Practice

Mar 2, 2007

I have a small webapplication, sql server 2000. The users can only update the data in the system. However my client needs a report that display changes. The changes are that needs to be monitored are only change of order status, change of delivery date and when a user splits an order.

What is the best practice to keep track of changes? A mirror table for each table with changes?


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SSIS Versioning Control

Jun 7, 2006

Hi All,
I'm new on SSIS, but have worked for some time with DTS and a long time with other ETL tools like Informatica or OWB.

I would like to know in which way can i, easily, control my project/package versions. At the same time i need to implement a concurrency management system, which will control what developer is using which package, and when finished update the central repository (As it does Informatica or even OWB).

I have heard that i could implement versioning with source safe, but can i implement this in the way that i've referenced before. Can i use CVS?

Vítor Ferreira

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Versioning SQL Server Stored Procedures With VSS?

Oct 19, 1999

Hi everyone,

Is versioning SQL Server 7.0 stored procedures with VSS possible? If so,
how? How are people versioning stored procedures out there?

Thanks in advance...

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SQL Deployment / Production Package Versioning

Jan 10, 2006

For the past few months I've been developing an DW and ETL with SQL
2005 / SSIS.  My packages are being deployed to a SQL
Server.  Although in the end game we will have a
Dev/Staging/Production environments, I would still like to archive
production packages when we push staging to production. 
Essentially I would like to archive the last X packages that were
deployed to production where X is a reasonable number (3 - 5).  I
don't necessarily need to have them accessible to run.  One of the
purposes is to have another safeguard should we miss anything in user
testing and need to roll back a deployment.

I am utilizing VSS and we will have backups running on the production
server, but I would prefer to have a archive that is a little more

I just wondering if anyone has any thoughts on how to extract/archive
production packages when the push is made.  I could easily develop
an app that queries the MSDB and exports the packages to the file

Anyone have any thoughts?

Larry Pope

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Suggested Best Practices For Custom Component Versioning

Oct 23, 2007

Edited:Maybe I should have posted this to the "managed" newsgroup. If any admins think that would be better, then let me know. I don't want to duplicate unnecessarily.


We developed a custom Control Flow task for SSIS (2005, not yet had a lot of time to look at 2008 yet) and found that it does not handle versioning, or an uninstall and the resulting lack of an addressable component very gracefully.

Here is a typical scenario:


Install component MyCustomTask 1.0
Create Project
Save Project

Action 1

Uninstall MyCustomTask 1.0 and don't install the new version (a typical user scenario!)
Open Project
SSIS acts like the world has ended, especially if the user forgot to manually remove the item from the toolbox
Fix:None, obviously, but it would be nice to be a bit more graceful and informative.
Backdoor Toolbox fix: "Cleanse" the toolbox when it goes haywire by deleting the toolbox.tbd, in Documents and Settings<UserName>Local SettingsApplication DataMicrosoftVisualStudio8.0

Action 2

Uninstall MyCustomTask 1.0 cleanly, plus removing the toolbox item by hand.
Install MyCustomTask 1.1, with identical interfaces etc, and add the toolbox item by hand.
SSIS acts like the world has ended, and fails to ask you a sensible question like "do you want to upgrade the project to use the new version of the component"
Fix:Identify major and minor version component changes and throw the user a rope.
Backdoor Fix: Go into the DTSX manually - attack the DTSExecutable ExecutableType and DTS Name, for a Task in our case and replace it with the new version info. Even if the interface for the component has changed slightly, it seems to deal with that OK.

Given the fact that it seems to be very likely that there will need to be SSIS version specific builds of components (I am assuming that a task created in 2005 will not work with 2008), what is the best way to deal with the current lack of SSIS smarts.

Would this be the best approach:

Version the interfaces, but never the builds within a version i.e. My.CustomTask90 v1.0, My.CustomTask100 v1.0 etc.

This is a bit of a pain, rather than the simpler My.CustomTask v9.0 / v10.0 etc.

Or, are there some nice improvements in the pipe to alleviate this, plus perhaps even a way to programatically add components to the toolbox, rather than the low-rent method of getting the user to do it by hand.

All suggestions gratefully received.

Thanks in advance


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Design To Accomodate Entity Based Schema Versioning

Jul 20, 2005

in simple words it's about versioning at record level.ExampleTableEmployee - EmployeeId, EmployeeName,EmployeeAddress, DepartmentId,TableDesignationMap - EmployeeId, DesignationId, EffectiveDate,validityTableDepartment - DepartmentId, DepartmentTableDesignation - DesignationId, designationVia Modify-Employee-Details screen following are editableEmoyeeNameEmployeeAddressDepartmentDesignationthis screen should allow user to navigate through changes history.Example :Version -1EmoyeeName John SmithEmployeeAddress 60 NewYorkDepartment AccountsDesignation AccountantVersion -2EmoyeeName John SmithEmployeeAddress 60 NewYorkDepartment AccountsDesignation Chief Accountant - changedVersion -3EmoyeeName John SmithEmployeeAddress 60 NewYorkDepartment Sales - changedDesignation Marketing Manager - changedQuestion :What is the best proposed database design for maintaining historyrecords bound with version and retrieval techniqueBest RegardsSasanka

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Locking In Read Committed With Row Versioning Isolation Level

Dec 27, 2007

I have a question on locking pattern of read committed with snapshot isolation level that when two transaction update two different records then why do they block to each other even if they have previous committed value (old version of record).

I executed the below batch from a query window in SSMS

--Session 1:
use adventureworks
create table marbles (id int primary key, color char(5))
insert marbles values(1, 'Black')
insert marbles values(2, 'White')
alter database adventureworks set read_committed_snapshot on
set transaction isolation level read committed
begin tran
update marbles set color = 'Black' where color = 'White'

--commit tran

Before committing the first transaction I executed below query from second query window in SSMS

--Session 2:
use adventureworks
set transaction isolation level read committed
begin tran
update marbles set color = 'White' where color = 'Black'
commit tran

Here the first session blocks to second session. These same transactions execute simultaneuosly in snapshot isolation level. So my question is why this blocking is required in read committed with snapshot isolation level?

Thanks & Regards,
Subhash Chandra

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This Feature Remote Access To Report Data Sources And/or The Report Server Database Is Not Supported In This Edition Of Report

Jun 16, 2006

SQL server 2005 express reporting problem.

error message:

This feature "remote access to report data sources and/or the report server database" is not supported in this edition of reporting service

I got this error message when I try to connect to database hosted in another PC running SQL server 2000.

Is it true that SQlL server Express can only use Local Database Engine to host the database?

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Reporting Services :: Add Sub-report To Main Report Using Report Builder?

Sep 9, 2015

I just created a report builder. I have a main report and i wanted to create a sub report. why i cant or i cant view the path or the folder of my  .rdl file to be use as my sub report.

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Modifying A Report Created In Report Builder In The Report Designer.

Jun 30, 2006

After I use the report builder to create a generic report, how do I actually get that report into the report designer so that I can modify it more effectivly?

The issue that I have now is that the file on the report server is not a .rdl file and if I simply save it as one and then bring it into VS to modify it the code file is a html structure rater than a XML file type.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks

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How Do I Jump To Another Report Based On A Value In My Current Report? Report Has No Parameters.

May 3, 2007

How do I jump to another report based on a value in my current report. The report that I am jumping from has no parameters, just values.

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Report Builder: How Can I Append Two Table Fields To Report In Report Builder

Feb 6, 2008


When i select datasource in Report Builder, i am able to see all the available DataSources.

Eg: I have selected one datasource from the list and which has 3 tables(table1, table2, table3) associated to that datasource.

when i drag and drop table1 fields to report, i am not able to see the other 2 tables(table2 & table3)

Is there any property or relationship do i need to maintain?


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Report Builder Using Report Model Based On Linked Server (Excel) - Primary Key?

Sep 6, 2007

I've created a linked server with a pretty basic Excel spreadsheet, and used this command to create a linked server to it:

sp_addlinkedserver ''XL_SPS_1', 'Excel', 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'c:MyExcel.xls', null, 'Excel 8.0'

I want to use this as the data from which to build a report model. As linked servers don't show up in the Data Source View wizard, I created a view in SQL Server:

create view MyExcel
select * from XL_SPS_1...Sheet1$

Okay, great, now the view shows up in the DSV wizard and I can create the data source view. However, when I create a new report model based on this data source view, the Report Model Wizard tells me at "Create entities for all tables" that I've got an error when it processes dbo_MyExcel that "Table does not have a primary key."

I assume this is where the identifying attributes for the entities in the report model are taken from, so I really can't go further. Does anyone have an idea as to how to add a primary key to a linked server (Excel) in SQL 2005? Can this be done? Other than importing spreadsheet data to a SQL table, how can I get around this?


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Reporting Services :: Domain User - Unable To Run Report In SSRS Report Manager?

Oct 9, 2015

I have done the following and a domain user would not access report created a login to the SQL server to the user (this SQL Server is where data source DB is)went to site setting in Report Manager and made this use a system userright clicked on report folder and made this user in the browser roleeven checked that in the report in question, the user is already in the browser role Still the user would not access the report! "User .......... does not have required permission" is the error message I am getting. 

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How To Pass Parameters In Url For A Report Published In Reportserver (report Built On Stocked Procedure) ?

Apr 30, 2007


I have created a report with the report server project template.

the report is created from stoked procedure having defaut input parameters.

With visual studio, i publish my report on reportserver. whenever i access to my report on this url :

http://localhost/ReportServer/Pages/ReportViewer.aspx?%2fReport+Project4%2fReport4&rs:Command=Render. the created report is with the default parameters.

I would like to know if i can transmet parameters for the stocked procedure to build the report with the request i want.

I tried to put parameter directly in the url in this way


but without success.

my error message is that one

An attempt was made to set a report parameter '@region' that is not defined in this report. (rsUnknownReportParameter)

My stocked procedure is :

ALTER procedure [dbo].[akli] @region varchar ='m'
select * from dbo.Report2 where region=@region

The request used to buid the report ?
DECLARE @region varchar
EXECUTE dbo.akli @region

What is wrong in that ?

Thanks for your help.


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Reporting Services :: SSRS Report Runs In Visual Studio But Not Report Manager

Jul 5, 2012

I have written a report visual studio.  The report has 10 multi-value parameters that pull data from their individual data sets within the reports.  When running the report from within Visual Studio it renders fine.  There are no errors reported, only a warning related to a pathname I have use to retrieve image data and display on the report.Deployment of the report is error free.When I view the report I briefly get the "Loading" splash window, but then nothing.  None of the headers or static text is displayed.  The results window is blank.

The report defaults all the parameter values.  In trying to debug the issue I have found by reducing the number of parameter values the report will render.  Once I have all the values added, the report does nothing.Below is the query being used for the report.  The where clause in the query shows the parameters being used and the syntax.We are running on Windows Server 2008 R2 and SQL Server 2008 R2.

a.USCATVLS_1 AS [Main Category], a.USCATVLS_2 AS Market, a.USCATVLS_3 AS [Alternate Retail], a.USCATVLS_4 AS Country, b.ITEMXTRAS_1_Type AS Type,
b.ITEMXTRAS_2_Finish AS Finish, b.ITEMXTRAS_3_SubCategory AS SubCategory, b.ITEMXTRAS_4_Department AS Department,


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Multi-value Parameter In Master Report Passing To Single Param Sub-report In A List.

Aug 20, 2007

Here's tricky one.

I have a fairly complex report that was given to me that was hard coded for single parameters. There is a dropdown for each market (created from a query in SSRS). The users have to run for each market each week.

Is there a way to use this report as a Sub-report inside a list of a master report and then use a mult-value parameter?

I want this multi-value parameter to build the values for the list and then run the "sub-report" for each value.

Essentially, I want to create a for each loop.

Any ideas?

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Reporting Services :: Open Report In Excel But Need Raw Data Not Duplicate Of Report Output

Nov 23, 2015

We are about to implement SSRS reports (SQL Server 2012), and have found one issue we don't like. The report looks great when we open it in pdf format. However, when we open it in Excel format, we want it to be the raw data, not look like the pdf report. I tried the simpl headers, and that removed the page header/footer. However, the report format was still in play.In other words, we would like the report when opened in Excel, to look just like it does when we open it as a CSV.I have tried to modify the config file a couple of times. Here is my latest attempt:

Extension Name="CSV" Type="Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.DataRenderer.CsvReport,Microsoft.ReportingServices.DataRendering">
     <Name Language="en-US">CSV (comma delimited)</Name>
   <Extension Name="CSV" Type="Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.DataRenderer.CsvReport,Microsoft.ReportingServices.DataRendering">
     <Name Language="en-US">Excel (csv)</Name>

Essentially I have set Visible = "false" for the Excel type, and tried to duplicate the CSV, changing the name to make it look to the user like it is "Excel". This fails. I checked the event viewer, and I see two entries.. The RSReportServer.config file has been modified. (Information)The value for UrlRoot in RSReportServer.config is not valid. The default value will be used instead.I literally took the file, opened it in Notepad, pasted in my changes, from another notepad window, and tried to run the report. I did not see EITHER of the two names I expected, using the OverrideNames tag. As I said earlier, I was able to affect the outcome, by setting SimpleHeaders to true (or however it is identified). That did work in that the page header and footer was removed.

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Reporting Services :: SSRS Report Export In Excel To 2 Pages Where Have 2 Tables In Report

Sep 21, 2015

I have a ssrs report having 2 tables in with 4 columns in each. When I go to export option in preview I can see all data coming in one excel sheet, But I am trying to get 2 tables in 2 different pages in Excel when I export.First page of excel comes with first table data with 4 columns and second page of excel comes with second table data with 4 columns .

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Reporting Services :: How To Change Parameter Visibility When Accessing Report From Report Manager

Apr 16, 2015

I am working on reports in SSRS 2008 (not R2)... There are some reports with parameters that are hidden when the report is accessed through normal URL using ReportViewer.asx..The thing is that these hidden parameters need to be visible when the report is accessed using SSRS Report Manager.

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Passing Report Parameters To An SSRS 2005 Report Hosted In Sharepoint 2007

Nov 18, 2007

Here is a situation in my company:

We have an Office SharePoint 2007 site, we developed a couple of web parts and added them to our site. We used SQL Server Reporting services 2005 as our reporting solution. The reports are hosted on the report center and when we need a report, we open it by sending a URL requesting the report, passing the report parameters in the URL query string. So the report is filtered based on the parameters passed from the web parts.

But since best practices say that you should host reports directly under SharePoint, by configuring the reporting services to run in the SharePoint integrated mode. We followed the steps and installed SharePointRS and we finally succeeded to publish the reports to a SharePoint folder, but we had a limitation: we are unable to pass the report parameters internally to the report hosted in SharePoint. If we passed them in the query string as the report center case, SharePoint neglects them totally.
So the question is: how can I pass parameters internally between a SharePoint web part and a SQL server 2005 reporting services report hosted in SharePoint?

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Possiblity / Instructions On How To Install Report Builder Locally Without Hitting Report Server

Feb 16, 2007

We have a remote business client who has a proxy server setup and this translates into receiving a 407 proxy authentication blocking error when attempting to download the report builder application for deployment off the report server which is housed locally with us. The proxy server does not allow them to download application type files off another site. At the moment, they would not like to disable the proxy for these users to allow them to deploy the application on their client or add the report server as a trusted site. Is there a method by which Report Builder can be locally installed on the client pc instead of online only with it knowing the correct report server to access and then still launch correctly when the report builder button is pressed through report manager?

I am not a web application guru by any means and we have tried to replicate the oneclick deployment and what occurs in the local settings/apps/2.0 subdirectories, but the application still attempts to download/install again. If we attempt to just launch the local executable on the client, report builder assumes the client pc (localhost) is the report server to access. Is there a method which will succeed?

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