Reporting Service 2005 : Dynamically Name Exported Reports?

Aug 18, 2006

Hello there

Q: Reporting Service 2005 :

How can you Dynamically Name Exported Reports?
say based on a Passed url Parameter? etc

at the moment every time you export a report, it is exported with just the reports name. ie Report.pdf

an example of how i would like it to work -
is to say include the current date on export

i.e. Report_10-12-2006.pdf

any ideas would be fab

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Generating Reports From SharePoint List Using Reporting Service

Feb 29, 2008

Hello Everybody,

I am presently working on a project which handles much larger amount of data. The application demands extensive reporting from the SharePoint data. I'd like to know how I can generate reports from the SharePoint lists using Reporting Services.

Planning to install in SQL Server Integrated mode

Thank you,


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Reports Cannot Be Exported To Csv Format

Feb 9, 2007


We have developed few reports through SQL Server Reporting Service 2005.
All those reports are columnar graphs (BAR charts).
One of the requirement of the project is to have the ability to export the report in different formats.
Since our reports are columnar graphs we are unable to export it to CSV or MHTML format.
Is there are setting in the report, which allows me to display the values, when exported to csv format?
also is there any setting for MHTML format. Some machine open the report in MHTML format and some machine does not.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

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How Can I Use SQL Reporting Services To Get A Dynamic Dataset From Another Web Service As My Reports Dataset?

May 21, 2007

I found out the data I need for my SQL Report is already defined in a dynamic dataset on another web service. Is there a way to use web services to call another web service to get the dataset I need to generate a report? Examples would help if you have any, thanks for looking

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Deploy Reporting Service 2005 Runtime With VisualStudio 2005

Jan 8, 2008

How can deploy Reporting Service 2005 runtime with VisualStudio 2005?
The reason here goes...

I have completed my project in VS2005. Now I am trying to make package. But here, i do not know how to deploy Reporting Service (My Report files) to Customer's Server with Setup or any other runtime solution.

any replay will be appreciated.

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Bursting Reports Using SQL Server Reporting Services 2005?

Nov 30, 2006

Can someone please let me know how to achieve Report Bursting property in SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services ?

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Viewing Reports Designed On SQL 2005 Reporting Server

Jan 8, 2007

I have built the reports that I need using Visual Studio and the SQL 2005 Reporting Server, but now I need a way to view the reports via a web browser.

I am not much of a web/programming expert, so any help that could walk me through the process of publishing the .rdl files that I have created via a web browser would be much, much appreciated. Again, I am a novice in the the web arena, so the more straight forward the steps the better.


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Exporting SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Reports To PDF

Jun 18, 2007

Hi All

I would like to implement the functionality offered by SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services that

exports the report to PDF, but I want to do it in my C# 2005 application.

Can I do this? How?

Please help.


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Reports Cannot Be Deployed From VS 2005 To Reporting Services In WSS Integration Mode

Jan 15, 2008

I tried to deploy reports from VS 2005 on Dev to Prod (different domain, in WSS integration mode) , but VS keeps showing the login window ...

I set up TargetDataSourceFolder, TargetReportFolder and TargetServerURL in VS 2005 on my Dev machine as mentioned in MSDN article "Deploying Reports, Models, and Shared Data Sources to a SharePoint Site" and tried to deploy reports to Prod machine. But VS 2005 keeps showing "Report Services Login" window to me, even when I used Administrator account of that Prod machine.

The WSS log file on the Prod machine shows this error: "The file you are attempting to save or retrieve has been blocked from this Web site by the server administrators."

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance! I have searched for days for this issue ...

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XML And Reporting Service In 2005

Aug 19, 2005

Does anyone know if reporting services in sql server 2005 will supportquerying against the native xml datatype?

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How To Avoid Space Of Text Box In Reporting Service If It Is Null Reporting Service

May 16, 2008

i have a list report
some values of this are blank or null
i want to avoid that spacing if it is null
lastname kkk
address uuuu

i want it should be
name jjj
lastname kkk
address uuuu

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Reporting Services :: Limit Report From Being Exported To Excel

Oct 12, 2009

We have a report that we do not want to be able to be exported to excel. Is there a way, just on one report to limit the types it is exported toDBA.

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Add Group In Sql Reporting Service 2005

Apr 7, 2007

i have made one document print. in i want to give group on document id. i have taken a table for it and added a group in it but the issue is there when the document have only 1 or 3 items the footer part come up. and i want to fix it in page footer. but reporting service i have not found that how to fix group footer in the page end. i have tried with list also but still its not resolved. if anybody can help as early as possible......................thax

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Best Tutorial For Sql Reporting Service 2005

Apr 10, 2007

i am asked to develop a web application where i have to display reports in a seperate window from a hyperlink .i have to display the report in grid format and show a pie chart within the report layout .

i need to give user credential like print,save the report in excel or doc format and email report.

can anybody give the links for the best tutorial to achieve my purpose.



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SQL Server 2005 Reporting Service

Jul 25, 2007

Hi guys,

I am trying to get my hands on SQL Server Reporting Services. Can anyone tell me how to

generate reports using this service?

Thanks heaps.



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Where To Download SQL 2005 Reporting Service?

Feb 15, 2007

Hi all,

Can someone tell me where to download the SQL 2005 Reporting Service? I looked all over the MSDN subscriber download site and could not find it.

And I have the SQL 2005 developer edition DVD, could not find the reporting service in there either. Is the SQL 2005 Reporting Service now available only in the SQL 2005 enterprise DVD or something?


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SQL 2005 SP2 Reporting Service Web Part On WSS 3.0

Mar 7, 2007

I follow the RS Configuration tool and create new reportserver database (ReportServerWSS) and choose Sharepoint integration mode, then I go to WSS central admin again, re-configure Manaage Integration Setting, Grant Database Access and Set Server Default, all goes well.

Then I drop the RS web part again, and it asks me to "You must first select a report to display in this Web Part. Do this by opening the tool pane and specifying the path and file name of the Reporting Services report that you would like to show. Alternatively, you can connect the Web Part to another Web Part on the page that provides a document path."

So I put http://abc/reports, then target folder, however it gave error saying "The item 'http://abc/reports' cannot be found. (rsItemNotFound)".

Also if I launch http://abc/reports/Pages/Folder.aspx here is the error I got:

"The operation is not supported on a report server that is configured to run in SharePoint integrated mode. (rsOperationNotSupportedSharePointMode) Get Online Help"

Does this mean I can no longer browser through Get Online Help"

Does this mean I can no longer browser through http://abc/reports/Pages/Folder.aspx?

I also notice at the RS Configuration Tool Report Manager Virtual Directory is grayed out, it says: Report Manager is not avaliable when using SP integration.

This is not good if I can only use WSS to browse my reports, I wonder how I can still be able to browse http://abc/reports, do I have to switch back to native mode?

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Reporting Services :: Getting White Space When Report Is Exported To Word

Sep 28, 2015

I build a tablix A in SSRS, which contains a tablix B and a textbox C. When the report is exported to word,  I found that there is white space between the tablix B and textbox C if the row of  tablix B is spilled over to next page.

If I export the report to PDF, the white space issue is gone.

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Can I Use Reporting Services 2005 Reports On An ASP.NET Page Created With Visual Studio 2003?

Oct 15, 2007


I've seen this question floating around, but I have not been able to find a definitive answer.

Can this be done, and if so, what do I need to install into Visual Studio 2003?

Thank you.


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Sql Server 2005 Reporting Service(rsAccessDenied)

Oct 10, 2007

"http://localhost/MyTrail/Default2.aspx" when i am running this so i will give me error that is"The Permission granted to user"UserName/ASPNET" is insufficient for performing this operation.(rsAccessDenied)
Please help me to solve this problem...
I did settiings on Report manager.
1- Set the role as a Browser.
2-In IIS anonymous settings
Please help me to solve this problem

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Tooltip For A Reporting Service Textbox In Rs 2005

Feb 19, 2008


I need to set up tooltip for some images in a reporting service

2005 report. I add some text in image's tooltip property.

However when I move the mouse over the image in the report preview,
it does not show any tooltip. What am I doing wrong?

There is also another property called tooltiplocid.
What is that? when and how should we use it?

Thanks in advance.

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Reporting Service 2005 CustomSecurity Implementation

Apr 1, 2008

I am facing a problem in Reporting Service 2005 custom security(formsauthentication).
I have implemented Custom Security(using sample code in msdn site) Reporting Service 2005.
When i try to view report from my webapplication(within iframe) it redirects me to Logon.aspx page instead of showing result.If both Reporting Service 2005 and Webapplication is present in the same machine then there is no issues it is working fine, the session is establised. If both are (Reporting Services 2005 and Webapplication) in different in machine then the above mention error is occured ie., it redirects to Logon.aspx page. Please help.

Thanks and Regards,

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How To Add Optional Parameters For SQL Reporting Service 2005

Jun 14, 2007

Hi friends,

I am developing reports using SQL Server 2005 Reporting service

I want to pass optional parameters to Report using dropdown

I filled dataset using EmpId and EmpName. and assigned this dataset to

query the values.

I checked properties for Report Parameters of Allow Null, Allow Blank values

Even i checked this properties, it enforces me to Enter some value for dropdown while running or previewing the report

I don't want to enforce the user that value must be selected.

In short, How we can able to pass multiple parameters which are not mandatory.

Pls reply me ASAP

Any suggestion is appreciated

Thanks in Advance.



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Sql Reporting Service 2005 Printing Issue!

Feb 22, 2007


I have created reports using sql server Reporting serivce 2005.While printing i am running into issue.The issue is after each page ,a new blank page get inserted .For 2 pages i am getting 2 blank pages inserted between .

How to work around this .Please any one let me know .Thanks in advance .

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How To Add Reporting Service On An Existing SQL Server 2005 SP2

Dec 13, 2007

I am being asked to install Reporting Services on an existing SQL Server 2005 SP2 as well. My question is with regard to the setup. When I go through the setup I choose nothing but Reporting Services, which means everything else has a red X on it. Will setup un-install my existing SQL Server 2005 environment? I need Reporting Services, but I do not want to remove my existing environment. Will this happen?


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Few Questions Regarding SQL Reporting Service 2005. (PageBreak)

Dec 9, 2007


During last year, I developed more than 200 Reports using SQL Reporting Service. It is really fantastic and in many ways it has reduced lot of work.

But still I am not able to find out solution of following issues,

1) Where to set portrait or landscape printing mode? It takes based on paper size, if 8.5 x 11 then portrait else landscape.
Now I want to set myself in report irrespective of page size then HOW TO DO IT?
2) I want to set Height, Width and Merge cells options based on Expression like many other things we do, ex. Font, Text Align, Visibility, etc€¦ HOW TO DO IT?
3) I am not able to find out option for Vertical Cell merging? Is it available or is there any trick?
4) If entire group or table can be printed within a page then it is fine but if page break occurs then I want to print Entire Group or Table on next page.
In many cases you can€™t allow page break like, Pay Slip of Salary, Purchase Order Month Wise Schedules, etc€¦
So some option should be there like €œInsert Page break if table or group is not able to fit on current page€? HOW TO DO IT?
5) Is there any way to know that there is page break in this Table or Group?
6) Can I Insert Page Break based on Expression?

Theses problems really create headache. There must be some solutions.

Kindly Help,


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How To Add Reporting Service On An Existing SQL Server 2005 SP2

Dec 4, 2007


I have a windows 2003R2 SP2 server with SQL Server 2005 std SP2.

I need to add Reporting services & Analysis Services, but i'm not sure of how to proceed.

I was thinking about this :
"Add or remove programs", select "Change", select "To install a new component, click here", inserting my CD, and select in the setup Reporting Services & Analysis Services.

After the install, I think I also need to run again SP2 setup, right ?

Thanks for your advices

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Reports Exported As Excel Cannot Be Read By Mac Version Of Excel

Jan 31, 2007

I searched the list but did not see anything related.

I cannot open a file directly exported from RS in the Excel format. If I open the file in the Windows version and then close it, no need to even save it, I can then open it with the Mac version of Excel. The file size after closing is about 2K less so the RS program is adding something onto the file that the Mac version does not like. It will crash Excel when trying to open.

I cannot export the report as CSV as it will not correctly import into Excel on the Mac.

Is there a work around for this?



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Problem Regarding The Size Of Exported Report From Reporting Services To Excel Format

May 29, 2006

Hi All,

For developing a report I'm using SQL Server 2000 with SP4 & MS Visual Studio .Net 2003. After expoting a report in excel format file, the size of the excel file is so much big that while openning the report file it seemed to be hanged the PC.

Is there any way to reduce the size of the excel in reporting services?


Uttam Kr. Dhar

Medi Assist India Pvt. Ltd.

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Reporting Services :: Indents Are Not Included When Exported SSRS Report To Excel

Jun 17, 2015

I have one SSRS report which contains indents but it is not included when exporting to excel sheet. Is it possible to include indents when exporting to excel?I have included indent in the textbox property of a field-->Alignment-->Padding Options-->Left-->Exp-->


This is working fine in the SSRS report but its not applied when exporting to excel.

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Adhoc DashBoard In SQL Server Reporting Service 2005

Mar 3, 2008

Hi Gurus,
We are planning to user SQL server 2005 reporting services in our project, for this we are doing a Proof of concept exercise to evaluate if SSRS 2005 will be good for our project.
For this we are trying if we can make dashboard or composite reports (combine 4-5 reports to create one report).
Also if we can make this dashboard ad-hoc. As we are already using the Ad-Hoc reporting capability of SSRS 2005 we wanted to check if dashboards can also be created using Ad-hoc reporting feature.

Please let me know if you any information or pointers for this.

Thanks in Advance.


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Sql Server 2005 Reporting Service (Chart) Help SSRS

Aug 6, 2007

Hi frineds,

i created the 1 report with pie chart ,but i am unable to display the values in the pie chart region inside the each colors

i am displaying the marks of a studnet ,but here

just like for each region we need the value HOW TO SET please help me in the properties or else (WHERE ?)
10 (red color)
30 (green color)

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Can't Export Report To CSV,XMl Correctly, Sql 2005 Reporting Service

Jan 5, 2007

Hi all,

I am developing reports using sql2005 report service. I can export reports in excel and pdf format, but can't export to csv and xml correctly.

The exported csv and xml files only contain some thing like the textbox,..., but no report content are there.

Anybody can help? thanks in advance.

BTW, all reports are matrix, is martrix can cause some issues?

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